Example #1
int Eigen(gsl_matrix_complex *A, gsl_matrix_complex *vec, gsl_vector_complex *val) {

	gsl_matrix_complex *T;
//	Matrix_Copy(T,A);
	char jobvl='N';
	char jobvr='V';
	int n=T->size1;
	int lda=T->tda;
	int ldvl=T->tda;
	int ldvr=T->tda;
	int info;
	int lwork=2*n;
	double *rwork;
	double _Complex *work;
	work=(double _Complex*)malloc(sizeof(double _Complex)*lwork);
	zgeev_(&jobvl,&jobvr,&n, (double _Complex*)T->data, &lda, (double _Complex*)val->data,NULL, &ldvl,(double _Complex*)vec->data, &ldvr, work, &lwork, rwork, &info);
//	for(int k=0;k<A->size2;k++){
//		double _Complex Scale;
//		for(int l=0;l<n;l++)
//			Scale+=cpow(cabs(matrix_get(vec,l,k)),2);
//		printf("NORM %E %E\n",creal(Scale),cimag(Scale));
//		for(int l=0;l<n;l++){
//			matrix_div(vec,l,k,csqrt(Scale));
//			}
//		}
	return info;
Example #2
void LU_Refactorize(PT_Basis pB)
	char L = 'L'; /* lower triangular */
	char D = 'U'; /* unit triangular matrix (diagonals are ones) */
	ptrdiff_t info, incx=1, incp;
	/* Matrix_Print_row(pB->pLX); */
	/* Matrix_Print_utril_row(pB->pUX); */

	/* factorize using lapack */
	dgetrf(&(Matrix_Rows(pB->pF)), &(Matrix_Rows(pB->pF)),
	       pMAT(pB->pF), &((pB->pF)->rows_alloc), pB->p, &info);

	/* store upper triangular matrix (including the diagonal to Ut), i.e. copy Ut <- F */
	/* lapack ignores remaining elements below diagonal when computing triangular solutions */
	Matrix_Copy(pB->pF, pB->pUt, pB->w);

	/* transform upper part of F (i.e. Ut) to triangular row major matrix UX*/
	/* UX <- F */
	Matrix_Full2RowTriangular(pB->pF, pB->pUX, pB->r);

	/* invert lower triangular part  */
	dtrtri( &L, &D, &(Matrix_Rows(pB->pF)), pMAT(pB->pF),
		&((pB->pF)->rows_alloc), &info);
	/* set strictly upper triangular parts to zeros because L is a full matrix
	 * and we need zeros to compute proper permutation inv(L)*P */

	/* transpose matrix because dlaswp operates rowwise  and we need columnwise */
	/* LX <- F' */
	Matrix_Transpose(pB->pF, pB->pLX, pB->r);

	/* interchange columns according to pivots in pB->p and write to LX*/
	incp = -1; /* go backwards */
	dlaswp( &(Matrix_Rows(pB->pLX)), pMAT(pB->pLX), &((pB->pLX)->rows_alloc),
		&incx, &(Matrix_Rows(pB->pLX)) , pB->p, &incp);

	/* Matrix_Print_col(pB->pX); */
	/* Matrix_Print_row(pB->pLX); */
	/* Matrix_Print_col(pB->pUt); */
	/* Matrix_Print_utril_row(pB->pUX); */

	/* matrix F after solution is factored in [L\U], we want the original format for the next call
	   to dgesv, thus create a copy F <- X */
	Matrix_Copy(pB->pX, pB->pF, pB->w);

