Example #1
static boolean adjustForVirtualCall( // ADJUSTMENTS FOR POSSIBLE VIRTUAL CALL
    PTREE *this_node,           // - addr[ "this" node ]
    PTREE *routine,             // - routine to be called
    SEARCH_RESULT *result )     // - search result for routine
    SYMBOL sym;                 // - symbol for call
    unsigned retn;              // - return: TRUE ==> adjusted for virtual
    TYPE this_type;             // - target type for "this"
    PTREE expr;                 // - transformed expression
    boolean exact_call;         // - TRUE ==> this node is exact

    expr = *this_node;
    this_type = NodeType( expr );
    this_type = StructType( this_type );
    if( this_type != NULL ) {
        if( OMR_CLASS_VAL == ObjModelArgument( this_type ) ) {
            expr = NodeAssignTemporary( this_type, expr );
        } else {
            expr = NodeConvert( MakePointerTo( expr->type ), expr );
        *this_node = expr;
    sym = (*routine)->u.symcg.symbol;
    this_type = TypeThisForCall( expr, sym );
    /* virtual calls don't have to check for NULL pointers when they convert */
    expr->flags |= PTF_PTR_NONZERO;
    exact_call = expr->flags & PTF_MEMORY_EXACT;
    NodeConvertToBasePtr( this_node, this_type, result, TRUE );
    sym = SymDefaultBase( sym );
    if( ( SymIsVirtual( sym ) )
      &&( ! ( (*routine)->flags & PTF_COLON_QUALED ) )
      &&( ! exact_call ) ) {
        expr = AccessVirtualFnAddress( NodeDupExpr( this_node )
                                     , result
                                     , sym );
        expr->type = MakePointerTo( expr->type );
        *routine = NodeReplace( *routine, expr );
        retn = TRUE;
    } else {
        NodeFreeSearchResult( *routine );
        retn = FALSE;
    return( retn );
Example #2
// This is kluge because of the lack of a code-generation interface to
// signal a virtual function reference.
// This is accomplished by putting out a fake virtual call in dead-code.
void VfnReference(              // EMIT VIRTUAL FUNCTION REFERENCE
    SYMBOL vfun )               // - a virtual function
    CGLABEL around;             // - label for jump around
    PTREE fake;                 // - fake call expression

    around = CgFrontLabelCs();
    CgFrontGotoNear( IC_LABEL_CS, O_GOTO, around );
    fake = NodeAssignTemporary( MakePointerTo( vfun->sym_type )
                              , NodeMakeCallee( vfun ) );
    fake = NodeRvalue( fake );
    fake = NodeUnaryCopy( CO_CALL_SETUP_IND, fake );
    fake = VfnDecorateCall( fake, vfun );
    fake = NodeBinary( CO_CALL_EXEC_IND, fake, NULL );
    fake->type = SymFuncReturnType( vfun );
    fake->flags |= PTF_MEANINGFUL | PTF_SIDE_EFF;
    fake = NodeDone( fake );
    IcEmitExpr( fake );
    CgFrontLabdefCs( around );
    CgFrontLabfreeCs( 1 );