Example #1
NITFDES *NITFDESAccess( NITFFile *psFile, int iSegment )

    NITFDES   *psDES;
    char      *pachHeader;
    NITFSegmentInfo *psSegInfo;
    char       szDESID[26];
    char       szTemp[128];
    int        nOffset;
    int        bHasDESOFLW;
    int        nDESSHL;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Verify segment, and return existing DES accessor if there       */
/*      is one.                                                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( iSegment < 0 || iSegment >= psFile->nSegmentCount )
        return NULL;

    psSegInfo = psFile->pasSegmentInfo + iSegment;

    if( !EQUAL(psSegInfo->szSegmentType,"DE") )
        return NULL;

    if( psSegInfo->hAccess != NULL )
        return (NITFDES *) psSegInfo->hAccess;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Read the DES subheader.                                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if (psSegInfo->nSegmentHeaderSize < 200)
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                    "DES header too small");
        return NULL;

    pachHeader = (char*) VSIMalloc(psSegInfo->nSegmentHeaderSize);
    if (pachHeader == NULL)
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_OutOfMemory,
                 "Cannot allocate memory for segment header");
        return NULL;

    if( VSIFSeekL( psFile->fp, psSegInfo->nSegmentHeaderStart, 
                  SEEK_SET ) != 0 
        || VSIFReadL( pachHeader, 1, psSegInfo->nSegmentHeaderSize, 
                     psFile->fp ) != psSegInfo->nSegmentHeaderSize )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_FileIO, 
                  "Failed to read %u byte DES subheader from " CPL_FRMT_GUIB ".",
                  psSegInfo->nSegmentHeaderStart );
        return NULL;

    if (!EQUALN(pachHeader, "DE", 2))
        if (EQUALN(pachHeader + 4, "DERegistered", 12))
            /* BAO_46_Ed1/rpf/conc/concz10/000fz010.ona and cie are buggy */
            CPLDebug("NITF", "Patching nSegmentHeaderStart and nSegmentStart for DE segment %d", iSegment);
            psSegInfo->nSegmentHeaderStart += 4;
            psSegInfo->nSegmentStart += 4;
            goto retry;

        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                 "Invalid segment prefix for DE segment %d", iSegment);

        return NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Initialize DES object.                                          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    psDES = (NITFDES *) CPLCalloc(sizeof(NITFDES),1);

    psDES->psFile = psFile;
    psDES->iSegment = iSegment;
    psDES->pachHeader = pachHeader;

    psSegInfo->hAccess = psDES;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Collect a variety of information as metadata.                   */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#define GetMD( length, name )              \
    do { NITFExtractMetadata( &(psDES->papszMetadata), pachHeader,    \
                         nOffset, length,                        \
                         "NITF_" #name ); \
    nOffset += length; } while(0)

    nOffset = 2;
    GetMD( 25, DESID  );
    GetMD(  2, DESVER );
    GetMD(  1, DECLAS );
    GetMD(  2, DESCLSY );
    GetMD( 11, DESCODE );
    GetMD(  2, DESCTLH );
    GetMD( 20, DESREL  );
    GetMD(  2, DESDCTP );
    GetMD(  8, DESDCDT );
    GetMD(  4, DESDCXM );
    GetMD(  1, DESDG   );
    GetMD(  8, DESDGDT );
    GetMD( 43, DESCLTX );
    GetMD(  1, DESCATP );
    GetMD( 40, DESCAUT );
    GetMD(  1, DESCRSN );
    GetMD(  8, DESSRDT );
    GetMD( 15, DESCTLN );

    /* Load DESID */
    NITFGetField( szDESID, pachHeader, 2, 25);

