int MPI_Finalize() { PMPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); EPLIB_finalize(); PMPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); return PMPI_Finalize(); }
void client_init(int taskid, int num_tasks) { ASSERT(max_ep > 0); /* Create data structure to track all clients */ MALLOC_ALIGN(client_table, sizeof(client_t) * max_ep, CACHELINE_SIZE); PMPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); /* Initialize command queues */ cqueue_init(max_ep); /* Spawn server */ server_create(); /* Create client data-structure */ for (int clientid = 0; clientid < max_ep; clientid++) { client_t* myclient = &client_table[clientid]; myclient->clientid = clientid; myclient->taskid = taskid; /* Attach client to a command queue */ myclient->cqueue = cqueue_attach(clientid); memory_set_cqueue(clientid, myclient->cqueue); } PMPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); if (use_mem_hooks) set_mem_hooks = 1; }
static int lock_test(void) { /* anonymnous collective */ FILE *fh; int fd,rv,log_rank=-1; double t0,t1,t2; char fn[MAXSIZE_FILENAME]; sprintf(fn,"lockfile.%s",job.cookie); if(!task.mpi_rank) { unlink(fn); } PMPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); IPM_TIME_GTOD(t0); IPM_FILE_LOCK(fn,fd); fh = fdopen(fd,"w+"); IPM_TIME_GTOD(t1); rv = fscanf(fh,"%d", &log_rank); if(rv == 1) { log_rank ++; } else { log_rank = 0; } fseek(fh,0,SEEK_SET); fprintf(fh, "%d ", log_rank); IPM_FILE_UNLOCK(fn,fd); IPM_TIME_GTOD(t2); printf("IPM: %d lock_test log_rank=%d file=%s wait=%.6f got=%.6f done=%.6f\n", task.mpi_rank, log_rank, fn, t0, t1, t2); return 0; }
/* * compute global statistics for hashtable statistics * - min of min * - max of max * - sum of sum */ void gstats_hent(ipm_hent_t hent, gstats_t *global) { #ifdef HAVE_MPI IPM_REDUCE( &hent.t_tot, &(global->dmin), 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MIN, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); IPM_REDUCE( &hent.t_tot, &(global->dmax), 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); IPM_REDUCE( &hent.t_tot, &(global->dsum), 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); IPM_REDUCE( &hent.count, &(global->nmin), 1, IPM_COUNT_MPITYPE, MPI_MIN, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); IPM_REDUCE( &hent.count, &(global->nmax), 1, IPM_COUNT_MPITYPE, MPI_MAX, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); IPM_REDUCE( &hent.count, &(global->nsum), 1, IPM_COUNT_MPITYPE, MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); /* on the cray with IPM_REPORT =full this causes a message flood and a crash - to prevent this put in a barrier Nick 10 June 2010 */ PMPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); #else global->dmin = hent.t_tot; global->dmax = hent.t_tot; global->dsum = hent.t_tot; global->nmin = hent.count; global->nmax = hent.count; global->nsum = hent.count; #endif }
int MPI_Barrier(MPI_Comm comm) { int ret; cqueue_t* mycqueue = handle_get_cqueue(comm); if (mycqueue != NULL) ret = cqueue_barrier(mycqueue, comm); else ret = PMPI_Barrier(comm); return ret; }
