Example #1
void SparseCoding<DictionaryInitializer>::Encode(const size_t maxIterations,
                                                 const double objTolerance,
                                                 const double newtonTolerance)

  double lastObjVal = DBL_MAX;

  // Take the initial coding step, which has to happen before entering the main
  // optimization loop.
  Log::Info << "Initial Coding Step." << std::endl;

  arma::uvec adjacencies = find(codes);

  Log::Info << "  Sparsity level: " << 100.0 * ((double) (adjacencies.n_elem))
      / ((double) (atoms * data.n_cols)) << "%." << std::endl;
  Log::Info << "  Objective value: " << Objective() << "." << std::endl;

  for (size_t t = 1; t != maxIterations; ++t)
    // Print current iteration, and maximum number of iterations (if it isn't
    // 0).
    Log::Info << "Iteration " << t;
    if (maxIterations != 0)
      Log::Info << " of " << maxIterations;
    Log::Info << "." << std::endl;

    // First step: optimize the dictionary.
    Log::Info << "Performing dictionary step... " << std::endl;
    OptimizeDictionary(adjacencies, newtonTolerance);
    Log::Info << "  Objective value: " << Objective() << "." << std::endl;

    // Second step: perform the coding.
    Log::Info << "Performing coding step..." << std::endl;
    // Get the indices of all the nonzero elements in the codes.
    adjacencies = find(codes);
    Log::Info << "  Sparsity level: " << 100.0 * ((double) (adjacencies.n_elem))
        / ((double) (atoms * data.n_cols)) << "%." << std::endl;

    // Find the new objective value and improvement so we can check for
    // convergence.
    double curObjVal = Objective();
    double improvement = lastObjVal - curObjVal;
    Log::Info << "  Objective value: " << curObjVal << " (improvement "
        << std::scientific << improvement << ")." << std::endl;

    // Have we converged?
    if (improvement < objTolerance)
      Log::Info << "Converged within tolerance " << objTolerance << ".\n";

    lastObjVal = curObjVal;

Example #2
void LocalCoordinateCoding::Train(
    const arma::mat& data,
    const DictionaryInitializer& initializer)

  // Initialize the dictionary.
  initializer.Initialize(data, atoms, dictionary);

  double lastObjVal = DBL_MAX;

  // Take the initial coding step, which has to happen before entering the main
  // loop.
  Log::Info << "Initial Coding Step." << std::endl;

  arma::mat codes;
  Encode(data, codes);
  arma::uvec adjacencies = find(codes);

  Log::Info << "  Sparsity level: " << 100.0 * ((double)(adjacencies.n_elem)) /
      ((double)(atoms * data.n_cols)) << "%.\n";
  Log::Info << "  Objective value: " << Objective(data, codes, adjacencies)
      << "." << std::endl;

  for (size_t t = 1; t != maxIterations; t++)
    Log::Info << "Iteration " << t << " of " << maxIterations << "."
        << std::endl;

    // First step: optimize the dictionary.
    Log::Info << "Performing dictionary step..." << std::endl;
    OptimizeDictionary(data, codes, adjacencies);
    double dsObjVal = Objective(data, codes, adjacencies);
    Log::Info << "  Objective value: " << dsObjVal << "." << std::endl;

    // Second step: perform the coding.
    Log::Info << "Performing coding step..." << std::endl;
    Encode(data, codes);
    adjacencies = find(codes);
    Log::Info << "  Sparsity level: " << 100.0 * ((double) (adjacencies.n_elem))
        / ((double)(atoms * data.n_cols)) << "%.\n";

    // Terminate if the objective increased in the coding step.
    double curObjVal = Objective(data, codes, adjacencies);
    if (curObjVal > dsObjVal)
      Log::Warn << "Objective increased in coding step!  Terminating."
          << std::endl;

    // Find the new objective value and improvement so we can check for
    // convergence.
    double improvement = lastObjVal - curObjVal;
    Log::Info << "Objective value: " << curObjVal << " (improvement "
        << std::scientific << improvement << ")." << std::endl;

    if (improvement < tolerance)
      Log::Info << "Converged within tolerance " << tolerance << ".\n";

    lastObjVal = curObjVal;
