Example #1
   * Write bin masking information
   * @param ws :: The workspace
   * @return true for OK, false for error
  bool NexusFileIO::writeNexusBinMasking(API::MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr ws) const
    std::vector< int > spectra;
    std::vector< std::size_t > bins;
    std::vector< double > weights;
    int spectra_count = 0;
    int offset = 0;
    for(std::size_t i=0;i<ws->getNumberHistograms(); ++i)
      if (ws->hasMaskedBins(i))
        const API::MatrixWorkspace::MaskList& mList = ws->maskedBins(i);
        API::MatrixWorkspace::MaskList::const_iterator it = mList.begin();
        for(;it != mList.end(); ++it)
        offset += static_cast<int>(mList.size());

    if (spectra_count == 0) return false;

    NXstatus status;

    // save spectra offsets as a 2d array of ints
    int dimensions[2];
    status=NXmakedata(fileID, "masked_spectra", NX_INT32, 2, dimensions);
    if(status==NX_ERROR) return false;
    NXopendata(fileID, "masked_spectra");
    const std::string description = "spectra index,offset in masked_bins and mask_weights";
    NXputattr(fileID, "description",  reinterpret_cast<void*>(const_cast<char*>(description.c_str())), static_cast<int>(description.size()+1), NX_CHAR);
    NXputdata(fileID, (void*)&spectra[0]);

    // save masked bin indices
    status=NXmakedata(fileID, "masked_bins", NX_INT32, 1, dimensions);
    if(status==NX_ERROR) return false;
    NXopendata(fileID, "masked_bins");
    NXputdata(fileID, (void*)&bins[0]);

    // save masked bin weights
    status=NXmakedata(fileID, "mask_weights", NX_FLOAT64, 1, dimensions);
    if(status==NX_ERROR) return false;
    NXopendata(fileID, "mask_weights");
    NXputdata(fileID, (void*)&weights[0]);

    return true;
Example #2
  * Write monitor_i gorup
  * @param i Index of a monitor
void SaveISISNexus::monitor_i(int i) {
  int nper = m_isisRaw->t_nper; // number of periods
  int ntc = m_isisRaw->t_ntc1;  // number of time channels
  int dim[] = {nper, 1, ntc};
  int size[] = {1, 1, ntc};
  std::ostringstream ostr;
  int mon_num = i + 1;
  ostr << "monitor_" << mon_num;
  NXmakegroup(handle, ostr.str().c_str(), "NXmonitor");
  NXopengroup(handle, ostr.str().c_str(), "NXmonitor");

  //  int imon = m_isisRaw->mdet[i]; // spectrum number
  NXmakedata(handle, "data", NX_INT32, 3, dim);
  NXopendata(handle, "data");
  for (int p = 0; p < nper; ++p) {
    int start[] = {p, 0, 0};
    NXputslab(handle, getMonitorData(p, i), start, size);
  putAttr("units", "counts");
  putAttr("signal", 1);
  putAttr("axes", "period_index,spectrum_index,time_of_flight");

  saveInt("monitor_number", &mon_num);
  NXmakelink(handle, &period_index_link);
  saveInt("spectrum_index", &m_isisRaw->mdet[i]);
  NXmakelink(handle, &time_of_flight_link);

Example #3
  * Save a vector of string in a dataset.
  * @param name :: Name of the data set
  * @param str_vec :: The vector to save
  * @param max_str_size :: The maximum string size
  * @return The line size
int SaveISISNexus::saveStringVectorOpen(const char *name,
                                        const std::vector<std::string> &str_vec,
                                        int max_str_size) {
  if (str_vec.empty()) {
    saveStringOpen(name, " ");
    return 0;
  int buff_size = max_str_size;
  if (buff_size <= 0)
    for (const auto &str : str_vec) {
      buff_size = std::max(buff_size, int(str.size()));
  if (buff_size <= 0)
    buff_size = 1;
  auto buff = new char[buff_size];
  int dim[2];
  dim[0] = static_cast<int>(str_vec.size());
  dim[1] = buff_size;
  NXmakedata(handle, name, NX_CHAR, 2, dim);
  NXopendata(handle, name);
  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < str_vec.size(); ++i) {
    int start[] = {static_cast<int>(i), 0};
    int sizes[] = {1, buff_size};
    const char *str = str_vec[i].c_str();
    std::fill_n(buff, buff_size, ' ');
    int n = std::min(buff_size, int(str_vec[i].size()));
    std::copy(str, str + n, buff);
    NXputslab(handle, buff, start, sizes);
  delete[] buff;
  return buff_size;
Example #4
  * Save float data ald leave the dataset open.
  * @param name Name of the data set
  * @param data Pointer to the data source
  * @param size size of the data in sizeof(float)
void SaveISISNexus::saveFloatOpen(const char *name, void *data, int size) {
  int dim[1];
  dim[0] = size;
  // If we aren't going to anything with the status, then don't bother asking
  // for it!  (NXstatus status = NXblah())
  NXmakedata(handle, name, NX_FLOAT32, 1, dim);
  NXopendata(handle, name);
  NXputdata(handle, data);
Example #5
  /** Write out an array to the open file. */
  void NexusFileIO::NXwritedata( const char * name, int datatype, int rank, int * dims_array, void * data, bool compress) const
    if (compress)
      // We'll use the same slab/buffer size as the size of the array
      NXcompmakedata(fileID, name, datatype, rank, dims_array, m_nexuscompression, dims_array);
      // Write uncompressed.
      NXmakedata(fileID, name, datatype, rank, dims_array);

    NXopendata(fileID, name);
    NXputdata(fileID, data );
Example #6
/*========================== dataset handling =======================*/
int nx_makedata(void *ptr, char *name, int rank, int type, 
		    void *dimPtr){
  int status;
  NXhandle hfil;
  pNXDS dimData;

  hfil = (NXhandle)ptr;
  dimData = (pNXDS)dimPtr;
  if(dimData->type != NX_INT32){
    NXReportError("ERROR: dimension data not integer");
    return 0;
  status = NXmakedata(hfil, name, type, rank, 
  if(status == NX_OK){
    return 1;
  } else {
    return 0;
Example #7
  /** Write out a combined chunk of event data
   * @param ws :: an EventWorkspace
   * @param indices :: array of event list indexes
   * @param tofs :: array of TOFs
   * @param weights :: array of event weights
   * @param errorSquareds :: array of event squared errors
   * @param pulsetimes :: array of pulsetimes
   * @param compress :: if true, compress the entry
  int NexusFileIO::writeNexusProcessedDataEventCombined( const DataObjects::EventWorkspace_const_sptr& ws,
      std::vector<int64_t> & indices,
      double * tofs, float * weights, float * errorSquareds, int64_t * pulsetimes,
      bool compress) const

    // The array of indices for each event list #
    int dims_array[1] = { static_cast<int>(indices.size()) };
    if (indices.size() > 0)
      if (compress)
        NXcompmakedata(fileID, "indices", NX_INT64, 1, dims_array, m_nexuscompression, dims_array);
        NXmakedata(fileID, "indices", NX_INT64, 1, dims_array);
      NXopendata(fileID, "indices");
      NXputdata(fileID, (void*)(indices.data()) );
      std::string yUnits=ws->YUnit();
      std::string yUnitLabel=ws->YUnitLabel();
      NXputattr (fileID, "units",  reinterpret_cast<void*>(const_cast<char*>(yUnits.c_str())), static_cast<int>(yUnits.size()), NX_CHAR);
      NXputattr (fileID, "unit_label",  reinterpret_cast<void*>(const_cast<char*>(yUnitLabel.c_str())), static_cast<int>(yUnitLabel.size()), NX_CHAR);

    // Write out each field
    dims_array[0] = static_cast<int>(indices.back()); // TODO big truncation error! This is the # of events
    if (tofs)
      NXwritedata("tof", NX_FLOAT64, 1, dims_array, (void *)(tofs), compress);
    if (pulsetimes)
      NXwritedata("pulsetime", NX_INT64, 1, dims_array, (void *)(pulsetimes), compress);
    if (weights)
      NXwritedata("weight", NX_FLOAT32, 1, dims_array, (void *)(weights), compress);
    if (errorSquareds)
      NXwritedata("error_squared", NX_FLOAT32, 1, dims_array, (void *)(errorSquareds), compress);

