  Test that outerproduct is working with some small hand-checked cases.

    number of entries where the outerproduct is invalid
OL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT int TestOuterProduct() noexcept {
  int total_errors = 0;
  const int size_m = 2;
  const int size_n = 3;
  const double vector_v[size_m] = {1.2, -2.1};
  const double vector_u[size_n] = {-2.7, 0.0, 3.3};
  double positive_scale = 1.0;
  double zero_scale = 0.0;
  const double outer_prod[size_m*size_n] = {0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0};
  double input[size_m*size_n] = {0.0};
  const double result_positive_scale[size_m*size_n] = {0.0 + (-2.7*1.2), 1.0 + (-2.7*-2.1), 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 + (3.3*1.2), 5.0 + (3.3*-2.1)};

  std::copy(outer_prod, outer_prod + size_m*size_n, input);
  OuterProduct(size_m, size_n, positive_scale, vector_v, vector_u, input);
  for (int i = 0; i < size_m*size_n; ++i) {
    if (!CheckDoubleWithinRelative(input[i], result_positive_scale[i], std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon())) {

  std::copy(outer_prod, outer_prod + size_m*size_n, input);
  OuterProduct(size_m, size_n, zero_scale, vector_v, vector_u, input);
  for (int i = 0; i < size_m*size_n; ++i) {
    if (!CheckDoubleWithinRelative(input[i], outer_prod[i], std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon())) {

  return total_errors;
Example #2
	vnl_double_3x3 OuterProduct(const vgl_point_3d<double> &A, const vgl_point_3d<double> &B)
		vnl_double_3 a = vgl_point_to_vnl_vector(A);
		vnl_double_3 b = vgl_point_to_vnl_vector(B);
		vnl_double_3x3 OP = OuterProduct(a, b);
		return OP;
Example #3
**	ポリゴンモデリング(法線も計算)
**		添字(0, 1, 2)の順にCW(時計回り)で入力
**		各頂点の座標を入力
void OpenGL::DrawPolygonSurface(double x0, double y0, double z0,
								double x1, double y1, double z1,
								double x2, double y2, double z2)

	double norm;
	double x, y, z;
	double vx1,vy1,vz1,vx2,vy2,vz2;

	// ベクトルの差を計算
	vx1 = x0 - x1;
	vy1 = y0 - y1;
	vz1 = z0 - z1;

	vx2 = x2 - x1;
	vy2 = y2 - y1;
	vz2 = z2 - z1;

	// 外積計算
	OuterProduct(vx1, vy1, vz1, vx2, vy2, vz2, &x, &y, &z);
	norm = sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z);

	if ( norm == 0)
		fprintf(stderr, "OpenGL:: DrawPolygonSurface Error\n\n");

	x = x/norm;
	y = y/norm;
	z = z/norm;

		glNormal3f( (GLfloat)x, (GLfloat)y, (GLfloat)z );
		glVertex3f( (GLfloat)x0, (GLfloat)y0, (GLfloat)z0 );
		glVertex3f( (GLfloat)x1, (GLfloat)y1, (GLfloat)z1);
		glVertex3f( (GLfloat)x2, (GLfloat)y2, (GLfloat)z2);

Example #4
    //  SolveConstitutiveEquations
    //    -  Solves the constitutive equation given the applied strain rate; i.e.,
    //       find the stress state that is compatible with the strain rate defined.
    //  Applying Newton Raphson to solve the the stress state given the strain state of
    //  the system.
    EigenRep SolveConstitutiveEquations( const EigenRep           & InitialStressState,   // initial guess, either from Sach's or previous iteration
                                         const vector<EigenRep>   & SchmidtTensors,
                                         const vector<Float>      & CRSS,
                                         const vector<Float>      & GammaDotBase,         // reference shear rate
                                         const vector<int>      & RateSensitivity,
                                         const EigenRep           & StrainRate,           // Current strain rate - constant from caller
                                         Float                      EpsilonConvergence,
                                         Float                      MaxResolvedStress,
                                         int                        MaxNumIterations )
      const Float Coeff = 0.2; // global fudge factor
      EigenRep CurrentStressState = InitialStressState;
      int RemainingIterations     = MaxNumIterations;
      EigenRep NewStressState = InitialStressState;
      EigenRep SavedState(0, 0, 0, 0, 0);  // used to return to old state
      while( RemainingIterations > 0 )
        bool AdmissibleStartPointFound = false;
        std::vector<Float> RSS( SchmidtTensors.size(), 0 );            //  This is really RSS / tau
        do    // refresh critical resolved shear stress.
              // check to see if it is outside of the yield
              // surface, and therefore inadmissible
          AdmissibleStartPointFound = true;
          for( int i = 0; i < SchmidtTensors.size(); i ++ )
            RSS[i] = InnerProduct( SchmidtTensors[i], CurrentStressState) / CRSS[i];

