Example #1
void CMod_PhysicsInit() {
	Com_Printf("----- Initializing Newton Physics Engine -----\n");
	Com_Printf("Initialized with Newton Version %i.%i \n", NEWTON_MAJOR_VERSION, NEWTON_MINOR_VERSION);

	// create the Newton World
	g_world = NewtonCreate (AllocMemory, FreeMemory);

	// use the standard x86 floating point model  
	// Dushan - the engine will try to use the best possible hardware setting found in the current platform this is the default configuration
	NewtonSetPlatformArchitecture (g_world, 2);

	// Set up default material properties for newton
	defaultMaterialGroup = NewtonMaterialGetDefaultGroupID(g_world);
	NewtonMaterialSetDefaultFriction   (g_world, defaultMaterialGroup, defaultMaterialGroup, 0.9f, 0.5f);
	NewtonMaterialSetDefaultElasticity (g_world, defaultMaterialGroup, defaultMaterialGroup, 0.4f);
	NewtonMaterialSetDefaultSoftness   (g_world, defaultMaterialGroup, defaultMaterialGroup, 0.1f);
	NewtonMaterialSetCollisionCallback (g_world, defaultMaterialGroup, defaultMaterialGroup, NULL, NULL, NULL);
	NewtonMaterialSetDefaultCollidable (g_world, defaultMaterialGroup, defaultMaterialGroup, 1 );

	// configure the Newton world to use iterative solve mode 0
	// this is the most efficient but the less accurate mode
	NewtonSetSolverModel (g_world, 8);
	NewtonSetFrictionModel (g_world, 0);

	g_collision = NULL;
Example #2
            _freq(1.0 / 60.0)
            // default to global gravity
            gravity.enabled = true;

            _world = NewtonCreate();
            const float WORLD_SIZE = 1000;
            const vec3 A(-WORLD_SIZE, -WORLD_SIZE, -WORLD_SIZE), B(-A);
            NewtonSetWorldSize(_world, &A.x, &B.x);


            int mid = NewtonMaterialGetDefaultGroupID(_world);
            // allow bodies to be swept-tested
            NewtonMaterialSetContinuousCollisionMode(_world, mid, mid, 1);
            NewtonMaterialSetCollisionCallback(_world, mid, mid, NULL,
                &beginContactCB, &processContactCB);
Example #3
	// create a newton world
	m_world = NewtonCreate();

	// for two way communication between low and high lever, link the world with this class for 
	NewtonWorldSetUserData(m_world, this);

	// set the simplified solver mode (faster but less accurate)
	NewtonSetSolverModel (m_world, 1);

	// by default runs on four micro threads
	NewtonSetThreadsCount(m_world, 4);

	// set the collision copy constructor callback
	NewtonWorldSetCollisionConstructorDestructorCallback (m_world, OnCollisionCopyConstruct, OnCollisionDestructorCallback);

	// use default material to implement traditional "Game style" one side material system
	int defaultMaterial = NewtonMaterialGetDefaultGroupID (m_world);
	NewtonMaterialSetCallbackUserData (m_world, defaultMaterial, defaultMaterial, m_world);
	NewtonMaterialSetCompoundCollisionCallback(m_world, defaultMaterial, defaultMaterial, OnCompoundSubCollisionAABBOverlap);
	NewtonMaterialSetCollisionCallback (m_world, defaultMaterial, defaultMaterial, OnBodiesAABBOverlap, OnContactProcess);

	// add a hierarchical transform manage to update local transforms
	new dNewtonTransformManager (this);

	// set the timer
Example #4
NzPhysWorld::NzPhysWorld() :
	m_world = NewtonCreate();
	NewtonWorldSetUserData(m_world, this);
	PhysWorld3D::PhysWorld3D() :
		m_world = NewtonCreate();
		NewtonWorldSetUserData(m_world, this);

		m_materialIds.emplace("default", NewtonMaterialGetDefaultGroupID(m_world));
Example #6
Import::Import(const char* pathName, Interface* ip, ImpInterface* impip)
    // set the path for textures
    char* ptr = NULL;
    sprintf (m_path, "%s", pathName);
    for (int i = 0; m_path[i]; i ++) {
        if ((m_path[i] == '\\') || (m_path[i] == '/') ) {
            ptr = &m_path[i];
    *ptr = 0;

    m_ip = ip;
    m_impip = impip;
    m_succes = TRUE;
    MaterialCache materialCache (NewDefaultMultiMtl());


    dFloat scale;
    scale = float (GetMasterScale(UNITS_METERS));
    dMatrix scaleMatrix (GetIdentityMatrix());
    scaleMatrix[0][0] = 1.0f / scale;
    scaleMatrix[1][1] = 1.0f / scale;
    scaleMatrix[2][2] = 1.0f / scale;
    dMatrix globalRotation (scaleMatrix * dPitchMatrix(3.14159265f * 0.5f) * dRollMatrix(3.14159265f * 0.5f));

