bool SceneScriptCT04::ClickedOnActor(int actorId) { if (actorId == 12) { if (Game_Flag_Query(169)) { if (!Loop_Actor_Walk_To_Actor(kActorMcCoy, kActorTransient, 36, 1, false)) { Actor_Voice_Over(290, kActorVoiceOver); Actor_Voice_Over(300, kActorVoiceOver); Actor_Voice_Over(310, kActorVoiceOver); } } else { Actor_Set_Targetable(kActorTransient, false); if (!Loop_Actor_Walk_To_Actor(kActorMcCoy, kActorTransient, 36, 1, false)) { Actor_Face_Actor(kActorMcCoy, kActorTransient, true); if (!Game_Flag_Query(137)) { if (Game_Flag_Query(40)) { Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 435, 3); Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorTransient, 2); } else { Music_Stop(3); Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 425, 3); Actor_Says(kActorTransient, 0, 13); sub_401D4C(); Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorTransient, 2); } Game_Flag_Set(137); } else { Actor_Face_Actor(kActorMcCoy, kActorTransient, true); Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 435, 3); } } } return true; } return false; }
void ScriptNR08::PlayerWalkedOut() { Ambient_Sounds_Remove_All_Non_Looping_Sounds(1); Ambient_Sounds_Remove_All_Looping_Sounds(1); if (!Game_Flag_Query(547)) { Music_Stop(2); } }
void AIScriptLucy::voightKempTest() { Player_Loses_Control(); Actor_Face_Actor(kActorMcCoy, kActorLucy, 1); Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 6815, 11); Actor_Face_Actor(kActorLucy, kActorMcCoy, 1); Actor_Says(kActorLucy, 1060, 16); Actor_Says(kActorLucy, 1070, 17); Delay(1000); Actor_Says(kActorLucy, 1080, 14); Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 6820, 16); Actor_Says(kActorLucy, 1090, 13); if (!Game_Flag_Query(378)) { Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 6825, 13); } Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 6830, 12); Actor_Says(kActorLucy, 1100, 14); Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 6835, 14); Actor_Says(kActorLucy, 1110, 15); Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 6840, 13); Delay(1000); Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 6845, 12); Delay(500); Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 6850, 12); Actor_Says(kActorLucy, 1120, 14); Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 6855, 13); Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 6860, 13); Actor_Says(kActorLucy, 1130, 14); Music_Stop(2); Player_Gains_Control(); Voight_Kampff_Activate(6, 40); Player_Loses_Control(); if (Actor_Clue_Query(kActorMcCoy, 271)) { Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 6865, 13); Actor_Says(kActorLucy, 1140, 14); Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 6865, 14); Actor_Says(kActorLucy, 1150, 16); Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 6870, 14); Delay(500); Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 6875, 13); Actor_Says(kActorLucy, 1160, 16); } else { Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 6880, 13); Actor_Says(kActorLucy, 1170, 13); Actor_Says(kActorLucy, 1180, 16); Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 6890, 15); Actor_Says(kActorLucy, 1190, 15); Actor_Says(kActorLucy, 1200, 17); Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 6885, 13); Actor_Says(kActorLucy, 1210, 17); } Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 6895, 15); Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 6900, 11); Actor_Says(kActorLucy, 1220, 16); Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 6905, 13); Actor_Says(kActorLucy, 1230, 17); Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 6910, 13); Delay(2000); Player_Gains_Control(); Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorLucy, 312); }
