void Spherical_MaxVel_Output( UnderworldContext* context ) { Spherical_CubedSphereNusselt* self = (Spherical_CubedSphereNusselt*)LiveComponentRegister_Get( context->CF->LCRegister, (Name)Spherical_CubedSphereNusselt_Type ); FeVariable* velocityField = self->velocityField; FeMesh* mesh = velocityField->feMesh; Grid* grid = NULL; unsigned* sizes = NULL; int vertId, dId; unsigned dT_i, dT_j, nDomainSize, ijk[3]; double vel[3], velMax[2], gVelMax[2], velMag; //set 'em big and negative velMax[0] = velMax[1] = -1*HUGE_VAL; // get vert grid RegularMeshUtils_ErrorCheckAndGetDetails( (Mesh*)mesh, MT_VERTEX, &nDomainSize, &grid ); sizes = grid->sizes; // go around for( dT_i = 0; dT_i < sizes[1]; dT_i++ ) { for( dT_j = 0; dT_j < sizes[2]; dT_j++ ) { // find inner vertex ijk[0] = 0; // angular discretisation ijk[1] = dT_i; ijk[2] = dT_j; vertId = Grid_Project( grid, ijk ); // if the node is local if( Mesh_GlobalToDomain( mesh, MT_VERTEX, vertId, &dId ) == True ) { FeVariable_GetValueAtNode( velocityField, dId, vel ); velMag = sqrt( vel[0]*vel[0] + vel[1]*vel[1] + vel[2]*vel[2] ); if( velMag > velMax[0] ) velMax[0] = velMag; } // find outer vertex ijk[0] = grid->sizes[0]-1; vertId = Grid_Project( grid, ijk ); // if the node is local if( Mesh_GlobalToDomain( mesh, MT_VERTEX, vertId, &dId ) == True ) { FeVariable_GetValueAtNode( velocityField, dId, vel ); velMag = sqrt( vel[0]*vel[0] + vel[1]*vel[1] + vel[2]*vel[2] ); if( velMag > velMax[1] ) velMax[1] = velMag; } } } (void)MPI_Allreduce( velMax, gVelMax, 2, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX, context->communicator ); StgFEM_FrequentOutput_PrintValue( context, gVelMax[1] ); // print outer velocity max StgFEM_FrequentOutput_PrintValue( context, gVelMax[0] ); // print inner velocity max }
void lucMeshCrossSection_Sample( void* drawingObject, Bool reverse) { lucMeshCrossSection* self = (lucMeshCrossSection*)drawingObject; FeVariable* fieldVariable = (FeVariable*) self->fieldVariable; Mesh* mesh = (Mesh*) fieldVariable->feMesh; Grid* vertGrid; Node_LocalIndex crossSection_I; IJK node_ijk; Node_GlobalIndex node_gI; Node_DomainIndex node_dI; int i,j, d, sizes[3] = {1,1,1}; Coord globalMin, globalMax, min, max; int localcount = 0; vertGrid = *(Grid**)ExtensionManager_Get( mesh->info, mesh, self->vertexGridHandle ); for (d=0; d<fieldVariable->dim; d++) sizes[d] = vertGrid->sizes[d]; self->dim[0] = sizes[ self->axis ]; self->dim[1] = sizes[ self->axis1 ]; self->dim[2] = sizes[ self->axis2 ]; crossSection_I = lucCrossSection_GetValue(self, 0, self->dim[0]-1); FieldVariable_GetMinAndMaxLocalCoords( fieldVariable, min, max ); FieldVariable_GetMinAndMaxGlobalCoords( fieldVariable, globalMin, globalMax ); Journal_Printf( lucDebug, "%s called on field %s, with axis of cross section as %d, crossSection_I as %d (dims %d,%d,%d) field dim %d\n", __func__, fieldVariable->name, self->axis, crossSection_I, self->dim[0], self->dim[1], self->dim[2], self->fieldDim); /* Get mesh cross section self->vertices and values */ self->resolutionA = self->dim[1]; self->resolutionB = self->dim[2]; lucCrossSection_AllocateSampleData(self, self->fieldDim); int lSize = Mesh_GetLocalSize( mesh, MT_VERTEX ); double time = MPI_Wtime(); Journal_Printf(lucInfo, "Sampling mesh (%s) %d x %d... 0%", self->name, self->dim[1], self->dim[2]); node_ijk[ self->axis ] = crossSection_I; for ( i = 0 ; i < self->dim[1]; i++ ) { int percent = 100 * (i + 1) / self->dim[1]; Journal_Printf(lucInfo, "\b\b\b\b%3d%%", percent); fflush(stdout); /* Reverse order if requested */ int i0 = i; if (reverse) i0 = self->dim[1] - i - 1; node_ijk[ self->axis1 ] = i0; for ( j = 0 ; j < self->dim[2]; j++ ) { self->vertices[i][j][0] = HUGE_VAL; self->vertices[i][j][2] = 0; node_ijk[ self->axis2 ] = j; node_gI = Grid_Project( vertGrid, node_ijk ); /* Get coord and value if node is local... */ if (Mesh_GlobalToDomain( mesh, MT_VERTEX, node_gI, &node_dI ) && node_dI < lSize) { /* Found on this processor */ double value[self->fieldDim]; FeVariable_GetValueAtNode( fieldVariable, node_dI, value ); double* pos = Mesh_GetVertex( mesh, node_dI ); /*fprintf(stderr, "[%d] (%d,%d) Node %d %f,%f,%f value %f\n", self->context->rank, i, j, node_gI, pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], value);*/ for (d=0; d<fieldVariable->dim; d++) self->vertices[i][j][d] = pos[d]; for (d=0; d<self->fieldDim; d++) self->values[i][j][d] = (float)value[d]; localcount++; } } } Journal_Printf(lucInfo, " %f sec. ", MPI_Wtime() - time); /* Collate */ time = MPI_Wtime(); for ( i=0 ; i < self->dim[1]; i++ ) { for ( j=0 ; j < self->dim[2]; j++ ) { /* Receive values at root */ if (self->context->rank == 0) { /* Already have value? */ if (self->vertices[i][j][0] != HUGE_VAL) {localcount--; continue; } /* Recv (pos and value together = (3 + fevar dims)*float) */ float data[3 + self->fieldDim]; (void)MPI_Recv(data, 3+self->fieldDim, MPI_FLOAT, MPI_ANY_SOURCE, i*self->dim[2]+j, self->context->communicator, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE); /* Copy */ memcpy(self->vertices[i][j], data, 3 * sizeof(float)); memcpy(self->values[i][j], &data[3], self->fieldDim * sizeof(float)); } else { /* Found on this proc? */ if (self->vertices[i][j][0] == HUGE_VAL) continue; /* Copy */ float data[3 + self->fieldDim]; memcpy(data, self->vertices[i][j], 3 * sizeof(float)); memcpy(&data[3], self->values[i][j], self->fieldDim * sizeof(float)); /* Send values to root (pos & value = 4 * float) */ MPI_Ssend(data, 3+self->fieldDim, MPI_FLOAT, 0, i*self->dim[2]+j, self->context->communicator); localcount--; } } } MPI_Barrier(self->context->communicator); /* Barrier required, prevent subsequent MPI calls from interfering with transfer */ Journal_Printf(lucInfo, " Gather in %f sec.\n", MPI_Wtime() - time); Journal_Firewall(localcount == 0, lucError, "Error - in %s: count of values sampled compared to sent/received by mpi on proc %d does not match (balance = %d)\n", __func__, self->context->rank, localcount); }