Example #1
GOOD_OR_BAD OWQ_allocate_write_buffer( const char * write_buffer, size_t buffer_length, off_t offset, struct one_wire_query * owq )
	char * buffer_copy ;
	if ( buffer_length == 0 ) {
		// Buffer size is zero. Allowed, but make it NULL and no cleanup needed.
		OWQ_size(owq) = 0 ;
		OWQ_offset(owq) = 0 ;
		return gbGOOD ;
	buffer_copy = owmalloc( buffer_length+1) ;
	if ( buffer_copy == NULL) {
		// cannot allocate space for buffer
		LEVEL_DEBUG("Cannot allocate %ld bytes for buffer", buffer_length) ;
		OWQ_size(owq) = 0 ;
		OWQ_offset(owq) = 0 ;
		return gbBAD ;
	memcpy( buffer_copy, write_buffer, buffer_length) ;
	buffer_copy[buffer_length] = '\0' ; // make sure it's zero-ended
	OWQ_buffer(owq) = buffer_copy ;
	OWQ_size(owq)   = buffer_length ;
	OWQ_length(owq) = buffer_length ;
	OWQ_offset(owq) = offset ;
	OWQ_cleanup(owq) |= owq_cleanup_buffer ; // buffer needs cleanup
	return gbGOOD ;
Example #2
ZERO_OR_ERROR COMMON_offset_process( ZERO_OR_ERROR (*func) (struct one_wire_query *), struct one_wire_query * owq, off_t shift_offset)
	ZERO_OR_ERROR func_return_value ;

	OWQ_offset(owq) += shift_offset ;
	func_return_value = func(owq) ;
	OWQ_offset(owq) -= shift_offset ;

	return func_return_value ;
static ZERO_OR_ERROR OW_read_external_script( struct sensor_node * sensor_n, struct property_node * property_n, struct one_wire_query * owq )
	char cmd[PATH_MAX+1] ;
	struct parsedname * pn = PN(owq) ;
	FILE * script_f ;
	int snp_return ;
	// load the command script and arguments
	if ( pn->sparse_name == NULL ) {
		// not a text sparse name
		snp_return =
		snprintf( cmd, PATH_MAX+1, "%s %s %s %d %s %d %d %s %s",
			property_n->read, // command
			sensor_n->name, // sensor name
			property_n->property, // property,
			pn->extension, // extension
			"read", // mode
			(int) OWQ_size(owq), // size
			(int) OWQ_offset(owq), // offset
			sensor_n->data, // sensor-specific data
			property_n->data // property-specific data
		) ;
	} else {
		snp_return =
		snprintf( cmd, PATH_MAX+1, "%s %s %s %s %s %d %d %s %s",
			property_n->read, // command
			sensor_n->name, // sensor name
			property_n->property, // property,
			pn->sparse_name, // extension
			"read", // mode
			(int) OWQ_size(owq), // size
			(int) OWQ_offset(owq), // offset
			sensor_n->data, // sensor-specific data
			property_n->data // property-specific data
		) ;

	if ( snp_return < 0 ) {
		LEVEL_DEBUG("Problem creating script string for %s/%s",sensor_n->name,property_n->property) ;
		return -EINVAL ;
	script_f = popen( cmd, "r" ) ;
	if ( script_f == NULL ) {
		ERROR_DEBUG("Cannot create external program link for reading %s/%s",sensor_n->name,property_n->property);
		return -EIO ;
	zoe = OW_script_read( script_f, owq ) ;
	fclose( script_f ) ;
	return zoe ;
Example #4
void OWQ_create_temporary(struct one_wire_query *owq_temporary, char *buffer, size_t size, off_t offset, struct parsedname *pn)
	OWQ_buffer(owq_temporary) = buffer;
	OWQ_size(owq_temporary) = size;
	OWQ_offset(owq_temporary) = offset;
	memcpy(PN(owq_temporary), pn, sizeof(struct parsedname));
Example #5
static ZERO_OR_ERROR FS_w_TS(struct one_wire_query *owq)
	ZERO_OR_ERROR ret = 0;
	if (OWQ_size(owq) == 0 || OWQ_offset(owq) > 0) {
		return 0;				/* do nothing */

