PageRecord::PageRecord(MainWindow* main_window)
	: QWidget(main_window->centralWidget()) {

	m_main_window = main_window;

	m_page_started = false;
	m_input_started = false;
	m_output_started = false;
	m_previewing = false;

	m_last_error_sound = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min();

	QGroupBox *groupbox_recording = new QGroupBox(tr("Recording"), this);
		m_pushbutton_start_pause = new QPushButton(groupbox_recording);

		m_checkbox_hotkey_enable = new QCheckBox(tr("Enable recording hotkey"), groupbox_recording);
		m_checkbox_sound_notifications_enable = new QCheckBox(tr("Enable sound notifications"), groupbox_recording);
		QLabel *label_hotkey = new QLabel(tr("Hotkey:"), groupbox_recording);
		m_checkbox_hotkey_ctrl = new QCheckBox(tr("Ctrl +"), groupbox_recording);
		m_checkbox_hotkey_shift = new QCheckBox(tr("Shift +"), groupbox_recording);
		m_checkbox_hotkey_alt = new QCheckBox(tr("Alt +"), groupbox_recording);
		m_checkbox_hotkey_super = new QCheckBox(tr("Super +"), groupbox_recording);
		m_combobox_hotkey_key = new QComboBox(groupbox_recording);
		m_combobox_hotkey_key->setToolTip(tr("The key that you have to press (combined with the given modifiers) to start or pause recording.\n"
											 "The program that you are recording will not receive the key press."));
		// Note: The choice of keys is currently rather limited, because capturing key presses session-wide is a bit harder than it looks.
		// For example, applications are not allowed to capture the F1-F12 keys (on Ubuntu at least). The A-Z keys don't have this limitation apparently.
		for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 26; ++i) {
			m_combobox_hotkey_key->addItem(QString('A' + i));

		connect(m_pushbutton_start_pause, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnRecordStartPause()));
		connect(m_checkbox_hotkey_enable, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnUpdateHotkeyFields()));
		connect(m_checkbox_sound_notifications_enable, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnUpdateSoundNotifications()));
		connect(m_checkbox_hotkey_ctrl, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnUpdateHotkey()));
		connect(m_checkbox_hotkey_shift, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnUpdateHotkey()));
		connect(m_checkbox_hotkey_alt, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnUpdateHotkey()));
		connect(m_checkbox_hotkey_super, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnUpdateHotkey()));
		connect(m_combobox_hotkey_key, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(OnUpdateHotkey()));

		QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout(groupbox_recording);
			QHBoxLayout *layout2 = new QHBoxLayout();
			QHBoxLayout *layout2 = new QHBoxLayout();
	QSplitter *splitter_vertical = new QSplitter(Qt::Vertical, this);
		QSplitter *splitter_horizontal = new QSplitter(Qt::Horizontal, splitter_vertical);
			QGroupBox *groupbox_information = new QGroupBox(tr("Information"), splitter_horizontal);
				QLabel *label_total_time = new QLabel(tr("Total time:"), groupbox_information);
				m_label_info_total_time = new QLabel(groupbox_information);
				QLabel *label_frame_rate_in = new QLabel(tr("FPS in:"), groupbox_information);
				m_label_info_frame_rate_in = new QLabel(groupbox_information);
				QLabel *label_frame_rate_out = new QLabel(tr("FPS out:"), groupbox_information);
				m_label_info_frame_rate_out = new QLabel(groupbox_information);
				QLabel *label_size_in = new QLabel(tr("Size in:"), groupbox_information);
				m_label_info_size_in = new QLabel(groupbox_information);
				QLabel *label_size_out = new QLabel(tr("Size out:"), groupbox_information);
				m_label_info_size_out = new QLabel(groupbox_information);
				QLabel *label_file_name = new QLabel(tr("File name:"), groupbox_information);
				m_label_info_file_name = new ElidedLabel(QString(), Qt::ElideMiddle, groupbox_information);
				QLabel *label_file_size = new QLabel(tr("File size:"), groupbox_information);
				m_label_info_file_size = new QLabel(groupbox_information);
				QLabel *label_bit_rate = new QLabel(tr("Bit rate:"), groupbox_information);
				m_label_info_bit_rate = new QLabel(groupbox_information);

