int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *s; void Initialise(void); InitShell(argc,argv,lfof_version,lfof_vc_id); InitMem(); InitMath(); InitWave(); InitLabel(); InitWMap(); InitGBase(); InitPCalc(); if (!InfoPrinted() && NumArgs() == 0) ReportUsage(); if (NumArgs() == 0) Exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); SetConfParms(); while (NextArg() == SWITCHARG) { s = GetSwtArg(); if (strlen(s)!=1) HError(16719,"Bad switch %s; must be single letter",s); switch(s[0]){ case 'f': fofSize = GetChkedInt(1, 1000, s); break; case 'n': nSize = GetChkedInt(1, MAXNG, s); break; case 'T': trace = GetChkedInt(0,077,s); break; default: HError(16719,"LFoF: Unknown switch %s",s); } } if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(16719,"LFoF: map file name expected"); mapFN = GetStrArg(); if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(16719,"LFoF: FoF file name expected"); fofFN = GetStrArg(); Initialise(); if (trace&T_TOP) { printf("Calculating FoF table\n"); fflush(stdout); } fofTab = CreateFoFTab(&gstack,fofSize,nSize); ComputeFoFTab(fofTab,nSize,&inSet); WriteFoFTab(fofFN,fofTab,NULL); Exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); return EXIT_SUCCESS; /* never reached -- make compiler happy */ }
#include "LWMap.h" #include "LGBase.h" /* -------------------------- Trace Flags ------------------------ */ static int trace = 0; #define T_TOP 0001 /* Top Level tracing */ /* ---------------------- Global Variables ----------------------- */ static WordMap wmap; /* and the word map */ /* ---------------- Configuration Parameters --------------------- */ static ConfParam *cParm[MAXGLOBS]; static int nParm = 0; /* total num params */ /* ---------------- Process Command Line ------------------------- */ /* SetConfParms: set conf parms relevant to this tool */ void SetConfParms(void) { int i; nParm = GetConfig("LGLIST", TRUE, cParm, MAXGLOBS); if (nParm>0){ if (GetConfInt(cParm,nParm,"TRACE",&i)) trace = i;
int main( void ) { uint8_t i; uint8_t numArgs; char argStr[ 20 ]; InitHardware(); // The first handle opened for read goes to stdin, and the first handle // opened for write goes to stdout. So u0 is stdin, stdout, and stderr #if defined( __AVR_LIBC_VERSION__ ) fdevopen( UART0_PutCharStdio, UART0_GetCharStdio ); #else fdevopen( UART0_PutCharStdio, UART0_GetCharStdio, 0 ); #endif printf( "*****\n" ); printf( "***** ArgTest program\n" ); printf( "*****\n" ); numArgs = NumArgs(); LED_OFF( RED ); LED_OFF( BLUE ); LED_OFF( YELLOW ); while ( 1 ) { printf( "Number of arguments: %d\n", numArgs ); printf( "\n" ); for ( i = 0; i < numArgs; i++ ) { GetArg( i, argStr, sizeof( argStr )); printf( "arg[ %d ] = '%s'\n", i, argStr ); } for ( i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) { putchar( '.' ); LED_ON( RED ); Delay100mSec( 2 ); LED_OFF( RED ); LED_ON( BLUE ); Delay100mSec( 2 ); LED_OFF( BLUE ); Delay100mSec( 6 ); } putchar( '\n' ); } } // main
bool CommandBase::ProcessLine() { assert(line != NULL); if(line->size() < NumArgs()) { cout<<"Not enough arguments to "<<Name()<<endl; return false; } int args_remaining = (int)line->size(); int j; for(j=0; j<NumArgs(); j++,args_remaining--) { if(!SetArg(j,(*line)[j])) { cout<<"Error reading argument "<<GetArgName(j)<<"="<<(*line)[j]<<" to "<<Name()<<endl; return false; } } int num_inputs = args_remaining - NumOutputs(); if(MaxInputs() >= 0) { if(num_inputs > MaxInputs()) { cout << "The number of max inputs to -" <<Name()<<" was exceeded."<<endl; return false; } } if(num_inputs < MinInputs()) { cout << "Not enough inputs given to -" <<Name()<<endl; return false; } inputs.resize(num_inputs); for(int i=0;i<num_inputs;i++,j++,args_remaining--) { inputs[i]=(*line)[j]; } assert(args_remaining == NumOutputs()); outputs.resize(NumOutputs()); for(int i=0;i<NumOutputs();i++,j++,args_remaining--) { outputs[i]=(*line)[j]; } assert(j == line->size()); assert(args_remaining == 0); return true; }
/* CreateDataFileList: */ static void CreateDataFileList() { char *datafn; g_nDataFileNum = 0; do { if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2319, "HMGenS: data file name expected"); datafn = GetStrArg(); g_pDataFileList[g_nDataFileNum] = (TDataFile *) New(&gstack, sizeof(TDataFile)); strcpy(g_pDataFileList[g_nDataFileNum]->datafn, datafn); g_pDataFileList[g_nDataFileNum]->bValid = TRUE; g_nDataFileNum++; } while (NumArgs() > 0); }
void Initialise(int argc, char *argv[]) { InitThreads(HT_MSGMON); if(InitShell(argc,argv,hnettest_version)<SUCCESS) HError(999,"Initialise: couldnt init HShell"); InitMem(); InitLabel(); InitMath(); InitSigP(); InitWave(); InitAudio(); if(InitParm()<SUCCESS) HError(999,"Initialise: couldnt init HParm"); InitGraf(FALSE); InitModel(); InitDict(); InitNet(); EnableBTrees(); /* allows unseen triphones to be synthesised */ if (!InfoPrinted() && NumArgs() == 0) ReportUsage(); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int n,a1,a2,a3,a4; InitThreads(sMon); if(InitShell(argc,argv,hthreadtest_version)<SUCCESS) HError(1100,"HThreadTest: InitShell failed"); if (NumArgs() < 1) ReportUsage(); InitMem(); InitLabel(); InitMath(); InitSigP(); InitWave(); InitAudio(); InitVQ(); if(InitParm()<SUCCESS) HError(3200,"HThreadTest: InitParm failed"); InitGraf(FALSE); if (sMon==HT_MSGMON) HCreateMonitor(tmon4,(void *)0); if (NextArg() == INTARG){ n = GetIntArg(); switch(n){ case 1: a1 = GetIntArg(); a2 = GetIntArg(); ParallelForkAndJoin(a1,a2); break; case 2: a1 = GetIntArg(); a2 = GetIntArg(); SimpleMutex(a1,a2); break; case 3: SimpleSignal(); break; case 4: a1 = GetIntArg(); a2 = GetIntArg(); a3 = GetIntArg(); a4 = GetIntArg(); BufferTest(a1,a2,a3,a4,GetStrArg()); break; default: printf("Bad test number %d\n",n); ReportUsage(); } } if (sMon>0){ AccessStatus(); PrintThreadStatus("Final"); ReleaseStatusAccess(); if (sMon==HT_MSGMON)HJoinMonitor(); } }
uint8_t GetArg( uint8_t argIdx, char *argBuf, uint8_t bufLen ) { uint8_t numArgs = NumArgs(); uint8_t argOffset; uint8_t bytesCopied; if (( argIdx > numArgs ) || ( bufLen < 2 )) { *argBuf = '\0'; return 0; } argOffset = eeprom_read_byte( (uint8_t *)CFG_ARGS_EEPROM_ADDR + argIdx + 1 ); bytesCopied = 0; while ( bytesCopied < bufLen ) { uint8_t ch = eeprom_read_byte( (uint8_t *)CFG_ARGS_EEPROM_ADDR + argOffset ); argBuf[ bytesCopied ] = ch; if ( ch == '\0' ) { break; } argOffset++; bytesCopied++; } if ( bytesCopied == bufLen ) { bytesCopied--; argBuf[ bytesCopied ] = '\0'; } return bytesCopied; } // GetArg
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *datafn, *s; int nSeg; void Initialise(void); void LoadFile(char *fn); void EstimateModel(void); void SaveModel(char *outfn); if(InitShell(argc,argv,hinit_version,hinit_vc_id)<SUCCESS) HError(2100,"HInit: InitShell failed"); InitMem(); InitLabel(); InitMath(); InitSigP(); InitWave(); InitAudio(); InitVQ(); InitModel(); if(InitParm()<SUCCESS) HError(2100,"HInit: InitParm failed"); InitTrain(); InitUtil(); if (!InfoPrinted() && NumArgs() == 0) ReportUsage(); if (NumArgs() == 0) Exit(0); SetConfParms(); CreateHMMSet(&hset,&gstack,FALSE); while (NextArg() == SWITCHARG) { s = GetSwtArg(); if (strlen(s)!=1) HError(2119,"HInit: Bad switch %s; must be single letter",s); switch(s[0]){ case 'e': epsilon = GetChkedFlt(0.0,1.0,s); break; case 'i': maxIter = GetChkedInt(0,100,s); break; case 'l': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2119,"HInit: Segment label expected"); segLab = GetStrArg(); break; case 'm': minSeg = GetChkedInt(1,1000,s); break; case 'n': newModel = FALSE; break; case 'o': outfn = GetStrArg(); break; case 'u': SetuFlags(); break; case 'v': minVar = GetChkedFlt(0.0,10.0,s); break; case 'w': mixWeightFloor = MINMIX * GetChkedFlt(0.0,10000.0,s); break; case 'B': saveBinary = TRUE; break; case 'F': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2119,"HInit: Data File format expected"); if((dff = Str2Format(GetStrArg())) == ALIEN) HError(-2189,"HInit: Warning ALIEN Data file format set"); break; case 'G': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2119,"HInit: Label File format expected"); if((lff = Str2Format(GetStrArg())) == ALIEN) HError(-2189,"HInit: Warning ALIEN Label file format set"); break; case 'H': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2119,"HInit: HMM macro file name expected"); AddMMF(&hset,GetStrArg()); break; case 'I': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2119,"HInit: MLF file name expected"); LoadMasterFile(GetStrArg()); break; case 'L': if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(2119,"HInit: Label file directory expected"); labDir = GetStrArg(); break; case 'M': if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(2119,"HInit: Output macro file directory expected"); outDir = GetStrArg(); break; case 'T': if (NextArg() != INTARG) HError(2119,"HInit: Trace value expected"); trace = GetChkedInt(0,01777,s); break; case 'X': if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(2119,"HInit: Label file extension expected"); labExt = GetStrArg(); break; default: HError(2119,"HInit: Unknown switch %s",s); } } if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(2119,"HInit: source HMM file name expected"); hmmfn = GetStrArg(); Initialise(); do { if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(2119,"HInit: training data file name expected"); datafn = GetStrArg(); LoadFile(datafn); } while (NumArgs()>0); nSeg = NumSegs(segStore); if (nSeg < minSeg) HError(2121,"HInit: Too Few Observation Sequences [%d]",nSeg); if (trace&T_TOP) { printf("%d Observation Sequences Loaded\n",nSeg); fflush(stdout); } EstimateModel(); SaveModel(outfn); if (trace&T_TOP) printf("Output written to directory %s\n", outDir==NULL?"current":outDir); Exit(0); return (0); /* never reached -- make compiler happy */ }
static Boolean tgtHdr = FALSE; /* print target header info */ static Boolean obsFmt = FALSE; /* print observation format */ static Boolean prData = TRUE; /* print data */ static Boolean rawOut = FALSE; /* raw output i.e no numbering */ static Boolean replay = FALSE; /* replay audio */ static Boolean frcDisc = FALSE; /* List VQ symbols from cont file */ static FileFormat ff = UNDEFF; /* Source File format */ static long gst = -1; /* start sample to list */ static long gen = -1; /* end sample to list */ static int numS = 1; /* number of streams */ static int nItems = 10; /* num items per line */ static int barwidth; /* width of printed bars */ static char barc = '-'; /* bar character */ /* ---------------- Configuration Parameters --------------------- */ static ConfParam *cParm[MAXGLOBS]; static int nParm = 0; /* total num params */ static HTime sampPeriod; /* raw audio input only */ static int audSignal; /* ---------------- Process Command Line ------------------------- */ /* SetConfParms: set conf parms relevant to this tool */ void SetConfParms(void) { int i; double d; sampPeriod = 0.0; audSignal = NULLSIG; nParm = GetConfig("HLIST", TRUE, cParm, MAXGLOBS); if (nParm>0){ if (GetConfInt(cParm,nParm,"AUDIOSIG",&i)) audSignal = i; if (GetConfInt(cParm,nParm,"TRACE",&i)) trace = i; if (GetConfFlt(cParm,nParm,"SOURCERATE",&d)) sampPeriod = d; } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *datafn, *s; int stream = 0; void Initialise(char *datafn); void LoadFile(char *fn); void CalcMeanCov(Sequence seq[], int s); void ClusterVecs(Sequence seq[], int s); void WriteVQTable(ClusterSet *cs[], char *fn); if(InitShell(argc,argv,hquant_version,hquant_vc_id)<SUCCESS) HError(2500,"HQuant: InitShell failed"); InitMem(); InitLabel(); InitMath(); InitSigP(); InitWave(); InitAudio(); InitVQ(); InitModel(); if(InitParm()<SUCCESS) HError(2500,"HQuant: InitParm failed"); InitTrain(); if (!InfoPrinted() && NumArgs() == 0) ReportUsage(); if (NumArgs() == 0) Exit(0); SetConfParms(); InitStreamVars(); while (NextArg() == SWITCHARG) { s = GetSwtArg(); if (strlen(s)!