    // Close up the overall group
    NXstatus status=NXclosegroup(fileID);
Example #8
 // write an NXdata entry with String array values
 bool NexusFileIO::writeNxStringArray(const std::string& name, const std::vector<std::string>& values, const std::vector<std::string>& attributes,
     const std::vector<std::string>& avalues) const
   int dimensions[2];
   size_t maxlen=0;
   for(size_t i=0;i<values.size();i++)
     if(values[i].size()>maxlen) maxlen=values[i].size();
   NXstatus status=NXmakedata(fileID, name.c_str(), NX_CHAR, 2, dimensions);
   if(status==NX_ERROR) return(false);
   NXopendata(fileID, name.c_str());
   for(size_t it=0; it<attributes.size(); ++it)
     NXputattr(fileID, attributes[it].c_str(),  reinterpret_cast<void*>(const_cast<char*>(avalues[it].c_str())), static_cast<int>(avalues[it].size()+1), NX_CHAR);
   char* strs=new char[values.size()*maxlen];
   for(size_t i=0;i<values.size();i++)
   NXputdata(fileID, (void*)strs);
   delete[] strs;
Example #9
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
  int i, j, k, n, NXrank, NXdims[32], NXtype, NXlen, entry_status, attr_status;
  float r;
  void *data_buffer;
  unsigned char i1_array[4] = {1, 2, 3, 4};
  short int i2_array[4] = {1000, 2000, 3000, 4000};
  int i4_array[4] = {1000000, 2000000, 3000000, 4000000};
  float r4_array[5][4] =
  {{1., 2., 3., 4.}, {5., 6., 7., 8.}, {9., 10., 11., 12.}, {13., 14., 15., 16.}, {17., 18., 19., 20.}};
  double r8_array[5][4] =
  {{1., 2., 3., 4.}, {5., 6., 7., 8.}, {9., 10., 11., 12.}, {13., 14., 15., 16.}, {17., 18., 19., 20.}};
  int array_dims[2] = {5, 4};
  int unlimited_dims[1] = {NX_UNLIMITED};
  int chunk_size[2]={5,4};
  int slab_start[2], slab_size[2];
  char name[64], char_class[64], char_buffer[128];
  char group_name[64], class_name[64];
  char c1_array[5][4] = {{'a', 'b', 'c' ,'d'}, {'e', 'f', 'g' ,'h'}, 
     {'i', 'j', 'k', 'l'}, {'m', 'n', 'o', 'p'}, {'q', 'r', 's' , 't'}};
  int unlimited_cdims[2] = {NX_UNLIMITED, 4};
  NXhandle fileid, clone_fileid;
  NXlink glink, dlink, blink;
  int comp_array[100][20];
  int dims[2];
  int cdims[2];
  int nx_creation_code;
  char nxFile[80];
  char filename[256];
  int64_t grossezahl[4];
  const char* ch_test_data = "NeXus ><}&{'\\&\" Data";
  char path[512];

  grossezahl[0] = 12;
  grossezahl[2] = 23;
  grossezahl[1] = (int64_t)555555555555LL;
  grossezahl[3] = (int64_t)777777777777LL;
  grossezahl[1] = (int64_t)555555555555;
  grossezahl[3] = (int64_t)777777777777;
#endif /* HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT */

  if(strstr(argv[0],"napi_test-hdf5") != NULL){
    nx_creation_code = NXACC_CREATE5;
  }else if(strstr(argv[0],"napi_test-xml-table") != NULL){
    nx_creation_code = NXACC_CREATEXML | NXACC_TABLE;
  }else if(strstr(argv[0],"napi_test-xml") != NULL){
    nx_creation_code = NXACC_CREATEXML;
  } else {
    nx_creation_code = NXACC_CREATE;

/* create file */
  if (NXopen (nxFile, nx_creation_code, &fileid) != NX_OK) return 1;
  if (nx_creation_code == NXACC_CREATE5)
    if (NXreopen (fileid, &clone_fileid) != NX_OK) return 1;
  if (NXmakegroup (fileid, "entry", "NXentry") != NX_OK) return 1;
  if (NXopengroup (fileid, "entry", "NXentry") != NX_OK) return 1;
  if(NXputattr(fileid,"hugo","namenlos",strlen("namenlos"), NX_CHAR) != NX_OK) return 1;
  if(NXputattr(fileid,"cucumber","passion",strlen("passion"), NX_CHAR) != NX_OK) return 1;
     NXlen = strlen(ch_test_data);
     if (NXmakedata (fileid, "ch_data", NX_CHAR, 1, &NXlen) != NX_OK) return 1;
     if (NXopendata (fileid, "ch_data") != NX_OK) return 1;
        if (NXputdata (fileid, ch_test_data) != NX_OK) return 1;
     if (NXclosedata (fileid) != NX_OK) return 1;
     if (NXmakedata (fileid, "c1_data", NX_CHAR, 2, array_dims) != NX_OK) return 1;
     if (NXopendata (fileid, "c1_data") != NX_OK) return 1;
        if (NXputdata (fileid, c1_array) != NX_OK) return 1;
     if (NXclosedata (fileid) != NX_OK) return 1;
     if (NXmakedata (fileid, "i1_data", NX_INT8, 1, &array_dims[1]) != NX_OK) return 1;
     if (NXopendata (fileid, "i1_data") != NX_OK) return 1;
        if (NXputdata (fileid, i1_array) != NX_OK) return 1;
     if (NXclosedata (fileid) != NX_OK) return 1;
     if (NXmakedata (fileid, "i2_data", NX_INT16, 1, &array_dims[1]) != NX_OK) return 1;
     if (NXopendata (fileid, "i2_data") != NX_OK) return 1;
        if (NXputdata (fileid, i2_array) != NX_OK) return 1;
     if (NXclosedata (fileid) != NX_OK) return 1;
     if (NXmakedata (fileid, "i4_data", NX_INT32, 1, &array_dims[1]) != NX_OK) return 1;
     if (NXopendata (fileid, "i4_data") != NX_OK) return 1;
        if (NXputdata (fileid, i4_array) != NX_OK) return 1;
     if (NXclosedata (fileid) != NX_OK) return 1;
     if (NXcompmakedata (fileid, "r4_data", NX_FLOAT32, 2, array_dims,NX_COMP_LZW,chunk_size) != NX_OK) return 1;
     if (NXopendata (fileid, "r4_data") != NX_OK) return 1;
        if (NXputdata (fileid, r4_array) != NX_OK) return 1;
     if (NXclosedata (fileid) != NX_OK) return 1;
     if (NXmakedata (fileid, "r8_data", NX_FLOAT64, 2, array_dims) != NX_OK) return 1;
     if (NXopendata (fileid, "r8_data") != NX_OK) return 1;
        slab_start[0] = 4; slab_start[1] = 0; slab_size[0] = 1; slab_size[1] = 4;
        if (NXputslab (fileid, (double*)r8_array + 16, slab_start, slab_size) != NX_OK) return 1;
        slab_start[0] = 0; slab_start[1] = 0; slab_size[0] = 4; slab_size[1] = 4;
        if (NXputslab (fileid, r8_array, slab_start, slab_size) != NX_OK) return 1;
        if (NXputattr (fileid, "ch_attribute", ch_test_data, strlen (ch_test_data), NX_CHAR) != NX_OK) return 1;
        i = 42;
        if (NXputattr (fileid, "i4_attribute", &i, 1, NX_INT32) != NX_OK) return 1;
        r = 3.14159265;
        if (NXputattr (fileid, "r4_attribute", &r, 1, NX_FLOAT32) != NX_OK) return 1;
        if (NXgetdataID (fileid, &dlink) != NX_OK) return 1;
     if (NXclosedata (fileid) != NX_OK) return 1;
     dims[0] = 4;
     if (nx_creation_code != NXACC_CREATE)
       if (NXmakedata (fileid, "grosse_zahl", NX_INT64, 1,dims) == NX_OK) {
         if (NXopendata (fileid, "grosse_zahl") != NX_OK) return 1;
         if (NXputdata (fileid, grossezahl) != NX_OK) return 1;
         if (NXclosedata (fileid) != NX_OK) return 1;  
     if (NXmakegroup (fileid, "data", "NXdata") != NX_OK) return 1;
     if (NXopengroup (fileid, "data", "NXdata") != NX_OK) return 1;
        if (NXmakelink (fileid, &dlink) != NX_OK) return 1;
        dims[0] = 100;
        dims[1] = 20;
        for(i = 0; i < 100; i++)
            for(j = 0; j < 20; j++)
                 comp_array[i][j] = i;
        cdims[0] = 20;
        cdims[1] = 20;
        if (NXcompmakedata (fileid, "comp_data", NX_INT32, 2, dims, NX_COMP_LZW, cdims) != NX_OK) return 1;
        if (NXopendata (fileid, "comp_data") != NX_OK) return 1;
           if (NXputdata (fileid, comp_array) != NX_OK) return 1;
        if (NXclosedata (fileid) != NX_OK) return 1;  
        if (NXflush (&fileid) != NX_OK) return 1;
	if (NXmakedata (fileid, "flush_data", NX_INT32, 1, unlimited_dims) != NX_OK) return 1;
	slab_size[0] = 1;
	for (i = 0; i < 7; i++)
	      slab_start[0] = i;
	      if (NXopendata (fileid, "flush_data") != NX_OK) return 1;
	        if (NXputslab (fileid, &i, slab_start, slab_size) != NX_OK) return 1;
		if (NXflush (&fileid) != NX_OK) return 1;
     if (NXclosegroup (fileid) != NX_OK) return 1;
     if (NXmakegroup (fileid, "sample", "NXsample") != NX_OK) return 1;
     if (NXopengroup (fileid, "sample", "NXsample") != NX_OK) return 1;
        NXlen = 12;
        if (NXmakedata (fileid, "ch_data", NX_CHAR, 1, &NXlen) != NX_OK) return 1;
        if (NXopendata (fileid, "ch_data") != NX_OK) return 1;
           if (NXputdata (fileid, "NeXus sample") != NX_OK) return 1;
        if (NXclosedata (fileid) != NX_OK) return 1;
        if (NXgetgroupID (fileid, &glink) != NX_OK) return 1;
        if (( nx_creation_code & NXACC_CREATEXML) == 0 ) {
            if (NXmakedata (fileid, "cdata_unlimited", NX_CHAR, 2, unlimited_cdims) != NX_OK) return 1;
	    if (NXopendata (fileid, "cdata_unlimited") != NX_OK) return 1;
	    slab_size[0] = 1;
	    slab_size[1] = 4;
	    slab_start[1] = 0;
            for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
	       slab_start[0] = i;
               if (NXputslab (fileid, &(c1_array[i][0]), slab_start, slab_size) != NX_OK) return 1;
            if (NXclosedata (fileid) != NX_OK) return 1;
     if (NXclosegroup (fileid) != NX_OK) return 1;
  if (NXclosegroup (fileid) != NX_OK) return 1;
  if (NXmakegroup (fileid, "link", "NXentry") != NX_OK) return 1;
  if (NXopengroup (fileid, "link", "NXentry") != NX_OK) return 1;
     if (NXmakelink (fileid, &glink) != NX_OK) return 1;
     if (NXmakenamedlink (fileid,"renLinkGroup", &glink) != NX_OK) return 1;
     if (NXmakenamedlink (fileid, "renLinkData", &dlink) != NX_OK) return 1;
  if (NXclosegroup (fileid) != NX_OK) return 1;
  if (NXclose (&fileid) != NX_OK) return 1;