    NewtonWorld* newton = NewtonCreate();
    dScene scene (newton);

    scene.Deserialize (pathName);
//	dScene::Iterator iter (scene);
//	for (iter.Begin(); iter; iter ++) {
//		dScene::dTreeNode* node = iter.GetNode();
//		dNodeInfo* info = scene.GetInfoFromNode(node);
//		if (info->GetTypeId() == dMeshNodeInfo::GetRttiType()) {
//			dMeshNodeInfo* mesh = (dMeshNodeInfo*) scene.GetInfoFromNode(node);
//			mesh->ConvertToTriangles();
//		}
//	}
    scene.BakeTransform (globalRotation);

    GeometryCache geometryCache;
    MaxNodeChache maxNodeCache;

    LoadMaterials (scene, materialCache);
    LoadGeometries (scene, geometryCache, materialCache);
    LoadNodes (scene, geometryCache, materialCache.m_multiMat, maxNodeCache);
    ApplyModifiers (scene, maxNodeCache);

CollisionDetection::CollisionDetection( bool gernerateMeshes ):
	newtonWorld = NewtonCreate();
    for(int i=0; i < 16; i++) idmatrix[i] = 0.0f;
    idmatrix[0] = 1.0f;
    idmatrix[5] = 1.0f;
    idmatrix[10] = 1.0f;
    idmatrix[15] = 1.0f;
    enemyEnt = NULL;
    shapeID = 5;
Example #8
Zone::Zone(Game *game)
    m_game = game;
    m_player = NULL;
    m_mainArchive = 0;
    m_mainWld = 0;
    m_terrain = NULL;
    m_objects = NULL;
    m_actorTree = NULL;
    m_collisionChecksStat = NULL;
    m_collisionChecks = 0;
    m_collisionWorld = NewtonCreate();
    m_movementAheadTime = 0.0f;
Example #9
int main (int argc, char* argv[])


	// initialize graphics system
	if (!InitGraphicsSystem (800, 600)) {
		exit (0);
	// set a callback for destroying the world ate termination
	atexit (ShutDown);

	// Create a Simple Scene Manager
	g_sceneManager = new SceneManager();

	// set the memory allocators
	NewtonSetMemorySystem (AllocMemory, FreeMemory);

	// create the Newton World
	g_world = NewtonCreate ();

	// use the standard x87 floating point model  
	NewtonSetPlatformArchitecture (g_world, 0);

	// set a fix world size
//	dVector minSize (-500.0f, -500.0f, -500.0f);
//	dVector maxSize ( 500.0f,  500.0f,  500.0f);
//	NewtonSetWorldSize (g_world, &minSize[0], &maxSize[0]); 

	// initialize Newton Visual Debugger
	g_newtonDebugger = NewtonDebuggerCreateServer ();

	// configure the Newton world to use iterative solve mode 0
	// this is the most efficient but the less accurate mode
	NewtonSetSolverModel (g_world, 1);

	// now populate the world with Graphic and physical entities 
	CreateScene(g_world, g_sceneManager);

    // run the main application loop until the user terminate the app
    for (;;) {
        // Draw the screen. 
        AdvanceSimulation (GetTimeInMicrosenconds ());

    // Never reached. 
    return 0;
Example #10
bool Physics::initialize()
    // init physics engine
    _p_world = NewtonCreate( physicsAlloc, physicsFree );
    assert( _p_world );

    // set minimum frame rate
    NewtonSetMinimumFrameRate( _p_world, 1.0f / FIX_PHYSICS_UPDATE_PERIOD );

    NewtonSetSolverModel( _p_world, 0 );   // 0: exact, 1 adaptive, n linear. for games linear is ok
    NewtonSetFrictionModel( _p_world, 0 ); // 0: exact, 1 adaptive

    // setup all predefined materials
    return true;
Example #11
// Constructor
World::World(Ogre::Real desiredFps, int maxUpdatesPerFrames, Ogre::String name) :
#ifndef WIN32
    pthread_mutex_init(&m_ogreMutex, 0);
	setUpdateFPS(desiredFps, maxUpdatesPerFrames);
    m_limits = Ogre::AxisAlignedBox(Ogre::Vector3(-100,-100,-100), Ogre::Vector3(100,100,100));

    m_world = NewtonCreate();

    if (!m_world)
        // world not created!