void allocator_init() { memory_get_limits(); if (!use_allocator) return; /* Initialize and register inter-process shmem manager */ int memid = -1; memory_init(); memid = memory_register(NULL /* allocate new */, shm_size, uuid_str, 1 /* client */); if (memid == -1) ERROR("Client unable to create default shared memory region (%ld bytes)\n", shm_size); PMPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); }
int MPI_Comm_create_endpoints(MPI_Comm parent_comm, int num_endpoints, MPI_Info info, MPI_Comm out_comm_hdls[]) { int* num_ep_list; int tot_endpoints = 0; int local_epid, global_epid = 0; int i; /* Return error if requested endpoints greater than servers */ if (num_endpoints > max_ep) return MPI_ERR_UNKNOWN; /* Map endpoints to servers */ /* Step 1/3: Gather total number of endpoints requested by all application tasks in the parent communicator parent_comm */ num_ep_list = (int*)malloc(num_tasks*sizeof(int)); ASSERT(num_ep_list != NULL); PMPI_Allgather(&num_endpoints, 1, MPI_INT, (void*)num_ep_list, 1, MPI_INT, parent_comm); /* Step 2/3: Create communicator handle objects */ for (i = 0; i < num_tasks; i++) { tot_endpoints += num_ep_list[i]; if (i < taskid) global_epid += num_ep_list[i]; } for (local_epid = 0; local_epid < num_endpoints; local_epid++) { out_comm_hdls[local_epid] = (MPI_Comm) handle_register(COMM_EP, MPI_COMM_NULL, parent_comm, num_endpoints, local_epid, tot_endpoints, global_epid, NULL, NULL); global_epid++; } /* Step 3/3: */ client_multiplex_endpoints(max_ep, num_tasks, num_endpoints, num_ep_list, out_comm_hdls); PMPI_Barrier(parent_comm); free(num_ep_list); return MPI_SUCCESS; }
void mpiPi_publishResults (int report_style) { FILE *fp = NULL; static int printCount = 0; if (mpiPi.collectorRank == mpiPi.rank) { /* Generate output filename, and open */ do { printCount++; snprintf (mpiPi.oFilename, 256, "%s/%s.%d.%d.%d.mpiP", mpiPi.outputDir, mpiPi.appName, mpiPi.size, mpiPi.procID, printCount); } while (access (mpiPi.oFilename, F_OK) == 0); fp = fopen (mpiPi.oFilename, "w"); if (fp == NULL) { mpiPi_msg_warn ("Could not open [%s], writing to stdout\n", mpiPi.oFilename); fp = stdout; } else { mpiPi_msg ("\n"); mpiPi_msg ("Storing mpiP output in [%s].\n", mpiPi.oFilename); mpiPi_msg ("\n"); } } mpiPi_profile_print (fp, report_style); PMPI_Barrier (MPI_COMM_WORLD); if (fp != stdout && fp != NULL) { fclose (fp); } }
void ipm_log(void) { /* called by all tasks (or as many as possible) */ int i,ii,rv,icall,ibytes,irank,ireg,kreg; int ipm_log_fd=-1, fan_out=0; int log_rank=-1, search_offset=0, token=1; FILE *ipm_mpi_log_fh; MPI_File ipm_mpiio_log_fh; DIR *ipm_mpi_log_dp; struct dirent *de; struct stat file_stat; IPM_KEY_TYPE key,ikey; char *cp, txt[MAXSIZE_TXTLINE]; char tmp_fname[MAXSIZE_FILENAME]; char tmp_pref[MAXSIZE_FILENAME]; char tmp_cmd[MAXSIZE_FILENAME]; double b_flops; double stamp1, stamp2, stamp3, stamp4; MPI_Status s[4]; MPI_Info outinfo; if(task.flags & IPM_WROTELOG) return; memset((void *)txt,0,(size_t)(MAXSIZE_TXTLINE*sizeof(char))); task.flags |= IPM_WROTELOG; /* only one chance, even if we fail at this point we should not return */ if(task.flags & DEBUG) { printf("IPM: %d log enter job.cookie=%s username=%s \n", task.mpi_rank, job.cookie, job.username); fflush(stdout); } /* ** bail */ if(strcmp(job.log_dir, "/dev/null") == 0 ) { if(task.flags & DEBUG) { printf("IPM: %d log exit due to