Example #1
  void Pointcloud::writeVrml(std::string filename){

    std::ofstream outfile (filename.c_str());

    outfile << "#VRML V2.0 utf8" << std::endl;
    outfile << "Transform {" << std::endl;
    outfile << "translation 0 0 0" << std::endl;
    outfile << "rotation 0 0 0 0" << std::endl;
    outfile << "  children [" << std::endl;
    outfile << "     Shape{" << std::endl;
    outfile << "  geometry PointSet {" << std::endl;
    outfile << "      coord Coordinate {" << std::endl;
    outfile << "          point [" << std::endl;

    OCTOMAP_DEBUG_STR("PointCloud::writeVrml writing "
	      << points.size() << " points to " 
	      << filename.c_str() <<  ".");

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < (points.size()); i++){
      outfile << "\t\t" << (points[i])(0) 
	      << " " <<    (points[i])(1) 
	      <<  " " <<   (points[i])(2) 
	      << "\n";

    outfile << "                 ]" << std::endl;
    outfile << "      }" << std::endl;
    outfile << "    color Color{" << std::endl;
    outfile << "              color [" << std::endl;

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++){
      outfile << "\t\t 1.0 1.0 1.0 \n";

    outfile << "                 ]" << std::endl;
    outfile << "      }" << std::endl;

    outfile << "   }" << std::endl;
    outfile << "     }" << std::endl;

    outfile << "  ]" << std::endl;
    outfile << "}" << std::endl;

 bool AbstractOccupancyOcTree::readBinary(std::istream &s) {
   if (!s.good()){
     OCTOMAP_WARNING_STR("Input filestream not \"good\" in OcTree::readBinary");
   // check if first line valid:
   std::string line;
   std::istream::pos_type streampos = s.tellg();
   std::getline(s, line);
   unsigned size;
   double res;
   if (line.compare(0,AbstractOccupancyOcTree::binaryFileHeader.length(), AbstractOccupancyOcTree::binaryFileHeader) ==0){
     std::string id;
     if (!AbstractOcTree::readHeader(s, id, size, res))
       return false;
     OCTOMAP_DEBUG_STR("Reading binary octree type "<< id);
   } else{ // try to read old binary format:
     s.clear(); // clear eofbit of istream
     if (readBinaryLegacyHeader(s, size, res)){
       OCTOMAP_WARNING_STR("You are using an outdated binary tree file format.");
       OCTOMAP_WARNING_STR("Please convert your .bt files with convert_octree.");
     else {
       OCTOMAP_ERROR_STR("First line of OcTree file header does not start with \""<< AbstractOccupancyOcTree::binaryFileHeader<<"\"");
       return false;
   // otherwise: values are valid, stream is now at binary data!
   if (size != this->size()){
     OCTOMAP_ERROR("Tree size mismatch: # read nodes (%zu) != # expected nodes (%d)\n",this->size(), size);
     return false;
   return true;