void pgsql_update_lease(const uint8_t* mac, const struct in_addr* yip, const char* ifname, const uint32_t expiresAt, const enum t_lease_update_src reason)
	/* only write DHCP ACK packet changes back */

	/* the pgsql commands are both run always, as the initial entry might have been created on another device. */
	/* though, we restrict ACKs to be received on APs that saw the request - no roaming between REQ/ACK */
	/* add to pgsql */
	if (!pgsql_connected())
	const uint32_t now = reltime();
	eprintf(DEBUG_VERBOSE, "sql: update lease: MAC: %s IP: %s VLAN: %s expiresIn: %d", ether_ntoa_z((struct ether_addr *)mac), inet_ntoa(*yip), ifname, expiresAt - now);

	char *sql_esc_bridge = PQescapeLiteral(pgsql, ifname, strlen(ifname));
	if (!sql_esc_bridge) return;

	char sql[2048];
	if (expiresAt > now) {
		snprintf(sql, sizeof(sql), "INSERT INTO " PGSQLLEASETABLE " (bridge, mac, ip, validUntil) VALUES(%s, '%s', '%s', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP + interval '%d seconds') ON CONFLICT (bridge, mac, ip) DO UPDATE SET validUntil = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP + interval '%d seconds';", sql_esc_bridge, ether_ntoa_z((struct ether_addr *)mac), inet_ntoa(*yip), expiresAt - now, expiresAt - now);
	} else {
		snprintf(sql, sizeof(sql), "UPDATE " PGSQLLEASETABLE " SET validUntil = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE bridge = %s AND mac = '%s';", sql_esc_bridge, ether_ntoa_z((struct ether_addr *)mac));
	PQfreemem(sql_esc_bridge); sql_esc_bridge = NULL;
	eprintf(DEBUG_GENERAL, "write sql: %s", sql);
Example #2
char *postgresql_util_escape_literal(postgresql_conn_t *conn, const char *str,
                                     size_t length)
    char *escaped = PQescapeLiteral(conn->conn, str, length);
    if (!escaped) {
        msg->err("[FD %i] PostgreSQL Escape Literal Error: %s", PQerrorMessage(conn->conn));
    return escaped;
char * pq_escape (PGconn* cxn, const char* input, int len)
    char *output;

    output = PQescapeLiteral(cxn, input, len);

    if (output == NULL)
                  "Failed to escape string: %s", input);

    // free output in caller
Example #4
 * Variable-fetching callback for flex lexer
 * If the specified variable exists, return its value as a string (malloc'd
 * and expected to be freed by the caller); else return NULL.
 * If "escape" is true, return the value suitably quoted and escaped,
 * as an identifier or string literal depending on "as_ident".
 * (Failure in escaping should lead to returning NULL.)
char *
psql_get_variable(const char *varname, bool escape, bool as_ident)
	char	   *result;
	const char *value;

	value = GetVariable(pset.vars, varname);
	if (!value)
		return NULL;

	if (escape)
		char	   *escaped_value;

		if (!pset.db)
			psql_error("cannot escape without active connection\n");
			return NULL;

		if (as_ident)
			escaped_value =
				PQescapeIdentifier(pset.db, value, strlen(value));
			escaped_value =
				PQescapeLiteral(pset.db, value, strlen(value));

		if (escaped_value == NULL)
			const char *error = PQerrorMessage(pset.db);

			psql_error("%s", error);
			return NULL;

		 * Rather than complicate the lexer's API with a notion of which
		 * free() routine to use, just pay the price of an extra strdup().
		result = pg_strdup(escaped_value);
		result = pg_strdup(value);

	return result;
void pgsql_iterate_lease_for_ifname_and_mac(const char* ifname, const uint8_t* mac, lease_cb cb)
	/* query sql for lease and add local rules*/
	PGresult * res;
	char sql[1024];
	char *sql_esc_bridge;
	const uint32_t now = reltime();
	if (!pgsql_connected())
	eprintf(DEBUG_NEIGH, "query pgsql\n");

	sql_esc_bridge = PQescapeLiteral(pgsql, ifname, strlen(ifname));
	snprintf(sql, sizeof(sql), "SELECT ip::varchar as ip, ceil(extract('epoch' from MAX(validUntil) - CURRENT_TIMESTAMP))::varchar as expiresin FROM " PGSQLLEASETABLE " WHERE validUntil > CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AND bridge = %s AND mac = '%s' GROUP BY ip;", sql_esc_bridge, ether_ntoa_z((struct ether_addr *)mac));
	PQfreemem(sql_esc_bridge); sql_esc_bridge = NULL;

	eprintf(DEBUG_NEIGH, "query: %s", sql);
	res = pgsql_query_errprint_query(sql);
	if (res == NULL)
		goto out;

