Example #1
static VALUE oci8_bfile_initialize(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
    oci8_lob_t *lob = DATA_PTR(self);
    VALUE svc;
    VALUE dir_alias;
    VALUE filename;

    rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "12", &svc, &dir_alias, &filename);
    TO_SVCCTX(svc); /* check argument type */
    oci_lc(OCIDescriptorAlloc(oci8_envhp, &lob->base.hp.ptr, OCI_DTYPE_LOB, 0, NULL));
    lob->base.type = OCI_DTYPE_LOB;
    lob->svc = svc;
    lob->pos = 0;
    lob->char_width = 1;
    lob->csfrm = SQLCS_IMPLICIT;
    lob->lobtype = OCI_TEMP_BLOB;
    lob->state = S_BFILE_CLOSE;
    if (argc != 1) {
        oci8_bfile_set_name(self, dir_alias, filename);
    oci8_link_to_parent((oci8_base_t*)lob, (oci8_base_t*)DATA_PTR(svc));
    return Qnil;
Example #2
 * call-seq:
 *   logon(username, password, dbname) -> connection
 * <b>internal use only</b>
 * Creates a simple logon session by the OCI function OCILogon().
static VALUE oci8_logon(VALUE self, VALUE username, VALUE password, VALUE dbname)
    oci8_svcctx_t *svcctx = DATA_PTR(self);

    if (svcctx->logoff_strategy != NULL) {
        rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "Could not reuse the session.");

    /* check arugmnets */
    if (!NIL_P(dbname)) {

    /* logon */
    oci_lc(OCILogon_nb(svcctx, oci8_envhp, oci8_errhp, &svcctx->base.hp.svc,
                       RSTRING_ORATEXT(username), RSTRING_LEN(username),
                       RSTRING_ORATEXT(password), RSTRING_LEN(password),
                       NIL_P(dbname) ? NULL : RSTRING_ORATEXT(dbname),
                       NIL_P(dbname) ? 0 : RSTRING_LEN(dbname)));
    svcctx->base.type = OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX;
    svcctx->logoff_strategy = &simple_logoff;

    /* setup the session handle */
    oci_lc(OCIAttrGet(svcctx->base.hp.ptr, OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX, &svcctx->usrhp, 0, OCI_ATTR_SESSION, oci8_errhp));

    /* setup the server handle */
    oci_lc(OCIAttrGet(svcctx->base.hp.ptr, OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX, &svcctx->srvhp, 0, OCI_ATTR_SERVER, oci8_errhp));

    return Qnil;
Example #3
 * @overload initialize(conn, directory = nil, filename = nil)
 *  Creates a BFILE object.
 *  This is correspond to {BFILENAME}[https://docs.oracle.com/database/121/SQLRF/functions020.htm].
 *  @param [OCI8] conn
 *  @param [String] directory  a directory object created by
 *    {"CREATE DIRECTORY"}[http://docs.oracle.com/database/121/SQLRF/statements_5008.htm].
 *  @param [String] filename
 *  @return [OCI8::BFILE]
static VALUE oci8_bfile_initialize(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
    oci8_lob_t *lob = TO_LOB(self);
    VALUE svc;
    VALUE dir_alias;
    VALUE filename;
    oci8_svcctx_t *svcctx;
    int rv;

    rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "12", &svc, &dir_alias, &filename);
    svcctx = oci8_get_svcctx(svc);
    rv = OCIDescriptorAlloc(oci8_envhp, &lob->base.hp.ptr, OCI_DTYPE_LOB, 0, NULL);
    if (rv != OCI_SUCCESS) {
        oci8_env_raise(oci8_envhp, rv);
    lob->base.type = OCI_DTYPE_LOB;
    lob->pos = 0;
    lob->csfrm = SQLCS_IMPLICIT;
    lob->lobtype = OCI_TEMP_BLOB;
    lob->state = S_BFILE_CLOSE;
    if (argc != 1) {
        oci8_bfile_set_name(self, dir_alias, filename);
    oci8_link_to_parent(&lob->base, &svcctx->base);
    lob->svcctx = svcctx;
    return Qnil;
Example #4
 * call-seq:
 *   logon(username, password, dbname) -> connection
 * <b>internal use only</b>
 * Creates a simple logon session by the OCI function OCILogon().
static VALUE oci8_logon(VALUE self, VALUE username, VALUE password, VALUE dbname)
    oci8_svcctx_t *svcctx = DATA_PTR(self);

    if (svcctx->logoff_method != NULL) {
        rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "Could not reuse the session.");

