Example #1
void wxVListBox::OnPaint(wxPaintEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
    wxSize clientSize = GetClientSize();

    wxAutoBufferedPaintDC dc(this);

    // the update rectangle
    wxRect rectUpdate = GetUpdateClientRect();

    // fill it with background colour

    // the bounding rectangle of the current line
    wxRect rectLine;
    rectLine.width = clientSize.x;

    // iterate over all visible lines
    const size_t lineMax = GetVisibleEnd();
    for ( size_t line = GetFirstVisibleLine(); line < lineMax; line++ )
        const wxCoord hLine = OnGetLineHeight(line);

        rectLine.height = hLine;

        // and draw the ones which intersect the update rect
        if ( rectLine.Intersects(rectUpdate) )
            // don't allow drawing outside of the lines rectangle
            wxDCClipper clip(dc, rectLine);

            wxRect rect = rectLine;
            OnDrawBackground(dc, rect, line);

            OnDrawSeparator(dc, rect, line);

            rect.Deflate(m_ptMargins.x, m_ptMargins.y);
            OnDrawItem(dc, rect, line);
        else // no intersection
            if ( rectLine.GetTop() > rectUpdate.GetBottom() )
                // we are already below the update rect, no need to continue
                // further
            //else: the next line may intersect the update rect

        rectLine.y += hLine;
Example #2
void CBCGPToolTipCtrl::OnPaint() 
	if (m_Params.m_bBallonTooltip)
		CToolTipCtrl::OnPaint ();

	CPaintDC dcPaint(this); // device context for painting
	CBCGPMemDC memDC (dcPaint, this);
	CDC* pDC = &memDC.GetDC ();

	CRect rect;
	GetClientRect (rect);

	CRect rectMargin;
	GetMargin (rectMargin);

	CRect rectText = rect;

	rectText.DeflateRect (rectMargin);
	rectText.DeflateRect (m_ptMargin.x, m_ptMargin.y);

	COLORREF clrLine = m_Params.m_clrBorder == (COLORREF)-1 ?
		::GetSysColor (COLOR_INFOTEXT) : m_Params.m_clrBorder;

	COLORREF clrText = m_Params.m_clrText == (COLORREF)-1 ?
		::GetSysColor (COLOR_INFOTEXT) : m_Params.m_clrText;

	// Fill background:
	OnFillBackground (pDC, rect, clrText, clrLine);

	CPen penLine (PS_SOLID, 1, clrLine);
	CPen* pOldPen = pDC->SelectObject (&penLine);

	// Draw border:
	OnDrawBorder (pDC, rect, clrLine);

	// Draw icon:
	if (m_sizeImage != CSize (0, 0) && m_Params.m_bDrawIcon)
		CRect rectImage = rectText;
		rectImage.right = rectImage.left + m_sizeImage.cx;
		rectImage.bottom = rectImage.top + m_sizeImage.cy;

		OnDrawIcon (pDC, rectImage);

		rectText.left += m_sizeImage.cx + m_ptMargin.x;

	pDC->SetTextColor (clrText);

	// Draw label:
	int nTextHeight = OnDrawLabel (pDC, rectText, FALSE).cy;

	// Draw separator + description:
	if (!m_strDescription.IsEmpty () && m_Params.m_bDrawDescription)
		CRect rectDescr = rectText;
		rectDescr.top += nTextHeight + 3 * m_ptMargin.y / 2;

		if (m_Params.m_bDrawSeparator)
			OnDrawSeparator (pDC, rectDescr.left,
				rectDescr.right, rectDescr.top - m_ptMargin.y / 2);

		OnDrawDescription (pDC, rectDescr, FALSE);

	pDC->SelectObject (pOldPen);