  if ( (argc >= 2) && !strcmp(argv[1], "-q") )
     return 0;	/* create only */
    read test
  if (NXopen (nxFile, NXACC_RDWR,&fileid) != NX_OK) return 1;
  if(NXinquirefile(fileid,filename,256) != NX_OK){
    return 1;
  printf("NXinquirefile found: %s\n", relativePathOf(filename));
  NXgetattrinfo (fileid, &i);
  if (i > 0) {
     printf ("Number of global attributes: %d\n", i);
  do { 
     attr_status = NXgetnextattr (fileid, name, NXdims, &NXtype);
     if (attr_status == NX_ERROR) return 1;
     if (attr_status == NX_OK) {
        switch (NXtype) {
           case NX_CHAR:
              NXlen = sizeof (char_buffer);
              if (NXgetattr (fileid, name, char_buffer, &NXlen, &NXtype) 
		  != NX_OK) return 1;
		if ( strcmp(name, "file_time") &&
		     strcmp(name, "HDF_version") &&
		     strcmp(name, "HDF5_Version") &&
		     strcmp(name, "XML_version") )
                 printf ("   %s = %s\n", name, char_buffer);
  } while (attr_status == NX_OK);
  if (NXopengroup (fileid, "entry", "NXentry") != NX_OK) return 1;
  printf("Number of group attributes: %d\n", i);
  if(NXgetpath(fileid,path,512) != NX_OK)return 1;
  printf("NXentry path %s\n", path);
  do { 
     attr_status = NXgetnextattr (fileid, name, NXdims, &NXtype);
     if (attr_status == NX_ERROR) return 1;
     if (attr_status == NX_OK) {
        switch (NXtype) {
           case NX_CHAR:
              NXlen = sizeof (char_buffer);
              if (NXgetattr (fileid, name, char_buffer, &NXlen, &NXtype) 
		  != NX_OK) return 1;
                 printf ("   %s = %s\n", name, char_buffer);
  } while (attr_status == NX_OK);
  if (NXgetgroupinfo (fileid, &i, group_name, class_name) != NX_OK) return 1;
     printf ("Group: %s(%s) contains %d items\n", group_name, class_name, i);
  do {
     entry_status = NXgetnextentry (fileid, name, char_class, &NXtype);
     if (entry_status == NX_ERROR) return 1;
     if (strcmp(char_class,"SDS") != 0) {
        if (entry_status != NX_EOD) {
           printf ("   Subgroup: %s(%s)\n", name, char_class);
           entry_status = NX_OK;
     } else {
        if (entry_status == NX_OK) {
           if (NXopendata (fileid, name) != NX_OK) return 1;
	    if(NXgetpath(fileid,path,512) != NX_OK)return 1;
	    printf("Data path %s\n", path);
	    if (NXgetinfo (fileid, &NXrank, NXdims, &NXtype) != NX_OK) return 1;
                 printf ("   %s(%d)", name, NXtype);
              if (NXmalloc ((void **) &data_buffer, NXrank, NXdims, NXtype) != NX_OK) return 1;
	      n = 1;
              for(k=0; k<NXrank; k++)
                  n *= NXdims[k];
              if (NXtype == NX_CHAR) {
                 if (NXgetdata (fileid, data_buffer) != NX_OK) return 1;
                    print_data (" = ", data_buffer, NXtype, n);
              } else if (NXtype != NX_FLOAT32 && NXtype != NX_FLOAT64) {
                 if (NXgetdata (fileid, data_buffer) != NX_OK) return 1;
                    print_data (" = ", data_buffer, NXtype, n);
              } else {
                 slab_start[0] = 0;
                 slab_start[1] = 0;
                 slab_size[0] = 1;
                 slab_size[1] = 4;
                 if (NXgetslab (fileid, data_buffer, slab_start, slab_size) != NX_OK) return 1;
                    print_data ("\n      ", data_buffer, NXtype, 4);
                 slab_start[0] = 1;
                 if (NXgetslab (fileid, data_buffer, slab_start, slab_size) != NX_OK) return 1;
                    print_data ("      ", data_buffer, NXtype, 4);
                 slab_start[0] = 2;
                 if (NXgetslab (fileid, data_buffer, slab_start, slab_size) != NX_OK) return 1;
                    print_data ("      ", data_buffer, NXtype, 4);
                 slab_start[0] = 3;
                 if (NXgetslab (fileid, data_buffer, slab_start, slab_size) != NX_OK) return 1;
                    print_data ("      ", data_buffer, NXtype, 4);
                 slab_start[0] = 4;
                 if (NXgetslab (fileid, data_buffer, slab_start, slab_size) != NX_OK) return 1;
                    print_data ("      ", data_buffer, NXtype, 4);
                 if (NXgetattrinfo (fileid, &i) != NX_OK) return 1;
                 if (i > 0) {
                    printf ("      Number of attributes : %d\n", i);
                 do {
                    attr_status = NXgetnextattr (fileid, name, NXdims, &NXtype);
                    if (attr_status == NX_ERROR) return 1;
                    if (attr_status == NX_OK) {
                       switch (NXtype) {
                          case NX_INT32:
                             NXlen = 1;
                             if (NXgetattr (fileid, name, &i, &NXlen, &NXtype) != NX_OK) return 1;
                                printf ("         %s : %d\n", name, i);
                          case NX_FLOAT32:
                             NXlen = 1;
                             if (NXgetattr (fileid, name, &r, &NXlen, &NXtype) != NX_OK) return 1;
                                printf ("         %s : %f\n", name, r);
                          case NX_CHAR:
                             NXlen = sizeof (char_buffer);
                             if (NXgetattr (fileid, name, char_buffer, &NXlen, &NXtype) != NX_OK) return 1;
                                printf ("         %s : %s\n", name, char_buffer);
                 } while (attr_status == NX_OK);
           if (NXclosedata (fileid) != NX_OK) return 1;
           if (NXfree ((void **) &data_buffer) != NX_OK) return 1;
  } while (entry_status == NX_OK);
  if (NXclosegroup (fileid) != NX_OK) return 1;
 * check links
  if (NXopengroup (fileid, "entry", "NXentry") != NX_OK) return 1;
    if (NXopengroup (fileid, "sample", "NXsample") != NX_OK) return 1;
      if (NXgetgroupID (fileid, &glink) != NX_OK) return 1;
    if (NXclosegroup (fileid) != NX_OK) return 1;
    if (NXopengroup (fileid, "data", "NXdata") != NX_OK) return 1;
      if (NXopendata (fileid, "r8_data") != NX_OK) return 1;
        if (NXgetdataID (fileid, &dlink) != NX_OK) return 1;
      if (NXclosedata (fileid) != NX_OK) return 1;
    if (NXclosegroup (fileid) != NX_OK) return 1;
    if (NXopendata (fileid, "r8_data") != NX_OK) return 1;
      if (NXgetdataID (fileid, &blink) != NX_OK) return 1;
    if (NXclosedata (fileid) != NX_OK) return 1;
    if (NXsameID(fileid, &dlink, &blink) != NX_OK)
         printf ("Link check FAILED (r8_data)\n");
         printf ("original data\n");
	 NXIprintlink(fileid, &dlink);
         printf ("linked data\n");
	 NXIprintlink(fileid, &blink);
	 return 1;
  if (NXclosegroup (fileid) != NX_OK) return 1;