bool ScriptHC03::ClickedOnExit(int exitId) { if (exitId == 0) { if (!Loop_Actor_Walk_To_XYZ(0, 607.0f, 0.14f, 9.0f, 0, 1, false, 0)) { Game_Flag_Set(387); Set_Enter(8, 31); } return true; } if (exitId == 1) { if (!Loop_Actor_Walk_To_XYZ(0, 628.0f, 2.04f, -123.0f, 0, 1, false, 0)) { if (Game_Flag_Query(388)) { Game_Flag_Set(319); Game_Flag_Reset(479); Game_Flag_Set(259); Game_Flag_Set(388); Music_Stop(2); Set_Enter(75, 87); } else { Scene_Loop_Set_Default(6); Scene_Loop_Start_Special(2, 5, 1); Game_Flag_Set(388); } } return true; } return false; }
int main() { char c; int note=0; // current Notes int printFlag=0; // if set to 0 it prints the notes when they change CyGlobalIntEnable; /* Enable global interrupts. */ CySysTickStart(); Music_Start(0); UART_Start(); sprintf(buff,"Started\n"); UART_UartPutString(buff); for(;;) { c = UART_UartGetChar(); switch(c) { case 's': UART_UartPutString("Start\n"); Music_PlaySong(0); break; case 'S': UART_UartPutString("Stop\n"); Music_Stop(); break; case 'p': printFlag=0; break; case 'P': printFlag = 1; break; case 't': // put it back to the default Music_SetBPM(0); break; case 'T': Music_SetBPM(60); break; case '1': Music_PlaySong(0); break; case '2': Music_PlaySong(1); break; } if(note != Music_GetNote() && printFlag) { note = Music_GetNote(); sprintf(buff,"Note = %d\n",note); UART_UartPutString(buff); } } }
// this function will toggle the music playing void PressB(void){ mute ^= 1; if (mute){ Music_Stop(); } else{ Music_Play(); } }
bool AIScriptClovis::ShotAtAndHit() { if (!Game_Flag_Query(697)) { if (Actor_Query_Goal_Number(kActorClovis) == 515) { ADQ_Flush(); Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorClovis, 599); shotAnim(); Actor_Set_Targetable(kActorClovis, false); ADQ_Add(kActorMcCoy, 2340, -1); Music_Stop(3); } else if (Actor_Query_Goal_Number(kActorClovis) == 513 || Actor_Query_Goal_Number(kActorClovis) == 518) { ADQ_Flush(); Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorClovis, 599); shotAnim(); Actor_Set_Targetable(kActorClovis, false); Music_Stop(3); } } return false; }
void SceneScriptDR04::SceneFrameAdvanced(int frame) { if (Game_Flag_Query(kFlagDR05ViewExplosion)) { Game_Flag_Reset(kFlagDR05ViewExplosion); Game_Flag_Reset(kFlagDR05BombWillExplode); Scene_Loop_Set_Default(kDR04LoopMainPostExplosion); Scene_Loop_Start_Special(kSceneLoopModeOnce, kDR04LoopDR04Explosion, true); Music_Stop(4); Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorMoraji, kGoalMorajiPerished); } else { if (Game_Flag_Query(kFlagDR05BombWillExplode)) { Game_Flag_Reset(kFlagDR05BombWillExplode); Game_Flag_Set(kFlagDR05BombExploded); Scene_Loop_Set_Default(kDR04LoopMainPostExplosion); Scene_Loop_Start_Special(kSceneLoopModeOnce, kDR04LoopDR04Explosion, true); Item_Remove_From_World(kItemBomb); } switch (frame) { case 193: Sound_Play(301, 100, 0, 100, 50); Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorMoraji, kGoalMorajiChooseFate); Player_Loses_Control(); Actor_Force_Stop_Walking(kActorMcCoy); if (farEnoughFromExplosion()) { if (Player_Query_Combat_Mode()) { Actor_Change_Animation_Mode(kActorMcCoy, kAnimationModeCombatHit); } else { Actor_Change_Animation_Mode(kActorMcCoy, kAnimationModeHit); } } else { Sound_Play_Speech_Line(kActorMcCoy, 9905, 100, 0, 99); Actor_Change_Animation_Mode(kActorMcCoy, kAnimationModeDie); Actor_Retired_Here(kActorMcCoy, 6, 6, true, -1); } Player_Gains_Control(); break; case 235: if (Actor_Query_Goal_Number(kActorMoraji) != kGoalMorajiJump && Actor_Query_Goal_Number(kActorMoraji) != kGoalMorajiLayDown && Actor_Query_Goal_Number(kActorMoraji) != kGoalMorajiPerished ) { Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorOfficerGrayford, 101); } Scene_Exits_Enable(); break; case 237: Overlay_Play("DR04OVER", 0, true, true, 0); break; } } }
void SceneScriptCT01::PlayerWalkedOut() { Ambient_Sounds_Remove_All_Non_Looping_Sounds(true); if (Game_Flag_Query(kFlagCT01toCT12)) { Ambient_Sounds_Remove_Looping_Sound(55, true); Ambient_Sounds_Remove_Looping_Sound(56, true); } else { Ambient_Sounds_Remove_All_Looping_Sounds(1); } Music_Stop(5); if (!Game_Flag_Query(kFlagMcCoyInChinaTown) && Global_Variable_Query(kVariableChapter) == 1) { Ambient_Sounds_Remove_All_Non_Looping_Sounds(true); Ambient_Sounds_Remove_All_Looping_Sounds(1); Outtake_Play(kOuttakeTowards3, true, -1); } }
void SceneScriptAR01::PlayerWalkedOut() { Actor_Set_Invisible(kActorMcCoy, false); Ambient_Sounds_Remove_All_Non_Looping_Sounds(true); Ambient_Sounds_Remove_All_Looping_Sounds(1); if (!Game_Flag_Query(kFlagMcCoyInHawkersCircle)) { Music_Stop(2); } if (!Game_Flag_Query(kFlagAR01toHC01) && !Game_Flag_Query(kFlagAR01toAR02) ) { Ambient_Sounds_Remove_All_Non_Looping_Sounds(true); Ambient_Sounds_Remove_All_Looping_Sounds(1); Outtake_Play(kOuttakeTowards3, true, -1); } }
bool SceneScriptMA02::ClickedOnExit(int exitId) { if (exitId == 0) { if (!Loop_Actor_Walk_To_XYZ(kActorMcCoy, 23.19f, -144.12f, 378.27f, 0, 1, false, 0)) { Music_Stop(10); Game_Flag_Set(33); Set_Enter(52, 52); } return true; } if (exitId == 1) { if (!Loop_Actor_Walk_To_XYZ(kActorMcCoy, -168.0f, -144.13f, 10.27f, 0, 1, false, 0)) { Game_Flag_Set(35); Set_Enter(50, 50); } return true; } return false; }
int main() { char c; int note=0; // current note int printFlag=0; // if set to 0 it prints the notes when they change CyGlobalIntEnable; CySysTickStart(); Music_Start(0); UART_Start(); UART_UartPutString("Started\n"); Music_AddSong(1,&scale); for(;;) { c = UART_UartGetChar(); switch(c) { #ifdef Music_TWOCHANNELS case 'b': Music_BuzzOn(300,0); break; // turn on the buzzer 1 case 'B': Music_BuzzOff(); break; // turn off the buzzer 1 case 'n': Music_BuzzOn(200,500); break; // turn on the buzzer for 500ms #endif case 'p': printFlag=0; break; // turn off the note printer case 'P': printFlag = 1; break; // turn on the note printer case 't': Music_SetBPM(0); break; // Put the song back to the default case 'T': Music_SetBPM(60); break; // Put the current song to 60BPM case '1': Music_PlaySong(0,0); break; // Play the 1st Song case '2': Music_PlaySong(1,0); break; // Play the 2nd Song case 's': UART_UartPutString("Stop\n"); Music_Stop(); break; } if(note != Music_GetNote() && printFlag) { note = Music_GetNote(); sprintf(buff,"Note = %d\n",note); UART_UartPutString(buff); } } }