				QGridLayout *layout = new QGridLayout(groupbox_information);
				layout->addWidget(label_total_time, 0, 0);
				layout->addWidget(m_label_info_total_time, 0, 1);
				layout->addWidget(label_frame_rate_in, 1, 0);
				layout->addWidget(m_label_info_frame_rate_in, 1, 1);
				layout->addWidget(label_frame_rate_out, 2, 0);
				layout->addWidget(m_label_info_frame_rate_out, 2, 1);
				layout->addWidget(label_size_in, 3, 0);
				layout->addWidget(m_label_info_size_in, 3, 1);
				layout->addWidget(label_size_out, 4, 0);
				layout->addWidget(m_label_info_size_out, 4, 1);
				layout->addWidget(label_file_name, 5, 0);
				layout->addWidget(m_label_info_file_name, 5, 1);
				layout->addWidget(label_file_size, 6, 0);
				layout->addWidget(m_label_info_file_size, 6, 1);
				layout->addWidget(label_bit_rate, 7, 0);
				layout->addWidget(m_label_info_bit_rate, 7, 1);
				layout->setColumnStretch(1, 1);
				layout->setRowStretch(8, 1);
			QGroupBox *groupbox_preview = new QGroupBox(tr("Preview"), splitter_horizontal);
				m_preview_page1 = new QWidget(groupbox_preview);
					QLabel *label_preview_frame_rate = new QLabel(tr("Preview frame rate:"), m_preview_page1);
					m_spinbox_preview_frame_rate = new QSpinBox(m_preview_page1);
					m_spinbox_preview_frame_rate->setRange(1, 1000);
					m_spinbox_preview_frame_rate->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed);
					QLabel *label_preview_note = new QLabel(tr("Note: Previewing requires extra CPU time (especially at high frame rates)."), m_preview_page1);
					label_preview_note->setAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignTop);
					label_preview_note->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Ignored, QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding);

					QGridLayout *layout = new QGridLayout(m_preview_page1);
					layout->addWidget(label_preview_frame_rate, 0, 0);
					layout->addWidget(m_spinbox_preview_frame_rate, 0, 1);
					layout->addWidget(label_preview_note, 1, 0, 1, 2);
				m_preview_page2 = new QWidget(groupbox_preview);
					m_video_previewer = new VideoPreviewer(m_preview_page2);
					m_label_mic_icon = new QLabel(m_preview_page2);
					m_label_mic_icon->setPixmap(QIcon::fromTheme("audio-input-microphone").pixmap(24, 24));
					m_audio_previewer = new AudioPreviewer(m_preview_page2);

					QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout(m_preview_page2);
						QHBoxLayout *layout2 = new QHBoxLayout();
				m_pushbutton_preview_start_stop = new QPushButton(groupbox_preview);

				connect(m_pushbutton_preview_start_stop, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnPreviewStartStop()));

				QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout(groupbox_preview);
					m_stacked_layout_preview = new QStackedLayout();

			splitter_horizontal->setStretchFactor(0, 1);
			splitter_horizontal->setStretchFactor(1, 3);
		QGroupBox *groupbox_log = new QGroupBox(tr("Log"), splitter_vertical);
			m_textedit_log = new QTextEditSmall(groupbox_log);

			QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout(groupbox_log);

		splitter_vertical->setStretchFactor(0, 3);
		splitter_vertical->setStretchFactor(1, 1);

