Example #1
**  Handle point to point missile.
**  @param missile  Missile pointer.
**  @return         true if goal is reached, false else.
bool PointToPointMissile(Missile &missile)
	if (MissileInitMove(missile) == true) {
		return true;

	Assert(missile.Type != NULL);
	Assert(missile.TotalStep != 0);

	const PixelPos diff = (missile.destination - missile.source);
	missile.position = missile.source + diff * missile.CurrentStep / missile.TotalStep;

	if (missile.Type->Smoke.Missile && (missile.CurrentStep || missile.State > 1)) {
		const PixelPos position = missile.position + missile.Type->size / 2;
		MakeMissile(*missile.Type->Smoke.Missile, position, position);

	if (missile.Type->SmokeParticle && (missile.CurrentStep || missile.State > 1)) {
		const PixelPos position = missile.position + missile.Type->size / 2;

	if (missile.Type->Pierce) {
		MissileHandlePierce(missile, Map.MapPixelPosToTilePos(missile.position));

	return false;
Example #2
**  Calculate parabolic trajectories.
**  @param missile  Missile pointer.
**  @return         1 if target is reached, 0 otherwise
**  @todo Find good values for ZprojToX and Y
static int ParabolicMissile(Missile *missile)
	int orig_x;   // position before moving.
	int orig_y;   // position before moving.
	int xstep;
	int ystep;
	int k;        // Coefficient of the parabol.
	int zprojToX; // Projection of Z axis on axis X.
	int zprojToY; // Projection of Z axis on axis Y.
	int z;        // should be missile->Z later.
	int x;
	int y;

	k = -2048; //-1024; // Should be initialised by an other method (computed with distance...)
	zprojToX = 4;
	zprojToY = 1024;
	if (MissileInitMove(missile) == 1) {
		return 1;
	Assert(missile->Type != NULL);
	orig_x = missile->X;
	orig_y = missile->Y;
	xstep = missile->DX - missile->SourceX;
	ystep = missile->DY - missile->SourceY;
	Assert(missile->TotalStep != 0);
	xstep = xstep * 1000 / missile->TotalStep;
	ystep = ystep * 1000 / missile->TotalStep;
	missile->X = missile->SourceX + xstep * missile->CurrentStep / 1000;
	missile->Y = missile->SourceY + ystep * missile->CurrentStep / 1000;
	Assert(k != 0);
	z = missile->CurrentStep * (missile->TotalStep - missile->CurrentStep) / k;
	// Until Z is used for drawing, modify X and Y.
	missile->X += z * zprojToX / 64;
	missile->Y += z * zprojToY / 64;
	MissileNewHeadingFromXY(missile, missile->X - orig_x, missile->Y - orig_y);
	if (missile->Type->SmokeMissile && missile->CurrentStep) {
		x = missile->X + missile->Type->Width / 2;
		y = missile->Y + missile->Type->Height / 2;
		MakeMissile(missile->Type->SmokeMissile, x, y, x, y);
	return 0;
Example #3
**  Calculate parabolic trajectories.
**  @param missile  Missile pointer.
**  @return         1 if target is reached, 0 otherwise
**  @todo Find good values for ZprojToX and Y
static int ParabolicMissile(Missile &missile)
	int k;        // Coefficient of the parabol.
	int zprojToX; // Projection of Z axis on axis X.
	int zprojToY; // Projection of Z axis on axis Y.
	int z;        // should be missile.Z later.

	k = -2048; //-1024; // Should be initialised by an other method (computed with distance...)
	zprojToX = 4;
	zprojToY = 1024;
	if (MissileInitMove(missile) == 1) {
		return 1;
	Assert(missile.Type != NULL);
	const PixelPos orig_pos = missile.position;
	Assert(missile.TotalStep != 0);
	const PixelPos diff = (missile.destination - missile.source);
	missile.position = missile.source + diff * missile.CurrentStep / missile.TotalStep;

	Assert(k != 0);
	z = missile.CurrentStep * (missile.TotalStep - missile.CurrentStep) / k;
	// Until Z is used for drawing, modify X and Y.
	missile.position.x += z * zprojToX / 64;
	missile.position.y += z * zprojToY / 64;
	missile.MissileNewHeadingFromXY(missile.position - orig_pos);
	if (missile.Type->Smoke.Missile && missile.CurrentStep) {
		const PixelPos position = missile.position + missile.Type->size / 2;
		MakeMissile(*missile.Type->Smoke.Missile, position, position);
	if (missile.Type->SmokeParticle && missile.CurrentStep) {
		const PixelPos position = missile.position + missile.Type->size / 2;
	if (missile.Type->Pierce) {
		MissileHandlePierce(missile, Map.MapPixelPosToTilePos(missile.position));
	return 0;
Example #4
**  Handle point to point missile.
**  @param missile  Missile pointer.
**  @return         1 if goal is reached, 0 else.
static int PointToPointMissile(Missile *missile)
	int xstep;
	int ystep;
	int x;
	int y;

	if (MissileInitMove(missile) == 1) {
		return 1;

