/* * Reconnect to the server. If dbname is not NULL, use that database, * else the one associated with the archive handle. If username is * not NULL, use that user name, else the one from the handle. If * both the database and the user match the existing connection already, * nothing will be done. * * Returns 1 in any case. */ int ReconnectToServer(ArchiveHandle *AH, const char *dbname, const char *username) { PGconn *newConn; const char *newdbname; const char *newusername; if (!dbname) newdbname = PQdb(AH->connection); else newdbname = dbname; if (!username) newusername = PQuser(AH->connection); else newusername = username; /* Let's see if the request is already satisfied */ if (strcmp(newdbname, PQdb(AH->connection)) == 0 && strcmp(newusername, PQuser(AH->connection)) == 0) return 1; newConn = _connectDB(AH, newdbname, newusername); PQfinish(AH->connection); AH->connection = newConn; return 1; }
/* * Send a vacuum/analyze command to the server. In async mode, return after * sending the command; else, wait for it to finish. * * Any errors during command execution are reported to stderr. If async is * false, this function exits the program after reporting the error. */ static void run_vacuum_command(PGconn *conn, const char *sql, bool echo, const char *table, const char *progname, bool async) { bool status; if (async) { if (echo) printf("%s\n", sql); status = PQsendQuery(conn, sql) == 1; } else status = executeMaintenanceCommand(conn, sql, echo); if (!status) { if (table) fprintf(stderr, _("%s: vacuuming of table \"%s\" in database \"%s\" failed: %s"), progname, table, PQdb(conn), PQerrorMessage(conn)); else fprintf(stderr, _("%s: vacuuming of database \"%s\" failed: %s"), progname, PQdb(conn), PQerrorMessage(conn)); if (!async) { PQfinish(conn); exit(1); } } }
/* internal function to check if a table exists in the database * takes an unescaped table name and returns an escaped one or null */ int db_unsafe_check_table(PGconn *pgsql, const char *table) { int status; char *query; char *db; PGresult *result; db = PQdb(pgsql); asprintf(&query, "SELECT \"table_name\" FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_catalog = '%s' AND table_schema = current_schema() AND table_name = '%s'", db, table); db_debug(HIGH, "Query = %s\n", query); result = PQexec(pgsql, query); free(query); if (PQresultStatus(result) == PGRES_TUPLES_OK) { if (PQntuples(result) == 1) { debug(DEBUG, "%s found!\n", table); status = TRUE; } else { debug(DEBUG, "%s missing!\n", table); status = FALSE; } } else { db_debug(LOW, "%s", PQerrorMessage(pgsql)); status = FALSE; } (void)PQclear(result); return status; }
void test_database_init() { scheduler_t* scheduler; PGresult* db_result; GString* sql; scheduler = scheduler_init(testdb, NULL); database_init(scheduler); FO_ASSERT_PTR_NOT_NULL(scheduler->db_conn); sprintf(sqltmp, check_scheduler_tables, PQdb(scheduler->db_conn)); sql = g_string_new(sqltmp); g_string_append(sql, "'users';"); /* get the url for the fossology instance */ db_result = database_exec(scheduler, sql->str); //printf("sql: %s\n", sql->str); // TODO skip this test since the order reported here is random, also it will crash if PQntuples < 5 #if 0 if(PQresultStatus(db_result) == PGRES_TUPLES_OK && PQntuples(db_result) != 0) { //printf("result: %s\n", g_strdup(PQgetvalue(db_result, 0, 0))); FO_ASSERT_STRING_EQUAL(g_strdup(PQgetvalue(db_result, 0, 0)), "user_pk"); FO_ASSERT_STRING_EQUAL(g_strdup(PQgetvalue(db_result, 1, 0)), "user_name"); FO_ASSERT_STRING_EQUAL(g_strdup(PQgetvalue(db_result, 2, 0)), "root_folder_fk"); FO_ASSERT_STRING_EQUAL(g_strdup(PQgetvalue(db_result, 3, 0)), "user_desc"); FO_ASSERT_STRING_EQUAL(g_strdup(PQgetvalue(db_result, 4, 0)), "user_seed"); } #endif PQclear(db_result); g_string_free(sql, TRUE); scheduler_destroy(scheduler); }
/* * Pass remote error/notice/warning through. */ void plproxy_remote_error(ProxyFunction *func, ProxyConnection *conn, const PGresult *res, bool iserr) { const char *ss = PQresultErrorField(res, PG_DIAG_SQLSTATE); const char *sev = PQresultErrorField(res, PG_DIAG_SEVERITY); const char *msg = PQresultErrorField(res, PG_DIAG_MESSAGE_PRIMARY); const char *det = PQresultErrorField(res, PG_DIAG_MESSAGE_DETAIL); const char *hint = PQresultErrorField(res, PG_DIAG_MESSAGE_HINT); const char *spos = PQresultErrorField(res, PG_DIAG_STATEMENT_POSITION); const char *ipos = PQresultErrorField(res, PG_DIAG_INTERNAL_POSITION); const char *iquery = PQresultErrorField(res, PG_DIAG_INTERNAL_QUERY); const char *ctx = PQresultErrorField(res, PG_DIAG_CONTEXT); int elevel; /* libpq errors may not have sqlstate */ if (!ss) ss = "XX000"; if (iserr) /* must ignore remote level, as it may be FATAL/PANIC */ elevel = ERROR; else /* cannot look at sev here, as it may be localized */ elevel = !strncmp(ss, "00", 2) ? NOTICE : WARNING; ereport(elevel, ( errcode(MAKE_SQLSTATE(ss[0], ss[1], ss[2], ss[3], ss[4])), errmsg("%s(%d): [%s] REMOTE %s: %s", func->name, func->arg_count, PQdb(conn->cur->db), sev, msg), det ? errdetail("Remote detail: %s", det) : 0, hint ? errhint("Remote hint: %s", hint) : 0, spos ? errposition(atoi(spos)) : 0, ipos ? internalerrposition(atoi(ipos)) : 0, iquery ? internalerrquery(iquery) : 0, ctx ? errcontext("Remote context: %s", ctx) : 0)); }
/*! \param connect DB connect string */ QuillErrCode PGSQLDatabase::connectDB() { if ((connection = PQconnectdb(con_str)) == NULL) { dprintf(D_ALWAYS, "Fatal error - unable to allocate connection to DB\n"); return QUILL_FAILURE; } if (PQstatus(connection) != CONNECTION_OK) { char *dbname; dbname = PQdb(connection); dprintf(D_ALWAYS, "Connection to database '%s' failed.\n", dbname); dprintf(D_ALWAYS, "%s", PQerrorMessage(connection)); dprintf(D_ALWAYS, "Deallocating connection resources to database '%s'\n", dbname); PQfinish(connection); connection = NULL; return QUILL_FAILURE; } connected = true; return QUILL_SUCCESS; }
static int switch_database(struct dbpath *dbpath) { PGconn *newdbconn; if (dbpath_is_root(*dbpath)) return 1; if (strcmp(dbpath->database, PQdb(dbconn)) == 0) return 1; newdbconn = PQsetdbLogin(PQhost(dbconn), PQport(dbconn), PQoptions(dbconn), PQtty(dbconn), dbpath->database, PQuser(dbconn), PQpass(dbconn)); if (PQstatus(newdbconn) != CONNECTION_OK) { debug("new connection failed"); PQfinish(newdbconn); return 0; } PQfinish(dbconn); dbconn = newdbconn; return 1; }
/* * GetQueryResult * * Process the query result. Returns true if there's no error, false * otherwise -- but errors about trying to vacuum a missing relation are * reported and subsequently ignored. */ static bool GetQueryResult(PGconn *conn, const char *progname) { PGresult *result; SetCancelConn(conn); while ((result = PQgetResult(conn)) != NULL) { /* * If errors are found, report them. Errors about a missing table are * harmless so we continue processing; but die for other errors. */ if (PQresultStatus(result) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK) { char *sqlState = PQresultErrorField(result, PG_DIAG_SQLSTATE); fprintf(stderr, _("%s: vacuuming of database \"%s\" failed: %s"), progname, PQdb(conn), PQerrorMessage(conn)); if (sqlState && strcmp(sqlState, ERRCODE_UNDEFINED_TABLE) != 0) { PQclear(result); return false; } } PQclear(result); } ResetCancelConn(); return true; }
