Example #1
BOOL CConfig::GetCaptureDir( tstring& strCaptureDir )
	strCaptureDir = this->ReadConfig( CONFIG_ENTRY_CAPTURE_DIR, _T("") );

	if ( strCaptureDir.empty() )
		// 配置文件中没有记录,返回默认配置。
		// 如果手机有存储卡,优先返回存储卡位置。
		BOOL bHasCard = ::HasStorageCard();
		if( bHasCard )

    // 标准化文件夹。
    NormalizeDir( strCaptureDir );
//	Log() << _T( "CConfig::GetCaptureDir [" ) << strCaptureDir << _T( "]" )<< endl;

	return ( !strCaptureDir.empty() );
Example #2
// Angle
double TTrackDescription::ForwardAngle(double TrackPos) const
  int Index = IndexFromPos(TrackPos);
  const tTrackSeg* Seg = oSections[Index].Seg;

  double X;
  TVec3d CenterPoint;
  TVec3d Normale;
  NormalizeDir(Seg, TrackPos - Seg->lgfromstart, X, CenterPoint, Normale);

  return TUtils::VecAngXY(Normale) + PI / 2;
Example #3
// To right
TVec2d TTrackDescription::Normale(double TrackPos) const
  //int LastPos = 0;
  int Index = IndexFromPos(TrackPos);
  const tTrackSeg* Seg = oSections[Index].Seg;

  double Tmp;
  TVec3d CenterPoint;
  TVec3d Normale;
  NormalizeDir(Seg, TrackPos - Seg->lgfromstart, Tmp, CenterPoint, Normale);

  return Normale.GetXY();
Example #4
// Build new track description
void TTrackDescription::InitTrack
  (tTrack* Track, TCarParam& CarParam, float SmoothSide, PitSideMod* PitSideMod)
  if (oTrack != Track)                           // if used
  {                                              //   free old ones
    if (oSections != NULL)
	  delete [] oSections;
	oSections = NULL;
	oCount = 0;

  oTrack = Track;                                // Save pointer to TORCS data

  if (PitSideMod)                                // If defined
	oPitSideMod = *PitSideMod;                   //   Set Pit side mode

  Execute();                                     // Make description

  tTrackSeg* LastSeg = oTrack->seg;              // Save last segment
  int LastSegType = TR_STR;                      // Assume straight
  tTrackSeg* Seg = LastSeg;                      // Start at last segment

  // Find usable additional width at sides of the track ...
  bool ForcePitlane;
  int N = 0;                                     // Count sections since last curve
  double WMax = 1.5;
  {for (int I = 0; I < oCount; I++)              
    ForcePitlane = false;
	oSections[I].PitWidthToLeft = oSections[I].WidthToLeft;
	oSections[I].PitWidthToRight = oSections[I].WidthToRight;

	LastSeg = Seg;                               // Save last segment
    if (LastSeg->type != TR_STR)                 // if it was a curve
	{                                            // save last type and
	  LastSegType = LastSeg->type;               // reset counter
	  N = 0;
	else                                         // increase counter
      N++;                                       //   on straights

	if (N > 10)                                  // After 10 sections
	  LastSegType = LastSeg->type;               //   reset

    Seg = oSections[I].Seg;                      // Get torcs segment
//  if (strncmp(Seg->name,"S10",3) == 0)
//	if (strncmp(Seg->name,"curve 39",8) == 0)
//    if (strncmp(Seg->name,"end line",8) == 0)
//	  GfOut("%s\n",Seg->name);
//    if (strncmp(Seg->name,"straight 48",11) == 0)
//	  GfOut("%s\n",Seg->name);

	double DistFromStart =                       // Distance from start
      oSections[I].DistFromStart;                //   of section
	double T = (DistFromStart - Seg->lgfromstart)// Part of section
	  / Seg->length;

	bool InPit = (((oPitEntry < oPitExit)        // Check if along pits
	  && (oPitEntry <= I)
	  && (I <= oPitExit))
	  || ((oPitEntry > oPitExit)
	  && ((I <= oPitExit) || (I >= oPitEntry))));

	bool InPitEntryExit = (((oPitEntry < oPitExit) // Check if along pits
	  && (oPitEntryNext <= I)
	  && (I <= oPitExitPrev))
	  || ((oPitEntry > oPitExit)
	  && ((I <= oPitExitPrev) || (I >= oPitEntryNext))));

