int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct RDArgs *rdargs = NULL; int i; char pubscreen[32]; if(argc) { rdargs=ReadArgs( TEMPLATE , (LONG *) &args, NULL); SaveIcons = FALSE; } else { struct WBStartup *WBenchMsg = (struct WBStartup *)argv; struct WBArg *wbarg; BPTR olddir; struct DiskObject *dobj; STRPTR* toolarray; UBYTE *s; SaveIcons = TRUE; for(i=0, wbarg=WBenchMsg->sm_ArgList; i < WBenchMsg->sm_NumArgs; i++, wbarg++) { olddir = (BPTR) -1; if((wbarg->wa_Lock)&&(*wbarg->wa_Name)) olddir = CurrentDir(wbarg->wa_Lock); if((*wbarg->wa_Name) && (dobj=GetDiskObject(wbarg->wa_Name))) { toolarray = dobj->do_ToolTypes; s = FindToolType(toolarray,"CREATEICONS"); if( s != NULL ) { if( MatchToolValue(s,"NO") || MatchToolValue(s,"FALSE")) { SaveIcons = FALSE; } } s = (char *) FindToolType(toolarray,"PUBSCREEN"); if( s != NULL ) { strncpy(pubscreen, s, sizeof pubscreen); args.pubscreen = pubscreen; } s = (char *) FindToolType(toolarray,"ACTION"); if( s != NULL ) { if(MatchToolValue(s,"EDIT")) { args.edit = TRUE; } else if(MatchToolValue(s,"USE")) { args.use = TRUE; } else if(MatchToolValue(s,"SAVE")) { = TRUE; } } FreeDiskObject(dobj); } if((i>0)&&(*wbarg->wa_Name)) { args.from = wbarg->wa_Name; } if(olddir != (BPTR) -1) { CurrentDir(olddir); /* CD back where we were */ } } } if(args.from == NULL) { args.from = ENVFILE; } if(args.edit) { args.use = FALSE; = FALSE; } if((SetSignal(0L,SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C) & SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C) == 0) { if(Initialize()) { NewSettings(args.from); if((!args.use && ! || args.edit) { if(BuildGUI(args.pubscreen)) { EventLoop(); } CloseGUI(); } if(args.use || { SaveSettings(ENVFILE, UnitList); } if( { SaveSettings(ENVARCFILE, UnitList); } } } if(rdargs) { FreeArgs(rdargs); } FreeVec(Units); FreeVec(Modes); FreeVec(Outputs); FreeVec(Inputs); FreeList(ModeList); FreeList(UnitList); CleanUp(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { LONG rc = RETURN_FAIL; STRPTR filename, commandLine = NULL, ixWindow = DEFWINDOW; LONG ixWait = 0, ixStack = DEFSTACK; BOOL ixUShell = DEFUSHELL; BPTR oldlock = (BPTR)-1, dirlock = (BPTR)-1, window = NULL; struct DiskObject *dobj = NULL; D(bug("IconX argc %d\n", argc)); if (argc != 0) { displayMsg(ERROR_REQUIRED_ARG_MISSING); goto exit; } struct WBStartup *startup = (struct WBStartup *) argv; if (startup->sm_NumArgs < 2) { displayMsg(ERROR_REQUIRED_ARG_MISSING); goto exit; } D(bug("[IconX] startup->sm_NumArgs: %d\n", startup->sm_NumArgs)); dirlock = startup->sm_ArgList[1].wa_Lock; filename = startup->sm_ArgList[1].wa_Name; oldlock = CurrentDir(dirlock); /* query diskobject for tooltypes */ dobj = GetDiskObject(filename); if (dobj == NULL) { struct EasyStruct es = {sizeof(struct EasyStruct), 0, "Error", "IconX\nGetDiskObject failed for:\n%s", "OK"}; EasyRequest(0, &es, 0, filename); goto exit; } if (dobj->do_Type == WBPROJECT) { const STRPTR *toolarray = (const STRPTR *)dobj->do_ToolTypes; STRPTR s; if ((s = FindToolType(toolarray, "WINDOW"))) { ixWindow = s; } if ((s = FindToolType(toolarray, "STACK"))) { ixStack = atol(s); } if ((s = FindToolType(toolarray, "USERSHELL"))) { if (MatchToolValue(s, "NO")) { ixUShell = FALSE; } } if ((s = FindToolType(toolarray, "WAIT"))) { ixWait += atol(s) * 50; } if ((s = FindToolType(toolarray, "DELAY"))) { ixWait += atol(s); } } else { displayMsg(ERROR_OBJECT_WRONG_TYPE); goto