Example #1
//adds a chunk of data (max 14 bytes) in the packet that is directly copied 
//while streaming
M4Err M4H_AddDirectData(M4File *the_file, u32 trackNumber, char *data, u32 dataLength, u8 AtBegin)
	TrackAtom *trak;
	HintSampleEntryAtom *entry;
	u32 count;
	HintPacket *pck;
	ImmediateDTE *dte;
	M4Err e;
	u32 offset = 0;

	trak = GetTrackFromFile(the_file, trackNumber);
	if (!trak || !IsHintTrack(trak) || (dataLength > 14)) return M4BadParam;

	e = Media_GetSampleDesc(trak->Media, trak->Media->information->sampleTable->currentEntryIndex, (SampleEntryAtom **) &entry, &count);
	if (e) return e;
	if (!entry->w_sample) return M4BadParam;
	count = ChainGetCount(entry->w_sample->packetTable);
	if (!count) return M4BadParam;
	pck = ChainGetEntry(entry->w_sample->packetTable, count - 1);

	dte = (ImmediateDTE *) NewDTE(1);
	memcpy(dte->data, data + offset, dataLength);
	dte->dataLength = dataLength;
	return AddDTE_HintPacket(entry->w_sample->HintType, pck, (GenericDTE *)dte, AtBegin);
Example #2
//adds a chunk of data (max 14 bytes) in the packet that is directly copied 
//while streaming
GF_Err gf_isom_hint_direct_data(GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, char *data, u32 dataLength, u8 AtBegin)
	GF_TrackBox *trak;
	GF_HintSampleEntryBox *entry;
	u32 count;
	GF_HintPacket *pck;
	GF_ImmediateDTE *dte;
	GF_Err e;
	u32 offset = 0;

	if (!dataLength) return GF_OK;
	trak = gf_isom_get_track_from_file(the_file, trackNumber);
	if (!trak || !IsHintTrack(trak) || (dataLength > 14)) return GF_BAD_PARAM;

	e = Media_GetSampleDesc(trak->Media, trak->Media->information->sampleTable->currentEntryIndex, (GF_SampleEntryBox **) &entry, &count);
	if (e) return e;
	if (!entry->hint_sample) return GF_BAD_PARAM;
	count = gf_list_count(entry->hint_sample->packetTable);
	if (!count) return GF_BAD_PARAM;
	pck = (GF_HintPacket *)gf_list_get(entry->hint_sample->packetTable, count - 1);

	dte = (GF_ImmediateDTE *) NewDTE(1);
	memcpy(dte->data, data + offset, dataLength);
	dte->dataLength = dataLength;
	return gf_isom_hint_pck_add_dte(entry->hint_sample->HintType, pck, (GF_GenericDTE *)dte, AtBegin);
Example #3
M4Err M4H_AddStreamDescriptionData(M4File *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 SourceTrackID, u32 StreamDescriptionIndex, u16 DataLength, u32 offsetInDescription, u8 AtBegin)
	TrackAtom *trak;
	HintSampleEntryAtom *entry;
	u32 count;
	u16 refIndex;
	HintPacket *pck;
	StreamDescDTE *dte;
	M4Err e;
	TrackReferenceTypeAtom *hint;

	M4Err reftype_AddRefTrack(TrackReferenceTypeAtom *ref, u32 trackID, u16 *outRefIndex);

	trak = GetTrackFromFile(the_file, trackNumber);
	if (!trak || !IsHintTrack(trak)) return M4BadParam;

	e = Media_GetSampleDesc(trak->Media, trak->Media->information->sampleTable->currentEntryIndex, (SampleEntryAtom **) &entry, &count);
	if (e) return e;
	if (!entry->w_sample) return M4BadParam;
	count = ChainGetCount(entry->w_sample->packetTable);
	if (!count) return M4BadParam;
	pck = ChainGetEntry(entry->w_sample->packetTable, count - 1);

	dte = (StreamDescDTE *) NewDTE(3);
	dte->byteOffset = offsetInDescription;
	dte->dataLength = DataLength;
	dte->streamDescIndex = StreamDescriptionIndex;
	if (SourceTrackID == trak->Header->trackID) {
		dte->trackRefIndex = -1;
	} else {
		//get (or set) the track reference index 
		e = Track_FindRef(trak, M4_HintTrack_Ref, &hint);
		if (e) return e;
		e = reftype_AddRefTrack(hint, SourceTrackID, &refIndex);
		if (e) return e;
		//WARNING: IN QT, MUST BE 0-based !!!
		dte->trackRefIndex = (u8) (refIndex - 1);
	return AddDTE_HintPacket(entry->w_sample->HintType, pck, (GenericDTE *)dte, AtBegin);
Example #4
//adds a blank chunk of data in the sample that is skipped while streaming
GF_Err gf_isom_hint_blank_data(GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u8 AtBegin)
	GF_TrackBox *trak;
	GF_HintSampleEntryBox *entry;
	u32 count;
	GF_HintPacket *pck;
	GF_EmptyDTE *dte;
	GF_Err e;

