static void NET_CL_ParseResendRequest(net_packet_t *packet)
    static unsigned int start;
    static unsigned int end;
    static unsigned int num_tics;

    if (drone)
        // Drones don't send gamedata.


    if (!NET_ReadInt32(packet, &start)
     || !NET_ReadInt8(packet, &num_tics))

    end = start + num_tics - 1;

    //printf("requested resend %i-%i .. ", start, end);

    // Check we have the tics being requested.  If not, reduce the 
    // window of tics to only what we have.

    while (start <= end
        && (!send_queue[start % BACKUPTICS].active
         || send_queue[start % BACKUPTICS].seq != start))
    while (start <= end
        && (!send_queue[end % BACKUPTICS].active
         || send_queue[end % BACKUPTICS].seq != end))

    //printf("%i-%i\n", start, end);

    // Resend those tics

    if (start <= end)
        //printf("CL: resend %i-%i\n", start, start+num_tics-1);

        NET_CL_SendTics(start, end);
static void NET_SV_ParseResendRequest(net_packet_t *packet, net_client_t *client)
    unsigned int start, last;
    unsigned int num_tics;
    unsigned int i;

    NET_Log("server: processing resend request");

    // Read the starting tic and number of tics

    if (!NET_ReadInt32(packet, &start)
     || !NET_ReadInt8(packet, &num_tics))
        NET_Log("server: error: missing fields for resend");

    //printf("SV: %p: resend %i-%i\n", client, start, start+num_tics-1);

    // Check we have all the requested tics

    last = start + num_tics - 1;

    for (i=start; i<=last; ++i)
        net_full_ticcmd_t *cmd;

        cmd = &client->sendqueue[i % BACKUPTICS];

        if (i != cmd->seq)
            // We do not have the requested tic (any more)
            // This is pretty fatal.  We could disconnect the client, 
            // but then again this could be a spoofed packet.  Just 
            // ignore it.
            NET_Log("server: error: don't have tic %d any more, "
                    "can't resend", i);

    // Resend those tics
    NET_Log("server: resending tics %d-%d", start, last);
    NET_SV_SendTics(client, start, last);
Example #3
boolean NET_ReadSettings(net_packet_t *packet, net_gamesettings_t *settings)
    boolean success;
    int i;

    success = NET_ReadInt8(packet, (unsigned int *) &settings->ticdup)
           && NET_ReadInt8(packet, (unsigned int *) &settings->extratics)
           && NET_ReadInt8(packet, (unsigned int *) &settings->deathmatch)
           && NET_ReadInt8(packet, (unsigned int *) &settings->nomonsters)
           && NET_ReadInt8(packet, (unsigned int *) &settings->fast_monsters)
           && NET_ReadInt8(packet, (unsigned int *) &settings->respawn_monsters)
           && NET_ReadInt8(packet, (unsigned int *) &settings->episode)
           && NET_ReadInt8(packet, (unsigned int *) &settings->map)
           && NET_ReadSInt8(packet, &settings->skill)
           && NET_ReadInt8(packet, (unsigned int *) &settings->gameversion)
           && NET_ReadInt8(packet, (unsigned int *) &settings->lowres_turn)
           && NET_ReadInt8(packet, (unsigned int *) &settings->new_sync)
           && NET_ReadInt32(packet, (unsigned int *) &settings->timelimit)
           && NET_ReadSInt8(packet, (signed int *) &settings->loadgame)
           && NET_ReadInt8(packet, (unsigned int *) &settings->random)
           && NET_ReadInt8(packet, (unsigned int *) &settings->num_players)
           && NET_ReadSInt8(packet, (signed int *) &settings->consoleplayer);

    if (!success)
        return false;

    for (i = 0; i < settings->num_players; ++i)
        if (!NET_ReadInt8(packet,
                          (unsigned int *) &settings->player_classes[i]))
            return false;

    return true;
Example #4
static void NET_SV_ParseSYN(net_packet_t *packet, 
                            net_client_t *client,
                            net_addr_t *addr)
    unsigned int magic;
    unsigned int cl_gamemode, cl_gamemission;
    unsigned int cl_recording_lowres;
    unsigned int cl_drone;
    unsigned int is_freedoom;
    md5_digest_t deh_md5sum, wad_md5sum;
    char *player_name;
    char *client_version;
    int i;