/* [Re]connects to database */ static GSM_Error SMSDPgSQL_Connect(GSM_SMSDConfig * Config) { unsigned char buf[400]; PGresult *Res; unsigned int port = 5432; char *pport; pport = strstr(Config->host, ":"); if (pport) { *pport++ = '\0'; port = atoi(pport); } sprintf(buf, "host = '%s' user = '******' password = '******' dbname = '%s' port = %d", Config->host, Config->user, Config->password, Config->database, port); SMSDPgSQL_Free(Config); Config->conn.pg = PQconnectdb(buf); if (PQstatus(Config->conn.pg) != CONNECTION_OK) { SMSD_Log(DEBUG_ERROR, Config, "Error connecting to database: %s", PQerrorMessage(Config->conn.pg)); PQfinish(Config->conn.pg); return ERR_DB_CONNECT; } Res = PQexec(Config->conn.pg, "SET NAMES UTF8"); PQclear(Res); SMSD_Log(DEBUG_INFO, Config, "Connected to database: %s on %s. Server version: %d Protocol: %d", PQdb(Config->conn.pg), PQhost(Config->conn.pg), PQserverVersion(Config->conn.pg), PQprotocolVersion(Config->conn.pg)); return ERR_NONE; }
static int c_psql_check_connection (c_psql_database_t *db) { /* "ping" */ PQclear (PQexec (db->conn, "SELECT 42;")); if (CONNECTION_OK != PQstatus (db->conn)) { PQreset (db->conn); /* trigger c_release() */ if (0 == db->conn_complaint.interval) db->conn_complaint.interval = 1; if (CONNECTION_OK != PQstatus (db->conn)) { c_complain (LOG_ERR, &db->conn_complaint, "Failed to connect to database %s: %s", db->database, PQerrorMessage (db->conn)); return -1; } db->proto_version = PQprotocolVersion (db->conn); if (3 > db->proto_version) log_warn ("Protocol version %d does not support parameters.", db->proto_version); } db->server_version = PQserverVersion (db->conn); c_release (LOG_INFO, &db->conn_complaint, "Successfully reconnected to database %s", PQdb (db->conn)); return 0; } /* c_psql_check_connection */
static int c_psql_check_connection (c_psql_database_t *db) { _Bool init = 0; if (! db->conn) { init = 1; /* trigger c_release() */ if (0 == db->conn_complaint.interval) db->conn_complaint.interval = 1; c_psql_connect (db); } /* "ping" */ PQclear (PQexec (db->conn, "SELECT 42;")); if (CONNECTION_OK != PQstatus (db->conn)) { PQreset (db->conn); /* trigger c_release() */ if (0 == db->conn_complaint.interval) db->conn_complaint.interval = 1; if (CONNECTION_OK != PQstatus (db->conn)) { c_complain (LOG_ERR, &db->conn_complaint, "Failed to connect to database %s (%s): %s", db->database, db->instance, PQerrorMessage (db->conn)); return -1; } db->proto_version = PQprotocolVersion (db->conn); } db->server_version = PQserverVersion (db->conn); if (c_would_release (&db->conn_complaint)) { char *server_host; int server_version; server_host = PQhost (db->conn); server_version = PQserverVersion (db->conn); c_do_release (LOG_INFO, &db->conn_complaint, "Successfully %sconnected to database %s (user %s) " "at server %s%s%s (server version: %d.%d.%d, " "protocol version: %d, pid: %d)", init ? "" : "re", PQdb (db->conn), PQuser (db->conn), C_PSQL_SOCKET3 (server_host, PQport (db->conn)), C_PSQL_SERVER_VERSION3 (server_version), db->proto_version, PQbackendPID (db->conn)); if (3 > db->proto_version) log_warn ("Protocol version %d does not support parameters.", db->proto_version); } return 0; } /* c_psql_check_connection */
const wxString dbgPgConn::getName() const { wxString result = wxString( PQhost( m_pgConn ), wxConvUTF8 ); result += wxT( "/" ); result.Append( wxString( PQdb( m_pgConn ), wxConvUTF8 )); return( result ); }
static void cluster_one_database(const char *dbname, bool verbose, const char *table, const char *host, const char *port, const char *username, enum trivalue prompt_password, const char *progname, bool echo) { PQExpBufferData sql; PGconn *conn; conn = connectDatabase(dbname, host, port, username, prompt_password, progname, echo, false); initPQExpBuffer(&sql); appendPQExpBufferStr(&sql, "CLUSTER"); if (verbose) appendPQExpBufferStr(&sql, " VERBOSE"); if (table) { appendPQExpBufferChar(&sql, ' '); appendQualifiedRelation(&sql, table, conn, progname, echo); } appendPQExpBufferChar(&sql, ';'); if (!executeMaintenanceCommand(conn, sql.data, echo)) { if (table) fprintf(stderr, _("%s: clustering of table \"%s\" in database \"%s\" failed: %s"), progname, table, PQdb(conn), PQerrorMessage(conn)); else fprintf(stderr, _("%s: clustering of database \"%s\" failed: %s"), progname, PQdb(conn), PQerrorMessage(conn)); PQfinish(conn); exit(1); } PQfinish(conn); termPQExpBuffer(&sql); }
/************************************************************************* * * Function: sql_create_socket * * Purpose: Establish connection to the db * *************************************************************************/ static int sql_init_socket(rlm_sql_handle_t *handle, rlm_sql_config_t *config) { char *dbstring; rlm_sql_postgres_conn_t *conn; #ifdef HAVE_OPENSSL_CRYPTO_H static bool ssl_init = false; if (!ssl_init) { PQinitOpenSSL(0, 0); ssl_init = true; } #endif MEM(conn = handle->conn = talloc_zero(handle, rlm_sql_postgres_conn_t)); talloc_set_destructor(conn, _sql_socket_destructor); dbstring = strchr(config->sql_db, '=') ? talloc_strdup(conn, config->sql_db) : talloc_asprintf(conn, "dbname='%s'", config->sql_db); if (config->sql_server[0] != '\0') { dbstring = talloc_asprintf_append(dbstring, " host='%s'", config->sql_server); } if (config->sql_port[0] != '\0') { dbstring = talloc_asprintf_append(dbstring, " port=%s", config->sql_port); } if (config->sql_login[0] != '\0') { dbstring = talloc_asprintf_append(dbstring, " user='******'", config->sql_login); } if (config->sql_password[0] != '\0') { dbstring = talloc_asprintf_append(dbstring, " password='******'", config->sql_password); } conn->dbstring = dbstring; conn->db = PQconnectdb(dbstring); DEBUG2("rlm_sql_postgresql: Connecting using parameters: %s", dbstring); if (!conn->db || (PQstatus(conn->db) != CONNECTION_OK)) { ERROR("rlm_sql_postgresql: Connection failed: %s", PQerrorMessage(conn->db)); return -1; } DEBUG2("Connected to database '%s' on '%s' server version %i, protocol version %i, backend PID %i ", PQdb(conn->db), PQhost(conn->db), PQserverVersion(conn->db), PQprotocolVersion(conn->db), PQbackendPID(conn->db)); return 0; }
void sql_shutdown() { PGconn *pgsql; if (!pgsql_struct) return; pgsql = pgsql_struct; STARTLOG(LOG_ALWAYS, "SQL", "DISC") log_printf ("Disconnected from SQL server %s, SQL database selected: %s", PQhost(pgsql), PQdb(pgsql)); ENDLOG PQfinish(pgsql); pgsql_struct = NULL; mudstate.sql_socket = -1; }
/* * SyncVariables * * Make psql's internal variables agree with connection state upon * establishing a new connection. */ void SyncVariables(void) { /* get stuff from connection */ pset.encoding = PQclientEncoding(pset.db); pset.popt.topt.encoding = pset.encoding; pset.sversion = PQserverVersion(pset.db); SetVariable(pset.vars, "DBNAME", PQdb(pset.db)); SetVariable(pset.vars, "USER", PQuser(pset.db)); SetVariable(pset.vars, "HOST", PQhost(pset.db)); SetVariable(pset.vars, "PORT", PQport(pset.db)); SetVariable(pset.vars, "ENCODING", pg_encoding_to_char(pset.encoding)); /* send stuff to it, too */ PQsetErrorVerbosity(pset.db, pset.verbosity); }
/** @brief Check if table exists. Note, this assumes the database name is 'fossology'. @param pgConn database connection @param tableName @todo REMOVE hardcoded catalog name "fossology" @return 1 if table exists, 0 on error (which is logged) or if table does not exist. ****************************************************/ int fo_tableExists(PGconn *pgConn, char *tableName) { char sql[256]; PGresult *result; int TabCount; snprintf(sql, sizeof(sql), "select count(*) from information_schema.tables where table_catalog='%s' and table_name='%s'", PQdb(pgConn), tableName); result = PQexec(pgConn, sql); if (fo_checkPQresult(pgConn, result, sql, __FILE__, __LINE__)) return 0; TabCount = atol(PQgetvalue(result, 0, 0)); PQclear(result); return(TabCount); } /* fo_tableExists() */
void test_database_exec_event() { scheduler_t* scheduler; GString* sql; scheduler = scheduler_init(testdb, NULL); FO_ASSERT_PTR_NULL(scheduler->db_conn); database_init(scheduler); FO_ASSERT_PTR_NOT_NULL(scheduler->db_conn); sprintf(sqltmp, check_scheduler_tables, PQdb(scheduler->db_conn)); sql = g_string_new(sqltmp); g_string_append(sql, "'user';"); database_exec_event(scheduler, sql->str); scheduler_destroy(scheduler); }