	switch (OWQ_buffer(owq)[0]) {
	case 'C':
	case 'c':
		Globals.temp_scale = temp_celsius ;
	case 'F':
	case 'f':
		Globals.temp_scale = temp_fahrenheit ;
	case 'R':
	case 'r':
		Globals.temp_scale = temp_rankine ;
	case 'K':
	case 'k':
		Globals.temp_scale = temp_kelvin ;
		ret = -EINVAL;
	SetLocalControlFlags() ;
	return ret;
Example #6
/* Put a string ionto the OWQ structure and return the length
   check lengths and offsets as part of the process */
static SIZE_OR_ERROR OWQ_parse_output_offset_and_size(const char *string, size_t length, struct one_wire_query *owq)
	size_t copy_length = length;
	off_t offset = OWQ_offset(owq);
	Debug_Bytes("OWQ_parse_output_offset_and_size", (const BYTE *) string, length);

	/* offset is after the length of the string -- return 0 since
	   some conditions a read after the end is done automatically */
	if (offset > (off_t) length) {
		return 0;

	/* correct length for offset (cannot be negative because of previous check) */
	copy_length -= offset;

	/* correct length for buffer space */
	if (copy_length > OWQ_size(owq)) {
		copy_length = OWQ_size(owq);

	/* and copy */
	memcpy(OWQ_buffer(owq), &string[offset], copy_length);
	// Warning, this will overwrite the I U or DATA value, 
	// but that shouldn't matter since it's only called on ascii values
	// and all structure values
	OWQ_length(owq) = copy_length;

	return copy_length;
Example #7
/* Use an single OWQ as a template for the aggregate one */
struct one_wire_query * OWQ_create_aggregate( struct one_wire_query * owq_single )
    int sz = sizeof( struct one_wire_query ) + OWQ_DEFAULT_READ_BUFFER_SIZE;
	struct one_wire_query * owq_all = owmalloc( sz );
	LEVEL_DEBUG("%s with extension ALL", PN(owq_single)->path);

	if ( owq_all == NO_ONE_WIRE_QUERY) {
		LEVEL_DEBUG("No memory to create object for extension ALL") ;
		return NO_ONE_WIRE_QUERY ;
	memset(owq_all, 0, sz);
	OWQ_cleanup(owq_all) = owq_cleanup_owq ;
	memcpy( PN(owq_all), PN(owq_single), sizeof(struct parsedname) ) ;
	PN(owq_all)->extension = EXTENSION_ALL ;
	OWQ_buffer(owq_all) = (char *) (& owq_all[1]) ; // point just beyond the one_wire_query struct
	OWQ_offset(owq_all) = 0 ;
	if ( BAD( OWQ_allocate_array(owq_all)) ) {
		return NO_ONE_WIRE_QUERY ;
	return owq_all ;
Example #8
/* cm.ret is also set to an error <0 or the read length */
void *ReadHandler(struct handlerdata *hd, struct client_msg *cm, struct one_wire_query *owq)
	BYTE * retbuffer = NULL ;
	SIZE_OR_ERROR read_or_error;

	LEVEL_DEBUG("ReadHandler start");
	if (hd == NULL || owq == NULL || cm == NULL) {
		LEVEL_DEBUG("ReadHandler: illegal null inputs hd==%p owq==%p cm==%p", hd, owq, cm);
		return NULL;			// only sane response for bad inputs