=1) HError(2519,"HQuant: Bad switch %s; must be single letter",s); switch(s[0]){ case 'd': if ( ck != NULLC) HError(2519,"HQuant: Specify one of -d or -f, not both"); ck = INVDIAGC; break; case 'f': if ( ck != NULLC) HError(2519,"HQuant: Specify one of -d or -f, not both"); ck = FULLC; break; case 'g': globClustVar = TRUE; break; case 'l': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2519,"HQuant: Segment label expected"); segLab = GetStrArg(); break; case 'n': if (NextArg() != INTARG) HError(2519,"HQuant: Stream number expected"); stream = GetChkedInt(1,SMAX,s); if (NextArg() != INTARG) HError(2519,"HQuant: Codebook size expected"); cbSizes[stream]= GetChkedInt(1,32768,s); break; case 's': if (NextArg() != INTARG) HError(2519,"HQuant: Number of streams expected"); swidth[0] = GetChkedInt(1,SMAX,s); break; case 't': tType = binTree; break; case 'w': if (NextArg() != INTARG) HError(2519,"HQuant: Stream number expected"); stream = GetChkedInt(1,SMAX,s); if(swidth[0] < stream) swidth[0] = stream; widthSet = TRUE; if (NextArg() != INTARG) HError(2519,"HQuant: Stream width expected"); swidth[stream]= GetChkedInt(1,256,s); break; case 'F': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2519,"HQuant: Data File format expected"); if((dff = Str2Format(GetStrArg())) == ALIEN) HError(-2589,"HQuant: Warning ALIEN Data file format set"); break; case 'G': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2519,"HQuant: Label File format expected"); if((lff = Str2Format(GetStrArg())) == ALIEN) HError(-2589,"HQuant: Warning ALIEN Label file format set"); break; case 'I': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2519,"HQuant: MLF file name expected"); LoadMasterFile(GetStrArg()); break; case 'L': if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(2519,"HQuant: Label file directory expected"); labDir = GetStrArg(); break; case 'T': if (NextArg() != INTARG) HError(2519,"HQuant: Trace value expected"); trace = GetChkedInt(0,077,s); break; case 'X': if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(2519,"HQuant: Label file extension expected"); labExt = GetStrArg(); break; default: HError(2519,"HQuant: Unknown switch %s",s); } } if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(2519,"HQuant: Output VQ table file name expected"); vqfn = GetStrArg(); if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(2519,"HQuant: Training data file name expected"); datafn = GetStrArg(); Initialise(datafn); LoadFile(datafn); while (NumArgs()>0) { if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(2519,"HQuant: Training data file name expected"); datafn = GetStrArg(); LoadFile(datafn); } for (stream=1;stream<=swidth[0];stream++){ if (trace&T_TOP) printf("%s-clustering data for stream %d (width %d)\n", (tType==linTree)?"Flat":"Tree",stream,swidth[stream]); CalcMeanCov(dSeq,stream); ClusterVecs(dSeq,stream); } WriteVQTable(cs,vqfn); ResetTrain(); ResetParm(); ResetModel(); ResetVQ(); ResetAudio(); ResetWave(); ResetSigP(); ResetMath(); ResetLabel(); ResetMem(); ResetShell(); Exit(0); return (0); /* never reached -- make compiler happy */ }
int mainHInit(int argc, char *argv[]) { static int ft=1; char *datafn, *s; int nSeg; zwangModify(); if(InitShell(argc,argv,hinit_version,hinit_vc_id)<SUCCESS) HError(2100,"HInit: InitShell failed"); if(ft) { if(isMemInit==0) { InitMem(); isMemInit=1; } InitLabel(); InitMath(); InitSigP(); InitWave(); InitAudio(); InitVQ(); InitModel(); if(InitParm()<SUCCESS) HError(2100,"HInit: InitParm failed"); InitTrain(); InitUtil(); ft=0; /* Stacks for global structures requiring memory allocation */ CreateHeap(&segmentStack,"SegStore", MSTAK, 1, 0.0, 100000, LONG_MAX); CreateHeap(&sequenceStack,"SeqStore", MSTAK, 1, 0.0, 1000, 1000); CreateHeap(&clustSetStack,"ClustSetStore", MSTAK, 1, 0.0, 1000, 1000); CreateHeap(&transStack,"TransStore", MSTAK, 1, 0.0, 1000, 1000); CreateHeap(&traceBackStack,"TraceBackStore", MSTAK, 1, 0.0, 1000, 1000); CreateHeap(&bufferStack,"BufferStore", MSTAK, 1, 0.0, 1000, 1000); } zwangHMemGetConf(); zwangHWaveGetConf(); zwangHLabelGetConf(); zwangHMathGetConf(); zwangHSigPGetConf(); zwangHAudioGetConf(); zwangHVQGetConf(); zwangHModelGetConf(); zwangHParmGetConf(); zwangHTrainGetConf(); zwangHUtilGetConf(); SetConfParms(); CreateHMMSet(&hset,&gstack,FALSE); while (NextArg() == SWITCHARG) { s = GetSwtArg(); if (strlen(s)!=1) HError(2119,"HInit: Bad switch %s; must be single letter",s); switch(s[0]){ case 'e': epsilon = GetChkedFlt(0.0,1.0,s); break; case 'i': maxIter = GetChkedInt(0,100,s); break; case 'l': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2119,"HInit: Segment label expected"); segLab = GetStrArg(); break; case 'm': minSeg = GetChkedInt(1,1000,s); break; case 'n': newModel = FALSE; break; case 'o': outfn = GetStrArg(); break; case 'u': SetuFlags(); break; case 'v': minVar = GetChkedFlt(0.0,10.0,s); break; case 'w': mixWeightFloor = MINMIX * GetChkedFlt(0.0,10000.0,s); break; case 'B': saveBinary = TRUE; break; case 'F': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2119,"HInit: Data File format expected"); if((dff = Str2Format(GetStrArg())) == ALIEN) HError(-2189,"HInit: Warning ALIEN Data file format set"); break; case 'G': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2119,"HInit: Label File format expected"); if((lff = Str2Format(GetStrArg())) == ALIEN) HError(-2189,"HInit: Warning ALIEN Label file format set"); break; case 'H': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2119,"HInit: HMM macro file name expected"); AddMMF(&hset,GetStrArg()); break; case 'I': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2119,"HInit: MLF file name expected"); LoadMasterFile(GetStrArg()); break; case 'L': if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(2119,"HInit: Label file directory expected"); labDir = GetStrArg(); break; case 'M': if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(2119,"HInit: Output macro file directory expected"); outDir = GetStrArg(); break; case 'T': if (NextArg() != INTARG) HError(2119,"HInit: Trace value expected"); trace = GetChkedInt(0,01777,s); break; case 'X': if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(2119,"HInit: Label file extension expected"); labExt = GetStrArg(); break; default: HError(2119,"HInit: Unknown switch %s",s); } } if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(2119,"HInit: source HMM file name expected"); hmmfn = GetStrArg(); Initialise(); do { if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(2119,"HInit: training data file name expected"); datafn = GetStrArg(); LoadFile(datafn); } while (NumArgs()>0); nSeg = NumSegs(segStore); if (nSeg < minSeg) HError(2121,"HInit: Too Few Observation Sequences [%d]",nSeg); EstimateModel(); SaveModel(outfn); Dispose(hset.hmem,hset.mtab); ResetHeap(&gstack); ResetHeap(&segmentStack); ResetHeap(&sequenceStack); ResetHeap(&clustSetStack); ResetHeap(&transStack); ResetHeap(&traceBackStack); ResetHeap(&bufferStack); zwangInitParmClear(); zwangInitShellClear(); return (0); /* never reached -- make compiler happy */ }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { Source src; int tmpInt; float tmpFlt; char *accfn, *s; void Initialise(char *hmmListFn); void Interpolate(void); void UpdateModels(void); void MakeWtAccLists(void); void AttachWtAccLists(void); void StatReport(void); if(InitShell(argc,argv,hsmooth_version,hsmooth_vc_id)<SUCCESS) HError(2400,"HSmooth: InitShell failed"); InitMem(); InitLabel(); InitMath(); InitSigP(); InitWave(); InitAudio(); InitVQ(); InitModel(); if(InitParm()<SUCCESS) HError(2400,"HSmooth: InitParm failed"); InitTrain(); InitUtil(); if (!InfoPrinted() && NumArgs() == 0) ReportUsage(); if (NumArgs() == 0) Exit(0); SetConfParms(); CreateHeap(&hmmStack,"HmmStore", MSTAK, 1, 1.0, 50000, 500000); CreateHMMSet(&hset,&hmmStack,TRUE); while (NextArg() == SWITCHARG) { s = GetSwtArg(); if (strlen(s)!=1) HError(2419,"HSmooth: Bad switch %s; must be single letter",s); switch(s[0]){ case 'b': epsilon = GetChkedFlt(0.0,1.0,s); break; case 'c': maxStep = GetChkedInt(1,1000,s); break; case 'd': if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(2419,"HSmooth: HMM definition directory expected"); hmmDir = GetStrArg(); break; case 'e': if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(2419,"HSmooth: HMM definition directory expected"); newDir = GetStrArg(); break; case 'm': minEgs = GetChkedInt(1,1000,s); break; case 'o': if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(2419,"HSmooth: HMM file extension expected"); newExt = GetStrArg(); break; case 's': stats = TRUE; if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(2419,"HSmooth: Stats file name expected"); statFN = GetStrArg(); break; case 'u': SetuFlags(); break; case 'v': minVar = GetChkedFlt(0.0,10.0,s); break; case 'w': mixWeightFloor = MINMIX * GetChkedFlt(0.0,10000.0,s); break; case 'x': if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(2419,"HSmooth: HMM file extension expected"); hmmExt = GetStrArg(); break; case 'B': saveBinary=TRUE; break; case 'H': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2419,"HSmooth: HMM macro file name expected"); AddMMF(&hset,GetStrArg()); break; case 'M': if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(2419,"HSmooth: Output macro file directory expected"); newDir = GetStrArg(); break; case 'T': trace = GetChkedInt(0,0100000,s); break; default: HError(2419,"HSmooth: Unknown switch %s",s); } } if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2419,"HSmooth: file name of HMM list expected"); Initialise(GetStrArg()); do { if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(2419,"HSmooth: accumulator file name expected"); accfn = GetStrArg(); src=LoadAccs(&hset,accfn,uFlags); ReadFloat(&src,&tmpFlt,1,ldBinary); totalPr += (LogDouble)tmpFlt; ReadInt(&src,&tmpInt,1,ldBinary); totalT += tmpInt; CloseSource(&src); nBlk++; MakeWtAccLists(); } while (NumArgs()>0); AttachWtAccLists(); Interpolate(); if (stats) StatReport(); UpdateModels(); Exit(0); return (0); /* never reached -- make compiler happy */ }
#include "HLM.h" typedef enum {unknown, wordLoop, boBiGram, matBiGram, multiLat, wordPair} BuildType; static int trace = 0; /* Trace flags */ static LabId enterId; /* id of !ENTRY label in ngram */ static LabId exitId; /* id of !EXIT label in ngram */ static LabId bStartId=NULL; /* id of start bracket */ static LabId bEndId=NULL; /* id of end bracket */ static LabId unknownId; /* id of unknown label in ngram */ static Boolean zapUnknown = FALSE; /* zap unknown symbols from bigram */ MemHeap buildStack; /* ---------------- Configuration Parameters --------------------- */ static ConfParam *cParm[MAXGLOBS]; static int nParm = 0; /* total num params */ /* ---------------- Process Command Line ------------------------- */ /* SetConfParms: set conf parms relevant to this tool */ void SetConfParms(void) { int i; nParm = GetConfig("HBUILD", TRUE, cParm, MAXGLOBS); if (nParm>0){ if (GetConfInt(cParm,nParm,"TRACE",&i)) trace = i; } } void ReportUsage(void) { printf("\nUSAGE: HBuild [options] wordList latFile\n\n"); printf(" Option Default\n\n"); printf(" -b binary lattice output ASCII\n"); printf(" -m s load matrix bigram from s off\n"); printf(" -n s load back-off bigram from s off\n"); printf(" -s s1 s2 s1/s2 are bigram start/end labels !ENTER !EXIT\n"); printf(" -t s1 s2 bracket word-loop/pair with s1 s2 off\n"); printf(" -u s set unknown symbol to s !NULL\n"); printf(" -w s load word-pair grammar from s off\n"); printf(" -x s load multi-level lattice from s off\n"); printf(" -z ignore ngrams with unknown symbol off\n"); PrintStdOpts(""); printf("\n\n"); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *wordListFn,*latFn,*ipFn=NULL; LModel *bigramLm; BuildType bType = unknown; Boolean saveLatBin = FALSE; LatFormat format = HLAT_LMLIKE; Lattice *lat,*ipLat; Vocab voc; char *s; Lattice *ProcessWordLoop(MemHeap *latHeap, Vocab *voc); Lattice *ProcessBiGram(MemHeap *latHeap, Vocab *voc, LModel *biLM); void SaveLattice(Lattice *lat, char *latFn, LatFormat format); Lattice *LoadLattice(MemHeap *latHeap, char *latFn, Vocab *voc, Boolean shortArc); Lattice *ProcessWordPair(MemHeap *latHeap, Vocab *voc, char *fn); if(InitShell(argc,argv,hbuild_version,hbuild_vc_id)<SUCCESS) HError(3000,"HBuild: InitShell failed"); InitMem(); InitLabel(); InitMath(); InitDict(); InitNet(); InitLM(); CreateHeap(&buildStack, "HBuild Stack", MSTAK, 1, 0.0, 100000, LONG_MAX ); if (!InfoPrinted() && NumArgs() == 0) ReportUsage(); if (NumArgs() == 0) Exit(0); SetConfParms();