LOGDIR=/dev/null", task.mpi_rank); } return; } if(stat(job.log_dir,&file_stat)) { if(!task.mpi_rank) { printf("IPM: %d log IPMLOG_DIR %s not available using $CWD \n", task.mpi_rank, job.log_dir); } sprintf(job.log_dir, "./"); } /* ** Aggregation method #1 : Multiple Files - No Aggregation IPM_LOG_USEMULTI ** Aggregation method #2 : Single File - Locks IPM_LOG_USELOCKS ** Aggregation method #3 : Single File - SMP & /tmp IPM_LOG_USETMPFS ** Aggregation method #4 : Single File - MPI - default IPM_LOG_USEMPI */ #ifndef IPM_LOG_USEMULTI #ifndef IPM_LOG_USELOCKS #ifndef IPM_LOG_USETMPFS #ifndef IPM_LOG_USEMPI #endif #endif #endif #endif #ifdef IPM_LOG_USEMULTI sprintf(job.log_fname,"%s/%s.%s.%d", job.log_dir, job.username, job.cookie, task.mpi_rank); #else if (!strcmp(job.log_fname,"unset")) { sprintf(job.log_fname,"%s/%s.%s.%d", job.log_dir, job.username, job.cookie,0); } else { sprintf(tmp_fname,"%s/%s",job.log_dir,job.log_fname); sprintf(job.log_fname,"%s",tmp_fname); } #endif if(task.flags & DEBUG) { printf("IPM: %d log IPMLOG_DIR=%s FNAME=%s \n", task.mpi_rank, job.log_dir, job.log_fname); } /* ** Aggregation method #1 : Multiple Files - No Aggregation { */ #ifdef IPM_LOG_USEMULTI /* simplest case no locking just write each file. Parallel FS may have metadata storm for N file creates */ ipm_mpi_log_fh = fopen(job.log_fname,"w"); if(ipm_mpi_log_fh == NULL) { printf("IPM: %d log fopen failed fname=%s \n", task.mpi_rank, job.log_fname); fflush(stdout); } rv = fprintf(ipm_mpi_log_fh, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"iso-8859-1\"?>\n<ipm>\n"); ipm_log_write_task(&job, &task, txt, ipm_mpi_log_fh); rv = fprintf(ipm_mpi_log_fh, "</ipm>\n"); fclose(ipm_mpi_log_fh); chmod(job.log_fname, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IRGRP|S_IROTH); return; #endif /* } */ /* ** Aggregation methods #2 : Single File - Locks { */ #ifdef IPM_LOG_USELOCKS signal(SIGALRM, ipm_alarm_log_block); alarm(30); IPM_TIME_GTOD(stamp1); if(task.flags & DEBUG) { printf("IPM: %d log block_lock fname=%s fd=%d stamp=%f \n", task.mpi_rank, job.log_fname, ipm_log_fd, stamp1 ); fflush(stdout); } IPM_FILE_LOCK(job.log_fname,ipm_log_fd); IPM_TIME_GTOD(stamp2); if(task.flags & DEBUG) { printf("IPM: %d log block_lock fname=%s fd=%d stamp=%12.6f delta=%.3e \n", task.mpi_rank, job.log_fname, ipm_log_fd, stamp2, stamp2-stamp1 ); fflush(stdout); } alarm(0); signal(SIGALRM, SIG_DFL); ipm_mpi_log_fh = fdopen(ipm_log_fd,"w+"); if(!ipm_mpi_log_fh || !ipm_log_fd) { /* fail silently */ return; } /* got log fh */ fseek(ipm_mpi_log_fh,0,SEEK_END); ipm_log_write_task(&job, &task, txt, ipm_mpi_log_fh); IPM_TIME_GTOD(stamp3); if(task.flags & DEBUG) { printf("IPM: %d log write fname=%s fd=%d stamp=%12.6f delta=%.3e \n", task.mpi_rank, job.log_fname, ipm_log_fd, stamp3, stamp3-stamp2 ); fflush(stdout); } fflush(ipm_mpi_log_fh); IPM_FILE_UNLOCK(job.log_fname,ipm_log_fd); IPM_TIME_GTOD(stamp4); if(task.flags & DEBUG) { printf("IPM: %d log unlock fname=%s fd=%d stamp=%12.6f delta=%.3e \n", task.mpi_rank, job.log_fname, ipm_log_fd, stamp4, stamp4-stamp3 ); fflush(stdout); } #endif /* } */ /* ** Aggregation method #3 : Single File - SMP & /tmp { */ #ifdef IPM_LOG_USETMPFS if(task.flags & IPM_MPI_FINALIZING) { if(task.mpi_size == 1) { /* special easy case now uneeded */ } sprintf(tmp_fname,"/tmp/%s.