Example #1
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]) {
    /* Initialize the seeder */

    /* Fetch inputs */
    const int T				= (int) (mxGetScalar(prhs[0]));	/* Duration of simulation in s			*/
    const int Time 			= (T+onset)*res;				/* Total number of iteration steps		*/
    double* Param_Cortex	= mxGetPr (prhs[1]);			/* Parameters of cortical module		*/
    double* Param_Thalamus	= mxGetPr (prhs[2]);			/* Parameters of thalamic module		*/
    double* Connections		= mxGetPr (prhs[3]);			/* Connectivity values C <-> T			*/
    double* var_stim	 	= mxGetPr (prhs[4]);			/* Parameters of stimulation protocol	*/

    /* Initialize the populations */
    Cortical_Column Cortex	 = Cortical_Column(Param_Cortex,   Connections);
    Thalamic_Column Thalamus = Thalamic_Column(Param_Thalamus, Connections);

    /* Link both modules */

    /* Initialize the stimulation protocol */
    Stim Stimulation(Cortex, Thalamus, var_stim);

    /* Create data containers */
    std::vector<mxArray*> dataArray;
    dataArray.push_back(GetMexArray(1, T*res/red));	// Vt
    dataArray.push_back(GetMexArray(1, T*res/red));	// Vr
    dataArray.push_back(GetMexArray(1, T*res/red));	// Ca
    dataArray.push_back(GetMexArray(1, T*res/red));	// act_h

    /* Pointer to the data blocks */
    std::vector<double*> dataPointer;
    for (mxArray* dataptr : dataArray) {

    /* Simulation */
    int count = 0;
    for (unsigned t=0; t < Time; ++t) {
        ODE (Cortex, Thalamus);
        if(t >= onset*res && t%red == 0){
            get_data(count, Cortex, Thalamus, dataPointer);

    /* Return the data containers */
    size_t numOutputs = 0;
    for (mxArray* dataptr : dataArray) {
        plhs[numOutputs++] = dataptr;
    plhs[numOutputs++] = get_marker(Stimulation);

Example #2
/* Numerical integration of the ODE using 2nd order Runge Kutta.
   Returns length^2 of the update, so that we can detect if the step
   size needs reducing. */
static double
Iterate(dvector *p, dvector(*ODE)(Par par, double x, double y, double z),
		Par par, double step)
	dvector     k1, k2, k3;
	k1 = ODE(par, p->x, p->y, p->z);
	k1.x *= step;
	k1.y *= step;
	k1.z *= step;
	k2 = ODE(par, p->x + k1.x, p->y + k1.y, p->z + k1.z);
	k2.x *= step;
	k2.y *= step;
	k2.z *= step;
	k3.x = (k1.x + k2.x) / 2.0;
	k3.y = (k1.y + k2.y) / 2.0;
	k3.z = (k1.z + k2.z) / 2.0;

	p->x += k3.x;
	p->y += k3.y;
	p->z += k3.z;

	return k3.x*k3.x + k3.y*k3.y + k3.z*k3.z;