  if (NXopengroup (fileid, "link", "NXentry") != NX_OK) return 1;
    if (NXopengroup (fileid, "sample", "NXsample") != NX_OK) return 1;
    if(NXgetpath(fileid,path,512) != NX_OK)return 1;
    printf("Group path %s\n", path);
      if (NXgetgroupID (fileid, &blink) != NX_OK) return 1;
        if (NXsameID(fileid, &glink, &blink) != NX_OK)
             printf ("Link check FAILED (sample)\n");
             printf ("original group\n");
	     NXIprintlink(fileid, &glink);
             printf ("linked group\n");
	     NXIprintlink(fileid, &blink);
	     return 1;
      if (NXclosegroup (fileid) != NX_OK) return 1;

    if (NXopengroup (fileid, "renLinkGroup", "NXsample") != NX_OK) return 1;
      if (NXgetgroupID (fileid, &blink) != NX_OK) return 1;
        if (NXsameID(fileid, &glink, &blink) != NX_OK)
             printf ("Link check FAILED (renLinkGroup)\n");
             printf ("original group\n");
	     NXIprintlink(fileid, &glink);
             printf ("linked group\n");
	     NXIprintlink(fileid, &blink);
	     return 1;
      if (NXclosegroup (fileid) != NX_OK) return 1;

    if(NXopendata(fileid,"renLinkData") != NX_OK) return 1;
      if(NXgetdataID(fileid,&blink) != NX_OK) return 1;
        if (NXsameID(fileid, &dlink, &blink) != NX_OK)
             printf ("Link check FAILED (renLinkData)\n");
             printf ("original group\n");
	     NXIprintlink(fileid, &glink);
             printf ("linked group\n");
	     NXIprintlink(fileid, &blink);
	     return 1;
    if(NXclosedata(fileid) != NX_OK) return 1;	
  if (NXclosegroup (fileid) != NX_OK) return 1;
  printf ("Link check OK\n");

    tests for NXopenpath
  if(NXopenpath(fileid,"/entry/data/comp_data") != NX_OK){
    printf("Failure on NXopenpath\n");
    return 0;
  if(NXopenpath(fileid,"/entry/data/comp_data") != NX_OK){
    printf("Failure on NXopenpath\n");
    return 0;
  if(NXopenpath(fileid,"../r8_data") != NX_OK){
    printf("Failure on NXopenpath\n");
    return 0;
  if(NXopengrouppath(fileid,"/entry/data/comp_data") != NX_OK){
    printf("Failure on NXopengrouppath\n");
    return 0;
  if(NXopenpath(fileid,"/entry/data/r8_data") != NX_OK){
    printf("Failure on NXopenpath\n");
    return 0;
  printf("NXopenpath checks OK\n");

  if (NXclose (&fileid) != NX_OK) return 1;

  printf("before load path tests\n");
  if(testLoadPath() != 0) return 1;

  printf("before external link tests\n");
  if(testExternal(argv[0]) != 0) {
    return 1;

  printf("all ok - done\n");
  return 0;
Example #10
static int testExternal(char *progName){
  char nxfile[255], ext[5], testFile[80], time[132], filename[256];
  int create;
  NXhandle hfil;
  int dummylen = 1;
  float dummyfloat = 1;
  float temperature;

  if(strstr(progName,"hdf4") != NULL){
    create = NXACC_CREATE;
  } else if(strstr(progName,"hdf5") != NULL){
    create = NXACC_CREATE5;
  } else if(strstr(progName,"xml") != NULL){
    create = NXACC_CREATEXML;
  } else {
    printf("Failed to recognise napi_test program in testExternal\n");
    return 1;

  sprintf(testFile,"nxext.%s", ext);

    create the test file
  if(NXopen(testFile,create,&hfil) != NX_OK){
    return 1;
  /*if(NXmakegroup(hfil,"entry1","NXentry") != NX_OK){
    return 1;
  if(NXlinkexternal(hfil,"entry1","NXentry",nxfile) != NX_OK){
    return 1;
  /*if(NXmakegroup(hfil,"entry2","NXentry") != NX_OK){
    return 1;
  if(NXlinkexternal(hfil,"entry2","NXentry",nxfile) != NX_OK){
    return 1;
  if(NXmakegroup(hfil,"entry3","NXentry") != NX_OK){
    return 1;
  if(NXopengroup(hfil,"entry3","NXentry") != NX_OK){
    return 1;
  /* force create old style external link */
  if (NXmakedata (hfil, "extlinkdata", NX_FLOAT32, 1, &dummylen) != NX_OK) return 1;
  if (NXopendata (hfil, "extlinkdata") != NX_OK) return 1;
  if (NXputdata (hfil, &dummyfloat) != NX_OK) return 1;
  if(NXputattr(hfil,"napimount",nxfile,strlen(nxfile), NX_CHAR) != NX_OK) return 1;
  /* this would segfault because we are tricking the napi stack
  if(NXclosedata(&hfil) != NX_OK){
    return 1;
  if(NXopenpath(hfil,"/entry3") != NX_OK){
    return 1;
  /* create new style external link on hdf5 , equivalent to the above on other backends */
  if (NXlinkexternaldataset(hfil, "extlinknative", nxfile) != NX_OK) return 1;

  if(NXclose(&hfil) != NX_OK){
    return 1;

    actually test linking
  if(NXopen(testFile,NXACC_RDWR,&hfil) != NX_OK){
    return 1;
  if(NXopenpath(hfil,"/entry1/start_time") != NX_OK){
    return 1;
  if(NXgetdata(hfil,time) != NX_OK){
    return 1;
  printf("First file time: %s\n", time);

  if(NXinquirefile(hfil,filename,256) != NX_OK){
    return 1;
  printf("NXinquirefile found: %s\n", relativePathOf(filename));

  if(NXopenpath(hfil,"/entry2/sample/sample_name") != NX_OK){
    return 1;
  if(NXgetdata(hfil,time) != NX_OK){
    return 1;
  printf("Second file sample: %s\n", time);
  if(NXinquirefile(hfil,filename,256) != NX_OK){
    return 1;
  printf("NXinquirefile found: %s\n", relativePathOf(filename));