	QPushButton *button_cancel = new QPushButton(QIcon::fromTheme("process-stop"), tr("Cancel recording"), this);
	QPushButton *button_save = new QPushButton(QIcon::fromTheme("document-save"), tr("Save recording"), this);

	if(g_option_systray) {
		m_systray_icon = new QSystemTrayIcon(g_icon_ssr, m_main_window);
		QMenu *menu = new QMenu(m_main_window);
		m_systray_action_start_pause = menu->addAction(QString(), this, SLOT(OnRecordStartPause()));
		m_systray_action_save = menu->addAction(tr("Save recording"), this, SLOT(OnSave()));
		m_systray_action_cancel = menu->addAction(tr("Cancel recording"), this, SLOT(OnCancel()));
		menu->addAction("Quit", m_main_window, SLOT(close()));
	} else {
		m_systray_icon = NULL;

	connect(button_cancel, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnCancel()));
	connect(button_save, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnSave()));
	if(m_systray_icon != NULL)
		connect(m_systray_icon, SIGNAL(activated(QSystemTrayIcon::ActivationReason)), m_main_window, SLOT(OnSysTrayActivated(QSystemTrayIcon::ActivationReason)));

	QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout(this);
		QHBoxLayout *layout2 = new QHBoxLayout();


	m_timer_update_info = new QTimer(this);
	connect(m_timer_update_info, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(OnUpdateInformation()));
	connect(&m_hotkey_start_pause, SIGNAL(Triggered()), this, SLOT(OnRecordStartPause()));
	connect(Logger::GetInstance(), SIGNAL(NewLine(Logger::enum_type,QString)), this, SLOT(OnNewLogLine(Logger::enum_type,QString)), Qt::QueuedConnection);

	if(m_systray_icon != NULL)

Example #2
/* Implementation *************************************************************/
CServerDlg::CServerDlg ( CServer*        pNServP,
                         CSettings*      pNSetP,
                         const bool      bStartMinimized,
                         QWidget*        parent,
                         Qt::WindowFlags f )
    : QDialog                  ( parent, f ),
      pServer                  ( pNServP ),
      pSettings                ( pNSetP ),
      BitmapSystemTrayInactive ( QString::fromUtf8 ( ":/png/LEDs/res/CLEDGreyArrow.png" ) ),
      BitmapSystemTrayActive   ( QString::fromUtf8 ( ":/png/LEDs/res/CLEDGreenArrow.png" ) )
    setupUi ( this );

    // Add help text to controls -----------------------------------------------
    // client list
    lvwClients->setWhatsThis ( tr ( "<b>Client List:</b> The client list "
        "shows all clients which are currently connected to this server. Some "
        "informations about the clients like the IP address and name are given "
        "for each connected client." ) );

    lvwClients->setAccessibleName ( tr ( "Connected clients list view" ) );

    // start minimized on operating system start
    chbStartOnOSStart->setWhatsThis ( tr ( "<b>Start Minimized on Operating "
        "System Start:</b> If the start minimized on operating system start "
        "check box is checked, the " ) + APP_NAME + tr ( " server will be "
        "started when the operating system starts up and is automatically "
        "minimized to a system task bar icon." ) );

    // register server flag
    chbRegisterServer->setWhatsThis ( tr ( "<b>Register Server Status:</b> If "
        "the register server check box is checked, this server registers "
        "itself at the central server so that all " ) + APP_NAME +
        tr ( " users can see the server in the connect dialog server list and "
        "connect to it. The registering of the server is renewed periodically "
        "to make sure that all servers in the connect dialog server list are "
        "actually available." ) );

    // central server address
    QString strCentrServAddr = tr ( "<b>Central Server Address:</b> The "
        "Central server address is the IP address or URL of the central server "
        "at which this server is registered. If the Default check box is "
        "checked, the default central server address is shown read-only." );

    lblCentralServerAddress->setWhatsThis ( strCentrServAddr );
    chbDefaultCentralServer->setWhatsThis ( strCentrServAddr );
    edtCentralServerAddress->setWhatsThis ( strCentrServAddr );

    chbDefaultCentralServer->setAccessibleName (
        tr ( "Default central server check box" ) );

    edtCentralServerAddress->setAccessibleName (
        tr ( "Central server address line edit" ) );

    // server name
    QString strServName = tr ( "<b>Server Name:</b> The server name identifies "
        "your server in the connect dialog server list at the clients. If no "
        "name is given, the IP address is shown instead." );

    lblServerName->setWhatsThis ( strServName );
    edtServerName->setWhatsThis ( strServName );

    edtServerName->setAccessibleName ( tr ( "Server name line edit" ) );

