BOOL CMetadata::Save() { if(!OpenZip(OPEN_SAVE)) return 0; CMetaObject *p; POSITION pos; CString csKey; //сначала обрабатываем удаляемые элементы for( pos = ListObjects.GetStartPosition(); pos != NULL; ) { ListObjects.GetNextAssoc( pos, csKey, (void*&)p ); if(p) if(p->IsDeleted) p->Save (m_zip,""); } for( pos = ListObjects.GetStartPosition(); pos != NULL; ) { ListObjects.GetNextAssoc( pos, csKey, (void*&)p ); if(p) if(!p->IsDeleted) if(p->pTree) if(p->nTempID) p->Save(m_zip,p->pTree->GetPath(p->nTempID)); } OpenZip(CLOSE_FILE); //временное закрытие return TRUE; }
CUnzipper::CUnzipper(LPCTSTR szFileName) : m_uzFile(0), mCallbackFn(DefUnzipCallback), muUncompressedSize(0) { m_szOutputFolder[0] = 0; OpenZip(szFileName); }
// // Locks the currently loaded resource file and unzips it. // // This function should only be used when the resource file // is a zip file and you want to extract one or more files within it. // void DLLResourceManager::OpenMainResourceZipFile() { void *zipbuf=LockResource(hglob); unsigned int ziplen=SizeofResource(handleToDll,hRsrc); hz = OpenZip(zipbuf, ziplen, 0); SetUnzipBaseDir(hz,_T("\\")); }
bool CZipObj::UnZipFile(CString strZipPath, CString strUnzipPath) { USES_CONVERSION; int nPos = strZipPath.ReverseFind('.'); CString strPath = strZipPath.Left(nPos); //.zip strZipPath.GetLength() - 4 if (strUnzipPath != "") strPath = strUnzipPath; std::string strUtf8Path = CMyCodeConvert::Gb2312ToUtf8(T2A(strPath)); try { Poco::File p(strUtf8Path); //T2A(strPath) if (p.exists()) p.remove(true); } catch (Poco::Exception) { } HZIP hz = OpenZip(strZipPath, _strPwd.c_str()); ZIPENTRY ze; GetZipItem(hz, -1, &ze); int numitems = ze.index; SetUnzipBaseDir(hz, strPath); for (int i = 0; i < numitems; i++) { GetZipItem(hz, i, &ze); UnzipItem(hz, i,; } CloseZip(hz); return true; }
void CPropertiesFiles::OnBnClickedPropPreview() { // TODO: 在此加入控制項告知處理常式程式碼 CListBox* listBox=(CListBox*)this->GetDlgItem(IDC_PROP_FILELIST); int curSel=listBox->GetCurSel(); if (curSel>=0) { LPTSTR pszFile=(LPTSTR)malloc(listBox->GetTextLen(curSel)+1); HZIP hZip; ZIPENTRY ze; CARMDlg* dlg=(CARMDlg*)this->GetParentOwner()->GetParent(); arfile* arFile=(arfile*)dlg->m_lstFiles.GetItemDataPtr(dlg->m_lstFiles.GetCurSel()); listBox->GetText(curSel,pszFile); hZip=OpenZip(arFile->fileName,0,ZIP_FILENAME); if (hZip) { int nIndex; if (FindZipItem(hZip,pszFile,TRUE,&nIndex,&ze)!=ZR_ARGS) { LPBYTE pszContent=(LPBYTE)malloc(ze.unc_size); UnzipItem(hZip,nIndex,pszContent,ze.unc_size,ZIP_MEMORY); bitmapInfo=&ze; DialogBoxParam(theApp.m_hInstance,MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_PREVIEW),this->GetSafeHwnd(),(DLGPROC)CPropertiesFiles::previewWndProc,(LPARAM)pszContent); free(pszContent); } CloseZip(hZip); } free(pszFile); } }
CZipper::CZipper(LPCTSTR szFilePath, LPCTSTR szRootFolder, bool bAppend) : m_uzFile(0) { CloseZip(); if (szFilePath) OpenZip(szFilePath, szRootFolder, bAppend); }
