Example #1
 * Class:     jogamp_nativewindow_x11_X11Lib
 * Method:    QueryExtension0
 * Signature: (JLjava/lang/String;)Z
JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_jogamp_nativewindow_x11_X11Lib_QueryExtension0
  (JNIEnv *env, jclass unused, jlong jdisplay, jstring jextensionName)
    int32_t major_opcode, first_event, first_error;
    jboolean res = JNI_FALSE;
    Display * display = (Display *) (intptr_t) jdisplay;
    const char* extensionName = NULL;

    if(NULL==display) {
        NativewindowCommon_throwNewRuntimeException(env, "NULL argument \"display\"");
        return res;
    if ( NULL == jextensionName ) {
        NativewindowCommon_throwNewRuntimeException(env, "NULL argument \"extensionName\"");
        return res;
    extensionName = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, jextensionName, (jboolean*)NULL);
    if ( NULL == extensionName ) {
        NativewindowCommon_throwNewRuntimeException(env, "Failed to get UTF-8 chars for argument \"extensionName\"");
        return res;

    res = True == XQueryExtension(display, extensionName, &major_opcode, &first_event, &first_error) ? JNI_TRUE : JNI_FALSE;

    if ( NULL != jextensionName ) {
        (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, jextensionName, extensionName);
    return res;
Example #2
 * Class:     jogamp_nativewindow_x11_X11Lib
 * Method:    DestroyWindow
 * Signature: (JJ)V
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_jogamp_nativewindow_x11_X11Lib_DestroyWindow
  (JNIEnv *env, jclass unused, jlong display, jlong window)
    Display * dpy = (Display *)(intptr_t)display;
    Window      w = (Window) window;
    XWindowAttributes xwa;

    if(NULL==dpy) {
        NativewindowCommon_throwNewRuntimeException(env, "invalid display connection..");

    NativewindowCommon_x11ErrorHandlerEnable(env, dpy, 0, 1, errorHandlerQuiet, 0);
    XSync(dpy, False);
    memset(&xwa, 0, sizeof(XWindowAttributes));
    XGetWindowAttributes(dpy, w, &xwa); // prefetch colormap to be destroyed after window destruction
    XSelectInput(dpy, w, 0);
    XUnmapWindow(dpy, w);
    XSync(dpy, False);
    XDestroyWindow(dpy, w);
    if( None != xwa.colormap ) {
        XFreeColormap(dpy, xwa.colormap);
    // NativewindowCommon_x11ErrorHandlerEnable(env, dpy, 0, 0, errorHandlerQuiet, 1);
Example #3
static int x11ErrorHandler(Display *dpy, XErrorEvent *e)
    if(!errorHandlerQuiet) {
        const char * errnoStr = strerror(errno);
        char threadName[80];
        char errCodeStr[80];
        char reqCodeStr[80];

        int shallBeDetached = 0;
        JNIEnv *jniEnv = NativewindowCommon_GetJNIEnv(jvmHandle, jvmVersion, &shallBeDetached);

        (void) NativewindowCommon_GetStaticStringMethod(jniEnv, X11UtilClazz, getCurrentThreadNameID, threadName, sizeof(threadName), "n/a");
        snprintf(errCodeStr, sizeof(errCodeStr), "%d", e->request_code);
        XGetErrorDatabaseText(dpy, "XRequest", errCodeStr, "Unknown", reqCodeStr, sizeof(reqCodeStr));
        XGetErrorText(dpy, e->error_code, errCodeStr, sizeof(errCodeStr));

        fprintf(stderr, "Info: Nativewindow X11 Error (Thread: %s): %d - %s, dpy %p, id %x, # %d: %d:%d %s\n",
            threadName, e->error_code, errCodeStr, e->display, (int)e->resourceid, (int)e->serial,
            (int)e->request_code, (int)e->minor_code, reqCodeStr);

        if( errorHandlerDebug ) {
            (*jniEnv)->CallStaticVoidMethod(jniEnv, X11UtilClazz, dumpStackID);