void ScriptNR08::InitializeScene() { if (Actor_Query_Goal_Number(1) == 231) { Setup_Scene_Information(-1174.1f, 0.32f, 303.9f, 435); } else if (Game_Flag_Query(546)) { Scene_Loop_Start_Special(0, 0, 0); Scene_Loop_Set_Default(1); Setup_Scene_Information(-1102.88f, 0.0f, 107.43f, 0); if (Actor_Query_Goal_Number(3) == 210) { Music_Stop(1); } } else if (Game_Flag_Query(439)) { Setup_Scene_Information(-724.7f, 0.0f, 384.24f, 1000); Game_Flag_Reset(439); } else if (Game_Flag_Query(615)) { Setup_Scene_Information(-1663.33f, 0.65f, 342.84f, 330); Game_Flag_Reset(615); } Scene_Exit_Add_2D_Exit(0, 610, 0, 639, 479, 1); if (Actor_Query_Goal_Number(3) != 210) { Scene_Exit_Add_2D_Exit(1, 0, 309, 30, 398, 3); Scene_Exit_Add_2D_Exit(2, 520, 330, 556, 386, 0); } Ambient_Sounds_Add_Looping_Sound(280, 50, 38, 0); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(252, 3, 60, 14, 14, 60, 90, -101, -101, 0, 0); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(254, 3, 60, 14, 14, 60, 90, -101, -101, 0, 0); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(255, 3, 60, 14, 14, 60, 90, -101, -101, 0, 0); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(256, 3, 60, 14, 14, 60, 90, -101, -101, 0, 0); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(257, 3, 60, 14, 14, 60, 90, -101, -101, 0, 0); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(258, 3, 60, 14, 14, 60, 90, -101, -101, 0, 0); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(259, 3, 60, 16, 16, -100, 100, -101, -101, 0, 0); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(260, 3, 60, 16, 16, -100, 100, -101, -101, 0, 0); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(261, 3, 60, 16, 16, -100, 100, -101, -101, 0, 0); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(262, 3, 60, 16, 16, -100, 100, -101, -101, 0, 0); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(182, 5, 70, 12, 12, -100, 100, -101, -101, 0, 0); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(184, 5, 70, 12, 12, -100, 100, -101, -101, 0, 0); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(185, 5, 70, 12, 12, -100, 100, -101, -101, 0, 0); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(186, 5, 70, 12, 12, -100, 100, -101, -101, 0, 0); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(188, 5, 70, 12, 12, -100, 100, -101, -101, 0, 0); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(189, 5, 70, 12, 12, -100, 100, -101, -101, 0, 0); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(191, 5, 70, 12, 12, -100, 100, -101, -101, 0, 0); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(192, 5, 70, 12, 12, -100, 100, -101, -101, 0, 0); Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(195, 5, 70, 12, 12, -100, 100, -101, -101, 0, 0); Scene_Loop_Set_Default(1); }
void ScriptUG05::PlayerWalkedIn() { if (Game_Flag_Query(663)) { if (Game_Flag_Query(368)) { Music_Stop(2); Actor_Put_In_Set(24, 78); Actor_Set_At_XYZ(24, 4.22f, -1.37f, -925.0f, 750); Actor_Set_Goal_Number(24, 599); Actor_Retired_Here(24, 70, 36, 1, -1); int v0 = sub_4021B0(); if (v0 == 3) { Actor_Put_In_Set(3, 78); Actor_Set_At_XYZ(3, -100.0f, -10.31f, -906.0f, 866); Actor_Force_Stop_Walking(3); } else if (v0 == 6) { Actor_Put_In_Set(6, 78); Actor_Set_At_XYZ(6, -100.0f, -10.31f, -906.0f, 866); Actor_Force_Stop_Walking(6); } } else { if (!Actor_Query_In_Set(23, 78)) { Actor_Put_In_Set(23, 78); Actor_Set_At_XYZ(23, 0.0f, -1.37f, -1400.0f, 768); } if (!Actor_Query_In_Set(24, 78)) { ADQ_Flush(); ADQ_Add(24, 280, 3); Actor_Put_In_Set(24, 78); Actor_Set_At_XYZ(24, -16.0f, -1.37f, -960.0f, 768); } } } if (Game_Flag_Query(360)) { if (Game_Flag_Query(663) && !Game_Flag_Query(368)) { Loop_Actor_Walk_To_XYZ(0, -288.35f, 132.77f, -1092.36f, 0, 1, false, 0); } else { Loop_Actor_Travel_Stairs(0, 2, 0, 0); } } if (Game_Flag_Query(663)) { Game_Flag_Query(368); } Game_Flag_Reset(360); }