void main(int argc, char *argv[]) { FILE *fwav, *ppd, *ptm; int byte_swap = 0; int headersize, sampling_rate, min_pitch, max_pitch; int filesize, total = 0, min_amp = 0, max_amp = 0, ten_ms; int min_range, max_range, verbose = 0, low_range, high_range; short *speech; int i, j; float mean, global_rms = 0.0, sample_interval; float *rho, eng; int x_start, num_peaks; short *peak_set; int pitch[NUM_FRAMES][MAX_CANDS], frame_ct = 0, peak_ct[NUM_FRAMES]; float corr[NUM_FRAMES][MAX_CANDS]; int start_frame, end_frame, done, counter, at, at_bad; short possible[GROUP_SIZE][MAX_CANDS][MAX_CANDS]; int best_path[MAX_CANDS][GROUP_SIZE+1], cand_ct; float best_cost[MAX_CANDS], best_no_bad[MAX_CANDS], min, best, min_bad; int cur_end, at2; int target, index, keep_going, end_pt; int male; int num_bad, ct1, ct2, num_shared; float ave1, ave2; int targ_pitch[NUM_FRAMES], choice1[NUM_FRAMES], choice2[NUM_FRAMES]; int ave_pit_len, ave_ct, need_fix; char message[100]; float time,start_time,out_pitch; int mstime; int length,start,last_length,last_start; int len_stem; char *stem; int end_of_file; char *ptmfn,*ppdfn; #ifndef HTKCOMPILE char *stem_ptmfn,*stem_ppdfn; #endif #ifdef HTKCOMPILE char *s; DataFile src; /* src is then a DataFile type structure */ FileFormat ff; /* ff is then a FileFormat type */ char *wavfn; /* Waveform input file name */ char *tempptmfn=NULL; /* temporary storage for command line specified ptmfn */ char *tempppdfn=NULL; /* temporary storage for command line specified ppdfn */ min_pitch = DEFAULT_MIN_PITCH; max_pitch = DEFAULT_MAX_PITCH; #endif #ifndef HTKCOMPILE if (argc < 2) { ReportUsage(); exit(1); } if (Scan_flag(argc, argv, "-o") == -1) { fprintf(stderr,"\n\nsrcfn.ptm - contains time (in seconds) against pitch (in Hz)\nsrcfn.ppd - contains length of voiced pitch period (in samples) against\n start position of pitch period (in samples)\n\n"); exit(1); } if ((fwav = Std_fopen(argv[argc - 1], "r")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Cannot open input file %s\n",argv[argc - 1]); exit(1); } /* gets the stem from the input filename and creates the output filenames from this, if not otherwise specified */ len_stem = strcspn(argv[argc - 1],"."); if ((stem = (char *)calloc((len_stem+1),sizeof(char))) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Cannot create stem character array"); exit(1); } *strncpy(stem,argv[argc - 1],len_stem); if ((stem_ptmfn = (char *)calloc((len_stem+5),sizeof(char))) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Cannot create stem_ptmfn character array"); exit(1); } if ((stem_ppdfn = (char *)calloc((len_stem+5),sizeof(char))) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Cannot create stem_ppdfn character array"); exit(1); } sprintf(stem_ptmfn,"%s.ptm",stem); sprintf(stem_ppdfn,"%s.ppd",stem); ptmfn = Scan_string(argc, argv, "-t", stem_ptmfn); ppdfn = Scan_string(argc, argv, "-p", stem_ppdfn); if ((ptm = Std_fopen(ptmfn, "w")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Cannot open output file %s\n",ptmfn); exit(1); } if ((ppd = Std_fopen(ppdfn, "w")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Cannot open output file %s\n",ppdfn); exit(1); } headersize = Scan_int(argc, argv, "-h", DEFAULT_HEADER_SIZE); sampling_rate= Scan_int(argc, argv, "-s", DEFAULT_SAMPLING_RATE); min_pitch= Scan_int(argc, argv, "-n", DEFAULT_MIN_PITCH); max_pitch= Scan_int(argc, argv, "-x", DEFAULT_MAX_PITCH); byte_swap= Scan_flag(argc, argv, "-b"); /* print out the options being used */ fprintf(stderr,"Waveform input filename : %s\n",argv[argc - 1]); fprintf(stderr,"Pitch against time output file : %s\n",ptmfn); fprintf(stderr,"Pitch period output file : %s\n",ppdfn); fprintf(stderr,"Headersize : %d\n",headersize); fprintf(stderr,"Sampling_rate : %d\n",sampling_rate); fprintf(stderr,"Min_pitch : %d\n",min_pitch); fprintf(stderr,"Max_pitch : %d\n",max_pitch); if (byte_swap == -1) fprintf(stderr,"Byte swapping data\n"); for (i = 0; i < NUM_FRAMES; i++) targ_pitch[i] = choice1[i] = choice2[i] = 0; /* load in the speech file */ Panic_fseek(fwav, 0, 2); filesize = (ftell(fwav) - headersize) / sizeof(short); Panic_fseek(fwav, headersize, 0); speech = Panic_short_array(filesize); Panic_fread(speech, sizeof(*speech), filesize, fwav); /* byte swap if nesscessary */ if (byte_swap == -1) { for (i = 0; i < filesize; i++) Swap(&speech[i]); } #endif #ifdef HTKCOMPILE InitShell(argc,argv); InitMath(FALSE); if (NumArgs()==0) ReportUsage(); while (NextArg() == SWITCHARG) { s = GetSwtArg(); if (strlen(s)!=1) HError(1,"Bad switch %s; must be single letter",s); switch(s[0]){ case 'o': fprintf(stderr,"\n\nsrcfn.ptm - contains time (in seconds) against pitch (in Hz)\nsrcfn.ppd - contains length of voiced pitch period (in samples) against\n start position of pitch period (in samples)\n\n"); exit(1); break; case 'n': min_pitch = GetIntArg(); break; case 'x': max_pitch = GetIntArg(); break; case 't': tempptmfn = GetStrArg(); break; case 'p': tempppdfn = GetStrArg(); break; case 'F': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(1,"Data File format expected"); if((ff = Str2Format(GetStrArg())) == ALIEN) HError(0,"Warning ALIEN Data file format set"); SetFormat(ff); break; default: HError(1,"Unknown switch %s",s); } } if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(1,"Waveform file name expected"); wavfn = GetStrArg(); /* gets the stem from the input filename and creates the output filenames from this, if not otherwise specified */ len_stem = strcspn(wavfn,"."); if ((stem = (char *)calloc((len_stem+1),sizeof(char))) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Cannot create stem character array"); exit(1); } *strncpy(stem,wavfn,len_stem); if (tempptmfn == NULL) { if ((ptmfn = (char *)calloc((len_stem+5),sizeof(char))) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Cannot create ptmfn character array"); exit(1); } sprintf(ptmfn,"%s.ptm",stem); } else ptmfn = tempptmfn; if (tempppdfn == NULL) { if ((ppdfn = (char *)calloc((len_stem+5),sizeof(char))) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Cannot create ppdfn character array"); exit(1); } sprintf(ppdfn,"%s.ppd",stem); } else ppdfn = tempppdfn; if ((ptm = fopen(ptmfn, "w")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Cannot open output file %s\n",ptmfn); exit(1); } if ((ppd = fopen(ppdfn, "w")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Cannot open output file %s\n",ppdfn); exit(1); } /* print out the options being used */ fprintf(stderr,"Waveform input filename : %s\n",wavfn); fprintf(stderr,"Pitch against time output file : %s\n",ptmfn); fprintf(stderr,"Pitch period output file : %s\n",ppdfn); fprintf(stderr,"Min_pitch : %d\n",min_pitch); fprintf(stderr,"Max_pitch : %d\n",max_pitch); SpOpen(wavfn,&src); if (src.sampKind != WAVEFORM) HError(99,"Waveform file expected"); sampling_rate = 10000000/src.sampPeriod; filesize = src.nSamples; for (i = 0; i < NUM_FRAMES; i++) targ_pitch[i] = choice1[i] = choice2[i] = 0; /* load in the speech file */ if ((speech = (short *)calloc(filesize,sizeof(short))) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Cannot create speech array"); exit(1); } for (i = 0; i < filesize; i++) GetSample(&src,i,&speech[i]); #endif /* The rest is independent of the HTKCOMPILE flag */ for (i = 0; i < filesize; i++) total += speech[i]; mean = (total * 1.0) / filesize; for (i = 0; i < filesize; i++) { speech[i] -= mean; if (speech[i] > max_amp) max_amp = speech[i]; if (speech[i] < min_amp) min_amp = speech[i]; } for (i = 0; i < filesize; i++) global_rms += (speech[i] * speech[i]); global_rms = sqrt(global_rms/(filesize * 1.0)); sample_interval = 1.0 / (float) sampling_rate; ten_ms = (int) (1.0 * sampling_rate) / 100; min_range = (int) ((1.0/max_pitch)/sample_interval); max_range = (int) ((1.0/min_pitch)/sample_interval); if ((rho = (float *)calloc(max_range + 1,sizeof(float))) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Cannot create rho array"); exit(1); } if ((peak_set = (short *)calloc(MAX_CANDS,sizeof(short))) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Cannot create peak_set array"); exit(1); } x_start = 0; while (x_start + 2 * max_range < filesize) { for (i = 0; i <= max_range; i++) rho[i] = 0.0; eng = find_sq_eng(speech, x_start, max_range - min_range + 1); if (eng >= 0.05 * global_rms) { for (i = min_range; i <= max_range; i++) { rho[i] = calculate_rho_first(speech, i, x_start, min_range); } } num_peaks = identify_peak_candidates(rho, min_range, max_range, peak_set, x_start, verbose, speech, global_rms); if (num_peaks > MAX_CANDS) { sprintf(message, "MAX_CANDS not big enough for %d\n", num_peaks); help(message); } peak_ct[frame_ct] = num_peaks + 1; for (i = 0; i < num_peaks; i++) { pitch[frame_ct][i+1] = peak_set[i]; corr[frame_ct][i+1] = rho[peak_set[i]]; } frame_ct++; if (frame_ct >= NUM_FRAMES) { sprintf(message, "NUM_FRAMES not big enough for %d\n", frame_ct); help(message); } x_start += ten_ms; } /* The stuff in finp didnt seem to be very useful - so i got rid of that output file - R.E.D (23:8:93) fprintf(finp, "%d\n", frame_ct); for (i = 0; i < frame_ct; i++) { fprintf(finp, "%d ", peak_ct[i]); for (j = 1; j < peak_ct[i]; j++) fprintf(finp, "%d %f\n", pitch[i][j], corr[i][j]); } fclose(finp); */ /**** fscanf(finp, "%d", &frame_ct); for (i = 0; i < frame_ct; i++) { fscanf(finp, "%d", peak_ct + i); for (j = 1; j < peak_ct[i]; j++) fscanf(finp, "%d %f", &(pitch[i][j]), &(corr[i][j])); } ****/ done = 0; counter = 0; while (! done) { /* get a group */ while ((counter < frame_ct) && (peak_ct[counter] == 1)) counter++; if (counter >= frame_ct) done = 1; if (! done) { start_frame = counter; keep_going = 1; while (keep_going) { /* hack so we don't miss singulars */ while ((counter < frame_ct) && (peak_ct[counter] > 1)) counter++; if ((counter+1 < frame_ct) && (peak_ct[counter+1] > 1) && (counter+2 < frame_ct) && (peak_ct[counter+2] > 1)) counter = counter + 1; else { end_frame = counter-1; keep_going = 0; } } /* got a group */ if (end_frame > start_frame) { make_possible(start_frame, end_frame, pitch, possible, peak_ct, corr, frame_ct); cand_ct = 0; for (j = 1; j < peak_ct[start_frame]; j++) { warp(start_frame, end_frame, pitch, corr, peak_ct, j, possible, best_path, best_cost, &cand_ct, best_no_bad); } if (cand_ct >= MAX_CANDS) { sprintf(message, "cand_ct %d too big for MAX_CANDS", cand_ct); help(message); } /* Choosing which string to use */ min = min_bad = VBIG; for (i = 0; i < cand_ct; i++) { if (best_cost[i] < min) { min = best_cost[i]; at = i; } if (best_no_bad[i] < min_bad) { min_bad = best_no_bad[i]; at_bad = i; } } if (at == at_bad) { assign_targ(targ_pitch, start_frame, end_frame, best_path, at, pitch); } else { /* lets look at the options */ if ((num_shared = share(at, at_bad, pitch, start_frame, end_frame, best_path))) { num_bad = 0; for (i = start_frame; i <= end_frame; i++) if ((corr[i][best_path[at_bad][i-start_frame+1]] == PENALTY) && (pitch[i][best_path[at_bad][i-start_frame+1]] != pitch[i][best_path[at][i-start_frame+1]])) num_bad++; if ((end_frame-start_frame+1 == num_shared + num_bad) || (num_bad > round((end_frame-start_frame+1.0-num_shared)/2.0))) { /* keep the original */ assign_targ(targ_pitch, start_frame, end_frame, best_path, at, pitch); } else { /* figure out which one to use by calculating average over non-penalty portions */ ave1 = ave2 = 0.0; ct1 = ct2 = 0; for (i = start_frame; i <= end_frame; i++) { if (corr[i][best_path[at][i-start_frame+1]] != PENALTY) { ave1 += (1.0 - corr[i][best_path[at][i-start_frame+1]]); ct1++; } if (corr[i][best_path[at_bad][i-start_frame+1]] != PENALTY) { ave2 += (1.0 - corr[i][best_path[at_bad][i-start_frame+1]]); ct2++; } } ave1 /= ct1; ave2 /= ct2; if (ave1 < ave2) { /* use at */ assign_targ(targ_pitch, start_frame, end_frame, best_path, at, pitch); } else { /* use at_bad */ assign_targ(targ_pitch, start_frame, end_frame, best_path, at_bad, pitch); } } } else { /* they dont share a common path - so lets check if one is much better than the other, and if not, lets delay the choice until we have analysed the entire sentence */ ave1 = ave2 = 0.0; ct1 = ct2 = 0; for (i = start_frame; i <= end_frame; i++) { if (corr[i][best_path[at][i-start_frame+1]] != PENALTY) { ave1 += 1.0 - corr[i][best_path[at][i-start_frame+1]]; ct1++; } if (corr[i][best_path[at_bad][i-start_frame+1]] != PENALTY) { ave2 += 1.0 - corr[i][best_path[at_bad][i-start_frame+1]]; ct2++; } } ave1 /= ct1; ave2 /= ct2; if (ave1 < ave2 - 0.03) /* use at */ assign_targ(targ_pitch, start_frame, end_frame, best_path, at, pitch); else if (ave2 < ave1 - 0.03) /* use at_bad */ assign_targ(targ_pitch, start_frame, end_frame, best_path, at_bad, pitch); else { /* save these 2 choices for later resolution */ assign_targ(choice1, start_frame, end_frame, best_path, at, pitch); assign_targ(choice2, start_frame, end_frame, best_path, at_bad, pitch); } } } } } } /* now resolve any choices */ need_fix = 0; ave_pit_len = ave_ct = 0; for (i = 0; i < frame_ct; i++) { if (targ_pitch[i] > 0) { ave_pit_len += targ_pitch[i]; ave_ct++; } if (choice1[i] > 0) need_fix = 1; } if (ave_ct) ave_pit_len /= ave_ct; else { if (male) ave_pit_len = 125; /* SUSPECT HARD NUMBERING HERE **********/ else ave_pit_len = 71; /* But its not used i think - R.E.D */ printf("average pitch length being set to fixed number\nwhich i think ought to be scaled by the sampling frequency - but isnt. - R.E.D"); } if (need_fix) { done = counter = 0; while (! done) { while ((counter < frame_ct) && (choice1[counter] == 0)) counter++; if (counter >= frame_ct) done = 1; if (! done) { start_frame = counter; while ((counter < frame_ct) && (choice1[counter] > 0)) counter++; end_frame = counter-1; /* get the averages and choose the one closest to ave_pit_len */ ave1 = ave2 = 0.0; ct1 = 0; for (i = start_frame; i <= end_frame; i++) { ave1 += choice1[i]; ave2 += choice2[i]; ct1++; } ave1 /= ct1; ave2 /= ct1; if (absof(ave1 - ave_pit_len) < absof(ave2 - ave_pit_len)) { for (i = start_frame; i <= end_frame; i++) targ_pitch[i] = choice1[i]; } else { for (i = start_frame; i <= end_frame; i++) targ_pitch[i] = choice2[i]; } } } } done = counter = 0; while (! done) { while ((counter < frame_ct) && (targ_pitch[counter] == 0)) counter++; if (counter >= frame_ct) done = 1; if (! done) { start_frame = counter; while ((counter < frame_ct) && (targ_pitch[counter] > 0)) counter++; end_frame = counter-1; x_start = start_frame * ten_ms; low_range = (int) ((1.0-MAX_SEP) * targ_pitch[start_frame]); if (low_range < min_range) low_range = min_range; high_range = (int) ((1.0+MAX_SEP) * targ_pitch[start_frame]); if (high_range > max_range) high_range = max_range; cur_end = x_start; end_pt = (end_frame * ten_ms) + (2 * targ_pitch[end_frame]); while (cur_end < end_pt) { for (i = 0; i <= max_range; i++) rho[i] = 0.0; best = 0.0; for (i = low_range; i <= high_range; i++) { rho[i] = calculate_rho_first(speech, i, x_start, low_range); if (rho[i] > best) { best = rho[i]; at2 = i; } } fprintf(ppd, "%d %d\n", at2, x_start); x_start += at2; index = 1 + x_start/ten_ms; if (index < start_frame) index = start_frame; if (index > end_frame) index = end_frame; target = targ_pitch[index]; low_range = (int) ((1.0-MAX_SEP) * target); if (low_range < min_range) low_range = min_range; high_range = (int) ((1.0+MAX_SEP) * target); if (high_range > max_range) high_range = max_range; cur_end = x_start + at2; } } } fclose(ppd); /* now reopen the output file written so far for reading, and from this calculate a pitch file of time against pitch. Resolution = 1 ms R.E.D 24:8:93 */ if ((ppd = fopen(ppdfn, "r")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Cannot reopen output file %s\n",ppdfn); exit(1); } time = 0.0; mstime = 0; out_pitch = 0.0; end_of_file = 0; last_length = 0; last_start = 0; fscanf(ppd, "%d", &length); fscanf(ppd, "%d", &start); start_time = start*1.0/sampling_rate; while ( 1 == 1 ) { while (start_time < time) { last_length = length; last_start = start; if (fscanf(ppd, "%d", &length) == EOF) { end_of_file = 1; break; } fscanf(ppd, "%d", &start); start_time = start*1.0/sampling_rate; } if (end_of_file == 1) break; /* if voiced then interpolate for the pitch */ if (start == last_start + last_length) out_pitch = ( (sampling_rate*time - last_start)/((start-last_start)*length) +(start - sampling_rate*time)/((start-last_start)*last_length)) *sampling_rate; else out_pitch = 0.0; fprintf(ptm,"%f %f\n",time,out_pitch); mstime++; time = mstime/1000.0; } /* if there's an unvoiced/silent bit at the end then output zeros to the output file */ if (filesize > (start + 3*length) ) { while (sampling_rate*time < filesize) { fprintf(ptm,"%f %f\n",time,0.0); mstime++; time = mstime/1000.0; } } fclose(ppd); fclose(ptm); fclose(fwav); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *s,*lfn,*dfn; void GenSentences(char *latfn, char *dicfn); if(InitShell(argc,argv,hsgen_version,hsgen_vc_id)<SUCCESS) HError(3400,"HSGen: InitShell failed"); InitMem(); InitLabel(); InitMath(); InitSigP(); InitWave(); InitAudio(); InitVQ(); InitModel(); if(InitParm()<SUCCESS) HError(3200,"HSGen: InitParm failed"); InitDict(); InitNet(); if (!InfoPrinted() && NumArgs() == 0) ReportUsage(); if (NumArgs() == 0) Exit(0); SetConfParms(); while (NextArg() == SWITCHARG) { s = GetSwtArg(); if (strlen(s)!=1) HError(3419, "Bad switch %s; must be single letter", s); switch(s[0]){ case 's': stats = TRUE; break; case 'l': lnum = TRUE; break; case 'n': ngen = GetChkedInt(1,1000000,s); break; case 'q': quiet = TRUE; break; case 'T': trace = GetChkedInt(0,07,s); break; default: HError(3419, "Unknown switch %s", s); } } if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(3419, "lattice file name expected"); lfn = GetStrArg(); if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(3419, "dictionary file name expected"); dfn = GetStrArg(); GenSentences(lfn,dfn); if(InitShell(argc,argv,hsgen_version,hsgen_vc_id)<SUCCESS) HError(3400,"HSGen: InitShell failed"); ResetNet(); ResetDict(); ResetParm(); ResetModel(); ResetVQ(); ResetAudio(); ResetWave(); ResetSigP(); ResetMath(); ResetLabel(); ResetMem(); ResetShell(); Exit(0); return (0); /* never reached -- make compiler happy */ }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i; char *s,*c; char fmt[256]; InitShell(argc,argv,lnorm_version,lnorm_vc_id); InitMem(); InitMath(); InitWave(); InitLabel(); InitWMap(); InitLUtil(); InitLModel(); InitPCalc(); if (!InfoPrinted() && NumArgs() == 0) ReportUsage(); if (NumArgs() == 0) Exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); SetConfParms(); CreateHeap(&langHeap,"langHeap",MSTAK,1,0.5,5000,40000); for (i=1; i<=LM_NSIZE; i++) cutOff[i] = 0, wdThresh[i] = 0.0; while (NextArg() == SWITCHARG) { s = GetSwtArg(); if (strlen(s)!=1) HError(16519,"Bad switch %s; must be single letter",s); switch(s[0]){ case 'c': i = GetChkedInt(2,LM_NSIZE,s); cutOff[i] = GetChkedInt(1,1000,s); break; case 'd': i = GetChkedInt(2,LM_NSIZE,s); wdThresh[i] = GetChkedFlt(0.0,1E10,s); break; case 'f': strcpy(fmt,GetStrArg()); for (c=fmt; *c!=0; *c=toupper(*c),c++); if (strcmp(fmt, LM_TXT_TEXT)==0) saveFmt = LMF_TEXT; else if (strcmp(fmt, LM_TXT_BINARY)==0) saveFmt = LMF_BINARY; else if (strcmp(fmt, LM_TXT_ULTRA)==0) saveFmt = LMF_ULTRA; else HError(16519,"Unrecognised LM format, should be one of [%s, %s, %s]", LM_TXT_TEXT, LM_TXT_BINARY, LM_TXT_ULTRA); break; case 'n': nSize = GetChkedInt(1,LM_NSIZE,s); break; case 'w': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(16519,"LPlex: Word list file name expected"); wlistFN = GetStrArg(); break; case 'T': trace = GetChkedInt(0,077, s); break; default: HError(16519,"LMPlex: Unknown switch %s",s); } } if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) /* load the language model */ HError(16519, "Input language model filename expected"); srcFN = GetStrArg(); if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) /* load the language model */ HError(16519, "Output language model filename expected"); tgtFN= GetStrArg(); if (wlistFN!=NULL) { CreateWordList(wlistFN,&wlist,10); lm = LoadLangModel(srcFN,&wlist,1.0,LMP_FLOAT|LMP_COUNT,&langHeap); } else { lm = LoadLangModel(srcFN,NULL,1.0,LMP_FLOAT|LMP_COUNT,&langHeap); } if (lm->probType==LMP_COUNT) { RebuildLM(lm,cutOff,wdThresh,LMP_FLOAT); } else { NormaliseLM(lm); } if (nSize>0 && nSize<lm->nSize) lm->nSize = nSize; for (i=1;i<=lm->nSize;i++) lm->gInfo[i].fmt = (i==1) ? LMF_TEXT : saveFmt; SaveLangModel(tgtFN,lm); Exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); return EXIT_SUCCESS; /* never reached -- make compiler happy */ }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *s,*fn; cst_voice *voice; // synthesis voice cst_utterance *utt; // current utterance cst_wave *cstwave; // synthesised wave Wave w; // HTK wave short *p; HTime sampPeriod = 625.0; int n; MemHeap mem; AudioOut a; try { if (InitHTK(argc,argv,version)<SUCCESS){ ReportErrors("Main",0); exit(-1); } if (NumArgs() !=2) { printf("SFliteTest synthstring file\n"); exit(0); } CreateHeap(&mem,"heap",MSTAK,1,0.0,10000,100000); s = GetStrArg(); fn = GetStrArg(); printf("Synth: %s -> %s\n",s,fn); // initialise Edinburgh cst lib cst_regex_init(); // setup the voice voice = register_cmu_us_kal16(NULL); // convert text to waveform utt = flite_synth_text(s,voice); if (utt==NULL) { HRError(12001,"SFliteTest: cant synthesise %s\n",s); throw ATK_Error(12001); } cstwave = utt_wave(utt); p = cstwave->samples; n = cstwave->num_samples; w = OpenWaveOutput(&mem,&sampPeriod,n); printf("%d samples created\n",n); PutWaveSample(w,n,p); if (CloseWaveOutput(w,WAV,fn)<SUCCESS){ ReportErrors("Main",0); exit(-1); } // explore structure const cst_item *it, *itlast = NULL; float x,y; int i; string lastword="0"; x = 0; for (i=1,it = relation_head(utt_relation(utt, "Segment")); it!=NULL; it = item_next(it),i++) { printf("Segment %d\n",i); y = item_feat_float(it,"end"); string ph = string(ffeature_string(it,"")); string wd = string(ffeature_string(it,"")); //printf("end = %f ph=%s wd=%s\n",y,ph.c_str(),wd.c_str()); if (wd != lastword){ printf("**** end of %s = %f\n",lastword.c_str(),x); lastword=wd; } x = y; } //if (itlast!=NULL) { // word = string(ffeature_string(itlast,"")); // idx = text.find(word); //} return 0; } catch (ATK_Error e){ ReportErrors("ATK",e.i); } catch (HTK_Error e){ ReportErrors("HTK",e.i); } return 0; }
