Example #1
// this is the one PartialDeriv that really isn't computed very well w/ the stansard numeric computation method
void MultiFlowLevMar::MultiFlowComputePartialDerivOfTimeShift (float *fval,struct bead_params *p, struct reg_params *reg_p, float *neg_sbg_slope)

  int fnum;

  float *vb_out;
  float *flow_deriv;

  // parallel fill one bead parameter for block of flows
  FillBufferParamsBlockFlows (&bkg.my_scratch.cur_buffer_block,p,reg_p,bkg.my_flow.flow_ndx_map,bkg.my_flow.buff_flow);

  for (fnum=0;fnum<NUMFB;fnum++)
    vb_out = fval + fnum*bkg.time_c.npts;              // get ptr to start of the function evaluation for the current flow
    flow_deriv = &neg_sbg_slope[fnum*bkg.time_c.npts];                   // get ptr to pre-shifted slope

    // now this diffeq looks like all the others
    // because linearity of derivatives gets passed through
    // flow_deriv in this case is in fact the local derivative with respect to time of the background step
    // so it can be passed through the equation as though it were a background term
    BlueSolveBackgroundTrace (vb_out,flow_deriv,bkg.time_c.npts,bkg.time_c.deltaFrame,bkg.my_scratch.cur_buffer_block.tauB[fnum],bkg.my_scratch.cur_buffer_block.etbR[fnum]);
    // isolate gain and emphasis so we can reuse diffeq code
  MultiplyVectorByVector (fval,bkg.my_scratch.custom_emphasis,bkg.my_scratch.bead_flow_t);
  // gain invariant so can be done to all at once
  MultiplyVectorByScalar (fval,p->gain,bkg.my_scratch.bead_flow_t);
Example #2
// shielding layer to insulate from choice
void MathModel::ComputeCumulativeIncorporationHydrogens (
    float *ival_offset, int npts, const float *deltaFrameSeconds,
    const float *nuc_rise_ptr, int SUB_STEPS, int my_start, float C,
    float A, float SP,
    float kr, float kmax, float d, float molecules_to_micromolar_conversion, PoissonCDFApproxMemo *math_poiss,
    int incorporationModelType ) // default value for external calls
  bool purely_local = false;
  if (math_poiss==NULL)
    math_poiss = new PoissonCDFApproxMemo;
    purely_local = true;

  // handle sign here by "function composition"
  float tA = A;
  if (A<0.0f)
    tA = -A;

  switch( incorporationModelType ){
    case 1:
      MathModel::ReducedComputeCumulativeIncorporationHydrogens (ival_offset,npts,deltaFrameSeconds,nuc_rise_ptr,SUB_STEPS,my_start,C,tA,SP,kr,kmax,d,molecules_to_micromolar_conversion, math_poiss);
    case 2:
      MathModel::Reduced2ComputeCumulativeIncorporationHydrogens (ival_offset,npts,deltaFrameSeconds,nuc_rise_ptr,SUB_STEPS,my_start,C,tA,SP,kr,kmax,d,molecules_to_micromolar_conversion, math_poiss);
    case 3:
        MathModel::Reduced3ComputeCumulativeIncorporationHydrogens (ival_offset,npts,deltaFrameSeconds,nuc_rise_ptr,SUB_STEPS,my_start,C,tA,SP,kr,kmax,d,molecules_to_micromolar_conversion, math_poiss);

    case 0:
      MathModel::SimplifyComputeCumulativeIncorporationHydrogens (ival_offset,npts,deltaFrameSeconds,nuc_rise_ptr,SUB_STEPS,my_start,C,tA,SP,kr,kmax,d, molecules_to_micromolar_conversion, math_poiss);

  if (purely_local)
    delete math_poiss;
  // flip sign: we never have negative incorporations, but we can have cross-talk over-subtracted which we pretend has the same shape
  if (A<0.0f)
    MultiplyVectorByScalar (ival_offset,-1.0f,npts);
Example #3
void MathModel::ParallelSimpleComputeCumulativeIncorporationHydrogens (
    float **ival_offset, int npts, const float *deltaFrameSeconds,
    const float *const *nuc_rise_ptr, int SUB_STEPS, int *my_start,
    float *A, float *SP,
    float *kr, float *kmax, float *d, float *molecules_to_micromolar_conversion, PoissonCDFApproxMemo *math_poiss, int incorporationModelType)