void SceneScriptUG05::PlayerWalkedIn() { if (Game_Flag_Query(663)) { if (Game_Flag_Query(368)) { Music_Stop(2); Actor_Put_In_Set(kActorOfficerGrayford, 78); Actor_Set_At_XYZ(kActorOfficerGrayford, 4.22f, -1.37f, -925.0f, 750); Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorOfficerGrayford, 599); Actor_Retired_Here(kActorOfficerGrayford, 70, 36, 1, -1); int v0 = sub_4021B0(); if (v0 == kActorDektora) { Actor_Put_In_Set(kActorDektora, 78); Actor_Set_At_XYZ(kActorDektora, -100.0f, -10.31f, -906.0f, 866); Actor_Force_Stop_Walking(kActorDektora); } else if (v0 == kActorLucy){ Actor_Put_In_Set(kActorLucy, 78); Actor_Set_At_XYZ(kActorLucy, -100.0f, -10.31f, -906.0f, 866); Actor_Force_Stop_Walking(kActorLucy); } } else { if (!Actor_Query_In_Set(kActorOfficerLeary, 78)) { Actor_Put_In_Set(kActorOfficerLeary, 78); Actor_Set_At_XYZ(kActorOfficerLeary, 0.0f, -1.37f, -1400.0f, 768); } if (!Actor_Query_In_Set(kActorOfficerGrayford, 78)) { ADQ_Flush(); ADQ_Add(kActorOfficerGrayford, 280, 3); Actor_Put_In_Set(kActorOfficerGrayford, 78); Actor_Set_At_XYZ(kActorOfficerGrayford, -16.0f, -1.37f, -960.0f, 768); } } } if (Game_Flag_Query(360)) { if (Game_Flag_Query(663) && !Game_Flag_Query(368)) { Loop_Actor_Walk_To_XYZ(kActorMcCoy, -288.35f, 132.77f, -1092.36f, 0, 1, false, 0); } else { Loop_Actor_Travel_Stairs(kActorMcCoy, 2, 0, 0); } } if (Game_Flag_Query(663)) { Game_Flag_Query(368); } Game_Flag_Reset(360); }
bool SceneScriptHC04::ClickedOnExit(int exitId) { if (exitId == 0) { if (!Loop_Actor_Walk_To_XYZ(kActorMcCoy, -108.0f, 0.14f, -639.0f, 0, 1, false, 0)) { Music_Stop(2); Game_Flag_Set(107); Game_Flag_Reset(479); Game_Flag_Set(182); Set_Enter(70, kSceneRC03); } return true; } if (exitId == 1) { if (!Loop_Actor_Walk_To_XYZ(kActorMcCoy, -72.0f, 0.14f, -399.0f, 0, 1, false, 0)) { Game_Flag_Set(109); Set_Enter(8, kSceneHC02); } return true; } return false; }
void SceneScriptAR01::PlayerWalkedOut() { Actor_Set_Invisible(kActorMcCoy, false); Ambient_Sounds_Remove_All_Non_Looping_Sounds(true); Ambient_Sounds_Remove_All_Looping_Sounds(1); if (!Game_Flag_Query(kFlagMcCoyInHawkersCircle)) { Music_Stop(2); } if (!Game_Flag_Query(kFlagAR01toHC01) && !Game_Flag_Query(kFlagAR01toAR02) ) { #if BLADERUNNER_ORIGINAL_BUGS Outtake_Play(kOuttakeTowards3, true, -1); #else if (!Game_Flag_Query(kFlagMcCoyInTyrellBuilding)) { // don't play an extra outtake when going to Tyrell Building Outtake_Play(kOuttakeTowards3, true, -1); // Act 1, 2, 3 } #endif // BLADERUNNER_ORIGINAL_BUGS } }
bool ScriptAR02::ClickedOnExit(int exitId) { if (exitId == 0) { if (!Loop_Actor_Walk_To_XYZ(0, -182.0f, 0.0f, -551.0f, 0, 1, false, 0)) { Game_Flag_Set(321); Async_Actor_Walk_To_XYZ(0, -182.0f, 0.0f, -407.0f, 0, false); Set_Enter(0, 0); } return true; } if (exitId == 1) { if (!Loop_Actor_Walk_To_XYZ(0, -465.0f, 0.0f, -799.0f, 0, 1, false, 0)) { Loop_Actor_Walk_To_XYZ(0, -560.0f, 0.0f, -799.0f, 0, 0, false, 0); Game_Flag_Set(117); Game_Flag_Reset(180); Game_Flag_Set(182); Music_Stop(3); Set_Enter(70, 80); } return true; } return false; }