EtatConnexion::EtatConnexion() { map <string, string> paramsDic; SIPgSql& instance = SIPgSql::Instance(paramsDic); conn = instance.getConn(); if (PQstatus(conn) == CONNECTION_OK) { // -------- PGresult *res; // -------- res = PQexec(conn, "select version() as version"); // -------- wxString textValue; textValue.Append("host : '"); textValue.Append(PQhost(conn)); textValue.Append("' ; port : '"); textValue.Append(PQport(conn)); textValue.Append("' ; dbname : '"); textValue.Append(PQdb(conn)); textValue.Append("' ; user : '******' ;\n\n"); textValue.Append(PQgetvalue(res, 0, 0)); wxMessageBox(textValue, wxT("Statut de la connexion : OK")); } else { // devrait pas arriver !!! wxMessageBox(wxT("Choisir : Connexion->Nouvelle connexion"), wxT("Statut de la connexion : pas de connexion")); } }
LispObj * Lisp_PQdb(LispBuiltin *builtin) /* pq-db connection */ { char *string; PGconn *conn; LispObj *connection; connection = ARGUMENT(0); if (!CHECKO(connection, PGconn_t)) LispDestroy("%s: cannot convert %s to PGconn*", STRFUN(builtin), STROBJ(connection)); conn = (PGconn*)(connection->data.opaque.data); string = PQdb(conn); return (string ? STRING(string) : NIL); }
/* * Attempt to get the name of relation and copy to relName * (if there's a database connection and the reloid changed) * Copy a string with oid if not found */ char * getRelName(uint32 relid, char *buf, size_t buflen) { char dbQry[1024]; /* Try the relfilenode and oid just in case the filenode has changed If it has changed more than once we can't translate it's name */ snprintf(dbQry, sizeof(dbQry), "SELECT relname, oid FROM pg_class WHERE relfilenode = %i OR oid = %i", relid, relid); if (cache_get(relid)) { snprintf(buf, buflen, "%s", cache_get(relid)); return buf; } /* * If the xlog record has some information about rmgr operation on * a different database, it needs to establish a new connection * to the different database in order to retrieve a object name * from the system catalog. */ if (conn && strcmp(PQdb(conn), dbName) != 0) { /* * Re-connect to the different database. */ if (conn) PQfinish(conn); conn = PQsetdbLogin(pghost, pgport, NULL, NULL, dbName, pguser, pgpass); } oid2name_get_name(relid, buf, buflen, dbQry); return buf; }
int main() { // próba po³±czenia PGconn *myconnection = PQconnectdb(""); // sprawdzamy status po³±czenia if(PQstatus(myconnection) == CONNECTION_OK) { printf("connection made\n"); // informacje o po³±czeniu printf("PGDBNAME = %s\n",PQdb(myconnection)); printf("PGUSER = %s\n",PQuser(myconnection)); printf("PGPASSWORD = %s\n",PQpass(myconnection)); printf("PGHOST = %s\n",PQhost(myconnection)); printf("PGPORT = %s\n",PQport(myconnection)); printf("OPTIONS = %s\n",PQoptions(myconnection)); } else printf("connection failed: %s\n", PQerrorMessage(myconnection)); // w razie utraty po³±czenia wywo³anie // PQreset(myconnection); // zamyka op³±czenie i nawi±zuje je raz jeszcze // z dotychczasowymi parametrami PQfinish(myconnection); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
/* * ProcessQueryResult * * Process (and delete) a query result. Returns true if there's no error, * false otherwise -- but errors about trying to vacuum a missing relation * are reported and subsequently ignored. */ static bool ProcessQueryResult(PGconn *conn, PGresult *result, const char *progname) { /* * If it's an error, report it. Errors about a missing table are harmless * so we continue processing; but die for other errors. */ if (PQresultStatus(result) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK) { char *sqlState = PQresultErrorField(result, PG_DIAG_SQLSTATE); fprintf(stderr, _("%s: vacuuming of database \"%s\" failed: %s"), progname, PQdb(conn), PQerrorMessage(conn)); if (sqlState && strcmp(sqlState, ERRCODE_UNDEFINED_TABLE) != 0) { PQclear(result); return false; } } PQclear(result); return true; }
/* * slashUsage * * print out help for the backslash commands */ void slashUsage(unsigned short int pager) { FILE *output; char *currdb; currdb = PQdb(pset.db); if (currdb == NULL) currdb = ""; output = PageOutput(90, pager); /* if you add/remove a line here, change the row count above */ fprintf(output, _("General\n")); fprintf(output, _(" \\copyright show PostgreSQL usage and distribution terms\n")); fprintf(output, _(" \\g [FILE] or ; execute query (and send results to file or |pipe)\n")); fprintf(output, _(" \\h [NAME] help on syntax of SQL commands, * for all commands\n")); fprintf(output, _(" \\q quit psql\n")); fprintf(output, "\n"); fprintf(output, _("Query Buffer\n")); fprintf(output, _(" \\e [FILE] edit the query buffer (or file) with external editor\n")); fprintf(output, _(" \\ef [FUNCNAME] edit function definition with external editor\n")); fprintf(output, _(" \\p show the contents of the query buffer\n")); fprintf(output, _(" \\r reset (clear) the query buffer\n")); #ifdef USE_READLINE fprintf(output, _(" \\s [FILE] display history or save it to file\n")); #endif fprintf(output, _(" \\w FILE write query buffer to file\n")); fprintf(output, "\n"); fprintf(output, _("Input/Output\n")); fprintf(output, _(" \\copy ... perform SQL COPY with data stream to the client host\n")); fprintf(output, _(" \\echo [STRING] write string to standard output\n")); fprintf(output, _(" \\i FILE execute commands from file\n")); fprintf(output, _(" \\o [FILE] send all query results to file or |pipe\n")); fprintf(output, _(" \\qecho [STRING] write string to query output stream (see \\o)\n")); fprintf(output, "\n"); fprintf(output, _("Informational\n")); fprintf(output, _(" (options: S = show system objects, + = additional detail)\n")); fprintf(output, _(" \\d[S+] list tables, views, and sequences\n")); fprintf(output, _(" \\d[S+] NAME describe table, view, sequence, or index\n")); fprintf(output, _(" \\da[S] [PATTERN] list aggregates\n")); fprintf(output, _(" \\db[+] [PATTERN] list tablespaces\n")); fprintf(output, _(" \\dc[S] [PATTERN] list conversions\n")); fprintf(output, _(" \\dC [PATTERN] list casts\n")); fprintf(output, _(" \\dd[S] [PATTERN] show comments on objects\n")); fprintf(output, _(" \\ddp [PATTERN] list default privileges\n")); fprintf(output, _(" \\dD[S] [PATTERN] list domains\n")); fprintf(output, _(" \\des[+] [PATTERN] list foreign servers\n")); fprintf(output, _(" \\deu[+] [PATTERN] list user mappings\n")); fprintf(output, _(" \\dew[+] [PATTERN] list foreign-data wrappers\n")); fprintf(output, _(" \\df[antw][S+] [PATRN] list [only agg/normal/trigger/window] functions\n")); fprintf(output, _(" \\dF[+] [PATTERN] list text search configurations\n")); fprintf(output, _(" \\dFd[+] [PATTERN] list text search dictionaries\n")); fprintf(output, _(" \\dFp[+] [PATTERN] list text search parsers\n")); fprintf(output, _(" \\dFt[+] [PATTERN] list text search templates\n")); fprintf(output, _(" \\dg[+] [PATTERN] list roles (groups)\n")); fprintf(output, _(" \\dx[+] [PATTERN] list extensions\n")); fprintf(output, _(" \\di[S+] [PATTERN] list indexes\n")); fprintf(output, _(" \\dl list large objects, same as \\lo_list\n")); fprintf(output, _(" \\dn[+] [PATTERN] list schemas\n")); fprintf(output, _(" \\do[S] [PATTERN] list operators\n")); fprintf(output, _(" \\dp [PATTERN] list table, view, and sequence access privileges\n")); fprintf(output, _(" \\dr[S+] [PATTERN] list foreign tables\n")); /* GPDB Only */ fprintf(output, _(" \\drds [PATRN1 [PATRN2]] list per-database role settings\n")); fprintf(output, _(" \\ds[S+] [PATTERN] list sequences\n")); fprintf(output, _(" \\dt[S+] [PATTERN] list tables\n")); fprintf(output, _(" \\dT[S+] [PATTERN] list data types\n")); fprintf(output, _(" \\du[+] [PATTERN] list roles (users)\n")); fprintf(output, _(" \\dv[S+] [PATTERN] list views\n")); fprintf(output, _(" \\dE [PATTERN] list external tables\n")); fprintf(output, _(" \\l[+] list all databases\n")); fprintf(output, _(" \\z [PATTERN] same as \\dp\n")); fprintf(output, "\n"); fprintf(output, _("Formatting\n")); fprintf(output, _(" \\a toggle between unaligned and aligned output mode\n")); fprintf(output, _(" \\C [STRING] set table title, or unset if none\n")); fprintf(output, _(" \\f [STRING] show or set field separator for unaligned query output\n")); fprintf(output, _(" \\H toggle HTML output mode (currently %s)\n"), ON(pset.popt.topt.format == PRINT_HTML)); fprintf(output, _(" \\pset NAME [VALUE] set table output option\n" " (NAME := {format|border|expanded|fieldsep|footer|null|\n" " numericlocale|recordsep|tuples_only|title|tableattr|pager})\n")); fprintf(output, _(" \\t [on|off] show only rows (currently %s)\n"), ON(pset.popt.topt.tuples_only)); fprintf(output, _(" \\T [STRING] set HTML <table> tag attributes, or unset if none\n")); fprintf(output, _(" \\x [on|off] toggle expanded output (currently %s)\n"), ON(pset.popt.topt.expanded)); fprintf(output, "\n"); fprintf(output, _("Connection\n")); fprintf(output, _(" \\c[onnect] [DBNAME|- USER|- HOST|- PORT|-]\n" " connect to new database (currently \"%s\")\n"), PQdb(pset.db)); fprintf(output, _(" \\encoding [ENCODING] show or set client encoding\n")); fprintf(output, _(" \\password [USERNAME] securely change the password for a user\n")); fprintf(output, _(" \\conninfo display information about current connection\n")); fprintf(output, "\n"); fprintf(output, _("Operating System\n")); fprintf(output, _(" \\cd [DIR] change the current working directory\n")); fprintf(output, _(" \\timing [on|off] toggle timing of commands (currently %s)\n"), ON(pset.timing)); fprintf(output, _(" \\! [COMMAND] execute command in shell or start interactive shell\n")); fprintf(output, "\n"); fprintf(output, _("Variables\n")); fprintf(output, _(" \\prompt [TEXT] NAME prompt user to set internal variable\n")); fprintf(output, _(" \\set [NAME [VALUE]] set internal variable, or list all if no parameters\n")); fprintf(output, _(" \\unset NAME unset (delete) internal variable\n")); fprintf(output, "\n"); fprintf(output, _("Large Objects\n")); fprintf(output, _(" \\lo_export LOBOID FILE\n" " \\lo_import FILE [COMMENT]\n" " \\lo_list\n" " \\lo_unlink LOBOID large object operations\n")); if (output != stdout) { pclose(output); #ifndef WIN32 pqsignal(SIGPIPE, SIG_DFL); #endif } }
Con_Handle * RS_PostgreSQL_newConnection(Mgr_Handle * mgrHandle, s_object * con_params) { S_EVALUATOR RS_DBI_connection * con; RS_PostgreSQL_conParams *conParams; Con_Handle *conHandle; PGconn *my_connection; const char *user = NULL, *password = NULL, *host = NULL, *dbname = NULL, *port = NULL, *tty = NULL, *options = NULL; if (!is_validHandle(mgrHandle, MGR_HANDLE_TYPE)) { RS_DBI_errorMessage("invalid PostgreSQLManager", RS_DBI_ERROR); } user = CHR_EL(con_params, 0); password = CHR_EL(con_params, 1); host = CHR_EL(con_params, 2); dbname = CHR_EL(con_params, 3); port = CHR_EL(con_params, 4); tty = CHR_EL(con_params, 5); options = CHR_EL(con_params, 6); my_connection = PQsetdbLogin(host, port, options, tty, dbname, user, password); conParams = RS_postgresql_allocConParams(); /* save actual connection parameters */ conParams->user = RS_DBI_copyString(PQuser(my_connection)); conParams->password = RS_DBI_copyString(PQpass(my_connection)); { const char *tmphost = PQhost(my_connection); if (tmphost) { conParams->host = RS_DBI_copyString(tmphost); } else { conParams->host = RS_DBI_copyString(""); } } conParams->dbname = RS_DBI_copyString(PQdb(my_connection)); conParams->port = RS_DBI_copyString(PQport(my_connection)); conParams->tty = RS_DBI_copyString(PQtty(my_connection)); conParams->options = RS_DBI_copyString(PQoptions(my_connection)); if (PQstatus(my_connection) != CONNECTION_OK) { char buf[1000]; sprintf(buf, "could not connect %s@%s on dbname \"%s\"\n", PQuser(my_connection), host?host:"local", PQdb(my_connection)); PQfinish(my_connection); my_connection = NULL; RS_PostgreSQL_freeConParams(conParams); /*free BEFORE emitting err message that do not come back */ RS_DBI_errorMessage(buf, RS_DBI_ERROR); return R_NilValue; /* don't reach here as it goes back to R proc */ } PROTECT(conHandle = RS_DBI_allocConnection(mgrHandle, (Sint) 1)); /* The second argument (1) specifies the number of result sets allocated */ con = RS_DBI_getConnection(conHandle); if (my_connection && !con) { PQfinish(my_connection); my_connection = NULL; RS_PostgreSQL_freeConParams(conParams); conParams = (RS_PostgreSQL_conParams *) NULL; RS_DBI_errorMessage("could not alloc space for connection object", RS_DBI_ERROR); } if(con) { con->drvConnection = (void *) my_connection; con->conParams = (void *) conParams; } UNPROTECT(1); return conHandle; }
bool GetRestoreSegmentDatabaseArray(PGconn *pConn, RestorePairArray * restorePairAr, BackupLoc backupLocation, char *restore_set_str, bool dataOnly) { bool bRtn = true; PQExpBuffer pQry = NULL; PGresult *pRes = NULL; int ntups; int count; int i_dbid; int i_content; int i_host; int i_port; int i; int j; int x; int dbidset_count = 0; int *dbidset = NULL; SegmentDatabase *sourceSegDB; SegmentDatabase *targetSegDB; pQry = createPQExpBuffer(); appendPQExpBuffer(pQry, "SELECT" " dbid," " content," " hostname," " port " "FROM " " gp_segment_configuration " "WHERE role='p' " "ORDER BY content DESC"); pRes = PQexec(pConn, pQry->data); if (!pRes || PQresultStatus(pRes) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK) { mpp_err_msg("ERROR", "gp_restore", "query to obtain list of Greenplum segment databases failed: %s", PQerrorMessage(pConn)); bRtn = false; goto cleanup; } ntups = PQntuples(pRes); if (ntups <= 0) { mpp_err_msg("ERROR", "gp_restore", "no Greenplum segment databases found on master segment schema"); bRtn = false; goto cleanup; } count = ntups + 1; /* * Allocate enough memory for all of them, even though some may be * filtered out. */ restorePairAr->count = 0; restorePairAr->pData = (RestorePair *) calloc(count, sizeof(RestorePair)); if (restorePairAr->pData == NULL) { mpp_err_msg("ERROR", "gp_restore", "Unable to allocate memory for Greenplum segment database information\n"); bRtn = false; goto cleanup; } /* get the column numbers */ i_dbid = PQfnumber(pRes, "dbid"); i_content = PQfnumber(pRes, "content"); i_host = PQfnumber(pRes, "hostname"); i_port = PQfnumber(pRes, "port"); /* * if the dump file is on individual databases, parse the list of dbid's * where those files exist. */ if (backupLocation == FILE_ON_INDIVIDUAL) { /* allocate dbidset. len is more than we need but it's a safe bet */ dbidset = (int *) calloc(strlen(restore_set_str), sizeof(int)); MemSet(dbidset, 0, strlen(restore_set_str) * sizeof(int)); if (dbidset == NULL) { mpp_err_msg("ERROR", "gp_restore", "Unable to allocate memory for Greenplum dbidset information\n"); bRtn = false; goto cleanup; } /* parse the user specified dbid list, return dbid count */ dbidset_count = parseDbidSet(dbidset, restore_set_str); if (dbidset_count < 1) { bRtn = false; goto cleanup; } for (i = 0; i < dbidset_count; i++) { bool match = false; for (j = 0; j < ntups; j++) { int dbid = atoi(PQgetvalue(pRes, j, i_dbid)); if (dbid == dbidset[i]) { match = true; break; } } if (!match) { mpp_err_msg("ERROR", "gp_restore", "dbid %d is not a primary Greenplum segment databases entry\n", dbidset[i]); bRtn = false; goto cleanup; } } } mpp_err_msg("INFO", "gp_restore", "Preparing to restore the following segments:\n"); /* Read through the results set. */ x = 0; for (i = 0; i < ntups; i++) { int dbid = atoi(PQgetvalue(pRes, i, i_dbid)); int contentid = atoi(PQgetvalue(pRes, i, i_content)); bool should_restore = false; /* if dataOnly don't restore the master (table definitions) */ if (dataOnly && contentid == -1) continue; if (backupLocation == FILE_ON_INDIVIDUAL) { should_restore = false; for (j = 0; j < dbidset_count; j++) { if (dbid == dbidset[j]) should_restore = true; } if (!should_restore) continue; } targetSegDB = &restorePairAr->pData[x].segdb_target; targetSegDB->dbid = dbid; targetSegDB->role = (contentid == -1 ? ROLE_MASTER : ROLE_SEGDB); targetSegDB->port = atoi(PQgetvalue(pRes, i, i_port)); targetSegDB->pszHost = strdup(PQgetvalue(pRes, i, i_host)); targetSegDB->pszDBName = PQdb(pConn); targetSegDB->pszDBUser = PQuser(pConn); targetSegDB->pszDBPswd = PQpass(pConn); targetSegDB->content = contentid; sourceSegDB = &restorePairAr->pData[x].segdb_source; sourceSegDB->dbid = targetSegDB->dbid; sourceSegDB->role = targetSegDB->role; sourceSegDB->port = targetSegDB->port; sourceSegDB->pszHost = targetSegDB->pszHost; sourceSegDB->pszDBName = targetSegDB->pszDBName; sourceSegDB->pszDBUser = targetSegDB->pszDBUser; if (targetSegDB->pszDBPswd) sourceSegDB->pszDBPswd = targetSegDB->pszDBPswd; if (targetSegDB->role == ROLE_MASTER) mpp_err_msg("INFO", "gp_restore", "Master (dbid 1)\n"); else mpp_err_msg("INFO", "gp_restore", "Segment %d (dbid %d)\n", contentid, targetSegDB->dbid); x++; } /* set the count to be the number that passed the set inclusion test */ restorePairAr->count = x; cleanup: if (pQry != NULL) destroyPQExpBuffer(pQry); if (pRes != NULL) PQclear(pRes); return bRtn; }
snprintf(connect_string, CONNECT_STRING_SIZE, "host = '%s' dbname = '%s' user = '******' password = '******'", mudconf.sql_host, mudconf.sql_db, mudconf.sql_username, mudconf.sql_password); pgsql = PQconnectdb(connect_string); if (!pgsql) { STARTLOG(LOG_ALWAYS, "SQL", "CONN") log_printf("Failed connection to SQL server %s: %s", mudconf.sql_host, PQerrorMessage(pgsql)); ENDLOG return -1; } STARTLOG(LOG_ALWAYS, "SQL", "CONN") log_printf("Connected to SQL server %s, SQL database selected: %s", PQhost(pgsql), PQdb(pgsql)); ENDLOG pgsql_struct = pgsql; mudstate.sql_socket = PQsocket(pgsql); return 1; } int sql_query(player, q_string, buff, bufc, row_delim, field_delim) dbref player; char *q_string; char *buff; char **bufc;
/* * do_connect -- handler for \connect * * Connects to a database with given parameters. If there exists an * established connection, NULL values will be replaced with the ones * in the current connection. Otherwise NULL will be passed for that * parameter to PQconnectdbParams(), so the libpq defaults will be used. * * In interactive mode, if connection fails with the given parameters, * the old connection will be kept. */ static bool do_connect(char *dbname, char *user, char *host, char *port) { PGconn *o_conn = pset.db, *n_conn; char *password = NULL; if (!dbname) dbname = PQdb(o_conn); if (!user) user = PQuser(o_conn); if (!host) host = PQhost(o_conn); if (!port) port = PQport(o_conn); /* * If the user asked to be prompted for a password, ask for one now. If * not, use the password from the old connection, provided the username * has not changed. Otherwise, try to connect without a password first, * and then ask for a password if needed. * * XXX: this behavior leads to spurious connection attempts recorded in * the postmaster's log. But libpq offers no API that would let us obtain * a password and then continue with the first connection attempt. */ if (pset.getPassword == TRI_YES) { password = prompt_for_password(user); } else if (o_conn && user && strcmp(PQuser(o_conn), user) == 0) { password = strdup(PQpass(o_conn)); } while (true) { #define PARAMS_ARRAY_SIZE 7 const char **keywords = pg_malloc(PARAMS_ARRAY_SIZE * sizeof(*keywords)); const char **values = pg_malloc(PARAMS_ARRAY_SIZE * sizeof(*values)); keywords[0] = "host"; values[0] = host; keywords[1] = "port"; values[1] = port; keywords[2] = "user"; values[2] = user; keywords[3] = "password"; values[3] = password; keywords[4] = "dbname"; values[4] = dbname; keywords[5] = "fallback_application_name"; values[5] = pset.progname; keywords[6] = NULL; values[6] = NULL; n_conn = PQconnectdbParams(keywords, values, true); free(keywords); free(values); /* We can immediately discard the password -- no longer needed */ if (password) free(password); if (PQstatus(n_conn) == CONNECTION_OK) break; /* * Connection attempt failed; either retry the connection attempt with * a new password, or give up. */ if (!password && PQconnectionNeedsPassword(n_conn) && pset.getPassword != TRI_NO) { PQfinish(n_conn); password = prompt_for_password(user); continue; } /* * Failed to connect to the database. In interactive mode, keep the * previous connection to the DB; in scripting mode, close our * previous connection as well. */ if (pset.cur_cmd_interactive) { psql_error("%s", PQerrorMessage(n_conn)); /* pset.db is left unmodified */ if (o_conn) fputs(_("Previous connection kept\n"), stderr); } else { psql_error("\\connect: %s", PQerrorMessage(n_conn)); if (o_conn) { PQfinish(o_conn); pset.db = NULL; } } PQfinish(n_conn); return false; } /* * Replace the old connection with the new one, and update * connection-dependent variables. */ PQsetNoticeProcessor(n_conn, NoticeProcessor, NULL); pset.db = n_conn; SyncVariables(); connection_warnings(false); /* Must be after SyncVariables */ /* Tell the user about the new connection */ if (!pset.quiet) { if (param_is_newly_set(PQhost(o_conn), PQhost(pset.db)) || param_is_newly_set(PQport(o_conn), PQport(pset.db))) { char *host = PQhost(pset.db); if (host == NULL) host = DEFAULT_PGSOCKET_DIR; /* If the host is an absolute path, the connection is via socket */ if (is_absolute_path(host)) printf(_("You are now connected to database \"%s\" as user \"%s\" via socket in \"%s\" at port \"%s\".\n"), PQdb(pset.db), PQuser(pset.db), host, PQport(pset.db)); else printf(_("You are now connected to database \"%s\" as user \"%s\" on host \"%s\" at port \"%s\".\n"), PQdb(pset.db), PQuser(pset.db), host, PQport(pset.db)); } else printf(_("You are now connected to database \"%s\" as user \"%s\".\n"), PQdb(pset.db), PQuser(pset.db)); } if (o_conn) PQfinish(o_conn); return true; }
/* * Subroutine to actually try to execute a backslash command. */ static backslashResult exec_command(const char *cmd, PsqlScanState scan_state, PQExpBuffer query_buf) { bool success = true; /* indicate here if the command ran ok or * failed */ backslashResult status = PSQL_CMD_SKIP_LINE; /* * \a -- toggle field alignment This makes little sense but we keep it * around. */ if (strcmp(cmd, "a") == 0) { if (pset.popt.topt.format != PRINT_ALIGNED) success = do_pset("format", "aligned", &pset.popt, pset.quiet); else success = do_pset("format", "unaligned", &pset.popt, pset.quiet); } /* \C -- override table title (formerly change HTML caption) */ else if (strcmp(cmd, "C") == 0) { char *opt = psql_scan_slash_option(scan_state, OT_NORMAL, NULL, true); success = do_pset("title", opt, &pset.popt, pset.quiet); free(opt); } /* * \c or \connect -- connect to database using the specified parameters. * * \c dbname user host port * * If any of these parameters are omitted or specified as '-', the current * value of the parameter will be used instead. If the parameter has no * current value, the default value for that parameter will be used. Some * examples: * * \c - - hst Connect to current database on current port of host * "hst" as current user. \c - usr - prt Connect to current database on * "prt" port of current host as user "usr". \c dbs Connect to * "dbs" database on current port of current host as current user. */ else if (strcmp(cmd, "c") == 0 || strcmp(cmd, "connect") == 0) { char *opt1, *opt2, *opt3, *opt4; opt1 = read_connect_arg(scan_state); opt2 = read_connect_arg(scan_state); opt3 = read_connect_arg(scan_state); opt4 = read_connect_arg(scan_state); success = do_connect(opt1, opt2, opt3, opt4); free(opt1); free(opt2); free(opt3); free(opt4); } /* \cd */ else if (strcmp(cmd, "cd") == 0) { char *opt = psql_scan_slash_option(scan_state, OT_NORMAL, NULL, true); char *dir; if (opt) dir = opt; else { #ifndef WIN32 struct passwd *pw; pw = getpwuid(geteuid()); if (!pw) { psql_error("could not get home directory: %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } dir = pw->pw_dir; #else /* WIN32 */ /* * On Windows, 'cd' without arguments prints the current * directory, so if someone wants to code this here instead... */ dir = "/"; #endif /* WIN32 */ } if (chdir(dir) == -1) { psql_error("\\%s: could not change directory to \"%s\": %s\n", cmd, dir, strerror(errno)); success = false; } if (pset.dirname) free(pset.dirname); pset.dirname = pg_strdup(dir); canonicalize_path(pset.dirname); if (opt) free(opt); } /* \conninfo -- display information about the current connection */ else if (strcmp(cmd, "conninfo") == 0) { char *db = PQdb(pset.db); char *host = PQhost(pset.db); if (db == NULL) printf(_("You are not connected.