Example #1
bool ShaderProgram::Link()

    if (!vertexShader_ || !pixelShader_ || !vertexShader_->GetGPUObjectName() || !pixelShader_->GetGPUObjectName())
        return false;

    object_.name_ = glCreateProgram();
    if (!object_.name_)
        linkerOutput_ = "Could not create shader program";
        return false;

    glAttachShader(object_.name_, vertexShader_->GetGPUObjectName());
    glAttachShader(object_.name_, pixelShader_->GetGPUObjectName());

    int linked, length;
    glGetProgramiv(object_.name_, GL_LINK_STATUS, &linked);
    if (!linked)
        glGetProgramiv(object_.name_, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &length);
        int outLength;
        glGetProgramInfoLog(object_.name_, length, &outLength, &linkerOutput_[0]);
        object_.name_ = 0;

    if (!object_.name_)
        return false;

    const int MAX_NAME_LENGTH = 256;
    char nameBuffer[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
    int attributeCount, uniformCount, elementCount, nameLength;
    GLenum type;


    // Check for vertex attributes
    glGetProgramiv(object_.name_, GL_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES, &attributeCount);
    for (int i = 0; i < attributeCount; ++i)
        glGetActiveAttrib(object_.name_, i, (GLsizei)MAX_NAME_LENGTH, &nameLength, &elementCount, &type, nameBuffer);

        String name = String(nameBuffer, nameLength);
        VertexElementSemantic semantic = MAX_VERTEX_ELEMENT_SEMANTICS;
        unsigned char semanticIndex = 0;

        // Go in reverse order so that "binormal" is detected before "normal"
            if (name.Contains(ShaderVariation::elementSemanticNames[j], false))
                semantic = (VertexElementSemantic)j;
                unsigned index = NumberPostfix(name);
                if (index != M_MAX_UNSIGNED)
                    semanticIndex = (unsigned char)index;

        if (semantic == MAX_VERTEX_ELEMENT_SEMANTICS)
            URHO3D_LOGWARNING("Found vertex attribute " + name + " with no known semantic in shader program " +
                vertexShader_->GetFullName() + " " + pixelShader_->GetFullName());

        int location = glGetAttribLocation(object_.name_, name.CString());
        vertexAttributes_[MakePair((unsigned char)semantic, semanticIndex)] = location;
        usedVertexAttributes_ |= (1u << location);

    // Check for constant buffers
#ifndef GL_ES_VERSION_2_0
    HashMap<unsigned, unsigned> blockToBinding;

    if (Graphics::GetGL3Support())
        int numUniformBlocks = 0;

        glGetProgramiv(object_.name_, GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_BLOCKS, &numUniformBlocks);
        for (int i = 0; i < numUniformBlocks; ++i)
            glGetActiveUniformBlockName(object_.name_, (GLuint)i, MAX_NAME_LENGTH, &nameLength, nameBuffer);

            String name(nameBuffer, (unsigned)nameLength);

            unsigned blockIndex = glGetUniformBlockIndex(object_.name_, name.CString());
            unsigned group = M_MAX_UNSIGNED;

            // Try to recognize the use of the buffer from its name
            for (unsigned j = 0; j < MAX_SHADER_PARAMETER_GROUPS; ++j)
                if (name.Contains(shaderParameterGroups[j], false))
                    group = j;

            // If name is not recognized, search for a digit in the name and use that as the group index
            if (group == M_MAX_UNSIGNED)
                group = NumberPostfix(name);

            if (group >= MAX_SHADER_PARAMETER_GROUPS)
                URHO3D_LOGWARNING("Skipping unrecognized uniform block " + name + " in shader program " + vertexShader_->GetFullName() +
                           " " + pixelShader_->GetFullName());

            // Find total constant buffer data size
            int dataSize;
            glGetActiveUniformBlockiv(object_.name_, blockIndex, GL_UNIFORM_BLOCK_DATA_SIZE, &dataSize);
            if (!dataSize)

            unsigned bindingIndex = group;
            // Vertex shader constant buffer bindings occupy slots starting from zero to maximum supported, pixel shader bindings
            // from that point onward
            ShaderType shaderType = VS;
            if (name.Contains("PS", false))
                bindingIndex += MAX_SHADER_PARAMETER_GROUPS;
                shaderType = PS;

            glUniformBlockBinding(object_.name_, blockIndex, bindingIndex);
            blockToBinding[blockIndex] = bindingIndex;

            constantBuffers_[bindingIndex] = graphics_->GetOrCreateConstantBuffer(shaderType, bindingIndex, (unsigned)dataSize);

    // Check for shader parameters and texture units
    glGetProgramiv(object_.name_, GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS, &uniformCount);
    for (int i = 0; i < uniformCount; ++i)
        glGetActiveUniform(object_.name_, (GLuint)i, MAX_NAME_LENGTH, nullptr, &elementCount, &type, nameBuffer);
        int location = glGetUniformLocation(object_.name_, nameBuffer);

        // Check for array index included in the name and strip it
        String name(nameBuffer);
        unsigned index = name.Find('[');
        if (index != String::NPOS)
            // If not the first index, skip
            if (name.Find("[0]", index) == String::NPOS)

            name = name.Substring(0, index);

        if (name[0] == 'c')
            // Store constant uniform
            String paramName = name.Substring(1);
            ShaderParameter parameter{paramName, type, location};
            bool store = location >= 0;

