Example #1
void CONFIG_ReadKeys ( int32 scripthandle )
    int32 i;
    int32 numkeyentries;
    int32 function;
    char keyname1[80];
    char keyname2[80];
    kb_scancode key1, key2;
    if ( scripthandle < 0 ) { return; }
    numkeyentries = SCRIPT_NumberEntries ( scripthandle, "KeyDefinitions" );
    for ( i = 0; i < numkeyentries; i++ )
        function = CONFIG_FunctionNameToNum ( ( char * ) SCRIPT_Entry ( scripthandle, "KeyDefinitions", i ) );
        if ( function != -1 )
            memset ( keyname1, 0, sizeof ( keyname1 ) );
            memset ( keyname2, 0, sizeof ( keyname2 ) );
                SCRIPT_Entry ( scripthandle, "KeyDefinitions", i ),
            key1 = 0xff;
            key2 = 0xff;
            if ( keyname1[0] )
                key1 = ( byte ) KB_StringToScanCode ( keyname1 );
            if ( keyname2[0] )
                key2 = ( byte ) KB_StringToScanCode ( keyname2 );
            KeyboardKeys[function][0] = key1;
            KeyboardKeys[function][1] = key2;
    for ( i = 0; i < NUMGAMEFUNCTIONS; i++ )
        if ( i == gamefunc_Show_Console )
            OSD_CaptureKey ( KeyboardKeys[i][0] );
        // else
        //    CONTROL_MapKey( i, KeyboardKeys[i][0], KeyboardKeys[i][1] );
Example #2
// wrapper for CONTROL_MapKey(), generates key bindings to reflect changes to keyboard setup
void CONFIG_MapKey(int32_t which, kb_scancode key1, kb_scancode oldkey1, kb_scancode key2, kb_scancode oldkey2)
    int32_t i, j, k;
    int32_t ii[] = { key1, key2, oldkey1, oldkey2 };
    char buf[2*MAXGAMEFUNCLEN];

//    CONTROL_MapKey(which, key1, key2);

    if (which == gamefunc_Show_Console)

    for (k = 0; (unsigned)k < ARRAY_SIZE(ii); k++)
        if (ii[k] == 0xff || !ii[k])

        for (j=0; ConsoleKeys[j].name; j++)
            if (ii[k] == ConsoleKeys[j].id)

        tempbuf[0] = 0;

        for (i=NUMGAMEFUNCTIONS-1; i>=0; i--)
            if (ud.config.KeyboardKeys[i][0] == ii[k] || ud.config.KeyboardKeys[i][1] == ii[k])
                Bsprintf(buf,"gamefunc_%s; ",CONFIG_FunctionNumToName(i));

        i = Bstrlen(tempbuf);
        if (i >= 2)
            tempbuf[i-2] = 0;  // cut off the trailing "; "
            CONTROL_BindKey(ii[k], tempbuf, 1, ConsoleKeys[j].name ? ConsoleKeys[j].name : "<?>");
Example #3
void CONFIG_SetDefaultKeys(const char (*keyptr)[MAXGAMEFUNCLEN])
    int32_t i,f;

    Bmemset(ud.config.KeyboardKeys, 0xff, sizeof(ud.config.KeyboardKeys));


    for (i=0; i < (int32_t)ARRAY_SIZE(keydefaults); i+=3)
        f = CONFIG_FunctionNameToNum(keyptr[i+0]);
        if (f == -1) continue;
        ud.config.KeyboardKeys[f][0] = KB_StringToScanCode(keyptr[i+1]);
        ud.config.KeyboardKeys[f][1] = KB_StringToScanCode(keyptr[i+2]);

        if (f == gamefunc_Show_Console) OSD_CaptureKey(ud.config.KeyboardKeys[f][0]);
        else CONFIG_MapKey(f, ud.config.KeyboardKeys[f][0], 0, ud.config.KeyboardKeys[f][1], 0);
Example #4
int loadsetup(const char *fn)
	scriptfile *cfg;
	char *token;
	int item;

	cfg = scriptfile_fromfile(fn);
	if (!cfg) {
		return -1;


	option[0] = 1;	// vesa all the way...
	option[1] = 1;	// sound all the way...
	option[4] = 0;	// no multiplayer
	option[5] = 0;