void UnzipWithProgress(const TCHAR *zipfn, HWND hprog) { HZIP hz = OpenZip(zipfn,0); ZIPENTRY ze; GetZipItem(hz,-1,&ze); int numentries=ze.index; // first we retrieve the total size of all zip items DWORD tot=0; for (int i=0; i<numentries; i++) {GetZipItem(hz,i,&ze); tot+=ze.unc_size;} // DWORD countall=0; // this is our progress so far for (int i=0; i<numentries && !abort_p; i++) { GetZipItem(hz,i,&ze); // We'll unzip each file bit by bit, to a file on disk char fn[1024]; wsprintf(fn,"\\z\\%s",; HANDLE hf = CreateFile(fn,GENERIC_WRITE,0,0,CREATE_ALWAYS,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,0); char buf[16384]; // Each chunk will be 16k big. After each chunk, we show progress DWORD countfile=0; for (ZRESULT zr=ZR_MORE; zr==ZR_MORE && !abort_p; ) // nb. the global "abort_p" flag is set by the user clicking the Cancel button. { zr=UnzipItem(hz,i,buf,16384); unsigned long bufsize=16384; if (zr==ZR_OK) bufsize=ze.unc_size-countfile; // bufsize is how much we got this time DWORD writ; WriteFile(hf,buf,bufsize,&writ,0); countfile+=bufsize; // countfile counts how much of this file we've unzipped so far countall+=bufsize; // countall counts how much total we've unzipped so far // Now show progress, and let Windows catch up... int i = (int)(100.0*((double)countall)/((double)tot)); SendMessage(hprog,PBM_SETPOS,i,0); PumpMessages(); } CloseHandle(hf); if (abort_p) DeleteFile(fn); } CloseZip(hz); }
int FbUpdateItem::Execute() { FbLogWarning(_("Update collection"), m_url); bool ok = FbInternetBook::Download(m_url, m_filename); if (ok) ok = OpenZip(); if (ok) return DoUpdate(); return 0; }
int CMetadata::DeleteData(CString csPath) { if(!OpenZip(OPEN_SAVE)) return 0; if(m_zip.FindFile(csPath)) return ::DeleteFile(m_zip,csPath); else return ::DeleteFolder(m_zip,csPath); }
//получение метаобъекта (если такой метаобъект еще не загружен из файла, то он загружается) CMetaObject *CMetadata::GetMetaObject2(CString csFileName,CString csObjName,int bReadOnly) { if(!OpenZip(OPEN_LOAD)) return 0; if(afxAppRunMode==ENTERPRISE_MODE || bIsLibrary) bReadOnly=1; CMetaObject *pObject=(CMetaObject *)ListObjects[mUpper(csFileName)]; if(pObject) { if(!csObjName.IsEmpty()&&pObject->csOldName!=pObject->csName) { //было изменено имя - переписываем указатель ListObjects[mUpper(pObject->csName)]=pObject; pObject=0; } else { if(pObject->IsDeleted) {//объект был удален - значит больше его не грузим pObject=new CMetaObject(); ListObjects[mUpper(csFileName)]=pObject; } if(!bReadOnly)//если объекта берется для изменения, то разрешаем его последующую запись pObject->bCanSave=1; return pObject; } } if(bReadOnly)//проверяем физическое наличие в файле метаданных { int n1=m_zip.FindFile(csFileName); if(n1<0) n1=m_zip.FindFile(csFileName+".inf"); if(n1<0) n1=m_zip.FindFile(csFileName+".2c"); if(n1<0) { return 0; } } pObject=new CMetaObject(); if(bReadOnly)//объект еще не загружался + режим взятия только для чтения - помечаем его как незаписываемый (для уменьшения трафика) pObject->bCanSave=0; ListObjects[mUpper(csFileName)]=pObject; pObject->Load(m_zip,csFileName,csObjName); // OpenZip(CLOSE_FILE); //временное закрытие return pObject; }