            if( std::fabs( RSS[i] ) < 1e-10 )
              RSS[i] = 0;
            if( std::fabs( RSS[i] ) > MaxResolvedStress )
              AdmissibleStartPointFound = false;
          if( !AdmissibleStartPointFound )
            CurrentStressState = SavedState + ( CurrentStressState - SavedState ) * Coeff;
          RemainingIterations --;
          if( RemainingIterations < 0 )
            return NewStressState;
        } while ( !AdmissibleStartPointFound ); 
        std::vector<Float> GammaDot( SchmidtTensors.size(), 0 );            //  This is really RSS / tau
        for( int i = 0; i < SchmidtTensors.size(); i ++ )
          if( RateSensitivity[i] -1 > 0 )
            GammaDot[i] = GammaDotBase[i] * std::pow( std::fabs( RSS[i] ), static_cast<int>( RateSensitivity[i] - 1 ) );
            GammaDot[i] = GammaDotBase[i];          

        // Construct residual vector R(Sigma), where Sigma is stress.  R(Sigma) is a 5d vector
        EigenRep Residual( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ); // current estimate
        SMatrix5x5 ResidualJacobian;

        for( int i = 0; i < SchmidtTensors.size(); i ++ )
          Residual += SchmidtTensors[i] * GammaDot[i] * RSS[i];  // Residual = StrainRate - sum_{k} [ m^{k}_i * |r_ss/ crss|^n ]

          // Construct F', or the Jacobian
          ResidualJacobian -= OuterProduct( SchmidtTensors[i], SchmidtTensors[i] )
            * RateSensitivity[i] * GammaDot[i] / CRSS[i];

        Residual =  Residual - StrainRate ;  // need the negative residual, instead of E - R
        SavedState            = CurrentStressState;
        EigenRep Delta_Stress = LU_Solver( ResidualJacobian, Residual );     // <----------- Need to hangle error from this
        NewStressState        = CurrentStressState + Delta_Stress;        
        Float RelativeError = static_cast<Float>(2) * Delta_Stress.Norm() / ( NewStressState + CurrentStressState ).Norm();

        CurrentStressState = NewStressState;
        if( RelativeError < EpsilonConvergence )
      } // end while
      return NewStressState;
Example #5
    //  SolveConstrainedConstitutiveEquations
    //  --  This is *REALLY* close to the normal SolveConstitutiveEquations.  One could
    //      replace both of these functions with a function that takes a functor...  but
    //      may not do this till later.
    EigenRep SolveConstrainedConstitutiveEquations( const EigenRep           & InitialStressState,
                                                    const vector<EigenRep>   & SchmidtTensors,
                                                    const vector<Float>      & CRSS,
                                                    const vector<Float>      & GammaDotBase,         // reference shear rate
                                                    const vector<int>      & RateSensitivity,
                                                    const EigenRep           & MacroscopicStrainRate,
                                                    const EigenRep           & LagrangeMultiplier,      // also known as - lagrange multiplier, or lambda(x)
                                                    const EigenRep           & LocalDisplacementVariation,
                                                    const SMatrix5x5         & HomogeonousReference,
                                                    Float                      EpsilonConvergence,
                                                    Float                      MaxResolvedStress,
                                                    int                        MaxNumIterations,
                                                    Float *NR_Error_Out )
      const Float Coeff = 0.2; // global fudge factor
      EigenRep CurrentStressState = InitialStressState;
      int RemainingIterations     = MaxNumIterations;
      EigenRep NewStressState( -1, -3, -7, -9, -11 );
      Float RelativeError = 1e5;
      EigenRep SavedState = InitialStressState; 