    /* For NITF < 02.10, we cannot rely on DESID=TRE_OVERFLOW to detect */
    /* if DESOFLW and DESITEM are present. So if the next 4 bytes are non */
    /* numeric, we'll assume that DESOFLW is there */
       (!((pachHeader[nOffset+0] >= '0' && pachHeader[nOffset+0] <= '9') &&
          (pachHeader[nOffset+1] >= '0' && pachHeader[nOffset+1] <= '9') &&
          (pachHeader[nOffset+2] >= '0' && pachHeader[nOffset+2] <= '9') &&
          (pachHeader[nOffset+3] >= '0' && pachHeader[nOffset+3] <= '9')));

    if (bHasDESOFLW)
        if ((int)psSegInfo->nSegmentHeaderSize < nOffset + 6 + 3 )
            CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                        "DES header too small");
            return NULL;
        GetMD(  6, DESOFLW );
        GetMD(  3, DESITEM );

    if ((int)psSegInfo->nSegmentHeaderSize < nOffset + 4 )
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                    "DES header too small");
        return NULL;

    nDESSHL = atoi(NITFGetField( szTemp, pachHeader, nOffset, 4));
    nOffset += 4;

    if (nDESSHL < 0)
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                    "Invalid value for DESSHL");
        return NULL;
    if ( (int)psSegInfo->nSegmentHeaderSize < nOffset + nDESSHL)
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                    "DES header too small");
        return NULL;

    if (EQUALN(szDESID, "CSSHPA DES", strlen("CSSHPA DES")))
        if ( nDESSHL != 62 && nDESSHL != 80)
            CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                     "Invalid DESSHL for CSSHPA DES");
            return NULL;

        GetMD( 25, SHAPE_USE );
        GetMD( 10, SHAPE_CLASS );
        if (nDESSHL == 80)
            GetMD( 18, CC_SOURCE );
        GetMD(  3, SHAPE1_NAME );
        GetMD(  6, SHAPE1_START );
        GetMD(  3, SHAPE2_NAME );
        GetMD(  6, SHAPE2_START );
        GetMD(  3, SHAPE3_NAME );
        GetMD(  6, SHAPE3_START );
    else if (nDESSHL > 0)
        GetMD(  nDESSHL, DESSHF );

    if ((int)psSegInfo->nSegmentHeaderSize > nOffset)
        char* pszEscapedDESDATA =
                CPLEscapeString( pachHeader + nOffset, 
                                 (int)psSegInfo->nSegmentHeaderSize - nOffset, 
                                 CPLES_BackslashQuotable );
        psDES->papszMetadata = CSLSetNameValue( psDES->papszMetadata,
                                                pszEscapedDESDATA );

    return psDES;
Example #2
NITFDES *NITFDESAccess( NITFFile *psFile, int iSegment )

    NITFDES   *psDES;
    char      *pachHeader;
    NITFSegmentInfo *psSegInfo;
    char       szDESID[26];
    int        nOffset;
    int        bHasDESOFLW;
    int        nDESSHL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Verify segment, and return existing DES accessor if there       */
/*      is one.                                                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( iSegment < 0 || iSegment >= psFile->nSegmentCount )
        return NULL;

    psSegInfo = psFile->pasSegmentInfo + iSegment;

    if( !EQUAL(psSegInfo->szSegmentType,"DE") )
        return NULL;

    if( psSegInfo->hAccess != NULL )
        return (NITFDES *) psSegInfo->hAccess;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Read the DES subheader.                                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if (psSegInfo->nSegmentHeaderSize < 200)
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                    "DES header too small");
        return NULL;

    pachHeader = (char*) VSI_MALLOC_VERBOSE(psSegInfo->nSegmentHeaderSize);
    if (pachHeader == NULL)
        return NULL;

    if( VSIFSeekL( psFile->fp, psSegInfo->nSegmentHeaderStart,
                  SEEK_SET ) != 0
        || VSIFReadL( pachHeader, 1, psSegInfo->nSegmentHeaderSize,
                     psFile->fp ) != psSegInfo->nSegmentHeaderSize )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_FileIO,
                  "Failed to read %u byte DES subheader from " CPL_FRMT_GUIB ".",
                  psSegInfo->nSegmentHeaderStart );
        return NULL;

    if (!STARTS_WITH_CI(pachHeader, "DE"))
        if (STARTS_WITH_CI(pachHeader + 4, "DERegistered"))
            /* BAO_46_Ed1/rpf/conc/concz10/000fz010.ona and cie are buggy */
            CPLDebug("NITF", "Patching nSegmentHeaderStart and nSegmentStart for DE segment %d", iSegment);
            psSegInfo->nSegmentHeaderStart += 4;
            psSegInfo->nSegmentStart += 4;
            goto retry;