	while (1) {
		token = scriptfile_gettoken(cfg);
		if (!token) break;	//EOF

		for (item = 0; configspec[item].name; item++) {
			if (!Bstrcasecmp(token, configspec[item].name)) {
				// Seek past any = symbol.
				token = scriptfile_peektoken(cfg);
				if (!Bstrcasecmp("=", token)) {

				switch (configspec[item].type) {
					case type_bool: {
						int value = 0;
						if (scriptfile_getnumber(cfg, &value)) break;
						*(int*)configspec[item].store = (value != 0);
					case type_int: {
						int value = 0;
						if (scriptfile_getnumber(cfg, &value)) break;
						*(int*)configspec[item].store = value;
					case type_hex: {
						int value = 0;
						if (scriptfile_gethex(cfg, &value)) break;
						*(int*)configspec[item].store = value;
					case type_double: {
						double value = 0.0;
						if (scriptfile_getdouble(cfg, &value)) break;
						*(double*)configspec[item].store = value;
					default: {
						buildputs("loadsetup: unhandled value type\n");
		if (!configspec[item].name) {
			buildprintf("loadsetup: error on line %d\n", scriptfile_getlinum(cfg, cfg->ltextptr));

	if (tmprenderer >= 0) {
	if (tmpbrightness >= 0) {
		brightness = min(max(tmpbrightness,0),15);


	return 0;
Example #5
void CONFIG_ReadKeys( void )
   int32 i;
   int32 numkeyentries;
   int32 function;
   char keyname1[80];
   char keyname2[80];
#if 0
   kb_scancode key1,key2;
   dnKey key1, key2;

   if (scripthandle < 0) return;

   numkeyentries = SCRIPT_NumberEntries( scripthandle,"KeyDefinitions" );

#if 0
   for (i=0;i<numkeyentries;i++)
      function = CONFIG_FunctionNameToNum(SCRIPT_Entry(scripthandle,"KeyDefinitions", i ));
      if (function != -1)
            SCRIPT_Entry( scripthandle, "KeyDefinitions", i ),
         key1 = -1;
         key2 = -1;
         if (keyname1[0])
            key1 = KB_StringToScanCode( keyname1 );
         if (keyname2[0])
            key2 = KB_StringToScanCode( keyname2 );
         KeyboardKeys[function][0] = key1;
         KeyboardKeys[function][1] = key2;

   for (i=0; i<NUMGAMEFUNCTIONS; i++)
		 if (i == gamefunc_Show_Console)
            CONTROL_MapKey( i, KeyboardKeys[i][0], KeyboardKeys[i][1] );
       for (i=0;i<numkeyentries;i++)
           function = CONFIG_FunctionNameToNum(SCRIPT_Entry(scripthandle,"KeyDefinitions", i ));
           if (function != -1)
                SCRIPT_Entry( scripthandle, "KeyDefinitions", i ),
               key1 = SDLK_UNKNOWN;
               key2 = SDLK_UNKNOWN;
               if (keyname1[0])
                   key1 = dnGetKeyByName( keyname1 );
               if (keyname2[0])
                   key2 = dnGetKeyByName( keyname2 );
               dnBindFunction(function, 0, key1);
               dnBindFunction(function, 1, key2);
               KeyboardKeys[function][0] = -1;
               KeyboardKeys[function][1] = -1;
       for (i=0; i<NUMGAMEFUNCTIONS; i++)
           if (i == gamefunc_Show_Console)
               CONTROL_MapKey( i, KeyboardKeys[i][0], KeyboardKeys[i][1] );

Example #6
void CONFIG_SetDefaults( void )
	int32 i,f;
	byte k1,k2;

	FXDevice = 0;
	MusicDevice = 0;
	NumVoices = 16;
	NumChannels = 2;
	NumBits = 16;
	MixRate = 44100;
	SoundToggle = 1;
	MusicToggle = 1;
	VoiceToggle = 1;
	AmbienceToggle = 1;
	FXVolume = 220;
	MusicVolume = 200;
	ReverseStereo = 0;
	myaimmode = ps[0].aim_mode = 1;
	ud.mouseaiming = 0;
	ud.weaponswitch = 3;	// new+empty
	AutoAim = 0;
	UseJoystick = 0;
	UseMouse = 1;
	ud.mouseflip = 0;
	ud.runkey_mode = 0;
	ud.statusbarscale = 100;
	ud.screen_size = 8;
	ud.screen_tilting = 1;
	ud.shadows = 1;
	ud.detail = 1;
	ud.lockout = 0;
	ud.pwlockout[0] = '\0';
	ud.crosshair = 1;
	ud.m_marker = 1;
	ud.m_ffire = 1;
	ud.levelstats = 0;
	ud.vsync = 1;
	ud.fps_max = 120;
	ShowOpponentWeapons = 0;
	Bstrcpy(ud.rtsname, "DUKE.RTS");
	Bstrcpy(myname, "Duke");