	LEVEL_DEBUG("ReadHandler: From Client sm->payload=%d sm->size=%d sm->offset=%d", hd->sm.payload, hd->sm.size, hd->sm.offset);

	if (hd->sm.payload >= PATH_MAX) {
		cm->ret = -EMSGSIZE;
	} else if ((hd->sm.size <= 0) || (hd->sm.size > MAX_OWSERVER_PROTOCOL_PAYLOAD_SIZE)) {
		cm->ret = -EMSGSIZE;
		LEVEL_DEBUG("ReadHandler: error hd->sm.size == %d", hd->sm.size);
	} else if ( BAD( OWQ_allocate_read_buffer(owq)) ) {	// allocate read buffer
		LEVEL_DEBUG("ReadHandler: can't allocate memory");
		cm->ret = -ENOBUFS;
	} else {
		struct parsedname *pn = PN(owq);

		if ( OWQ_size(owq) > (size_t) hd->sm.size ) {
			OWQ_size(owq) = hd->sm.size ;
		OWQ_offset(owq) = hd->sm.offset ;

		LEVEL_DEBUG("ReadHandler: call FS_read_postparse on %s", pn->path);
		read_or_error = FS_read_postparse(owq);
		LEVEL_DEBUG("ReadHandler: FS_read_postparse read on %s return = %d", pn->path, read_or_error);


		if (read_or_error <= 0) {
			LEVEL_DEBUG("ReadHandler: FS_read_postparse error %d", read_or_error);
			cm->ret = read_or_error;
		} else {
			LEVEL_DEBUG("ReadHandler: FS_read_postparse ok size=%d", read_or_error);
			// make return size smaller (just large enough)
			cm->payload = read_or_error;
			cm->offset = hd->sm.offset;
			cm->size = read_or_error;
			cm->ret = read_or_error;
			/* Move this pointer, and let owfree remove it instead of OWQ_destroy() */
			retbuffer = (BYTE *)OWQ_buffer(owq);
			OWQ_buffer(owq) = NULL;
	LEVEL_DEBUG("ReadHandler: To Client cm->payload=%d cm->size=%d cm->offset=%d", cm->payload, cm->size, cm->offset);
	if ((cm->size > 0)) {
		Debug_Bytes("Data returned to client",(BYTE *) OWQ_buffer(owq),cm->size) ;
	return retbuffer;
Example #9
/* If offset is too large, size is set to 0 */
static void adjust_file_size(struct one_wire_query *owq)
	size_t file_length = 0;

	/* Adjust file length -- especially important for fuse which uses 4k buffers */
	/* First file filelength */
	file_length = FullFileLength(PN(owq));

	/* next adjust for offset */
	if ((unsigned long) OWQ_offset(owq) >= (unsigned long) file_length) {
		// This check is done in OWQ_parse_output() too, since it's always called when this function
		OWQ_size(owq) = 0 ;           // this is status ok... but 0 bytes were read...
	} else if ( OWQ_size(owq) + OWQ_offset(owq) > file_length ) {
		// Finally adjust buffer length
		OWQ_size(owq) = file_length - OWQ_offset(owq) ;
	LEVEL_DEBUG("file_length=%lu offset=%lu size=%lu",
				(unsigned long) file_length, (unsigned long) OWQ_offset(owq), (unsigned long) OWQ_size(owq));
Example #10
/* Create the Parsename structure and load the relevant fields */
struct one_wire_query * OWQ_create_sibling(const char *sibling, struct one_wire_query *owq_original)
	char path[PATH_MAX] ;
	struct parsedname * pn_original = PN(owq_original) ;
	int dirlength = pn_original->dirlength ;
	struct one_wire_query * owq_sib ;