    /* check arugmnets */
    if (!NIL_P(dbname)) {

    /* logon */
    oci_lc(OCILogon_nb(svcctx, oci8_envhp, oci8_errhp, &svcctx->base.hp.svc,
                       RSTRING_ORATEXT(username), RSTRING_LEN(username),
                       RSTRING_ORATEXT(password), RSTRING_LEN(password),
                       NIL_P(dbname) ? NULL : RSTRING_ORATEXT(dbname),
                       NIL_P(dbname) ? 0 : RSTRING_LEN(dbname)));
    svcctx->base.type = OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX;
    svcctx->logoff_method = call_oci_logoff;
    return Qnil;
Example #5
 * call-seq:
 *   OCI8::ConnectionPool.new(conn_min, conn_max, conn_incr, username = nil, password = nil, dbname = nil) -> connection pool
 *   OCI8::ConnectionPool.new(conn_min, conn_max, conn_incr, connect_string) -> connection pool
 * Creates a connection pool.
 * <i>conn_min</i> specifies the minimum number of connections in the
 * connection pool. Valid values are 0 and higher.
 * <i>conn_max</i> specifies the maximum number of connections that
 * can be opened to the database. Once this value is reached, no more
 * connections are opened. Valid values are 1 and higher.
 * <i>conn_incr</i> allows the application to set the next increment
 * for connections to be opened to the database if the current number
 * of connections are less than <i>conn_max</i>. Valid values are 0
 * and higher.
 * <i>username</i> and <i>password</i> are required to establish an
 * implicit primary session. When both are nil, external
 * authentication is used.
 * <i>dbname</i> specifies the database server to connect to.
 * If the number of arguments is four, <i>username</i>,
 * <i>password</i> and <i>dbname</i> are extracted from the fourth
 * argument <i>connect_string</i>. The syntax is "username/password" or
 * "username/password@dbname".
static VALUE oci8_cpool_initialize(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
    VALUE conn_min;
    VALUE conn_max;
    VALUE conn_incr;
    VALUE username;
    VALUE password;
    VALUE dbname;
    oci8_cpool_t *cpool = DATA_PTR(self);
    OraText *pool_name;
    sb4 pool_name_len;
    sword rv;

    /* check arguments */
    rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "42", &conn_min, &conn_max, &conn_incr,
                 &username, &password, &dbname);
    Check_Type(conn_min, T_FIXNUM);
    Check_Type(conn_max, T_FIXNUM);
    Check_Type(conn_incr, T_FIXNUM);
    if (argc == 4) {
        VALUE mode;
        VALUE conn_str = username;

        oci8_do_parse_connect_string(conn_str, &username, &password, &dbname, &mode);
        if (!NIL_P(mode)) {
            rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "invalid connect string \"%s\": Connection pooling doesn't support sysdba and sysoper privileges.", RSTRING_PTR(conn_str));
    } else {
        if (!NIL_P(username)) {
        if (!NIL_P(password)) {
        if (!NIL_P(dbname)) {

    rv = OCIHandleAlloc(oci8_envhp, &cpool->base.hp.ptr, OCI_HTYPE_CPOOL, 0, NULL);
    if (rv != OCI_SUCCESS)
        oci8_env_raise(oci8_envhp, rv);
    cpool->base.type = OCI_HTYPE_CPOOL;

    oci_lc(OCIConnectionPoolCreate(oci8_envhp, oci8_errhp, cpool->base.hp.poolhp,
                                   &pool_name, &pool_name_len,
                                   NIL_P(dbname) ? NULL : RSTRING_ORATEXT(dbname),
                                   NIL_P(dbname) ? 0 : RSTRING_LEN(dbname),
                                   FIX2UINT(conn_min), FIX2UINT(conn_max),
                                   NIL_P(username) ? NULL : RSTRING_ORATEXT(username),
                                   NIL_P(username) ? 0 : RSTRING_LEN(username),
                                   NIL_P(password) ? NULL : RSTRING_ORATEXT(password),
                                   NIL_P(password) ? 0 : RSTRING_LEN(password),
    cpool->pool_name = rb_str_new(TO_CHARPTR(pool_name), pool_name_len);
    return Qnil;
Example #6
 * call-seq:
 *   server_attach(dbname, mode)
 * <b>internal use only</b>
 * Attachs to the server by the OCI function OCIServerAttach().
static VALUE oci8_server_attach(VALUE self, VALUE dbname, VALUE mode)
    oci8_svcctx_t *svcctx = oci8_get_svcctx(self);

    if (svcctx->logoff_strategy != &complex_logoff) {
        rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "Use this method only for the service context handle created by OCI8#server_handle().");
    if (svcctx->state & OCI8_STATE_SERVER_ATTACH_WAS_CALLED) {
        rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "Could not use this method twice.");

