void CheckInstances() 
   /* Create a SID corresponding to the Local Administrator group */
   PSID pLocalAdminSID = &localAdminSID;
   DWORD cbSID = sizeof(localAdminSID); 
   BOOL CreateWellKnownSidResult;
   BOOL AddSIDToBoundaryResult;
   BOOL ConvertStringResult;
   DWORD dwLastError;
   /* Create the boundary descriptor 
    * A new boundary descriptor must have at least one security identifier (SID). 
	* To add a SID to a boundary descriptor, use the AddSIDToBoundaryDescriptor function.
   g_hBoundary = CreateBoundaryDescriptor(g_szBoundary, 0);
   /* The CreateWellKnownSid function creates a SID for predefined aliases. 
    * The first parameter WellKnownSidType is WELL_KNOWN_SID_TYPE enumeration.
	* The WELL_KNOWN_SID_TYPE enumeration is a list of commonly used security identifiers (SIDs).
	* Programs can pass these values to the CreateWellKnownSid function 
	* to create a SID from this list.
	* Examples of possible values:
	* WinBuiltinDomainSid                          = 25,
    * WinBuiltinAdministratorsSid                  = 26,
    * WinBuiltinUsersSid                           = 27,
    * WinBuiltinGuestsSid                          = 28,
    * WinBuiltinPowerUsersSid                      = 29
	* We choose only administrators SID
	* DomainSid [in, optional] - A pointer to a SID 
	* that identifies the domain to use when creating the SID. 
	* Pass NULL to use the local computer.
	* cbSid [in, out]
    * A pointer to a DWORD that contains the number of bytes available at pSid. 
	* The CreateWellKnownSid function stores the number of bytes actually used at this location.
   CreateWellKnownSidResult = 
   /* If we cannot create SID, we show a message on the interface. */ 
   if (CreateWellKnownSidResult == FALSE) 
			TEXT("AddSIDToBoundaryDescriptor failed: %u\r\n"), 
   /* Associate the Local Admin SID to the boundary descriptor
    * --> only applications running under an administrator user
    *     will be able to access the kernel objects in the same namespace
	* The following function 
	* adds a security identifier (SID) to the specified boundary descriptor.
	* The first parameter HANDLE *BoundaryDescriptor is a handle to the boundary descriptor. 
	* RequiredSid [in] a pointer to a SID structure.
   AddSIDToBoundaryResult = 
    /* If we cannot add the SID to the boundary descriptor,
	 * we show a message on the interface. */ 
   if (CreateWellKnownSidResult == FALSE) 
			TEXT("AddSIDToBoundaryDescriptor failed: %u\r\n"), 
   /* Create the namespace for Local Administrators only */
   sa.nLength = sizeof(sa);
   sa.bInheritHandle = FALSE;
   /* The ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptor function converts 
    * a string-format security descriptor into a valid, functional security descriptor.
	* This function retrieves a security descriptor that the 
	* ConvertSecurityDescriptorToStringSecurityDescriptor function converted to string format. 
	* Parameters:
	* LPCTSTR StringSecurityDescriptor - A pointer to a null-terminated string containing 
	*                                    the string-format security descriptor to convert.
	* The Security Descriptor String Format is a text format for storing 
	* or transporting information in a security descriptor. The format is a null-terminated string 
	* with tokens to indicate each of the four main components of a security descriptor: 
	* owner (O:), primary group (G:), DACL (D:), and SACL (S:).
	* We use this pattern string
	* D:dacl_flags(string_ace1)(string_ace2)... (string_acen)
	* dacl_flags - Security descriptor control flags that apply to the DACL. 
	* The dacl_flags string can be a concatenation of zero or more of the following strings.
	* DWORD StringSDRevision - Specifies the revision level of the StringSecurityDescriptor string.
	*                          Currently this value must be SDDL_REVISION_1.
    * SecurityDescriptor[out] - A pointer to a variable that receives a pointer to the converted security descriptor. 
   ConvertStringResult = 
    /* If we cannot convert string sequrity descriptor,
	 * we show a message on the interface. */ 
   if (ConvertStringResult == FALSE) 
		  TEXT("Security Descriptor creation failed: %u\r\n"), 
   /* Creates a private namespace. 
    * lpPrivateNamespaceAttributes [in, optional] -
	*   A pointer to a SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES structure 
    *   that specifies the security attributes of the namespace object.
 	* lpBoundaryDescriptor [in] -
    *   A descriptor that defines how the namespace is to be isolated. 
	*   The caller must be within this boundary. 
	*   The CreateBoundaryDescriptor function creates a boundary descriptor.
	* lpAliasPrefix [in] -
    *   The prefix for the namespace. To create an object in this namespace,
	*   specify the object name as prefix\objectname.
    *   The system supports multiple private namespaces with the same name, 
	*   as long as they define different boundaries.
	* Return value
    *   If the function succeeds, it returns a handle to the new namespace.
    *   If the function fails, the return value is NULL. 
	*   To get extended error information, call GetLastError. 
   g_hNamespace = 
   /* The memory for sa.lpSecurityDescriptor has been allocated by Convert...
    * windows function. It up to us to free the memory.
    * Don't forget to release memory for the security descriptor.
   /* Check the private namespace creation result */
   dwLastError = GetLastError();
   /* If the function has returned null. That means that some error
    * has happened. In this case we need to investigate a GetLastError()
   if (g_hNamespace == NULL) 
      /* Nothing to do if access is denied
       * --> this code must run under a Local Administrator account
      if (dwLastError == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) 
         AddText(TEXT("Access denied when creating the namespace.\r\n"));
         AddText(TEXT("   You must be running as Administrator.\r\n\r\n"));
         /* If another instance has already created the namespace, 
            we need to open it instead.  */
         if (dwLastError == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) 
            AddText(TEXT("CreatePrivateNamespace failed: %u\r\n"), dwLastError);
			/* Try to open existed private namespace 
			 * pBoundaryDescriptor [in] - A descriptor that defines how 
			 * the namespace is to be isolated. The CreateBoundaryDescriptor function
			 * creates a boundary descriptor.
            g_hNamespace = OpenPrivateNamespace(g_hBoundary, g_szNamespace);
			/* If the function returns null, that means that some error has happened */
			if (g_hNamespace == NULL) 
				   TEXT("   and OpenPrivateNamespace failed: %u\r\n"), 
               g_bNamespaceOpened = TRUE;
               AddText(TEXT("   but OpenPrivateNamespace succeeded\r\n\r\n"));

