Example #1
Triangle::Triangle(std::size_t const mat, float3_t const &vp0,
                   float3_t const &vp1, float3_t const &vp2,
                   float3_t const &ns0, float3_t const &ns1,
                   float3_t const &ns2, value_type const s0,
                   value_type const t0, value_type const s1,
                   value_type const t1, value_type const s2,
                   value_type const t2)
    : bsdf_(mat),
      e1_(vp1 - vp0),
      e2_(vp2 - vp0),
      ng_(hi::normalize(NormalVector(e1_, e2_))),
      s1_(ns1 - ns0),
      s2_(ns2 - ns0),
      uv0_(s0, t0),
      uv1_(s1, t1),
      uv2_(s2, t2)
      min_(hi::min(hi::min(vp0, vp1), vp2)),
      max_(hi::max(hi::max(vp0, vp1), vp2))
Example #2
NormalVector ShapeTroughCHC::GetNormal (double u ,double v) const
	Vector3D dpdu = GetDPDU( u, v );
	Vector3D dpdv = GetDPDV( u, v );

	return Normalize( NormalVector( CrossProduct( dpdu, dpdv ) ) );

Example #3
Triangle::Triangle(Vertices v0, Vertices  v1, Vertices v2)
	tVertices[0] = v0;
	tVertices[1] = v1;
	tVertices[2] = v2;
	CrossProduct(v0, v1);

Example #4
double cOrbit::PhaseAngle(cOrbit &orbit, double t, bool &status) const
    Vector3d n = NormalVector();
    Vector3d p1 = PositionAtTrueAnomaly(TrueAnomalyAt(t, status));
    Vector3d p2 = orbit.PositionAtTrueAnomaly(orbit.TrueAnomalyAt(t, status));
    p2 = p2 - (n * p2.dot(n)); // Project p2 onto our orbital plane
    double r1 = p1.norm();
    double r2 = p2.norm();

    double phaseAngle = std::acos(p1.dot(p2) / (r1 * r2));
    if(p1.cross(p2).dot(n) < 0.0)
        phaseAngle = TWO_PI - phaseAngle;

    if (orbit.SemiMajorAxis() < SemiMajorAxis())
        phaseAngle = phaseAngle - TWO_PI;

    return phaseAngle;
Example #5
 * Triangle intersection
bool Triangle::Intersect( const Ray& objectRay, double* tHit, DifferentialGeometry* dg ) const

	//e1 = B - A
	//e2 = C - A
	Vector3D pVector = CrossProduct( objectRay.direction(), m_vE2 );
	double det = DotProduct( m_vE1, pVector );
	double inv_det = 1/det;

	//std::cout<<"det: "<<det<<std::endl;

	//Vector3D tVector = Vector3D( objectRay.origin ) – Vector3D(m_v1) ;
	Vector3D tVector = Vector3D( objectRay.origin - m_v1 );
	Vector3D qVec = CrossProduct( tVector ,  m_vE1 );
	double thit;
	double tol = 0.000001;
	if (det > tol)
		double u = DotProduct(  tVector,pVector );
		if (u < 0 || u > det )	return ( false );

		double v = DotProduct( objectRay.direction(), qVec );
		if (v < 0 || ( v + u ) > det) return ( false );

		double t = DotProduct( m_vE2, qVec );
		thit  =  t * inv_det;
		u *= inv_det;
		v *= inv_det;
	else if (det < - tol)

		double u = DotProduct( tVector, pVector ) * inv_det;
		if (u < 0.0 || u > 1.0)	return ( false );

		double v = DotProduct( objectRay.direction(), qVec )  * inv_det;
		if (v < 0.0 || ( ( v+u ) > 1.0 ) ) 	return ( false );

		double t = DotProduct( m_vE2, qVec ) * inv_det;
		thit  =  t;
		return ( false );

	//return intersection == true , t, P

	/*//Jimenez algorithm
	double t0;
	double t1;
	if( !m_bbox.IntersectP(objectRay, &t0, &t1 ) )	return ( false );

	//Evaluate Tolerance
	t0 -= 0.1;
	t1 += 0.1;
	Point3D Q1 = objectRay( t0 );
	Point3D Q2 = objectRay( t1 );

	Vector3D vA = Vector3D( Q1 - m_v3 );
	double w = DotProduct( vA, m_vW1 );