void ZipByteReader::Register(size_t seqId, const std::string& path) { auto zipFile = m_zips.pop_or_create([this]() { return OpenZip(); }); zip_stat_t stat; zip_stat_init(&stat); int err = zip_stat(zipFile.get(), path.c_str(), 0, &stat); if (ZIP_ER_OK != err) RuntimeError("Failed to get file info of %s, zip library error: %s", path.c_str(), GetZipError(err).c_str()); m_seqIdToIndex[seqId] = std::make_pair(stat.index, stat.size); m_zips.push(std::move(zipFile)); }
void CAppManager::ReloadRhoBundle(const char* szUrl, const char* szZipPassword) { if ( szUrl ) { //get zip file with rhodes DWORD dwDataSize = 0; char* zipData = remote_data( L"GET", const_cast<char*>(szUrl), NULL, 0, false, true, false, &dwDataSize ); LPWSTR rootw = wce_mbtowc(RhoGetRootPath()); //TODO: Add error handling if ( zipData && dwDataSize > 0 ) { ZIPENTRY ze; // Open zip file HZIP hz = OpenZip(zipData, dwDataSize, szZipPassword); if ( hz ) { //Stop HTTP Server CHttpServer::Instance()->FreezeThread(); // Set base for unziping SetUnzipBaseDir(hz, rootw); // Get info about the zip // -1 gives overall information about the zipfile GetZipItem(hz,-1,&ze); int numitems = ze.index; // Iterate through items and unzip them for (int zi = 0; zi<numitems; zi++) { // fetch individual details, e.g. the item's name. GetZipItem(hz,zi,&ze); // unzip item UnzipItem(hz, zi,; } CloseZip(hz); //Show MessageBox MessageBox(NULL, _T("Rhobundle has been updated successfully.\n\nPlease restart application."), _T("Information"), MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION ); } } if ( rootw ) free(rootw); if ( zipData ) delete zipData; } }
void CMetadata::AllFind(CString csFind,int nCase,int nWorld) { if(csFind.IsEmpty()) return; csFind.TrimRight(); csFind.TrimLeft(); if(!nCase) csFind.MakeUpper(); int nCount=0; if(OpenZip(OPEN_LOAD)) { int nEntries=m_zip.GetNoEntries(); CZipFileHeader fhInfo; for (WORD i = 0; i < nEntries; i++) { if(EscapePress()) { Message("Поиск прерван пользователем"); return; } if(!m_zip.IsFileDirectory(i)) { m_zip.GetFileInfo(fhInfo, i); CString csFileName=fhInfo.GetFileName(); CMetaObject *pObj=GetMetaObject(csFileName,"",1); if(pObj) { CString csFile=pObj->csFile; if(!nCase) csFile.MakeUpper(); int nPos=csFile.Find(csFind); if(nPos>=0) { CString csText=FindErrorCodeLine(pObj->csFile,nPos,3); CString StrMessage; StrMessage.Format("%s %s",csFileName,csText); Message(StrMessage); nCount++; nPos=csFile.Find(csFind,nPos+1); } } } } } CString Str; Str.Format("Всего найдено %d",nCount); Message(Str); }
BOOL WINAPI duWindowManager::OpenSkinZip(LPCTSTR lpszZipFile, LPCSTR lpszZipPassword) { if (lpszZipFile == NULL || *lpszZipFile == 0 || !::PathFileExists(lpszZipFile)) return FALSE; m_fZip = TRUE; m_hZip = OpenZip(lpszZipFile, lpszZipPassword); if (m_hZip == NULL) return FALSE; return OpenSkin(lpszZipFile); }
BOOL WINAPI duWindowManager::OpenSkinMemory(BYTE *pData, int nSize) { if (pData == NULL || nSize <= 0) return FALSE; m_fZip = TRUE; m_hZip = OpenZip(pData, nSize, NULL); if (m_hZip == NULL) return FALSE; return OpenSkin(_T("Memory\\")); }