        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                 "Invalid segment prefix for DE segment %d", iSegment);

        return NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Initialize DES object.                                          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    psDES = (NITFDES *) CPLCalloc(sizeof(NITFDES),1);

    psDES->psFile = psFile;
    psDES->iSegment = iSegment;
    psDES->pachHeader = pachHeader;

    psSegInfo->hAccess = psDES;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Collect a variety of information as metadata.                   */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#define GetMD( length, name )              \
    do { NITFExtractMetadata( &(psDES->papszMetadata), pachHeader,    \
                         nOffset, length,                        \
                         "NITF_" #name ); \
    nOffset += length; } while(0)

    nOffset = 2;
    GetMD( 25, DESID  );
    GetMD(  2, DESVER );
    GetMD(  1, DECLAS );
    GetMD(  2, DESCLSY );
    GetMD( 11, DESCODE );
    GetMD(  2, DESCTLH );
    GetMD( 20, DESREL  );
    GetMD(  2, DESDCTP );
    GetMD(  8, DESDCDT );
    GetMD(  4, DESDCXM );
    GetMD(  1, DESDG   );
    GetMD(  8, DESDGDT );
    GetMD( 43, DESCLTX );
    GetMD(  1, DESCATP );
    GetMD( 40, DESCAUT );
    GetMD(  1, DESCRSN );
    GetMD(  8, DESSRDT );
    GetMD( 15, DESCTLN );

    /* Load DESID */
    NITFGetField( szDESID, pachHeader, 2, 25);

    /* For NITF < 02.10, we cannot rely on DESID=TRE_OVERFLOW to detect */
    /* if DESOFLW and DESITEM are present. So if the next 4 bytes are non */
    /* numeric, we'll assume that DESOFLW is there */
       (!((pachHeader[nOffset+0] >= '0' && pachHeader[nOffset+0] <= '9') &&
          (pachHeader[nOffset+1] >= '0' && pachHeader[nOffset+1] <= '9') &&
          (pachHeader[nOffset+2] >= '0' && pachHeader[nOffset+2] <= '9') &&
          (pachHeader[nOffset+3] >= '0' && pachHeader[nOffset+3] <= '9')));

    if (bHasDESOFLW)
        if ((int)psSegInfo->nSegmentHeaderSize < nOffset + 6 + 3 )
            CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                        "DES header too small");
            return NULL;
        GetMD(  6, DESOFLW );
        GetMD(  3, DESITEM );

    if ((int)psSegInfo->nSegmentHeaderSize < nOffset + 4 )
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                    "DES header too small");
        return NULL;

    GetMD( 4, DESSHL );
    nDESSHL = atoi(CSLFetchNameValue( psDES->papszMetadata, "NITF_DESSHL" ) );

    if (nDESSHL < 0)
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                    "Invalid value for DESSHL");
        return NULL;
    if ( (int)psSegInfo->nSegmentHeaderSize < nOffset + nDESSHL)
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                    "DES header too small");
        return NULL;

        if ( nDESSHL != 62 && nDESSHL != 80)
            CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                     "Invalid DESSHL for CSSHPA DES");
            return NULL;

