Example #1
	static void _guiGtkMenuCascadeButton_destroyCallback (GuiObject widget, gpointer void_me) {
		(void) void_me;
		GuiMenu me = (GuiMenu) _GuiObject_getUserData (widget);
		if (! me) return;
		trace (U"destroying GuiButton ", Melder_pointer (my d_cascadeButton));
		gtk_widget_destroy (GTK_WIDGET (my d_widget));
Example #2
void _Melder_free (void **ptr) {
	if (*ptr == NULL) return;
	if (Melder_debug == 34) { Melder_casual (U"Melder_free\t", Melder_pointer (*ptr), U"\t?\t?"); }
	free (*ptr);
	*ptr = NULL;
	totalNumberOfDeallocations += 1;
Example #3
autoThing Thing_newFromClass (ClassInfo classInfo) {
	autoThing me (classInfo -> _new ());
	trace (U"created ", classInfo -> className);
	theTotalNumberOfThings += 1;
	my classInfo = classInfo;
	Melder_assert (my name == nullptr);   // confirm that _new called calloc, so that we see null pointers
	if (Melder_debug == 40) Melder_casual (U"created ", classInfo -> className, U" (", Melder_pointer (classInfo), U", ", me.get(), U")");
	return me;
Example #4
	static void _guiGtkMenu_destroyCallback (GuiObject widget, gpointer void_me) {
		(void) void_me;
		GuiMenu me = (GuiMenu) _GuiObject_getUserData (widget);
		trace (U"destroying GuiMenu ", Melder_pointer (me));
		if (! me) return;   // we could be destroying me
		my d_widget = NULL;   // undangle
		if (my d_cascadeButton) my d_cascadeButton -> d_widget = NULL;   // undangle
		if (my d_menuItem) my d_menuItem -> d_widget = NULL;   // undangle
		forget (me);
Example #5
void * _Melder_malloc (int64 size) {
	if (size <= 0)
		Melder_throw (U"Can never allocate ", Melder_bigInteger (size), U" bytes.");
	if (sizeof (size_t) < 8 && size > SIZE_MAX)
		Melder_throw (U"Can never allocate ", Melder_bigInteger (size), U" bytes. Use a 64-bit edition of Praat instead?");
	void *result = malloc ((size_t) size);   // guarded cast
	if (result == NULL)
		Melder_throw (U"Out of memory: there is not enough room for another ", Melder_bigInteger (size), U" bytes.");
	if (Melder_debug == 34) { Melder_casual (U"Melder_malloc\t", Melder_pointer (result), U"\t", Melder_bigInteger (size), U"\t1"); }
	totalNumberOfAllocations += 1;
	totalAllocationSize += size;
	return result;
Example #6
char32 * Melder_dup (const char32 *string /* cattable */) {
	if (! string) return NULL;
	int64 size = (int64) str32len (string) + 1;   // guaranteed to be positive
	if (sizeof (size_t) < 8 && size > SIZE_MAX / sizeof (char32))
		Melder_throw (U"Can never allocate ", Melder_bigInteger (size), U" characters. Use a 64-bit edition of Praat instead?");
	char32 *result = (char32 *) malloc ((size_t) size * sizeof (char32));   // guarded conversion
	if (result == NULL)
		Melder_throw (U"Out of memory: there is not enough room to duplicate a text of ", Melder_bigInteger (size - 1), U" characters.");
	str32cpy (result, string);
	if (Melder_debug == 34) { Melder_casual (U"Melder_dup\t", Melder_pointer (result), U"\t", Melder_bigInteger (size), U"\t4"); }
	totalNumberOfAllocations += 1;
	totalAllocationSize += size * (int64) sizeof (char32);
	return result;
Example #7
char * Melder_strdup (const char *string) {
	if (! string) return NULL;
	int64 size = (int64) strlen (string) + 1;
	if (sizeof (size_t) < 8 && size > SIZE_MAX)