cv::Mat ZipByteReader::Read(size_t seqId, const std::string& path, bool grayscale) { // Find index of the file in .zip file. auto r = m_seqIdToIndex.find(seqId); if (r == m_seqIdToIndex.end()) RuntimeError("Could not find file %s in the zip file, sequence id = %lu", path.c_str(), (long)seqId); zip_uint64_t index = std::get<0>((*r).second); zip_uint64_t size = std::get<1>((*r).second); auto contents = m_workspace.pop_or_create([size]() { return vector<unsigned char>(size); }); if (contents.size() < size) contents.resize(size); auto zipFile = m_zips.pop_or_create([this]() { return OpenZip(); }); { std::unique_ptr<zip_file_t, void(*)(zip_file_t*)> file( zip_fopen_index(zipFile.get(), index, 0), [](zip_file_t* f) { assert(f != nullptr); int err = zip_fclose(f); assert(ZIP_ER_OK == err); #ifdef NDEBUG UNUSED(err); #endif }); assert(nullptr != file); if (nullptr == file) { RuntimeError("Could not open file %s in the zip file, sequence id = %lu, zip library error: %s", path.c_str(), (long)seqId, GetZipError(zip_error_code_zip(zip_get_error(zipFile.get()))).c_str()); } assert(contents.size() >= size); zip_uint64_t bytesRead = zip_fread(file.get(),, size); assert(bytesRead == size); if (bytesRead != size) { RuntimeError("Bytes read %lu != expected %lu while reading file %s", (long)bytesRead, (long)size, path.c_str()); } } m_zips.push(std::move(zipFile)); cv::Mat img; if (grayscale) img = cv::imdecode(cv::Mat(1, (int)size, CV_8UC1,, cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE); else img = cv::imdecode(cv::Mat(1, (int)size, CV_8UC1,, cv::IMREAD_COLOR); assert(nullptr !=; m_workspace.push(std::move(contents)); return img; }
HZIP OpticPack::open(const std::string& fileName) { char buff[1024]; GetCurrentDirectory(1024, buff); std::string fullPath = buff + std::string("\\") + fileName; HZIP handle = OpenZip((void*)fullPath.c_str(), 0, ZIP_FILENAME); if(handle == NULL) { std::cout << "Null zip" << std::endl; throw OpticPackException("fail"); } return handle; }
BOOL CUnzipper::Unzip(LPCTSTR szFileName, LPCTSTR szFolder, BOOL bIgnoreFilePath) { CloseZip(); if (!OpenZip(szFileName)) return FALSE; if (szFolder == NULL) szFolder = m_szOutputFolder; BOOL bRet = UnzipTo(szFolder, bIgnoreFilePath); CloseZip(); return bRet; }
QString ClassSpaceChecker::unzipFile(const QString &jarPath, const ClassFileContext *ctx) { QString output; bool ok = false; #if defined(Q_WS_WIN) QString f = jarPath; HZIP hz = OpenZip( (void *)f.toStdWString().c_str(), 0, ZIP_FILENAME ); if( !hz ) { QMessageBox::warning(this, "", tr("Jar file not found.")); ui.comboBox_JarFile->setFocus(); return ""; } do{ ZIPENTRYW ze; ZRESULT zr = GetZipItem( hz, -1, &ze ); if( zr != ZR_OK ) break; int i; zr = FindZipItem(hz, ctx->filePath.toStdWString().c_str(), true, &i, &ze); if( zr != ZR_OK ) break; //QString output = generateFileTempPath() + "Temp.class"; output = generateFileTempPath() + ctx->fullClassNameForKey + (ctx->javaFileFlag ? ".java" : ".class"); zr = UnzipItem(hz, i, (void*)output.toStdWString().c_str(), 0, ZIP_FILENAME); if( zr != ZR_OK ) break; ok = true; } while( false ); CloseZip(hz); #else // TODO : other platform(MacOS) unzip patch file return false; #endif if(ok) return output; return ""; }