Example #3
/* creates row major triangular UX matrix from a full triangular matrix F */
void Matrix_Full2RowTriangular(PT_Matrix pF, PT_Matrix  pU, double *w)
	ptrdiff_t r, c;
	/* transpose  U <- F' */
	Matrix_Transpose(pF, pU, w);
	/* put upper diagonal elements to proper position in matrix F */
	for (r=0; r<pU->rows; r++) {
		for (c=0; c<pU->cols; c++) {
			if (c>=r) {
				/* access upper triangular elements from matrix pU */
				pU->A[pU->rows_alloc*r+c-(r+1)*r/2] = pF->A[r+c*pF->rows_alloc];
Example #4
void CG_DrawTestBox( vec3_t origin, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, vec3_t angles )
	vec3_t start, end, vec;
	float linewidth = 6;
	vec3_t localAxis[3];
#if 1
	vec3_t ax[3];
	AnglesToAxis( angles, ax );
	Matrix_Transpose( ax, localAxis );
	Matrix_Copy( axis_identity, localAxis );
	if( angles[YAW] ) Matrix_Rotate( localAxis, -angles[YAW], 0, 0, 1 );
	if( angles[PITCH] ) Matrix_Rotate( localAxis, -angles[PITCH], 0, 1, 0 );
	if( angles[ROLL] ) Matrix_Rotate( localAxis, -angles[ROLL], 1, 0, 0 );

	//horizontal projection
	start[0] = mins[0];
	start[1] = mins[1];
	start[2] = mins[2];

	end[0] = mins[0];
	end[1] = mins[1];
	end[2] = maxs[2];

	// convert to local axis space
	VectorCopy( start, vec );
	Matrix_TransformVector( localAxis, vec, start );
	VectorCopy( end, vec );
	Matrix_TransformVector( localAxis, vec, end );

	VectorAdd( origin, start, start );
	VectorAdd( origin, end, end );

	CG_QuickPolyBeam( start, end, linewidth, NULL );

	start[0] = mins[0];
	start[1] = maxs[1];
	start[2] = mins[2];

	end[0] = mins[0];
	end[1] = maxs[1];
	end[2] = maxs[2];

	// convert to local axis space
	VectorCopy( start, vec );
	Matrix_TransformVector( localAxis, vec, start );
	VectorCopy( end, vec );
	Matrix_TransformVector( localAxis, vec, end );

	VectorAdd( origin, start, start );
	VectorAdd( origin, end, end );

	CG_QuickPolyBeam( start, end, linewidth, NULL );

	start[0] = maxs[0];
	start[1] = mins[1];
	start[2] = mins[2];

	end[0] = maxs[0];
	end[1] = mins[1];
	end[2] = maxs[2];

	// convert to local axis space
	VectorCopy( start, vec );
	Matrix_TransformVector( localAxis, vec, start );
	VectorCopy( end, vec );
	Matrix_TransformVector( localAxis, vec, end );

	VectorAdd( origin, start, start );
	VectorAdd( origin, end, end );

	CG_QuickPolyBeam( start, end, linewidth, NULL );

	start[0] = maxs[0];
	start[1] = maxs[1];
	start[2] = mins[2];

	end[0] = maxs[0];
	end[1] = maxs[1];
	end[2] = maxs[2];

	// convert to local axis space
	VectorCopy( start, vec );
	Matrix_TransformVector( localAxis, vec, start );
	VectorCopy( end, vec );
	Matrix_TransformVector( localAxis, vec, end );

	VectorAdd( origin, start, start );
	VectorAdd( origin, end, end );

	CG_QuickPolyBeam( start, end, linewidth, NULL );

	//x projection
	start[0] = mins[0];
	start[1] = mins[1];
	start[2] = mins[2];

	end[0] = maxs[0];
	end[1] = mins[1];
	end[2] = mins[2];

	// convert to local axis space
	VectorCopy( start, vec );
	Matrix_TransformVector( localAxis, vec, start );
	VectorCopy( end, vec );
	Matrix_TransformVector( localAxis, vec, end );

	VectorAdd( origin, start, start );
	VectorAdd( origin, end, end );

	CG_QuickPolyBeam( start, end, linewidth, NULL );

	start[0] = mins[0];
	start[1] = maxs[1];
	start[2] = maxs[2];

	end[0] = maxs[0];
	end[1] = maxs[1];
	end[2] = maxs[2];

	// convert to local axis space
	VectorCopy( start, vec );
	Matrix_TransformVector( localAxis, vec, start );
	VectorCopy( end, vec );
	Matrix_TransformVector( localAxis, vec, end );

	VectorAdd( origin, start, start );
	VectorAdd( origin, end, end );