	Vector3D vD = Vector3D( Q2 - m_v3 );
	double s = DotProduct( vD, m_vW1 );

	double tol = 0.000001;
	if( w > tol )
		if( s > tol ) return ( false );
		Vector3D vW2 = CrossProduct( vA, vD );
		double t = DotProduct( vW2, m_vC );
		if( t < -tol ) return ( false );
		double u = DotProduct( - vW2, m_vB );
		if( u < -tol ) 	return ( false );
		if( w < ( s + t + u ) ) 	return ( false );
	else if ( w < -tol )

		if(  s < -tol ) 	return ( false );
		Vector3D vW2 = CrossProduct( vA, vD );
		double t = DotProduct( vW2, m_vC );
		if( t > tol ) return ( false );
		double u = DotProduct( - vW2, m_vB );
		if( u > tol ) 	return ( false );
		if( w > ( s + t + u ) ) 	return ( false );
	else // w == 0, swap( Q1, Q2 )

		Vector3D vW2 = CrossProduct( vD, vA );
		double t = DotProduct( vW2, m_vC );
		if( s > tol )
			if( t < -tol ) return ( false );
			double u = DotProduct( - vW2, m_vB);
			if( u < -tol ) 	return ( false );
			if( -s < ( t + u ) ) 	return ( false );
		else if( s < - tol )
			if( t > tol ) return ( false );
			double u = DotProduct( - vW2, m_vB );
			if( u > tol ) 	return ( false );
			if( -s  > ( t + u ) ) 	return ( false );

			return ( false );

	double t_param = ( DotProduct( Normalize( m_vW1 ), vA )  /  DotProduct( Normalize( m_vW1 ),  Vector3D( Q1 - Q2 ) ) );
	double thit = t0 + t_param * Distance( Q1, Q2 );

	if( thit > *tHit ) return false;
	if( (thit - objectRay.mint) < tol ) return false;

	Point3D hitPoint = objectRay( thit );

	Vector3D dpdu = Normalize( m_vE1 );
	Vector3D dpdv = Normalize( m_vE2 );

	// Compute ShapeCone \dndu and \dndv
	Vector3D d2Pduu( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
	Vector3D d2Pduv( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
	Vector3D d2Pdvv( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );

	// Compute coefficients for fundamental forms
	double E = DotProduct( dpdu, dpdu );
	double F = DotProduct( dpdu, dpdv );
	double G = DotProduct( dpdv, dpdv );

	Vector3D N = Normalize( NormalVector( CrossProduct( dpdu, dpdv ) ) );

	double e = DotProduct( N, d2Pduu );
	double f = DotProduct( N, d2Pduv );
	double g = DotProduct( N, d2Pdvv );

	// Compute \dndu and \dndv from fundamental form coefficients
	double invEGF2 = 1.0 / (E*G - F*F);
	Vector3D dndu = (f*F - e*G) * invEGF2 * dpdu +
			        (e*F - f*E) * invEGF2 * dpdv;
	Vector3D dndv = (g*F - f*G) * invEGF2 * dpdu +
	                (f*F - g*E) * invEGF2 * dpdv;

	// Initialize _DifferentialGeometry_ from parametric information
	*dg = DifferentialGeometry( hitPoint ,
		                        -1, -1, 0 );

	dg->shapeFrontSide = ( DotProduct( N, objectRay.direction() ) > 0 ) ? false : true;

    // Update _tHit_ for quadric intersection
    *tHit = thit;

	return true;

Example #6
NormalVector NormalVector::operator/( double scalar ) const
	double inv = 1.0/scalar;
    return NormalVector( x * inv, y * inv, z * inv );
Example #7
NormalVector NormalVector::operator*( double scalar ) const
	return NormalVector( x * scalar, y * scalar, z * scalar );
Example #8
NormalVector operator*( double scalar, const NormalVector& nV )
	return NormalVector( scalar * nV.x, scalar * nV.y, scalar * nV.z );
Example #9
NormalVector NormalVector::operator-() const
	return NormalVector( -x, -y, -z );
NormalVector ShapeParabolicRectangle::GetNormal( double u, double v ) const
	Vector3D dpdu( widthX.getValue(), ( (-0.5 + u) * widthX.getValue() *  widthX.getValue() )/(2 * focusLength.getValue()), 0 );
	Vector3D dpdv( 0.0, (( -0.5 + v) * widthZ.getValue() *  widthZ.getValue() ) /( 2 * focusLength.getValue() ), widthZ.getValue() );
	return Normalize( NormalVector( CrossProduct( dpdu, dpdv ) ) );
bool ShapeParabolicRectangle::Intersect(const Ray& objectRay, double *tHit, DifferentialGeometry *dg) const
	double focus = focusLength.getValue();
	double wX = widthX.getValue();
	double wZ = widthZ.getValue();