    /* check arguments */
    if (!NIL_P(dbname)) {
    Check_Type(mode, T_FIXNUM);

    /* attach to the server */
    oci_lc(OCIServerAttach_nb(svcctx, svcctx->srvhp, oci8_errhp,
                              NIL_P(dbname) ? NULL : RSTRING_ORATEXT(dbname),
                              NIL_P(dbname) ? 0 : RSTRING_LEN(dbname),
    oci_lc(OCIAttrSet(svcctx->base.hp.ptr, OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX,
                      svcctx->srvhp, 0, OCI_ATTR_SERVER,
    return self;
Example #7
void oci8_do_parse_connect_string(VALUE conn_str, VALUE *user, VALUE *pass, VALUE *dbname, VALUE *mode)
    static VALUE re = Qnil;
    if (NIL_P(re)) {
        re = rb_eval_string(CONN_STR_REGEX);
    if (RTEST(rb_reg_match(re, conn_str))) {
        *user = rb_reg_nth_match(1, rb_backref_get());
        *pass = rb_reg_nth_match(2, rb_backref_get());
        *dbname = rb_reg_nth_match(3, rb_backref_get());
        *mode = rb_reg_nth_match(4, rb_backref_get());
        if (RSTRING_LEN(*user) == 0 && RSTRING_LEN(*pass) == 0) {
            /* external credential */
            *user = Qnil;
            *pass = Qnil;
        if (!NIL_P(*mode)) {
            char *ptr;
            ptr = RSTRING_PTR(*mode);
            if (strcasecmp(ptr, "SYSDBA") == 0) {
                *mode = sym_SYSDBA;
            } else if (strcasecmp(ptr, "SYSOPER") == 0) {
                *mode = sym_SYSOPER;
    } else {
        rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "invalid connect string \"%s\" (expect \"username/password[@(tns_name|//host[:port]/service_name)][ as (sysdba|sysoper)]\"", RSTRING_PTR(conn_str));
Example #8
 * call-seq:
 *   client_info = string or nil
 * <b>(new in 2.0.3)</b>
 * Sets additional information about the client application.
 * This information is stored in the V$SESSION view.
 * === Oracle 10g client or upper
 * This doesn't perform network round trips. The change is reflected
 * to the server by the next round trip such as OCI8#exec, OCI8#ping,
 * etc.
 * === Oracle 9i client or lower
 * This executes the following PL/SQL block internally.
 * The change is reflected immediately by a network round trip.
 *   BEGIN
 *   END;
 * See {Oracle Manual: Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference}[http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/B19306_01/appdev.102/b14258/d_appinf.htm#CHEJCFGG]
static VALUE oci8_set_client_info(VALUE self, VALUE val)
    char *ptr;
    ub4 size;

    if (!NIL_P(val)) {
        ptr = RSTRING_PTR(val);
        size = RSTRING_LEN(val);
    } else {
        ptr = "";
        size = 0;
    if (oracle_client_version >= ORAVER_10_1) {
        /* Oracle 10g or upper */
        oci_lc(OCIAttrSet(oci8_get_oci_session(self), OCI_HTYPE_SESSION, ptr,
                          size, OCI_ATTR_CLIENT_INFO, oci8_errhp));
    } else {
        /* Oracle 9i or lower */
        oci8_exec_sql_var_t bind_vars[1];

        /* :client_info */
        bind_vars[0].valuep = ptr;
        bind_vars[0].value_sz = size;
        bind_vars[0].dty = SQLT_CHR;
        bind_vars[0].indp = NULL;
        bind_vars[0].alenp = NULL;