	strncpy(path, pn_original->path,dirlength) ;
	strcpy(&path[dirlength],sibling) ;
	if ( pn_original->selected_filetype == NO_FILETYPE ) {
		if ( pn_original->subdir == NO_SUBDIR ) {
			// not a filetype or a subdir
			return NO_ONE_WIRE_QUERY ;
	// Add extension only if original property is aggregate
	} else if ( pn_original->selected_filetype->ag != NON_AGGREGATE ) {
		// search for sibling in the filetype array
		struct filetype * sib_filetype = bsearch(sibling, pn_original->selected_device->filetype_array,
				 (size_t) pn_original->selected_device->count_of_filetypes, sizeof(struct filetype), filetype_cmp) ;
		// see if sibling is also an aggregate property
		LEVEL_DEBUG("Path %s is an agggregate",SAFESTRING(pn_original->path));
		if ( sib_filetype != NO_FILETYPE && sib_filetype->ag != NON_AGGREGATE ) {
			char * aggregate_point = path + strlen(path) ;
			LEVEL_DEBUG("Sibling is also an aggregate",sibling);
			if (pn_original->extension == EXTENSION_BYTE ) {
				strcpy( aggregate_point, ".BYTE" ) ;
			} else if (pn_original->extension == EXTENSION_ALL ) {
				strcpy( aggregate_point, ".ALL" ) ;
			} else if (sib_filetype->ag->letters == ag_letters) {
				snprintf(aggregate_point, OW_FULLNAME_MAX, ".%c", pn_original->extension + 'A');
			} else {
				snprintf(aggregate_point, OW_FULLNAME_MAX, ".%d", pn_original->extension );
	LEVEL_DEBUG("Create sibling %s from %s as %s", sibling, pn_original->path,path);

	owq_sib = OWQ_create_from_path(path) ;
	if ( owq_sib != NO_ONE_WIRE_QUERY ) {
		// Sib has no offset
		OWQ_offset(owq_sib) = 0 ;
		// Make uncached as restrictive as original
		// Make unaliased as restrictive as original
		PN(owq_sib)->state |= (pn_original->state & (ePS_uncached|ePS_unaliased) ) ;
		return owq_sib ;
Example #11
static ZERO_OR_ERROR FS_w_screenX(struct one_wire_query *owq)
	struct one_wire_query * owq_line ;
	int extension;

	struct parsedname *pn = PN(owq);

	int width = pn->selected_filetype->data.i;
	int rows = (width == 40) ? 2 : 4;	/* max number of rows */
	char *start_of_remaining_text = OWQ_buffer(owq);
	char *pointer_after_all_text = OWQ_buffer(owq) + OWQ_size(owq);

	if (OWQ_offset(owq)) {
		return -ERANGE;

	if (BAD( OW_clear(pn) ) ) {
		return -EFAULT;

	owq_line = OWQ_create_separate( 0, owq ) ;
	if ( owq_line == NO_ONE_WIRE_QUERY ) {
		return -ENOMEM ;