void ScriptNR08::SceneFrameAdvanced(int frame) { if (!Music_Is_Playing()) { sub_4021B4(); } Set_Fade_Color(0, 0, 0); if (frame >= 76 && frame < 91) { Set_Fade_Density((frame - 76) / 14.0f); Music_Stop(3); Ambient_Sounds_Play_Sound(566, 27, 0, 99, 0); } else if (frame >= 91 && frame < 120) { Actor_Set_Invisible(0, true); Set_Fade_Density(1.0f); } else if (frame >= 120 && frame < 135) { Set_Fade_Density((134 - frame) / 14.0f); Music_Play(7, 61, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0); } else { Actor_Set_Invisible(0, false); Set_Fade_Density(0.0f); } if (Game_Flag_Query(651) && !Game_Flag_Query(636)) { Game_Flag_Set(636); Scene_Exits_Disable(); Scene_Loop_Set_Default(1); Scene_Loop_Start_Special(2, 3, 1); } if (frame == 95) { Actor_Put_In_Set(3, 91); Actor_Set_At_Waypoint(3, 33, 0); Actor_Change_Animation_Mode(3, 0); Actor_Set_Goal_Number(3, 200); Scene_Exit_Add_2D_Exit(1, 0, 309, 30, 398, 3); Scene_Exit_Add_2D_Exit(2, 520, 330, 556, 386, 0); } if (frame == 130) { Scene_Exits_Enable(); } //return false; }
// reads next note void Next_Note(void){ long noteLength; // if (Songs[Song_Sel].Pt[Current_Spot].Slur == 0){ // Vol = Songs[Song_Sel].Volume; // } Current_Spot ++; if(Current_Spot == Songs[Song_Sel].Length){ // music stops after played one round Current_Spot = 0; if (Songs[Song_Sel].Repeat == 0){ Music_Stop(); return; } } //Song.Pt = &Notes[Current_Spot]; noteLength = Beat/(Songs[Song_Sel].Pt[Current_Spot].Duration); // dotted notes add half the value of the note if(Songs[Song_Sel].Pt[Current_Spot].Dotted == 1){ noteLength = noteLength + (noteLength/2); } Change_Frequency(Songs[Song_Sel].Pt[Current_Spot].Pitch); Change_Note_Length(noteLength,Songs[Song_Sel].Pt[Current_Spot].Slur); }
void SceneScriptDR04::PlayerWalkedOut() { Music_Stop(2); Ambient_Sounds_Remove_All_Non_Looping_Sounds(true); Ambient_Sounds_Remove_All_Looping_Sounds(1); }
// selects a new song in the Songs array void Change_Song(char newSong){ Music_Stop(); Song_Sel = newSong; Beat = (Songs[Song_Sel].TimeSig*1000*60)/(Songs[Song_Sel].Tempo); Music_Play(); }
void ScriptKP07::PlayerWalkedOut() { Music_Stop(3); }
void SceneScriptCT07::PlayerWalkedOut() { Music_Stop(2); }
bool ScriptNR11::ClickedOn3DObject(const char *objectName, bool a2) { if (Object_Query_Click("CLOTHING02", objectName) || Object_Query_Click("BOX27", objectName) || Object_Query_Click("BOX39", objectName) || Object_Query_Click("BOX44", objectName) || Object_Query_Click("DRESS", objectName) || Object_Query_Click("COATRACK", objectName) || Object_Query_Click("COLUMN3 DETS", objectName) || Object_Query_Click("COLUMN PIPE01", objectName) || Object_Query_Click("RECTANGLE02", objectName) || Object_Query_Click("COLUMN04", objectName) || Object_Query_Click("COATRACK01", objectName) || Object_Query_Click("SHIRT", objectName) || Object_Query_Click("SKIRT 02", objectName) || Object_Query_Click("CLOTHING B 03", objectName) || Object_Query_Click("BUST BUST", objectName)) { if (a2) { Actor_Set_Goal_Number(1, 211); Scene_Exits_Disable(); sub_4028EC(); Player_Loses_Control(); if (!Player_Query_Combat_Mode()) { Player_Set_Combat_Mode(true); } Actor_Set_Goal_Number(0, 230); Scene_Loop_Set_Default(3); Scene_Loop_Start_Special(2, 2, 1); } else if (Actor_Query_Goal_Number(3) == 250) { if (!Loop_Actor_Walk_To_XYZ(0, 24.0f, 0.33f, 0.0f, 0, 1, false, 0)) { Actor_Face_XYZ(0, -180.0f, 0.0f, -170.0f, true); sub_4028EC(); Actor_Set_Goal_Number(1, 211); if (Actor_Query_Friendliness_To_Other(3, 0) < 30) { Actor_Set_At_XYZ(3, 0.5f, 0.33f, -162.0f, 0); Loop_Actor_Walk_To_XYZ(3, -24.0f, 