	Assert(missile->Type != NULL);
	Assert(missile->TotalStep != 0);
	xstep = (missile->DX - missile->SourceX) * 1024 / missile->TotalStep;
	ystep = (missile->DY - missile->SourceY) * 1024 / missile->TotalStep;
	missile->X = missile->SourceX + xstep * missile->CurrentStep / 1024;
	missile->Y = missile->SourceY + ystep * missile->CurrentStep / 1024;
	if (missile->Type->SmokeMissile && missile->CurrentStep) {
		x = missile->X + missile->Type->Width / 2;
		y = missile->Y + missile->Type->Height / 2;
		MakeMissile(missile->Type->SmokeMissile, x, y, x, y);
	return 0;
Example #5
**  Handle point to point missile.
**  @param missile  Missile pointer.
**  @return         true if goal is reached, false else.
bool PointToPointMissile(Missile &missile)
	if (missile.TotalStep == 0) {
		return true;
	Assert(missile.Type != NULL);
	Assert(missile.TotalStep != 0);

	const PixelPos diff = (missile.destination - missile.source);
	const PixelPrecise sign(diff.x >= 0 ? 1.0 : -1.0, diff.y >= 0 ? 1.0 : -1.0); // Remember sign to move into correct direction
	const PixelPrecise oldPos((double)missile.position.x, (double)missile.position.y); // Remember old position
	PixelPrecise pos(oldPos);
	missile.position = missile.source + diff * missile.CurrentStep / missile.TotalStep;

	for (; pos.x * sign.x <= missile.position.x * sign.x
		 && pos.y * sign.y <= missile.position.y * sign.y;
		 pos.x += (double)diff.x * missile.Type->SmokePrecision / missile.TotalStep,
		 pos.y += (double)diff.y * missile.Type->SmokePrecision / missile.TotalStep) {
		const PixelPos position((int)pos.x + missile.Type->size.x / 2,
								(int)pos.y + missile.Type->size.y / 2);

		if (missile.Type->Smoke.Missile && (missile.CurrentStep || missile.State > 1)) {
			Missile *smoke = MakeMissile(*missile.Type->Smoke.Missile, position, position);
			if (smoke && smoke->Type->NumDirections > 1) {

		if (missile.Type->SmokeParticle && (missile.CurrentStep || missile.State > 1)) {

		if (missile.Type->Pierce) {
			const PixelPos posInt((int)pos.x, (int)pos.y);
			MissileHandlePierce(missile, Map.MapPixelPosToTilePos(posInt));

	// Handle wall blocking and kill first enemy
	for (pos = oldPos; pos.x * sign.x <= missile.position.x * sign.x
		 && pos.y * sign.y <= missile.position.y * sign.y;
		 pos.x += (double)diff.x / missile.TotalStep,
		 pos.y += (double)diff.y / missile.TotalStep) {
		const PixelPos position((int)pos.x + missile.Type->size.x / 2,
								(int)pos.y + missile.Type->size.y / 2);
		const Vec2i tilePos(Map.MapPixelPosToTilePos(position));

		if (Map.Info.IsPointOnMap(tilePos) && MissileHandleBlocking(missile, position)) {
			return true;
		if (missile.Type->MissileStopFlags) {
			if (!Map.Info.IsPointOnMap(tilePos)) { // gone outside
				missile.TTL = 0;
				return false;
			const CMapField &mf = *Map.Field(tilePos);
			if (missile.Type->MissileStopFlags & mf.Flags) { // incompatible terrain
				missile.position = position;
				missile.TTL = 0;
				return false;

	if (missile.CurrentStep == missile.TotalStep) {
		missile.position = missile.destination;
		return true;
	return false;
Example #6
**  Calculate parabolic trajectories.
**  @param missile  Missile pointer.
**  @return         true if target is reached, false otherwise
**  @todo Find good values for ZprojToX and Y
static bool ParabolicMissile(Missile &missile)
	// Should be initialised by an other method (computed with distance...)
	const double k = -missile.Type->ParabolCoefficient; // Coefficient of the parabol.
	const double zprojToX = 4.0;    // Projection of Z axis on axis X.
	const double zprojToY = 1024.0; // Projection of Z axis on axis Y.
	double z;        // should be missile.Z later.

	if (missile.TotalStep == 0) {
		return true;
	Assert(missile.Type != NULL);
	const PixelPos orig_pos = missile.position;
	Assert(missile.TotalStep != 0);
	const PixelPos diff = (missile.destination - missile.source);
	const PixelPrecise sign(diff.x >= 0 ? 1 : -1, diff.y >= 0 ? 1 : -1); // Remember sign to move into correct direction
	PixelPrecise pos(missile.position.x, missile.position.y); // Remember old position
	missile.position = missile.source + diff * missile.CurrentStep / missile.TotalStep;

	Assert(k != 0);
	z = (double)missile.CurrentStep * (missile.TotalStep - missile.CurrentStep) / k;
	// Until Z is used for drawing, modify X and Y.
	missile.position.x += (int)(z * zprojToX / 64.0);
	missile.position.y += (int)(z * zprojToY / 64.0);
	missile.MissileNewHeadingFromXY(missile.position - orig_pos);
	for (; pos.x * sign.x <= missile.position.x * sign.x
		 && pos.y * sign.y <= missile.position.y * sign.y;
		 pos.x += (double)diff.x * missile.Type->SmokePrecision / missile.TotalStep,
		 pos.y += (double)diff.y * missile.Type->SmokePrecision / missile.TotalStep) {

		if (missile.Type->Smoke.Missile && missile.CurrentStep) {
			const PixelPos position((int)pos.x + missile.Type->size.x / 2,
									(int)pos.y + missile.Type->size.y / 2);
			Missile *smoke = MakeMissile(*missile.Type->Smoke.Missile, position, position);
			if (smoke && smoke->Type->NumDirections > 1) {

		if (missile.Type->SmokeParticle && missile.CurrentStep) {
			const PixelPos position((int)pos.x + missile.Type->size.x / 2,
									(int)pos.y + missile.Type->size.y / 2);

		if (missile.Type->Pierce) {
			const PixelPos position((int)pos.x, (int)pos.y);
			MissileHandlePierce(missile, Map.MapPixelPosToTilePos(position));

	if (missile.CurrentStep == missile.TotalStep) {
		missile.position = missile.destination;
		return true;
	return false;