/* * call-seq: * onum ** other -> oranumber * * Raises <i>onum</i> the <i>other</i> power. */ static VALUE onum_power(VALUE lhs, VALUE rhs) { OCIError *errhp = oci8_errhp; OCINumber n; OCINumber r; if (FIXNUM_P(rhs)) { chkerr(OCINumberIntPower(errhp, _NUMBER(lhs), FIX2INT(rhs), &r)); } else { /* change to OCINumber */ if (!set_oci_number_from_num(&n, rhs, 0, errhp)) return rb_num_coerce_bin(lhs, rhs, id_power); chkerr(OCINumberPower(errhp, _NUMBER(lhs), &n, &r)); } return oci8_make_ocinumber(&r, errhp); }
/* 1 - success, 0 - error */ static int set_oci_number_from_num(OCINumber *result, VALUE num, int force, OCIError *errhp) { signed long sl; double dbl; if (!RTEST(rb_obj_is_kind_of(num, rb_cNumeric))) rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "expect Numeric but %s", rb_class2name(CLASS_OF(num))); if (rb_respond_to(num, id_finite_p) && !RTEST(rb_funcall(num, id_finite_p, 0))) { rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "cannot accept number which isn't finite."); } switch (rb_type(num)) { case T_FIXNUM: /* set from long. */ sl = NUM2LONG(num); oci_lc(OCINumberFromInt(errhp, &sl, sizeof(sl), OCI_NUMBER_SIGNED, result)); return 1; case T_FLOAT: /* set from double. */ dbl = NUM2DBL(num); oci_lc(OCINumberFromReal(errhp, &dbl, sizeof(dbl), result)); return 1; case T_BIGNUM: /* change via string. */ num = rb_big2str(num, 10); set_oci_number_from_str(result, num, Qnil, Qnil, errhp); return 1; } if (RTEST(rb_obj_is_instance_of(num, cOCINumber))) { /* OCI::Number */ oci_lc(OCINumberAssign(errhp, DATA_PTR(num), result)); return 1; } if (rb_respond_to(num, id_split)) { /* BigDecimal */ VALUE split = rb_funcall(num, id_split, 0); if (TYPE(split) == T_ARRAY && RARRAY_LEN(split) == 4) { /* * sign, significant_digits, base, exponent = num.split * onum = sign * "0.#{significant_digits}".to_f * (base ** exponent) */ VALUE *ary = RARRAY_PTR(split); int sign; OCINumber digits; int exponent; int digits_len; OCINumber work; /* check sign */ if (TYPE(ary[0]) != T_FIXNUM) { goto is_not_big_decimal; } sign = FIX2INT(ary[0]); /* check digits */ StringValue(ary[1]); digits_len = RSTRING_LEN(ary[1]); set_oci_number_from_str(&digits, ary[1], Qnil, Qnil, errhp); /* check base */ if (TYPE(ary[2]) != T_FIXNUM || FIX2LONG(ary[2]) != 10) { goto is_not_big_decimal; } /* check exponent */ if (TYPE(ary[3]) != T_FIXNUM) { goto is_not_big_decimal; } exponent = FIX2INT(ary[3]); if (have_OCINumberShift) { /* Oracle 8.1 or upper */ oci_lc(OCINumberShift(errhp, &digits, exponent - digits_len, &work)); } else { /* Oracle 8.0 */ int n = 10; OCINumber base; OCINumber exp; oci_lc(OCINumberFromInt(errhp, &n, sizeof(n), OCI_NUMBER_SIGNED, &base)); oci_lc(OCINumberIntPower(errhp, &base, exponent - digits_len, &exp)); oci_lc(OCINumberMul(errhp, &digits, &exp, &work)); } if (sign >= 0) { oci_lc(OCINumberAssign(errhp, &work, result)); } else { oci_lc(OCINumberNeg(errhp, &work, result)); } return 1; } } is_not_big_decimal: if (rb_respond_to(num, id_numerator) && rb_respond_to(num, id_denominator)) { /* Rational */ OCINumber numerator; OCINumber denominator; if (set_oci_number_from_num(&numerator, rb_funcall(num, id_numerator, 0), 0, errhp) && set_oci_number_from_num(&denominator, rb_funcall(num, id_denominator, 0), 0, errhp)) { oci_lc(OCINumberDiv(errhp, &numerator, &denominator, result)); return 1; } } if (force) { /* change via string as a last resort. */ /* TODO: if error, raise TypeError instead of OCI::Error */ set_oci_number_from_str(result, num, Qnil, Qnil, errhp); return 1; } return 0; }