static PRIntervalTime ConditionNotify(PRUint32 loops) { PRThread *thread; NotifyData notifyData; PRIntervalTime timein, overhead; timein = PR_IntervalNow(); notifyData.counter = loops; = PR_NewLock(); notifyData.child = PR_NewCondVar(; notifyData.parent = PR_NewCondVar(; thread = PR_CreateThread( PR_USER_THREAD, Notifier, ¬ifyData, PR_GetThreadPriority(PR_GetCurrentThread()), thread_scope, PR_JOINABLE_THREAD, 0); overhead = PR_IntervalNow() - timein; /* elapsed so far */ PR_Lock(; while (notifyData.counter > 0) { notifyData.pending = PR_TRUE; PR_NotifyCondVar(notifyData.child); while (notifyData.pending) PR_WaitCondVar(notifyData.parent, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT); } PR_Unlock(; timein = PR_IntervalNow(); (void)PR_JoinThread(thread); PR_DestroyCondVar(notifyData.child); PR_DestroyCondVar(notifyData.parent); PR_DestroyLock(; overhead += (PR_IntervalNow() - timein); /* more overhead */ return overhead; } /* ConditionNotify */
static PRIntervalTime Alarms2(PRUint32 loops) { PRStatus rv; PRAlarm *alarm; PRIntervalTime overhead, timein = PR_IntervalNow(); AlarmData ad; PRIntervalTime duration = PR_SecondsToInterval(30); PRLock *ml = PR_NewLock(); PRCondVar *cv = PR_NewCondVar(ml); = ml; = cv; ad.rate = 1; ad.times = loops; ad.late = ad.times = 0; ad.duration = duration; ad.timein = PR_IntervalNow(); ad.period = PR_SecondsToInterval(1); alarm = PR_CreateAlarm(); (void)PR_SetAlarm( alarm, ad.period, ad.rate, AlarmFn2, &ad); overhead = PR_IntervalNow() - timein; PR_Lock(ml); while ((PRIntervalTime)(PR_IntervalNow() - ad.timein) < duration) PR_WaitCondVar(cv, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT); PR_Unlock(ml); timein = PR_IntervalNow(); rv = PR_DestroyAlarm(alarm); if (rv != PR_SUCCESS) { if (!debug_mode) failed_already=1; else printf("***Destroying alarm status: FAIL\n"); } PR_DestroyCondVar(cv); PR_DestroyLock(ml); overhead += (PR_IntervalNow() - timein); return duration + overhead; } /* Alarms2 */
PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_DestroyWaitGroup(PRWaitGroup *group) { PRStatus rv = PR_SUCCESS; if (NULL == group) group = mw_state->group; PR_ASSERT(NULL != group); if (NULL != group) { if (_prmw_stopped != group->state) /* quick, unsafe test */ { PRMWGroupState mws; /* One shot to correct the situation */ PR_Lock(group->ml); if (group->state < _prmw_stopped) /* safer test */ group->state = _prmw_stopping; mws = MW_TestForShutdownInternal(group); PR_Unlock(group->ml); if (_prmw_stopped != mws) /* quick test again */ { PR_SetError(PR_INVALID_STATE_ERROR, 0); return PR_FAILURE; } } PR_Lock(mw_lock); PR_REMOVE_LINK(&group->group_link); PR_Unlock(mw_lock); PR_DELETE(group->waiter); PR_DestroyCondVar(group->new_business); PR_DestroyCondVar(group->io_complete); PR_DestroyCondVar(group->io_taken); PR_DestroyLock(group->ml); if (group == mw_state->group) mw_state->group = NULL; PR_DELETE(group); } return rv; } /* PR_DestroyWaitGroup */
TimerThread::~TimerThread() { if (mCondVar) PR_DestroyCondVar(mCondVar); if (mLock) PR_DestroyLock(mLock); mThread = nsnull; PRInt32 n = mTimers.Count(); while (--n >= 0) { nsTimerImpl *timer = NS_STATIC_CAST(nsTimerImpl *, mTimers[n]); NS_RELEASE(timer); } }
nsHTTPListener::~nsHTTPListener() { if (mResponsibleForDoneSignal) send_done_signal(); if (mCondition) PR_DestroyCondVar(mCondition); if (mLock) PR_DestroyLock(mLock); if (mLoader) { nsCOMPtr<nsIThread> mainThread(do_GetMainThread()); NS_ProxyRelease(mainThread, mLoader); } }
PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_DestroyAlarm(PRAlarm *alarm) { PRStatus rv; PR_Lock(alarm->lock); alarm->state = alarm_inactive; rv = PR_NotifyCondVar(alarm->cond); PR_Unlock(alarm->lock); if (rv == PR_SUCCESS) rv = PR_JoinThread(alarm->notifier); if (rv == PR_SUCCESS) { PR_DestroyCondVar(alarm->cond); PR_DestroyLock(alarm->lock); PR_DELETE(alarm); } return rv; } /* PR_DestroyAlarm */
void _PR_CleanupIO(void) { PR_FreeFileDesc(_pr_stdin); _pr_stdin = NULL; PR_FreeFileDesc(_pr_stdout); _pr_stdout = NULL; PR_FreeFileDesc(_pr_stderr); _pr_stderr = NULL; if (_pr_flock_cv) { PR_DestroyCondVar(_pr_flock_cv); _pr_flock_cv = NULL; } if (_pr_flock_lock) { PR_DestroyLock(_pr_flock_lock); _pr_flock_lock = NULL; } _PR_CleanupFdCache(); }