	// Compute quadratic coefficients
	double A = objectRay.direction().x * objectRay.direction().x + objectRay.direction().z * objectRay.direction().z;
	double B = 2.0 * ( objectRay.direction().x * objectRay.origin.x + objectRay.direction().z * objectRay.origin.z  - 2 * focus * objectRay.direction().y );
	double C = objectRay.origin.x * objectRay.origin.x + objectRay.origin.z * objectRay.origin.z - 4 * focus * objectRay.origin.y;

	// Solve quadratic equation for _t_ values
	double t0, t1;
	if( !gf::Quadratic( A, B, C, &t0, &t1 ) ) return false;

	// Compute intersection distance along ray
	if( t0 > objectRay.maxt || t1 < objectRay.mint ) return false;
    double thit = ( t0 > objectRay.mint )? t0 : t1 ;
    if( thit > objectRay.maxt ) return false;

    //Evaluate Tolerance
	double tol = 0.00001;

	//Compute possible hit position
	Point3D hitPoint = objectRay( thit );

	// Test intersection against clipping parameters
	if( (thit - objectRay.mint) < tol ||  hitPoint.x < ( - wX / 2 ) || hitPoint.x > ( wX / 2 ) ||
			hitPoint.z < ( - wZ / 2 ) || hitPoint.z > ( wZ / 2 ) )
		if ( thit == t1 ) return false;
		if ( t1 > objectRay.maxt ) return false;
		thit = t1;

		hitPoint = objectRay( thit );
		if( (thit - objectRay.mint) < tol ||  hitPoint.x < ( - wX / 2 ) || hitPoint.x > ( wX / 2 ) ||
					hitPoint.z < ( - wZ / 2 ) || hitPoint.z > ( wZ / 2 ) )	return false;


    // Now check if the function is being called from IntersectP,
	// in which case the pointers tHit and dg are 0
	if( ( tHit == 0 ) && ( dg == 0 ) ) return true;
	else if( ( tHit == 0 ) || ( dg == 0 ) )	gf::SevereError( "Function ParabolicCyl::Intersect(...) called with null pointers" );


	// Compute possible parabola hit position

	// Find parametric representation of paraboloid hit
	double u =  ( hitPoint.x  / wX ) + 0.5;
	double v =  ( hitPoint.z  / wZ ) + 0.5;

	Vector3D dpdu( wX, ( (-0.5 + u) * wX *  wX ) / ( 2 * focus ), 0 );
	Vector3D dpdv( 0.0, (( -0.5 + v) * wZ *  wZ ) /( 2 * focus ), wZ );

	// Compute parabaloid \dndu and \dndv
	Vector3D d2Pduu( 0.0,  (wX *  wX ) /( 2 * focus ), 0.0 );
	Vector3D d2Pduv( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
	Vector3D d2Pdvv( 0.0,  (wZ *  wZ ) /( 2 * focus ), 0.0 );

	// Compute coefficients for fundamental forms
	double E = DotProduct(dpdu, dpdu);
	double F = DotProduct(dpdu, dpdv);
	double G = DotProduct(dpdv, dpdv);

	NormalVector N = Normalize( NormalVector( CrossProduct( dpdu, dpdv ) ) );

	double e = DotProduct(N, d2Pduu);
	double f = DotProduct(N, d2Pduv);
	double g = DotProduct(N, d2Pdvv);

	// Compute \dndu and \dndv from fundamental form coefficients
	double invEGF2 = 1.0 / (E*G - F*F);
	Vector3D dndu = (f*F - e*G) * invEGF2 * dpdu +
		(e*F - f*E) * invEGF2 * dpdv;
	Vector3D dndv = (g*F - f*G) * invEGF2 * dpdu +
		(f*F - g*E) * invEGF2 * dpdv;

	// Initialize _DifferentialGeometry_ from parametric information
	*dg = DifferentialGeometry(hitPoint,
							   u, v, this);
	dg->shapeFrontSide = ( DotProduct( N, objectRay.direction() ) > 0 ) ? false : true;


	// Update _tHit_ for quadric intersection
	*tHit = thit;
	return true;
Example #12
    void TriangleMesh::AppendAllIntersections(
        const Vector& vantage, 
        const Vector& direction, 
        IntersectionList& intersectionList) const
        // Iterate through all the triangles in this solid object, 
        // looking for every intersection.
        TriangleList::const_iterator iter = triangleList.begin();
        TriangleList::const_iterator end  = triangleList.end();
        for (; iter != end; ++iter)
            const Triangle& tri = *iter;
            const Vector& aPoint = pointList[tri.a];
            const Vector& bPoint = pointList[tri.b];
            const Vector& cPoint = pointList[tri.c];