        if(errorHandlerThrowException) {
            if(NULL != jniEnv) {
                NativewindowCommon_throwNewRuntimeException(jniEnv, "Nativewindow X11 Error (Thread: %s): %d - %s, dpy %p, id %x, # %d: %d:%d %s\n",
                                                            threadName, e->error_code, errCodeStr, e->display, (int)e->resourceid, (int)e->serial,
                                                            (int)e->request_code, (int)e->minor_code, reqCodeStr);
            } else {
                fprintf(stderr, "Nativewindow X11 Error: null JNIEnv");
                #if 0
                    if(NULL!=origErrorHandler) {
                        origErrorHandler(dpy, e);

        if (NULL != jniEnv && shallBeDetached) {

    return 0;
Example #4
 * Class:     jogamp_nativewindow_x11_X11Lib
 * Method:    DestroyDummyWindow
 * Signature: (JJ)V
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_jogamp_nativewindow_x11_X11Lib_DestroyDummyWindow
  (JNIEnv *env, jclass unused, jlong display, jlong window)
    Display * dpy = (Display *)(intptr_t)display;
    Window      w = (Window) window;

    if(NULL==dpy) {
        NativewindowCommon_throwNewRuntimeException(env, "invalid display connection..");

    NativewindowCommon_x11ErrorHandlerEnable(env, dpy, 1, 0, 0);
    XUnmapWindow(dpy, w);
    XSync(dpy, False);
    XDestroyWindow(dpy, w);
    NativewindowCommon_x11ErrorHandlerEnable(env, dpy, 0, 0, 1);
Example #5
static int x11ErrorHandler(Display *dpy, XErrorEvent *e)
    if( !errorHandlerQuiet || errorHandlerDebug ) {
        const char * errnoStr = strerror(errno);
        char errCodeStr[80];
        char reqCodeStr[80];
        int shallBeDetached = 0;
        JNIEnv *jniEnv = NULL;

        snprintf(errCodeStr, sizeof(errCodeStr), "%d", e->request_code);
        XGetErrorDatabaseText(dpy, "XRequest", errCodeStr, "Unknown", reqCodeStr, sizeof(reqCodeStr));
        XGetErrorText(dpy, e->error_code, errCodeStr, sizeof(errCodeStr));

        fprintf(stderr, "Info: Nativewindow X11 Error: %d - %s, dpy %p, id %x, # %d: %d:%d %s\n",
            e->error_code, errCodeStr, e->display, (int)e->resourceid, (int)e->serial,
            (int)e->request_code, (int)e->minor_code, reqCodeStr);

        if( NULL != jvmHandle && ( errorHandlerDebug || errorHandlerThrowException ) ) {
            jniEnv = NativewindowCommon_GetJNIEnv(jvmHandle, jvmVersion, 0 /* asDaemon */, &shallBeDetached);
            if(NULL == jniEnv) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Nativewindow X11 Error: null JNIEnv");

        if( NULL != jniEnv ) {
            if( errorHandlerDebug ) {
                (*jniEnv)->CallStaticVoidMethod(jniEnv, X11UtilClazz, dumpStackID);

            if(errorHandlerThrowException) {
                NativewindowCommon_throwNewRuntimeException(jniEnv, "Nativewindow X11 Error: %d - %s, dpy %p, id %x, # %d: %d:%d %s\n",
                                                            e->error_code, errCodeStr, e->display, (int)e->resourceid, (int)e->serial,
                                                            (int)e->request_code, (int)e->minor_code, reqCodeStr);

            if (shallBeDetached) {

    return 0;
Example #6
Java_jogamp_nativewindow_x11_X11Lib_GetVisualIDFromWindow(JNIEnv *env, jclass _unused, jlong display, jlong window) {
    Display * dpy = (Display *)(intptr_t)display;
    Window      w = (Window) window;
    XWindowAttributes xwa;
    jlong r = 0; // undefinded

    if(NULL==dpy) {
        NativewindowCommon_throwNewRuntimeException(env, "invalid display connection..");

