Example #1
    iPhysicsCollision* iPhysics::createUserMeshCollision(const iaVector3f& minBox, const iaVector3f& maxBox, iPhysicsUserMeshCollisionHandler* handler, uint64 worldID)
        iPhysicsCollision* result = nullptr;
        const NewtonWorld* world = static_cast<const NewtonWorld*>(getWorld(worldID)->getNewtonWorld());

        if (world != nullptr)
            NewtonCollision* collision = NewtonCreateUserMeshCollision(static_cast<const NewtonWorld*>(world), minBox.getData(), maxBox.getData(), handler,
                CollideCallback, reinterpret_cast<NewtonUserMeshCollisionRayHitCallback>(RayHitCallback), DestroyCallback,
                GetCollisionInfo, reinterpret_cast<NewtonUserMeshCollisionAABBTest>(AABBOverlapTest), GetFacesInAABB, nullptr, 0);

            result = new iPhysicsCollision(collision, worldID);
            NewtonCollisionSetUserID(static_cast<const NewtonCollision*>(collision), result->getID());

            _collisions[result->getID()] = result;

        return result;
Example #2
*  @brief
*    Constructor
BodyTerrain::BodyTerrain(PLPhysics::World &cWorld, uint32 nWidth, uint32 nHeight,
						 const float fTerrain[], const Vector3 &vBoxMin, const Vector3 &vBoxMax, const Vector3 &vScale) :
	PLPhysics::BodyTerrain(cWorld, static_cast<World&>(cWorld).CreateBodyImpl()),
	// Deactivate the physics simulation if required
	const bool bSimulationActive = cWorld.IsSimulationActive();
	if (bSimulationActive)

	// Get the Newton physics world
	NewtonWorld *pNewtonWorld = static_cast<World&>(cWorld).GetNewtonWorld();

	// Create collision primitive
	NewtonCollision *pCollision = NewtonCreateUserMeshCollision(pNewtonWorld, m_vBoxMin, m_vBoxMax, this, MeshCollisionCollideCallback, UserMeshCollisionRayHitCallback, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, 0);

	// Create the rigid body
	// [TODO] Remove this as soon as there's an up-to-date Linux version of Newton Game Dynamics available!
		Newton::NewtonBody *pNewtonBody = NewtonCreateBody(pNewtonWorld, pCollision, Matrix4x4::Identity);
		Newton::NewtonBody *pNewtonBody = NewtonCreateBody(pNewtonWorld, pCollision);
	NewtonReleaseCollision(pNewtonWorld, pCollision);

	// Initialize the Newton physics body
	static_cast<BodyImpl&>(GetBodyImpl()).InitializeNewtonBody(*this, *pNewtonBody, 0.0f);

	// Reactivate the physics simulation if required
	if (bSimulationActive)
	dInfinitePlane (NewtonWorld* const world, const dVector& plane)
		:m_minBox (-0.1f, -2000.0f, -2000.0f, 0.0f)
		,m_maxBox ( 0.1f,  2000.0f,  2000.0f, 0.0f)

		// get the transformation matrix that takes the plane to the world local space
		m_rotation = dGrammSchmidt(plane);

		// build a unit grid in local space (this will be the shadow at projection of the collision aabb)
		m_unitSphape[0] = dVector (0.0f,  1.0f,  1.0f);
		m_unitSphape[1] = dVector (0.0f, -1.0f,  1.0f);
		m_unitSphape[2] = dVector (0.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f);
		m_unitSphape[3] = dVector (0.0f,  1.0f, -1.0f);

		// save the plane in local space
		m_plane = m_rotation.UntransformPlane (plane);

#ifdef PASS_A_QUAD
		// passing a single quad	
		for (int i = 0; i < MAX_THREAD_FACES; i ++) {
			m_faceIndices[i][0] = 4;
			// face attribute
			m_indexArray[i][4] = 0;
			// face normal
			m_indexArray[i][4 + 1] = 4;
			// face area (the plane is clipped around the box, the face size is always optimal)
			m_indexArray[i][4 + 2 + 4] = 0;

			for (int j = 0; j < 4; j ++) {
				// face vertex index
				m_indexArray[i][j] = j;
				// face adjacent index (infinite plane does not have shared edge with other faces)
				m_indexArray[i][j + 4 + 2] = 4;
		// passing two triangle	
		for (int i = 0; i < MAX_THREAD_FACES; i ++) {
			// first triangle
				// index count
				m_faceIndices[i][0] = 3;
				// face indices
				m_indexArray[i][0] = 0;
				m_indexArray[i][1] = 1;
				m_indexArray[i][2] = 2;

				// face attribute
				m_indexArray[i][3] = 0;

				// face normal
				m_indexArray[i][4] = 4;

				// face adjacent index (infinite plane does not have shared edge with other faces)
				m_indexArray[i][5] = 4;
				m_indexArray[i][6] = 4;
				m_indexArray[i][7] = 4;

				// face area (the plane is clipped around the box, the face size is always optimal)
				m_indexArray[i][8] = 0;

			// second triangle
				// index count
				m_faceIndices[i][1] = 3;
				// face indices
				m_indexArray[i][0 + 9] = 0;
				m_indexArray[i][1 + 9] = 2;
				m_indexArray[i][2 + 9] = 3;

				// face attribute
				m_indexArray[i][3 + 9] = 0;

				// face normal
				m_indexArray[i][4 + 9] = 4;

				// face adjacent index (infinite plane does not have shared edge with other faces)
				m_indexArray[i][5 + 9] = 4;
				m_indexArray[i][6 + 9] = 4;
				m_indexArray[i][7 + 9] = 4;

				// face area (the plane is clipped around the box, the face size is always optimal)
				m_indexArray[i][8 + 9] = 0;

		// create a Newton user collision 
		m_collision = NewtonCreateUserMeshCollision (world, &m_minBox[0], &m_maxBox[0], this, 
													 PlaneCollisionCollideCallback, PlaneMeshCollisionRayHitCallback, 
													 PlaneCollisionDestroyCallback, PlaneCollisionGetCollisionInfo, 
													 PlaneCollisionAABBOverlapTest, PlaneCollisionGetFacesInAABB, 
													 UserCollisionSerializationCallback, 0);

		// set a debug display call back
		NewtonStaticCollisionSetDebugCallback (m_collision, ShowMeshCollidingFaces);

		// set the collisoin offset Matrix;
		NewtonCollisionSetMatrix(m_collision, &m_rotation[0][0]);