	trak = gf_isom_get_track_from_file(the_file, trackNumber);
	if (!trak || !IsHintTrack(trak)) return GF_BAD_PARAM;

	e = Media_GetSampleDesc(trak->Media, trak->Media->information->sampleTable->currentEntryIndex, (GF_SampleEntryBox **) &entry, &count);
	if (e) return e;
	if (!entry->hint_sample) return GF_BAD_PARAM;
	count = gf_list_count(entry->hint_sample->packetTable);
	if (!count) return GF_BAD_PARAM;
	pck = (GF_HintPacket *)gf_list_get(entry->hint_sample->packetTable, count - 1);

	dte = (GF_EmptyDTE *) NewDTE(0);
	return gf_isom_hint_pck_add_dte(entry->hint_sample->HintType, pck, (GF_GenericDTE *)dte, AtBegin);
Example #5
//adds a blank chunk of data in the sample that is skipped while streaming
M4Err M4H_AddBlankData(M4File *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u8 AtBegin)
	TrackAtom *trak;
	HintSampleEntryAtom *entry;
	u32 count;
	HintPacket *pck;
	EmptyDTE *dte;
	M4Err e;

	trak = GetTrackFromFile(the_file, trackNumber);
	if (!trak || !IsHintTrack(trak)) return M4BadParam;

	e = Media_GetSampleDesc(trak->Media, trak->Media->information->sampleTable->currentEntryIndex, (SampleEntryAtom **) &entry, &count);
	if (e) return e;
	if (!entry->w_sample) return M4BadParam;
	count = ChainGetCount(entry->w_sample->packetTable);
	if (!count) return M4BadParam;
	pck = ChainGetEntry(entry->w_sample->packetTable, count - 1);

	dte = (EmptyDTE *) NewDTE(0);
	return AddDTE_HintPacket(entry->w_sample->HintType, pck, (GenericDTE *)dte, AtBegin);
Example #6
GF_Err gf_isom_hint_sample_description_data(GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 SourceTrackID, u32 StreamDescriptionIndex, u16 DataLength, u32 offsetInDescription, u8 AtBegin)
	GF_TrackBox *trak;
	GF_HintSampleEntryBox *entry;
	u32 count;
	u16 refIndex;
	GF_HintPacket *pck;
	GF_StreamDescDTE *dte;
	GF_Err e;
	GF_TrackReferenceTypeBox *hint;

	trak = gf_isom_get_track_from_file(the_file, trackNumber);
	if (!trak || !IsHintTrack(trak)) return GF_BAD_PARAM;

	e = Media_GetSampleDesc(trak->Media, trak->Media->information->sampleTable->currentEntryIndex, (GF_SampleEntryBox **) &entry, &count);
	if (e) return e;
	if (!entry->hint_sample) return GF_BAD_PARAM;
	count = gf_list_count(entry->hint_sample->packetTable);
	if (!count) return GF_BAD_PARAM;
	pck = (GF_HintPacket *)gf_list_get(entry->hint_sample->packetTable, count - 1);

	dte = (GF_StreamDescDTE *) NewDTE(3);
	dte->byteOffset = offsetInDescription;
	dte->dataLength = DataLength;
	dte->streamDescIndex = StreamDescriptionIndex;
	if (SourceTrackID == trak->Header->trackID) {
		dte->trackRefIndex = (s8) -1;
	} else {
		//get (or set) the track reference index 
		e = Track_FindRef(trak, GF_ISOM_REF_HINT, &hint);
		if (e) return e;
		e = reftype_AddRefTrack(hint, SourceTrackID, &refIndex);
		if (e) return e;
		//WARNING: IN QT, MUST BE 0-based !!!
		dte->trackRefIndex = (u8) (refIndex - 1);
	return gf_isom_hint_pck_add_dte(entry->hint_sample->HintType, pck, (GF_GenericDTE *)dte, AtBegin);
Example #7
GF_Err gf_isom_hint_sample_data(GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 SourceTrackID, u32 SampleNumber, u16 DataLength, u32 offsetInSample, char *extra_data, u8 AtBegin)
	GF_TrackBox *trak;
	GF_HintSampleEntryBox *entry;
	u32 count;
	u16 refIndex;
	GF_HintPacket *pck;
	GF_SampleDTE *dte;
	GF_Err e;
	GF_TrackReferenceTypeBox *hint;