%s.%d", job.username, job.cookie, task.mpi_rank); ipm_mpi_log_fh = fopen(tmp_fname,"w"); if(ipm_mpi_log_fh == NULL) { printf("IPM: %d log fopen failed fname=%s \n", task.mpi_rank, tmp_fname); fflush(stdout); } chmod(tmp_fname, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IRGRP|S_IROTH); ipm_log_write_task(&job, &task, txt, ipm_mpi_log_fh); fclose(ipm_mpi_log_fh); /* host local ring barrier so that /tmp is all good */ if(task.intra_size > 1) { if(task.intra_root == task.mpi_rank) { PMPI_Send(&i,1,MPI_INT,task.intra_right,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD); PMPI_Recv(&i,1,MPI_INT,task.intra_left,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,s); } else { PMPI_Recv(&i,1,MPI_INT,task.intra_left,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,s); PMPI_Send(&i,1,MPI_INT,task.intra_right,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD); } } if(task.intra_root == task.mpi_rank) { if(job.nhosts > 1 && task.mpi_rank) { PMPI_Recv(&i,1,MPI_INT,task.inter_left,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,s); } /* sh -c lacks PATH on some system so remove popen&system where possible */ sprintf(tmp_cmd, "/usr/bin/cat /tmp/%s.%s.* >> %s", job.username, job.cookie, job.syslog_fname); system(tmp_cmd); chmod(job.syslog_fname, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IRGRP|S_IROTH); sprintf(tmp_cmd, "/usr/bin/rm -f /tmp/%s.%s.* ", job.username, job.cookie); system(tmp_cmd); /* ugh! duplicating cat and rm is yucky sprintf(tmp_pref,"%s.%s", job.username, job.cookie); dp=opendir("/tmp"); if(dp) { while(de=readdir(dp))!=NULL){ if(!strncmp(de->d_name,tmp_pref, strlen(tmp_fname))) { sprintf(tmp_fname,"/tmp/%s", de->d_name); fopen(tmp_fname,"r" read in pieces and write them to the intra-node file delete the .rank file } } } */ if(job.nhosts > 1 && task.inter_right != 0) { PMPI_Send(&i,1,MPI_INT,task.inter_right,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD); } } return; } #endif /* } */ /* ** Aggregation method #4 : Single File - MPI { */ #ifdef IPM_LOG_USEMPI if (task.flags & PARALLEL_IO_LOG ) { int buff_size=0; MPI_Offset file_offset=0; int64_t buff_sum=0; int malloc_flag,malloc_sum; char* buffer=NULL; MPI_Info info; /* measure size of buff required */ buff_size=ipm_log_write(&job, &task, txt, buffer,0,1); malloc_flag=1; buffer = (char*)malloc(buff_size+1); if (buffer == NULL) { malloc_flag=0; } else { rv=ipm_log_write(&job, &task, txt, buffer,buff_size,1); } /*see whether malloc suceeded across all mpi tasks */ PMPI_Allreduce(&malloc_flag,&malloc_sum,1,MPI_INT,MPI_SUM,MPI_COMM_WORLD); if (malloc_sum == task.mpi_size) {/* use parallel IO */ if(task.flags & DEBUG && !task.mpi_rank) { printf("IPM: %d IPM report parallel IO used\n", task.mpi_rank); } PMPI_Info_create(&info); #ifndef CRAY_GPFS_BUG PMPI_Info_set(info,"access_style","write_once"); PMPI_Info_set(info,"collective_buffering","true"); PMPI_Info_set(info,"file_perm","0644"); PMPI_Info_set(info,"romio_cb_read","true"); PMPI_Info_set(info,"cb_align","2"); PMPI_Info_set(info,"romio_cb_write","true"); PMPI_Info_set(info,"cb_config_list","*:1"); PMPI_Info_set(info,"striping_factor","80"); PMPI_Info_set(info,"IBM_largeblock_io","true"); #endif /* with allowing the user to choose the filename - can overwrite an old */ /* file - which would be fine if MPI-IO allowed TRUNC - but it doesn't */ /* so we just delete so that we don't end up with trailing garbage */ if (!task.mpi_rank) rv=PMPI_File_delete ( job.log_fname,MPI_INFO_NULL); rv=PMPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); rv = PMPI_File_open( MPI_COMM_WORLD, job.log_fname, MPI_MODE_WRONLY | MPI_MODE_CREATE,info, &ipm_mpiio_log_fh ); if (rv) { printf("IPM: %d syslog fopen failed fname=%s \n", task.mpi_rank, job.log_fname); fflush(stdout); return; } /* workaround for cases when MPI_INTEGER8 is not defined */ #ifndef MPI_INTEGER8 #define MPI_INTEGER8 MPI_LONG_LONG_INT #endif if (task.mpi_size > 1) { if (task.mpi_rank == 0) { buff_sum+=(int64_t)buff_size; PMPI_Send (&buff_sum,1,MPI_INTEGER8,1,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD); file_offset=0; } else if (task.mpi_rank == (task.mpi_size-1)) { PMPI_Recv (&buff_sum,1,MPI_INTEGER8,task.mpi_rank-1,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,MPI_STATUS_IGNORE); file_offset=(MPI_Offset)buff_sum; } else { PMPI_Recv (&buff_sum,1,MPI_INTEGER8,task.mpi_rank-1,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,MPI_STATUS_IGNORE); file_offset=(MPI_Offset)buff_sum; buff_sum+=(int64_t)buff_size; PMPI_Send (&buff_sum,1,MPI_INTEGER8,task.mpi_rank+1,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD); } } rv=PMPI_File_set_view(ipm_mpiio_log_fh,file_offset,MPI_CHAR, MPI_CHAR,"native",info); /*write info*/ rv=PMPI_File_write_all(ipm_mpiio_log_fh,buffer,buff_size,MPI_CHAR,MPI_STATUS_IGNORE); rv = PMPI_File_close( &ipm_mpiio_log_fh ); PMPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); /* Some MPI-IO implimentations (cray) permissions are not setable with hints */ if (task.mpi_rank == 0) chmod (job.log_fname,0744); free (buffer); return; } else { if (! task.mpi_rank) printf("IPM: %d Allocation of IO Buffer failed on one or more tasks\n",task.mpi_rank); } } /*parallel IO failed */ if (! task.mpi_rank) printf("IPM: %d Using serial IO\n",task.mpi_rank); /*************************************/ /* write log from rank zero using MPI*/ /*************************************/ if(task.mpi_rank==0) { ipm_mpi_log_fh = fopen(job.log_fname,"w+"); if(ipm_mpi_log_fh == NULL) { printf("IPM: %d syslog fopen failed fname=%s \n", task.mpi_rank, job.log_fname); fflush(stdout); } chmod(job.log_fname, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IRGRP|S_IROTH); ipm_log_write(&job, &task, txt,ipm_mpi_log_fh ,0,0); /* we now pollute the local profile state irrevocably in the interest of keeping a memory footprint which is a constant independent of concurrency */ /* task 0 initiates a volley of Sends via a handshake */ for(i=1; i<job.ntasks; i++) { PMPI_Send(&token,1,MPI_INT,i,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD); PMPI_Recv(&job,sizeof(struct ipm_jobdata),MPI_BYTE,i,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,s+0); PMPI_Recv(&task,sizeof(struct ipm_taskdata),MPI_BYTE,i,1,MPI_COMM_WORLD,s+1); PMPI_Recv(&(txt[0]),MAXSIZE_TXTLINE,MPI_CHAR,i,1,MPI_COMM_WORLD,s+1); ipm_log_write(&job, &task, txt,ipm_mpi_log_fh ,0,0); } fclose(ipm_mpi_log_fh); } else { PMPI_Recv(&token,1,MPI_INT,0,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,s+0); PMPI_Send(&job,sizeof(struct ipm_jobdata),MPI_BYTE,0,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD); PMPI_Send(&task,sizeof(struct ipm_taskdata),MPI_BYTE,0,1,MPI_COMM_WORLD); PMPI_Send(&(txt[0]),MAXSIZE_TXTLINE,MPI_CHAR,0,1,MPI_COMM_WORLD); } PMPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); return; #endif return; }
