Example #1
ModulePtr ModuleManager::discoverModule(const std::string& moduleFile)
    ModulePtr module;
    try {
        OTMLDocumentPtr doc = OTMLDocument::parse(moduleFile);
        OTMLNodePtr moduleNode = doc->at("Module");

        std::string name = moduleNode->valueAt("name");

        bool push = false;
        module = getModule(name);
        if(!module) {
            module = ModulePtr(new Module(name));
            push = true;

        // not loaded modules are always in back
    } catch(stdext::exception& e) {
        g_logger.error(stdext::format("Unable to discover module from file '%s': %s", moduleFile, e.what()));
    return module;
 ModulePtr container_type(const std::string &/*type*/, ModulePtr m = ModulePtr(new Module()))
   m->add(fun( std::function<size_t (const ContainerType *)>( [](const ContainerType *a) { return a->size(); } ) ), "size");
   m->add(fun( std::function<bool (const ContainerType *)>( [](const ContainerType *a) { return a->empty(); } ) ), "empty");
   m->add(fun( std::function<void (ContainerType *)>( [](ContainerType *a) { a->clear(); } ) ), "clear");
   return m;
 ModulePtr container_type(const std::string &/*type*/, ModulePtr m = ModulePtr(new Module()))
   boost::function<int (const ContainerType *)> f = detail::return_int(&ContainerType::size);
   m->add(fun(f), "size");
   m->add(fun<bool (ContainerType::*)() const>(&ContainerType::empty), "empty");
   m->add(fun<void (ContainerType::*)()>(&ContainerType::clear), "clear");
   return m;
        ModulePtr list_type(const std::string &type, ModulePtr m = ModulePtr(new Module()))
          m->add(user_type<ListType>(), type);

          front_insertion_sequence_type<ListType>(type, m);
          back_insertion_sequence_type<ListType>(type, m);
          sequence_type<ListType>(type, m);
          container_type<ListType>(type, m);
          default_constructible_type<ListType>(type, m);
          assignable_type<ListType>(type, m);
          input_range_type<ListType>(type, m);

          return m;
Example #5
CellSBSFast::CellSBSFast(int row,int col) : BitStreamGenerator(row,col)
    //Create routers
    for(int i = 0 ; i < 4 ;i ++){
        ModulePtr router =  ModulePtr(new SBSFastRouter(row,col));
        router->initParams();//TODO this is a massive gotcha

    this->nbBitReceived = 0;
    this->activated = false;
    this->dead = false;
        ModulePtr sequence_type(const std::string &/*type*/, ModulePtr m = ModulePtr(new Module()))
          std::string insert_name;
          if (typeid(typename ContainerType::value_type) == typeid(Boxed_Value))
            insert_name = "insert_ref_at";
          } else {
            insert_name = "insert_at";

          m->add(fun(&detail::insert_at<ContainerType>), insert_name);
          m->add(fun(&detail::erase_at<ContainerType>), "erase_at");

          return m;
        ModulePtr map_type(const std::string &type, ModulePtr m = ModulePtr(new Module()))
          m->add(user_type<MapType>(), type);

          typedef typename MapType::mapped_type &(MapType::*elemaccess)(const typename MapType::key_type &);

          m->add(fun(static_cast<elemaccess>(&MapType::operator[])), "[]");

          container_type<MapType>(type, m);
          assignable_type<MapType>(type, m);
          unique_associative_container_type<MapType>(type, m);
          pair_associative_container_type<MapType>(type, m);
          input_range_type<MapType>(type, m);

          return m;
        ModulePtr pair_type(const std::string &type, ModulePtr m = ModulePtr(new Module()))
          m->add(user_type<PairType>(), type);

          typename PairType::first_type PairType::* f = &PairType::first;
          typename PairType::second_type PairType::* s = &PairType::second;

          m->add(fun(f), "first");
          m->add(fun(s), "second");

          basic_constructors<PairType>(type, m);
          m->add(constructor<PairType (const typename PairType::first_type &, const typename PairType::second_type &)>(), type);

          return m;
          ModulePtr input_range_type_impl(const std::string &type, ModulePtr m = ModulePtr(new Module()))
            m->add(user_type<Bidir_Type>(), type + "_Range");

            copy_constructor<Bidir_Type>(type + "_Range", m);

            m->add(constructor<Bidir_Type (typename Bidir_Type::container_type &)>(), "range");

            m->add(fun(&Bidir_Type::empty), "empty");
            m->add(fun(&Bidir_Type::pop_front), "pop_front");
            m->add(fun(&Bidir_Type::front), "front");
            m->add(fun(&Bidir_Type::pop_back), "pop_back");
            m->add(fun(&Bidir_Type::back), "back");

            return m;
Example #10
ModulePtr ModuleManager::discoverModule(const std::string& moduleFile)
    ModulePtr module;
    try {
        OTMLDocumentPtr doc = OTMLDocument::parse(moduleFile);
        OTMLNodePtr moduleNode = doc->at("Module");

        std::string name = moduleNode->valueAt("name");
            Fw::throwException("module '", name, "' already exists, cannot have duplicate module names");