	Bstrcpy(ud.ridecule[0], "An inspiration for birth control.");
	Bstrcpy(ud.ridecule[1], "You're gonna die for that!");
	Bstrcpy(ud.ridecule[2], "It hurts to be you.");
	Bstrcpy(ud.ridecule[3], "Lucky Son of a Bitch.");
	Bstrcpy(ud.ridecule[4], "Hmmm....Payback time.");
	Bstrcpy(ud.ridecule[5], "You bottom dwelling scum sucker.");
	Bstrcpy(ud.ridecule[6], "Damn, you're ugly.");
	Bstrcpy(ud.ridecule[7], "Ha ha ha...Wasted!");
	Bstrcpy(ud.ridecule[8], "You suck!");
	Bstrcpy(ud.ridecule[9], "AARRRGHHHHH!!!");

    #if 0
	memset(KeyboardKeys, 0xff, sizeof(KeyboardKeys));
	for (i=0; i < (int32)(sizeof(keydefaults)/sizeof(keydefaults[0])); i+=3) {
		f = CONFIG_FunctionNameToNum( keydefaults[i+0] );
		if (f == -1) continue;
		KeyboardKeys[f][0] = KB_StringToScanCode( keydefaults[i+1] );
		KeyboardKeys[f][1] = KB_StringToScanCode( keydefaults[i+2] );

		if (f == gamefunc_Show_Console) OSD_CaptureKey(KeyboardKeys[f][0]);
		else CONTROL_MapKey( f, KeyboardKeys[f][0], KeyboardKeys[f][1] );

	memset(MouseFunctions, -1, sizeof(MouseFunctions));
	for (i=0; i<MAXMOUSEBUTTONS; i++) {
		MouseFunctions[i][0] = CONFIG_FunctionNameToNum( mousedefaults[i] );
		CONTROL_MapButton( MouseFunctions[i][0], i, 0, controldevice_mouse );
		if (i>=4) continue;

		MouseFunctions[i][1] = CONFIG_FunctionNameToNum( mouseclickeddefaults[i] );
		CONTROL_MapButton( MouseFunctions[i][1], i, 1, controldevice_mouse );

	memset(MouseDigitalFunctions, -1, sizeof(MouseDigitalFunctions));
	for (i=0; i<MAXMOUSEAXES; i++) {
		MouseAnalogueScale[i] = -65536;
		CONTROL_SetAnalogAxisScale( i, MouseAnalogueScale[i], controldevice_mouse );

		MouseDigitalFunctions[i][0] = CONFIG_FunctionNameToNum( mousedigitaldefaults[i*2] );
		MouseDigitalFunctions[i][1] = CONFIG_FunctionNameToNum( mousedigitaldefaults[i*2+1] );
		CONTROL_MapDigitalAxis( i, MouseDigitalFunctions[i][0], 0, controldevice_mouse );
		CONTROL_MapDigitalAxis( i, MouseDigitalFunctions[i][1], 1, controldevice_mouse );

		MouseAnalogueAxes[i] = CONFIG_AnalogNameToNum( mouseanalogdefaults[i] );
		CONTROL_MapAnalogAxis( i, MouseAnalogueAxes[i], controldevice_mouse);

	memset(JoystickFunctions, -1, sizeof(JoystickFunctions));
	for (i=0; i<MAXJOYBUTTONS; i++) {
		JoystickFunctions[i][0] = CONFIG_FunctionNameToNum( joystickdefaults[i] );
		JoystickFunctions[i][1] = CONFIG_FunctionNameToNum( joystickclickeddefaults[i] );
		CONTROL_MapButton( JoystickFunctions[i][0], i, 0, controldevice_joystick );
		CONTROL_MapButton( JoystickFunctions[i][1], i, 1, controldevice_joystick );

	memset(JoystickDigitalFunctions, -1, sizeof(JoystickDigitalFunctions));
	for (i=0; i<MAXJOYAXES; i++) {
		JoystickAnalogueScale[i] = 65536;
		JoystickAnalogueDead[i] = 1000;
		JoystickAnalogueSaturate[i] = 9500;
		CONTROL_SetAnalogAxisScale( i, JoystickAnalogueScale[i], controldevice_joystick );