    NewtonWorldSetUserData( m_world, this );

    // create the default ID.
    m_defaultMatID = new OgreNewt::MaterialID( this, NewtonMaterialGetDefaultGroupID( m_world ) );

    m_leaveCallback = NULL;

	m_defaultAngularDamping = Ogre::Vector3(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f);
	m_defaultLinearDamping = 0.1f;

    m_debugger = new Debugger(this);

	// set the default solve mode to be iterative the fastest
	setSolverModel (SM_FASTEST);

	// use the more advanced hardware in the system
	Ogre::String description;
	setPlatformArchitecture (3);
	getPlatformArchitecture (description);

	// set one tread by default
	// store the world by name in a static map
	worlds[name] = this;
Example #12
Error PhysicsWorld::create(AllocAlignedCallback allocCb, void* allocCbData)
	Error err = ErrorCode::NONE;

	m_alloc = HeapAllocator<U8>(allocCb, allocCbData);

	// Set allocators
	gAlloc = &m_alloc;
	NewtonSetMemorySystem(newtonAlloc, newtonFree);

	// Initialize world
	m_world = NewtonCreate();
		ANKI_LOGE("NewtonCreate() failed");
		return ErrorCode::FUNCTION_FAILED;

	// Set the simplified solver mode (faster but less accurate)
	NewtonSetSolverModel(m_world, 1);

	// Create scene collision
	m_sceneCollision = NewtonCreateSceneCollision(m_world, 0);
	Mat4 trf = Mat4::getIdentity();
	m_sceneBody = NewtonCreateDynamicBody(m_world, m_sceneCollision, &trf[0]);
	NewtonBodySetMaterialGroupID(m_sceneBody, NewtonMaterialGetDefaultGroupID(m_world));

	NewtonDestroyCollision(m_sceneCollision); // destroy old scene
	m_sceneCollision = NewtonBodyGetCollision(m_sceneBody);

	// Set the post update listener
	NewtonWorldAddPostListener(m_world, "world", this, postUpdateCallback, destroyCallback);

	// Set callbacks

	return err;
    float min[] = {-2000, -2000, -2000};
    float max[] = {2000, 2000, 2000};
    m_world = NewtonCreate(0, 0);
    NewtonSetWorldSize(m_world, min, max);
    NewtonSetSolverModel(m_world, 0);
    NewtonSetFrictionModel(m_world, 0);

    m_mapID = NewtonMaterialCreateGroupID(m_world);
    m_playerID = NewtonMaterialCreateGroupID(m_world);

    NewtonMaterialSetDefaultSoftness(m_world, m_mapID, m_playerID, 0.0f);
	NewtonMaterialSetDefaultElasticity(m_world, m_mapID, m_playerID, 0.2f);
	NewtonMaterialSetDefaultFriction(m_world, m_mapID, m_playerID, 0.5f, 0.0f);

	NewtonMaterialSetDefaultSoftness(m_world, m_playerID, m_playerID, 0.0f);
	NewtonMaterialSetDefaultElasticity(m_world, m_playerID, m_playerID, 0.2f);
	NewtonMaterialSetDefaultFriction(m_world, m_playerID, m_playerID, 0.5f, 0.0f);
Example #14
    iPhysicsWorld* iPhysics::createWorld()
        iPhysicsWorld* result = nullptr;

#ifdef __IGOR_DEBUG__
        _worldListMutex.lock(); // this is a workaround to prevent an assertion within the creation of a newton world

        NewtonWorld* world = NewtonCreate();
        NewtonSetSolverModel(static_cast<const NewtonWorld*>(world), 1);
        NewtonSetThreadsCount(static_cast<const NewtonWorld*>(world), 4);

        result = new iPhysicsWorld(world);
#ifndef __IGOR_DEBUG__
        _worldListMutex.lock(); // this is a workaround to prevent an assertion within the creation of a newton world
        _worlds[result->getID()] = result;

        return result;
void ConvexApproximationObject::BuildMesh()