DNSSession :: ~ DNSSession() { //PR_ASSERT(awake); PR_DestroyCondVar(cvar); PR_DestroyLock(lock); hostname = "grmblll"; free_packet_list(); PRInt32 host_cnt = 0; while (re_he.h_addr_list[host_cnt]) { free(re_he.h_addr_list[host_cnt++]); } if (re_he.h_name) { free(re_he.h_name); } ar_free_hostent(&ar_host, 0); }
static PRIntervalTime Alarms1(PRUint32 loops) { PRAlarm *alarm; AlarmData ad; PRIntervalTime overhead, timein = PR_IntervalNow(); PRIntervalTime duration = PR_SecondsToInterval(3); PRLock *ml = PR_NewLock(); PRCondVar *cv = PR_NewCondVar(ml); = ml; = cv; ad.rate = 1; ad.times = loops; ad.late = ad.times = 0; ad.duration = duration; ad.timein = PR_IntervalNow(); ad.period = PR_SecondsToInterval(1); alarm = PR_CreateAlarm(); (void)PR_SetAlarm( alarm, ad.period, ad.rate, AlarmFn1, &ad); overhead = PR_IntervalNow() - timein; PR_Lock(ml); while ((PRIntervalTime)(PR_IntervalNow() - ad.timein) < duration) PR_WaitCondVar(cv, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT); PR_Unlock(ml); timein = PR_IntervalNow(); (void)PR_DestroyAlarm(alarm); PR_DestroyCondVar(cv); PR_DestroyLock(ml); overhead += (PR_IntervalNow() - timein); return duration + overhead; } /* Alarms1 */
PR_IMPLEMENT(PRAlarm*) PR_CreateAlarm(void) { PRAlarm *alarm = PR_NEWZAP(PRAlarm); if (alarm != NULL) { if ((alarm->lock = PR_NewLock()) == NULL) goto done; if ((alarm->cond = PR_NewCondVar(alarm->lock)) == NULL) goto done; alarm->state = alarm_active; PR_INIT_CLIST(&alarm->timers); alarm->notifier = PR_CreateThread( PR_USER_THREAD, pr_alarmNotifier, alarm, PR_GetThreadPriority(PR_GetCurrentThread()), PR_LOCAL_THREAD, PR_JOINABLE_THREAD, 0); if (alarm->notifier == NULL) goto done; } return alarm; done: if (alarm->cond != NULL) PR_DestroyCondVar(alarm->cond); if (alarm->lock != NULL) PR_DestroyLock(alarm->lock); PR_DELETE(alarm); return NULL; } /* CreateAlarm */
void CondVarTestSUU(void *_arg) { PRInt32 arg = (PRInt32)_arg; PRInt32 index, loops; threadinfo *list; PRLock *sharedlock; PRCondVar *sharedcvar; PRLock *exitlock; PRCondVar *exitcvar; exitcount=0; tcount=0; list = (threadinfo *)PR_MALLOC(sizeof(threadinfo) * (arg * 4)); sharedlock = PR_NewLock(); sharedcvar = PR_NewCondVar(sharedlock); exitlock = PR_NewLock(); exitcvar = PR_NewCondVar(exitlock); /* Create the threads */ for(index=0; index<arg; ) { CreateTestThread(&list[index], index, sharedlock, sharedcvar, count, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT, &tcount, exitlock, exitcvar, &exitcount, PR_TRUE, PR_LOCAL_THREAD); index++; DPRINTF(("CondVarTestSUU: created thread 0x%lx\n",list[index].thread)); } for (loops = 0; loops < count; loops++) { /* Notify the threads */ for(index=0; index<(arg); index++) { PR_Lock(list[index].lock); (*list[index].tcount)++; PR_NotifyCondVar(list[index].cvar); PR_Unlock(list[index].lock); DPRINTF(("PrivateCondVarThread: thread 0x%lx notified cvar = 0x%lx\n", PR_GetCurrentThread(), list[index].cvar)); } /* Wait for threads to finish */ PR_Lock(exitlock); while(exitcount < arg) PR_WaitCondVar(exitcvar, PR_SecondsToInterval(60)); PR_ASSERT(exitcount >= arg); exitcount -= arg; PR_Unlock(exitlock); } /* Join all the threads */ for(index=0; index<(arg); index++) PR_JoinThread(list[index].thread); PR_DestroyCondVar(sharedcvar); PR_DestroyLock(sharedlock); PR_DestroyCondVar(exitcvar); PR_DestroyLock(exitlock); PR_DELETE(list); }