	CG_QuickPolyBeam( start, end, linewidth, NULL );

	start[0] = mins[0];
	start[1] = maxs[1];
	start[2] = mins[2];

	end[0] = maxs[0];
	end[1] = maxs[1];
	end[2] = mins[2];

	// convert to local axis space
	VectorCopy( start, vec );
	Matrix_TransformVector( localAxis, vec, start );
	VectorCopy( end, vec );
	Matrix_TransformVector( localAxis, vec, end );

	VectorAdd( origin, start, start );
	VectorAdd( origin, end, end );

	CG_QuickPolyBeam( start, end, linewidth, NULL );

	start[0] = mins[0];
	start[1] = mins[1];
	start[2] = maxs[2];

	end[0] = maxs[0];
	end[1] = mins[1];
	end[2] = maxs[2];

	// convert to local axis space
	VectorCopy( start, vec );
	Matrix_TransformVector( localAxis, vec, start );
	VectorCopy( end, vec );
	Matrix_TransformVector( localAxis, vec, end );

	VectorAdd( origin, start, start );
	VectorAdd( origin, end, end );

	CG_QuickPolyBeam( start, end, linewidth, NULL );

	//z projection
	start[0] = mins[0];
	start[1] = mins[1];
	start[2] = mins[2];

	end[0] = mins[0];
	end[1] = maxs[1];
	end[2] = mins[2];

	// convert to local axis space
	VectorCopy( start, vec );
	Matrix_TransformVector( localAxis, vec, start );
	VectorCopy( end, vec );
	Matrix_TransformVector( localAxis, vec, end );

	VectorAdd( origin, start, start );
	VectorAdd( origin, end, end );

	CG_QuickPolyBeam( start, end, linewidth, NULL );

	start[0] = maxs[0];
	start[1] = mins[1];
	start[2] = maxs[2];

	end[0] = maxs[0];
	end[1] = maxs[1];
	end[2] = maxs[2];

	// convert to local axis space
	VectorCopy( start, vec );
	Matrix_TransformVector( localAxis, vec, start );
	VectorCopy( end, vec );
	Matrix_TransformVector( localAxis, vec, end );

	VectorAdd( origin, start, start );
	VectorAdd( origin, end, end );

	CG_QuickPolyBeam( start, end, linewidth, NULL );

	start[0] = maxs[0];
	start[1] = mins[1];
	start[2] = mins[2];

	end[0] = maxs[0];
	end[1] = maxs[1];
	end[2] = mins[2];

	// convert to local axis space
	VectorCopy( start, vec );
	Matrix_TransformVector( localAxis, vec, start );
	VectorCopy( end, vec );
	Matrix_TransformVector( localAxis, vec, end );

	VectorAdd( origin, start, start );
	VectorAdd( origin, end, end );

	CG_QuickPolyBeam( start, end, linewidth, NULL );

	start[0] = mins[0];
	start[1] = mins[1];
	start[2] = maxs[2];

	end[0] = mins[0];
	end[1] = maxs[1];
	end[2] = maxs[2];

	// convert to local axis space
	VectorCopy( start, vec );
	Matrix_TransformVector( localAxis, vec, start );
	VectorCopy( end, vec );
	Matrix_TransformVector( localAxis, vec, end );

	VectorAdd( origin, start, start );
	VectorAdd( origin, end, end );

	CG_QuickPolyBeam( start, end, linewidth, NULL );
Example #5
/* headingKalman
 * Implements a 1-dimensional, 1st order Kalman Filter
 * That is, it deals with heading and heading rate (h and h') but no other
 * state variables.  The state equations are:
 *                     X    =    A       X^
 * h = h + h'dt -->  | h  | = | 1 dt | | h  |
 * h' = h'           | h' |   | 0  1 | | h' |
 * Kalman Filtering is not that hard. If it's hard you haven't found the right
 * teacher. Try taking CS373 from Udacity.com
 * This notation is Octave (Matlab) syntax and is based on the Bishop-Welch
 * paper and references the equation numbers in that paper.
 * http://www.cs.unc.edu/~welch/kalman/kalmanIntro.html
 * returns : current heading estimate
float headingKalman(float dt, float Hgps, bool gps, float dHgyro, bool gyro)
    A[1] = dt;

