size_t RandomNumberStore::TransferTo2(BufferedTransformation &target, lword &transferBytes, const std::string &channel, bool blocking) { if (!blocking) throw NotImplemented("RandomNumberStore: nonblocking transfer is not implemented by this object"); transferBytes = UnsignedMin(transferBytes, m_length - m_count); m_rng->GenerateIntoBufferedTransformation(target, channel, transferBytes); m_count += transferBytes; return 0; }
void RandomNumberGenerator::GenerateBlock(byte *output, size_t size) { CRYPTOPP_UNUSED(output), CRYPTOPP_UNUSED(size); #if 0 // This breaks AutoSeededX917RNG<T> generators. throw NotImplemented("RandomNumberGenerator: GenerateBlock not implemented"); #endif ArraySink s(output, size); GenerateIntoBufferedTransformation(s, DEFAULT_CHANNEL, size); }
Real3 MeshSurface::draw_position(boost::shared_ptr<RandomNumberGenerator>& rng) const { #ifdef HAVE_VTK vtkPolyData* polydata = reader_->GetOutput(); std::vector<double> areas(polydata->GetNumberOfCells()); for (vtkIdType i(0); i < polydata->GetNumberOfCells(); i++) { vtkCell* cell = polydata->GetCell(i); vtkTriangle* triangle = dynamic_cast<vtkTriangle*>(cell); double p0[3]; double p1[3]; double p2[3]; triangle->GetPoints()->GetPoint(0, p0); triangle->GetPoints()->GetPoint(1, p1); triangle->GetPoints()->GetPoint(2, p2); const double area = vtkTriangle::TriangleArea(p0, p1, p2); // std::cout << "p0: " << p0[0] << " " << p0[1] << " " << p0[2] << std::endl; // std::cout << "p1: " << p1[0] << " " << p1[1] << " " << p1[2] << std::endl; // std::cout << "p2: " << p2[0] << " " << p2[1] << " " << p2[2] << std::endl; // std::cout << "area of triangle " << i << ": " << area << std::endl; areas[i] = area; } const double rnd = rng->uniform(0.0, std::accumulate(areas.begin(), areas.end(), 0.0)); double totarea = 0.0; for (vtkIdType i(0); i < polydata->GetNumberOfCells(); i++) { totarea += areas[i]; if (rnd < totarea) { vtkCell* cell = polydata->GetCell(i); vtkTriangle* triangle = dynamic_cast<vtkTriangle*>(cell); double p0[3]; double p1[3]; double p2[3]; triangle->GetPoints()->GetPoint(0, p0); triangle->GetPoints()->GetPoint(1, p1); triangle->GetPoints()->GetPoint(2, p2); const Real3 P0(p0[0], p0[1], p0[2]); const Real3 P1(p1[0], p1[1], p1[2]); const Real3 P2(p2[0], p2[1], p2[2]); const Real p(rng->uniform(0.0, 1.0)), q(rng->uniform(0.0, 1.0 - p)); return (((P1 - P0) * p + (P2 - P0) * q + P0) + shift_) * ratio_; } } throw IllegalState("Never reach here."); #else throw NotImplemented("not implemented yet."); #endif }
void TF_SignerBase::InputRecoverableMessage(PK_MessageAccumulator &messageAccumulator, const byte *recoverableMessage, unsigned int recoverableMessageLength) const { PK_MessageAccumulatorBase &ma = static_cast<PK_MessageAccumulatorBase &>(messageAccumulator); const MessageEncodingInterface &mei = GetMessageEncodingInterface(); unsigned int maxRecoverableLength = mei.MaxRecoverableLength(MessageRepresentativeBitLength(), GetHashIdentifier().second, ma.AccessHash().DigestSize()); if (maxRecoverableLength == 0) {throw NotImplemented("TF_SignerBase: this algorithm does not support messsage recovery or the key is too short");} if (recoverableMessageLength > maxRecoverableLength) throw InvalidArgument("TF_SignerBase: the recoverable message part is too long for the given key and algorithm"); ma.m_recoverableMessage.Assign(recoverableMessage, recoverableMessageLength); mei.ProcessRecoverableMessage( ma.AccessHash(), recoverableMessage, recoverableMessageLength, NULL, 0, ma.m_semisignature); }
