/// @author NIVIS LLC, Dorin Pavel   
/// @brief  Generic function for read non-volatile data 
/// @params p_pucDst - destination buffer
///         p_uAddr  - (sector) address 
///         p_unSize - number of bytes to read
/// @return none
/// @remarks
///      Access level: user level
void ReadPersistentData( uint8 *p_pucDst, PROV_ADDR_TYPE p_uAddr, uint16 p_unSize )
#if( DEVICE_TYPE == DEV_TYPE_MC13225 )
   // read persistent data from flash
    NVM_FlashRead(p_pucDst, p_uAddr, p_unSize);  
    #warning  "HW platform not supported"
// Name: NVM_ReadPersistentData
// Author: NIVIS LLC  
// Description: Generic function for read non-volatile data 
// Parameters: p_pucDst  - destination buffer
//             p_uAddr   - address 
//             p_unSize  - number of bytes to read
// Return: none
// Obs:
//      Access level: user level
void NVM_ReadPersistentData( uint8 *p_pucDst, PROV_ADDR_TYPE p_uAddr, uint16 p_unSize )
#if( DEVICE_TYPE == DEV_TYPE_MC13225 )
  NVM_FlashRead(p_pucDst, p_uAddr, p_unSize);