/** * Initialize the network shaper. * * @returns VBox status code * @param pVM The cross context VM structure. */ int pdmR3NetShaperInit(PVM pVM) { LogFlow(("pdmR3NetShaperInit: pVM=%p\n", pVM)); VM_ASSERT_EMT(pVM); PUVM pUVM = pVM->pUVM; AssertMsgReturn(!pUVM->pdm.s.pNetShaper, ("Network shaper was already initialized\n"), VERR_WRONG_ORDER); PPDMNETSHAPER pShaper; int rc = MMR3HeapAllocZEx(pVM, MM_TAG_PDM_NET_SHAPER, sizeof(PDMNETSHAPER), (void **)&pShaper); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { PCFGMNODE pCfgNetShaper = CFGMR3GetChild(CFGMR3GetChild(CFGMR3GetRoot(pVM), "PDM"), "NetworkShaper"); pShaper->pVM = pVM; rc = RTCritSectInit(&pShaper->Lock); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* Create all bandwidth groups. */ PCFGMNODE pCfgBwGrp = CFGMR3GetChild(pCfgNetShaper, "BwGroups"); if (pCfgBwGrp) { for (PCFGMNODE pCur = CFGMR3GetFirstChild(pCfgBwGrp); pCur; pCur = CFGMR3GetNextChild(pCur)) { size_t cbName = CFGMR3GetNameLen(pCur) + 1; char *pszBwGrpId = (char *)RTMemAllocZ(cbName); if (pszBwGrpId) { rc = CFGMR3GetName(pCur, pszBwGrpId, cbName); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { uint64_t cbMax; rc = CFGMR3QueryU64(pCur, "Max", &cbMax); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = pdmNsBwGroupCreate(pShaper, pszBwGrpId, cbMax); } RTMemFree(pszBwGrpId); } else rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) break; } } if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { rc = PDMR3ThreadCreate(pVM, &pShaper->pTxThread, pShaper, pdmR3NsTxThread, pdmR3NsTxWakeUp, 0 /*cbStack*/, RTTHREADTYPE_IO, "PDMNsTx"); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { pUVM->pdm.s.pNetShaper = pShaper; return VINF_SUCCESS; } } RTCritSectDelete(&pShaper->Lock); } MMR3HeapFree(pShaper); } LogFlow(("pdmR3NetShaperInit: pVM=%p rc=%Rrc\n", pVM, rc)); return rc; }
/** * Initialize the network shaper. * * @returns VBox status code * @param pVM Pointer to the VM. */ int pdmR3NetShaperInit(PVM pVM) { LogFlowFunc((": pVM=%p\n", pVM)); VM_ASSERT_EMT(pVM); PPDMNETSHAPER pNetShaper = NULL; int rc = MMR3HeapAllocZEx(pVM, MM_TAG_PDM_NET_SHAPER, sizeof(PDMNETSHAPER), (void **)&pNetShaper); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { PCFGMNODE pCfgRoot = CFGMR3GetRoot(pVM); PCFGMNODE pCfgNetShaper = CFGMR3GetChild(CFGMR3GetChild(pCfgRoot, "PDM"), "NetworkShaper"); pNetShaper->pVM = pVM; rc = RTCritSectInit(&pNetShaper->cs); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* Create all bandwidth groups. */ PCFGMNODE pCfgBwGrp = CFGMR3GetChild(pCfgNetShaper, "BwGroups"); if (pCfgBwGrp) { for (PCFGMNODE pCur = CFGMR3GetFirstChild(pCfgBwGrp); pCur; pCur = CFGMR3GetNextChild(pCur)) { uint64_t cbMax; size_t cbName = CFGMR3GetNameLen(pCur) + 1; char *pszBwGrpId = (char *)RTMemAllocZ(cbName); if (!pszBwGrpId) { rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; break; } rc = CFGMR3GetName(pCur, pszBwGrpId, cbName); AssertRC(rc); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = CFGMR3QueryU64(pCur, "Max", &cbMax); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = pdmNsBwGroupCreate(pNetShaper, pszBwGrpId, cbMax); RTMemFree(pszBwGrpId); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) break; } } if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { PUVM pUVM = pVM->pUVM; AssertMsg(!pUVM->pdm.s.pNetShaper, ("Network shaper was already initialized\n")); char szDesc[64]; static unsigned s_iThread; RTStrPrintf(szDesc, sizeof(szDesc), "PDMNsTx-%d", ++s_iThread); rc = PDMR3ThreadCreate(pVM, &pNetShaper->hTxThread, pNetShaper, pdmR3NsTxThread, pdmR3NsTxWakeUp, 0, RTTHREADTYPE_IO, szDesc); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { pUVM->pdm.s.pNetShaper = pNetShaper; return VINF_SUCCESS; } } RTCritSectDelete(&pNetShaper->cs); } MMR3HeapFree(pNetShaper); } LogFlowFunc((": pVM=%p rc=%Rrc\n", pVM, rc)); return rc; }