  // handle sign here by function composition
  float tA[FLOW_STEP];
  for (int q=0; q<FLOW_STEP; q++)
    if (A[q]<0.0f)
      tA[q] = -A[q];
      tA[q] = A[q];

  switch( incorporationModelType ){
    case 1:
          for (int q=0; q<FLOW_STEP; q++){
              ReducedComputeCumulativeIncorporationHydrogens (ival_offset[q],npts,deltaFrameSeconds,nuc_rise_ptr[q],SUB_STEPS,
                                                              my_start[q],0,tA[q],SP[q],kr[q],kmax[q],d[q],molecules_to_micromolar_conversion[q], math_poiss);
    case 2:
        for (int q=0; q<FLOW_STEP; q++){
            Reduced2ComputeCumulativeIncorporationHydrogens (ival_offset[q],npts,deltaFrameSeconds,nuc_rise_ptr[q],SUB_STEPS,
                                                            my_start[q],0,tA[q],SP[q],kr[q],kmax[q],d[q],molecules_to_micromolar_conversion[q], math_poiss);
    case 3:
      for (int q=0; q<FLOW_STEP; q++){
          Reduced3ComputeCumulativeIncorporationHydrogens (ival_offset[q],npts,deltaFrameSeconds,nuc_rise_ptr[q],SUB_STEPS,
                                                          my_start[q],0,tA[q],SP[q],kr[q],kmax[q],d[q],molecules_to_micromolar_conversion[q], math_poiss);
    case 0:
          UnsignedParallelSimpleComputeCumulativeIncorporationHydrogens (ival_offset,npts,deltaFrameSeconds,nuc_rise_ptr,SUB_STEPS,my_start,tA,SP,kr,kmax,d,molecules_to_micromolar_conversion,math_poiss);

  // flip sign - we never really have negative incorporation, but we can "over-subtract" cross-talk
  for (int q=0; q<FLOW_STEP; q++)
    if (A[q]<0.0f)
      MultiplyVectorByScalar (ival_offset[q],-1.0f,npts);
Example #4
void ParallelSimpleComputeCumulativeIncorporationHydrogens (float **ival_offset, int npts, float *deltaFrameSeconds,
    float **nuc_rise_ptr, int SUB_STEPS, int *my_start,
    float *A, float *SP,
    float *kr, float *kmax, float *d, float *molecules_to_micromolar_conversion, PoissonCDFApproxMemo *math_poiss)
  // handle sign here by function composition
  float tA[FLOW_STEP];
  for (int q=0; q<FLOW_STEP; q++)
    if (A[q]<0.0f)
      tA[q] = -A[q];
      tA[q] = A[q];

  UnsignedParallelSimpleComputeCumulativeIncorporationHydrogens (ival_offset,npts,deltaFrameSeconds,nuc_rise_ptr,SUB_STEPS,my_start,tA,SP,kr,kmax,d,molecules_to_micromolar_conversion,math_poiss);

  // flip sign - we never really have negative incorporation, but we can "over-subtract" cross-talk
  for (int q=0; q<FLOW_STEP; q++)
    if (A[q]<0.0f)
      MultiplyVectorByScalar (ival_offset[q],-1.0f,npts);
Example #5
// shielding layer to insulate from choice
void ComputeCumulativeIncorporationHydrogens (float *ival_offset, int npts, float *deltaFrameSeconds,
    float *nuc_rise_ptr, int SUB_STEPS, int my_start, float C,
    float A, float SP,
    float kr, float kmax, float d, float molecules_to_micromolar_conversion, PoissonCDFApproxMemo *math_poiss, bool do_simple) // default value for external calls
  bool purely_local = false;
  if (math_poiss==NULL)
    math_poiss = new PoissonCDFApproxMemo;
    math_poiss->Allocate (MAX_HPLEN+1,512,0.05f);
    purely_local = true;

  // handle sign here by "function composition"
  float tA = A;
  if (A<0.0f)
    tA = -A;

  if (do_simple)
    SimplifyComputeCumulativeIncorporationHydrogens (ival_offset,npts,deltaFrameSeconds,nuc_rise_ptr,SUB_STEPS,my_start,C,tA,SP,kr,kmax,d, molecules_to_micromolar_conversion, math_poiss);
    ComplexComputeCumulativeIncorporationHydrogens (ival_offset,npts,deltaFrameSeconds,nuc_rise_ptr,SUB_STEPS,my_start,C,tA,SP,kr,kmax,d,molecules_to_micromolar_conversion, math_poiss);

  if (purely_local)
    delete math_poiss;
  // flip sign: we never have negative incorporations, but we can have cross-talk over-subtracted which we pretend has the same shape
  if (A<0.0f)
    MultiplyVectorByScalar (ival_offset,-1.0f,npts);
Example #6
// exploit vectors to get a quick & dirty estimate of amplitude
// project onto model trace to get a multiplicative step bringing us closer to alignment with the trace.
void SearchAmplitude::ProjectionSearchOneBead ( BeadParams *p, int flow_block_size, int flow_block_start ) const
  reg_params *reg_p = &pointer_regions->rp;

