AIMotorMoveResult_t CAI_BlendedMotor::MoveGroundExecute( const AILocalMoveGoal_t &move, AIMoveTrace_t *pTraceResult )
	if ( move.curExpectedDist < 0.001 )
  		AIMotorMoveResult_t result = BaseClass::MoveGroundExecute( move, pTraceResult );
  		// Msg(" BaseClass::MoveGroundExecute() - remaining %.2f\n", GetMoveInterval() );
  		SetMoveScriptAnim( 0.0 );
  		return result;

	BuildMoveScript( move, pTraceResult );

	float flNewSpeed = GetCurSpeed();
	float flTotalDist = GetMoveScriptDist( flNewSpeed );

	//Assert( move.maxDist < 0.01 || flTotalDist > 0.0 );

	// --------------------------------------------
	// turn in the direction of movement
	// --------------------------------------------
	float flNewYaw = GetMoveScriptYaw( );

	// get facing based on movement yaw
	AILocalMoveGoal_t move2 = move;
	move2.facing = UTIL_YawToVector( flNewYaw );

	// turn in the direction needed
	MoveFacing( move2 );

	// reset actual "sequence" ground speed based current movement sequence, orientation

	// FIXME: this should be based on 

	GetOuter()->m_flGroundSpeed = GetSequenceGroundSpeed( GetSequence());

	if (1 || flNewSpeed > GetIdealSpeed())
		// DevMsg( "%6.2f : Speed %.1f : %.1f (%.1f) :  %d\n", gpGlobals->curtime, flNewSpeed, move.maxDist, move.transitionDist, GetOuter()->m_pHintNode != NULL );
		// DevMsg( "%6.2f : Speed %.1f : %.1f\n", gpGlobals->curtime, flNewSpeed, GetIdealSpeed() );

	SetMoveScriptAnim( flNewSpeed );

	if ((GetOuter()->m_debugOverlays & OVERLAY_NPC_SELECTED_BIT))
		DevMsg( "%6.2f : Speed %.1f : %.1f : %.2f\n", gpGlobals->curtime, flNewSpeed, GetIdealSpeed(), flNewSpeed / GetIdealSpeed() );

	AIMotorMoveResult_t result = MoveGroundExecuteWalk( move, flNewSpeed, flTotalDist, pTraceResult );

	return result;

Example #2
AIMotorMoveResult_t CAI_Motor::MoveGroundExecute( const AILocalMoveGoal_t &move, AIMoveTrace_t *pTraceResult )
	// --------------------------------------------
	// turn in the direction of movement
	// --------------------------------------------
	MoveFacing( move );

	// --------------------------------------------
	return MoveGroundExecuteWalk( move, GetIdealSpeed(), CalcIntervalMove(), pTraceResult );