/* main func */ int mainHCompV(int argc, char *argv[]) { static int ft=1; char *datafn, *s; void SetCovs(void); void PutVFloor(void); SpkrAcc *sa = NULL; zwangModify(); if(InitShell(argc,argv,hcompv_version,hcompv_vc_id)<SUCCESS) HError(2000,"HCompV: InitShell failed"); if(ft) { if(isMemInit==0) { InitMem(); isMemInit=1; } InitLabel(); InitMath(); InitSigP(); InitWave(); InitAudio(); InitVQ(); InitModel(); if(InitParm()<SUCCESS) HError(2000,"HCompV: InitParm failed"); ft=0; CreateHeap(&iStack,"InBuf", MSTAK, 1, 0.5, 100000, LONG_MAX); } zwangHMemGetConf(); zwangHWaveGetConf(); zwangHLabelGetConf(); zwangHMathGetConf(); zwangHSigPGetConf(); zwangHAudioGetConf(); zwangHVQGetConf(); zwangHModelGetConf(); zwangHParmGetConf(); SetConfParms(); CreateHMMSet(&hset,&gstack,FALSE); pathPattern[0]='\0'; while (NextArg() == SWITCHARG) { s = GetSwtArg(); if (strlen(s)!=1) HError(2019,"HCompV: Bad switch %s; must be single letter",s); switch(s[0]){ case 'f': if (NextArg() != FLOATARG) HError(2019,"HCompV: Variance floor scale expected"); vFloorScale = GetChkedFlt(0.0,100.0,s); break; case 'l': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2019,"HCompV: Segment label expected"); segLab = GetStrArg(); break; case 'm': meanUpdate = TRUE; break; case 'o': outfn = GetStrArg(); break; case 'v': if (NextArg() != FLOATARG) HError(2019,"HCompV: Minimum variance level expected"); minVar = GetChkedFlt(0.0,100.0,s); break; case 'k': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2019,"HCompV: speaker pattern expected"); strcpy(spPattern,GetStrArg()); if (strchr(spPattern,'%')==NULL) HError(2019,"HCompV: Speaker mask invalid"); break; case 'c': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2019,"HCompV: CMV output dir expected"); strcpy(cmDir,GetStrArg()); DoCMV = TRUE; break; case 'p': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2019,"HCompV: path pattern expected"); strcpy(pathPattern,GetStrArg()); if (strchr(pathPattern,'%')==NULL) HError(2019,"HCompV: Path mask invalid"); break; case 'q': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2019,"HCompV: output flags (nmv)"); strcpy(oflags,GetStrArg()); break; case 'B': saveBinary = TRUE; break; case 'F': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2019,"HCompV: Data File format expected"); if((dff = Str2Format(GetStrArg())) == ALIEN) HError(-2089,"HCompV: Warning ALIEN Data file format set"); break; case 'G': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2019,"HCompV: Label File format expected"); if((lff = Str2Format(GetStrArg())) == ALIEN) HError(-2089,"HCompV: Warning ALIEN Label file format set"); break; case 'H': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2019,"HCompV: HMM macro file name expected"); AddMMF(&hset,GetStrArg()); break; case 'I': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2019,"HCompV: MLF file name expected"); LoadMasterFile(GetStrArg()); break; case 'L': if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(2019,"HCompV: Label file directory expected"); labDir = GetStrArg(); break; case 'M': if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(2019,"HCompV: Output macro file directory expected"); outDir = GetStrArg(); break; case 'T': if (NextArg() != INTARG) HError(2019,"HCompV: Trace value expected"); trace = GetChkedInt(0,077,s); break; case 'X': if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(2019,"HCompV: Label file extension expected"); labExt = GetStrArg(); break; default: HError(2019,"HCompV: Unknown switch %s",s); } } /* if not doing CMV, do standard HCompV */ if (DoCMV == FALSE){ if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(2019,"HCompV: Source HMM file name expected"); hmmfn = GetStrArg(); Initialise(); do { if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(2019,"HCompV: Training data file name expected"); datafn = GetStrArg(); LoadFile(datafn); } while (NumArgs()>0); SetCovs(); FixGConsts(hmmLink); SaveModel(outfn); if (trace&T_TOP) printf("Output written to directory %s\n",(outDir==NULL)?"./":outDir); if (vFloorScale>0.0) PutVFloor(); } else { /* report export data type */ ReportOutput(); /* init input buffer mem heap */ CreateHeap(&iStack,"BufferIn",MSTAK,1,0.5,100000,5000000); do { if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG){ HError(2019,"HCompV: Training data file name expected"); } datafn = GetStrArg(); /* accumulate stats for current utterance file and update speaker list */ sa = AccGenUtt(spPattern,datafn,sa); salist = UpdateSpkrAccList(salist,sa); /* reset for next utterance */ ClrSpkrAcc(sa); } while (NumArgs()>0); /* compute the means and variances for each speaker */ UpdateMeanVar(salist); /* export NMV for each speaker */ ExportNMV(salist,cmDir,TargetPKStr); } Dispose(hset.hmem,hset.mtab); ResetHeap(&gstack); ResetHeap(&iStack); zwangInitParmClear(); zwangInitShellClear(); //Exit(0); return (0); /* never reached -- make compiler happy */ }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i; char *s,*c; char fmt[256]; dictList *dEntry,*d; InitShell(argc,argv,prog_version,prog_vc_id); InitMem(); InitMath(); InitWave(); InitLabel(); InitDict(); InitWMap(); InitLUtil(); InitLModel(); InitPCalc(); if (!InfoPrinted() && NumArgs() == 0) ReportUsage(); if (NumArgs() == 0) Exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); SetConfParms(); CreateHeap(&langHeap,"langHeap",MSTAK,1,0.5,5000,40000); for (i=1; i<=LM_NSIZE; i++) cutOff[i] = 0; while (NextArg() == SWITCHARG) { s = GetSwtArg(); if (strlen(s)!=1) HError(16919,"Bad switch %s; must be single letter",s); switch(s[0]){ case 'c': i = GetChkedInt(2,LM_NSIZE,s); cutOff[i] = GetChkedInt(1,1000,s); break; case 'd': if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(16919,"LMCopy: Input dictionary file name expected"); dEntry=New(&gcheap,sizeof(dictList)); dEntry->fname=GetStrArg(); dEntry->next=NULL; if (dList==NULL) dList=dEntry; else { for (d=dList;d->next!=NULL;d=d->next); d->next=dEntry; } break; case 'f': strcpy(fmt,GetStrArg()); for (c=fmt; *c!=0; *c=toupper(*c), c++); if (strcmp(fmt, LM_TXT_TEXT)==0) saveFmt = LMF_TEXT; else if (strcmp(fmt, LM_TXT_BINARY)==0) saveFmt = LMF_BINARY; else if (strcmp(fmt, LM_TXT_ULTRA)==0) saveFmt = LMF_ULTRA; else HError(16919,"Unrecognised LM format, should be one of [%s, %s, %s]", LM_TXT_TEXT, LM_TXT_BINARY, LM_TXT_ULTRA); break; case 'm': remDup=FALSE; break; case 'n': nSize = GetChkedInt(1,LM_NSIZE,s); break; case 'o': firstOnly=TRUE; break; case 'u': if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(16919,"LMCopy: Unigram file name expected"); uniFn = GetStrArg(); break; case 'v': if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(16919,"LMCopy: Dictionary output file name expected"); outDictFn = GetStrArg(); break; case 'w': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(16919,"LPlex: Word list file name expected"); wlistFN = GetStrArg(); break; case 'T': trace = GetChkedInt(0,077, s); break; default: HError(16919,"LMPlex: Unknown switch %s",s); } } if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) /* load the language model */ HError(16919, "Input language model filename expected"); srcFN = GetStrArg(); if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) /* load the language model */ HError(16919, "Output language model filename expected"); tgtFN= GetStrArg(); if (wlistFN!=NULL) { InitVocab(&vocab); if(ReadDict(wlistFN,&vocab) < SUCCESS) HError(16913,"Could not read dict in %s", wlistFN); if (trace&T_TOP) { printf("Loaded %d words from %s\n",vocab.nwords,wlistFN); fflush(stdout); } voc = &vocab; CreateWordList(wlistFN,&wlist,10); lm = LoadLangModel(srcFN,&wlist,1.0,LMP_FLOAT|LMP_COUNT,&langHeap); } else { voc = NULL; lm = LoadLangModel(srcFN,NULL,1.0,LMP_FLOAT|LMP_COUNT,&langHeap); } if (trace&T_TOP) { printf("Loaded model from %s\n",srcFN); fflush(stdout); } if (lm->probType==LMP_COUNT) { RebuildLM(lm, cutOff, NULL, LMP_FLOAT); /* GLM there was no threshold before! */ } if (uniFn!=NULL) ReplaceUnigrams(uniFn,lm); if (nSize>0 && nSize<lm->nSize) lm->nSize = nSize; #ifdef HTK_CRYPT if (lm->encrypt && saveFmt==LMF_TEXT) saveFmt = LMF_BINARY; #endif for (i=1;i<=lm->nSize;i++) lm->gInfo[i].fmt = (i==1) ? LMF_TEXT : saveFmt; SaveLangModel(tgtFN,lm); if (trace&T_TOP) { printf("Wrote model to %s\n",tgtFN); fflush(stdout); } if (outDictFn) { MakeDictionary(outDictFn,dList,voc); } Exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); return EXIT_SUCCESS; /* never reached -- make compiler happy */ }
/* main: */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *s; char fname[MAXSTRLEN]; InitShell(argc, argv, hmgetool_version, hmgetool_vc_id); InitMem(); InitMath(); InitSigP(); InitWave(); InitLabel(); InitModel(); InitTrain(); InitParm(); InitUtil(); InitFB(); InitGen(); InitAdapt(&xfInfo, NULL); InitMTrain(); /* process argument */ if (NumArgs() == 0) ReportUsage(); CreateHeap(&hmmStack, "Model Stack", MSTAK, 1, 1.0, 80000, 4000000); CreateHeap(&orighmmStack, "Model Stack", MSTAK, 1, 1.0, 80000, 4000000); CreateHeap(&accStack, "Acc Stack", MSTAK, 1, 1.0, 80000, 400000); CreateHeap(&genStack, "Gen Stack", MSTAK, 1, 1.0, 80000, 400000); CreateHeap(&mgeStack, "MGE Train Stack", MSTAK, 1, 1.0, 80000, 400000); SetConfParms(); CreateHMMSet(&hset, &hmmStack, TRUE); CreateHMMSet(&orighset, &orighmmStack, TRUE); statInfo = (MTStatInfo *) New(&gstack, sizeof(MTStatInfo)); memset(statInfo, 0, sizeof(MTStatInfo)); genInfo = (GenInfo *) New(&genStack, sizeof(GenInfo)); memset(genInfo, 0, sizeof(GenInfo)); genInfo->hset = &hset; genInfo->genMem = &genStack; mtInfo = (MgeTrnInfo *) New(&mgeStack, sizeof(MgeTrnInfo)); memset(mtInfo, 0, sizeof(MgeTrnInfo)); mtInfo->genInfo = genInfo; mtInfo->statInfo = statInfo; mtInfo->hset = &hset; mtInfo->orighset = &orighset; mtInfo->mgeMem = &mgeStack; while (NextArg() == SWITCHARG) { s = GetSwtArg(); if (strlen(s) != 1) HError(6601, "HMgeTool: Bad switch %s; must be single letter", s); switch (s[0]) { case 'a': nMaxBAIter = GetChkedInt(1, 1000, s); nMaxBALen = GetChkedInt(1, 1000, s); break; case 'b': mtInfo->bBoundAdj = TRUE; nBAEndIter = GetChkedInt(0, 1000, s); nBoundAdjWin = GetChkedInt(1, 1000, s); break; case 'c': outProcData = TRUE; break; case 'd': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(6601, "HMgeTool: HMM definition directory expected"); hmmDir = GetStrArg(); break; case 'e': mtInfo->bStepLimit = TRUE; break; case 'f': frameRate = (HTime) GetChkedFlt(0.0, 10000000.0, s); break; case 'g': mtInfo->bMVar = TRUE; break; case 'i': startIter = GetChkedInt(0, 1000, s); endIter = GetChkedInt(startIter, 1000, s); break; case 'j': funcType = GetChkedInt(0, 2, s); mtInfo->funcType = funcType; break; case 'l': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(6601, "HMgeTool: Label file output directory expected"); outLabDir = GetStrArg(); break; case 'o': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(6601, "HMgeTool: HMM file extension expected"); outExt = GetStrArg(); break; case 'p': A_STEP = GetChkedFlt(0.0, 10000000.0, s); B_STEP = GetChkedFlt(0.0, 10000000.0, s); break; case 'r': mtInfo->bOrigHmmRef = TRUE; if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(6601, "HMgeTool: HMM macro file name expected"); s = GetStrArg(); AddMMF(&orighset, s); break; case 's': /* updating scale file */ scalefn = GetStrArg(); break; case 'u': SetuFlags(); break; case 'v': MSDthresh = GetChkedFlt(0.0, 1.0, s); break; case 'w': fGVDistWght = GetChkedFlt(0.0, 1000.0, s); break; case 