      // DEBUG
//       std::cout << "MacroscopicStrainRate " << MacroscopicStrainRate << std::endl;
//       std::cout << "LagrangeMultiplier " << LagrangeMultiplier << std::endl;
//       std::cout << "Local d-dot " << LocalDisplacementVariation << std::endl;
//       std::cout << "Local L \n " << HomogeonousReference << std::endl;
      while( RemainingIterations > 0 )
        EigenRep LoopStartStressState = CurrentStressState;
        bool AdmissibleStartPointFound = false;
        std::vector<Float> RSS( SchmidtTensors.size(), 0 );            //  This is really RSS / tau
        do    // refresh critical resolved shear stress.
              // check to see if it is outside of the yield
              // surface, and therefore inadmissible
          AdmissibleStartPointFound = true;
          Float MaxCRSS = 0;
          for( int i = 0; i < SchmidtTensors.size(); i ++ )
            RSS[i] = InnerProduct( SchmidtTensors[i], CurrentStressState) / CRSS[i];
            MaxCRSS = std::max( std::fabs( RSS[i] ), MaxCRSS );
            if( std::fabs( RSS[i] ) > MaxResolvedStress )
              AdmissibleStartPointFound = false;
          if( !AdmissibleStartPointFound )
            CurrentStressState =  SavedState + ( CurrentStressState - SavedState ) * Coeff;
          RemainingIterations --;
          if( RemainingIterations < 0 )
            return CurrentStressState; //  InitialStressState;      // not failing gracefully at all
        } while ( !AdmissibleStartPointFound );

        std::vector<Float> GammaDot( SchmidtTensors.size(), 0 );            //  This is really RSS / tau
        for( int i = 0; i < SchmidtTensors.size(); i ++ )
          if( RateSensitivity[i] != 1 )
            GammaDot[i] = GammaDotBase[i] * std::pow( std::fabs( RSS[i] ), ( RateSensitivity[i] - 1 ) );
            GammaDot[i] = GammaDotBase[i];          

        // Construct residual vector R(Sigma), where Sigma is stress.  R(Sigma) is a 5d vector
        EigenRep ResolvedStressSum( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ); // current estimate
        SMatrix5x5 ResidualJacobian;

        for( int i = 0; i < SchmidtTensors.size(); i ++ )
          ResolvedStressSum += SchmidtTensors[i] * GammaDot[i] * RSS[i];  // Residual = StrainRate - sum_{k} [ m^{k}_i * |r_ss/ crss|^n ]

          // Construct F', or the Jacobian
          ResidualJacobian += OuterProduct( SchmidtTensors[i], SchmidtTensors[i] ) * RateSensitivity[i] * GammaDot[i] / CRSS[i]; // may need a sign

        // -------------------------------
        //  If we use Eigen for this section, the
        //  expression templating will significantly improve
        //  the efficiency of this section significantly via
        //  explicit vectorization.  
        // -------------------------------
        SMatrix5x5 Identity5x5;
        ResidualJacobian  =   -Identity5x5 - (HomogeonousReference * ResidualJacobian) ;   // was I -
        EigenRep Residual =   CurrentStressState  - LagrangeMultiplier
          +   HomogeonousReference
          * ( ResolvedStressSum - MacroscopicStrainRate - LocalDisplacementVariation );     // validated
        SavedState            = CurrentStressState;
        EigenRep Delta_Stress = LU_Solver( ResidualJacobian, Residual );     // <----------- Need to hangle error from this
        NewStressState        = CurrentStressState + Delta_Stress;           // was - Delta
        RelativeError         =  (NewStressState - SavedState).Norm() /( ( NewStressState + SavedState) * static_cast<Float>(0.5)).Norm();
        CurrentStressState = NewStressState;
        if( RelativeError < EpsilonConvergence )
      } // end while

      *NR_Error_Out = RelativeError;

      return NewStressState;
Example #6
	GaussMixture* GaussMixtureEstimator::Estimate(vector<VecD>& pts) const {
		assert(pts.size() >= ncomps);
		int npts = pts.size();
		int dim = pts[0].size();

		// Compute the number of free variables in the model and in the
		// data. If the former is less than the latter then the system is
		// underspecified and will lead to singularities in the likelihood
		// function.
		int model_params;
		if (spherical) {
			model_params = ncomps * (2 + dim);
		} else if (axis_aligned) {
			model_params = ncomps * (1 + 2*dim);
		} else {
			model_params = ncomps * (1 + dim + dim*(dim+1)/2);
		int data_params = npts * dim;  // number of free variables in the data
		assert(data_params >= model_params);  // is the system under-specified?