	for (extension = 0; extension < rows; ++extension) {
		char *newline_location = memchr(start_of_remaining_text, '\n',
										pointer_after_all_text - start_of_remaining_text);
		OWQ_pn(owq_line).extension = extension;
		OWQ_buffer(owq_line) = start_of_remaining_text;
		if ((newline_location != NULL)
			&& (newline_location < start_of_remaining_text + width)) {
			OWQ_size(owq_line) = newline_location - start_of_remaining_text;
			start_of_remaining_text = newline_location + 1;	/* skip over newline */
		} else {
			char *lineend_location = start_of_remaining_text + width;
			if (lineend_location > pointer_after_all_text) {
				lineend_location = pointer_after_all_text;
			OWQ_size(owq_line) = lineend_location - start_of_remaining_text;
			start_of_remaining_text = lineend_location;
		if (FS_w_lineX(owq_line)) {
			OWQ_destroy( owq_line ) ;
			return -EINVAL;
		if (start_of_remaining_text >= pointer_after_all_text)
	OWQ_destroy( owq_line ) ;
	return 0;
Example #12
void _print_owq(struct one_wire_query *owq)
	char c[32];
	fprintf(stderr,"OWQ OneWireQuery structure of %s\n", PN(owq)->path);
	fprintf(stderr,"    OneWireQuery size=%lu offset=%lu, extension=%d\n",
		   (unsigned long) OWQ_size(owq), (unsigned long) OWQ_offset(owq), (int) OWQ_pn(owq).extension);
	if ( OWQ_buffer(owq) != NULL ) {
		Debug_Bytes("OneWireQuery buffer", (BYTE *) OWQ_buffer(owq), OWQ_size(owq));
	fprintf(stderr,"    Cleanup = %.4X",OWQ_cleanup(owq));
	fprintf(stderr,"    OneWireQuery I=%d U=%u F=%G Y=%d D=%s\n", OWQ_I(owq), OWQ_U(owq), OWQ_F(owq), OWQ_Y(owq), SAFESTRING(ctime_r(&OWQ_D(owq), c)));
	fprintf(stderr,"--- OneWireQuery done\n");
Example #13
static ZERO_OR_ERROR FS_redefchar(struct one_wire_query *owq)
	struct parsedname *pn = PN(owq);
	if ( OWQ_size(owq) != LCD_REDEFCHAR_LENGTH ) {
		return -ERANGE ;
	if ( OWQ_offset(owq) != 0 ) {
		return -ERANGE ;
	return GB_to_Z_OR_E( OW_redefchar( OWQ_buffer(owq), pn ) ) ;
Example #14
void OWQ_assign_write_buffer(const char *buffer, size_t size, off_t offset, struct one_wire_query *owq)
	// OWQ_buffer used for both read (non-const) and write (const)
#if ( __GNUC__ > 4 ) || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ > 4 )
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wcast-qual"
	OWQ_buffer(owq) = (char *) buffer;
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
	OWQ_buffer(owq) = (char *) buffer;
	OWQ_size(owq) = size;
	OWQ_offset(owq) = offset;
Example #15
static ZERO_OR_ERROR FS_w_port_raw(struct one_wire_query *owq)
	BYTE *buf = (BYTE *) OWQ_buffer(owq);
    size_t len = OWQ_size(owq);
	if (OWQ_offset(owq) != 0)
		return -EINVAL; /* ignore? */

	// Hack for testing, otherwise we'll not be able to clear a port using owwrite.
	if(len == 1 && (*buf == '0' || *buf == '1')) {
		*buf -= '0';

	return GB_to_Z_OR_E( OW_w_std( buf,len, M_PORT,OWQ_pn(owq).extension, PN(owq)) ) ;
Example #16
/* No CRC -- 0xF0 code */
GOOD_OR_BAD COMMON_read_memory_F0(struct one_wire_query *owq, size_t page, size_t pagesize)
	off_t offset = OWQ_offset(owq) + page * pagesize;
	BYTE p[3] = { _1W_READ_F0, LOW_HIGH_ADDRESS(offset), };
	struct transaction_log t[] = {
		TRXN_READ((BYTE *) OWQ_buffer(owq), OWQ_size(owq)),