\n")); else { if (host == NULL) host = DEFAULT_PGSOCKET_DIR; /* If the host is an absolute path, the connection is via socket */ if (is_absolute_path(host)) printf(_("You are connected to database \"%s\" as user \"%s\" via socket in \"%s\" at port \"%s\".\n"), db, PQuser(pset.db), host, PQport(pset.db)); else printf(_("You are connected to database \"%s\" as user \"%s\" on host \"%s\" at port \"%s\".\n"), db, PQuser(pset.db), host, PQport(pset.db)); } } /* \copy */ else if (pg_strcasecmp(cmd, "copy") == 0) { /* Default fetch-it-all-and-print mode */ instr_time before, after; char *opt = psql_scan_slash_option(scan_state, OT_WHOLE_LINE, NULL, false); if (pset.timing) INSTR_TIME_SET_CURRENT(before); success = do_copy(opt); if (pset.timing && success) { INSTR_TIME_SET_CURRENT(after); INSTR_TIME_SUBTRACT(after, before); printf(_("Time: %.3f ms\n"), INSTR_TIME_GET_MILLISEC(after)); } free(opt); } /* \copyright */ else if (strcmp(cmd, "copyright") == 0) print_copyright(); /* \d* commands */ else if (cmd[0] == 'd') { char *pattern; bool show_verbose, show_system; /* We don't do SQLID reduction on the pattern yet */ pattern = psql_scan_slash_option(scan_state, OT_NORMAL, NULL, true); show_verbose = strchr(cmd, '+') ? true : false; show_system = strchr(cmd, 'S') ? true : false; switch (cmd[1]) { case '\0': case '+': case 'S': /* GPDB: This is a change from old behavior: We used to show just system tables */ if (pattern) success = describeTableDetails(pattern, show_verbose, show_system); else /* standard listing of interesting things */ success = listTables("tvsxr", NULL, show_verbose, show_system); break; case 'a': success = describeAggregates(pattern, show_verbose, show_system); break; case 'b': success = describeTablespaces(pattern, show_verbose); break; case 'c': success = listConversions(pattern, show_system); break; case 'C': success = listCasts(pattern); break; case 'd': if (strncmp(cmd, "ddp", 3) == 0) success = listDefaultACLs(pattern); else success = objectDescription(pattern, show_system); break; case 'D': success = listDomains(pattern, show_system); break; case 'f': /* function subsystem */ switch (cmd[2]) { case '\0': case '+': case 'S': case 'a': case 'n': case 't': case 'w': success = describeFunctions(&cmd[2], pattern, show_verbose, show_system); break; default: status = PSQL_CMD_UNKNOWN; break; } break; case 'g': /* no longer distinct from \du */ success = describeRoles(pattern, show_verbose); break; case 'l': success = do_lo_list(); break; case 'n': success = listSchemas(pattern, show_verbose); break; case 'o': success = describeOperators(pattern, show_system); break; case 'p': success = permissionsList(pattern); break; case 'T': success = describeTypes(pattern, show_verbose, show_system); break; case 't': case 'v': case 'i': case 's': case 'E': /* PostgreSQL use dx for extension, change to dE for foreign table */ /* case 'S': // GPDB: We used to show just system tables for this */ case 'P': /* GPDB: Parent-only tables, no children */ success = listTables(&cmd[1], pattern, show_verbose, show_system); break; case 'r': if (cmd[2] == 'd' && cmd[3] == 's') { char *pattern2 = NULL; if (pattern) pattern2 = psql_scan_slash_option(scan_state, OT_NORMAL, NULL, true); success = listDbRoleSettings(pattern, pattern2); } else //success = PSQL_CMD_UNKNOWN; /* GPDB uses \dr for foreign tables ? */ success = listTables(&cmd[1], pattern, show_verbose, show_system); break; case 'u': success = describeRoles(pattern, show_verbose); break; case 'F': /* text search subsystem */ switch (cmd[2]) { case '\0': case '+': success = listTSConfigs(pattern, show_verbose); break; case 'p': success = listTSParsers(pattern, show_verbose); break; case 'd': success = listTSDictionaries(pattern, show_verbose); break; case 't': success = listTSTemplates(pattern, show_verbose); break; default: status = PSQL_CMD_UNKNOWN; break; } break; case 'x': /* Extensions */ if (show_verbose) success = listExtensionContents(pattern); else success = listExtensions(pattern); break; default: status = PSQL_CMD_UNKNOWN; } if (pattern) free(pattern); } /* * \e or \edit -- edit the current query buffer, or edit a file and make * it the query buffer */ else if (strcmp(cmd, "e") == 0 || strcmp(cmd, "edit") == 0) { if (!query_buf) { psql_error("no query buffer\n"); status = PSQL_CMD_ERROR; } else { char *fname; fname = psql_scan_slash_option(scan_state, OT_NORMAL, NULL, true); expand_tilde(&fname); if (fname) canonicalize_path(fname); if (do_edit(fname, query_buf, NULL)) status = PSQL_CMD_NEWEDIT; else status = PSQL_CMD_ERROR; free(fname); } } /* * \ef -- edit the named function, or present a blank CREATE FUNCTION * template if no argument is given */ else if (strcmp(cmd, "ef") == 0) { if (!query_buf) { psql_error("no query buffer\n"); status = PSQL_CMD_ERROR; } else { char *func; Oid foid = InvalidOid; func = psql_scan_slash_option(scan_state, OT_WHOLE_LINE, NULL, true); if (!func) { /* set up an empty command to fill in */ printfPQExpBuffer(query_buf, "CREATE FUNCTION ( )\n" " RETURNS \n" " LANGUAGE \n" " -- common options: IMMUTABLE STABLE STRICT SECURITY DEFINER\n" "AS $function$\n" "\n$function$\n"); } else if (!lookup_function_oid(pset.db, func, &foid)) { /* error already reported */ status = PSQL_CMD_ERROR; } else if (!get_create_function_cmd(pset.db, foid, query_buf)) { /* error already reported */ status = PSQL_CMD_ERROR; } if (func) free(func); } if (status != PSQL_CMD_ERROR) { bool edited = false; if (!do_edit(0, query_buf, &edited)) status = PSQL_CMD_ERROR; else if (!edited) puts(_("No changes")); else status = PSQL_CMD_NEWEDIT; } } /* \echo and \qecho */ else if (strcmp(cmd, "echo") == 0 || strcmp(cmd, "qecho") == 0) { char *value; char quoted; bool no_newline = false; bool first = true; FILE *fout; if (strcmp(cmd, "qecho") == 0) fout = pset.queryFout; else fout = stdout; while ((value = psql_scan_slash_option(scan_state, OT_NORMAL, "ed, false))) { if (!quoted && strcmp(value, "-n") == 0) no_newline = true; else { if (first) first = false; else fputc(' ', fout); fputs(value, fout); } free(value); } if (!no_newline) fputs("\n", fout); } /* \encoding -- set/show client side encoding */ else if (strcmp(cmd, "encoding") == 0) { char *encoding = psql_scan_slash_option(scan_state, OT_NORMAL, NULL, false); if (!encoding) { /* show encoding */ puts(pg_encoding_to_char(pset.encoding)); } else { /* set encoding */ if (PQsetClientEncoding(pset.db, encoding) == -1) psql_error("%s: invalid encoding name or conversion procedure not found\n", encoding); else { /* save encoding info into psql internal data */ pset.encoding = PQclientEncoding(pset.db); pset.popt.topt.encoding = pset.encoding; SetVariable(pset.vars, "ENCODING", pg_encoding_to_char(pset.encoding)); } free(encoding); } } /* \f -- change field separator */ else if (strcmp(cmd, "f") == 0) { char *fname = psql_scan_slash_option(scan_state, OT_NORMAL, NULL, false); success = do_pset("fieldsep", fname, &pset.popt, pset.quiet); free(fname); } /* \g means send query */ else if (strcmp(cmd, "g") == 0) { char *fname = psql_scan_slash_option(scan_state, OT_FILEPIPE, NULL, false); if (!fname) pset.gfname = NULL; else { expand_tilde(&fname); pset.gfname = pg_strdup(fname); } free(fname); status = PSQL_CMD_SEND; } /* help */ else if (strcmp(cmd, "h") == 0 || strcmp(cmd, "help") == 0) { char *opt = psql_scan_slash_option(scan_state, OT_WHOLE_LINE, NULL, false); size_t len; /* strip any trailing spaces and semicolons */ if (opt) { len = strlen(opt); while (len > 0 && (isspace((unsigned char) opt[len - 1]) || opt[len - 1] == ';')) opt[--len] = '\0'; } helpSQL(opt, pset.popt.topt.pager); free(opt); } /* HTML mode */ else if (strcmp(cmd, "H") == 0 || strcmp(cmd, "html") == 0) { if (pset.popt.topt.format != PRINT_HTML) success = do_pset("format", "html", &pset.popt, pset.quiet); else success = do_pset("format", "aligned", &pset.popt, pset.quiet); } /* \i is include file */ else if (strcmp(cmd, "i") == 0 || strcmp(cmd, "include") == 0) { char *fname = psql_scan_slash_option(scan_state, OT_NORMAL, NULL, true); if (!fname) { psql_error("\\%s: missing required argument\n", cmd); success = false; } else { expand_tilde(&fname); success = (process_file(fname, false) == EXIT_SUCCESS); free(fname); } } /* \l is list databases */ else if (strcmp(cmd, "l") == 0 || strcmp(cmd, "list") == 0) success = listAllDbs(false); else if (strcmp(cmd, "l+") == 0 || strcmp(cmd, "list+") == 0) success = listAllDbs(true); /* * large object things */ else if (strncmp(cmd, "lo_", 3) == 0) { char *opt1, *opt2; opt1 = psql_scan_slash_option(scan_state, OT_NORMAL, NULL, true); opt2 = psql_scan_slash_option(scan_state, OT_NORMAL, NULL, true); if (strcmp(cmd + 3, "export") == 0) { if (!opt2) { psql_error("\\%s: missing required argument\n", cmd); success = false; } else { expand_tilde(&opt2); success = do_lo_export(opt1, opt2); } } else if (strcmp(cmd + 3, "import") == 0) { if (!opt1) { psql_error("\\%s: missing required argument\n", cmd); success = false; } else { expand_tilde(&opt1); success = do_lo_import(opt1, opt2); } } else if (strcmp(cmd + 3, "list") == 0) success = do_lo_list(); else if (strcmp(cmd + 3, "unlink") == 0) { if (!opt1) { psql_error("\\%s: missing required argument\n", cmd); success = false; } else success = do_lo_unlink(opt1); } else status = PSQL_CMD_UNKNOWN; free(opt1); free(opt2); } /* \o -- set query output */ else if (strcmp(cmd, "o") == 0 || strcmp(cmd, "out") == 0) { char *fname = psql_scan_slash_option(scan_state, OT_FILEPIPE, NULL, true); expand_tilde(&fname); success = setQFout(fname); free(fname); } /* \p prints the current query buffer */ else if (strcmp(cmd, "p") == 0 || strcmp(cmd, "print") == 0) { if (query_buf && query_buf->len > 0) puts(query_buf->data); else if (!pset.quiet) puts(_("Query buffer is empty.")); fflush(stdout); } /* \password -- set user password */ else if (strcmp(cmd, "password") == 0) { char *pw1; char *pw2; pw1 = simple_prompt("Enter new password: "******"Enter it again: ", 100, false); if (strcmp(pw1, pw2) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, _("Passwords didn't match.\n")); success = false; } else { char *opt0 = psql_scan_slash_option(scan_state, OT_SQLID, NULL, true); char *user; char *encrypted_password; if (opt0) user = opt0; else user = PQuser(pset.db); encrypted_password = PQencryptPassword(pw1, user); if (!encrypted_password) { fprintf(stderr, _("Password encryption failed.\n")); success = false; } else { PQExpBufferData buf; PGresult *res; initPQExpBuffer(&buf); printfPQExpBuffer(&buf, "ALTER USER %s PASSWORD ", fmtId(user)); appendStringLiteralConn(&buf, encrypted_password, pset.db); res = PSQLexec(buf.data, false); termPQExpBuffer(&buf); if (!res) success = false; else PQclear(res); PQfreemem(encrypted_password); } } free(pw1); free(pw2); } /* \prompt -- prompt and set variable */ else if (strcmp(cmd, "prompt") == 0) { char *opt, *prompt_text = NULL; char *arg1, *arg2; arg1 = psql_scan_slash_option(scan_state, OT_NORMAL, NULL, false); arg2 = psql_scan_slash_option(scan_state, OT_NORMAL, NULL, false); if (!arg1) { psql_error("\\%s: missing required argument\n", cmd); success = false; } else { char *result; if (arg2) { prompt_text = arg1; opt = arg2; } else opt = arg1; if (!pset.inputfile) result = simple_prompt(prompt_text, 4096, true); else { if (prompt_text) { fputs(prompt_text, stdout); fflush(stdout); } result = gets_fromFile(stdin); } if (!SetVariable(pset.vars, opt, result)) { psql_error("\\%s: error\n", cmd); success = false; } free(result); if (prompt_text) free(prompt_text); free(opt); } } /* \pset -- set printing parameters */ else if (strcmp(cmd, "pset") == 0) { char *opt0 = psql_scan_slash_option(scan_state, OT_NORMAL, NULL, false); char *opt1 = psql_scan_slash_option(scan_state, OT_NORMAL, NULL, false); if (!opt0) { psql_error("\\%s: missing required argument\n", cmd); success = false; } else success = do_pset(opt0, opt1, &pset.popt, pset.quiet); free(opt0); free(opt1); } /* \q or \quit */ else if (strcmp(cmd, "q") == 0 || strcmp(cmd, "quit") == 0) status = PSQL_CMD_TERMINATE; /* reset(clear) the buffer */ else if (strcmp(cmd, "r") == 0 || strcmp(cmd, "reset") == 0) { resetPQExpBuffer(query_buf); psql_scan_reset(scan_state); if (!pset.quiet) puts(_("Query buffer reset (cleared).")); } /* \s save history in a file or show it on the screen */ else if (strcmp(cmd, "s") == 0) { char *fname = psql_scan_slash_option(scan_state, OT_NORMAL, NULL, true); #if defined(WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__) /* * XXX This does not work for all terminal environments or for output * containing non-ASCII characters; see comments in simple_prompt(). */ #define DEVTTY "con" #else #define DEVTTY "/dev/tty" #endif expand_tilde(&fname); /* This scrolls off the screen when using /dev/tty */ success = saveHistory(fname ? fname : DEVTTY, -1, false, false); if (success && !pset.quiet && fname) printf(gettext("Wrote history to file \"%s/%s\".\n"), pset.dirname ? pset.dirname : ".", fname); if (!fname) putchar('\n'); free(fname); } /* \set -- generalized set variable/option command */ else if (strcmp(cmd, "set") == 0) { char *opt0 = psql_scan_slash_option(scan_state, OT_NORMAL, NULL, false); if (!opt0) { /* list all variables */ PrintVariables(pset.vars); success = true; } else { /* * Set variable to the concatenation of the arguments. */ char *newval; char *opt; opt = psql_scan_slash_option(scan_state, OT_NORMAL, NULL, false); newval = pg_strdup(opt ? opt : ""); free(opt); while ((opt = psql_scan_slash_option(scan_state, OT_NORMAL, NULL, false))) { newval = realloc(newval, strlen(newval) + strlen(opt) + 1); if (!newval) { psql_error("out of memory\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } strcat(newval, opt); free(opt); } if (!SetVariable(pset.vars, opt0, newval)) { psql_error("\\%s: error\n", cmd); success = false; } free(newval); } free(opt0); } /* \t -- turn off headers and row count */ else if (strcmp(cmd, "t") == 0) { char *opt = psql_scan_slash_option(scan_state, OT_NORMAL, NULL, true); success = do_pset("tuples_only", opt, &pset.popt, pset.quiet); free(opt); } /* \T -- define html <table ...