	/* pgsql query sucessfull */
	int colIp = PQfnumber(res, "ip");
	int colExpiresIn = PQfnumber(res, "expiresin");
	for (int row = 0; row < PQntuples(res); row++) {
		char *ip = PQgetvalue(res, row, colIp);
		char *expiresIn = PQgetvalue(res, row, colExpiresIn);

		eprintf(DEBUG_NEIGH, "query pgsql: got row ip = %s, expiresAt = %s", ip ? ip : "NULL", expiresIn ? expiresIn : "NULL");
		if (!ip || !expiresIn)
		struct in_addr yip;
		if (!inet_aton(ip, &yip)) {
			eprintf(DEBUG_NEIGH, "cannot parse ip");
		uint32_t expiresAt = atoi(expiresIn) + now;
		cb (mac, &yip, ifname, expiresAt, UPDATED_LEASE_FROM_EXTERNAL);
	PQclear(res); res = NULL;
	eprintf(DEBUG_NEIGH, "pgsql completed");
Example #6
static SCM pg_format_sql(SCM conn, SCM obj) {
	struct pg_conn *pgc;
	SCM out;
	if (SCM_SMOB_PREDICATE(time_tag, obj)) {
		out = format_time(obj, c2s("'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'"));
	else if (scm_boolean_p(obj) == SCM_BOOL_T) {
		if (scm_is_true(obj)) out = c2s("'t'");
		else out = c2s("'f'");
	else if (scm_is_number(obj)) {
		out = scm_number_to_string(obj,
	else if (scm_is_symbol(obj)) {
		out = pg_format_sql(conn, scm_symbol_to_string(obj));
	else if (scm_is_string(obj)) {
		if (scm_string_null_p(obj) == SCM_BOOL_T) out = c2s("NULL");
		else {
			char *src = scm_to_utf8_string(obj);
			scm_assert_smob_type(pg_conn_tag, conn);
			pgc = (struct pg_conn *)SCM_SMOB_DATA(conn);
			char *sql = PQescapeLiteral(pgc->conn,
					src, strlen(src));
			out = safe_from_utf8(sql);
	else if (scm_is_null(obj)) out = c2s("NULL");
	else out = c2s("NULL");
	scm_remember_upto_here_2(conn, obj);
	return out;
int pgsql_update_lease_from_sql(const char* ifname, const uint8_t* mac, const struct in_addr* ip, uint32_t* expiresAt)
	PGresult * res;
	char sql[1024];
	char *sql_esc_bridge;

	if (!pgsql_connected())
		return -1;
	sql_esc_bridge = PQescapeLiteral(pgsql, ifname, strlen(ifname));
	snprintf(sql, sizeof(sql), "SELECT ceil(extract('epoch' from (validUntil - CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)))::varchar as expiresin FROM " PGSQLLEASETABLE " WHERE validUntil > CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AND bridge = %s AND mac = '%s' AND ip = '%s';", sql_esc_bridge, ether_ntoa_z((struct ether_addr *)mac), inet_ntoa(*ip));
	PQfreemem(sql_esc_bridge); sql_esc_bridge = NULL;

	res = pgsql_query_errprint_query(sql);
	if (res == NULL)
		return -1;

	/* pgsql query sucessfull */
	int col = -1;
	if (PQntuples(res) > 0) {
		col = PQfnumber(res, "expiresin");
		if (col == -1)
			eprintf(DEBUG_ERROR, "sql: update lease from sql did not find column expiresin");
	if (col != -1) {
		char *val = PQgetvalue(res, 0, col);
		const int now = reltime();
		int expiresIn = atoi(val);
		eprintf(DEBUG_VERBOSE, "sql: update lease from sql: MAC: %s IP: %s VLAN: %s expiresIn (old): %d expiresIn (new): %d raw: %s", ether_ntoa_z((struct ether_addr *)mac), inet_ntoa(*ip), ifname, *expiresAt - now, expiresIn, val);
		*expiresAt = expiresIn + now;
	} else {
		*expiresAt = 0;
	PQclear(res); res = NULL;

	return 0;