    // read the magic number

    if (!NET_ReadInt32(packet, &magic))

    if (magic != NET_MAGIC_NUMBER)
        // invalid magic number


    // Check the client version is the same as the server

    client_version = NET_ReadString(packet);

    if (client_version == NULL)

    if (strcmp(client_version, PACKAGE_STRING) != 0)
        // @category net
        // When running a netgame server, ignore version mismatches between
        // the server and the client. Using this option may cause game
        // desyncs to occur, or differences in protocol may mean the netgame
        // will simply not function at all.

        if (M_CheckParm("-ignoreversion") == 0) 
                              "Version mismatch: server version is: "

    // read the game mode and mission

    if (!NET_ReadInt16(packet, &cl_gamemode) 
     || !NET_ReadInt16(packet, &cl_gamemission)
     || !NET_ReadInt8(packet, &cl_recording_lowres)
     || !NET_ReadInt8(packet, &cl_drone)
     || !NET_ReadMD5Sum(packet, wad_md5sum)
     || !NET_ReadMD5Sum(packet, deh_md5sum)
     || !NET_ReadInt8(packet, &is_freedoom))

    if (!NET_ValidGameMode(cl_gamemode, cl_gamemission))

    // read the player's name

    player_name = NET_ReadString(packet);

    if (player_name == NULL)
    // received a valid SYN

    // not accepting new connections?
    if (server_state != SERVER_WAITING_START)
        NET_SV_SendReject(addr, "Server is not currently accepting connections");
    // allocate a client slot if there isn't one already

    if (client == NULL)
        // find a slot, or return if none found

        for (i=0; i<MAXNETNODES; ++i)
            if (!clients[i].active)
                client = &clients[i];

        if (client == NULL)
        // If this is a recently-disconnected client, deactivate
        // to allow immediate reconnection

        if (client->connection.state == NET_CONN_STATE_DISCONNECTED)
            client->active = false;

    // New client?

    if (!client->active)
        int num_players;

        // Before accepting a new client, check that there is a slot
        // free

        num_players = NET_SV_NumPlayers();

        if ((!cl_drone && num_players >= MAXPLAYERS)
         || NET_SV_NumClients() >= MAXNETNODES)
            NET_SV_SendReject(addr, "Server is full!");

        // TODO: Add server option to allow rejecting clients which
        // set lowres_turn.  This is potentially desirable as the 
        // presence of such clients affects turning resolution.

        // Adopt the game mode and mission of the first connecting client

        if (num_players == 0 && !cl_drone)
            sv_gamemode = cl_gamemode;
            sv_gamemission = cl_gamemission;

        // Save the MD5 checksums

        memcpy(client->wad_md5sum, wad_md5sum, sizeof(md5_digest_t));
        memcpy(client->deh_md5sum, deh_md5sum, sizeof(md5_digest_t));
        client->is_freedoom = is_freedoom;

        // Check the connecting client is playing the same game as all
        // the other clients

        if (cl_gamemode != sv_gamemode || cl_gamemission != sv_gamemission)
            NET_SV_SendReject(addr, "You are playing the wrong game!");
        // Activate, initialize connection

        NET_SV_InitNewClient(client, addr, player_name);

        client->recording_lowres = cl_recording_lowres;
        client->drone = cl_drone;

    if (client->connection.state == NET_CONN_STATE_WAITING_ACK)
        // force an acknowledgement
        client->connection.last_send_time = -1;
static void NET_SV_ParseSYN(net_packet_t *packet, net_client_t *client,
                            net_addr_t *addr)
    unsigned int magic;
    net_connect_data_t data;
    net_packet_t *reply;
    net_protocol_t protocol;
    char *player_name;
    char *client_version;
    int num_players;
    int i;

    NET_Log("server: processing SYN packet");

    // Read the magic number and check it is the expected one.
    if (!NET_ReadInt32(packet, &magic))
        NET_Log("server: error: no magic number for SYN");

    switch (magic)
        case NET_MAGIC_NUMBER:

        case NET_OLD_MAGIC_NUMBER:
            NET_Log("server: error: client using old magic number: %d", magic);
                "You are using an old client version that is not supported by "
                "this server. This server is running " PACKAGE_STRING ".");

            NET_Log("server: error: wrong magic number: %d", magic);

    // Read the client version string. We actually now only use this when
    // sending a reject message, as we only reject if we can't negotiate a
    // common protocol (below).
    client_version = NET_ReadString(packet);
    if (client_version == NULL)
        NET_Log("server: error: no version from client");