  // technically, need to setup bead correctly here
  for (int fnum=0; fnum<flow_block_size; fnum++){
    p->Ampl[fnum] = 1.0f; // set for projection initiation
    //p->kmult[fnum] = 1.0f; //? should be set because it might be set differently in some routine before this

  // set up bead parameters across flows for this bead
  // they >might< depend on initial kmult, amplitude
  MathModel::FillBufferParamsBlockFlows ( my_cur_buffer_block,p,reg_p,my_flow->flow_ndx_map, flow_block_start, flow_block_size );
  MathModel::FillIncorporationParamsBlockFlows ( my_cur_bead_block, p,reg_p,my_flow->flow_ndx_map, flow_block_start, flow_block_size );

  // this is a more generic "subtract background" routine that we need to think about
  // reusing for 'oneflowfit' amplitude fitting
  // need to add cross-talk (0) here so that everything is compatible.
  // hold all flows of signal at once

  MathModel::MultiCorrectBeadBkg ( my_scratch->observed,p, *my_scratch,*my_cur_buffer_block,
                                   *my_flow,*time_c, *pointer_regions,my_scratch->shifted_bkg,
                                   use_vectorization, flow_block_size );

  const float *em_vector = emphasis_data->EmphasisVectorByHomopolymer[0]; // incorrect @TODO

// @TODO make parallel
  float block_model_trace[my_scratch->bead_flow_t], block_incorporation_rise[my_scratch->bead_flow_t];
  // "In parallel, across flows"
  const float* nuc_rise_ptr[flow_block_size];
  float* model_trace[flow_block_size];
  float* incorporation_rise[flow_block_size];
  int my_start[flow_block_size];

  // setup parallel pointers into the structure
  for ( int fnum=0; fnum<flow_block_size; fnum++ )
    nuc_rise_ptr[fnum] = pointer_regions->cache_step.NucCoarseStep ( fnum );
    model_trace[fnum] = &block_model_trace[fnum*time_c->npts() ];
    //tmp_model_trace[fnum] = &tmp_block_model_trace[fnum*time_c->npts() ];
    incorporation_rise[fnum] = &block_incorporation_rise[fnum*time_c->npts() ];   // set up each flow information

    my_start[fnum] = pointer_regions->cache_step.i_start_coarse_step[fnum];

  // now loop calculating model and projecting, multiflow
  // at this point, we have amplitude = 1.0, krate= default in each flow
  for ( int projection_loop=0; projection_loop<num_iterations; projection_loop++ )

    // calculate incorporation given parameters
    for ( int fnum=0; fnum<flow_block_size; fnum++ )
      // can use the parallel trick
      // compute model based inccorporation trace
      // also done again and again
      //p->my_state.hits_by_flow[fnum]++; // temporary

      MathModel::ComputeCumulativeIncorporationHydrogens ( incorporation_rise[fnum],
          time_c->npts(), &time_c->deltaFrameSeconds[0], nuc_rise_ptr[fnum], ISIG_SUB_STEPS_MULTI_FLOW, my_start[fnum],
          my_cur_bead_block->C[fnum], p->Ampl[fnum], my_cur_bead_block->SP[fnum],
          my_cur_bead_block->kr[fnum], my_cur_bead_block->kmax[fnum], my_cur_bead_block->d[fnum], my_cur_bead_block->molecules_to_micromolar_conversion[fnum], math_poiss, reg_p->hydrogenModelType );

      MultiplyVectorByScalar ( incorporation_rise[fnum], my_cur_bead_block->sens[fnum],time_c->npts() ); // transform hydrogens to signal       // variables used for solving background signal shape

    // can be parallel
    if ( use_vectorization )
      MathModel::RedSolveHydrogenFlowInWell_Vec ( model_trace,incorporation_rise,time_c->npts(),&time_c->deltaFrame[0],my_cur_buffer_block->tauB, flow_block_size ); // we lose hydrogen ions fast!

      for ( int fnum=0; fnum<flow_block_size; fnum++ )
        // we do this bit again and again
        MathModel::RedSolveHydrogenFlowInWell ( model_trace[fnum],incorporation_rise[fnum],
                                     time_c->npts(),my_start[fnum],&time_c->deltaFrame[0],my_cur_buffer_block->tauB[fnum] );
      MultiplyVectorByScalar ( block_model_trace,p->gain,my_scratch->bead_flow_t );

    // magic trick: project onto model incorporation trace to find amplitude
    // because we're "almost" linear this trick works
    ProjectAmplitude ( p, my_scratch->observed, model_trace, em_vector,time_c->npts(), negative_amplitude_limit, positive_amplitude_limit, flow_block_size );