  if(NXopenpath(hfil,"/entry2/start_time") != NX_OK){
    return 1;
  if(NXgetdata(hfil,time) != NX_OK){
    return 1;
  printf("Second file time: %s\n", time);
  if(NXisexternalgroup(hfil,"entry1","NXentry",filename,255) != NX_OK){
    return 1;
  } else {
    printf("entry1 external URL = %s\n", filename);

  printf("testing link to external data set\n");
  if(NXopenpath(hfil,"/entry3") != NX_OK){
    return 1;
  if(NXisexternaldataset(hfil,"extlinkdata",filename,255) != NX_OK){
    printf("extlinkdata should be external link\n");
    return 1;
  } else {
    printf("extlinkdata external URL = %s\n", filename);
  if (NXopendata (hfil, "extlinkdata") != NX_OK) return 1;
  if(NXgetdata(hfil,&temperature) != NX_OK){
    return 1;
  printf("value retrieved: %4.2f\n", temperature);

  if(NXopenpath(hfil,"/entry3") != NX_OK){
    return 1;
  if(NXisexternaldataset(hfil,"extlinknative",filename,255) != NX_OK){
    printf("extlinknative should be external link\n");
    return 1;
  } else {
    printf("extlinknative external URL = %s\n", filename);
  if (NXopendata (hfil, "extlinknative") != NX_OK) return 1;
  if(NXgetdata(hfil,&temperature) != NX_OK){
    return 1;
  printf("value retrieved: %4.2f\n", temperature);

  printf("External File Linking tested OK\n");
  return 0;
Example #11
void SaveISISNexus::detector_1() {
  NXmakegroup(handle, "detector_1", "NXdata");
  NXopengroup(handle, "detector_1", "NXdata");

  for (int i = 0; i < nmon; ++i) {
    int si = int(std::distance(
        std::find(m_isisRaw->spec, m_isisRaw->spec + nsp, m_isisRaw->mdet[i])));
    monitor_index[si] = i;

  // write counts
  int dim[3];
  dim[0] = nper;
  dim[1] = nsp - nmon;
  dim[2] = ntc;
  NXmakedata(handle, "counts", NX_INT32, 3, dim);
  NXopendata(handle, "counts");
  putAttr("units", "counts");
  putAttr("signal", 1);
  putAttr("axes", "period_index,spectrum_index,time_of_flight");

  int size[] = {1, 1, ntc};
  int index = 0;
  for (int p = 0; p < nper; ++p) {
    int ispec = 0;
    m_isisRaw->skipData(rawFile, index++);
    for (int si = 0; si < nsp; ++si) {
      if (monitor_index.find(si) != monitor_index.end()) {
        m_isisRaw->readData(rawFile, index);
        monitorData.insert(monitorData.end(), m_isisRaw->dat1 + 1,
                           m_isisRaw->dat1 + ntc + 1);
      } else {
        m_isisRaw->readData(rawFile, index);
        int start[] = {p, ispec, 0};
        NXputslab(handle, m_isisRaw->dat1 + 1, start, size);
  NXgetdataID(handle, &counts_link);

  NXmakelink(handle, &period_index_link);

  std::vector<int> spec_minus_monitors(nsp - nmon);
  std::generate(spec_minus_monitors.begin(), spec_minus_monitors.end(),
                getWithoutMonitors<int>(this, m_isisRaw->spec));
  saveIntOpen("spectrum_index", &spec_minus_monitors[0], nsp - nmon);
  NXgetdataID(handle, &spectrum_index_link);

  NXmakelink(handle, &time_of_flight_link);
  NXmakelink(handle, &time_of_flight_raw_link);

  std::vector<float> float_vec(ndet - nmon);
  std::generate(float_vec.begin(), float_vec.end(),
                getWithoutMonitors<float>(this, m_isisRaw->delt));
  saveFloat("delt", &float_vec[0], ndet - nmon);

  saveFloat("source_detector_distance", &m_isisRaw->ivpb.i_sddist, 1);

  // using the same float_vec, size unchanged ndet-nmon
  std::generate(float_vec.begin(), float_vec.end(),
                getWithoutMonitors<float>(this, m_isisRaw->len2));
  saveFloatOpen("distance", &float_vec[0], ndet - nmon);
  putAttr("units", "metre");

  // using the same float_vec, size unchanged ndet-nmon
  std::generate(float_vec.begin(), float_vec.end(),
                getWithoutMonitors<float>(this, m_isisRaw->tthe));
  saveFloatOpen("polar_angle", &float_vec[0], ndet - nmon);
  putAttr("units", "degree");

Example #12
int NDFileNexus::processNode(TiXmlNode *curNode, NDArray *pArray) {
  int status = 0;
  const char *nodeName;
  const char *nodeValue;
  const char *nodeOuttype;
  const char *nodeSource;
  const char *nodeType;
  //float data;
  int rank;
  NDDataType_t type;
  int ii;
  int dims[ND_ARRAY_MAX_DIMS];
  int numCapture;
  int fileWriteMode;
  NDAttrDataType_t attrDataType;
  NDAttribute *pAttr;
  size_t attrDataSize;
  size_t nodeTextLen;
  int wordSize;
  int dataOutType=NDInt8;
  size_t numWords;
  int numItems = 0;
  int addr =0;
  void *pValue;
  char nodeText[256];
  NXname dataclass;
  NXname dPath;
  static const char *functionName = "processNode";

  asynPrint(this->pasynUserSelf, ASYN_TRACE_FLOW,
            "Entering %s:%s\n", driverName, functionName );

  /* Must lock when accessing parameter library */
  getIntegerParam(addr, NDFileWriteMode, &fileWriteMode);
  getIntegerParam(addr, NDFileNumCapture, &numCapture);

  nodeValue = curNode->Value();
  asynPrint(this->pasynUserSelf, ASYN_TRACEIO_DRIVER,
            "%s:%s  Value=%s Type=%d\n", driverName, functionName,
            curNode->Value(), curNode->Type());
  nodeType = curNode->ToElement()->Attribute("type");
  NXstatus stat;
  if (strcmp (nodeValue, "NXroot") == 0) {
    this->iterateNodes(curNode, pArray);
  }  /*  only include all the NeXus base classes */
  else if ((strcmp (nodeValue, "NXentry") ==0) ||
           (strcmp (nodeValue, "NXinstrument") ==0) ||
           (strcmp (nodeValue, "NXsample") ==0) ||
           (strcmp (nodeValue, "NXmonitor") ==0) ||
           (strcmp (nodeValue, "NXsource") ==0) ||
           (strcmp (nodeValue, "NXuser") ==0) ||
           (strcmp (nodeValue, "NXdata") ==0) ||
           (strcmp (nodeValue, "NXdetector") ==0) ||
           (strcmp (nodeValue, "NXaperature") ==0) ||
           (strcmp (nodeValue, "NXattenuator") ==0) ||
           (strcmp (nodeValue, "NXbeam_stop") ==0) ||
           (strcmp (nodeValue, "NXbending_magnet") ==0) ||
           (strcmp (nodeValue, "NXcollimator") ==0) ||
           (strcmp (nodeValue, "NXcrystal") ==0) ||
           (strcmp (nodeValue, "NXdisk_chopper") ==0) ||
           (strcmp (nodeValue, "NXfermi_chopper") ==0) ||
           (strcmp (nodeValue, "NXfilter") ==0) ||
           (strcmp (nodeValue, "NXflipper") ==0) ||
           (strcmp (nodeValue, "NXguide") ==0) ||
           (strcmp (nodeValue, "NXinsertion_device") ==0) ||
           (strcmp (nodeValue, "NXmirror") ==0) ||
           (strcmp (nodeValue, "NXmoderator") ==0) ||
           (strcmp (nodeValue, "NXmonochromator") ==0) ||
           (strcmp (nodeValue, "NXpolarizer") ==0) ||
           (strcmp (nodeValue, "NXpositioner") ==0) ||
           (strcmp (nodeValue, "NXvelocity_selector") ==0) ||
           (strcmp (nodeValue, "NXevent_data") ==0) ||
           (strcmp (nodeValue, "NXprocess") ==0) ||
           (strcmp (nodeValue, "NXcharacterization") ==0) ||
           (strcmp (nodeValue, "NXlog") ==0) ||
           (strcmp (nodeValue, "NXnote") ==0) ||
           (strcmp (nodeValue, "NXbeam") ==0) ||
           (strcmp (nodeValue, "NXgeometry") ==0) ||
           (strcmp (nodeValue, "NXtranslation") ==0) ||
           (strcmp (nodeValue, "NXshape") ==0) ||
           (strcmp (nodeValue, "NXorientation") ==0) ||
           (strcmp (nodeValue, "NXenvironment") ==0) ||
           (strcmp (nodeValue, "NXsensor") ==0) ||
           (strcmp (nodeValue, "NXcapillary") ==0) ||
           (strcmp (nodeValue, "NXcollection") ==0) ||
           (strcmp (nodeValue, "NXdetector_group") ==0) ||
           (strcmp (nodeValue, "NXparameters") ==0) ||
           (strcmp (nodeValue, "NXsubentry") ==0) ||
           (strcmp (nodeValue, "NXxraylens") ==0) ||
           (nodeType && strcmp (nodeType, "UserGroup") == 0) ) {
  nodeName = curNode->ToElement()->Attribute("name");
  if (nodeName == NULL) {
    nodeName = nodeValue;
  stat = NXmakegroup(this->nxFileHandle, (const char *)nodeName, (const char *)nodeValue);
  stat |= NXopengroup(this->nxFileHandle, (const char *)nodeName, (const char *)nodeValue);
  if (stat != NX_OK ) {
    asynPrint(this->pasynUserSelf, ASYN_TRACE_ERROR,
              "%s:%s Error creating group %s %s\n",
              driverName, functionName, nodeName, nodeValue);
  this->iterateNodes(curNode, pArray);
  stat = NXclosegroup(this->nxFileHandle);
  if (stat != NX_OK ) {
    asynPrint(this->pasynUserSelf, ASYN_TRACE_ERROR,
              "%s:%s Error closing group %s %s\n",
              driverName, functionName, nodeName, nodeValue);
  else if (strcmp (nodeValue, "Attr") ==0) {
    nodeName = curNode->ToElement()->Attribute("name");
    nodeSource = curNode->ToElement()->Attribute("source");
    if (nodeType && strcmp(nodeType, "ND_ATTR") == 0 ) {
      pAttr = this->pFileAttributes->find(nodeSource);
      if (pAttr != NULL ){
        pAttr->getValueInfo(&attrDataType, &attrDataSize);
        this->getAttrTypeNSize(pAttr, &dataOutType, &wordSize);