    NativewindowCommon_x11ErrorHandlerEnable(env, dpy, 0, 1, errorHandlerQuiet, 1);
    memset(&xwa, 0, sizeof(XWindowAttributes));
    XGetWindowAttributes(dpy, w, &xwa);
    if(NULL != xwa.visual) {
        r = (jint) XVisualIDFromVisual( xwa.visual );
    } else {
        r = 0;
    // NativewindowCommon_x11ErrorHandlerEnable(env, dpy, 0, 0, errorHandlerQuiet, 1);

    return r;
Example #7
 * Class:     jogamp_nativewindow_x11_X11Lib
 * Method:    CreateWindow
 * Signature: (JJIIIIZZ)J
JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_jogamp_nativewindow_x11_X11Lib_CreateWindow
  (JNIEnv *env, jclass unused, jlong parent, jlong display, jint screen_index, jint visualID, jint width, jint height, jboolean input, jboolean visible)
    Display * dpy  = (Display *)(intptr_t)display;
    int       scrn_idx = (int)screen_index;
    Window root = RootWindow(dpy, scrn_idx);
    Window  windowParent = (Window) parent;
    Window  window = 0;

    XVisualInfo visualTemplate;
    XVisualInfo *pVisualQuery = NULL;
    Visual *visual = NULL;
    int depth;

    XSetWindowAttributes xswa;
    unsigned long attrMask;
    int n;

    Screen* scrn;

    if(NULL==dpy) {
        NativewindowCommon_FatalError(env, "invalid display connection..");
        return 0;

    if(visualID<0) {
        NativewindowCommon_throwNewRuntimeException(env, "invalid VisualID ..");
        return 0;

    NativewindowCommon_x11ErrorHandlerEnable(env, dpy, 0, 1, errorHandlerQuiet, 0);

    scrn = ScreenOfDisplay(dpy, scrn_idx);
    if(0==windowParent) {
        windowParent = root;

    // try given VisualID on screen
    memset(&visualTemplate, 0, sizeof(XVisualInfo));
    visualTemplate.screen = scrn_idx;
    visualTemplate.visualid = (VisualID)visualID;
    pVisualQuery = XGetVisualInfo(dpy, VisualIDMask|VisualScreenMask, &visualTemplate,&n);
    if(pVisualQuery!=NULL) {
        visual   = pVisualQuery->visual;
        depth    = pVisualQuery->depth;
        visualID = (jint)pVisualQuery->visualid;
    DBG_PRINT( "X11: [CreateWindow] trying given (dpy %p, screen %d, visualID: %d, parent %p) found: %p\n", dpy, scrn_idx, (int)visualID, windowParent, visual);

    if (visual==NULL)
        // NativewindowCommon_x11ErrorHandlerEnable(env, dpy, 0, 0, errorHandlerQuiet, 1);
        NativewindowCommon_throwNewRuntimeException(env, "could not query Visual by given VisualID, bail out!");
        return 0;

    if(pVisualQuery!=NULL) {

    attrMask  = ( CWBackingStore | CWBackingPlanes | CWBackingPixel | CWBackPixmap | 
                  CWBorderPixel | CWColormap | CWOverrideRedirect ) ;

    memset(&xswa, 0, sizeof(xswa));
    xswa.override_redirect = False; // use the window manager, always
    xswa.border_pixel = 0;
    xswa.background_pixmap = None;
    xswa.backing_store=NotUseful; /* NotUseful, WhenMapped, Always */
    xswa.backing_planes=0;        /* planes to be preserved if possible */
    xswa.backing_pixel=0;         /* value to use in restoring planes */
    if( input ) {
        xswa.event_mask  = X11_MOUSE_EVENT_MASK;
        xswa.event_mask |= KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask ;
    if( visible ) {
        xswa.event_mask |= FocusChangeMask | SubstructureNotifyMask | StructureNotifyMask | ExposureMask ;

    xswa.colormap = XCreateColormap(dpy,

    window = XCreateWindow(dpy,
                           0, 0, // only a hint, WM most likely will override
                           width, height,
                           0, // border width
    if(0==window) {
        NativewindowCommon_throwNewRuntimeException(env, "could not create Window, bail out!");
        return 0;