        module = ModulePtr(new Module(name));
    } catch(Exception& e) {
        logError("Unable to discover module from file '", moduleFile, "': ", e.what());
    return module;
        ModulePtr front_insertion_sequence_type(const std::string &, ModulePtr m = ModulePtr(new Module()))
          typedef typename ContainerType::reference (ContainerType::*frontptr)();
          typedef void (ContainerType::*pushptr)(typename ContainerType::const_reference);
          typedef void (ContainerType::*popptr)();

          m->add(fun(static_cast<frontptr>(&ContainerType::front)), "front");

          std::string push_front_name;
          if (typeid(typename ContainerType::value_type) == typeid(Boxed_Value))
            push_front_name = "push_front_ref";
          } else {
            push_front_name = "push_front";

          m->add(fun(static_cast<pushptr>(&ContainerType::push_front)), push_front_name);
          m->add(fun(static_cast<popptr>(&ContainerType::pop_front)), "pop_front");
          return m;
        ModulePtr vector_type(const std::string &type, ModulePtr m = ModulePtr(new Module()))
          m->add(user_type<VectorType>(), type);

          typedef typename VectorType::reference (VectorType::*frontptr)();
          m->add(fun(static_cast<frontptr>(&VectorType::front)), "front");

          back_insertion_sequence_type<VectorType>(type, m);
          sequence_type<VectorType>(type, m);
          random_access_container_type<VectorType>(type, m);
          container_type<VectorType>(type, m);
          default_constructible_type<VectorType>(type, m);
          assignable_type<VectorType>(type, m);
          input_range_type<VectorType>(type, m);

          if (typeid(VectorType) == typeid(std::vector<Boxed_Value>))
            m->eval("def Vector::`==`(rhs) : type_match(rhs, this) { \
                       if ( rhs.size() != this.size() ) {    \
                         return false;  \
                       } else {  \
                         var r1 = range(this); \
                         var r2 = range(rhs);  \
                         while (!r1.empty()) \
                         {  \
                           if (!eq(r1.front(), r2.front())) \
                           {  \
                             return false; \
                           } \
                           r1.pop_front(); \
                           r2.pop_front(); \
                         } \
                       return true; \
                     } \
Example #13
 ModulePtr logical_compliment(ModulePtr m = ModulePtr(new Module()))
   m->add(fun(&logical_compliment<bool, const T &>), "!");
   return m;
Example #14
 ModulePtr less_than_equal(ModulePtr m = ModulePtr(new Module()))
   m->add(fun(&less_than_equal<bool, const T&, const T&>), "<=");
   return m;
Example #15
 ModulePtr remainder(ModulePtr m = ModulePtr(new Module()))
   m->add(fun(&remainder<T, const T &, const T &>), "%");
   return m;
Example #16
 ModulePtr left_shift(ModulePtr m = ModulePtr(new Module()))
   m->add(fun(&left_shift<T, const T &, const T &>), "<<");
   return m;
Example #17
 ModulePtr subtraction(ModulePtr m = ModulePtr(new Module()))
   m->add(fun(&subtraction<T, const T &, const T &>), "-");
   return m;
Example #18
 ModulePtr not_equal(ModulePtr m = ModulePtr(new Module()))
   m->add(fun(&not_equal<bool, const T &, const T &>), "!=");
   return m;
Example #19
 ModulePtr addition(ModulePtr m = ModulePtr(new Module()))
   m->add(fun(&addition<T, const T &, const T &>), "+");
   return m;
Example #20
 ModulePtr bitwise_and(ModulePtr m = ModulePtr(new Module()))
   m->add(fun(&bitwise_and<T, const T &, const T &>), "&");
   return m;
Example #21
 ModulePtr unary_minus(ModulePtr m = ModulePtr(new Module()))
   m->add(fun(&unary_minus<T, const T &>), "-");
   return m;
Example #22
 ModulePtr bitwise_or(ModulePtr m = ModulePtr(new Module()))
   m->add(fun(&bitwise_or<T, const T &, const T &>), "|");
   return m;
Example #23
 ModulePtr bitwise_compliment(ModulePtr m = ModulePtr(new Module()))
   m->add(fun(&bitwise_compliment<T, const T &>), "~");
   return m;
Example #24
 ModulePtr prefix_increment(ModulePtr m = ModulePtr(new Module()))
   m->add(fun(&prefix_increment<T &, T &>), "++");
   return m;
Example #25
 ModulePtr division(ModulePtr m = ModulePtr(new Module()))
   m->add(fun(&division<T, const T &, const T &>), "/");
   return m;
Example #26
 ModulePtr equal(ModulePtr m = ModulePtr(new Module()))
   m->add(fun(&equal<bool, const T&, const T&>), "==");
   return m;
Example #27
 ModulePtr multiplication(ModulePtr m = ModulePtr(new Module()))
   m->add(fun(&multiplication<T, const T &, const T &>), "*");
   return m;
Example #28
 ModulePtr greater_than_equal(ModulePtr m = ModulePtr(new Module()))
   m->add(fun(&greater_than_equal<bool, const T&, const T&>), ">=");
   return m;
Example #29
 ModulePtr right_shift(ModulePtr m = ModulePtr(new Module()))
   m->add(fun(&right_shift<T, const T &, const T &>), ">>");
   return m;
Example #30
 ModulePtr less_than(ModulePtr m = ModulePtr(new Module()))
   m->add(fun(&less_than<bool, const T&, const T&>), "<");
   return m;