void TestResizeAndCopy() {
    typedef tbb::concurrent_vector<Foo> vector_t;
    for( int old_size=0; old_size<=128; NextSize( old_size ) ) {
        for( int new_size=old_size; new_size<=128; NextSize( new_size ) ) {
            long count = FooCount;
            vector_t v;
            ASSERT( count==FooCount, NULL );
            ASSERT( count+old_size==FooCount, NULL );
            for( int j=0; j<old_size; ++j )
                v[j].bar() = j*j;
            ASSERT( count+new_size==FooCount, NULL );
            for( int j=0; j<new_size; ++j ) {
                int expected = j<old_size ? j*j : Foo::initial_value_of_bar;
                if( v[j].bar()!=expected )
                    std::printf("ERROR on line %d for old_size=%ld new_size=%ld v[%ld].bar()=%d != %d\n",__LINE__,long(old_size),long(new_size),long(j),v[j].bar(), expected);
            ASSERT( v.size()==size_t(new_size), NULL );
            for( int j=0; j<new_size; ++j ) {
                v[j].bar() = ~j;
            const vector_t& cv = v;
            // Try copy constructor
            vector_t copy_of_v(cv);
            ASSERT( v.empty(), NULL );
//! Test the assignment operator
void TestAssign() {
    typedef tbb::concurrent_vector<FooWithAssign> vector_t;
    for( int dst_size=1; dst_size<=128; NextSize( dst_size ) ) {
        for( int src_size=2; src_size<=128; NextSize( src_size ) ) {
            vector_t u;
            for( int i=0; i<src_size; ++i )
                u[i].bar() = i*i;
            vector_t v;
            for( int i=0; i<dst_size; ++i )
                v[i].bar() = -i;
            v = u;
            ASSERT( u.size()==0, NULL );
            ASSERT( v.size()==size_t(src_size), NULL );
            for( int i=0; i<src_size; ++i )
                ASSERT( v[i].bar()==(i*i), NULL );
//! Test of assign, grow, copying with various sizes
void TestResizeAndCopy() {
    typedef static_counting_allocator<debug_allocator<Foo,std::allocator>, std::size_t> allocator_t;
    typedef tbb::concurrent_vector<Foo, allocator_t> vector_t;
    for( int old_size=0; old_size<=128; NextSize( old_size ) ) {
        for( int new_size=0; new_size<=1280; NextSize( new_size ) ) {
            long count = FooCount;
            vector_t v;
            ASSERT( count==FooCount, NULL );
            v.assign(old_size/2, Foo() );
            ASSERT( count+old_size/2==FooCount, NULL );
            for( int j=0; j<old_size/2; ++j )
                ASSERT( v[j].state == Foo::CopyInitialized, NULL);
            v.assign(FooIterator(0), FooIterator(old_size));
            v.resize(new_size, Foo(33) );
            ASSERT( count+new_size==FooCount, NULL );
            for( int j=0; j<new_size; ++j ) {
                int expected = j<old_size ? j : 33;
                if( v[j].bar()!=expected ) 
                    REPORT("ERROR on line %d for old_size=%ld new_size=%ld v[%ld].bar()=%d != %d\n",__LINE__,long(old_size),long(new_size),long(j),v[j].bar(), expected);
            ASSERT( v.size()==size_t(new_size), NULL );
            for( int j=0; j<new_size; ++j ) {
                v[j].bar() = ~j;
            const vector_t& cv = v;
            // Try copy constructor
            vector_t copy_of_v(cv);
            ASSERT( !(v != copy_of_v), NULL );
            ASSERT( v.empty(), NULL );
            swap(v, copy_of_v);
            ASSERT( copy_of_v.empty(), NULL );
    ASSERT( allocator_t::items_allocated == allocator_t::items_freed, NULL);
    ASSERT( allocator_t::allocations == allocator_t::frees, NULL);
//! Test the assignment operator and swap
void TestAssign() {
    typedef tbb::concurrent_vector<FooWithAssign, local_counting_allocator<std::allocator<FooWithAssign>, size_t > > vector_t;
    local_counting_allocator<std::allocator<FooWithAssign>, size_t > init_alloc;
    init_alloc.allocations = 100;
    for( int dst_size=1; dst_size<=128; NextSize( dst_size ) ) {
        for( int src_size=2; src_size<=128; NextSize( src_size ) ) {
            vector_t u(FooIterator(0), FooIterator(src_size), init_alloc);
            for( int i=0; i<src_size; ++i )
                ASSERT( u[i].bar()==i, NULL );
            vector_t v(dst_size, FooWithAssign(), init_alloc);
            for( int i=0; i<dst_size; ++i ) {
                ASSERT( v[i].state==Foo::CopyInitialized, NULL );
                v[i].bar() = ~i;
            ASSERT( v != u, NULL);
            CheckVector(u, dst_size, src_size);
            // using assignment
            v = u;
            ASSERT( v == u, NULL);
            ASSERT( u.size()==0, NULL );
            ASSERT( v.size()==size_t(src_size), NULL );
            for( int i=0; i<src_size; ++i )
                ASSERT( v[i].bar()==i, NULL );
            ASSERT( 0 == u.get_allocator().frees, NULL);
            u.shrink_to_fit(); // deallocate unused memory
            size_t items_allocated = u.get_allocator().items_allocated,
                   items_freed = u.get_allocator().items_freed;
            size_t allocations = u.get_allocator().allocations,
                   frees = u.get_allocator().frees + 100;
            ASSERT( items_allocated == items_freed, NULL);
            ASSERT( allocations == frees, NULL);