int CUpdateThread::UnzipPackage(wchar_t* pPackageName) { if( pPackageName == NULL) return -1; // 启动线程,进行更新 HZIP hz = OpenZip((void*)pPackageName, 0, 2); unsigned int nZipItemNum; ZRESULT zResult = GetZipItemNum(hz, &nZipItemNum); if( zResult != ZR_OK) return -1; size_t i=0; for( ; i<nZipItemNum; i++) { ZIPENTRY ze; zResult = GetZipItemA(hz, i, &ze); if( zResult != ZR_OK) continue; USES_CONVERSION; wchar_t* pName = wcsdup(A2W(; wchar_t szName[MAX_PATH]; memset(szName, 0x0, MAX_PATH); swprintf(szName, L"%s%s", MiscHelper::GetUnpackagePath(),pName); zResult = UnzipItem(hz, i, (void*)szName, wcslen(szName),ZIP_FILENAME); // 解压失败 if( zResult != ZR_OK) break; FileHelper::ModifyFileAttribute(szName, 0, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY); } CloseZip(hz); // 更新失败 if( i < nZipItemNum) { ::MessageBox(NULL, L"安装包解压失败,无法正确进行更新", L"更新提示", MB_OK); return -1; } return 0; }
// CPropertiesFiles 訊息處理常式 BOOL CPropertiesFiles::OnInitDialog() { CPropertyPage::OnInitDialog(); HZIP hZip; ZIPENTRY ze; CARMDlg* dlg=(CARMDlg*)this->GetParentOwner()->GetParent(); arfile* arFile=(arfile*)dlg->m_lstFiles.GetItemDataPtr(dlg->m_lstFiles.GetCurSel()); hZip=OpenZip(arFile->fileName,0,ZIP_FILENAME); if (hZip) { for (int c=0; GetZipItem(hZip,c,&ze)!=ZR_ARGS; c++) { if ([_tcslen(]!='/') ((CListBox*)this->GetDlgItem(IDC_PROP_FILELIST))->AddString(; } CloseZip(hZip); } return FALSE; }
bool CDlgView::UnZipFile(string unzipfilename,string zipfilepath) { HZIP hz; //DWORD writ; // EXAMPLE 2 - unzip it with the names suggested in the zip hz = OpenZip(unzipfilename.c_str(),0); string path = zipfilepath +"\\"; SetUnzipBaseDir(hz,path.c_str()); ZIPENTRY ze; GetZipItem(hz,-1,&ze); int numitems=ze.index; for (int zi=0; zi<numitems; zi++) { GetZipItem(hz,zi,&ze); UnzipItem(hz,zi,; } CloseZip(hz); return true; }
bool findPackageFromEmbeddedZip(wchar_t* buf, DWORD cbSize) { bool ret = false; CResource zipResource; if (!zipResource.Load(L"DATA", IDR_UPDATE_ZIP)) { return false; } DWORD dwSize = zipResource.GetSize(); if (dwSize < 0x100) { return false; } BYTE* pData = (BYTE*)zipResource.Lock(); HZIP zipFile = OpenZip(pData, dwSize, NULL); ZRESULT zr; int index = 0; do { ZIPENTRY zentry; zr = GetZipItem(zipFile, index, &zentry); if (zr != ZR_OK && zr != ZR_MORE) { break; } if (wcsstr(, L"nupkg")) { ZeroMemory(buf, cbSize); int idx = wcscspn(, L"-"); memcpy(buf,, sizeof(wchar_t) * idx); ret = true; break; } index++; } while (zr == ZR_MORE || zr == ZR_OK); CloseZip(zipFile); zipResource.Release(); return ret; }