exit; } if (ixWait <= 0) ixWait = DEFWAIT; if (ixStack <= 4096) ixStack = DEFSTACK; D(bug("wait %d stack %d usershell %d window %s\n", ixWait, ixStack, ixUShell, ixWindow)); D(bug("Building command line\n")); commandLine = BuildCommandLine(startup); if (commandLine == NULL) { displayMsg(IoErr()); goto exit; } D(bug("[IconX] commandLine: '%s'\n", commandLine)); window = Open(ixWindow, MODE_OLDFILE); if (window == NULL) { /* try to open default window */ window = Open(DEFWINDOW, MODE_OLDFILE); } if (window) { D(bug("[IconX] window ok\n")); struct TagItem tags[] = { { SYS_Asynch, FALSE }, { SYS_Background, TRUE }, { SYS_Input, (IPTR)window }, { SYS_Output, (IPTR)NULL }, { SYS_Error, (IPTR)NULL }, { SYS_UserShell, ixUShell }, { NP_StackSize, ixStack }, { TAG_DONE, 0 } }; rc = SystemTagList(commandLine, tags); if (rc == -1) { displayMsg(IoErr()); rc = RETURN_FAIL; } } else { displayMsg(IoErr()); goto exit; } Delay(ixWait); rc = RETURN_OK; exit: Close(window); FreeDiskObject(dobj); if (oldlock != (BPTR)-1) CurrentDir(oldlock); return rc; }
/*>ProcessToolTypes(void) ---------------------- Alters defaults based on icon tool types. Handles the following tooltypes: Size=<x> <y> Output dimensions Offset=<x> <y> Output offset HPGLMargin=<x> <y> HPGL paper margins Title=<Font> <Size> Title font and size XTitle=<Font> <Size> X-axis title font and size YTitle=<Font> <Size> Y-axis title font and size XLabel=<Font> <Size> X-axis label font and size YLabel=<Font> <Size> Y-axis label font and size Key=<Font> <Size> Key font and size Extralabel=<Font> <Size> Extra label font and size Hatching=ON|OFF Use hatching or shading HatchControl=<thick> <space> Thickness and spacing of hatching Pen0=<R> <G> <B> Pen colours Pen1=<R> <G> <B> Pen2=<R> <G> <B> Pen3=<R> <G> <B> DIR=<directory> Default directory NOSHANGHAI Stops editor SHANGHAI under V2.0 AXISBOUNDS EPSF bounding box set to size given by paper 01.07.92 Original 02.07.92 Added pen colours. Also rebuilds windows if colours have been set. 06.07.92 Added default directory. 04.08.92 Added NOSHANGHAI 15.09.92 Added AXISBOUNDS */ ProcessToolTypes(void) { struct DiskObject *DiskObj = NULL; char *valptr, string[80]; double value, value2; int ival1, ival2, ival3, redowindows = FALSE; if((DiskObj = (struct DiskObject *) GetDiskObject(WBenchMsg->sm_ArgList->wa_Name)) != NULL) { /* Tooltype: Size=<x> <y> */ if((valptr = FindToolType(DiskObj->do_ToolTypes,"Size")) != NULL) if(sscanf(valptr,"%lf %lf",&value,&value2) == 2) { output.xsize = value; output.ysize = value2; } /* Tooltype: Offset=<x> <y> */ if((valptr = FindToolType(DiskObj->do_ToolTypes,"Offset")) != NULL) if(sscanf(valptr,"%lf %lf",&value,&value2) == 2) { output.xoffset = value; output.yoffset = value2; } /* Tooltype: HPGLMargin=<x> <y> */ if((valptr = FindToolType(DiskObj->do_ToolTypes,"HPGLMargin")) != NULL) if(sscanf(valptr,"%lf %lf",&value,&value2) == 2) { output.xmargin = value; output.ymargin = value2; } /* Tooltype: Title=<font> <size> */ if((valptr = FindToolType(DiskObj->do_ToolTypes,"Title")) != NULL) if(sscanf(valptr,"%s %lf",string,&value) == 2) { strcpy(GTitle.PSFont,string); GTitle.PSSize = value; } /* Tooltype: XAxTitle=<font> <size> */ if((valptr = FindToolType(DiskObj->do_ToolTypes,"XTitle")) != NULL) if(sscanf(valptr,"%s %lf",string,&value) == 2) { strcpy(XTitle.PSFont,string); XTitle.PSSize = value; } /* Tooltype: YAxTitle=<font> <size> */ if((valptr = FindToolType(DiskObj->do_ToolTypes,"YTitle")) != NULL) if(sscanf(valptr,"%s %lf",string,&value) == 2) { strcpy(YTitle.PSFont,string); YTitle.PSSize = value; } /* Tooltype: XLabel=<font> <size> */ if((valptr = FindToolType(DiskObj->do_ToolTypes,"XLabel")) != NULL) if(sscanf(valptr,"%s %lf",string,&value) == 2) { strcpy(XLabel.PSFont,string); XLabel.PSSize = value; } /* Tooltype: YLabel=<font> <size> */ if((valptr = FindToolType(DiskObj->do_ToolTypes,"YLabel")) != NULL) if(sscanf(valptr,"%s %lf",string,&value) == 2) { strcpy(YLabel.PSFont,string); YLabel.PSSize = value; } /* Tooltype: Key=<font> <size> */ if((valptr = FindToolType(DiskObj->do_ToolTypes,"Key")) != NULL) if(sscanf(valptr,"%s %lf",string,&value) == 2) { strcpy(Defaults.KeyPSFont,string); Defaults.KeyPSSize = value; } /* Tooltype: ExtraLabel=<font> <size> */ if((valptr = FindToolType(DiskObj->do_ToolTypes,"ExtraLabel")) != NULL) if(sscanf(valptr,"%s %lf",string,&value) == 2) { strcpy(Defaults.LabelPSFont,string); Defaults.LabelPSSize = value; } /* Tooltype: Hatching=ON|OFF */ if(MatchToolValue(FindToolType(DiskObj->do_ToolTypes,"Hatching"),"ON")) output.hatching = TRUE; if(MatchToolValue(FindToolType(DiskObj->do_ToolTypes,"Hatching"),"OFF")) output.hatching = FALSE; /* Tooltype: HatchControl=<thickness> <spacing> */ if((valptr = FindToolType(DiskObj->do_ToolTypes,"HatchControl")) != NULL) if(sscanf(valptr,"%lf %lf",&value,&value2) == 2) { output.hatchthick = value; output.hatchspace = value2; } /* Tooltype: Pen0=<R> <G> <B> */ if((valptr = FindToolType(DiskObj->do_ToolTypes,"Pen0")) != NULL) if(sscanf(valptr,"%d %d %d",&ival1,&ival2,&ival3) == 3) { ival1 = RANGECHECK(ival1,0,15); ival2 = RANGECHECK(ival2,0,15); ival3 = RANGECHECK(ival3,0,15); SetRGB4(&MyScreen->ViewPort,0,(UBYTE)ival1,(UBYTE)ival2,(UBYTE)ival3); redowindows = TRUE; } /* Tooltype: Pen1=<R> <G> <B> */ if((valptr = FindToolType(DiskObj->do_ToolTypes,"Pen1")) != NULL) if(sscanf(valptr,"%d %d %d",&ival1,&ival2,&ival3) == 3) { ival1 = RANGECHECK(ival1,0,15); ival2 = RANGECHECK(ival2,0,15); ival3 = RANGECHECK(ival3,0,15); SetRGB4(&MyScreen->ViewPort,1,(UBYTE)ival1,(UBYTE)ival2,(UBYTE)ival3); redowindows = TRUE; } /* Tooltype: Pen2=<R> <G> <B> */ if((valptr = FindToolType(DiskObj->do_ToolTypes,"Pen2")) != NULL) if(sscanf(valptr,"%d %d %d",&ival1,&ival2,&ival3) == 3) { ival1 = RANGECHECK(ival1,0,15); ival2 = RANGECHECK(ival2,0,15); ival3 = RANGECHECK(ival3,0,15); SetRGB4(&MyScreen->ViewPort,2,(UBYTE)ival1,(UBYTE)ival2,(UBYTE)ival3); redowindows = TRUE; } /* Tooltype: Pen3=<R> <G> <B> */ if((valptr = FindToolType(DiskObj->do_ToolTypes,"Pen3")) != NULL) if(sscanf(valptr,"%d %d %d",&ival1,&ival2,&ival3) == 3) { ival1 = RANGECHECK(ival1,0,15); ival2 = RANGECHECK(ival2,0,15); ival3 = RANGECHECK(ival3,0,15); SetRGB4(&MyScreen->ViewPort,3,(UBYTE)ival1,(UBYTE)ival2,(UBYTE)ival3); redowindows = TRUE; } /* Tooltype: DIR=<directory> */ if((valptr = FindToolType(DiskObj->do_ToolTypes,"DIR")) != NULL) strcpy(,valptr); /* Tooltype: NOSHANGHAI */ if((valptr = FindToolType(DiskObj->do_ToolTypes,"NOSHANGHAI")) != NULL) display.shanghai = FALSE; /* Tooltype: AXISBOUNDS */ if((valptr = FindToolType(DiskObj->do_ToolTypes,"AXISBOUNDS")) != NULL) output.fixbounds = FALSE; FreeDiskObject(DiskObj); /* // if(redowindows) // { // FreeAllGadgets(); // BuildAllWindows(); // } */ } return(0); }