/*********************************************************************** ** PRIVATE FUNCTION: main ** DESCRIPTION: ** Hammer on the file I/O system ** INPUTS: The usual argc and argv ** argv[0] - program name (not used) ** argv[1] - the number of times to execute the major loop ** argv[2] - the number of threads to toss into the batch ** argv[3] - the clipping number applied to randoms ** default values: loops = 2, threads = 10, limit = 57 ** OUTPUTS: None ** RETURN: None ** SIDE EFFECTS: ** Creates, accesses and deletes lots of files ** RESTRICTIONS: ** (Currently) must have file create permission in "/usr/tmp". ** MEMORY: NA ** ALGORITHM: ** 1) Fork a "Thread()" ** 2) Wait for 'interleave' seconds ** 3) For [0..'threads') repeat [1..2] ** 4) Mark all objects to stop ** 5) Collect the threads, accumulating the results ** 6) For [0..'loops') repeat [1..5] ** 7) Print accumulated results and exit ** ** Characteristic output (from IRIX) ** Random File: Using loops = 2, threads = 10, limit = 57 ** Random File: [min [avg] max] writes/sec average ***********************************************************************/ int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { PRLock *ml; PRUint32 id = 0; int active, poll; PRIntervalTime interleave; PRIntervalTime duration = 0; int limit = 0, loops = 0, threads = 0, times; PRUint32 writes, writesMin = 0x7fffffff, writesTot = 0, durationTot = 0, writesMax = 0; const char *where[] = {"okay", "open", "close", "delete", "write", "seek"}; /* The command line argument: -d is used to determine if the test is being run in debug mode. The regress tool requires only one line output:PASS or FAIL. All of the printfs associated with this test has been handled with a if (debug_mode) test. Usage: test_name -d */ PLOptStatus os; PLOptState *opt = PL_CreateOptState(argc, argv, "Gdl:t:i:"); while (PL_OPT_EOL != (os = PL_GetNextOpt(opt))) { if (PL_OPT_BAD == os) continue; switch (opt->option) { case 'G': /* global threads */ thread_scope = PR_GLOBAL_THREAD; break; case 'd': /* debug mode */ debug_mode = 1; break; case 'l': /* limiting number */ limit = atoi(opt->value); break; case 't': /* number of threads */ threads = atoi(opt->value); break; case 'i': /* iteration counter */ loops = atoi(opt->value); break; default: break; } } PL_DestroyOptState(opt); /* main test */ PR_Init(PR_USER_THREAD, PR_PRIORITY_NORMAL, 0); PR_STDIO_INIT(); interleave = PR_SecondsToInterval(10); #ifdef XP_MAC SetupMacPrintfLog("ranfile.log"); debug_mode = 1; #endif ml = PR_NewLock(); cv = PR_NewCondVar(ml); if (loops == 0) loops = DEFAULT_LOOPS; if (limit == 0) limit = DEFAULT_LIMIT; if (threads == 0) threads = DEFAULT_THREADS; if (debug_mode) printf( "%s: Using loops = %d, threads = %d, limit = %d and %s threads\n", programName, loops, threads, limit, (thread_scope == PR_LOCAL_THREAD) ? "LOCAL" : "GLOBAL"); for (times = 0; times < loops; ++times) { if (debug_mode) printf("%s: Setting concurrency level to %d\n", programName, times + 1); PR_SetConcurrency(times + 1); for (active = 0; active < threads; active++) { hammer[active].ml = ml; hammer[active].cv = cv; hammer[active].id = id++; hammer[active].writes = 0; hammer[active].action = sg_go; hammer[active].problem = sg_okay; hammer[active].limit = (Random() % limit) + 1; hammer[active].timein = PR_IntervalNow(); hammer[active].thread = PR_CreateThread( PR_USER_THREAD, Thread, &hammer[active], PR_GetThreadPriority(PR_GetCurrentThread()), thread_scope, PR_JOINABLE_THREAD, 0); PR_Lock(ml); PR_WaitCondVar(cv, interleave); /* start new ones slowly */ PR_Unlock(ml); } /* * The last thread started has had the opportunity to run for * 'interleave' seconds. Now gather them all back in. */ PR_Lock(ml); for (poll = 0; poll < threads; poll++) { if (hammer[poll].action == sg_go) /* don't overwrite done */ hammer[poll].action = sg_stop; /* ask him to stop */ } PR_Unlock(ml); while (active > 0) { for (poll = 0; poll < threads; poll++) { PR_Lock(ml); while (hammer[poll].action < sg_done) PR_WaitCondVar(cv, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT); PR_Unlock(ml); active -= 1; /* this is another one down */ (void)PR_JoinThread(hammer[poll].thread); hammer[poll].thread = NULL; if (hammer[poll].problem == sg_okay) { duration = PR_IntervalToMilliseconds( PR_IntervalNow() - hammer[poll].timein); writes = hammer[poll].writes * 1000 / duration; if (writes < writesMin) writesMin = writes; if (writes > writesMax) writesMax = writes; writesTot += hammer[poll].writes; durationTot += duration; } else if (debug_mode) printf( "%s: test failed %s after %ld seconds\n", programName, where[hammer[poll].problem], duration); else failed_already=1; } } } if (debug_mode) printf( "%s: [%ld [%ld] %ld] writes/sec average\n", programName, writesMin, writesTot * 1000 / durationTot, writesMax); PR_DestroyCondVar(cv); PR_DestroyLock(ml); if (failed_already) { printf("FAIL\n"); return 1; } else { printf("PASS\n"); return 0; } } /* main */