	return BUS_transaction(t, PN(owq));
Example #17
/* Higher level add of a one-wire-query object */
GOOD_OR_BAD OWQ_Cache_Add(const struct one_wire_query *owq)
	const struct parsedname *pn = PN(owq);
	if (pn->extension == EXTENSION_ALL) {
		switch (pn->selected_filetype->format) {
		case ft_ascii:
		case ft_vascii:
		case ft_alias:
		case ft_binary:
			return gbBAD;			// cache of string arrays not supported
		case ft_integer:
		case ft_unsigned:
		case ft_yesno:
		case ft_date:
		case ft_float:
		case ft_pressure:
		case ft_temperature:
		case ft_tempgap:
			LEVEL_DEBUG("Adding data for %s", SAFESTRING(pn->path) );
			return Cache_Add(OWQ_array(owq), (pn->selected_filetype->ag->elements) * sizeof(union value_object), pn);
			return gbBAD;
	} else {
		switch (pn->selected_filetype->format) {
		case ft_ascii:
		case ft_vascii:
		case ft_alias:
		case ft_binary:
			if (OWQ_offset(owq) > 0) {
				return gbBAD;
			LEVEL_DEBUG("Adding data for %s", SAFESTRING(pn->path) );
			return Cache_Add(OWQ_buffer(owq), OWQ_length(owq), pn);
		case ft_integer:
		case ft_unsigned:
		case ft_yesno:
		case ft_date:
		case ft_float:
		case ft_pressure:
		case ft_temperature:
		case ft_tempgap:
			LEVEL_DEBUG("Adding data for %s", SAFESTRING(pn->path) );
			return Cache_Add(&OWQ_val(owq), sizeof(union value_object), pn);
			return gbBAD;
Example #18
static ZERO_OR_ERROR FS_redefchar_hex(struct one_wire_query *owq)
	struct parsedname *pn = PN(owq);
	if ( OWQ_size(owq) != LCD_REDEFCHAR_LENGTH * 2 ) {
		return -ERANGE ;
	if ( OWQ_offset(owq) != 0 ) {
		return -ERANGE ;
	string2bytes( OWQ_buffer(owq), data, LCD_REDEFCHAR_LENGTH ) ;
	return GB_to_Z_OR_E( OW_redefchar( OWQ_buffer(owq), pn ) ) ;
Example #19
// Handles: ALL
static ZERO_OR_ERROR FS_write_in_parts( struct one_wire_query *owq_all )
	struct one_wire_query * owq_part = OWQ_create_separate( 0, owq_all ) ;
	struct parsedname *pn = PN(owq_all);
	size_t elements = pn->selected_filetype->ag->elements;
	size_t extension ;
	char *buffer_pointer;
	ZERO_OR_ERROR z_or_e = 0 ;
	// Create a "single" OWQ copy to iterate with
	if ( owq_part == NO_ONE_WIRE_QUERY ) {
		return -ENOENT ;

	// create a buffer for certain types
	// point to 0th element's buffer first
	buffer_pointer = OWQ_buffer(owq_all);
	OWQ_size(owq_part) = FileLength(PN(owq_part));
	OWQ_offset(owq_part) = 0;

	// loop through all eloements
	for (extension = 0; extension < elements; ++extension) {
		ZERO_OR_ERROR single_write;

		switch (pn->selected_filetype->format) {
		case ft_ascii:
		case ft_vascii:
		case ft_alias:
		case ft_binary:
			OWQ_length(owq_part) = OWQ_array_length(owq_all,extension) ;
			OWQ_buffer(owq_part) = buffer_pointer;
			buffer_pointer += OWQ_length(owq_part);
			memcpy(&OWQ_val(owq_part), &OWQ_array(owq_all)[extension], sizeof(union value_object));

		OWQ_pn(owq_part).extension = extension;
		single_write = FS_write_owq(owq_part);

		if (single_write != 0) {
			z_or_e = single_write ;

	return z_or_e;
Example #20
ZERO_OR_ERROR FS_read_tester(struct one_wire_query *owq)
	switch (OWQ_pn(owq).extension) {
	case EXTENSION_ALL:		/* array */
		if (OWQ_offset(owq)) {
			return 0;
		if (OWQ_size(owq) < FullFileLength(PN(owq))) {
			return -ERANGE;
		return FS_read_tester_array(owq);
	case EXTENSION_BYTE:		/* bitfield */
		return FS_read_tester_single(owq);
Example #21
static ZERO_OR_ERROR FS_w_PS(struct one_wire_query *owq)
	int ret = -EINVAL ;
	enum pressure_type pindex ;
	if (OWQ_size(owq) < 2 || OWQ_offset(owq) > 0) {
		return -EINVAL ;				/* do nothing */