    // Read the client's list of accepted protocols. Net play between forks
    // of Chocolate Doom is accepted provided that they can negotiate a
    // common accepted protocol.
    protocol = NET_ReadProtocolList(packet);
    if (protocol == NET_PROTOCOL_UNKNOWN)
        char reject_msg[256];

        M_snprintf(reject_msg, sizeof(reject_msg),
            "Version mismatch: server version is: " PACKAGE_STRING "; "
            "client is: %s. No common compatible protocol could be "
            "negotiated.", client_version);
        NET_SV_SendReject(addr, reject_msg);
        NET_Log("server: error: no common protocol");

    // Read connect data, and check that the game mode/mission are valid
    // and the max_players value is in a sensible range.
    if (!NET_ReadConnectData(packet, &data))
        NET_Log("server: error: failed to read connect data");

    if (!D_ValidGameMode(data.gamemission, data.gamemode)
     || data.max_players > NET_MAXPLAYERS)
        NET_Log("server: error: invalid connect data, max_players=%d, "
                "gamemission=%d, gamemode=%d",
                data.max_players, data.gamemission, data.gamemode);

    // Read the player's name
    player_name = NET_ReadString(packet);
    if (player_name == NULL)
        NET_Log("server: error: failed to read player name");

    // At this point we have received a valid SYN.

    // Not accepting new connections?
    if (server_state != SERVER_WAITING_LAUNCH)
        NET_Log("server: error: not in waiting launch state, server_state=%d",
                          "Server is not currently accepting connections");

    // Before accepting a new client, check that there is a slot free.
    num_players = NET_SV_NumPlayers();

    if ((!data.drone && num_players >= NET_SV_MaxPlayers())
     || NET_SV_NumClients() >= MAXNETNODES)
        NET_Log("server: no more players, num_players=%d, max=%d",
                num_players, NET_SV_MaxPlayers());
        NET_SV_SendReject(addr, "Server is full!");

    // TODO: Add server option to allow rejecting clients which set
    // lowres_turn.  This is potentially desirable as the presence of such
    // clients affects turning resolution.

    // Adopt the game mode and mission of the first connecting client:
    if (num_players == 0 && !data.drone)
        sv_gamemode = data.gamemode;
        sv_gamemission = data.gamemission;
        NET_Log("server: new game, mode=%d, mission=%d",
                sv_gamemode, sv_gamemission);

    // Check the connecting client is playing the same game as all
    // the other clients
    if (data.gamemode != sv_gamemode || data.gamemission != sv_gamemission)
        char msg[128];
        NET_Log("server: wrong mode/mission, %d != %d || %d != %d",
                data.gamemode, sv_gamemode, data.gamemission, sv_gamemission);
        M_snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg),
                   "Game mismatch: server is %s (%s), client is %s (%s)",

        NET_SV_SendReject(addr, msg);

    // Allocate a client slot if there isn't one already
    if (client == NULL)
        // find a slot, or return if none found

        for (i=0; i<MAXNETNODES; ++i)
            if (!clients[i].active)
                client = &clients[i];

        if (client == NULL)
        // If this is a recently-disconnected client, deactivate
        // to allow immediate reconnection

        if (client->connection.state == NET_CONN_STATE_DISCONNECTED)
            client->active = false;

    // Client already connected?
    if (client->active)
        NET_Log("server: client is already initialized (duplicate SYN?)");

    // Activate, initialize connection
    NET_SV_InitNewClient(client, addr, protocol);

    // Save the SHA1 checksums and other details.
    memcpy(client->wad_sha1sum, data.wad_sha1sum, sizeof(sha1_digest_t));
    memcpy(client->deh_sha1sum, data.deh_sha1sum, sizeof(sha1_digest_t));
    client->is_freedoom = data.is_freedoom;
    client->max_players = data.max_players;
    client->name = M_StringDuplicate(player_name);
    client->recording_lowres = data.lowres_turn;
    client->drone = data.drone;
    client->player_class = data.player_class;

    // Send a reply back to the client, indicating a successful connection
    // and specifying the protocol that will be used for communications.
    reply = NET_Conn_NewReliable(&client->connection, NET_PACKET_TYPE_SYN);
    NET_WriteString(reply, PACKAGE_STRING);
    NET_WriteProtocol(reply, protocol);