                      "  DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.SET_CLIENT_INFO(:client_info);\n"
                      "END;\n", 0, NULL, 1, bind_vars, 1);
    return val;
Example #9
static VALUE oci8_bfile_set_filename(VALUE self, VALUE filename)
    VALUE dir_alias;

    oci8_bfile_get_name(self, &dir_alias, NULL);
    oci8_bfile_set_name(self, dir_alias, filename);
    rb_ivar_set(self, id_filename, filename);
    return filename;
Example #10
static VALUE oci8_bfile_set_dir_alias(VALUE self, VALUE dir_alias)
    VALUE filename;

    oci8_bfile_get_name(self, NULL, &filename);
    oci8_bfile_set_name(self, dir_alias, filename);
    rb_ivar_set(self, id_dir_alias, dir_alias);
    return dir_alias;
Example #11
 * call-seq:
 *   attr_set_string(attr_type, attr_value)
 * Sets the value of an attribute as `oratext *' datatype.
 * +attr_value+ is converted to {OCI8.encoding} before it is set
 * when the ruby version is 1.9.
 * @param [Fixnum] attr_type
 * @param [String] attr_value
 * @return [self]
 * @since 2.0.4
 * @private
static VALUE attr_set_string(VALUE self, VALUE attr_type, VALUE val)
    oci8_base_t *base = DATA_PTR(self);

    /* validate arguments */
    Check_Type(attr_type, T_FIXNUM);
    /* set attribute */
    chker2(OCIAttrSet(base->hp.ptr, base->type, RSTRING_PTR(val), RSTRING_LEN(val), FIX2INT(attr_type), oci8_errhp), base);
    return self;
Example #12
File: oci8.c Project: Vachman/STMT
 * call-seq:
 *   client_identifier = string or nil
 * <b>(new in 2.0.3)</b>
 * Sets the client ID. This information is stored in the V$SESSION
 * view.
 * === Oracle 9i client or upper
 * This doesn't perform network round trips. The change is reflected
 * to the server by the next round trip such as OCI8#exec, OCI8#ping,
 * etc.
 * === Oracle 8i client or lower
 * This executes the following PL/SQL block internally.
 * The change is reflected immediately by a network round trip.
 *   BEGIN
 *   END;
 * See {Oracle Manual: Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference}[http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/B19306_01/appdev.102/b14258/d_sessio.htm#i996935]
static VALUE oci8_set_client_identifier(VALUE self, VALUE val)
    char *ptr;
    ub4 size;
    int use_attr_set = 1;

    if (!NIL_P(val)) {
        ptr = RSTRING_PTR(val);
        size = RSTRING_LEN(val);
    } else {
        ptr = "";
        size = 0;

    if (oracle_client_version < ORAVER_9_0) {
        use_attr_set = 0;
    } else if (oracle_client_version < ORAVERNUM(9, 2, 0, 3, 0) && size == 0) {
        /* Workaround for Bug 2449486 */
        use_attr_set = 0;

    if (use_attr_set) {
        if (size > 0 && ptr[0] == ':') {
            rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "client identifier should not start with ':'.");
        oci_lc(OCIAttrSet(oci8_get_oci_session(self), OCI_HTYPE_SESSION, ptr,
                          size, OCI_ATTR_CLIENT_IDENTIFIER, oci8_errhp));
    } else {
        oci8_exec_sql_var_t bind_vars[1];

        /* :client_id */
        bind_vars[0].valuep = ptr;
        bind_vars[0].value_sz = size;
        bind_vars[0].dty = SQLT_CHR;
        bind_vars[0].indp = NULL;
        bind_vars[0].alenp = NULL;

                      "  DBMS_SESSION.SET_IDENTIFIER(:client_id);\n"
                      "END;\n", 0, NULL, 1, bind_vars, 1);
    return val;
Example #13
 * call-seq:
 *   module = string or nil
 * <b>(new in 2.0.3)</b>
 * Sets the name of the current module. This information is
 * stored in the V$SESSION view and is also stored in the V$SQL view
 * and the V$SQLAREA view when a SQL statement is executed and the SQL
 * statement is first parsed in the Oracle server.
 * === Oracle 10g client or upper
 * This doesn't perform network round trips. The change is reflected
 * to the server by the next round trip such as OCI8#exec, OCI8#ping,
 * etc.
 * === Oracle 9i client or lower
 * This executes the following PL/SQL block internally.
 * The change is reflected immediately by a network round trip.
 *     action VARCHAR2(32);
 *   BEGIN
 *     -- retrieve action name.
 *     -- change module name without modifying the action name.
 *     DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.SET_MODULE(:module, action);
 *   END;
 * See {Oracle Manual: Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference}[http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/B19306_01/appdev.102/b14258/d_appinf.htm#i999254]
static VALUE oci8_set_module(VALUE self, VALUE val)
    const char *ptr;
    ub4 size;