            // The variables u, v, w are deliberately left 
            // uninitialized for efficiency; they are only 
            // assigned values if we find an intersection.
            double u, v, w;     

            // Sometimes we have to try more than one ordering of the points (A,B,C) 
            // in order to get a valid solution to the intersection equations.
            // Take advantage of C++ short-circuit boolean or "||" operator:
            // as soon as one of the function calls returns true, we don't call any more.
            if (AttemptPlaneIntersection(vantage, direction, aPoint, bPoint, cPoint, u, v, w) ||
                AttemptPlaneIntersection(vantage, direction, bPoint, cPoint, aPoint, u, v, w) ||
                AttemptPlaneIntersection(vantage, direction, cPoint, aPoint, bPoint, u, v, w))
                // We found an intersection of the direction with the plane that passes through the points (A,B,C).
                // Figure out whether the intersection point is inside the triangle (A,B,C) or outside it.
                // We are interested only in intersections that are inside the triangle.
                // The trick here is that the values v,w are fractions that will be 0..1 along the
                // line segments AB and BC (or whichever ordered triple of points we found the solution for).
                // If we just checked that both v and w are in the range 0..1, we would be finding
                // intersections with a parallelogram ABCD, where D is the fourth point that completes the
                // parallelogram whose other vertices are ABC.
                // But checking instead that v + w <= 1.0 constrains the set of points
                // to the interior or border of the triangle ABC.
                if ((v >= 0.0) && (w >= 0.0) && (v + w <= 1.0) && (u >= EPSILON))
                    // We have found an intersection with one of the triangular facets!
                    // Also determine whether the intersection point is in "front" of the vantage (positively along the direction)
                    // by checking for (u >= EPSILON).  Note that we allow for a little roundoff error by checking
                    // against EPSILON instead of 0.0, because this method is called using vantage = a point on this surface,
                    // in order to calculate surface lighting, and we don't want to act like the surface is shading itself!
                    if (u >= EPSILON)
                        // We have found a new intersection to be added to the list.
                        const Vector displacement = u * direction;

                        Intersection intersection;
                        intersection.distanceSquared = displacement.MagnitudeSquared();
                        intersection.point = vantage + displacement;
                        intersection.surfaceNormal = NormalVector(tri);
                        intersection.solid = this;
                        intersection.context = &tri;   // remember which triangle we hit, for SurfaceOptics().

Example #13
Creates a list for a sphere with unit radius
void ThreeDWidget::GLCreateUnitSphere()
	double start_lat, start_lon,lat_incr, lon_incr, R;
	double phi1, phi2, theta1, theta2;
	GLdouble u[3], v[3], w[3], n[3];
	int row, col;

	int NumLongitudes, NumLatitudes;
	NumLongitudes = NumLatitudes = 19;


		glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL);

//		glColor3d(cr.redF(),cr.greenF(),cr.blueF());

		start_lat = -90;
		start_lon = 0.0;
		R = 1.0;

		lat_incr = 180.0 / NumLatitudes;
		lon_incr = 360.0 / NumLongitudes;

		for (col = 0; col < NumLongitudes; col++)
			phi1 = (start_lon + col * lon_incr) * PI/180.0;
			phi2 = (start_lon + (col + 1) * lon_incr) * PI/180.0;

			for (row = 0; row < NumLatitudes; row++)
				theta1 = (start_lat + row * lat_incr) * PI/180.0;
				theta2 = (start_lat + (row + 1) * lat_incr) * PI/180.0;

				u[0] = R * cos(phi1) * cos(theta1);//x
				u[1] = R * sin(theta1);//y
				u[2] = R * sin(phi1) * cos(theta1);//z

				v[0] = R * cos(phi1) * cos(theta2);//x
				v[1] = R * sin(theta2);//y
				v[2] = R * sin(phi1) * cos(theta2);//z

				w[0] = R * cos(phi2) * cos(theta2);//x
				w[1] = R * sin(theta2);//y
				w[2] = R * sin(phi2) * cos(theta2);//z



				v[0] = R * cos(phi2) * cos(theta1);//x
				v[1] = R * sin(theta1);//y
				v[2] = R * sin(phi2) * cos(theta1);//z