		// Initialize the model using k-means clustering
		GaussMixture* model = new GaussMixture(ncomps, dim);
		MatD resps(npts, ncomps);
		vector<VecD> initmeans;
		KMeans::Estimate(pts, ncomps, initmeans, resps);
		for (int i = 0; i < ncomps; i++) {
			model->weights[i] = 1.0 / ncomps;
			model->comps[i]->mean = initmeans[i];
			// set covariances to 1e-10 * Identity so that in the first
			// iteration each point is assigned entirely to the nearest
			// component

		// Begin iterating
		double loglik = 0.0, prev_loglik = 0.0;
		for (int i = 0; i < max_iters; i++) {
			GaussMixtureEvaluator eval(*model);

			// Check for small determinants (indicates poor support)
			for (int j = 0; j < model->ncomps; j++) {
				double logdetcov = eval.Component(j).GetLogDetCov();
				if (logdetcov < -50*dim) {
					cerr << "Warning: log(det(covariance of component " << j << "))"
							 << " is very small: " << logdetcov << endl;
					cerr << "  its total support is " << resps.GetRow(j).Sum() << endl;
					cerr << "  at iteration " << i << endl;

			// Compute responsibilities (E step)
			//DLOG << "E step\n";
			prev_loglik = loglik;
			loglik = 0.0;
			for (int j = 0; j < npts; j++) {
				double logdenom = eval.EvaluateLog(pts[j]);
				loglik += logdenom;

				// Compute the responsibilities
				for (int k = 0; k < ncomps; k++) {
					const GaussianEvaluator& g = eval.Component(k);
					double logresp = eval.logweights[k] + g.EvaluateLog(pts[j]);
					resps[j][k] = exp(logresp - logdenom);

			// Test for convergence
			//DLOG << "After iteration " << i << " log likelihood = " << loglik << endl;
			double reldiff = fabs((prev_loglik - loglik) / prev_loglik);
			if (reldiff < exit_thresh) {
				cout << "EM converged after " << i << " iterations" << endl;
				return model;
			prev_loglik = loglik;

			// Estimate new parameters (M step)
			//DLOG << "M step\n";
			for (int k = 0; k < ncomps; k++) {
				Gaussian* comp = model->comps[k].get();
				VecD col = resps.GetColumn(k);
				double colsum = resps.GetColumn(k).Sum();

				// Estimate means
				for (int j = 0; j < npts; j++) {
					comp->mean += col[j] * pts[j];
				comp->mean /= colsum;

				// Estimate covariances

				// Initialize the forward diagonal to a small constant to
				// prevent singularities when components only have a small
				// number of points assigned to them.

				for (int j = 0; j < npts; j++) {
					if (spherical) {
						double d = col[j] * VectorSSD(pts[j], comp->mean) / dim;
						for (int k = 0; k < dim; k++) {
							comp->cov[k][k] += d;
					} else if (axis_aligned) {
						VecD d = pts[j] - comp->mean;
						for (int k = 0; k < dim; k++) {
							comp->cov[k][k] += col[j] * d[k]*d[k];
					} else {
						VecD v = pts[j] - comp->mean;
						comp->cov += col[j] * OuterProduct(v, v);
				comp->cov /= colsum;
				if (spherical) {
					for (int k = 0; k < dim; k++) {
						comp->cov[k][k] = sqrt(comp->cov[k][k]);

				// Estimate weights
				model->weights[k] = colsum;
			// Normalize mixing coefficients
			model->weights /= model->weights.Sum();

		DLOG << "EM failed to converge after " << max_iters << " iterations" << endl;
		return model;