    if (!NIL_P(val)) {
        ptr = RSTRING_PTR(val);
        size = RSTRING_LEN(val);
    } else {
        ptr = "";
        size = 0;
    if (oracle_client_version >= ORAVER_10_1) {
        /* Oracle 10g or upper */
        chker2(OCIAttrSet(oci8_get_oci_session(self), OCI_HTYPE_SESSION, (dvoid*)ptr,
                          size, OCI_ATTR_MODULE, oci8_errhp),
    } else {
        /* Oracle 9i or lower */
        oci8_exec_sql_var_t bind_vars[1];

        /* :module */
        bind_vars[0].valuep = (dvoid*)ptr;
        bind_vars[0].value_sz = size;
        bind_vars[0].dty = SQLT_CHR;
        bind_vars[0].indp = NULL;
        bind_vars[0].alenp = NULL;

                      "  action VARCHAR2(32);\n"
                      "  SELECT SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV','ACTION') INTO action FROM DUAL;\n"
                      "  DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.SET_MODULE(:module, action);\n"
                      "END;\n", 0, NULL, 1, bind_vars, 1);
    return self;
Example #14
File: oci8.c Project: Vachman/STMT
 * call-seq:
 *   new(username, password, dbname = nil, privilege = nil)
 * Connects to an Oracle database server by +username+ and +password+
 * at +dbname+ as +privilege+.
 * === connecting to the local server
 * Set +username+ and +password+ or pass "username/password" as a
 * single argument.
 *   OCI8.new('scott', 'tiger')
 * or
 *   OCI8.new('scott/tiger')
 * === connecting to a remote server
 * Set +username+, +password+ and +dbname+ or pass
 * "username/password@dbname" as a single argument.
 *   OCI8.new('scott', 'tiger', 'orcl.world')
 * or
 *   OCI8.new('scott/[email protected]')
 * The +dbname+ is a net service name or an easy connectection
 * identifier. The former is a name listed in the file tnsnames.ora.
 * Ask to your DBA if you don't know what it is. The latter has the
 * syntax as "//host:port/service_name".
 *   OCI8.new('scott', 'tiger', '//remote-host:1521/XE')
 * or
 *   OCI8.new('scott/tiger@//remote-host:1521/XE')
 * === connecting as a privileged user
 * Set :SYSDBA or :SYSOPER to +privilege+, otherwise
 * "username/password as sysdba" or "username/password as sysoper"
 * as a single argument.
 *   OCI8.new('sys', 'change_on_install', nil, :SYSDBA)
 * or
 *   OCI8.new('sys/change_on_install as sysdba')
 * === external OS authentication
 * Set nil to +username+ and +password+, or "/" as a single argument.
 *   OCI8.new(nil, nil)
 * or
 *   OCI8.new('/')
 * To connect to a remote host:
 *   OCI8.new(nil, nil, 'dbname')
 * or
 *   OCI8.new('/@dbname')
 * === proxy authentication
 * Enclose end user's username with square brackets and add it at the
 * end of proxy user's username.
 *   OCI8.new('proxy_user_name[end_user_name]', 'proxy_password')
 * or
 *   OCI8.new('proxy_user_name[end_user_name]/proxy_password')
static VALUE oci8_svcctx_initialize(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
    VALUE vusername;
    VALUE vpassword;
    VALUE vdbname;
    VALUE vmode;
    oci8_svcctx_t *svcctx = DATA_PTR(self);
    sword rv;
    enum logon_type_t logon_type = T_IMPLICIT;
    ub4 cred = OCI_CRED_RDBMS;
    ub4 mode = OCI_DEFAULT;
    OCISvcCtx *svchp = NULL;

    svcctx->executing_thread = Qnil;
    if (argc == 1) {
        oci8_do_parse_connect_string(argv[0], &vusername, &vpassword, &vdbname, &vmode);
    } else {
        rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "22", &vusername, &vpassword, &vdbname, &vmode);