		JoystickDigitalFunctions[i][0] = CONFIG_FunctionNameToNum( joystickdigitaldefaults[i*2] );
		JoystickDigitalFunctions[i][1] = CONFIG_FunctionNameToNum( joystickdigitaldefaults[i*2+1] );
		CONTROL_MapDigitalAxis( i, JoystickDigitalFunctions[i][0], 0, controldevice_joystick );
		CONTROL_MapDigitalAxis( i, JoystickDigitalFunctions[i][1], 1, controldevice_joystick );

		JoystickAnalogueAxes[i] = CONFIG_AnalogNameToNum( joystickanalogdefaults[i] );
		CONTROL_MapAnalogAxis(i, JoystickAnalogueAxes[i], controldevice_joystick);
Example #7
int loadsetup(const char *fn)
	BFILE *fp;
#define VL 32
	char val[VL];
	int i;

	if ((fp = Bfopen(fn, "rt")) == NULL) return -1;

	if (readconfig(fp, "fullscreen", val, VL) > 0) {
		if (Batoi(val) != 0) fullscreen = 1;
		else fullscreen = 0;

	if (readconfig(fp, "resolution", val, VL) > 0) {
		i = Batoi(val) & 0x0f;
		if ((unsigned)i<13) {
			xdimgame = xdim2d = vesares[i][0];
			ydimgame = ydim2d = vesares[i][1];
	if (readconfig(fp, "2dresolution", val, VL) > 0) {
		i = Batoi(val) & 0x0f;
		if ((unsigned)i<13) {
			xdim2d = vesares[i][0];
			ydim2d = vesares[i][1];

	if (readconfig(fp, "xdim2d", val, VL) > 0) {
		xdim2d = Batoi(val);
	if (readconfig(fp, "ydim2d", val, VL) > 0) {
		ydim2d = Batoi(val);
	if (readconfig(fp, "xdim3d", val, VL) > 0) {
		xdimgame = Batoi(val);
	if (readconfig(fp, "ydim3d", val, VL) > 0) {
		ydimgame = Batoi(val);

	if (readconfig(fp, "samplerate", val, VL) > 0) {
		option[7] = (Batoi(val) & 0x0f) << 4;

	if (readconfig(fp, "music", val, VL) > 0) {
		if (Batoi(val) != 0) option[2] = 1;
		else option[2] = 0;

	if (readconfig(fp, "mouse", val, VL) > 0) {
		if (Batoi(val) != 0) option[3] = 1;
		else option[3] = 0;

	if (readconfig(fp, "bpp", val, VL) > 0) {
		bppgame = Batoi(val);
	if (readconfig(fp, "renderer", val, VL) > 0) {
		i = Batoi(val);

	if (readconfig(fp, "brightness", val, VL) > 0) {
		brightness = min(max(Batoi(val),0),15);

	if (readconfig(fp, "maxrefreshfreq", val, VL) > 0) {
		maxrefreshfreq = Batoi(val);

	option[0] = 1;	// vesa all the way...
	option[1] = 1;	// sound all the way...
	option[4] = 0;	// no multiplayer
	option[5] = 0;