    // location city
    QString strLocCity = tr ( "<b>Location City:</b> The city in which this "
        "server is located can be set here. If a city name is entered, it "
        "will be shown in the connect dialog server list at the clients." );

    lblLocationCity->setWhatsThis ( strLocCity );
    edtLocationCity->setWhatsThis ( strLocCity );

    edtLocationCity->setAccessibleName ( tr (
        "City where the server is located line edit" ) );

    // location country
    QString strLocCountry = tr ( "<b>Location country:</b> The country in "
        "which this server is located can be set here. If a country is "
        "entered, it will be shown in the connect dialog server list at the "
        "clients." );

    lblLocationCountry->setWhatsThis ( strLocCountry );
    cbxLocationCountry->setWhatsThis ( strLocCountry );

    cbxLocationCountry->setAccessibleName ( tr (
        "Country where the server is located combo box" ) );

    // check if system tray icon can be used
    bSystemTrayIconAvaialbe = SystemTrayIcon.isSystemTrayAvailable();

    // init system tray icon
    if ( bSystemTrayIconAvaialbe )
        // prepare context menu to be added to the system tray icon
        pSystemTrayIconMenu = new QMenu ( this );

        pSystemTrayIconMenu->addAction ( tr ( "E&xit" ),
            this, SLOT ( OnSysTrayMenuExit() ) );


        pSystemTrayIconMenu->addAction (
            tr ( "&Hide " ) + APP_NAME + tr ( " server" ),
            this, SLOT ( OnSysTrayMenuHide() ) );

        pSystemTrayIconMenu->setDefaultAction ( pSystemTrayIconMenu->addAction (
            tr ( "&Open " ) + APP_NAME + tr ( " server" ),
            this, SLOT ( OnSysTrayMenuOpen() ) ) );

        SystemTrayIcon.setContextMenu ( pSystemTrayIconMenu );

        // set tool text
        SystemTrayIcon.setToolTip ( QString ( APP_NAME ) + tr ( " server" ) );

        // show icon of state "inactive"
        SystemTrayIcon.setIcon ( QIcon ( BitmapSystemTrayInactive ) );;

    // act on "start minimized" flag (note, this has to be done after setting
    // the correct value for the system tray icon availablility)
    if ( bStartMinimized )

    // set text for version and application name
    lblNameVersion->setText ( QString ( APP_NAME ) +
        tr ( " server " ) + QString ( VERSION ) );

    // set up list view for connected clients
    lvwClients->setColumnWidth ( 0, 170 );
    lvwClients->setColumnWidth ( 1, 130 );

// TEST workaround for resize problem of window after iconize in task bar
lvwClients->setMinimumWidth ( 170 + 130 + 60 + 205 );
lvwClients->setMinimumHeight ( 140 );

    // insert items in reverse order because in Windows all of them are
    // always visible -> put first item on the top
    vecpListViewItems.Init ( MAX_NUM_CHANNELS );
    for ( int i = MAX_NUM_CHANNELS - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
        vecpListViewItems[i] = new QTreeWidgetItem ( lvwClients );
        vecpListViewItems[i]->setHidden ( true );

    // update default central server address check box
    if ( pServer->GetUseDefaultCentralServerAddress() )
        chbDefaultCentralServer->setCheckState ( Qt::Checked );
        chbDefaultCentralServer->setCheckState ( Qt::Unchecked );

    // update server name line edit
    edtServerName->setText ( pServer->GetServerName() );

    // update server city line edit
    edtLocationCity->setText ( pServer->GetServerCity() );

    // load country combo box with all available countries
    cbxLocationCountry->setInsertPolicy ( QComboBox::NoInsert );

    for ( int iCurCntry = static_cast<int> ( QLocale::AnyCountry );
          iCurCntry < static_cast<int> ( QLocale::LastCountry ); iCurCntry++ )
        // add all countries except of the "Default" country
        if ( static_cast<QLocale::Country> ( iCurCntry ) != QLocale::AnyCountry )
            // store the country enum index together with the string (this is
            // important since we sort the combo box items later on)
            cbxLocationCountry->addItem ( QLocale::countryToString (
                static_cast<QLocale::Country> ( iCurCntry ) ), iCurCntry );