    NativewindowX11_setNormalWindowEWMH(dpy, window);
    NativewindowX11_setDecorations(dpy, window, False);

    if( visible ) {
        XEvent event;

        XMapWindow(dpy, window);

    XSync(dpy, False);

    if( !input ) {
        XSelectInput(dpy, window, 0); // no events

    // NativewindowCommon_x11ErrorHandlerEnable(env, dpy, 0, 0, errorHandlerQuiet, 1);

    DBG_PRINT( "X11: [CreateWindow] created window %p on display %p\n", window, dpy);

    return (jlong) window;
Example #8
 * Class:     jogamp_nativewindow_x11_X11Lib
 * Method:    CreateDummyWindow
 * Signature: (JIIII)J
JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_jogamp_nativewindow_x11_X11Lib_CreateDummyWindow
  (JNIEnv *env, jclass unused, jlong display, jint screen_index, jint visualID, jint width, jint height)
    Display * dpy  = (Display *)(intptr_t)display;
    int       scrn_idx = (int)screen_index;
    Window  windowParent = 0;
    Window  window = 0;

    XVisualInfo visualTemplate;
    XVisualInfo *pVisualQuery = NULL;
    Visual *visual = NULL;
    int depth;

    XSetWindowAttributes xswa;
    unsigned long attrMask;
    int n;

    Screen* scrn;

    if(NULL==dpy) {
        NativewindowCommon_FatalError(env, "invalid display connection..");
        return 0;

    if(visualID<0) {
        NativewindowCommon_throwNewRuntimeException(env, "invalid VisualID ..");
        return 0;

    NativewindowCommon_x11ErrorHandlerEnable(env, dpy, 1, 0, 0);

    scrn = ScreenOfDisplay(dpy, scrn_idx);

    // try given VisualID on screen
    memset(&visualTemplate, 0, sizeof(XVisualInfo));
    visualTemplate.screen = scrn_idx;
    visualTemplate.visualid = (VisualID)visualID;
    pVisualQuery = XGetVisualInfo(dpy, VisualIDMask|VisualScreenMask, &visualTemplate,&n);
    if(pVisualQuery!=NULL) {
        visual   = pVisualQuery->visual;
        depth    = pVisualQuery->depth;
        visualID = (jint)pVisualQuery->visualid;
    DBG_PRINT( "X11: [CreateWindow] trying given (dpy %p, screen %d, visualID: %d, parent %p) found: %p\n", dpy, scrn_idx, (int)visualID, windowParent, visual);

    if (visual==NULL)
        NativewindowCommon_x11ErrorHandlerEnable(env, dpy, 0, 0, 1);
        NativewindowCommon_throwNewRuntimeException(env, "could not query Visual by given VisualID, bail out!");
        return 0;

    if(pVisualQuery!=NULL) {

    if(0==windowParent) {
        windowParent = XRootWindowOfScreen(scrn);

    attrMask  = ( CWBackingStore | CWBackingPlanes | CWBackingPixel | CWBackPixmap | 
                  CWBorderPixel | CWColormap | CWOverrideRedirect ) ;

    memset(&xswa, 0, sizeof(xswa));
    xswa.override_redirect = False; // use the window manager, always
    xswa.border_pixel = 0;
    xswa.background_pixmap = None;
    xswa.backing_store=NotUseful; /* NotUseful, WhenMapped, Always */
    xswa.backing_planes=0;        /* planes to be preserved if possible */
    xswa.backing_pixel=0;         /* value to use in restoring planes */

    xswa.colormap = XCreateColormap(dpy,
                                    XRootWindow(dpy, scrn_idx),

    window = XCreateWindow(dpy,
                           0, 0,
                           width, height,
                           0, // border width
    XSync(dpy, False);

    XSelectInput(dpy, window, 0); // no events

    NativewindowCommon_x11ErrorHandlerEnable(env, dpy, 0, 0, 1);

    DBG_PRINT( "X11: [CreateWindow] created window %p on display %p\n", window, dpy);

    return (jlong) window;