XPCJSRuntime::~XPCJSRuntime() { if (mWatchdogWakeup) { // If the watchdog thread is running, tell it to terminate waking it // up if necessary and wait until it signals that it finished. As we // must release the lock before calling PR_DestroyCondVar, we use an // extra block here. { AutoLockJSGC lock(mJSRuntime); if (mWatchdogThread) { mWatchdogThread = nsnull; PR_NotifyCondVar(mWatchdogWakeup); PR_WaitCondVar(mWatchdogWakeup, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT); } } PR_DestroyCondVar(mWatchdogWakeup); mWatchdogWakeup = nsnull; } #ifdef XPC_DUMP_AT_SHUTDOWN { // count the total JSContexts in use JSContext* iter = nsnull; int count = 0; while(JS_ContextIterator(mJSRuntime, &iter)) count ++; if(count) printf("deleting XPCJSRuntime with %d live JSContexts\n", count); } #endif // clean up and destroy maps... if(mWrappedJSMap) { #ifdef XPC_DUMP_AT_SHUTDOWN uint32 count = mWrappedJSMap->Count(); if(count) printf("deleting XPCJSRuntime with %d live wrapped JSObject\n", (int)count); #endif mWrappedJSMap->Enumerate(WrappedJSShutdownMarker, mJSRuntime); delete mWrappedJSMap; } if(mWrappedJSClassMap) { #ifdef XPC_DUMP_AT_SHUTDOWN uint32 count = mWrappedJSClassMap->Count(); if(count) printf("deleting XPCJSRuntime with %d live nsXPCWrappedJSClass\n", (int)count); #endif delete mWrappedJSClassMap; } if(mIID2NativeInterfaceMap) { #ifdef XPC_DUMP_AT_SHUTDOWN uint32 count = mIID2NativeInterfaceMap->Count(); if(count) printf("deleting XPCJSRuntime with %d live XPCNativeInterfaces\n", (int)count); #endif delete mIID2NativeInterfaceMap; } if(mClassInfo2NativeSetMap) { #ifdef XPC_DUMP_AT_SHUTDOWN uint32 count = mClassInfo2NativeSetMap->Count(); if(count) printf("deleting XPCJSRuntime with %d live XPCNativeSets\n", (int)count); #endif delete mClassInfo2NativeSetMap; } if(mNativeSetMap) { #ifdef XPC_DUMP_AT_SHUTDOWN uint32 count = mNativeSetMap->Count(); if(count) printf("deleting XPCJSRuntime with %d live XPCNativeSets\n", (int)count); #endif delete mNativeSetMap; } if(mMapLock) XPCAutoLock::DestroyLock(mMapLock); if(mThisTranslatorMap) { #ifdef XPC_DUMP_AT_SHUTDOWN uint32 count = mThisTranslatorMap->Count(); if(count) printf("deleting XPCJSRuntime with %d live ThisTranslator\n", (int)count); #endif delete mThisTranslatorMap; } #ifdef XPC_CHECK_WRAPPERS_AT_SHUTDOWN if(DEBUG_WrappedNativeHashtable) { int LiveWrapperCount = 0; JS_DHashTableEnumerate(DEBUG_WrappedNativeHashtable, DEBUG_WrapperChecker, &LiveWrapperCount); if(LiveWrapperCount) printf("deleting XPCJSRuntime with %d live XPCWrappedNative (found in wrapper check)\n", (int)LiveWrapperCount); JS_DHashTableDestroy(DEBUG_WrappedNativeHashtable); } #endif if(mNativeScriptableSharedMap) { #ifdef XPC_DUMP_AT_SHUTDOWN uint32 count = mNativeScriptableSharedMap->Count(); if(count) printf("deleting XPCJSRuntime with %d live XPCNativeScriptableShared\n", (int)count); #endif delete mNativeScriptableSharedMap; } if(mDyingWrappedNativeProtoMap) { #ifdef XPC_DUMP_AT_SHUTDOWN uint32 count = mDyingWrappedNativeProtoMap->Count(); if(count) printf("deleting XPCJSRuntime with %d live but dying XPCWrappedNativeProto\n", (int)count); #endif delete mDyingWrappedNativeProtoMap; } if(mDetachedWrappedNativeProtoMap) { #ifdef XPC_DUMP_AT_SHUTDOWN uint32 count = mDetachedWrappedNativeProtoMap->Count(); if(count) printf("deleting XPCJSRuntime with %d live detached XPCWrappedNativeProto\n", (int)count); #endif delete mDetachedWrappedNativeProtoMap; } if(mExplicitNativeWrapperMap) { #ifdef XPC_DUMP_AT_SHUTDOWN uint32 count = mExplicitNativeWrapperMap->Count(); if(count) printf("deleting XPCJSRuntime with %d live explicit XPCNativeWrapper\n", (int)count); #endif delete mExplicitNativeWrapperMap; } // unwire the readable/JSString sharing magic XPCStringConvert::ShutdownDOMStringFinalizer(); XPCConvert::RemoveXPCOMUCStringFinalizer(); if(mJSHolders.ops) { JS_DHashTableFinish(&mJSHolders); mJSHolders.ops = nsnull; } if(mJSRuntime) { JS_DestroyRuntime(mJSRuntime); JS_ShutDown(); #ifdef DEBUG_shaver_off fprintf(stderr, "nJRSI: destroyed runtime %p\n", (void *)mJSRuntime); #endif } XPCPerThreadData::ShutDown(); }