    rb_ivar_set(self, id_at_prefetch_rows, Qnil);
    rb_ivar_set(self, id_at_username, Qnil);
    if (NIL_P(vusername) && NIL_P(vpassword)) {
        /* external credential */
        logon_type = T_EXPLICIT;
        cred = OCI_CRED_EXT;
    } else {
        /* RDBMS credential */
        OCI8SafeStringValue(vusername); /* 1 */
        OCI8SafeStringValue(vpassword); /* 2 */
    if (!NIL_P(vdbname)) {
        OCI8SafeStringValue(vdbname); /* 3 */
    if (!NIL_P(vmode)) { /* 4 */
        logon_type = T_EXPLICIT;
        Check_Type(vmode, T_SYMBOL);
        if (vmode == sym_SYSDBA) {
            mode = OCI_SYSDBA;
        } else if (vmode == sym_SYSOPER) {
            mode = OCI_SYSOPER;
        } else {
            rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "invalid privilege name %s (expect :SYSDBA or :SYSOPER)", rb_id2name(SYM2ID(vmode)));
    switch (logon_type) {
    case T_IMPLICIT:
        rv = OCILogon_nb(svcctx, oci8_envhp, oci8_errhp, &svchp,
                         RSTRING_ORATEXT(vusername), RSTRING_LEN(vusername),
                         RSTRING_ORATEXT(vpassword), RSTRING_LEN(vpassword),
                         NIL_P(vdbname) ? NULL : RSTRING_ORATEXT(vdbname),
                         NIL_P(vdbname) ? 0 : RSTRING_LEN(vdbname));
        svcctx->base.hp.svc = svchp;
        svcctx->base.type = OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX;
        svcctx->logon_type = T_IMPLICIT;
        if (rv != OCI_SUCCESS) {
            oci8_raise(oci8_errhp, rv, NULL);
    case T_EXPLICIT:
        /* allocate OCI handles. */
        rv = OCIHandleAlloc(oci8_envhp, &svcctx->base.hp.ptr, OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX, 0, 0);
        if (rv != OCI_SUCCESS)
            oci8_env_raise(oci8_envhp, rv);
        svcctx->base.type = OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX;
        rv = OCIHandleAlloc(oci8_envhp, (void*)&svcctx->authhp, OCI_HTYPE_SESSION, 0, 0);
        if (rv != OCI_SUCCESS)
            oci8_env_raise(oci8_envhp, rv);
        rv = OCIHandleAlloc(oci8_envhp, (void*)&svcctx->srvhp, OCI_HTYPE_SERVER, 0, 0);
        if (rv != OCI_SUCCESS)
            oci8_env_raise(oci8_envhp, rv);

        /* set username and password to OCISession. */
        if (cred == OCI_CRED_RDBMS) {
            oci_lc(OCIAttrSet(svcctx->authhp, OCI_HTYPE_SESSION,
                              RSTRING_PTR(vusername), RSTRING_LEN(vusername),
                              OCI_ATTR_USERNAME, oci8_errhp));
            oci_lc(OCIAttrSet(svcctx->authhp, OCI_HTYPE_SESSION,
                              RSTRING_PTR(vpassword), RSTRING_LEN(vpassword),
                              OCI_ATTR_PASSWORD, oci8_errhp));

        /* attach to server and set to OCISvcCtx. */
        rv = OCIServerAttach_nb(svcctx, svcctx->srvhp, oci8_errhp,
                                NIL_P(vdbname) ? NULL : RSTRING_ORATEXT(vdbname),
                                NIL_P(vdbname) ? 0 : RSTRING_LEN(vdbname), OCI_DEFAULT);
        if (rv != OCI_SUCCESS)
            oci8_raise(oci8_errhp, rv, NULL);
        oci_lc(OCIAttrSet(svcctx->base.hp.ptr, OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX, svcctx->srvhp, 0, OCI_ATTR_SERVER, oci8_errhp));

        /* begin session. */
        rv = OCISessionBegin_nb(svcctx, svcctx->base.hp.ptr, oci8_errhp, svcctx->authhp, cred, mode);
        if (rv != OCI_SUCCESS)
            oci8_raise(oci8_errhp, rv, NULL);
        oci_lc(OCIAttrSet(svcctx->base.hp.ptr, OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX, svcctx->authhp, 0, OCI_ATTR_SESSION, oci8_errhp));
        svcctx->logon_type = T_EXPLICIT;
    svcctx->pid = getpid();
    svcctx->is_autocommit = 0;
#ifdef RUBY_VM
    svcctx->non_blocking = 1;
    svcctx->long_read_len = INT2FIX(65535);
    return Qnil;