        if (dataOutType > 0) {
          pValue = calloc( attrDataSize, wordSize );
          pAttr->getValue(attrDataType, (char *)pValue, attrDataSize*wordSize);

          NXputattr(this->nxFileHandle, nodeName, pValue, (int)(attrDataSize/wordSize), dataOutType);

      else {
        asynPrint(this->pasynUserSelf, ASYN_TRACE_ERROR,
                  "%s:%s Could not find attribute named %s\n",
                  driverName, functionName, nodeSource);
    else if (nodeType && strcmp(nodeType, "CONST") == 0 ) {
      this->findConstText( curNode, nodeText);
      nodeOuttype = curNode->ToElement()->Attribute("outtype");
      if (nodeOuttype == NULL){
        nodeOuttype = "NX_CHAR";
      dataOutType = this->typeStringToVal((const char *)nodeOuttype);
      if ( dataOutType == NX_CHAR ) {
        nodeTextLen = strlen(nodeText);
      else {
        nodeTextLen = 1;
      pValue = allocConstValue( dataOutType, nodeTextLen);
      constTextToDataType(nodeText, dataOutType, pValue);
      NXputattr(this->nxFileHandle, nodeName, pValue, (int)nodeTextLen, dataOutType);

    else if (nodeType) {
      asynPrint(this->pasynUserSelf, ASYN_TRACE_ERROR,
                "%s:%s Node type %s for node %s is invalid\n",
                driverName, functionName, nodeType, nodeValue);

  else {
    nodeSource = curNode->ToElement()->Attribute("source");
    if (nodeType && strcmp(nodeType, "ND_ATTR") == 0 ) {
      pAttr = this->pFileAttributes->find(nodeSource);
      if ( pAttr != NULL) {
        pAttr->getValueInfo(&attrDataType, &attrDataSize);
        this->getAttrTypeNSize(pAttr, &dataOutType, &wordSize);

        if (dataOutType > 0) {
          pValue = calloc( attrDataSize, wordSize );
          pAttr->getValue(attrDataType, (char *)pValue, attrDataSize);

          numWords = attrDataSize/wordSize;
          NXmakedata( this->nxFileHandle, nodeValue, dataOutType, 1, (int *)&(numWords));
          NXopendata(this->nxFileHandle, nodeValue);
          NXputdata(this->nxFileHandle, (char *)pValue);
          this->iterateNodes(curNode, pArray);
      else {
        asynPrint(this->pasynUserSelf, ASYN_TRACE_ERROR,
                  "%s:%s Could not add node %s could not find an attribute by that name\n",
                  driverName, functionName, nodeSource);
    else if (nodeType && strcmp(nodeType, "pArray") == 0 ){

      rank = pArray->ndims;
      type = pArray->dataType;
      for (ii=0; ii<rank; ii++) {
        dims[(rank-1) - ii] = (int)pArray->dims[ii].size;

      switch(type) {
        case NDInt8:
          dataOutType = NX_INT8;
          wordSize = 1;
        case NDUInt8:
          dataOutType = NX_UINT8;
          wordSize = 1;
        case NDInt16:
          dataOutType = NX_INT16;
          wordSize = 2;
        case NDUInt16:
          dataOutType = NX_UINT16;
          wordSize = 2;
        case NDInt32:
          dataOutType = NX_INT32;
          wordSize = 4;
        case NDUInt32:
          dataOutType = NX_UINT32;
          wordSize = 4;
        case NDFloat32:
          dataOutType = NX_FLOAT32;
          wordSize = 4;
        case NDFloat64:
          dataOutType = NX_FLOAT64;
          wordSize = 8;

        asynPrint(this->pasynUserSelf, ASYN_TRACEIO_DRIVER,
                  "%s:%s Starting to write data making group\n", driverName, functionName );

      if ( fileWriteMode == NDFileModeSingle ) {
          NXmakedata( this->nxFileHandle, nodeValue, dataOutType, rank, dims);
      else if ((fileWriteMode == NDFileModeCapture) ||
               (fileWriteMode == NDFileModeStream)) {
        for (ii = 0; ii < rank; ii++) {
          dims[(rank) - ii] = dims[(rank-1) - ii];
        rank = rank +1;
        dims[0] = numCapture;
        NXmakedata( this->nxFileHandle, nodeValue, dataOutType, rank, dims);
      dPath[0] = '\0';
      dataclass[0] = '\0';

      NXopendata(this->nxFileHandle, nodeValue);
      // If you are having problems with NXgetgroupinfo in Visual Studio,
      // Checkout this link: http://trac.nexusformat.org/code/ticket/217
      // Fixed in Nexus 4.2.1
      //printf("%s:%s: calling NXgetgroupinfo!\n", driverName, functionName);
      NXgetgroupinfo(this->nxFileHandle, &numItems, dPath, dataclass);
      //printf("dPath=%s, nodeValue=%s\n", dPath, nodeValue );
      sprintf(this->dataName, "%s", nodeValue);
      sprintf(this->dataPath, "%c%s", '/', dPath);
      this->iterateNodes(curNode, pArray);
    else if (nodeType && strcmp(nodeType, "CONST") == 0 ){
      this->findConstText( curNode, nodeText);

      nodeOuttype = curNode->ToElement()->Attribute("outtype");
      if (nodeOuttype == NULL){
        nodeOuttype = "NX_CHAR";
      dataOutType = this->typeStringToVal(nodeOuttype);
      if ( dataOutType == NX_CHAR ) {
        nodeTextLen = strlen(nodeText);
      else {
        nodeTextLen = 1;
      pValue = allocConstValue( dataOutType, nodeTextLen);
      constTextToDataType(nodeText, dataOutType, pValue);