	if (readconfig(fp, "keyforward", val, VL) > 0) keys[0] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16);
	if (readconfig(fp, "keybackward", val, VL) > 0) keys[1] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16);
	if (readconfig(fp, "keyturnleft", val, VL) > 0) keys[2] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16);
	if (readconfig(fp, "keyturnright", val, VL) > 0) keys[3] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16);
	if (readconfig(fp, "keyrun", val, VL) > 0) keys[4] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16);
	if (readconfig(fp, "keystrafe", val, VL) > 0) keys[5] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16);
	if (readconfig(fp, "keyfire", val, VL) > 0) keys[6] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16);
	if (readconfig(fp, "keyuse", val, VL) > 0) keys[7] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16);
	if (readconfig(fp, "keystandhigh", val, VL) > 0) keys[8] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16);
	if (readconfig(fp, "keystandlow", val, VL) > 0) keys[9] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16);
	if (readconfig(fp, "keylookup", val, VL) > 0) keys[10] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16);
	if (readconfig(fp, "keylookdown", val, VL) > 0) keys[11] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16);
	if (readconfig(fp, "keystrafeleft", val, VL) > 0) keys[12] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16);
	if (readconfig(fp, "keystraferight", val, VL) > 0) keys[13] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16);
	if (readconfig(fp, "key2dmode", val, VL) > 0) keys[14] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16);
	if (readconfig(fp, "keyviewcycle", val, VL) > 0) keys[15] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16);
	if (readconfig(fp, "key2dzoomin", val, VL) > 0) keys[16] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16);
	if (readconfig(fp, "key2dzoomout", val, VL) > 0) keys[17] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16);
	if (readconfig(fp, "keychat", val, VL) > 0) keys[18] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16);
	if (readconfig(fp, "keyconsole", val, VL) > 0) { keys[19] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16); OSD_CaptureKey(keys[19]); }

	if (readconfig(fp, "mousesensitivity", val, VL) > 0) msens = Bstrtod(val, NULL);


	return 0;
Example #8
int32_t loadsetup(const char *fn)
    BFILE *fp;
#define VL 1024
    char val[VL];
    int32_t i;

    if ((fp = Bfopen(fn, "rt")) == NULL) return -1;

    if (readconfig(fp, "forcesetup", val, VL) > 0) { if (atoi_safe(val) != 0) forcesetup = 1; else forcesetup = 0; }
    if (readconfig(fp, "fullscreen", val, VL) > 0) { if (atoi_safe(val) != 0) fullscreen = 1; else fullscreen = 0; }
    if (readconfig(fp, "resolution", val, VL) > 0)
        i = atoi_safe(val) & 0x0f;
        if ((unsigned)i<13) { xdimgame = xdim2d = vesares[i][0]; ydimgame = ydim2d = vesares[i][1]; }
    if (readconfig(fp, "2dresolution", val, VL) > 0)
        i = atoi_safe(val) & 0x0f;
        if ((unsigned)i<13) { xdim2d = vesares[i][0]; ydim2d = vesares[i][1]; }
    if (readconfig(fp, "xdim2d", val, VL) > 0) xdim2d = atoi_safe(val);
    if (readconfig(fp, "ydim2d", val, VL) > 0) ydim2d = atoi_safe(val);
    if (readconfig(fp, "xdim3d", val, VL) > 0) xdimgame = atoi_safe(val);
    if (readconfig(fp, "ydim3d", val, VL) > 0) ydimgame = atoi_safe(val);
//    if (readconfig(fp, "samplerate", val, VL) > 0) option[7] = (atoi_safe(val) & 0x0f) << 4;
//    if (readconfig(fp, "music", val, VL) > 0) { if (atoi_safe(val) != 0) option[2] = 1; else option[2] = 0; }
//    if (readconfig(fp, "mouse", val, VL) > 0) { if (atoi_safe(val) != 0) option[3] = 1; else option[3] = 0; }
    if (readconfig(fp, "bpp", val, VL) > 0) bppgame = atoi_safe(val);
    if (readconfig(fp, "vsync", val, VL) > 0) vsync = !!atoi_safe(val);
    if (readconfig(fp, "editorgridextent", val, VL) > 0)
        int32_t tmp = atoi_safe(val);
        editorgridextent = clamp(tmp, 65536, BXY_MAX);

    if (readconfig(fp, "grid", val, VL) > 0)
        grid = atoi_safe(val);
        default_grid = grid;
        autogrid = (grid==9);
        grid = clamp(grid, 0, 8);
#ifdef POLYMER
    if (readconfig(fp, "rendmode", val, VL) > 0) { i = atoi_safe(val); glrendmode = i; }
    if (readconfig(fp, "vid_gamma", val, VL) > 0) vid_gamma = clampd(Bstrtod(val, NULL), 0.0, 10.0);
    if (readconfig(fp, "vid_brightness", val, VL) > 0) vid_brightness = clampd(Bstrtod(val, NULL), 0.0, 10.0);
    if (readconfig(fp, "vid_contrast", val, VL) > 0) vid_contrast = clampd(Bstrtod(val, NULL), 0.0, 10.0);
    if (readconfig(fp, "maxrefreshfreq", val, VL) > 0) maxrefreshfreq = atoi_safe(val);
    if (readconfig(fp, "usemodels", val, VL) > 0) usemodels = !!atoi_safe(val);
    if (readconfig(fp, "usehightile", val, VL) > 0) usehightile = !!atoi_safe(val);
    if (readconfig(fp, "lazytileselector", val, VL) > 0) g_lazy_tileselector = !!atoi_safe(val);