'x': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(6601, "HMgeTool: HMM file extension expected"); hmmExt = GetStrArg(); break; case 'B': inBinary = TRUE; break; case 'G': mtInfo->nGainStreamIndex = GetChkedInt(1, SMAX, s); mtInfo->nGainDimIndex = GetChkedInt(1, 1000, s); if (NextArg() == FLOATARG || NextArg() == INTARG) mtInfo->fGainWghtComp = GetChkedFlt(-10000.0, 1000000.0, s); break; case 'H': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(6601, "HMgeTool: HMM macro file name expected"); mmfFn = GetStrArg(); AddMMF(&hset, mmfFn); break; case 'I': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(6601, "HMgeTool: MLF file name expected"); LoadMasterFile(GetStrArg()); break; case 'J': /* regression class and tree */ if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(6601, "HMgeTool: HMM regression class/tree file name expected"); s = GetStrArg(); AddMMF(&hset, s); AddMMF(&orighset, s); break; case 'K': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(6601, "HMgeTool: HMM transform file name expected"); xformfn = GetStrArg(); break; case 'L': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(6601, "HMgeTool: Label file directory expected"); labDir = GetStrArg(); break; case 'M': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(6601, "HMgeTool: Output macro file directory expected"); outDir = GetStrArg(); break; case 'T': trace = GetChkedInt(0, 0100000, s); break; case 'X': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2319, "HMGenS: Label file extension expected"); labExt = GetStrArg(); break; default: HError(6601, "HMgeTool: Unknown switch %s", s); } } if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(6601, "HMgeTool: file name of model list expected"); hmmListFn = GetStrArg(); Initialise(); if (funcType == MGE_EVAL) { PerformMgeEval(); } else if (funcType == MGE_TRAIN) { PerformMgeTrain(); if (endIter > 0 && bMgeUpdate) { /* output HMM files */ ConvDiagC(&hset, TRUE); SaveHMMSet(&hset, outDir, outExt, NULL, inBinary); } } else if (funcType == MGE_ADAPT) { PerformMgeAdapt(); if (endIter > 0 && bMgeUpdate) { MakeFN(xformfn, outDir, NULL, fname); SaveOneXForm(&hset, hset.curXForm, fname, FALSE); } } ResetHeap(&hmmStack); ResetHeap(&orighmmStack); ResetHeap(&accStack); ResetHeap(&genStack); ResetHeap(&mgeStack); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i; char *s,*c,*e; InitShell(argc,argv,lplex_version,lplex_vc_id); InitMem(); InitMath(); InitWave(); InitLabel(); InitWMap(); InitCMap(); InitLUtil(); InitLModel(); InitPCalc(); InitPMerge(); SetConfParms(); if (!InfoPrinted() && NumArgs() == 0) ReportUsage(); if (NumArgs() == 0) Exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); nLModel = 1; for (i=1; i<=LM_NSIZE; i++) cutOff[i] = 0, wdThresh[i] = 0.0; CreateHeap(&permHeap, "permHeap", MSTAK, 1, 1.0, 4000, 20000); CreateHeap(&tempHeap, "tempHeap", MSTAK, 1, 1.0, 8000, 40000); while (NextArg() == SWITCHARG) { s = GetSwtArg(); if (strlen(s)!=1) HError(16619,"Bad switch %s; must be single letter",s); switch(s[0]){ case 'c': i = GetChkedInt(2,LM_NSIZE,s); cutOff[i] = GetChkedInt(1,1000,s); break; case 'd': i = GetChkedInt(2,LM_NSIZE,s); wdThresh[i] = GetChkedFlt(0.0,1E10,s); break; case 'e': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(16619,"LPlex: Eq Class Name Expected"); c = GetStrArg(); if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(16619,"LPlex: Eq Label Name Expected"); e = GetStrArg(); AddEquiv(c,e); break; case 'i': if (NextArg()!=FLOATARG) HError(16619,"LPlex: Interpolation weight expected"); lmInfo[nLModel].weight = GetChkedFlt(0.0,1.0,s); if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(16619,"LPlex: Interpolation LM filename expected"); lmInfo[nLModel].fn = GetStrArg(); nLModel++; break; case 'n': testInfo[numTests++] = GetChkedInt(1, 10, s); break; case 'o': printOOV = TRUE; break; case 's': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(16619,"LPlex: Prob Stream file name expected"); outStreamFN = GetStrArg(); break; case 't': streamMode = TRUE; break; case 'u': skipOOV = FALSE; break; case 'w': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(16619,"LPlex: Word list file name expected"); wlistFN = GetStrArg(); break; case 'z': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(16619,"LPlex: New null class name expected"); nulName = GetStrArg(); break; case 'G': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(16619,"Label File format expected"); if((lff = Str2Format(GetStrArg())) == ALIEN) HError(16619,"Warning ALIEN Label file format set"); break; case 'I': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(16619,"MLF file name expected"); LoadMasterFile(GetStrArg()); break; case 'T': trace = GetChkedInt(0,077, s); break; default: HError(16619,"LPlex: Unknown switch %s",s); } } #ifdef HTK_TRANSCRIBER if (trace&T_PROB) trace=trace^T_PROB; #endif if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) /* load the language model */ HError(16619, "Language model filename expected"); lmInfo[0].fn = GetStrArg(); Initialise(); ProcessFiles(); Exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); return EXIT_SUCCESS; /* never reached -- make compiler happy */ }
/* SetConfParms: set conf parms relevant to HCompV */ void SetConfParms(void) { int i; Boolean b; double f; char buf[MAXSTRLEN]; nParm = GetConfig("HEREST", TRUE, cParm, MAXGLOBS); if (nParm>0) { if (GetConfInt(cParm,nParm,"TRACE",&i)) trace = i; if (GetConfFlt(cParm,nParm,"VARFLOORPERCENTILE",&f)) varFloorPercent = f; if (GetConfBool(cParm,nParm,"SAVEBINARY",&b)) saveBinary = b; if (GetConfBool(cParm,nParm,"BINARYACCFORMAT",&b)) ldBinary = b; /* 2-model reestimation alignment model set */ if (GetConfStr(cParm,nParm,"ALIGNMODELMMF",buf)) { strcpy(al_hmmMMF,buf); al_hmmUsed = TRUE; } if (GetConfStr(cParm,nParm,"ALIGNHMMLIST",buf)) { strcpy(al_hmmLst,buf); al_hmmUsed = TRUE; } /* allow multiple individual model files */ if (GetConfStr(cParm,nParm,"ALIGNMODELDIR",buf)) { strcpy(al_hmmDir,buf); al_hmmUsed = TRUE; } if (GetConfStr(cParm,nParm,"ALIGNMODELEXT",buf)) { strcpy(al_hmmExt,buf); al_hmmUsed = TRUE; } if (GetConfStr(cParm,nParm,"ALIGNXFORMEXT",buf)) { xfInfo.alXFormExt = CopyString(&hmmStack,buf); } if (GetConfStr(cParm,nParm,"ALIGNXFORMDIR",buf)) { xfInfo.alXFormDir = CopyString(&hmmStack,buf); } if (GetConfStr(cParm,nParm,"INXFORMMASK",buf)) { xfInfo.inSpkrPat = CopyString(&hmmStack,buf); } if (GetConfStr(cParm,nParm,"PAXFORMMASK",buf)) { xfInfo.paSpkrPat = CopyString(&hmmStack,buf); } if (GetConfStr(cParm,nParm,"LABFILEMASK",buf)) { labFileMask = (char*)malloc(strlen(buf)+1); strcpy(labFileMask, buf); } if (GetConfStr(cParm,nParm,"UPDATEMODE",buf)) { if (!strcmp (buf, "DUMP")) updateMode = UPMODE_DUMP; else if (!strcmp (buf, "UPDATE")) updateMode = UPMODE_UPDATE; else if (!strcmp (buf, "BOTH")) updateMode = UPMODE_BOTH; else HError(2319, "Unknown UPDATEMODE specified (must be DUMP, UPDATE or BOTH)"); } } } void ReportUsage(void) { printf("\nUSAGE: HERest [options] hmmList dataFiles...\n\n"); printf(" Option Default\n\n"); printf(" -a Use an input linear transform off\n"); printf(" -c f Mixture pruning threshold 10.0\n"); printf(" -d s dir to find hmm definitions current\n"); printf(" -h s set output speaker name pattern *.%%%%%%\n"); printf(" to s, optionally set input and parent patterns\n"); printf(" -l N set max files per speaker off\n"); printf(" -m N set min examples needed per model 3\n"); printf(" -o s extension for new hmm files as src\n"); printf(" -p N set parallel mode to N off\n"); printf(" -r Enable Single Pass Training... \n"); printf(" ...using two parameterisations off\n"); printf(" -s s print statistics to file s off\n"); printf(" -t f [i l] set pruning to f [inc limit] inf\n"); printf(" -u tmvwap update t)rans m)eans v)ars w)ghts tmvw\n"); printf(" a)daptation xform p)rior used \n"); printf(" s)semi-tied xform \n"); printf(" -v f set minimum variance to f 0.0\n"); printf(" -w f set mix weight floor to f*MINMIX 0.0\n"); printf(" -x s extension for hmm files none\n"); printf(" -z s Save all xforms to TMF file s TMF\n"); PrintStdOpts("BEFGHIJKLMSTX"); printf("\n\n"); } void SetuFlags(void) { char *s; s=GetStrArg(); uFlags=(UPDSet) 0; while (*s != '\0') switch (*s++) { case 't': uFlags = (UPDSet) (uFlags+UPTRANS); break; case 'm': uFlags = (UPDSet) (uFlags+UPMEANS); break; case 'v': uFlags = (UPDSet) (uFlags+UPVARS); break; case 'w': uFlags = (UPDSet) (uFlags+UPMIXES); break; case 's': uFlags = (UPDSet) (uFlags+UPSEMIT); break; case 'a': uFlags = (UPDSet) (uFlags+UPXFORM); break; case 'p': uFlags = (UPDSet) (uFlags+UPMAP); break; default: HError(2320,"SetuFlags: Unknown update flag %c",*s); break; } } /* ScriptWord: return next word from script */ char *ScriptWord(FILE *script, char *scriptBuf) { int ch,qch,i; i=0; ch=' '; while (isspace(ch)) ch = fgetc(script); if (ch==EOF) { scriptBuf=NULL; return NULL; } if (ch=='\'' || ch=='"'){ qch = ch; ch = fgetc(script); while (ch != qch && ch != EOF) { scriptBuf[i++] = ch; ch = fgetc(script); } if (ch==EOF) HError(5051,"ScriptWord: Closing quote missing in script file"); } else { do { scriptBuf[i++] = ch; ch = fgetc(script); }while (!isspace(ch) && ch != EOF); } scriptBuf[i] = '\0'; return scriptBuf; } void CheckUpdateSetUp() { AdaptXForm *xf;
/* ProcessFiles: process label files */ static void ProcessFiles() { int nSize; char *labFn; MLFEntry *me; char *inpfn[MAX_FILES]; int i,t,numFiles,fidx; numFiles = 0; while (NumArgs()>0){ if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(16619,"ProcessFiles: label file (MLF) name expected"); inpfn[numFiles++] = CopyString(&gstack, GetStrArg()); if (numFiles == MAX_FILES) { HError(-16619,"Processing only the first %d files",MAX_FILES); } } for (t=0; t<numTests; t++) { ZeroStats(&totl); nSize = testInfo[t]; printf("LPlex test #%d: %d-gram\n", t, nSize); if (numFiles==0) { ProcessTextStream(NULL, nSize); continue; } for (i=0; i<numFiles; i++) { labFn = inpfn[i]; if (streamMode) { ProcessTextStream(labFn,nSize); } else { if (IsMLFFile(labFn)) { if (trace>0) { printf("Processing MLF: %s\n", labFn); fflush(stdout); } fidx = NumMLFFiles(); if ((me=GetMLFTable()) != NULL) { while(me->next != NULL) me=me->next; LoadMasterFile(labFn); me=me->next; } else{ LoadMasterFile(labFn); me=GetMLFTable(); } while (me != NULL) { if (me->type == MLF_IMMEDIATE && me->def.immed.fidx == fidx) { ProcessLabelFile(me->pattern,nSize); } me = me->next; } } else { ProcessLabelFile(labFn,nSize); } } } PrintInfo(&totl, printOOV); } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i; char *c,*s,*fn; char sBuf[256],fmt[256]; void Initialise(void); void ProcessText(char *fn,bool lastFile); bool Exists(char *fn); BackOffLM *CombineModels(MemHeap *heap,LMInfo *lmi,int nLModel,int nSize,WordMap *wl) ; InitShell(argc,argv,ladapt_version,ladapt_vc_id); InitMem(); InitMath(); InitWave(); InitLabel(); InitLUtil(); InitWMap(); InitGBase(); InitLModel(); InitPCalc(); InitPMerge(); SetConfParms(); if (!InfoPrinted() && NumArgs() == 0) ReportUsage(); if (NumArgs() == 0) Exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); InitBuildInfo(&binfo); binfo.dctype = DC_ABSOLUTE; nLModel = 1; while (NextArg() == SWITCHARG) { s = GetSwtArg(); if (strlen(s)!=1) HError(16419,"Bad switch %s; must be single letter",s); switch(s[0]){ case 'a': newWords = GetChkedInt(10,10000000,s); break; case 'b': ngbSize = GetChkedInt(10,10000000,s); break; case 'c': i = GetChkedInt(2,LM_NSIZE,s); binfo.cutOff[i] = GetChkedInt(0,1000,s); break; case 'd': if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(16419,"Gram base root file name expected"); rootFN = GetStrArg(); break; case 'f': strcpy(fmt, GetStrArg()); for (c=fmt; *c; *c=toupper(*c), c++); /* To uppercase */ if (strcmp(fmt, LM_TXT_TEXT)==0) binfo.saveFmt = LMF_TEXT; else if (strcmp(fmt, LM_TXT_BINARY)==0) binfo.saveFmt = LMF_BINARY; else if (strcmp(fmt, LM_TXT_ULTRA)==0) binfo.saveFmt = LMF_ULTRA; else HError(16419,"Unrecognised LM format, should be one of [%s, %s, %s]", LM_TXT_TEXT, LM_TXT_BINARY, LM_TXT_ULTRA); break; case 'g': processText = FALSE; break; case 'i': if (NextArg()!