   /* Try to create the mutex object with a name 
    * based on the private namespace 
   TCHAR szMutexName[64];
   /* Try to create mutex */
   g_hSingleton = CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, szMutexName);
   if (GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) 
      /* There is already an instance of this Singleton object */
      AddText(TEXT("Another instance of Singleton is running:\r\n"));
      AddText(TEXT("--> Impossible to access application features.\r\n"));
      /* First time the Singleton object is created */
      AddText(TEXT("First instance of Singleton:\r\n"));
      AddText(TEXT("--> Access application features now.\r\n"));
Example #2
void CheckInstances() {

   // Create the boundary descriptor, the descriptor is not a kernel object. 
   // It is a pointer to a user-mode structure containing the definition of the boundary.
   g_hBoundary = CreateBoundaryDescriptor(g_szBoundary, 0);

   // Create a SID corresponding to the Local Administrator group
   PSID pLocalAdminSID = &localAdminSID;
   DWORD cbSID = sizeof(localAdminSID);
   if (!CreateWellKnownSid(
      WinBuiltinAdministratorsSid, NULL, pLocalAdminSID, &cbSID)
      ) {
      AddText(TEXT("AddSIDToBoundaryDescriptor failed: %u\r\n"), 
   // Associate the Local Admin SID to the boundary descriptor
   // --> only applications running under an administrator user
   //     will be able to access the kernel objects in the same namespace
   if (!AddSIDToBoundaryDescriptor(&g_hBoundary, pLocalAdminSID)) {
      AddText(TEXT("AddSIDToBoundaryDescriptor failed: %u\r\n"), 

   // Create the namespace for Local Administrators only
   sa.nLength = sizeof(sa);
   sa.bInheritHandle = FALSE;
   if (!ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptor(
      SDDL_REVISION_1, &sa.lpSecurityDescriptor, NULL)) {
      AddText(TEXT("Security Descriptor creation failed: %u\r\n"), GetLastError());

   g_hNamespace = 
      CreatePrivateNamespace(&sa, g_hBoundary, g_szNamespace);

   // Don't forget to release memory for the security descriptor

   // Check the private namespace creation result
   DWORD dwLastError = GetLastError();
   if (g_hNamespace == NULL) {
      // Nothing to do if access is denied
      // --> this code must run under a Local Administrator account
      if (dwLastError == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) {
         AddText(TEXT("Access denied when creating the namespace.\r\n"));
         AddText(TEXT("   You must be running as Administrator.\r\n\r\n"));
      } else { 
         if (dwLastError == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) {
         // If another instance has already created the namespace, 
         // we need to open it instead. 
            AddText(TEXT("CreatePrivateNamespace failed: %u\r\n"), dwLastError);
            g_hNamespace = OpenPrivateNamespace(g_hBoundary, g_szNamespace);
            if (g_hNamespace == NULL) {
               AddText(TEXT("   and OpenPrivateNamespace failed: %u\r\n"), 
            } else {
               g_bNamespaceOpened = TRUE;
               AddText(TEXT("   but OpenPrivateNamespace succeeded\r\n\r\n"));
         } else {
            AddText(TEXT("Unexpected error occured: %u\r\n\r\n"),
   // Try to create the mutex object with a name 
   // based on the private namespace 
   TCHAR szMutexName[64];
   StringCchPrintf(szMutexName, _countof(szMutexName), TEXT("%s\\%s"), 
      g_szNamespace, TEXT("Singleton"));

   g_hSingleton = CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, szMutexName);
   if (GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) {
      // There is already an instance of this Singleton object
      AddText(TEXT("Another instance of Singleton is running:\r\n"));
      AddText(TEXT("--> Impossible to access application features.\r\n"));
   } else  {
      // First time the Singleton object is created
      AddText(TEXT("First instance of Singleton:\r\n"));
      AddText(TEXT("--> Access application features now.\r\n"));