	trak = gf_isom_get_track_from_file(the_file, trackNumber);
	if (!trak || !IsHintTrack(trak)) return GF_BAD_PARAM;

	e = Media_GetSampleDesc(trak->Media, trak->Media->information->sampleTable->currentEntryIndex, (GF_SampleEntryBox **) &entry, &count);
	if (e) return e;
	if (!entry->hint_sample) return GF_BAD_PARAM;
	count = gf_list_count(entry->hint_sample->packetTable);
	if (!count) return GF_BAD_PARAM;
	pck = (GF_HintPacket *)gf_list_get(entry->hint_sample->packetTable, count - 1);

	dte = (GF_SampleDTE *) NewDTE(2);

	dte->dataLength = DataLength;
	dte->sampleNumber = SampleNumber;
	dte->byteOffset = offsetInSample;

	//we're getting data from another track
	if (SourceTrackID != trak->Header->trackID) {
		//get (or set) the track reference index 
		e = Track_FindRef(trak, GF_ISOM_REF_HINT, &hint);
		if (e) return e;
		e = reftype_AddRefTrack(hint, SourceTrackID, &refIndex);
		if (e) return e;
		//WARNING: IN QT, MUST BE 0-based !!!
		dte->trackRefIndex = (u8) (refIndex - 1);
	} else {
		//we're in the hint track
		dte->trackRefIndex = (s8) -1;
		//basic check...
		if (SampleNumber > trak->Media->information->sampleTable->SampleSize->sampleCount + 1) {
			DelDTE((GF_GenericDTE *)dte);
			return GF_BAD_PARAM;

		//are we in the current sample ??
		if (!SampleNumber || (SampleNumber == trak->Media->information->sampleTable->SampleSize->sampleCount + 1)) {
			//we adding some stuff in the current sample ...
			dte->byteOffset += entry->hint_sample->dataLength;
			entry->hint_sample->AdditionalData = (char*)gf_realloc(entry->hint_sample->AdditionalData, sizeof(char) * (entry->hint_sample->dataLength + DataLength));
			if (AtBegin) {
				if (entry->hint_sample->dataLength)
					memmove(entry->hint_sample->AdditionalData + DataLength, entry->hint_sample->AdditionalData, entry->hint_sample->dataLength);
				memcpy(entry->hint_sample->AdditionalData, extra_data, DataLength);
				/*offset existing DTE*/
				gf_isom_hint_pck_offset(entry->hint_sample->HintType, pck, DataLength, SampleNumber);
			} else {
				memcpy(entry->hint_sample->AdditionalData + entry->hint_sample->dataLength, extra_data, DataLength);
			entry->hint_sample->dataLength += DataLength;
			//and set the sample number ...
			dte->sampleNumber = trak->Media->information->sampleTable->SampleSize->sampleCount + 1;
	//OK, add the entry
	return gf_isom_hint_pck_add_dte(entry->hint_sample->HintType, pck, (GF_GenericDTE *)dte, AtBegin);
Example #8
GF_Err gf_isom_hint_rtp_read(GF_RTPPacket *ptr, GF_BitStream *bs)
	GF_Err e;
	u8 hasTLV, type;
	u16 i, count;
	u32 TLVsize, tempSize;
	GF_GenericDTE *dte;
	GF_Box *a;

	ptr->relativeTransTime = gf_bs_read_u32(bs);
	//RTP Header
	//1- reserved fields
	gf_bs_read_int(bs, 2);
	ptr->P_bit = gf_bs_read_int(bs, 1);
	ptr->X_bit = gf_bs_read_int(bs, 1);
	gf_bs_read_int(bs, 4);
	ptr->M_bit = gf_bs_read_int(bs, 1);
	ptr->payloadType = gf_bs_read_int(bs, 7);

	ptr->SequenceNumber = gf_bs_read_u16(bs);
	gf_bs_read_int(bs, 13);
	hasTLV = gf_bs_read_int(bs, 1);
	ptr->B_bit = gf_bs_read_int(bs, 1);
	ptr->R_bit = gf_bs_read_int(bs, 1);
	count = gf_bs_read_u16(bs);