> attributes */ else if (strcmp(cmd, "T") == 0) { char *value = psql_scan_slash_option(scan_state, OT_NORMAL, NULL, false); success = do_pset("tableattr", value, &pset.popt, pset.quiet); free(value); } /* \timing -- toggle timing of queries */ else if (strcmp(cmd, "timing") == 0) { char *opt = psql_scan_slash_option(scan_state, OT_NORMAL, NULL, false); if (opt) pset.timing = ParseVariableBool(opt); else pset.timing = !pset.timing; if (!pset.quiet) { if (pset.timing) puts(_("Timing is on.")); else puts(_("Timing is off.")); } free(opt); } /* \unset */ else if (strcmp(cmd, "unset") == 0) { char *opt = psql_scan_slash_option(scan_state, OT_NORMAL, NULL, false); if (!opt) { psql_error("\\%s: missing required argument\n", cmd); success = false; } else if (!SetVariable(pset.vars, opt, NULL)) { psql_error("\\%s: error\n", cmd); success = false; } free(opt); } /* \w -- write query buffer to file */ else if (strcmp(cmd, "w") == 0 || strcmp(cmd, "write") == 0) { FILE *fd = NULL; bool is_pipe = false; char *fname = NULL; if (!query_buf) { psql_error("no query buffer\n"); status = PSQL_CMD_ERROR; } else { fname = psql_scan_slash_option(scan_state, OT_FILEPIPE, NULL, true); expand_tilde(&fname); if (!fname) { psql_error("\\%s: missing required argument\n", cmd); success = false; } else { if (fname[0] == '|') { is_pipe = true; fd = popen(&fname[1], "w"); } else { canonicalize_path(fname); fd = fopen(fname, "w"); } if (!fd) { psql_error("%s: %s\n", fname, strerror(errno)); success = false; } } } if (fd) { int result; if (query_buf && query_buf->len > 0) fprintf(fd, "%s\n", query_buf->data); if (is_pipe) result = pclose(fd); else result = fclose(fd); if (result == EOF) { psql_error("%s: %s\n", fname, strerror(errno)); success = false; } } free(fname); } /* \x -- toggle expanded table representation */ else if (strcmp(cmd, "x") == 0) { char *opt = psql_scan_slash_option(scan_state, OT_NORMAL, NULL, true); success = do_pset("expanded", opt, &pset.popt, pset.quiet); free(opt); } /* \z -- list table rights (equivalent to \dp) */ else if (strcmp(cmd, "z") == 0) { char *pattern = psql_scan_slash_option(scan_state, OT_NORMAL, NULL, true); success = permissionsList(pattern); if (pattern) free(pattern); } /* \! -- shell escape */ else if (strcmp(cmd, "!") == 0) { char *opt = psql_scan_slash_option(scan_state, OT_WHOLE_LINE, NULL, false); success = do_shell(opt); free(opt); } /* \? -- slash command help */ else if (strcmp(cmd, "?") == 0) slashUsage(pset.popt.topt.pager); #if 0 /* * These commands don't do anything. I just use them to test the parser. */ else if (strcmp(cmd, "void") == 0 || strcmp(cmd, "#") == 0) { int i = 0; char *value; while ((value = psql_scan_slash_option(scan_state, OT_NORMAL, NULL, true))) { fprintf(stderr, "+ opt(%d) = |%s|\n", i++, value); free(value); } } #endif else status = PSQL_CMD_UNKNOWN; if (!success) status = PSQL_CMD_ERROR; return status; }
/* * vacuum_one_database * * Process tables in the given database. If the 'tables' list is empty, * process all tables in the database. * * Note that this function is only concerned with running exactly one stage * when in analyze-in-stages mode; caller must iterate on us if necessary. * * If concurrentCons is > 1, multiple connections are used to vacuum tables * in parallel. In this case and if the table list is empty, we first obtain * a list of tables from the database. */ static void vacuum_one_database(const char *dbname, vacuumingOptions *vacopts, int stage, SimpleStringList *tables, const char *host, const char *port, const char *username, enum trivalue prompt_password, int concurrentCons, const char *progname, bool echo, bool quiet) { PQExpBufferData sql; PGconn *conn; SimpleStringListCell *cell; ParallelSlot *slots; SimpleStringList dbtables = {NULL, NULL}; int i; bool failed = false; bool parallel = concurrentCons > 1; const char *stage_commands[] = { "SET default_statistics_target=1; SET vacuum_cost_delay=0;", "SET default_statistics_target=10; RESET vacuum_cost_delay;", "RESET default_statistics_target;" }; const char *stage_messages[] = { gettext_noop("Generating minimal optimizer statistics (1 target)"), gettext_noop("Generating medium optimizer statistics (10 targets)"), gettext_noop("Generating default (full) optimizer statistics") }; Assert(stage == ANALYZE_NO_STAGE || (stage >= 0 && stage < ANALYZE_NUM_STAGES)); conn = connectDatabase(dbname, host, port, username, prompt_password, progname, echo, false, true); if (!quiet) { if (stage != ANALYZE_NO_STAGE) printf(_("%s: processing database \"%s\": %s\n"), progname, PQdb(conn), stage_messages[stage]); else printf(_("%s: vacuuming database \"%s\"\n"), progname, PQdb(conn)); fflush(stdout); } initPQExpBuffer(&sql); /* * If a table list is not provided and we're using multiple connections, * prepare the list of tables by querying the catalogs. */ if (parallel && (!tables || !tables->head)) { PQExpBufferData buf; PGresult *res; int ntups; initPQExpBuffer(&buf); res = executeQuery(conn, "SELECT c.relname, ns.nspname" " FROM pg_class c, pg_namespace ns\n" " WHERE relkind IN (" CppAsString2(RELKIND_RELATION) ", " CppAsString2(RELKIND_MATVIEW) ")" " AND c.relnamespace = ns.oid\n" " ORDER BY c.relpages DESC;", progname, echo); ntups = PQntuples(res); for (i = 0; i < ntups; i++) { appendPQExpBufferStr(&buf, fmtQualifiedId(PQserverVersion(conn), PQgetvalue(res, i, 1), PQgetvalue(res, i, 0))); simple_string_list_append(&dbtables, buf.data); resetPQExpBuffer(&buf); } termPQExpBuffer(&buf); tables = &dbtables; /* * If there are more connections than vacuumable relations, we don't * need to use them all. */ if (concurrentCons > ntups) concurrentCons = ntups; if (concurrentCons <= 1) parallel = false; PQclear(res); } /* * Setup the database connections. We reuse the connection we already have * for the first slot. If not in parallel mode, the first slot in the * array contains the connection. */ if (concurrentCons <= 0) concurrentCons = 1; slots = (ParallelSlot *) pg_malloc(sizeof(ParallelSlot) * concurrentCons); init_slot(slots, conn); if (parallel) { for (i = 1; i < concurrentCons; i++) { conn = connectDatabase(dbname, host, port, username, prompt_password, progname, echo, false, true); init_slot(slots + i, conn); } } /* * Prepare all the connections to run the appropriate analyze stage, if * caller requested that mode. */ if (stage != ANALYZE_NO_STAGE) { int j; /* We already emitted the message above */ for (j = 0; j < concurrentCons; j++) executeCommand((slots + j)->connection, stage_commands[stage], progname, echo); } cell = tables ? tables->head : NULL; do { const char *tabname = cell ? cell->val : NULL; ParallelSlot *free_slot; if (CancelRequested) { failed = true; goto finish; } /* * Get the connection slot to use. If in parallel mode, here we wait * for one connection to become available if none already is. In * non-parallel mode we simply use the only slot we have, which we * know to be free. */ if (parallel) { /* * Get a free slot, waiting until one becomes free if none * currently is. */ free_slot = GetIdleSlot(slots, concurrentCons, progname); if (!free_slot) { failed = true; goto finish; } free_slot->isFree = false; } else free_slot = slots; /* * Prepare the vacuum command. Note that in some cases this requires * query execution, so be sure to use the free connection. */ prepare_vacuum_command(&sql, free_slot->connection, vacopts, tabname, tables == &dbtables, progname, echo); /* * Execute the vacuum. If not in parallel mode, this terminates the * program in case of an error. (The parallel case handles query * errors in ProcessQueryResult through GetIdleSlot.) */ run_vacuum_command(free_slot->connection, sql.data, echo, tabname, progname, parallel); if (cell) cell = cell->next; } while (cell != NULL); if (parallel) { int j; /* wait for all connections to finish */ for (j = 0; j < concurrentCons; j++) { if (!GetQueryResult((slots + j)->connection, progname)) goto finish; } } finish: for (i = 0; i < concurrentCons; i++) DisconnectDatabase(slots + i); pfree(slots); termPQExpBuffer(&sql); if (failed) exit(1); }