	// since max does no provide the iNode that will own this mesh I have no choice bu to apply the root matrix to all vertex
	ConvexApproximationClassDesc* const desc = (ConvexApproximationClassDesc*) ConvexApproximationClassDesc::GetDescriptor();
	INode* const sourceNode = desc->m_sourceNode;
	//dMatrix rootMatrix1 (GetMatrixFromMaxMatrix (sourceNode->GetNodeTM (0)));
	dMatrix rootMatrix (GetMatrixFromMaxMatrix (sourceNode->GetObjectTM(0)));

	dVector scale;
	dMatrix stretchAxis;
	dMatrix orthogonalRootTransform;
	rootMatrix.PolarDecomposition (orthogonalRootTransform, scale, stretchAxis);
	orthogonalRootTransform = orthogonalRootTransform.Inverse();

	// create a Newton world, as a manager of everything Newton related stuff
	NewtonWorld* const world = NewtonCreate ();

	// create an empty mesh and load the max mesh to it
	NewtonMesh* const sourceMesh = NewtonMeshCreate (world);

	// load all faces
	LoadGeometries (sourceMesh, orthogonalRootTransform);

	// make a convex approximation form this newton mesh effect
	desc->m_progress = -1;
	Interface* const inteface = desc->m_currentInterface;
	inteface->ProgressStart("Creation Convex approx ...", TRUE, ConvexApproximationClassDesc::ReportMaxProgress, NULL);
	NewtonMesh* approximationMesh = NewtonMeshApproximateConvexDecomposition (sourceMesh, m_currentConcavity, 0.2f, m_currentMaxCount, 1000, ConvexApproximationClassDesc::ReportProgress);

	NewtonMeshDestroy (sourceMesh);

	// now convert the new mesh to a max poly Object
	MNMesh& maxMesh = GetMesh();

	int faceCount = 0;
	int vertexCount = NewtonMeshGetVertexCount(approximationMesh);
	for (void* face = NewtonMeshGetFirstFace(approximationMesh); face; face = NewtonMeshGetNextFace(approximationMesh, face)) {
		if (!NewtonMeshIsFaceOpen(approximationMesh, face)) {
			faceCount ++;


	// add all vertex
	int vertexStride = NewtonMeshGetVertexStrideInByte(approximationMesh) / sizeof (dFloat64);
	dFloat64* const vertex = NewtonMeshGetVertexArray (approximationMesh); 
	for (int j = 0; j < vertexCount; j ++) {
		dVector p (orthogonalRootTransform.TransformVector(dVector (float (vertex[vertexStride * j + 0]), float (vertex[vertexStride * j + 1]), float (vertex[vertexStride * j + 2]), float(1.0f))));
		maxMesh.P(j) = Point3 (p.m_x, p.m_y, p.m_z);

	// count the number of face and make a face map
	int faceIndex = 0;
	for (void* face = NewtonMeshGetFirstFace(approximationMesh); face; face = NewtonMeshGetNextFace(approximationMesh, face)) {
		if (!NewtonMeshIsFaceOpen(approximationMesh, face)) {
			int faceIndices[256];
			int indexCount = NewtonMeshGetFaceIndexCount (approximationMesh, face);

			NewtonMeshGetFaceIndices (approximationMesh, face, faceIndices);
			MNFace* const face = maxMesh.F(faceIndex);
			face->MakePoly(indexCount, faceIndices, NULL, NULL);
			face->material = 0;
			faceIndex ++;

	maxMesh.AutoSmooth(45.0f * 3.1416f / 160.0f, false, false);

	NewtonMeshDestroy (approximationMesh);
	NewtonDestroy (world);
Example #16
	m_scene = new dScene (NewtonCreate ());
void DemoEntityManager::Cleanup ()
	// is we are run asynchronous we need make sure no update in on flight.
	if (m_world) {
		NewtonWaitForUpdateToFinish (m_world);

	// destroy all remaining visual objects
	while (dList<DemoEntity*>::GetFirst()) {
		RemoveEntity (dList<DemoEntity*>::GetFirst());

	m_sky = NULL;

	// destroy the Newton world
	if (m_world) {
		// get serialization call back before destroying the world
		NewtonDestroy (m_world);
		m_world = NULL;

	//	memset (&demo, 0, sizeof (demo));
	// check that there are no memory leak on exit
	dAssert (NewtonGetMemoryUsed () == 0);

	// create the newton world
	m_world = NewtonCreate();

	// link the work with this user data
	NewtonWorldSetUserData(m_world, this);