void test_unzip() { wstring sFilePath; sFilePath = L"c:\\"; HZIP hz = OpenZip((void *)sFilePath.c_str(), 0, 2); if( hz == NULL ) { cout<<"Error opening zip file"<<endl; return; } ZIPENTRY ze; int i; if( FindZipItem(hz, L"1.txt", true, &i, &ze) != 0 ) { cout<<"Could not find ziped file"<<endl; return; } DWORD dwSize = ze.unc_size; if( dwSize == 0 ) { cout<<"File is empty"; return; } if ( dwSize > 4096*1024 ) { cout<<"File too large"; return; } BYTE* pByte = new BYTE[ dwSize + 1 ]; ZeroMemory(pByte, dwSize + 1); int res = UnzipItem(hz, i, pByte, dwSize, 3); if( res != 0x00000000 && res != 0x00000600) { delete[] pByte; CloseZip(hz); cout<<"Could not unzip file"; return; } CloseZip(hz); cout<<pByte<<endl; delete[] pByte; }
bool CZip::extract(const QString & filePath, const QString & extDirPath, const QString & singleFileName, const QString &password) { HZIP hz = OpenZip(filePath.toStdString().c_str(), password.isEmpty() ? 0 : password.toStdString().c_str()); if(!hz) { return false; } SetUnzipBaseDir(hz,extDirPath.toStdString().c_str()); if (!singleFileName.isEmpty()) { ZIPENTRY ze; int i; FindZipItem(hz, singleFileName.toStdString().c_str(), true, &i, &ze); UnzipItem(hz, i,; CloseZip(hz); return true; } for (int i = 0; ;i++) { ZIPENTRY ze; ZRESULT zr = GetZipItem(hz, i, &ze); if (zr != ZR_OK) { if(zr == ZR_FAILED || zr == ZR_NOTFOUND) { CloseZip(hz); return false; } break; // no more } UnzipItem(hz, i,; } CloseZip(hz); return true; }
int main() { HZIP hz; hz = CreateZip("",0); ZipAdd(hz,"znsimple.jpg", "std_sample.jpg"); ZipAdd(hz,"znsimple.txt", "std_sample.txt"); CloseZip(hz); hz = OpenZip("",0); ZIPENTRY ze; GetZipItem(hz,-1,&ze); int numitems=ze.index; for (int zi=0; zi<numitems; zi++) { GetZipItem(hz,zi,&ze); UnzipItem(hz,zi,; } CloseZip(hz); return 0; }
BOOL CMyUtility::UnZip( LPCTSTR wcPathIn, LPCTSTR wcExtractObject, LPCTSTR wcPathOut ) { HZIP hz; int index, numfile; ZIPENTRYW ze = {0}; TCHAR wcFilePath[MAX_PATH] = {0}; if(!wcPathIn) return FALSE; hz = OpenZip((void*)wcPathIn, 0, ZIP_FILENAME); if (!hz) return FALSE; GetZipItem(hz, -1, &ze); numfile = ze.index; for(index = 0; index < numfile; index++) { GetZipItem(hz, index, &ze); if (!wcExtractObject) { swprintf(wcFilePath, MAX_PATH - 1, _T("%s\\%s"), wcPathOut,; UnzipItem(hz, index, wcFilePath, 0, ZIP_FILENAME); } else { int len = lstrlen(wcExtractObject); if (_tcsnicmp(wcExtractObject,, len) == 0) { swprintf(wcFilePath, MAX_PATH - 1, _T("%s\\%s"), wcPathOut,; UnzipItem(hz, index, wcFilePath, 0, ZIP_FILENAME); //check to know object need to be extracted is file if (!(ze.attr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) && len == lstrlen( break; } } } CloseZip(hz); return TRUE; return TRUE; }
void ZipByteReader::Register(const std::map<std::string, size_t>& sequences) { auto zipFile = m_zips.pop_or_create([this]() { return OpenZip(); }); zip_stat_t stat; zip_stat_init(&stat); size_t numberOfEntries = 0; size_t numEntries = zip_get_num_entries(zipFile.get(), 0); for (size_t i = 0; i < numEntries; ++i) { int err = zip_stat_index(zipFile.get(), i, 0, &stat); if (ZIP_ER_OK != err) RuntimeError("Failed to get file info for index %d, zip library error: %s", (int)i, GetZipError(err).c_str()); auto sequenceId = sequences.find(std::string(; if (sequenceId == sequences.end()) { continue; } else { m_seqIdToIndex[sequenceId->second] = std::make_pair(stat.index, stat.size); numberOfEntries++; } } m_zips.push(std::move(zipFile)); if (numberOfEntries != sequences.size()) { // Not all sequences have been found. Let's print them out and throw. for (const auto& s : sequences) { auto index = m_seqIdToIndex.find(s.second); if (index == m_seqIdToIndex.end()) { fprintf(stderr, "Sequence %s is not found in container %s.\n", s.first.c_str(), m_zipPath.c_str()); } } RuntimeError("Cannot retrieve image data for some sequences. For more detail, please see the log file."); } }
static BOOL extract(LPVOID cdata, DWORD csz) { HANDLE h; WCHAR tempnam[MAX_PATH+1] = {0}; BOOL ret = true; HZIP zipf; ZIPENTRYW ze; ZRESULT res; int nitems; HRESULT hr; IProgressDialog *pd = NULL; hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_ProgressDialog, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_PPV_ARGS(&pd)); if (FAILED(hr)) { show_error(L"Failed to create progress dialog"); return false; } pd->SetTitle(L"Extracting Calibre Portable"); pd->SetLine(1, L"Decompressing data...", true, NULL); h = temp_file(tempnam); if (h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return false; pd->StartProgressDialog(NULL, NULL, PROGDLG_NORMAL | PROGDLG_AUTOTIME | PROGDLG_NOCANCEL, NULL); if (!decompress(cdata, csz, h, pd)) { ret = false; goto end; } SetFilePointer(h, 0, NULL, FILE_BEGIN); zipf = OpenZip(h, 0, ZIP_HANDLE); if (zipf == 0) { show_last_error(L"Failed to open zipped portable data"); ret = false; goto end; } res = GetZipItem(zipf, -1, &ze); if (res != ZR_OK) { show_zip_error(L"Failed to get count of items in portable data", L"", res); ret = false; goto end;} nitems = ze.index; pd->SetLine(1, L"Copying files...", true, NULL); if (!unzip(zipf, nitems, pd)) { ret = false; goto end; } end: pd->StopProgressDialog(); pd->Release(); CloseHandle(h); DeleteFile(tempnam); return ret; }
void FileUtils::Unzip(std::string& source, std::string& destination, UnzipCallback callback, void *data) { std::wstring wideSource = UTILS_NS::UTF8ToWide(source); std::wstring wideDestination = UTILS_NS::UTF8ToWide(destination); HZIP handle = OpenZip(wideSource.c_str(), 0); SetUnzipBaseDir(handle, wideDestination.c_str()); ZIPENTRY zipEntry; ZeroMemory(&zipEntry, sizeof(ZIPENTRY)); GetZipItem(handle, -1, &zipEntry); int numItems = zipEntry.index; if (callback != NULL) { std::ostringstream message; message << "Starting extraction of " << numItems << " items from " << source << "to " << destination; std::string messageString = message.str(); callback((char*) messageString.c_str(), 0, numItems, data); } for (int zi = 0; zi < numItems; zi++) { ZeroMemory(&zipEntry, sizeof(ZIPENTRY)); GetZipItem(handle, zi, &zipEntry); if (callback != NULL) { std::string name = WideToUTF8(; std::string message = "Extracting "; message.append(name); message.append("..."); callback((char*) message.c_str(), zi, numItems, data); } UnzipItem(handle, zi,; } CloseZip(handle); }