	//read the TLV
	if (hasTLV) {
		tempSize = 4;	//TLVsize includes its field length
		TLVsize = gf_bs_read_u32(bs);
		while (tempSize < TLVsize) {
			e = gf_isom_box_parse(&a, bs);
			if (e) return e;
			gf_list_add(ptr->TLV, a);
			tempSize += (u32) a->size;
		if (tempSize != TLVsize) return GF_ISOM_INVALID_FILE;

	//read the DTEs
	for (i=0; i<count; i++) {
		Bool add_it = 0;
		type = gf_bs_read_u8(bs);
		dte = NewDTE(type);
		if (!dte) {
			GF_LOG(GF_LOG_ERROR, GF_LOG_CONTAINER, ("[iso] invalid DTE code %d in hint sample %d of trackID %d\n", type, ptr->sampleNumber, ptr->trackID));
		e = ReadDTE(dte, bs);
		if (e) return e;
		/*little opt, remove empty dte*/
		switch (type) {
		case 1:
			if ( ((GF_ImmediateDTE *)dte)->dataLength) add_it = 1;
		case 2:
			if ( ((GF_SampleDTE *)dte)->dataLength) add_it = 1;
		case 3:
			if ( ((GF_StreamDescDTE *)dte)->dataLength) add_it = 1;
		if (add_it)
			gf_list_add(ptr->DataTable, dte);
	return GF_OK;
Example #9
M4Err M4H_AddSampleData(M4File *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 SourceTrackID, u32 SampleNumber, u16 DataLength, u32 offsetInSample, char *extra_data, u8 AtBegin)
	TrackAtom *trak;
	HintSampleEntryAtom *entry;
	u32 count;
	u16 refIndex;
	HintPacket *pck;
	SampleDTE *dte;
	M4Err e;
	TrackReferenceTypeAtom *hint;

	M4Err reftype_AddRefTrack(TrackReferenceTypeAtom *ref, u32 trackID, u16 *outRefIndex);

	trak = GetTrackFromFile(the_file, trackNumber);
	if (!trak || !IsHintTrack(trak)) return M4BadParam;

	e = Media_GetSampleDesc(trak->Media, trak->Media->information->sampleTable->currentEntryIndex, (SampleEntryAtom **) &entry, &count);
	if (e) return e;
	if (!entry->w_sample) return M4BadParam;
	count = ChainGetCount(entry->w_sample->packetTable);
	if (!count) return M4BadParam;
	pck = ChainGetEntry(entry->w_sample->packetTable, count - 1);

	dte = (SampleDTE *) NewDTE(2);

	dte->dataLength = DataLength;
	dte->sampleNumber = SampleNumber;
	dte->byteOffset = offsetInSample;

	//we're getting data from another track
	if (SourceTrackID != trak->Header->trackID) {
		//get (or set) the track reference index 
		e = Track_FindRef(trak, M4_HintTrack_Ref, &hint);
		if (e) return e;
		e = reftype_AddRefTrack(hint, SourceTrackID, &refIndex);
		if (e) return e;
		//WARNING: IN QT, MUST BE 0-based !!!
		dte->trackRefIndex = (u8) (refIndex - 1);
	} else {
		//we're in the hint track
		dte->trackRefIndex = -1;
		//basic check...
		if (SampleNumber > trak->Media->information->sampleTable->SampleSize->sampleCount + 1) {
			DelDTE((GenericDTE *)dte);
			return M4BadParam;

		//are we in the current sample ??
		if (!SampleNumber || (SampleNumber == trak->Media->information->sampleTable->SampleSize->sampleCount + 1)) {
			//we adding some stuff in the current sample ...
			dte->byteOffset += entry->w_sample->dataLength;
			if (entry->w_sample->AdditionalData) {
				entry->w_sample->AdditionalData = realloc(entry->w_sample->AdditionalData, sizeof(char) * (entry->w_sample->dataLength + DataLength));
				memcpy(entry->w_sample->AdditionalData + entry->w_sample->dataLength, extra_data, DataLength);
				entry->w_sample->dataLength += DataLength;
			} else {
				entry->w_sample->AdditionalData = malloc(sizeof(char) * DataLength);
				memcpy(entry->w_sample->AdditionalData, extra_data, DataLength);
				entry->w_sample->dataLength = DataLength;
			//and set the sample number ...
			dte->sampleNumber = trak->Media->information->sampleTable->SampleSize->sampleCount + 1;
	//OK, add the entry
	return AddDTE_HintPacket(entry->w_sample->HintType, pck, (GenericDTE *)dte, AtBegin);