    /* Initialize, first time thru
    x = H*z0

    //fprintf(stdout, "gyro? %c  gps? %c\n", (gyro)?'Y':'N', (gps)?'Y':'N');

    // Depending on what sensor measurements we've gotten,
    // switch between observer (H) matrices and measurement noise (R) matrices
    // TODO 3 incorporate HDOP or sat count in R
    if (gps) {
        H[0] = 1.0;
        z[0] = Hgps;
    } else {
        H[0] = 0;
        z[0] = 0;

    if (gyro) {
        H[3] = 1.0;
        z[1] = dHgyro;
    } else {
        H[3] = 0;
        z[1] = 0;

    //Matrix_print(2,2, A, "1. A");
    //Matrix_print(2,2, P, "   P");
    //Matrix_print(2,1, x, "   x");
    //Matrix_print(2,1, K, "   K");
    //Matrix_print(2,2, H, "2. H");
    //Matrix_print(2,1, z, "   z");

      * Predict
      * In this step we "move" our state estimate according to the equation
      * x = A*x; // Eq 1.9
    float xp[2];
    Matrix_Multiply(2,2,1, xp, A, x);

    //Matrix_print(2,1, xp, "3. xp");

     * We also have to "move" our uncertainty and add noise. Whenever we move,
     * we lose certainty because of system noise.
     * P = A*P*A' + Q; // Eq 1.10
    float At[4];
    Matrix_Transpose(2,2, At, A);
    float AP[4];
    Matrix_Multiply(2,2,2, AP, A, P);
    float APAt[4];
    Matrix_Multiply(2,2,2, APAt, AP, At);
    Matrix_Add(2,2, P, APAt, Q);

    //Matrix_print(2,2, P, "4. P");

     * Measurement aka Correct
     * First, we have to figure out the Kalman Gain which is basically how
     * much we trust the sensor measurement versus our prediction.
     * K = P*H'*inv(H*P*H' + R);    // Eq 1.11
    float Ht[4];
    //Matrix_print(2,2, H,    "5. H");
    Matrix_Transpose(2,2, Ht, H);
    //Matrix_print(2,2, Ht,    "5. Ht");

    float HP[2];
    //Matrix_print(2,2, P,    "5. P");
    Matrix_Multiply(2,2,2, HP, H, P);
    //Matrix_print(2,2, HP,    "5. HP");

    float HPHt[4];
    Matrix_Multiply(2,2,2, HPHt, HP, Ht);
    //Matrix_print(2,2, HPHt,    "5. HPHt");

    float HPHtR[4];
    //Matrix_print(2,2, R,    "5. R");
    Matrix_Add(2,2, HPHtR, HPHt, R);
    //Matrix_print(2,2, HPHtR,    "5. HPHtR");

    Matrix_Inverse(2, HPHtR);
    //Matrix_print(2,2, HPHtR,    "5. HPHtR");

    float PHt[2];
    //Matrix_print(2,2, P,    "5. P");
    //Matrix_print(2,2, Ht,    "5. Ht");
    Matrix_Multiply(2,2,2, PHt, P, Ht);
    //Matrix_print(2,2, PHt,    "5. PHt");

    Matrix_Multiply(2,2,2, K, PHt, HPHtR);

    //Matrix_print(2,2, K,    "5. K");

     * Then we determine the discrepancy between prediction and measurement
     * with the "Innovation" or Residual: z-H*x, multiply that by the
     * Kalman gain to correct the estimate towards the prediction a little
     * at a time.
     * x = x + K*(z-H*x);            // Eq 1.12
    float Hx[2];
    Matrix_Multiply(2,2,1, Hx, H, xp);

    //Matrix_print(2,2, H, "6. H");
    //Matrix_print(2,1, x, "6. x");
    //Matrix_print(2,1, Hx, "6. Hx");

    float zHx[2];
    Matrix_Subtract(2,1, zHx, z, Hx);
    zHx[0] = clamp180(zHx[0]);