=FLOATARG) HError(16419,"Interpolation weight expected"); lmInfo[nLModel].weight = GetChkedFlt(0.0,1.0,s); if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(16419,"Interpolation LM filename expected"); lmInfo[nLModel].fn = GetStrArg(); nLModel++; break; case 'j': i = GetChkedInt(2,LM_NSIZE,s); binfo.wdThresh[i] = GetChkedFlt(0.0,1E10,s); break; case 'n': nSize = GetChkedInt(1, MAXNG, s); break; #ifdef HTK_TRANSCRIBER case 's': if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(16419,"Gram file text source descriptor expected"); txtSrc = GetStrArg(); break; case 't': binfo.dctype = DC_KATZ; break; #endif case 'w': if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(16419,"Word list file name expected"); wlistFN = GetStrArg(); break; #ifndef HTK_TRANSCRIBER case 'x': binfo.ptype = LMP_COUNT; break; #endif case 'T': trace = GetChkedInt(0,077,s); break; default: HError(16419,"LAdapt: Unknown switch %s",s); } } #ifdef HTK_TRANSCRIBER if (nLModel==1) { /* must interpolate with at least one model */ HError(16419,"LAdapt: at least one model must be specified with -i option"); } if (binfo.saveFmt==LMF_TEXT) { /* save fomat cannot be TEXT */ binfo.saveFmt=LMF_BINARY; } #endif if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(16419,"LAdapt: language model file name expected"); outFN = CopyString(&gstack,GetStrArg()); Initialise(); if (processText) { if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) ProcessText(NULL,TRUE); /* input from stdin */ else while (NextArg() == STRINGARG) { /* !! copy string argument since it gets overwritten by NextArg() when reading from script file */ fn = CopyString(&gstack,GetStrArg()); ProcessText(fn,NextArg() != STRINGARG); } if (NumArgs() != 0) HError(-16419,"LAdapt: unused args left on cmd line"); for (i=0; i<stdBuf.ngb->fndx; i++) { sprintf(sBuf,"%s.%d",stdBuf.ngb->fn,i); AddInputGFile(&inSet,sBuf,1.0); } ResetHeap(&langHeap); } else { for (i=0; i<MAX_NGRAM_FILES; i++) { sprintf(sBuf,"%s.%d",rootFN,i); if (!Exists(sBuf)) break; AddInputGFile(&inSet,sBuf,1.0); } if (i==MAX_NGRAM_FILES) { HError(-16419, "LAdapt: Only %d n-gram files read (recompile with different setting\nof MAX_NGRAM_FILES"); } } if (nLModel==1) { adpLM = GenerateModel(&langHeap,&binfo); } else { if (binfo.ptype==LMP_COUNT) binfo.ptype = LMP_FLOAT; newLM = GenerateModel(&langHeap,&binfo); lmInfo[0].lm = newLM; lmInfo[0].fn = "unknown"; /* combine all models into one */ adpLM = CombineModels(&langHeap,lmInfo,nLModel,nSize,tgtVoc); } #ifdef HTK_TRANSCRIBER #ifdef HTK_CRYPT adpLM->encrypt = TRUE; /* force to write encrypted model */ #endif #endif SaveLangModel(outFN,adpLM); Exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); return EXIT_SUCCESS; /* never reached -- make compiler happy */ }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *s; char *labfn; int numUtt; void Initialise(void); void DoGeneration(char *labfn); if (InitShell(argc, argv, hmgens_version, hmgens_vc_id) < SUCCESS) HError(2300, "HMGenS: InitShell failed"); InitMem(); InitMath(); InitSigP(); InitWave(); InitLabel(); InitModel(); if (InitParm() < SUCCESS) HError(2300, "HMGenS: InitParm failed"); InitUtil(); InitFB(); InitAdapt(&xfInfo_hmm, &xfInfo_dur); InitMap(); InitGen(); if (NumArgs() == 0) ReportUsage(); CreateHeap(&genStack, "genStore", MSTAK, 1, 1.0, 80000, 400000); CreateHeap(&uttStack, "uttStore", MSTAK, 1, 0.5, 100, 1000); CreateHeap(&fbInfoStack, "FBInfoStore", MSTAK, 1, 0.5, 100, 1000); CreateHeap(&hmmStack, "HmmStore", MSTAK, 1, 1.0, 50000, 500000); CreateHeap(&dmStack, "dmStore", MSTAK, 1, 1.0, 50000, 500000); SetConfParms(); CreateHMMSet(&hmset, &hmmStack, TRUE); CreateHMMSet(&dmset, &dmStack, TRUE); utt = (UttInfo *) New(&uttStack, sizeof(UttInfo)); genInfo = (GenInfo *) New(&genStack, sizeof(GenInfo)); fbInfo = (FBInfo *) New(&fbInfoStack, sizeof(FBInfo)); while (NextArg() == SWITCHARG) { s = GetSwtArg(); if (strlen(s) != 1) HError(9919, "HMGenS: Bad switch %s; must be single letter", s); switch (s[0]) { case 'a': xfInfo_hmm.useInXForm = TRUE; break; case 'b': xfInfo_dur.useInXForm = TRUE; break; case 'c': if (NextArg() != INTARG) HError(2119, "HMGenS: Parameter generation algorithm type value expected"); type = (ParmGenType) GetChkedInt(CHOLESKY, FB, s); break; case 'd': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2319, "HMGenS: HMM definition directory expected"); hmmDir = GetStrArg(); break; case 'e': useAlign = TRUE; break; case 'f': frameRate = (HTime) GetChkedFlt(0.0, 10000000.0, s); break; case 'g': minFrwdP = GetChkedFlt(0.0, 1000.0, s); break; case 'h': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(1, "Speaker name pattern expected"); xfInfo_hmm.inSpkrPat = xfInfo_dur.inSpkrPat = GetStrArg(); if (NextArg() == STRINGARG) xfInfo_hmm.paSpkrPat = xfInfo_dur.paSpkrPat = GetStrArg(); if (NextArg() != SWITCHARG) HError(2319, "HMGenS: cannot have -h as the last option"); break; case 'm': modelAlign = TRUE; break; case 'n': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2319, "HMGenS: duration model definition directory expected"); dmDir = GetStrArg(); break; case 'p': outPdf = TRUE; break; case 'r': if (NextArg() != FLOATARG) HError(2119, "HMGenS: Speaking rate value (float) expected"); speakRate = GetChkedFlt(0.0, 3.0, s); break; case 's': stateAlign = TRUE; break; case 't': pruneInit = GetChkedFlt(0.0, 1.0E20, s); if (NextArg() == FLOATARG || NextArg() == INTARG) { pruneInc = GetChkedFlt(0.0, 1.0E20, s); pruneLim = GetChkedFlt(0.0, 1.0E20, s); } else { pruneInc = 0.0; pruneLim = pruneInit; } break; case 'v': MSDthresh = GetChkedFlt(0.0, 1.0, s); break; case 'x': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2319, "HMGenS: HMM file extension expected"); hmmExt = GetStrArg(); break; case 'y': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2319, "HMGenS: duration model file extension expected"); dmExt = GetStrArg(); break; case 'B': inBinary = TRUE; break; case 'E': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2319, "HMGenS: parent transform directory expected"); xfInfo_hmm.usePaXForm = TRUE; xfInfo_hmm.paXFormDir = GetStrArg(); if (NextArg() == STRINGARG) xfInfo_hmm.paXFormExt = GetStrArg(); if (NextArg() != SWITCHARG) HError(2319, "HMGenS: cannot have -E as the last option"); break; case 'G': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2119, "HMGenS: Label File format expected"); if ((lff = Str2Format(GetStrArg())) == ALIEN) HError(-2189, "HMGenS: Warning ALIEN Label file format set"); break; case 'H': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(3219, "HMGenS: HMM MMF File name expected"); AddMMF(&hmset, GetStrArg()); break; case 'I': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2319, "HMGenS: MLF file name expected"); LoadMasterFile(GetStrArg()); break; case 'J': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2319, "HMGenS: input transform directory expected"); AddInXFormDir(&hmset, GetStrArg()); if (NextArg() == STRINGARG) xfInfo_hmm.inXFormExt = GetStrArg(); if (NextArg() != SWITCHARG) HError(2319, "HMGenS: cannot have -J as the last option"); break; case 'L': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2319, "HMGenS: Label file directory expected"); labDir = GetStrArg(); break; case 'M': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2319, "HMGenS: Output macro file directory expected"); genDir = GetStrArg(); break; case 'N': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(3219, "HMGenS: Duration MMF File name expected"); AddMMF(&dmset, GetStrArg()); break; case 'T': if (NextArg() != INTARG) HError(2119, "HMGenS: Trace value expected"); trace = GetChkedInt(0, 0002, s); break; case 'W': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2319, "HMGenS: parent duration transform directory expected"); xfInfo_dur.usePaXForm = TRUE; xfInfo_dur.paXFormDir = GetStrArg(); if (NextArg() == STRINGARG) xfInfo_dur.paXFormExt = GetStrArg(); if (NextArg() != SWITCHARG) HError(2319, "HMGenS: cannot have -W as the last option"); break; case 'X': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2319, "HMGenS: Label file extension expected"); labExt = GetStrArg(); break; case 'Y': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2319, "HMGenS: input duration transform directory expected"); AddInXFormDir(&dmset, GetStrArg()); if (NextArg() == STRINGARG) { if (xfInfo_dur.inXFormExt == NULL) xfInfo_dur.inXFormExt = GetStrArg(); else HError(2319, "MGenS: only one input duration transform extension may be specified"); } if (NextArg() != SWITCHARG) HError(2319, "HMGenS: cannot have -Y as the last option"); break; default: HError(9919, "HMGenS: Unknown switch %s", s); } } if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2319, "HMGenS: file name of vocabulary list expected"); Initialise(); InitUttInfo(utt, FALSE); numUtt = 1; if (trace & T_TOP) SetTraceGen(); /* generate parameter sequences */ do { if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2319, "HMGenS: data file name expected"); labfn = GetStrArg(); /* track speakers */ if (UpdateSpkrStats(&hmset, &xfInfo_hmm, labfn)) { if (!xfInfo_hmm.useInXForm) xfInfo_hmm.inXForm = NULL; } if (UpdateSpkrStats(&dmset, &xfInfo_dur, labfn)) { if (!xfInfo_dur.useInXForm) xfInfo_dur.inXForm = NULL; else ResetDMMPreComps(&dmset); } fbInfo->xfinfo_hmm = &xfInfo_hmm; fbInfo->xfinfo_dur = &xfInfo_dur; fbInfo->inXForm_hmm = xfInfo_hmm.inXForm; fbInfo->inXForm_dur = xfInfo_dur.inXForm; fbInfo->al_inXForm_hmm = xfInfo_hmm.al_inXForm; fbInfo->al_inXForm_dur = xfInfo_dur.al_inXForm; fbInfo->paXForm_hmm = xfInfo_hmm.paXForm; fbInfo->paXForm_dur = xfInfo_dur.paXForm; /* generate parameters */ DoGeneration(labfn); numUtt++; } while (NumArgs() > 0); if (trace & T_TOP) { printf("Generation complete - average log prob per frame = %e (%d frames)\n", totalPr / totalT, totalT); } /* Reset stacks */ Dispose(&fbInfoStack, fbInfo); Dispose(&genStack, genInfo); Dispose(&uttStack, utt); ResetHeap(&fbInfoStack); ResetHeap(&uttStack); ResetHeap(&genStack); ResetHeap(&dmStack); ResetHeap(&hmmStack); /* Reset modules */ ResetGen(); ResetAdapt(&xfInfo_hmm, &xfInfo_dur); ResetFB(); ResetUtil(); ResetParm(); ResetModel(); ResetLabel(); ResetWave(); ResetSigP(); ResetMath(); ResetMem(); ResetShell(); Exit(0); return (0); /* never reached -- make compiler happy */ }