    // sort country combo box items in alphabetical order
    cbxLocationCountry->model()->sort ( 0, Qt::AscendingOrder );

    // select current country
    cbxLocationCountry->setCurrentIndex (
        cbxLocationCountry->findData (
        static_cast<int> ( pServer->GetServerCountry() ) ) );

    // update register server check box
    if ( pServer->GetServerListEnabled() )
        chbRegisterServer->setCheckState ( Qt::Checked );
        chbRegisterServer->setCheckState ( Qt::Unchecked );

    // update start minimized check box (only available for Windows)
#ifndef _WIN32
    chbStartOnOSStart->setVisible ( false );
    const bool bCurAutoStartMinState = pServer->GetAutoRunMinimized();

    if ( bCurAutoStartMinState )
        chbStartOnOSStart->setCheckState ( Qt::Checked );
        chbStartOnOSStart->setCheckState ( Qt::Unchecked );

    // modify registry according to setting (this is just required in case a
    // user has changed the registry by hand)
    ModifyAutoStartEntry ( bCurAutoStartMinState );

    // update GUI dependencies

    // set window title
    setWindowTitle ( APP_NAME + tr ( " Server" ) );

    // View menu  --------------------------------------------------------------
    QMenu* pViewMenu = new QMenu ( "&Window", this );

    pViewMenu->addAction ( tr ( "E&xit" ), this,
        SLOT ( close() ), QKeySequence ( Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_Q ) );

    // Main menu bar -----------------------------------------------------------
    pMenu = new QMenuBar ( this );

    pMenu->addMenu ( pViewMenu );
    pMenu->addMenu ( new CHelpMenu ( this ) );

    // Now tell the layout about the menu
    layout()->setMenuBar ( pMenu );

    // Connections -------------------------------------------------------------
    // check boxes
    QObject::connect ( chbRegisterServer, SIGNAL ( stateChanged ( int ) ),
        this, SLOT ( OnRegisterServerStateChanged ( int ) ) );

    QObject::connect ( chbDefaultCentralServer, SIGNAL ( stateChanged ( int ) ),
        this, SLOT ( OnDefaultCentralServerStateChanged ( int ) ) );

    QObject::connect ( chbStartOnOSStart, SIGNAL ( stateChanged ( int ) ),
        this, SLOT ( OnStartOnOSStartStateChanged ( int ) ) );

    // line edits
    QObject::connect ( edtCentralServerAddress, SIGNAL ( editingFinished() ),
        this, SLOT ( OnCentralServerAddressEditingFinished() ) );

    QObject::connect ( edtServerName, SIGNAL ( textChanged ( const QString& ) ),
        this, SLOT ( OnServerNameTextChanged ( const QString& ) ) );

    QObject::connect ( edtLocationCity, SIGNAL ( textChanged ( const QString& ) ),
        this, SLOT ( OnLocationCityTextChanged ( const QString& ) ) );

    // combo boxes
    QObject::connect ( cbxLocationCountry, SIGNAL ( activated ( int ) ),
        this, SLOT ( OnLocationCountryActivated ( int ) ) );

    // timers
    QObject::connect ( &Timer, SIGNAL ( timeout() ), this, SLOT ( OnTimer() ) );

    // other
    QObject::connect ( pServer, SIGNAL ( Started() ),
        this, SLOT ( OnServerStarted() ) );

    QObject::connect ( pServer, SIGNAL ( Stopped() ),
        this, SLOT ( OnServerStopped() ) );

    QObject::connect ( QCoreApplication::instance(), SIGNAL ( aboutToQuit() ),
        this, SLOT ( OnAboutToQuit() ) );

    QObject::connect ( &SystemTrayIcon,
        SIGNAL ( activated ( QSystemTrayIcon::ActivationReason ) ),
        this, SLOT ( OnSysTrayActivated ( QSystemTrayIcon::ActivationReason ) ) );

    // Timers ------------------------------------------------------------------
    // start timer for GUI controls
    Timer.start ( GUI_CONTRL_UPDATE_TIME );