    //Matrix_print(2,1, z, "6. z");
    //Matrix_print(2,1, zHx, "6. zHx");

    float KzHx[2];
    Matrix_Multiply(2,2,1, KzHx, K, zHx);

    //Matrix_print(2,2, K, "6. K");
    //Matrix_print(2,1, KzHx, "6. KzHx");

    Matrix_Add(2,1, x, xp, KzHx);
    x[0] = clamp360(x[0]);    // Clamp to 0-360 range

    //Matrix_print(2,1, x, "6. x");

     * We also have to adjust the certainty. With a new measurement, the
     * estimate certainty always increases.
     * P = (I-K*H)*P;                // Eq 1.13
    float KH[4];
    //Matrix_print(2,2, K, "7. K");
    Matrix_Multiply(2,2,2, KH, K, H);
    //Matrix_print(2,2, KH, "7. KH");
    float IKH[4];
    Matrix_Subtract(2,2, IKH, I, KH);
    //Matrix_print(2,2, IKH, "7. IKH");
    float P2[4];
    Matrix_Multiply(2,2,2, P2, IKH, P);
    Matrix_Copy(2, 2, P, P2);

    //Matrix_print(2,2, P, "7. P");
    return x[0];
// Create an object in front of the character and fire
// Parameters:
//	GO: The object getting passed in, in this case the character
//	State: Needed to grab members
void State_CharacterController_ShootBullet(GObject* GO, State* state)
	//Get members
	struct State_CharacterController_Members* members = (struct State_CharacterController_Members*)state->members;

	// Camera local
	Camera* cam = RenderingManager_GetRenderingBuffer()->camera;
	// Gets the time per second
	float dt = TimeManager_GetDeltaSec();
	members->timer += dt;

		// Create a net movement vector
		Vector direction;
		Vector_INIT_ON_STACK(direction, 3);
		if (InputManager_IsMouseButtonPressed(0) && members->timer >= members->coolDown)
			//Get "forward" Vector
			Matrix_SliceRow(&direction, cam->rotationMatrix, 2, 0, 3);

			// Create the bullet object
			GObject* bullet = GObject_Allocate();

			//bullet->mesh = AssetManager_LookupMesh("Sphere");
			bullet->mesh = AssetManager_LookupMesh("Arrow");
			bullet->texture = AssetManager_LookupTexture("Arrow");

			bullet->body = RigidBody_Allocate();
			RigidBody_Initialize(bullet->body, bullet->frameOfReference, 0.45f);
			bullet->body->coefficientOfRestitution = 0.2f;

			bullet->collider = Collider_Allocate();
			ConvexHullCollider_MakeRectangularCollider(bullet->collider->data->convexHullData, 0.1f, 2.0f, 0.1f);
			//AABBCollider_Initialize(bullet->collider, 2.0f, 2.0f, 2.0f, &Vector_ZERO);

			//Lay arrow flat
			GObject_Rotate(bullet, &Vector_E1, -3.14159f / 2.0f);

			//Construct a rotation matrix to orient bullet
			Matrix rot;
			Matrix_INIT_ON_STACK(rot, 3, 3);
			//Grab 4,4 minor to get 3x3 rotation matrix of camera
			Matrix_GetMinor(&rot, cam->rotationMatrix, 3, 3);
			//Transpose it to get correct direction
			//Rotate the bullet
			Matrix_TransformMatrix(&rot, bullet->frameOfReference->rotation);
			Matrix_TransformMatrix(&rot, bullet->body->frame->rotation);

			Vector vector;
			vector.components[0] = 0.9f;
			vector.components[1] = 1.0f;
			vector.components[2] = 0.9f;
			GObject_Scale(bullet, &vector);

			Vector translation;
			Vector_INIT_ON_STACK(translation, 3);
			Vector_GetScalarProduct(&translation, &direction, 2.82843);
			GObject_Translate(bullet, GO->frameOfReference->position);
			GObject_Translate(bullet, &translation);

			Vector_Scale(&direction, 25.0f);


			//Add remove state
			State* state = State_Allocate();
			State_Remove_Initialize(state, 5.0f);
			GObject_AddState(bullet, state);


			members->timer = 0;