std::unique_ptr<CanvasCommand> CanvasCommandFactory::create(CommandLine& commandLine) { std::unique_ptr<CanvasCommand> canvasCommand; std::string nextToken; while ((nextToken = commandLine.nextToken()).length() > 0) { try { if (nextToken==CREATE_CANVAS_TOKEN) { canvasCommand.reset(new CreateCanvasCommand(commandLine.nextParameter(), commandLine.nextParameter())); } else if (nextToken==DRAW_LINE_TOKEN) { canvasCommand.reset(new DrawLineCommand(commandLine.nextParameter(), commandLine.nextParameter(), commandLine.nextParameter(), commandLine.nextParameter())); } else if (nextToken==DRAW_RECTANGLE_TOKEN) { canvasCommand.reset(new DrawRectangleCommand(commandLine.nextParameter(), commandLine.nextParameter(), commandLine.nextParameter(), commandLine.nextParameter())); } else if (nextToken==BUCKET_FILL_TOKEN) { canvasCommand.reset(new BucketFillCommand(commandLine.nextParameter(), commandLine.nextParameter(), commandLine.nextToken().at(0))); } else if (nextToken==QUIT_TOKEN) { // return null } else { throw NotImplemented("unknown command request"); } } catch (std::logic_error& ex) { throw BadParameter("invalid parameter"); } } return std::move(canvasCommand); }
Type* Op2::getTypeConstant() { switch (op) { case ADD: case SUB: case MUL: case DIV: return Type::higherType(left->getTypeConstant(), right->getTypeConstant()); case LT: case GT: case LEQ: case GEQ: case EQ: case NEQ: case LOG_AND: case LOG_OR: case LOG_XOR: return &Type::Bool; default: throw NotImplemented(std::string("constant caculation ") + left->getTypeConstant()->getName() + OpNames[op] + right->getTypeConstant()->getName()); } }
unsigned int RandomPool::TransferTo2(BufferedTransformation &target, unsigned long &transferBytes, const std::string &channel, bool blocking) { if (!blocking) throw NotImplemented("RandomPool: nonblocking transfer is not implemented by this object"); unsigned int t; unsigned long size = transferBytes; while (size > (t = pool.size() - getPos)) { target.ChannelPut(channel, pool+getPos, t); size -= t; Stir(); } if (size) { target.ChannelPut(channel, pool+getPos, size); getPos += size; } return 0; }
// virtual LLSD LLHTTPNode::simplePost(const LLSD& input) const { throw NotImplemented(); }
TEST(PointCloudFactory, Default) { NotImplemented(); }
bool mime::HandlesEverything() const { NotImplemented(_T("mime::HandlesEverything()")); return false; }
bool mime::CanHandleFile(const wxString& filename) const { NotImplemented(_T("mime::CanHandleFile()")); return false; }
TEST(RenderOption, Default) { NotImplemented(); }
void step(void) { throw NotImplemented("a step size must be specified."); }
IntPoint ClipboardBal::dragLocation() const { // OWB_PRINTF("ClipboardBal::dragLocation\n"); NotImplemented(); return IntPoint(0, 0); }
HashSet<String> ClipboardBal::types() const { // OWB_PRINTF("ClipboardBal::types\n"); NotImplemented(); return HashSet<String>(); }
void ClipboardBal::writeRange(Range*, Frame*) { // OWB_PRINTF("ClipboardBal::writeRange\n"); NotImplemented(); }
bool ClipboardBal::hasData() { // OWB_PRINTF("ClipboardBal::hasData\n"); NotImplemented(); return false; }
CachedImage* ClipboardBal::dragImage() const { // OWB_PRINTF("ClipboardBal::dragImage\n"); NotImplemented(); return 0; }
TEST(RenderOptionWithEditing, Default) { NotImplemented(); }
void ClipboardBal::setDragImage(CachedImage*, const IntPoint&) { // OWB_PRINTF("ClipboardBal::setDragImage\n"); NotImplemented(); }
TEST(GeometryRenderer, Default) { NotImplemented(); }
Node* ClipboardBal::dragImageElement() { // OWB_PRINTF("ClipboardBal::dragImageElement\n"); NotImplemented(); return 0; }
int mime::OpenFile(const wxString& filename) { NotImplemented(_T("mime::OpenFile()")); return -1; }
void ClipboardBal::setDragImageElement(Node*, const IntPoint&) { // OWB_PRINTF("ClipboardBal::setDragImageElement\n"); NotImplemented(); }
byte GenerateByte() {throw NotImplemented("NullRNG: NullRNG should only be passed to functions that don't need to generate random bytes");}
DragImageRef ClipboardBal::createDragImage(IntPoint&) const { // OWB_PRINTF("ClipboardBal::createDragImage\n"); NotImplemented(); return 0; }
// virtual LLSD LLHTTPNode::simpleGet() const { throw NotImplemented(); }
void ClipboardBal::declareAndWriteDragImage(Element*, const KURL&, const String&, Frame*) { // OWB_PRINTF("ClipboardBal::declareAndWriteDragImage\n"); NotImplemented(); }
// virtual LLSD LLHTTPNode::simpleDel(const LLSD&) const { throw NotImplemented(); }
void ClipboardBal::writeURL(const KURL&, const String&, Frame*) { // OWB_PRINTF("ClipboardBal::writeURL\n"); NotImplemented(); }