	// Selections ...
	double MIN_MU =                              // min usable mu
	  Seg->surface->kFriction * CarParam.oScaleMinMu;

	const double MAX_ROUGH =                     // max usable rough
      MAX(0.030, Seg->surface->kRoughness * 1.2);
	const double MAX_RESIST =                    // max usable resistance
	  MAX(0.06, Seg->surface->kRollRes * 1.3);   // Brondehach pit exit!
	const double SLOPE = Seg->Kzw;               // Slope of segment

	for (int S = 0; S < 2; S++)                  // Look at both sides
	  tTrackSeg* PSide = Seg->side[S];           // Side-segment
	  if (PSide == NULL)                         // If NULL no side
		continue;                                //   go to next segment

	  double ExtraW = 0;                         // Initialize add. width
	  double ExtraWpit = 0;                      // Initialize add. width
	  bool Done = false;                         // Reset flag
	  bool PitOnly = false;                      // Reset flag
	  while(PSide)                               // Loop all side-segments
	    double Wpit = 0.0;                       // Initialize
		double WCurb = 0.0;                      // additional with
		double W = PSide->startWidth + T *       // Estimate width of section
		  (PSide->endWidth - PSide->startWidth); // at current position
		float slope = PSide->height/PSide->width;// Slope of border
		bool outer = ((S == TR_SIDE_LFT)         // Is it the outer side?
		    && (Seg->type == TR_RGT))
		    || ((S == TR_SIDE_RGT)
		    && (Seg->type == TR_LFT));
		bool pitlane = (((S == oPitSideMod.side) // If side of pits
			&& (I >= oPitSideMod.start)          // and between start
			&& (I <= oPitSideMod.end)));         // and end of pitlane

		//outer = false;
		tTrackSeg* NextSide = PSide->side[S];

		if (pitlane)                             // if side along pitlane
	      W = 0.0;                               // Keep out!
                                                 //    __
        if (fabs(SLOPE) > 0.1 + fabs(slope))     // __/
		{                                        // Keep out!
		  if (InPit && (oPitSide == S))
			Wpit = W;
		  W = 0.0;

	    if (InPitEntryExit && (oPitSide == S))
          bool Force = false;  
  		  tTrackSeg* PNext = Seg->next;          // Next segment
  		  tTrackSeg* PNextSide = NULL;           
		  if (PNext != NULL)
  		    PNextSide = PNext->side[S];          // Next side segment
		    if (PNextSide != NULL)
	          if (PNextSide->style == TR_WALL)
				Force = true;

	      if ((PSide->style == TR_WALL) || (Force))
		    ForcePitlane = true;

		if ((PSide->style == TR_CURB)            // On curbs with height
		  && (slope > 0.01))                     // and great slope
		  Done = true;                           // Last possible to use
          WCurb = 0.8 * W;                       // Use 80%
          WCurb = MIN(WCurb,WMax);               // Keep a wheel on track

		  if (outer                              // If outer side and friction lower
			&& (PSide->surface->kFriction < Seg->surface->kFriction))
	        WCurb = MIN(WCurb, 0.15);            // use 15 cm only