		Melder_throw (U"Can never allocate ", Melder_bigInteger (size), U" bytes. Use a 64-bit edition of Praat instead?");
	char *result = (char *) malloc ((size_t) size);
	if (result == NULL)
		Melder_throw (U"Out of memory: there is not enough room to duplicate a text of ", Melder_bigInteger (size - 1), U" characters.");
	strcpy (result, string);
	if (Melder_debug == 34) { Melder_casual (U"Melder_strdup\t", Melder_pointer (result), U"\t", Melder_bigInteger (size), U"\t1"); }
	totalNumberOfAllocations += 1;
	totalAllocationSize += size;
	return result;
Example #8
void * _Melder_calloc (int64 nelem, int64 elsize) {
	if (nelem <= 0)
		Melder_throw (U"Can never allocate ", Melder_bigInteger (nelem), U" elements.");
	if (elsize <= 0)
		Melder_throw (U"Can never allocate elements whose size is ", Melder_bigInteger (elsize), U" bytes.");
	if ((uint64_t) nelem > SIZE_MAX / (uint64_t) elsize)   // guarded casts to unsigned
		Melder_throw (U"Can never allocate ", Melder_bigInteger (nelem), U" elements whose sizes are ", Melder_bigInteger (elsize), U" bytes each.",
			sizeof (size_t) < 8 ? U" Use a 64-bit edition of Praat instead?" : NULL);
	void *result = calloc ((size_t) nelem, (size_t) elsize);
	if (result == NULL)
		Melder_throw (U"Out of memory: there is not enough room for ", Melder_bigInteger (nelem), U" more elements whose sizes are ", elsize, U" bytes each.");
	if (Melder_debug == 34) { Melder_casual (U"Melder_calloc\t", Melder_pointer (result), U"\t", Melder_bigInteger (nelem), U"\t", Melder_bigInteger (elsize)); }
	totalNumberOfAllocations += 1;
	totalAllocationSize += nelem * elsize;
	return result;
Example #9
void * Melder_realloc (void *ptr, int64 size) {
	if (size <= 0)
		Melder_throw (U"Can never allocate ", Melder_bigInteger (size), U" bytes.");
	if (sizeof (size_t) < 8 && size > SIZE_MAX)
		Melder_throw (U"Can never allocate ", Melder_bigInteger (size), U" bytes. Use a 64-bit edition of Praat instead?");
	void *result = realloc (ptr, (size_t) size);   // will not show in the statistics...
	if (result == NULL)
		Melder_throw (U"Out of memory. Could not extend room to ", Melder_bigInteger (size), U" bytes.");
	if (ptr == NULL) {   // is it like malloc?
		if (Melder_debug == 34) { Melder_casual (U"Melder_realloc\t", Melder_pointer (result), U"\t", Melder_bigInteger (size), U"\t1"); }
		totalNumberOfAllocations += 1;
		totalAllocationSize += size;
	} else if (result != ptr) {   // did realloc do a malloc-and-free?
		totalNumberOfAllocations += 1;
		totalAllocationSize += size;
		totalNumberOfDeallocations += 1;
		totalNumberOfMovingReallocs += 1;
	} else {
		totalNumberOfReallocsInSitu += 1;
	return result;
Example #10
	static void _GuiGtkButton_destroyCallback (GuiObject widget, gpointer void_me) {
		(void) widget;
		iam (GuiButton);
		trace (U"destroying GuiButton ", Melder_pointer (me));
		forget (me);
Example #11
	static void _guiGtkMenuItem_destroyCallback (GuiObject widget, gpointer void_me) {
		(void) widget;
		iam (GuiMenuItem);
		trace (U"destroying GuiMenuItem ", Melder_pointer (me));
		forget (me);
Example #12
	static void _GuiGtkButton_destroyCallback (GuiObject /* widget */, gpointer userData) {
		GuiButton me = (GuiButton) userData;
		trace (U"destroying GuiButton ", Melder_pointer (me));
		forget (me);