0.33f, -35.4f, 0, 0, true, 0); Actor_Face_Actor(0, 3, true); Actor_Change_Animation_Mode(3, 71); Delay(500); Actor_Change_Animation_Mode(0, 48); Delay(2000); Actor_Set_Goal_Number(0, 231); } else { Actor_Says(0, 3840, 18); Delay(1000); if (Actor_Query_Friendliness_To_Other(3, 0) > 59 && !Global_Variable_Query(45)) { Music_Play(21, 35, 0, 3, -1, 0, 0); } Loop_Actor_Walk_To_XYZ(3, -135.0f, 0.33000001f, -267.0f, 0, 0, false, 0); Actor_Face_Actor(3, 0, true); Actor_Face_Actor(0, 3, true); Actor_Clue_Acquire(0, 107, 1, 3); Actor_Says(3, 990, 13); Actor_Says(3, 1000, 14); Loop_Actor_Walk_To_Actor(3, 0, 108, 0, false); Actor_Says(0, 3845, 13); Actor_Says(0, 3850, 15); Actor_Says(3, 1010, 14); Actor_Says(0, 3855, 13); Actor_Says(3, 1020, 12); Actor_Says(0, 3860, 12); Actor_Says_With_Pause(3, 1030, 1.0f, 14); Actor_Says(3, 1040, 13); Actor_Says(0, 3865, 15); Actor_Says_With_Pause(3, 1050, 0.80000001f, 14); Actor_Says(3, 1060, 13); Actor_Says(0, 3870, 3); Actor_Says(3, 1070, 14); Actor_Modify_Friendliness_To_Other(3, 0, 5); if (Actor_Query_Friendliness_To_Other(3, 0) > 55 && !Global_Variable_Query(45)) { Global_Variable_Set(45, 2); Actor_Says(3, 1130, 17); Actor_Says(0, 6365, 12); Actor_Says(3, 1140, 14); Actor_Says(0, 6370, 14); Actor_Says(3, 1150, 12); Actor_Says(3, 1160, 16); } Actor_Says(3, 1080, 13); Actor_Says(0, 3875, 14); Actor_Says(3, 1090, 17); Music_Stop(4); Actor_Set_Goal_Number(3, 260); if (Global_Variable_Query(40) == 1) { Actor_Set_Goal_Number(1, 236); } Game_Flag_Set(591); } } else { if (Random_Query(1, 2) == 1) { Actor_Says(0, 8575, 14); } else { Actor_Says(0, 8580, 14); } } } return true; } return false; }
void SceneScriptHF04::PlayerWalkedOut() { Music_Stop(5); }
void SceneScriptNR06::PlayerWalkedOut() { if (Game_Flag_Query(441)) { Music_Stop(2); } }
void _Music_Start() { int ret; // always init SND, so banner sounds play if music disabled ASND_Init(); ASND_Pause(0); if ( == 0) { dbg_printf(gt("Music: Disabled")); dbg_printf("\n"); return; } else { dbg_printf(gt("Music: Enabled")); dbg_printf("\n"); } was_playing = false; //get a music file ret = get_music_file(); if (ret==0) return; if (music_format == FORMAT_MP3) { MP3Player_Init(); MP3Player_Volume(0x80); // of 255 //ret = MP3Player_PlayBuffer(music_buf, music_size, NULL); ret = MP3Player_PlayFile(music_f, mp3_reader, NULL); dbg_printf("mp3 play: %s (%d)\n", ret? gt("ERROR"):gt("OK"), ret); if (ret) goto err_play; usleep(10000); // wait 10ms and verify if playing if (!MP3Player_IsPlaying()) { err_play: printf(gt("Error playing %s"), music_fname); printf("\n"); Music_Stop(); sleep(1); } } else { music_buf = malloc(music_size); if (!music_buf) { printf(gt("music file too big (%d) %s"), music_size, music_fname); printf("\n"); sleep(1); music_format = 0; return; } //printf("Loading...\n"); ret = fread(music_buf, music_size, 1, music_f); //printf("size: %d %d\n", music_size, ret); sleep(2); fclose(music_f); music_f = NULL; if (ret != 1) { printf(gt("error reading: %s (%d)"), music_fname, music_size); printf("\n"); sleep(2); free(music_buf); music_buf = NULL; music_size = 0; music_format = 0; return; } MODPlay_Init(&mod); ret = MODPlay_SetMOD(&mod, music_buf); dbg_printf("mod play: %s (%d)\n", ret?gt("ERROR"):gt("OK"), ret); if (ret < 0 ) { Music_Stop(); } else { MODPlay_SetVolume(&mod, 32,32); // fix the volume to 32 (max 64) MODPlay_Start(&mod); // Play the MOD } } }