        GetMD( 25, SHAPE_USE );
        GetMD( 10, SHAPE_CLASS );
        if (nDESSHL == 80)
            GetMD( 18, CC_SOURCE );
        GetMD(  3, SHAPE1_NAME );
        GetMD(  6, SHAPE1_START );
        GetMD(  3, SHAPE2_NAME );
        GetMD(  6, SHAPE2_START );
        GetMD(  3, SHAPE3_NAME );
        GetMD(  6, SHAPE3_START );
        /* TODO : handle nDESSHL = 0005 and 0283 */
        if (nDESSHL >= 5)
            GetMD( 5, DESCRC );
            if (nDESSHL >= 283)
                GetMD( 8, DESSHFT );
                GetMD( 20, DESSHDT );
                GetMD( 40, DESSHRP );
                GetMD( 60, DESSHSI );
                GetMD( 10, DESSHSV );
                GetMD( 20, DESSHSD );
                GetMD( 120, DESSHTN );
                if (nDESSHL >= 773)
                    GetMD( 125, DESSHLPG );
                    GetMD( 25, DESSHLPT );
                    GetMD( 20, DESSHLI );
                    GetMD( 120, DESSHLIN );
                    GetMD( 200, DESSHABS );
    else if (STARTS_WITH_CI(szDESID, "CSATTA DES") && nDESSHL == 52)
        GetMD( 12, ATT_TYPE );
        GetMD( 14, DT_ATT );
        GetMD( 8, DATE_ATT );
        GetMD( 13, T0_ATT );
        GetMD( 5, NUM_ATT );
    else if (nDESSHL > 0)
        GetMD(  nDESSHL, DESSHF );

    if ((int)psSegInfo->nSegmentHeaderSize > nOffset)
        char* pszEscapedDESDATA =
                CPLEscapeString( pachHeader + nOffset,
                                 (int)psSegInfo->nSegmentHeaderSize - nOffset,
                                 CPLES_BackslashQuotable );
        psDES->papszMetadata = CSLSetNameValue( psDES->papszMetadata,
                                                pszEscapedDESDATA );

#define TEN_MEGABYTES 10485760

        if (psSegInfo->nSegmentSize > TEN_MEGABYTES)
            const char* pszOffset = CPLSPrintf(CPL_FRMT_GUIB, psFile->pasSegmentInfo[iSegment].nSegmentStart);
            const char* pszSize = CPLSPrintf(CPL_FRMT_GUIB, psFile->pasSegmentInfo[iSegment].nSegmentSize);

            psDES->papszMetadata = CSLSetNameValue( psDES->papszMetadata,
                                                    pszOffset );
            psDES->papszMetadata = CSLSetNameValue( psDES->papszMetadata,
            char* pachData = (char*)VSI_MALLOC_VERBOSE((size_t)psSegInfo->nSegmentSize);
            if (pachData == NULL )
                /* nothing */
            else if( VSIFSeekL( psFile->fp, psSegInfo->nSegmentStart,
                        SEEK_SET ) != 0
                || VSIFReadL( pachData, 1, (size_t)psSegInfo->nSegmentSize,
                            psFile->fp ) != psSegInfo->nSegmentSize )
                        "Failed to read " CPL_FRMT_GUIB" bytes DES data from " CPL_FRMT_GUIB ".",
                        psSegInfo->nSegmentStart );
                char* pszEscapedDESDATA =
                        CPLEscapeString( pachData,
                                        CPLES_BackslashQuotable );
                psDES->papszMetadata = CSLSetNameValue( psDES->papszMetadata,
                                                        pszEscapedDESDATA );

#ifdef notdef
        /* Disabled because might generate a huge amount of elements */
            int nNumAtt = atoi(CSLFetchNameValueDef(psDES->papszMetadata, "NITF_NUM_ATT", "0"));
            if (nNumAtt * 8 * 4 == psSegInfo->nSegmentSize)
                int nMDSize = CSLCount(psDES->papszMetadata);
                char** papszMD = (char**)VSIRealloc(psDES->papszMetadata, (nMDSize + nNumAtt * 4 + 1) * sizeof(char*));
                if (papszMD)
                    int i, j;
                    const GByte* pachDataIter = pachData;

                    psDES->papszMetadata = papszMD;
                        char szAttrNameValue[64+1+256+1];
                        double dfVal;
                            memcpy(&dfVal, pachDataIter, 8);
                            pachDataIter += 8;
                            CPLsprintf(szAttrNameValue, "NITF_ATT_Q%d_%d=%.16g", j+1, i, dfVal);
                            papszMD[nMDSize + i * 4 + j] = CPLStrdup(szAttrNameValue);
                    papszMD[nMDSize + nNumAtt * 4] = NULL;


    return psDES;