nsresult MediaEngineWebRTCVideoSource::Snapshot(PRUint32 aDuration, nsIDOMFile** aFile) { /** * To get a Snapshot we do the following: * - Set a condition variable (mInSnapshotMode) to true * - Attach the external renderer and start the camera * - Wait for the condition variable to change to false * * Starting the camera has the effect of invoking DeliverFrame() when * the first frame arrives from the camera. We only need one frame for * GetCaptureDeviceSnapshot to work, so we immediately set the condition * variable to false and notify this method. * * This causes the current thread to continue (PR_CondWaitVar will return), * at which point we can grab a snapshot, convert it to a file and * return from this function after cleaning up the temporary stream object * and caling Stop() on the media source. */ *aFile = nsnull; if (!mInitDone || mState != kAllocated) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } mSnapshotLock = PR_NewLock(); mSnapshotCondVar = PR_NewCondVar(mSnapshotLock); PR_Lock(mSnapshotLock); mInSnapshotMode = true; // Start the rendering (equivalent to calling Start(), but without a track). int error = 0; if (!mInitDone || mState != kAllocated) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } error = mViERender->AddRenderer(mCapIndex, webrtc::kVideoI420, (webrtc::ExternalRenderer*)this); if (error == -1) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } error = mViERender->StartRender(mCapIndex); if (error == -1) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } // Wait for the condition variable, will be set in DeliverFrame. // We use a while loop, because even if PR_WaitCondVar returns, it's not // guaranteed that the condition variable changed. while (mInSnapshotMode) { PR_WaitCondVar(mSnapshotCondVar, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT); } // If we get here, DeliverFrame received at least one frame. PR_Unlock(mSnapshotLock); PR_DestroyCondVar(mSnapshotCondVar); PR_DestroyLock(mSnapshotLock); webrtc::ViEFile* vieFile = webrtc::ViEFile::GetInterface(mVideoEngine); if (!vieFile) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } // Create a temporary file on the main thread and put the snapshot in it. // See Run() in MediaEngineWebRTCVideo.h (sets mSnapshotPath). NS_DispatchToMainThread(this, NS_DISPATCH_SYNC); if (!mSnapshotPath) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } const char* path = NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(*mSnapshotPath).get(); if (vieFile->GetCaptureDeviceSnapshot(mCapIndex, path) < 0) { delete mSnapshotPath; mSnapshotPath = NULL; return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } // Stop the camera. mViERender->StopRender(mCapIndex); mViERender->RemoveRenderer(mCapIndex); nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> file; nsresult rv = NS_NewLocalFile(*mSnapshotPath, false, getter_AddRefs(file)); delete mSnapshotPath; mSnapshotPath = NULL; NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); NS_ADDREF(*aFile = new nsDOMFileFile(file)); return NS_OK; }
PRIntn main(PRIntn argc, char *argv[]) { PRThread *tJitter; PRThread *tAccept; PRThread *tConnect; PRStatus rv; /* This test if valid for WinNT only! */ #if !defined(WINNT) return 0; #endif { /* ** Get command line options */ PLOptStatus os; PLOptState *opt = PL_CreateOptState(argc, argv, "hdrvj:"); while (PL_OPT_EOL != (os = PL_GetNextOpt(opt))) { if (PL_OPT_BAD == os) continue; switch (opt->option) { case 'd': /* debug */ debug = 1; msgLevel = PR_LOG_ERROR; break; case 'v': /* verbose mode */ verbose = 1; msgLevel = PR_LOG_DEBUG; break; case 'j': jitter = atoi(opt->value); if ( jitter == 0) jitter = JITTER_DEFAULT; break; case 