#ifndef GL_ES_VERSION_2_0
            // If running OpenGL 3, the uniform may be inside a constant buffer
            if (parameter.location_ < 0 && Graphics::GetGL3Support())
                int blockIndex, blockOffset;
                glGetActiveUniformsiv(object_.name_, 1, (const GLuint*)&i, GL_UNIFORM_BLOCK_INDEX, &blockIndex);
                glGetActiveUniformsiv(object_.name_, 1, (const GLuint*)&i, GL_UNIFORM_OFFSET, &blockOffset);
                if (blockIndex >= 0)
                    parameter.offset_ = blockOffset;
                    parameter.bufferPtr_ = constantBuffers_[blockToBinding[blockIndex]];
                    store = true;

            if (store)
                shaderParameters_[StringHash(paramName)] = parameter;
        else if (location >= 0 && name[0] == 's')
            // Set the samplers here so that they do not have to be set later
            unsigned unit = graphics_->GetTextureUnit(name.Substring(1));
            if (unit >= MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS)
                unit = NumberPostfix(name);

            if (unit < MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS)
                useTextureUnits_[unit] = true;
                glUniform1iv(location, 1, reinterpret_cast<int*>(&unit));

    // Rehash the parameter & vertex attributes maps to ensure minimal load factor

    return true;
bool ShaderProgram::Link()


    if (!graphics || !graphics->IsInitialized())
        LOGERROR("Can not link shader program without initialized Graphics subsystem");
        return false;
    if (!vs || !ps)
        LOGERROR("Shader(s) are null, can not link shader program");
        return false;
    if (!vs->GLShader() || !ps->GLShader())
        LOGERROR("Shaders have not been compiled, can not link shader program");
        return false;

    const String& vsSourceCode = vs->Parent() ? vs->Parent()->SourceCode() : String::EMPTY;
    const String& psSourceCode = ps->Parent() ? ps->Parent()->SourceCode() : String::EMPTY;

    program = glCreateProgram();
    if (!program)
        LOGERROR("Could not create shader program");
        return false;

    glAttachShader(program, vs->GLShader());
    glAttachShader(program, ps->GLShader());

    int linked;
    glGetProgramiv(program, GL_LINK_STATUS, &linked);
    if (!linked)
        int length, outLength;
        String errorString;

        glGetProgramiv(program, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &length);
        glGetProgramInfoLog(program, length, &outLength, &errorString[0]);
        program = 0;

        LOGERRORF("Could not link shaders %s: %s", FullName().CString(), errorString.CString());
        return false;

    LOGDEBUGF("Linked shaders %s", FullName().CString());


    char nameBuffer[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
    int numAttributes, numUniforms, numUniformBlocks, nameLength, numElements;
    GLenum type;


    glGetProgramiv(program, GL_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES, &numAttributes);
    for (int i = 0; i < numAttributes; ++i)
        glGetActiveAttrib(program, i, (GLsizei)MAX_NAME_LENGTH, &nameLength, &numElements, &type, nameBuffer);

        VertexAttribute newAttribute;
        newAttribute.name = String(nameBuffer, nameLength);
        newAttribute.semantic = SEM_POSITION;
        newAttribute.index = 0;

        for (size_t j = 0; elementSemanticNames[j]; ++j)
            if (newAttribute.name.StartsWith(elementSemanticNames[j], false))
                int index = NumberPostfix(newAttribute.name);
                if (index >= 0)
                    newAttribute.index = (unsigned char)index;
            newAttribute.semantic = (ElementSemantic)(newAttribute.semantic + 1);

        if (newAttribute.semantic == MAX_ELEMENT_SEMANTICS)
            LOGWARNINGF("Found vertex attribute %s with no known semantic in shader program %s", newAttribute.name.CString(), FullName().CString());

        newAttribute.location = glGetAttribLocation(program, newAttribute.name.CString());

    glGetProgramiv(program, GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS, &numUniforms);
    int numTextures = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < numUniforms; ++i)
        glGetActiveUniform(program, i, MAX_NAME_LENGTH, &nameLength, &numElements, &type, nameBuffer);

        String name(nameBuffer, nameLength);
        if (type >= GL_SAMPLER_1D && type <= GL_SAMPLER_2D_SHADOW)
            // Assign sampler uniforms to a texture unit according to the number appended to the sampler name
            int location = glGetUniformLocation(program, name.CString());
            int unit = NumberPostfix(name);
            // If no unit number specified, assign in appearance order starting from unit 0
            if (unit < 0)
                unit = numTextures;

            // Array samplers may have multiple elements, assign each sequentially
            if (numElements > 1)
                Vector<int> units;
                for (int j = 0; j < numElements; ++j)
                glUniform1iv(location, numElements, &units[0]);
                glUniform1iv(location, 1, &unit);

            numTextures += numElements;

    glGetProgramiv(program, GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_BLOCKS, &numUniformBlocks);
    for (int i = 0; i < numUniformBlocks; ++i)
        glGetActiveUniformBlockName(program, i, (GLsizei)MAX_NAME_LENGTH, &nameLength, nameBuffer);

        // Determine whether uniform block belongs to vertex or pixel shader
        String name(nameBuffer, nameLength);
        bool foundVs = vsSourceCode.Contains(name);
        bool foundPs = psSourceCode.Contains(name);
        if (foundVs && foundPs)
            LOGWARNINGF("Found uniform block %s in both vertex and pixel shader in shader program %s");

        // Vertex shader constant buffer bindings occupy slots starting from zero to maximum supported, pixel shader bindings
        // from that point onward
        unsigned blockIndex = glGetUniformBlockIndex(program, name.CString());

        int bindingIndex = NumberPostfix(name);
        // If no number postfix in the name, use the block index
        if (bindingIndex < 0)
            bindingIndex = blockIndex;
        if (foundPs)
            bindingIndex += (unsigned)graphics->NumVSConstantBuffers();

        glUniformBlockBinding(program, blockIndex, bindingIndex);

    return true;