int main_HCopy(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *s; /* next file to process */ void OpenSpeechFile(char *s); void AppendSpeechFile(char *s); void PutTargetFile(char *s); if(InitShell(argc,argv,hcopy_version,hcopy_vc_id)<SUCCESS) HError(1000,"HCopy: InitShell failed"); InitMem(); InitLabel(); InitMath(); InitSigP(); InitWave(); InitAudio(); InitVQ(); InitModel(); if(InitParm()<SUCCESS) HError(1000,"HCopy: InitParm failed"); if (!InfoPrinted() && NumArgs() == 0) ReportUsageHCopy(); if (NumArgs() == 0) return(0); SetConfParmsHCopy(); /* initial trace string is null */ trList.str = NULL; CreateHeap(&iStack, "InBuf", MSTAK, 1, 0.0, STACKSIZE, LONG_MAX); CreateHeap(&oStack, "OutBuf", MSTAK, 1, 0.0, STACKSIZE, LONG_MAX); CreateHeap(&cStack, "ChopBuf", MSTAK, 1, 0.0, STACKSIZE, LONG_MAX); CreateHeap(&lStack, "LabBuf", MSTAK, 1, 0.0, 10000, LONG_MAX); CreateHeap(&tStack, "Trace", MSTAK, 1, 0.0, 100, 200); while (NextArg() == SWITCHARG) { s = GetSwtArg(); if (strlen(s)!=1) HError(1019,"HCopy: Bad switch %s; must be single letter",s); switch(s[0]){ case 'a': if (NextArg() != INTARG) HError(1019,"HCopy: Auxiliary label index expected"); auxLab = GetChkedInt(1,100000,s) - 1; break; case 'e': /* end time in seconds, max 10e5 secs */ en = GetChkedFlt(-MAXTIME,MAXTIME,s); stenSet = TRUE; chopF = TRUE; break; case 'i': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(1019,"HCopy: Output MLF name expected"); if(SaveToMasterfile(GetStrArg())<SUCCESS) HError(1014,"HCopy: Cannot write to MLF"); useMLF = TRUE; labF = TRUE; break; case 'l': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(1019,"HCopy: Target label file directory expected"); outLabDir = GetStrArg(); labF = TRUE; break; case 'm': xMargin = GetChkedFlt(-MAXTIME,MAXTIME,s); chopF = TRUE; break; case 'n': if (NextArg() != INTARG) HError(1019,"HCopy: Label index expected"); labstidx= GetChkedInt(-100000,100000,s); if (NextArg() == INTARG) labenidx = GetChkedInt(-100000,100000,s); chopF = TRUE; break; case 's': /* start time in seconds */ st = GetChkedFlt(0,MAXTIME,s); stenSet = TRUE; chopF = TRUE; break; case 't': if (NextArg() != INTARG) HError(1019,"HCopy: Trace line width expected"); traceWidth= GetChkedInt(10,100000,s); break; case 'x': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(1019,"HCopy: Label name expected"); labName = GetLabId(GetStrArg(),TRUE); if (NextArg() == INTARG) labRep = GetChkedInt(1,100000,s); chopF = TRUE; labF = TRUE; break; case 'F': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(1019,"HCopy: Source file format expected"); if((srcFF = Str2Format(GetStrArg())) == ALIEN) HError(-1089,"HCopy: Warning ALIEN src file format set"); break; case 'G': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(1019,"HCopy: Source label File format expected"); if((srcLabFF = Str2Format(GetStrArg())) == ALIEN) HError(-1089,"HCopy: Warning ALIEN Label output file format set"); labF= TRUE; break; case 'I': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(1019,"HCopy: MLF file name expected"); LoadMasterFile(GetStrArg()); labF = TRUE; break; case 'L': if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(1019,"HCopy: Label file directory expected"); labDir = GetStrArg(); labF = TRUE; break; case 'P': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(1019,"HCopy: Label File format expected"); if((tgtLabFF = Str2Format(GetStrArg())) == ALIEN) HError(-1089,"HCopy: Warning ALIEN Label file format set"); labF = TRUE; break; case 'O': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(1019,"HCopy: Target file format expected"); if((tgtFF = Str2Format(GetStrArg())) == ALIEN) HError(-1089,"HCopy: Warning ALIEN target file format set"); break; case 'T': trace = GetChkedInt(0,16,s); break; case 'X': if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(1019,"HCopy: Label file extension expected"); labExt = GetStrArg(); labF = TRUE; break; default: HError(1019,"HCopy: Unknown switch %s",s); } } if (NumArgs() == 1) HError(1019,"HCopy: Target file or + operator expected"); FixOptions(); while (NumArgs()>1) { /* process group S1 + S2 + ... TGT */ off = 0.0; if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(1019,"HCopy: Source file name expected"); s = GetStrArg(); OpenSpeechFile(s); /* Load initial file S1 */ if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(1019,"HCopy: Target file or + operator expected"); s = GetStrArg(); while (strcmp(s,"+") == 0) { /* Append + S2 + S3 ... */ if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(1019,"HCopy: Append file name expected"); s = GetStrArg(); AppendSpeechFile(s); if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(1019,"HCopy: Target file or + operator expected"); s = GetStrArg(); } PutTargetFile(s); if(trace & T_MEM) PrintAllHeapStats(); if(trans != NULL){ trans = NULL; ResetHeap(&lStack); } ResetHeap(&iStack); ResetHeap(&oStack); if(chopF) ResetHeap(&cStack); } if(useMLF) CloseMLFSaveFile(); if (NumArgs() != 0) HError(-1019,"HCopy: Unused args ignored"); return (0); /* never reached -- make compiler happy */ }
static int nSize = 0; /* output ngram size */ static WordMap wList; /* the word list */ static int nLModel; /* number of loaded LMs */ static LMInfo lmInfo[MAX_LMODEL]; /* array of loaded LMs */ static BackOffLM *tgtLM; /* target lm */ static char *tgtFN; /* output model name */ static MemHeap langHeap; /* Stores global stats */ static LMFileFmt saveFmt = DEF_SAVEFMT; /* LM file format */ /* ---------------- Configuration Parameters --------------------- */ static ConfParam *cParm[MAXGLOBS]; static int nParm = 0; /* total num params */ /* ---------------- Function prototypes -------------------------- */ void Initialise(void); /* ---------------- Process Command Line ------------------------- */ /* SetConfParms: set conf parms relevant to this tool */ void SetConfParms(void) { int i; nParm = GetConfig("LMERGE", TRUE, cParm, MAXGLOBS); if (nParm>0){ if (GetConfInt(cParm,nParm,"TRACE",&i)) trace = i; } } char *ReturnLMName(int fmt) { switch(fmt) { case LMF_TEXT: return LM_TXT_TEXT; case LMF_BINARY: return LM_TXT_BINARY; case LMF_ULTRA: return LM_TXT_ULTRA; default: return LM_TXT_OTHER;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char * labFn, *listfn, *s; int i,fidx; MLFEntry *me = NULL; Transcription *t; void InitStats(char *listfn); void GatherStats(Transcription *t); void OutputStats(void); if(InitShell(argc,argv,hlstats_version,hlstats_vc_id)<SUCCESS) HError(1300,"HLStats: InitShell failed"); InitMem(); InitMath(); InitWave(); InitLabel(); InitLM(); if (!InfoPrinted() && NumArgs() == 0) ReportUsage(); if (NumArgs() == 0) Exit(0); SetConfParms(); enterId=GetLabId("!ENTER",TRUE); /* All sentences should or are coerced */ exitId=GetLabId("!EXIT",TRUE); /* to start enterId and end exitId */ nullId=GetLabId("!NULL",TRUE); /* Name for words not in list */ while (NextArg() == SWITCHARG) { s = GetSwtArg(); if (strlen(s)!=1) HError(1319,"HLStats: Bad switch %s; must be single letter",s); switch(s[0]){ case 'b': doBigram = TRUE; if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(1319,"HLStats: Ngram output file name expected"); bigFile = GetStrArg(); break; case 'c': doLCount = TRUE; lCountLimit = GetChkedInt(0,100000,s); break; case 'd': doDurs = TRUE; break; case 'f': bigFloor = GetChkedFlt(0.0,1000.0,s); break; case 'h': hSize = GetChkedInt(1,2,s); break; case 'l': doList = TRUE; if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(1319,"HLStats: Output label list file name expected"); listFile = GetStrArg(); break; case 'o': doBOff = TRUE; break; case 'p': doPCount = TRUE; pCountLimit = GetChkedInt(0,100000,s); break; case 's': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(1319,"HLStats: ENTER label name expected"); enterId=GetLabId(GetStrArg(),TRUE); if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(1319,"HLStats: EXIT label name expected"); exitId=GetLabId(GetStrArg(),TRUE); break; case 't': bigThresh = GetChkedInt(0,100,s); break; case 'u': uniFloor = GetChkedFlt(0.0,1000.0,s); break; case 'G': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(1319,"HLStats: Input label File format expected"); if((ff = Str2Format(GetStrArg())) == ALIEN) HError(-1389,"HLStats: Warning ALIEN Label file format set"); break; case 'I': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(1319,"HLStats: Input MLF file name expected"); LoadMasterFile(GetStrArg()); break; case 'T': if (NextArg() != INTARG) HError(1319,"HLStats: Trace value expected"); trace = GetChkedInt(0,017,s); break; default: HError(1319,"HLStats: Unknown switch %s",s); } } if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(1319,"HLStats: Label list file name expected"); listfn = GetStrArg(); if (!(doDurs || doBigram || doList || doLCount || doPCount)) HError(1330,"HLStats: Nothing to do!"); InitStats(listfn); i=0; while (NumArgs()>0) { if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(1319,"HLStats: Input label file name expected"); labFn = GetStrArg(); if (IsMLFFile(labFn)) { fidx = NumMLFFiles(); if ((me=GetMLFTable()) != NULL) { while(me->next != NULL) me=me->next; LoadMasterFile(labFn); me=me->next; } else { LoadMasterFile(labFn); me=GetMLFTable(); } while (me != NULL) { if (me->type == MLF_IMMEDIATE && me->def.immed.fidx == fidx) { if (trace&T_FIL) { printf(" Processing file %s\n",me->pattern); fflush(stdout); } t = LOpen(&tmpHeap,me->pattern,ff); if (t->numLists<1) HError(-1330,"HLStats: Empty file %s",me->pattern); else GatherStats(t),i++; Dispose(&tmpHeap,t); } me = me->next; if ((trace&T_BAS) && !(trace&T_FIL) && NumMLFEntries()>5000 && i%1000==0) printf(". "),fflush(stdout); } if ((trace&T_BAS) && !(trace&T_FIL) && NumMLFEntries()>5000) printf("\n"); } else { if (trace&T_FIL) { printf(" Processing file %s\n",labFn); fflush(stdout); } t = LOpen(&tmpHeap,labFn,ff); if (t->numLists<1) HError(-1330,"HLStats: Empty file %s",me->pattern); else GatherStats(t),i++; Dispose(&tmpHeap,t); } } if (trace&T_MEM) PrintAllHeapStats(); OutputStats(); if (trace&T_MEM) PrintAllHeapStats(); Exit(0); return (0); /* never reached -- make compiler happy */ }
/* DoRecognition: use single network to recognise each input utterance */ void DoRecognition(void) { FILE *nf; Network *net; Boolean isPipe; int n=0; AdaptXForm *incXForm; if ( (nf = FOpen(wdNetFn,NetFilter,&isPipe)) == NULL) HError(3210,"DoRecognition: Cannot open Word Net file %s",wdNetFn); if((wdNet = ReadLattice(nf,&ansHeap,&vocab,TRUE,FALSE))==NULL) HError(3210,"DoAlignment: ReadLattice failed"); FClose(nf,isPipe); if (trace&T_TOP) { printf("Read lattice with %d nodes / %d arcs\n",wdNet->nn,wdNet->na); fflush(stdout); } CreateHeap(&netHeap,"Net heap",MSTAK,1,0, wdNet->na*sizeof(NetLink),wdNet->na*sizeof(NetLink)); net = ExpandWordNet(&netHeap,wdNet,&vocab,&hset); ResetHeap(&ansHeap); if (trace&T_TOP) { printf("Created network with %d nodes / %d links\n", net->numNode,net->numLink); fflush(stdout); } if (trace & T_MEM){ printf("Memory State Before Recognition\n"); PrintAllHeapStats(); } if (NumArgs()==0) { /* Process audio */ while(TRUE){ printf("\nREADY[%d]>\n",++n); fflush(stdout); /* no input transform possible for audio input .... */ ProcessFile(NULL,net,n,genBeam, FALSE); if (update > 0 && n%update == 0) { if (trace&T_TOP) { printf("Transforming model set\n"); fflush(stdout); } /* at every stage a new transform is created - fix?? Estimate transform and then set it up as the input XForm */ incXForm = CreateAdaptXForm(&hset,"inc"); TidyBaseAccs(); GenAdaptXForm(&hset,incXForm); xfInfo.inXForm = GetMLLRDiagCov(incXForm);; SetXForm(&hset,xfInfo.inXForm); ApplyHMMSetXForm(&hset,xfInfo.inXForm); } } } else { /* Process files */ while (NumArgs()>0) { if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(3219,"DoRecognition: Data file name expected"); datFN = GetStrArg(); if (trace&T_TOP) { printf("File: %s\n",datFN); fflush(stdout); } /* This handles the initial input transform, parent transform setting and output transform creation */ if (UpdateSpkrStats(&hset, &xfInfo, datFN) && (!(xfInfo.useInXForm)) && (hset.semiTied == NULL)) { xfInfo.inXForm = NULL; } ProcessFile(datFN,net,n++,genBeam,FALSE); if (update > 0 && n%update == 0) { if (trace&T_TOP) { printf("Transforming model set\n"); fflush(stdout); } /* at every stage a new transform is created - fix?? Estimate transform and then set it up as the input XForm */ incXForm = CreateAdaptXForm(&hset,"inc"); TidyBaseAccs(); GenAdaptXForm(&hset,incXForm); xfInfo.inXForm = GetMLLRDiagCov(incXForm);; SetXForm(&hset,xfInfo.inXForm); ApplyHMMSetXForm(&hset,xfInfo.inXForm); } } } }