	// set joint serialization call back

	// add all physics pre and post listeners
	//	m_preListenerManager.Append(new DemoVisualDebugerListener("visualDebuger", m_world));
	new DemoEntityListener (this);
	m_cameraManager = new DemoCameraListener(this);
	//	m_postListenerManager.Append (new DemoAIListener("aiManager"));

	// set the default parameters for the newton world
	// set the simplified solver mode (faster but less accurate)
	NewtonSetSolverModel (m_world, 4);

	// newton 300 does not have world size, this is better controlled by the client application
	//dVector minSize (-500.0f, -500.0f, -500.0f);
	//dVector maxSize ( 500.0f,  500.0f,  500.0f);
	//NewtonSetWorldSize (m_world, &minSize[0], &maxSize[0]); 

	// set the performance track function
	//NewtonSetPerformanceClock (m_world, dRuntimeProfiler::GetTimeInMicrosenconds);

	// clean up all caches the engine have saved
	NewtonInvalidateCache (m_world);

	// Set the Newton world user data
	NewtonWorldSetUserData(m_world, this);

	// we start without 2d render
	m_renderHood = NULL;
	m_renderHoodContext = NULL;
Example #18
// create physics scene
void InitScene()
	BoxPrimitive* box;
	BoxPrimitive* floor;
	NewtonBody* boxBody;
	NewtonBody* floorBody; 
	NewtonCollision* collision;

	// create the newton world
	nWorld = NewtonCreate (PhysicsAlloc, PhysicsFree);

	// set the linear solver model for faster speed 
	NewtonSetSolverModel (nWorld, 8);

	// set the adpative friction model for faster speed 
	NewtonSetFrictionModel (nWorld, 1);

	// Set the termination function

	// create the the floor graphic objects
	dVector size (100.0f, 2.0f, 100.0f);
	dMatrix location (GetIdentityMatrix());
	location.m_posit.m_y = -5.0f; 
	// create a box for floor 
	floor = new BoxPrimitive (location, size, g_floorTexture);

	// create the the floor collision, and body with default values
	collision = NewtonCreateBox (nWorld, size.m_x, size.m_y, size.m_z, NULL); 
	floorBody = NewtonCreateBody (nWorld, collision);
	NewtonReleaseCollision (nWorld, collision);

	// set the transformation for this rigid body
	NewtonBodySetMatrix (floorBody, &location[0][0]);

	// save the pointer to the graphic object with the body.
	NewtonBodySetUserData (floorBody, floor);

	// set a destrutor for this rigid body
	NewtonBodySetDestructorCallback (floorBody, PhysicsBodyDestructor);

	// set the initial size
	size = dVector(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);

	// create the collision 
	collision = NewtonCreateBox (nWorld, size.m_x, size.m_y, size.m_z, NULL); 

	// create 100 stacks of 10 boxes each
	location.m_posit.m_x = -10.0f; 
	for (int k = 0; k < 10; k ++) { 
		location.m_posit.m_z =  0.0f; 
		for (int j = 0; j < 10; j ++) { 
			location.m_posit.m_y =  2.0f; 

			for (int i = 0; i < 10; i ++) {

				// create a graphic box
				box = new BoxPrimitive (location, size);

				//create the rigid body
				boxBody = NewtonCreateBody (nWorld, collision);

				// save the pointer to the graphic object with the body.
				NewtonBodySetUserData (boxBody, box);

				// set a destrutor for this rigid body
				NewtonBodySetDestructorCallback (boxBody, PhysicsBodyDestructor);

				// set the tranform call back function
				NewtonBodySetTransformCallback (boxBody, PhysicsSetTransform);

				// set the force and torque call back funtion
				NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback (boxBody, PhysicsApplyForceAndTorque);

				// set the mass matrix
				//NewtonBodySetMassMatrix (boxBody, 1.0f, 1.0f / 6.0f, 1.0f / 6.0f, 1.0f  / 6.0f);
				NewtonBodySetMassMatrix (boxBody, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);

				// set the matrix for tboth the rigid nody and the graphic body
				NewtonBodySetMatrix (boxBody, &location[0][0]);
				PhysicsSetTransform (boxBody, &location[0][0]);

				location.m_posit.m_y += size.m_y * 2.0f;
			location.m_posit.m_z -= size.m_z * 4.0f; 	
		location.m_posit.m_x += size.m_x * 4.0f; 

	// release the collsion geometry when not need it
	NewtonReleaseCollision (nWorld, collision);
