Example #1
/// <summary>Reads a literal or sub-expression</summary>
/// <param name="pos">Position of literal or first token of sub-expression</param>
/// <returns>Expression tree</returns>
/// <exception cref="Logic::AlgorithmException">Attempted to read incorrect type of Token</exception>
/// <exception cref="Logic::ExpressionParserException">Syntax error</exception>
/// <remarks>Advances the iterator to beyond the end of the literal or sub-expression</remarks>
ExpressionParser::ExpressionTree  ExpressionParser::ReadValue(TokenIterator& pos)
    ExpressionTree expr = nullptr;

    // Rule: Value = Literal / '(' Expression ')'

    // Match: Literal
    if (MatchLiteral(pos))
        return ExpressionTree( new LiteralValue(ReadLiteral(pos)) );

    // Read: Bracket   [nothrow]
    if (!MatchOperator(pos, L"("))
        // Failed: Unexpected EOF
        if (pos >= InputEnd)
            throw ExpressionParserException(HERE, --pos, L"Missing operand");

        // Failed: Unexpected token
        throw ExpressionParserException(HERE, pos, VString(L"Unexpected '%s'", pos->Text.c_str()));

    // Read: Expression  (may throw)
    const ScriptToken& open = ReadOperator(pos);
    expr = ReadExpression(pos);   // Adv. then match

    // Read: Bracket   [nothrow]
    if (MatchOperator(pos, L")"))
        return ExpressionTree( new BracketedExpression(open, expr, ReadOperator(pos)) );

    // Failure: Missing closing bracket
    if (pos >= InputEnd)
        throw ExpressionParserException(HERE, --pos, L"Missing closing bracket");
        throw ExpressionParserException(HERE, pos, L"Expected closing bracket");
Example #2
 * @brief Matches an OSC address pattern with a partial target OSC address that
 * has been truncated.
 * Returns true if the OSC address pattern matches the partial target OSC
 * address.  The target OSC address cannot contain any special characters:
 * '?', ' *', '[]', or '{}'.
 * Matching to a partial OSC address can simplify the process of filtering
 * through multiple similar OSC address.  For example, matching to the following
 * list would be quicker if an incoming message was first matched to either
 * "/inputs" and "/outputs".
 * - "/inputs/digital"
 * - "/inputs/analogue"
 * - "/inputs/serial"
 * - "/outputs/digital"
 * - "/outputs/pwm"
 * - "/outputs/serial"
 * Example use:
 * @code
 * OscMessage oscMessage;
 * OscMessageInitialise(&oscMessage, "/example/oscAddress/pattern");
 * if(OscAddressMatch(oscMessage.oscAddressPattern, "/example") == true) {
 *     printf("Match!");
 * }
 * @endcode
 * @param oscAddressPattern OSC address pattern.
 * @param oscAddress Partial target OSC address.
 * @return true if the OSC address pattern matches the partial target OSC
 * oscAddress.
bool OscAddressMatchPartial(const char * oscAddressPattern, const char * const oscAddress) {
    return MatchLiteral(oscAddressPattern, oscAddress, true);
Example #3
 * @brief Matches an OSC address pattern with a target OSC address.
 * Returns true if the OSC address pattern matches the target OSC address.  The
 * target OSC address cannot contain any special characters: '?', ' *', '[]', or
 * '{}'.
 * Example use:
 * @code
 * OscMessage oscMessage;
 * OscMessageInitialise(&oscMessage, "/example/oscAddress/pattern");
 * if(OscAddressMatch(oscMessage.oscAddressPattern, "/example/oscAddress/pattern") == true) {
 *     printf("Match!");
 * }
 * @endcode
 * @param oscAddressPattern OSC address pattern.
 * @param oscAddress Target OSC address.
 * @return true if the OSC address pattern and target oscAddress match.
bool OscAddressMatch(const char * oscAddressPattern, const char * const oscAddress) {
    return MatchLiteral(oscAddressPattern, oscAddress, false);