      NXmakedata( this->nxFileHandle, nodeValue, dataOutType, 1, (int *)&nodeTextLen);
      NXopendata(this->nxFileHandle, nodeValue);
      NXputdata(this->nxFileHandle, pValue);
      this->iterateNodes(curNode, pArray);
    else if (nodeType) {
      asynPrint(this->pasynUserSelf, ASYN_TRACE_ERROR,
                "%s:%s Node type %s for node %s is invalid\n",
                driverName, functionName, nodeType, nodeValue);
    else {
      this->findConstText( curNode, nodeText);

      dataOutType = NX_CHAR;
      nodeTextLen = strlen(nodeText);

      if (nodeTextLen == 0) {
        sprintf(nodeText, "LEFT BLANK");
        nodeTextLen = strlen(nodeText);

      pValue = allocConstValue( dataOutType, nodeTextLen);
      constTextToDataType(nodeText, dataOutType, pValue);

      NXmakedata( this->nxFileHandle, nodeValue, dataOutType, 1, (int *)&nodeTextLen);
      NXopendata(this->nxFileHandle, nodeValue);
      NXputdata(this->nxFileHandle, pValue);
      this->iterateNodes(curNode, pArray);
  asynPrint(this->pasynUserSelf, ASYN_TRACE_FLOW,
            "Leaving %s:%s\n", driverName, functionName );
  return (status);
Example #13
  /** Write out a MatrixWorkspace's data as a 2D matrix.
   * Use writeNexusProcessedDataEvent if writing an EventWorkspace.
  int NexusFileIO::writeNexusProcessedData2D( const API::MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr& localworkspace,
      const bool& uniformSpectra, const std::vector<int>& spec,
      const char * group_name, bool write2Ddata) const
    NXstatus status;

    //write data entry
    // write workspace data
    const size_t nHist=localworkspace->getNumberHistograms();
    const size_t nSpectBins=localworkspace->readY(0).size();
    const size_t nSpect=spec.size();
    int dims_array[2] = { static_cast<int>(nSpect),static_cast<int>(nSpectBins) };

    // Set the axis labels and values
    Mantid::API::Axis *xAxis=localworkspace->getAxis(0);
    Mantid::API::Axis *sAxis=localworkspace->getAxis(1);
    std::string xLabel,sLabel;
    if ( xAxis->isSpectra() ) xLabel = "spectraNumber";
      if ( xAxis->unit() ) xLabel = xAxis->unit()->unitID();
      else xLabel = "unknown";
    if ( sAxis->isSpectra() ) sLabel = "spectraNumber";
      if ( sAxis->unit() ) sLabel = sAxis->unit()->unitID();
      else sLabel = "unknown";
    // Get the values on the vertical axis
    std::vector<double> axis2;
    if (nSpect < nHist)
      for (size_t i=0;i<nSpect;i++)
      for (size_t i=0;i<sAxis->length();i++)

    int start[2]={0,0};
    int asize[2]={1,dims_array[1]};

    // -------------- Actually write the 2D data ----------------------------
    if (write2Ddata)
      std::string name="values";
      NXcompmakedata(fileID, name.c_str(), NX_FLOAT64, 2, dims_array,m_nexuscompression,asize);
      NXopendata(fileID, name.c_str());
      for(size_t i=0;i<nSpect;i++)
        int s = spec[i];
        NXputslab(fileID, reinterpret_cast<void*>(const_cast<double*>(&(localworkspace->readY(s)[0]))),start,asize);
      if(m_progress != 0) m_progress->reportIncrement(1, "Writing data");
      int signal=1;
      NXputattr (fileID, "signal", &signal, 1, NX_INT32);
      // More properties
      const std::string axesNames="axis2,axis1";
      NXputattr (fileID, "axes",  reinterpret_cast<void*>(const_cast<char*>(axesNames.c_str())), static_cast<int>(axesNames.size()), NX_CHAR);
      std::string yUnits=localworkspace->YUnit();
      std::string yUnitLabel=localworkspace->YUnitLabel();
      NXputattr (fileID, "units",  reinterpret_cast<void*>(const_cast<char*>(yUnits.c_str())), static_cast<int>(yUnits.size()), NX_CHAR);
      NXputattr (fileID, "unit_label",  reinterpret_cast<void*>(const_cast<char*>(yUnitLabel.c_str())), static_cast<int>(yUnitLabel.size()), NX_CHAR);

      // error
      NXcompmakedata(fileID, name.c_str(), NX_FLOAT64, 2, dims_array,m_nexuscompression,asize);
      NXopendata(fileID, name.c_str());
      for(size_t i=0;i<nSpect;i++)
        int s = spec[i];
        NXputslab(fileID, reinterpret_cast<void*>(const_cast<double*>(&(localworkspace->readE(s)[0]))),start,asize);
      if(m_progress != 0) m_progress->reportIncrement(1, "Writing data");

      // Fractional area for RebinnedOutput
      if (localworkspace->id() == "RebinnedOutput")
        RebinnedOutput_const_sptr rebin_workspace = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<const RebinnedOutput>(localworkspace);
        NXcompmakedata(fileID, name.c_str(), NX_FLOAT64, 2,
        NXopendata(fileID, name.c_str());
        for(size_t i=0;i<nSpect;i++)
          int s = spec[i];
          NXputslab(fileID, reinterpret_cast<void*>(const_cast<double*>(&(rebin_workspace->readF(s)[0]))),
                           start, asize);
        if(m_progress != 0) m_progress->reportIncrement(1, "Writing data");


    // write X data, as single array or all values if "ragged"
      NXmakedata(fileID, "axis1", NX_FLOAT64, 1, dims_array);
      NXopendata(fileID, "axis1");
      NXputdata(fileID, reinterpret_cast<void*>(const_cast<double*>(&(localworkspace->readX(0)[0]))));
      NXmakedata(fileID, "axis1", NX_FLOAT64, 2, dims_array);
      NXopendata(fileID, "axis1");
      start[0]=0; asize[1]=dims_array[1];
      for(size_t i=0;i<nSpect;i++)
        NXputslab(fileID, reinterpret_cast<void*>(const_cast<double*>(&(localworkspace->readX(i)[0]))),start,asize);
    std::string dist=(localworkspace->isDistribution()) ? "1" : "0";
    NXputattr(fileID, "distribution",  reinterpret_cast<void*>(const_cast<char*>(dist.c_str())), 2, NX_CHAR);
    NXputattr (fileID, "units",  reinterpret_cast<void*>(const_cast<char*>(xLabel.c_str())), static_cast<int>(xLabel.size()), NX_CHAR);

    auto label = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<Mantid::Kernel::Units::Label>(xAxis->unit());
      NXputattr (fileID, "caption",  reinterpret_cast<void*>(const_cast<char*>(label->caption().c_str())), static_cast<int>(label->caption().size()), NX_CHAR);
      auto unitLbl = label->label();
      NXputattr (fileID, "label",  reinterpret_cast<void*>(const_cast<char*>(unitLbl.ascii().c_str())), static_cast<int>(unitLbl.ascii().size()), NX_CHAR);


    if ( ! sAxis->isText() )
      // write axis2, maybe just spectra number
      NXmakedata(fileID, "axis2", NX_FLOAT64, 1, dims_array);
      NXopendata(fileID, "axis2");
      NXputdata(fileID, (void*)&(axis2[0]));
      NXputattr (fileID, "units",  reinterpret_cast<void*>(const_cast<char*>(sLabel.c_str())), static_cast<int>(sLabel.size()), NX_CHAR);

      auto label = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<Mantid::Kernel::Units::Label>(sAxis->unit());
        NXputattr (fileID, "caption",  reinterpret_cast<void*>(const_cast<char*>(label->caption().c_str())), static_cast<int>(label->caption().size()), NX_CHAR);
        auto unitLbl = label->label();
        NXputattr (fileID, "label",  reinterpret_cast<void*>(const_cast<char*>(unitLbl.ascii().c_str())), static_cast<int>(unitLbl.ascii().size()), NX_CHAR);

      std::string textAxis;
      for ( size_t i = 0; i < sAxis->length(); i ++ )
        std::string label = sAxis->label(i);
        textAxis += label + "\n";
      dims_array[0] = static_cast<int>(textAxis.size());
      NXmakedata(fileID, "axis2", NX_CHAR, 2, dims_array);
      NXopendata(fileID, "axis2");
      NXputdata(fileID,  reinterpret_cast<void*>(const_cast<char*>(textAxis.c_str())));
      NXputattr (fileID, "units",  reinterpret_cast<void*>(const_cast<char*>("TextAxis")), 8, NX_CHAR);

      auto label = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<Mantid::Kernel::Units::Label>(sAxis->unit());
        NXputattr (fileID, "caption",  reinterpret_cast<void*>(const_cast<char*>(label->caption().c_str())), static_cast<int>(label->caption().size()), NX_CHAR);
        auto unitLbl = label->label();
        NXputattr (fileID, "label",  reinterpret_cast<void*>(const_cast<char*>(unitLbl.ascii().c_str())), static_cast<int>(unitLbl.ascii().size()), NX_CHAR);