/** * Sets up a test file creating the I/O thread. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pVM Pointer to the shared VM instance structure. * @param pTestFile Pointer to the uninitialized test file structure. * @param iTestId Unique test id. */ static int tstPDMACStressTestFileOpen(PVM pVM, PPDMACTESTFILE pTestFile, unsigned iTestId) { int rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; /* Size is a multiple of 512 */ pTestFile->cbFileMax = RTRandU64Ex(FILE_SIZE_MIN, FILE_SIZE_MAX) & ~(511UL); pTestFile->cbFileCurr = 0; pTestFile->cbFileSegment = RTRandU32Ex(SEGMENT_SIZE_MIN, RT_MIN(pTestFile->cbFileMax, SEGMENT_SIZE_MAX)) & ~((size_t)511); Assert(pTestFile->cbFileMax >= pTestFile->cbFileSegment); /* Set up the segments array. */ pTestFile->cSegments = pTestFile->cbFileMax / pTestFile->cbFileSegment; pTestFile->cSegments += ((pTestFile->cbFileMax % pTestFile->cbFileSegment) > 0) ? 1 : 0; pTestFile->paSegs = (PPDMACTESTFILESEG)RTMemAllocZ(pTestFile->cSegments * sizeof(PDMACTESTFILESEG)); if (pTestFile->paSegs) { /* Init the segments */ for (unsigned i = 0; i < pTestFile->cSegments; i++) { PPDMACTESTFILESEG pSeg = &pTestFile->paSegs[i]; pSeg->off = (RTFOFF)i * pTestFile->cbFileSegment; pSeg->cbSegment = pTestFile->cbFileSegment; /* Let the buffer point to a random position in the test pattern. */ uint32_t offTestPattern = RTRandU64Ex(0, g_cbTestPattern - pSeg->cbSegment); pSeg->pbData = g_pbTestPattern + offTestPattern; } /* Init task array. */ pTestFile->cTasksActiveMax = RTRandU32Ex(1, TASK_ACTIVE_MAX); pTestFile->paTasks = (PPDMACTESTFILETASK)RTMemAllocZ(pTestFile->cTasksActiveMax * sizeof(PDMACTESTFILETASK)); if (pTestFile->paTasks) { /* Create the template */ char szDesc[256]; RTStrPrintf(szDesc, sizeof(szDesc), "Template-%d", iTestId); rc = PDMR3AsyncCompletionTemplateCreateInternal(pVM, &pTestFile->pTemplate, tstPDMACStressTestFileTaskCompleted, pTestFile, szDesc); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* Open the endpoint now. Because async completion endpoints cannot create files we have to do it before. */ char szFile[RTPATH_MAX]; RTStrPrintf(szFile, sizeof(szFile), "tstPDMAsyncCompletionStress-%d.tmp", iTestId); RTFILE FileTmp; rc = RTFileOpen(&FileTmp, szFile, RTFILE_O_READWRITE | RTFILE_O_CREATE | RTFILE_O_DENY_NONE); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { RTFileClose(FileTmp); rc = PDMR3AsyncCompletionEpCreateForFile(&pTestFile->hEndpoint, szFile, 0, pTestFile->pTemplate); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { char szThreadDesc[256]; pTestFile->fRunning = true; /* Create the thread creating the I/O for the given file. */ RTStrPrintf(szThreadDesc, sizeof(szThreadDesc), "PDMACThread-%d", iTestId); rc = PDMR3ThreadCreate(pVM, &pTestFile->hThread, pTestFile, tstPDMACTestFileThread, NULL, 0, RTTHREADTYPE_IO, szThreadDesc); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { rc = PDMR3ThreadResume(pTestFile->hThread); AssertRC(rc); RTPrintf(TESTCASE ": Created test file %s cbFileMax=%llu cbFileSegment=%u cSegments=%u cTasksActiveMax=%u\n", szFile, pTestFile->cbFileMax, pTestFile->cbFileSegment, pTestFile->cSegments, pTestFile->cTasksActiveMax); return VINF_SUCCESS; } PDMR3AsyncCompletionEpClose(pTestFile->hEndpoint); } RTFileDelete(szFile); } PDMR3AsyncCompletionTemplateDestroy(pTestFile->pTemplate); } RTMemFree(pTestFile->paTasks); } else rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; RTMemFree(pTestFile->paSegs); } else rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; RTPrintf(TESTCASE ": Opening test file with id %d failed rc=%Rrc\n", iTestId, rc); return rc; }