	for ( pindex = 0 ; pindex < pressure_end_mark ; ++pindex ) {
		if ( strncasecmp(  OWQ_buffer(owq), PressureScaleName(pindex), 2 ) == 0 ) {
			Globals.pressure_scale = pindex ;
			SetLocalControlFlags() ;
			ret = 0 ;
	return ret;
Example #22
// create the buffer of size filesize
GOOD_OR_BAD OWQ_allocate_read_buffer(struct one_wire_query * owq )
	struct parsedname * pn = PN(owq) ;
	size_t size = FullFileLength(pn);

	if ( size > 0 ) {
		char * buffer = owmalloc(size+1) ;
		if ( buffer == NULL ) {
			return gbBAD ;
		memset(buffer,0,size+1) ;
		OWQ_buffer(owq) = buffer ;
		OWQ_size(owq) = size ;
		OWQ_offset(owq) = 0 ;
		OWQ_cleanup(owq) |= owq_cleanup_buffer ;
	return gbGOOD;
Example #23
static ZERO_OR_ERROR FS_w_page(struct one_wire_query *owq)
	struct parsedname *pn = PN(owq);
	ZERO_OR_ERROR z_or_e ;

	// Special case for NV1 (page 0) -- need to unlock
	if ( pn->extension == 0 ) {
		RETURN_ERROR_IF_BAD( OW_nv1_unlock( pn ) ) ;
	z_or_e = OW_w_page((BYTE *) OWQ_buffer(owq), OWQ_size(owq), OWQ_offset(owq) + (pn->extension)*_1W_2436_PAGESIZE, pn) ;

	// Special case for NV1 (page 0) -- need to relock
	if ( pn->extension == 0 ) {
		OW_nv1_lock( pn ) ;
	return z_or_e ;
Example #24
static ZERO_OR_ERROR FS_w_lineX(struct one_wire_query *owq)
	struct parsedname *pn = PN(owq);
	int width = pn->selected_filetype->data.i;
	BYTE lcd_line_start[] = { 0x00, 0x40, 0x00 + width, 0x40 + width };
	char line[width];
	size_t size = OWQ_size(owq);
	int start = OWQ_offset(owq);

	if (start >= width) {
	if ((int) (start + size) > width) {
		size = width - start;
	memset(line, ' ', width);
	memcpy(&line[start], OWQ_buffer(owq), size);
	return GB_to_Z_OR_E(OW_w_screen(lcd_line_start[pn->extension], line, width, pn)) ;
Example #25
/* Extra 8 bytes, (for counter) too -- discarded */
GOOD_OR_BAD COMMON_read_memory_toss_counter(struct one_wire_query *owq, size_t page, size_t pagesize)
	off_t offset = OWQ_offset(owq) + page * pagesize;
	BYTE p[3 + pagesize + 8 + 2];
	int rest = pagesize - (offset % pagesize);
	struct transaction_log t[] = {
		TRXN_WR_CRC16(p, 3, rest + 8),

	p[0] = _1W_READ_A5;
	p[1] = BYTE_MASK(offset);
	p[2] = BYTE_MASK(offset >> 8);
	RETURN_BAD_IF_BAD(BUS_transaction(t, PN(owq))) ;
	memcpy(OWQ_buffer(owq), &p[3], OWQ_size(owq));
	return gbGOOD;
Example #26
/* read up to end of page to CRC16 -- 0xA5 code */
static GOOD_OR_BAD OW_r_crc16(BYTE code, struct one_wire_query *owq, size_t page, size_t pagesize)
	off_t offset = OWQ_offset(owq) + page * pagesize;
	size_t size = OWQ_size(owq);
	BYTE p[3 + pagesize + 2];
	int rest = pagesize - (offset % pagesize);
	struct transaction_log t[] = {
		TRXN_WR_CRC16(p, 3, rest),