Example #14
/** Utility function to write out the
 * data or errors to a field in the group.
 * @param det :: rectangular detector being written
 * @param x_pixel_slab :: size of a slab to write, in number of X pixels.
 *ignored if doBoth
 * @param field_name :: "data" field name
 * @param errors_field_name :: "errors" field name.
 * @param doErrors :: set true if you are writing the errors field this time.
 *field_name should be the "errors" field name
 * @param doBoth :: do both data and errors at once, no slabbing.
 * @param is_definition ::
 * @param bank :: name of the bank being written.
 * @return error code
int SaveToSNSHistogramNexus::WriteOutDataOrErrors(
    Geometry::RectangularDetector_const_sptr det, int x_pixel_slab,
    const char *field_name, const char *errors_field_name, bool doErrors,
    bool doBoth, int is_definition, std::string bank) {
  int dataRank, dataDimensions[NX_MAXRANK];
  int slabDimensions[NX_MAXRANK], slabStartIndices[NX_MAXRANK];

  dataRank = 3;

  // Dimension 0 = the X pixels
  dataDimensions[0] = det->xpixels();
  // Dimension 1 = the Y pixels
  dataDimensions[1] = det->ypixels();
  // Dimension 2 = time of flight bins
  dataDimensions[2] = static_cast<int>(inputWorkspace->blocksize());

  // ---- Determine slab size -----
  // Number of pixels to collect in X before slabbing
  slabDimensions[0] = x_pixel_slab;
  slabDimensions[1] = dataDimensions[1];
  slabDimensions[2] = dataDimensions[2];

  if (doBoth)
    slabDimensions[0] = dataDimensions[0];

  std::cout << "RectangularDetector " << det->getName()
            << " being copied. Dimensions : " << dataDimensions[0] << ", "
            << dataDimensions[1] << ", " << dataDimensions[2] << ".\n";

  // ----- Open the data field -----------------------
  if (m_compress) {
    if (NXcompmakedata(outId, field_name, NX_FLOAT32, dataRank, dataDimensions,
                       NX_COMP_LZW, slabDimensions) != NX_OK)
      return NX_ERROR;
  } else {
    if (NXmakedata(outId, field_name, NX_FLOAT32, dataRank, dataDimensions) !=
      return NX_ERROR;
  if (NXopendata(outId, field_name) != NX_OK)
    return NX_ERROR;
  if (WriteAttributes(is_definition) != NX_OK)
    return NX_ERROR;
  if (!doErrors) {
    // Add an attribute called "errors" with value = the name of the data_errors
    // field.
    NXname attrName = "errors";
    std::string attrBuffer = errors_field_name;
    if (NXputattr(outId, attrName, attrBuffer.c_str(),
                  static_cast<int>(attrBuffer.size()), NX_CHAR) != NX_OK)
      return NX_ERROR;

  // ---- Errors field -----
  if (doBoth) {
    if (NXclosedata(outId) != NX_OK)
      return NX_ERROR;

    if (m_compress) {
      if (NXcompmakedata(outId, errors_field_name, NX_FLOAT32, dataRank,
                         dataDimensions, NX_COMP_LZW, slabDimensions) != NX_OK)
        return NX_ERROR;
    } else {
      if (NXmakedata(outId, errors_field_name, NX_FLOAT32, dataRank,
                     dataDimensions) != NX_OK)
        return NX_ERROR;
    if (NXopendata(outId, errors_field_name) != NX_OK)
      return NX_ERROR;

    //      NXlink * link = new NXlink;
    //      link->linkType = 1; /* SDS data link */
    //      NXgetdataID(outId, link);
    //      std::string targetPath = "/entry/" + bank + "/" + errors_field_name;
    //      strcpy(link->targetPath, targetPath.c_str());
    //      if (NXmakelink(outId,link) != NX_OK)
    //        g_log.debug() << "Error while making link to " << targetPath <<
    //        '\n';

    if (WriteAttributes(is_definition) != NX_OK)
      return NX_ERROR;
    if (NXclosedata(outId) != NX_OK)
      return NX_ERROR;

  double fillTime = 0;
  double saveTime = 0;

  // Make a buffer of floats will all the counts in that bank.
  auto data =
      new float[slabDimensions[0] * slabDimensions[1] * slabDimensions[2]];

  // Only allocate an array for errors if it is needed
  float *errors = nullptr;
  if (doBoth)
    errors =
        new float[slabDimensions[0] * slabDimensions[1] * slabDimensions[2]];

  for (int x = 0; x < det->xpixels(); x++) {
    // Which slab are we in?
    int slabnum = x / x_pixel_slab;

    // X index into the slabbed output array
    int slabx = x % x_pixel_slab;

    Timer tim1;
    int ypixels = static_cast<int>(det->ypixels());

    for (int y = 0; y < ypixels; y++) {
      // Get the workspace index for the detector ID at this spot
      size_t wi = 0;
      try {
        wi = map.find(det->getAtXY(x, y)->getID())->second;
      } catch (...) {
        std::cout << "Error finding " << bank << " x " << x << " y " << y
                  << "\n";

      // Offset into array.
      size_t index = size_t(slabx) * size_t(dataDimensions[1]) *
                         size_t(dataDimensions[2]) +
                     size_t(y) * size_t(dataDimensions[2]);

      const MantidVec &Y = inputWorkspace->readY(wi);
      const MantidVec &E = inputWorkspace->readE(wi);

      for (size_t i = 0; i < Y.size(); ++i) {
        if (doErrors) {
          data[i + index] = static_cast<float>(E[i]);
        } else {
          data[i + index] = static_cast<float>(Y[i]);
          if (doBoth) {
            errors[i + index] = static_cast<float>(E[i]);


    fillTime += tim1.elapsed();

    // Is this the last pixel in the slab?
    if (!doBoth && (x % x_pixel_slab == x_pixel_slab - 1)) {
      Timer tim2;
      // std::cout << "starting slab " << x << "\n";
      // This is where the slab is in the greater data array.
      slabStartIndices[0] = slabnum * x_pixel_slab;
      slabStartIndices[1] = 0;
      slabStartIndices[2] = 0;
      if (NXputslab(outId, data, slabStartIndices, slabDimensions) != NX_OK)
        return NX_ERROR;
      saveTime += tim2.elapsed();

      std::ostringstream mess;
      mess << det->getName() << ", " << field_name << " slab " << slabnum
           << " of " << det->xpixels() / x_pixel_slab;
      this->prog->reportIncrement(x_pixel_slab * det->ypixels(), mess.str());

  } // X loop

  if (doBoth) {
    bool returnerror = false;

    Timer tim2;
    if (NXopendata(outId, field_name) != NX_OK)
      returnerror = true;
    else if (NXputdata(outId, data) != NX_OK)
      returnerror = true;
    else if (NXclosedata(outId) != NX_OK)
      returnerror = true;
    else {
      this->prog->reportIncrement(det->xpixels() * det->ypixels() * 1,
                                  det->getName() + " data");

      if (NXopendata(outId, errors_field_name) != NX_OK)
        returnerror = true;
      else if (NXputdata(outId, errors) != NX_OK)
        returnerror = true;
      else if (NXclosedata(outId) != NX_OK)
        returnerror = true;
      else {
        this->prog->reportIncrement(det->xpixels() * det->ypixels() * 1,
                                    det->getName() + " errors");
        saveTime += tim2.elapsed();

    if (returnerror) {
      delete[] data;
      delete[] errors;

      return NX_ERROR;

  } else {
    if (NXclosedata(outId) != NX_OK) {
      delete[] data;
      return NX_ERROR;

  std::cout << "Filling out " << det->getName() << " took " << fillTime
            << " sec.\n";
  std::cout << "Saving      " << det->getName() << " took " << saveTime
            << " sec.\n";

  delete[] data;
  if (doBoth)
    delete[] errors;

  return NX_OK;