|   NPT_TlsSessionImpl::Handshake
    if (m_SSL == NULL) {
        // we have not performed the handshake yet
        m_SSL = ssl_client_new(m_SSL_CTX, &m_StreamAdapter.m_Base, NULL, 0);

    int result = ssl_handshake_status(m_SSL);
    return NPT_Tls_MapResult(result);
Example #2
|   NPT_TlsContextImpl::LoadKey
NPT_TlsContextImpl::LoadKey(NPT_TlsKeyFormat     key_format, 
                            const unsigned char* key_data,
                            NPT_Size             key_data_size,
                            const char*          password)
    int object_type;
    switch (key_format) {
        case NPT_TLS_KEY_FORMAT_RSA_PRIVATE: object_type = SSL_OBJ_RSA_KEY; break;
        case NPT_TLS_KEY_FORMAT_PKCS8:       object_type = SSL_OBJ_PKCS8;   break;
        case NPT_TLS_KEY_FORMAT_PKCS12:      object_type = SSL_OBJ_PKCS12;  break;
        default: return NPT_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETERS;
    int result = ssl_obj_memory_load(m_SSL_CTX, object_type, key_data, key_data_size, password);
    return NPT_Tls_MapResult(result);
|   NPT_TlsInputStream::Read
NPT_TlsInputStream::Read(void*     buffer,
                         NPT_Size  bytes_to_read,
                         NPT_Size* bytes_read)
    // setup default values
    if (bytes_read) *bytes_read = 0;

    // quick check for edge case
    if (bytes_to_read == 0) return NPT_SUCCESS;

    // read a new record if we don't have one cached
    if (m_RecordCacheData == NULL) {
        int ssl_result;
        do {
            ssl_result = ssl_read(m_Session->m_SSL, &m_RecordCacheData);
        } while (ssl_result == 0);
        if (ssl_result < 0) {
            return NPT_Tls_MapResult(ssl_result);
        m_RecordCacheSize = ssl_result;

    // we now have data in cache
    if (bytes_to_read > m_RecordCacheSize) {
        // read at most what's in the cache
        bytes_to_read = m_RecordCacheSize;
    NPT_CopyMemory(buffer, m_RecordCacheData, bytes_to_read);
    if (bytes_read) *bytes_read = bytes_to_read;

    // update the record cache
    m_RecordCacheSize -= bytes_to_read;
    if (m_RecordCacheSize == 0) {
        // nothing left in the cache
        m_RecordCacheData = NULL;
    } else {
        // move the cache pointer
        m_RecordCacheData += bytes_to_read;

    return NPT_SUCCESS;
|   NPT_TlsOutputStream::Write
NPT_TlsOutputStream::Write(const void* buffer,
                           NPT_Size    bytes_to_write,
                           NPT_Size*   bytes_written)
    // setup default values
    if (bytes_written) *bytes_written = 0;

    // quick check for edge case
    if (bytes_to_write == 0) return NPT_SUCCESS;

    // write some data
    int ssl_result;
    do {
        ssl_result = ssl_write(m_Session->m_SSL, (const uint8_t*)buffer, bytes_to_write);
    } while (ssl_result == 0);
    if (ssl_result < 0) {
        return NPT_Tls_MapResult(ssl_result);
    m_Position += ssl_result;
    if (bytes_written) *bytes_written = (NPT_Size)ssl_result;

    return NPT_SUCCESS;