    glusetexcache = -1;
    if (readconfig(fp, "glusetexcache", val, VL) > 0)
        glusetexcache = clamp(atoi_safe(val), 0, 2);
    if (readconfig(fp, "glusememcache", val, VL) > 0)
        glusememcache = !!atoi_safe(val);
    if (readconfig(fp, "gltexfiltermode", val, VL) > 0)
        gltexfiltermode = atoi_safe(val);
    if (readconfig(fp, "glanisotropy", val, VL) > 0)
        glanisotropy = atoi_safe(val);
    if (readconfig(fp, "r_downsize", val, VL) > 0)
        r_downsize = atoi_safe(val);
        r_downsize = clamp(r_downsize, 0, 5);
        r_downsizevar = r_downsize;
    if (readconfig(fp, "r_texcompr", val, VL) > 0)
        glusetexcompr = !!atoi_safe(val);
    if (readconfig(fp, "r_shadescale", val, VL) > 0)
        shadescale = clampd(Bstrtod(val, NULL), 0.0, 10.0);
    if (readconfig(fp, "r_usenewshading", val, VL) > 0)
        r_usenewshading = clamp(atoi_safe(val), 0, 2);
    if (readconfig(fp, "r_usenewaspect", val, VL) > 0)
        r_usenewaspect = !!atoi_safe(val);
    if (readconfig(fp, "r_screenxy", val, VL) > 0)
        r_screenxy = clamp(atoi_safe(val), 0, 9999);
        if (r_screenxy/100==0 || r_screenxy%100==0)
            r_screenxy = 403;
    if (readconfig(fp, "gameexecutable", val, VL) > 0)
        Bstrcpy(game_executable, val);

//    option[0] = 1;	// vesa all the way...
//    option[1] = 1;	// sound all the way...
//    option[4] = 0;	// no multiplayer
//    option[5] = 0;

#if 1
    if (readconfig(fp, "keyforward", val, VL) > 0) keys[0] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16);
    if (readconfig(fp, "keybackward", val, VL) > 0) keys[1] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16);
    if (readconfig(fp, "keyturnleft", val, VL) > 0) keys[2] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16);
    if (readconfig(fp, "keyturnright", val, VL) > 0) keys[3] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16);
    if (readconfig(fp, "keyrun", val, VL) > 0) keys[4] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16);
    if (readconfig(fp, "keystrafe", val, VL) > 0) keys[5] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16);
    if (readconfig(fp, "keyfire", val, VL) > 0) keys[6] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16);
    if (readconfig(fp, "keyuse", val, VL) > 0) keys[7] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16);
    if (readconfig(fp, "keystandhigh", val, VL) > 0) keys[8] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16);
    if (readconfig(fp, "keystandlow", val, VL) > 0) keys[9] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16);
    if (readconfig(fp, "keylookup", val, VL) > 0) keys[10] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16);
    if (readconfig(fp, "keylookdown", val, VL) > 0) keys[11] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16);
    if (readconfig(fp, "keystrafeleft", val, VL) > 0) keys[12] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16);
    if (readconfig(fp, "keystraferight", val, VL) > 0) keys[13] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16);
    if (readconfig(fp, "key2dmode", val, VL) > 0) keys[14] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16);
    if (readconfig(fp, "keyviewcycle", val, VL) > 0) keys[15] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16);
    if (readconfig(fp, "key2dzoomin", val, VL) > 0) keys[16] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16);
    if (readconfig(fp, "key2dzoomout", val, VL) > 0) keys[17] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16);
    if (readconfig(fp, "keychat", val, VL) > 0) keys[18] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16);