void vt_sync(MPI_Comm comm, uint64_t* ltime, int64_t* offset) { VT_MPI_INT myrank, myrank_host, myrank_sync; VT_MPI_INT numnodes; uint64_t time; MPI_Comm host_comm; MPI_Comm sync_comm; VT_SUSPEND_IO_TRACING(VT_CURRENT_THREAD); /* mark begin of clock synchronization */ time = vt_pform_wtime(); vt_enter(VT_CURRENT_THREAD, &time, vt_trc_regid[VT__TRC_SYNCTIME]); /* barrier at entry */ PMPI_Barrier(comm); *offset = 0; *ltime = vt_pform_wtime(); PMPI_Comm_rank(comm, &myrank); /* create communicator containing all processes on the same node */ PMPI_Comm_split(comm, (vt_pform_node_id() & 0x7FFFFFFF), 0, &host_comm); PMPI_Comm_rank(host_comm, &myrank_host); /* create communicator containing all processes with rank zero in the previously created communicators */ PMPI_Comm_split(comm, myrank_host, 0, &sync_comm); PMPI_Comm_rank(sync_comm, &myrank_sync); PMPI_Comm_size(sync_comm, &numnodes); /* measure offsets between all nodes and the root node (rank 0 in sync_comm) */ if (myrank_host == 0) { VT_MPI_INT i; for (i = 1; i < numnodes; i++) { PMPI_Barrier(sync_comm); if (myrank_sync == i) *offset = sync_slave(ltime, 0, sync_comm); else if (myrank_sync == 0) *offset = sync_master(ltime, i, sync_comm); } } /* distribute offset and ltime across all processes on the same node */ PMPI_Bcast(offset, 1, MPI_LONG_LONG_INT, 0, host_comm); PMPI_Bcast(ltime, 1, MPI_LONG_LONG_INT, 0, host_comm); PMPI_Comm_free(&host_comm); PMPI_Comm_free(&sync_comm); /* barrier at exit */ PMPI_Barrier(comm); /* mark end of clock synchronization */ time = vt_pform_wtime(); vt_exit(VT_CURRENT_THREAD, &time); VT_RESUME_IO_TRACING(VT_CURRENT_THREAD); }
void vt_esync(MPI_Comm comm) { uint64_t time, etime; Sync_TsPerRun* temp_ts; Sync_Map* temp_map; VT_MPI_INT myrank; VT_MPI_INT numnodes; VT_MPI_INT partnerid, numslots; VT_MPI_INT i; VT_SUSPEND_IO_TRACING(); /* mark begin of clock synchronization */ time = vt_pform_wtime(); vt_enter(&time, vt_trc_regid[VT__TRC_SYNCTIME]); /* ... also as comment for vtunify */ vt_comment(&time, "__ETIMESYNC__"); /* barrier at entry */ PMPI_Barrier(comm); temp_ts = (Sync_TsPerRun*) malloc(sizeof(Sync_TsPerRun)); if (temp_ts == NULL) vt_error(); temp_ts->sync_phase = NULL; temp_ts->next = NULL; if (SyncTsPerRunFirst == NULL) { SyncTsPerRunFirst = temp_ts; SyncTsPerRunLast = temp_ts; } else { SyncTsPerRunLast->next = temp_ts; SyncTsPerRunLast = temp_ts; } /* measure time synchronization */ PMPI_Comm_rank(comm, &myrank); PMPI_Comm_size(comm, &numnodes); numslots = (VT_MPI_INT)ceil(log((double)(numnodes)) / log(2.0)); for(i = 0; i < numslots; i++) { partnerid = esync_commpartner(myrank, numnodes, i); if( partnerid < numnodes ) { if( myrank < partnerid ) { esync_master(partnerid, comm, myrank); } else { esync_slave(partnerid, comm); } } } /* add myrank to list of map ids */ temp_map = (Sync_Map*)malloc(sizeof(Sync_Map)); if (temp_map == NULL) vt_error(); temp_map->id = myrank; temp_map->time = time; temp_map->duration = (uint32_t) 0; temp_map->next = NULL; if (SyncMapIdFirst == NULL) { SyncMapIdFirst = temp_map; SyncMapIdLast = temp_map; } else { SyncMapIdLast->next = temp_map; SyncMapIdLast = temp_map; } /* barrier at exit */ PMPI_Barrier(comm); /* mark end of clock synchronization */ etime = vt_pform_wtime(); vt_exit(&etime); /* increment number of sync. phases */ SyncRound++; /* set timestamp of next synchronization if necessary */ if (SyncNext != (uint64_t)-1) SyncNext = etime + SyncIntv; /* calculate sync. duration */ SyncMapIdLast->duration = etime - time; VT_RESUME_IO_TRACING(); }
int MPI_Barrier(MPI_Comm comm) { return PMPI_Barrier(comm); }
void ipm_banner(FILE *f) { ipm_hent_t stats_mpi; ipm_hent_t stats_pio; ipm_hent_t stats_omp; ipm_hent_t stats_ompi; double wallt, gflops, mpip, piop, ompp; ipm_hent_t stats_all[MAXSIZE_CALLTABLE]; int i, j; for( i=0; i<MAXNUM_REGIONS; i++ ) { banner.regions[i].valid=0; banner.regions[i].name[0]='\0'; for( j=0; j<MAXNUM_REGNESTING; j++ ) { banner.regions[i].nesting[j][0]='\0'; } } banner.flags=0; #ifdef HAVE_MPI banner.flags|=BANNER_HAVE_MPI; #endif #ifdef HAVE_POSIXIO banner.flags|=BANNER_HAVE_POSIXIO; #endif #ifdef HAVE_OMPTRACEPOINTS banner.flags|=BANNER_HAVE_OMP; #endif #ifdef HAVE_CUDA banner.flags|=BANNER_HAVE_CUDA; #endif #ifdef HAVE_CUBLAS banner.flags|=BANNER_HAVE_CUBLAS; #endif #ifdef HAVE_CUFFT banner.flags|=BANNER_HAVE_CUFFT; #endif if( task.flags&FLAG_REPORT_FULL ) { banner.flags|=BANNER_FULL; for( i=0; i<MAXSIZE_CALLTABLE; i++ ) { banner.calltable[i]=ipm_calltable[i].name; } } gstats_double( task.procmem, &(banner.procmem) ); /* --- compute statistics for whole app --- */ clear_region_stats( &( ); compute_region_stats(ipm_rstack->child, &(, 1); for( j=2; j<MAXNUM_REGIONS; j++ ) { region_t *reg=0; region_t *tmp=0; reg = rstack_find_region_by_id(ipm_rstack, j); if( reg ) { if( !((task.flags)&FLAG_NESTED_REGIONS) && reg->parent!=ipm_rstack->child ) { continue; } banner.regions[j].valid=1; strncpy(banner.regions[j].name, reg->name, MAXSIZE_REGLABEL); /* record the nesting */ tmp=reg; for( i=0; i<MAXNUM_REGNESTING; i++ ) { if(!tmp || tmp==task.rstack) break; strncpy(banner.regions[j].nesting[i], tmp->name, MAXSIZE_REGLABEL); tmp=tmp->parent; } clear_region_stats( &(banner.regions[j]) ); compute_region_stats(reg, &(banner.regions[j]), 1); } } /* --- compute statistics for ipm_noregion --- */ clear_region_stats( &(banner.regions[1]) ); compute_region_stats(ipm_rstack->child, &(banner.regions[1]), 0); sprintf(banner.regions[1].name, "ipm_noregion"); banner.regions[1].valid=1; #ifdef HAVE_MPI PMPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); #endif if( task.taskid==0 ) {;[0]='\0'; /* --- prepare banner with data from task 0 --- */ banner.tstart = task.t_start; banner.tstop = task.t_stop; banner.ntasks = task.ntasks; banner.nhosts = task.nhosts; banner.nthreads = 1; #ifdef HAVE_OMPTRACEPOINTS banner.nthreads = maxthreads; #endif /* HAVE_OMPTRACEPOINTS */ strcpy(banner.cmdline, (const char*)task.exec_cmdline); strcpy(banner.hostname, task.hostname); /* --- print it --- */ ipm_print_banner(f, &banner); } }