	p[0] = code;
	p[1] = BYTE_MASK(offset);
	p[2] = BYTE_MASK(offset >> 8);
	RETURN_BAD_IF_BAD(BUS_transaction(t, PN(owq))) ;
	memcpy(OWQ_buffer(owq), &p[3], size);
	return gbGOOD;
Example #27
/* Use an aggregate OWQ as a template for a single element */
struct one_wire_query * OWQ_create_separate( int extension, struct one_wire_query * owq_aggregate )
    int sz = sizeof( struct one_wire_query ) + OWQ_DEFAULT_READ_BUFFER_SIZE;
	struct one_wire_query * owq_sep = owmalloc( sz );
	LEVEL_DEBUG("%s with extension %d", PN(owq_aggregate)->path,extension);

	if ( owq_sep== NO_ONE_WIRE_QUERY) {
		LEVEL_DEBUG("No memory to create object for extension %d",extension) ;
		return NO_ONE_WIRE_QUERY ;
	memset(owq_sep, 0, sz);
	OWQ_cleanup(owq_sep) = owq_cleanup_owq ;
	memcpy( PN(owq_sep), PN(owq_aggregate), sizeof(struct parsedname) ) ;
	PN(owq_sep)->extension = extension ;
	OWQ_buffer(owq_sep) = (char *) (& owq_sep[1]) ; // point just beyond the one_wire_query struct
	OWQ_offset(owq_sep) = 0 ;
	return owq_sep ;
Example #28
static ZERO_OR_ERROR FS_r_page(struct one_wire_query *owq)
	size_t pagesize = 32;
	return GB_to_Z_OR_E( OW_r_page( (BYTE *) OWQ_buffer(owq), OWQ_size(owq), OWQ_offset(owq) + pagesize * PN(owq)->extension, PN(owq) ) ) ;
Example #29
static ZERO_OR_ERROR FS_w_console(struct one_wire_query *owq)
	if (OWQ_offset(owq) != 0)
		return -EINVAL; /* ignore? */
	return GB_to_Z_OR_E( OW_w_std( (BYTE *) OWQ_buffer(owq), OWQ_size(owq), M_CONSOLE,1, PN(owq)) ) ;
Example #30
SIZE_OR_ERROR OWQ_parse_output(struct one_wire_query *owq)
	// have to check if offset is beyond the filesize.
	if (OWQ_offset(owq)) {
		size_t file_length = 0;
		file_length = FileLength(PN(owq));
		LEVEL_DEBUG("file_length=%lu offset=%lu size=%lu",
					(unsigned long) file_length, (unsigned long) OWQ_offset(owq), (unsigned long) OWQ_size(owq));
		if ((unsigned long) OWQ_offset(owq) >= (unsigned long) file_length) {
			return 0;			// This is data-length

	/* Special case, structure is always ascii */
	if (OWQ_pn(owq).type == ePN_structure) {
		return OWQ_parse_output_ascii(owq);

	switch (OWQ_pn(owq).extension) {
		return OWQ_parse_output_unsigned(owq);
		switch (OWQ_pn(owq).selected_filetype->format) {
		case ft_ascii:
		case ft_vascii:
		case ft_alias:
			return OWQ_parse_output_ascii_array(owq);
		case ft_binary:
			return OWQ_parse_output_array_no_commas(owq);
			return OWQ_parse_output_array_with_commas(owq);
		switch (OWQ_pn(owq).selected_filetype->format) {
		case ft_integer:
			return OWQ_parse_output_integer(owq);
		case ft_yesno:
		case ft_bitfield:
			return OWQ_parse_output_yesno(owq);
		case ft_unsigned:
			return OWQ_parse_output_unsigned(owq);
		case ft_pressure:
		case ft_temperature:
		case ft_tempgap:
		case ft_float:
			return OWQ_parse_output_float(owq);
		case ft_date:
			return OWQ_parse_output_date(owq);
		case ft_vascii:
		case ft_alias:
		case ft_ascii:
		case ft_binary:
			return OWQ_parse_output_ascii(owq);
		case ft_directory:
		case ft_subdir:
		case ft_unknown:
			return -ENOENT;
	return -EINVAL;				// should never be reached if all the cases are truly covered