    if (readconfig(fp, "windowpositioning", val, VL) > 0) windowpos = atoi_safe(val);
    windowx = -1;
    if (readconfig(fp, "windowposx", val, VL) > 0) windowx = atoi_safe(val);
    windowy = -1;
    if (readconfig(fp, "windowposy", val, VL) > 0) windowy = atoi_safe(val);

    if (readconfig(fp, "keyconsole", val, VL) > 0) { keys[19] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16); OSD_CaptureKey(keys[19]); }

    if (readconfig(fp, "mousesensitivity", val, VL) > 0) msens = Bstrtod(val, NULL);

    if (readconfig(fp, "mousenavigation", val, VL) > 0) unrealedlook = !!atoi_safe(val);

    if (readconfig(fp, "mousenavigationaccel", val, VL) > 0) pk_uedaccel = atoi_safe(val);

    if (readconfig(fp, "quickmapcycling", val, VL) > 0) quickmapcycling = !!atoi_safe(val);

    if (readconfig(fp, "sideview_reversehorizrot", val, VL) > 0) sideview_reversehrot = !!atoi_safe(val);
    if (readconfig(fp, "revertCTRL", val, VL) > 0) revertCTRL = !!atoi_safe(val);

    if (readconfig(fp, "scrollamount", val, VL) > 0) scrollamount = atoi_safe(val);

    if (readconfig(fp, "turnaccel", val, VL) > 0) pk_turnaccel = atoi_safe(val);

    if (readconfig(fp, "turndecel", val, VL) > 0) pk_turndecel = atoi_safe(val);

    if (readconfig(fp, "autosavesec", val, VL) > 0) autosave = max(0, atoi_safe(val));
    if (readconfig(fp, "autocorruptchecksec", val, VL) > 0) autocorruptcheck = max(0, atoi_safe(val));
    if (readconfig(fp, "corruptcheck_noalreadyrefd", val, VL) > 0)
        corruptcheck_noalreadyrefd = !!atoi_safe(val);
    if (readconfig(fp, "fixmaponsave_sprites", val, VL) > 0)
        fixmaponsave_sprites = !!atoi_safe(val);
    if (readconfig(fp, "keeptexturestretch", val, VL) > 0)
        keeptexturestretch = !!atoi_safe(val);

    if (readconfig(fp, "showheightindicators", val, VL) > 0)
        showheightindicators = clamp(atoi_safe(val), 0, 2);
    if (readconfig(fp, "showambiencesounds", val, VL) > 0)
        showambiencesounds = clamp(atoi_safe(val), 0, 2);

    if (readconfig(fp, "autogray", val, VL) > 0)
        autogray = !!atoi_safe(val);
//    if (readconfig(fp, "showinnergray", val, VL) > 0)
//        showinnergray = !!atoi_safe(val);

    if (readconfig(fp, "graphicsmode", val, VL) > 0)
        graphicsmode = clamp(atoi_safe(val), 0, 2);

    if (readconfig(fp, "samplerate", val, VL) > 0) MixRate = clamp(atoi_safe(val), 8000, 48000);
    if (readconfig(fp, "ambiencetoggle", val, VL) > 0) AmbienceToggle = !!atoi_safe(val);
    if (readconfig(fp, "parlock", val, VL) > 0) ParentalLock = !!atoi_safe(val);

    if (readconfig(fp, "osdtryscript", val, VL) > 0) m32_osd_tryscript = !!atoi_safe(val);

    for (i=0; i<256; i++)

    if (readconfig(fp, "remap", val, VL) > 0)
        char *p=val; int32_t v1,v2;
        while (*p)
            if (!sscanf(p,"%x",&v1))break;
            if ((p=strchr(p,'-'))==0)break; p++;
            if (!sscanf(p,"%x",&v2))break;
            initprintf("Remap %X key to %X\n",v1,v2);
            if ((p=strchr(p,','))==0)break; p++;

    // load m32script history
    for (i=0; i<SCRIPTHISTSIZ; i++)
        Bsprintf(val, "hist%d", i);
        if (readconfig(fp, val, val, VL) <= 0)

        scripthist[i] = Bstrdup(val);

    scripthistend = i;

    // copy script history into OSD history
    for (i=0; i<min(scripthistend, OSD_HISTORYDEPTH); i++)
        Bstrncpyz(osdhistorybuf[i], scripthist[scripthistend-1-i], OSD_EDITLENGTH+1);


    scripthistend %= SCRIPTHISTSIZ;


    return 0;