		  // Don't go too far up raised curbs
		  if (slope > 0.15)                      // If more
		    WCurb = 0;                           //   keep off
          else                                   // less slope
            WCurb = MIN(WCurb,3.0/slope);        // more width used

	    else if (PSide->style == TR_CURB)        // On curbs without height
          WCurb = 0.8 * W;                       // Use 80%
		  if (pitlane)                           // if side along pitlane
            WCurb = 0.15;
		    Done = true;
		  else if (outer && (PSide->surface->kFriction < Seg->surface->kFriction))
		    WCurb = MIN(WCurb,WMax);             // Keep two wheels on track
		    Done = true;
		    W = 0;
		else if (PSide->style == TR_PLAN)        // On plan
          WCurb = 0.8 * W;                       // Use 80%
		  if ((InPit && (oPitSide == S))         // Exclude pits
			|| (PSide->raceInfo & (TR_SPEEDLIMIT | TR_PITLANE)))
            Wpit = MAX(Wpit,W);                  // Save it for pitlane
            WCurb = 0;                           // Use 80%
		    Done = true;
          else if (pitlane)
            Wpit = MAX(Wpit,W);                  // Save it for pitlane
			if (W > 0.15)                        // Only 15 cm
			  WCurb = 0.15;
			  Done = true;
		  // Selections ...
		  if (outer
			  && ((PSide->surface->kFriction < MIN_MU)
			  || (PSide->surface->kRoughness > MIN(MAX_ROUGH,0.005))
			  || (PSide->surface->kRollRes > MAX_RESIST)
			  || (fabs(PSide->Kzw - SLOPE) > 0.005)))
            WCurb = 0;
			Done = true;
		  else if ((PSide->surface->kFriction < MIN_MU)
		    || (PSide->surface->kRoughness > MIN(MAX_ROUGH,0.005))
			|| (PSide->surface->kRollRes > MAX_RESIST)
			|| (fabs(PSide->Kzw - SLOPE) > 0.005))
            WCurb = 0.15; 
			Done = true;
		  else if (outer
			  && ((PSide->surface->kFriction < Seg->surface->kFriction)
			  || (PSide->surface->kRoughness > MIN(MAX_ROUGH,0.005))
			  || (PSide->surface->kRollRes > MAX_RESIST)
			  || (fabs(PSide->Kzw - SLOPE) > 0.005)))
            WCurb = 0;
			Done = true;
		  else if (outer && (PSide->surface->kFriction < Seg->surface->kFriction))
			WCurb = MIN(WCurb,WMax);
			Done = true;
		  else if (PSide->surface->kFriction < MIN_MU)
			WCurb = MIN(WCurb,WMax);
			Done = true;
		  else if (NextSide == NULL)
			WCurb -= 1.0;
			Done = true;
  	    else if (NextSide == NULL)
		  WCurb -= 1.0;
		  Done = true;
		  // Wall of some sort
		  WCurb = (PSide->style >= TR_WALL) ? -1.0 : 0;
		  Done = true;

		ExtraWpit += Wpit;
		if ((!PitOnly) || (WCurb < 0))
		  if (Done)
  	        ExtraW += WCurb;
		    ExtraW += W;

		  if (Done)
		    PitOnly = true;

		PSide = NextSide;

	  if (S == TR_SIDE_LFT)
		oSections[I].PitWidthToLeft = oSections[I].WidthToLeft + MAX(ExtraW,ExtraWpit);
//		if ((NEW_VERSION == 307) && (!TDriver::Qualifying))
//		  oSections[I].WidthToLeft += MIN(1.0,ExtraW);
//		else
		  oSections[I].WidthToLeft += ExtraW;
		oSections[I].PitWidthToRight = oSections[I].WidthToRight + MAX(ExtraW,ExtraWpit);
		oSections[I].WidthToRight += ExtraW;

	if (ForcePitlane)
	  if (oPitSide == TR_SIDE_LFT)
		oSections[I].PitWidthToRight = -(oSections[I].WidthToLeft + 3.0);
		oSections[I].PitWidthToLeft = -(oSections[I].WidthToRight + 3.0);

	NormalizeDir(Seg, DistFromStart - Seg->lgfromstart,
	  oSections[I].T, oSections[I].Center, oSections[I].ToRight);