'r': resume = PR_TRUE; break; case 'h': /* help message */ Help(); break; default: break; } } PL_DestroyOptState(opt); } lm = PR_NewLogModule("Test"); /* Initialize logging */ /* set concurrency */ PR_SetConcurrency( 4 ); /* setup thread synchronization mechanics */ ml = PR_NewLock(); cv = PR_NewCondVar( ml ); /* setup a tcp socket */ memset(&listenAddr, 0, sizeof(listenAddr)); rv = PR_InitializeNetAddr(PR_IpAddrAny, BASE_PORT, &listenAddr); PR_ASSERT( PR_SUCCESS == rv ); listenSock = PR_NewTCPSocket(); PR_ASSERT( listenSock ); rv = PR_Bind( listenSock, &listenAddr); PR_ASSERT( PR_SUCCESS == rv ); rv = PR_Listen( listenSock, 5 ); PR_ASSERT( PR_SUCCESS == rv ); /* open a file for writing, provoke bug */ file1 = PR_Open("xxxTestFile", PR_CREATE_FILE | PR_RDWR, 666); /* create Connect thread */ tConnect = PR_CreateThread( PR_USER_THREAD, ConnectThread, NULL, PR_PRIORITY_NORMAL, PR_GLOBAL_THREAD, PR_JOINABLE_THREAD, 0 ); PR_ASSERT( tConnect ); /* create jitter off thread */ tJitter = PR_CreateThread( PR_USER_THREAD, JitterThread, NULL, PR_PRIORITY_NORMAL, PR_GLOBAL_THREAD, PR_JOINABLE_THREAD, 0 ); PR_ASSERT( tJitter ); /* create acceptread thread */ tAccept = PR_CreateThread( PR_USER_THREAD, AcceptThread, NULL, PR_PRIORITY_NORMAL, PR_LOCAL_THREAD, PR_JOINABLE_THREAD, 0 ); PR_ASSERT( tAccept ); /* wait for all threads to quit, then terminate gracefully */ PR_JoinThread( tConnect ); PR_JoinThread( tAccept ); PR_JoinThread( tJitter ); PR_Close( listenSock ); PR_DestroyCondVar(cv); PR_DestroyLock(ml); PR_Close( file1 ); PR_Delete( "xxxTestFile"); /* test return and exit */ if (debug) printf("%s\n", (failed_already)? "FAIL" : "PASS"); return( (failed_already == PR_TRUE )? 1 : 0 ); } /* main() */
PRIntn PR_CALLBACK Switch(PRIntn argc, char **argv) { PLOptStatus os; PRStatus status; PRBool help = PR_FALSE; PRUintn concurrency = 1; Shared *shared, *link; PRIntervalTime timein, timeout; PRThreadScope thread_scope = PR_LOCAL_THREAD; PRUintn thread_count, inner_count, loop_count, average; PRUintn thread_limit = DEFAULT_THREADS, loop_limit = DEFAULT_LOOPS; PLOptState *opt = PL_CreateOptState(argc, argv, "hdvc:t:C:G"); while (PL_OPT_EOL != (os = PL_GetNextOpt(opt))) { if (PL_OPT_BAD == os) continue; switch (opt->option) { case 'v': /* verbose mode */ verbosity = PR_TRUE; case 'd': /* debug mode */ debug_mode = PR_TRUE; break; case 'c': /* loop counter */ loop_limit = atoi(opt->value); break; case 't': /* thread limit */ thread_limit = atoi(opt->value); break; case 'C': /* Concurrency limit */ concurrency = atoi(opt->value); break; case 'G': /* global threads only */ thread_scope = PR_GLOBAL_THREAD; break; case 'h': /* help message */ Help(); help = PR_TRUE; break; default: break; } } PL_DestroyOptState(opt); if (help) return -1; if (PR_TRUE == debug_mode) { debug_out = PR_STDOUT; PR_fprintf(debug_out, "Test parameters\n"); PR_fprintf(debug_out, "\tThreads involved: %d\n", thread_limit); PR_fprintf(debug_out, "\tIteration limit: %d\n", loop_limit); PR_fprintf(debug_out, "\tConcurrency: %d\n", concurrency); PR_fprintf( debug_out, "\tThread type: %s\n", (PR_GLOBAL_THREAD == thread_scope) ? "GLOBAL" : "LOCAL"); } PR_SetConcurrency(concurrency); link = &home; = PR_NewLock(); = PR_NewCondVar(; home.twiddle = PR_FALSE; = NULL; timeout = 0; for (thread_count = 1; thread_count <= thread_limit; ++thread_count) { shared = PR_NEWZAP(Shared); shared->ml =; shared->cv = PR_NewCondVar(; shared->twiddle = PR_TRUE; shared->next = link; link = shared; shared->thread = PR_CreateThread( PR_USER_THREAD, Notified, shared, PR_PRIORITY_HIGH, thread_scope, PR_JOINABLE_THREAD, 0); PR_ASSERT(shared->thread != NULL); if (NULL == shared->thread) failed = PR_TRUE; } for (loop_count = 1; loop_count <= loop_limit; ++loop_count) { timein = PR_IntervalNow(); for (inner_count = 0; inner_count < INNER_LOOPS; ++inner_count) { PR_Lock(; home.twiddle = PR_TRUE; shared->twiddle = PR_FALSE; PR_NotifyCondVar(shared->cv); while (home.twiddle) { status = PR_WaitCondVar(, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT); if (PR_FAILURE == status) failed = PR_TRUE; } PR_Unlock(; } timeout += (PR_IntervalNow() - timein); } if (debug_mode) { average = PR_IntervalToMicroseconds(timeout) / (INNER_LOOPS * loop_limit * thread_count); PR_fprintf( debug_out, "Average switch times %d usecs for %d threads\n", average, thread_limit); } link = shared; for (thread_count = 1; thread_count <= thread_limit; ++thread_count) { if (&home == link) break; status = PR_Interrupt(link->thread); if (PR_SUCCESS != status) { failed = PR_TRUE; if (debug_mode) PL_FPrintError(debug_out, "Failed to interrupt"); } link = link->next; } for (thread_count = 1; thread_count <= thread_limit; ++thread_count) { link = shared->next; status = PR_JoinThread(shared->thread); if (PR_SUCCESS != status) { failed = PR_TRUE; if (debug_mode) PL_FPrintError(debug_out, "Failed to join"); } PR_DestroyCondVar(shared->cv); PR_DELETE(shared); if (&home == link) break; shared = link; } PR_DestroyCondVar(; PR_DestroyLock(; PR_fprintf(PR_STDOUT, ((failed) ? "FAILED\n" : "PASSED\n")); return ((failed) ? 1 : 0); } /* Switch */
NSTP_DestroyPool(NSTPPool pool, PRBool doitnow) { NSTPWorkItem *work; PR_Lock(pool->lock); /* * Indicate pool is being shut down, so no more requests * will be accepted. */ pool->shutdown = PR_TRUE; if (doitnow) { /* Complete all queued work items with NSTP_STATUS_SHUTDOWN_REJECT */ while ((work = pool->head) != NULL) { /* Dequeue work item */ pool->head = work->next; if (pool->head == NULL) { pool->tail = NULL; } PR_Unlock(pool->lock); /* Acquire the lock used by the calling, waiting thread */ PR_Lock ( work -> waiter_mon -> lock); /* Set work completion status */ work->work_status = NSTP_STATUS_SHUTDOWN_REJECT; work->work_complete = PR_TRUE; /* Wake up the calling, waiting thread */ PR_NotifyCondVar (work -> waiter_mon -> cvar); /* Release the lock */ PR_Unlock (work -> waiter_mon -> lock); PR_Lock (pool -> lock); } } else { /* doitnow is PR_FALSE */ /* Wait for work queue to be empty */ while (pool->head != NULL) { PR_WaitCondVar(pool->cvar, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT); } } if (pool -> stats.threadCount > 0) { NSTPThread *thread; NSTPThread *nxt_thread; for (thread = pool->threads; thread; thread = nxt_thread) { nxt_thread = thread->next; thread->shutdown = PR_TRUE; } /* Wakeup all threads to look at their shutdown flags */ PR_NotifyAllCondVar(pool->cvar); /* Wait for threadCount to go to zero */ while (pool -> stats.threadCount > 0) { PR_WaitCondVar(pool->cvar, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT); } } PR_Unlock(pool->lock); PR_DestroyCondVar(pool->cvar); PR_DestroyLock(pool->lock); PR_DELETE(pool); }
/* ** Destroy a monitor. There must be no thread waiting on the monitor's ** condition variable. The caller is responsible for guaranteeing that the ** monitor is no longer in use. */ PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_DestroyMonitor(PRMonitor *mon) { PR_DestroyLock(mon->cvar->lock); PR_DestroyCondVar(mon->cvar); PR_DELETE(mon); }
void CondVarMixedTest(void *_arg) { PRInt32 arg = (PRInt32)_arg; PRInt32 index, loops; threadinfo *list; PRLock *sharedlock; PRCondVar *sharedcvar; PRLock *exitlock; PRCondVar *exitcvar; PRInt32 *ptcount; exitcount=0; tcount=0; list = (threadinfo *)PR_MALLOC(sizeof(threadinfo) * (arg * 4)); ptcount = (PRInt32 *)PR_CALLOC(sizeof(*ptcount) * (arg * 4)); sharedlock = PR_NewLock(); sharedcvar = PR_NewCondVar(sharedlock); exitlock = PR_NewLock(); exitcvar = PR_NewCondVar(exitlock); /* Create the threads */ for(index=0; index<arg*4; ) { CreateTestThread(&list[index], index, sharedlock, sharedcvar, count, PR_MillisecondsToInterval(50), &tcount, exitlock, exitcvar, &exitcount, PR_TRUE, PR_LOCAL_THREAD); index++; CreateTestThread(&list[index], index, sharedlock, sharedcvar, count, PR_MillisecondsToInterval(50), &tcount, exitlock, exitcvar, &exitcount, PR_TRUE, PR_GLOBAL_THREAD); index++; list[index].lock = PR_NewLock(); list[index].cvar = PR_NewCondVar(list[index].lock); CreateTestThread(&list[index], index, list[index].lock, list[index].cvar, count, PR_MillisecondsToInterval(50), ptcount, exitlock, exitcvar, &exitcount, PR_FALSE, PR_LOCAL_THREAD); index++; ptcount++; list[index].lock = PR_NewLock(); list[index].cvar = PR_NewCondVar(list[index].lock); CreateTestThread(&list[index], index, list[index].lock, list[index].cvar, count, PR_MillisecondsToInterval(50), ptcount, exitlock, exitcvar, &exitcount, PR_FALSE, PR_GLOBAL_THREAD); index++; ptcount++; } /* Notify every 3rd thread */ for (loops = 0; loops < count; loops++) { /* Notify the threads */ for(index=0; index<(arg*4); index+=3) { PR_Lock(list[index].lock); *list[index].tcount++; PR_NotifyCondVar(list[index].cvar); PR_Unlock(list[index].lock); } /* Wait for threads to finish */ PR_Lock(exitlock); while(exitcount < arg*4) PR_WaitCondVar(exitcvar, PR_SecondsToInterval(60)); PR_ASSERT(exitcount >= arg*4); exitcount -= arg*4; PR_Unlock(exitlock); } /* Join all the threads */ for(index=0; index<(arg*4); index++) { PR_JoinThread(list[index].thread); if (list[index].internal) { PR_Lock(list[index].lock); PR_DestroyCondVar(list[index].cvar); PR_Unlock(list[index].lock); PR_DestroyLock(list[index].lock); } } PR_DestroyCondVar(sharedcvar); PR_DestroyLock(sharedlock); PR_DELETE(list); }
RCCondition::~RCCondition() { if (NULL != cv) PR_DestroyCondVar(cv); } /* RCCondition::~RCCondition */
PR_IMPLEMENT(PRWaitGroup*) PR_CreateWaitGroup(PRInt32 size /* ignored */) { PRWaitGroup *wg; if (NULL == (wg = PR_NEWZAP(PRWaitGroup))) { PR_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR, 0); goto failed; } /* the wait group itself */ wg->ml = PR_NewLock(); if (NULL == wg->ml) goto failed_lock; wg->io_taken = PR_NewCondVar(wg->ml); if (NULL == wg->io_taken) goto failed_cvar0; wg->io_complete = PR_NewCondVar(wg->ml); if (NULL == wg->io_complete) goto failed_cvar1; wg->new_business = PR_NewCondVar(wg->ml); if (NULL == wg->new_business) goto failed_cvar2; wg->mw_manage = PR_NewCondVar(wg->ml); if (NULL == wg->mw_manage) goto failed_cvar3; PR_INIT_CLIST(&wg->group_link); PR_INIT_CLIST(&wg->io_ready); /* the waiters sequence */ wg->waiter = (_PRWaiterHash*)PR_CALLOC( sizeof(_PRWaiterHash) + (_PR_DEFAULT_HASH_LENGTH * sizeof(PRRecvWait*))); if (NULL == wg->waiter) { PR_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR, 0); goto failed_waiter; } wg->waiter->count = 0; wg->waiter->length = _PR_DEFAULT_HASH_LENGTH; #ifdef WINNT _PR_MD_NEW_LOCK(&wg->mdlock); PR_INIT_CLIST(&wg->wait_list); #endif /* WINNT */ PR_Lock(mw_lock); PR_APPEND_LINK(&wg->group_link, &mw_state->group_list); PR_Unlock(mw_lock); return wg; failed_waiter: PR_DestroyCondVar(wg->mw_manage); failed_cvar3: PR_DestroyCondVar(wg->new_business); failed_cvar2: PR_DestroyCondVar(wg->io_complete); failed_cvar1: PR_DestroyCondVar(wg->io_taken); failed_cvar0: PR_DestroyLock(wg->ml); failed_lock: PR_DELETE(wg); wg = NULL; failed: return wg; } /* MW_CreateWaitGroup */
static PRIntervalTime Alarms3(PRUint32 loops) { PRIntn i; PRStatus rv; PRAlarm *alarm; AlarmData ad[3]; PRIntervalTime duration = PR_SecondsToInterval(30); PRIntervalTime overhead, timein = PR_IntervalNow(); PRLock *ml = PR_NewLock(); PRCondVar *cv = PR_NewCondVar(ml); for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { ad[i].ml = ml; ad[i].cv = cv; ad[i].rate = 1; ad[i].times = loops; ad[i].duration = duration; ad[i].late = ad[i].times = 0; ad[i].timein = PR_IntervalNow(); ad[i].period = PR_SecondsToInterval(1); /* more loops, faster rate => same elapsed time */ ad[i].times = (i + 1) * loops; ad[i].rate = (i + 1) * 10; } alarm = PR_CreateAlarm(); for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { (void)PR_SetAlarm( alarm, ad[i].period, ad[i].rate, AlarmFn2, &ad[i]); } overhead = PR_IntervalNow() - timein; PR_Lock(ml); for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { while ((PRIntervalTime)(PR_IntervalNow() - ad[i].timein) < duration) PR_WaitCondVar(cv, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT); } PR_Unlock(ml); timein = PR_IntervalNow(); if (debug_mode) printf ("Alarms3 finished at %u, %u, %u\n", ad[0].timein, ad[1].timein, ad[2].timein); rv = PR_DestroyAlarm(alarm); if (rv != PR_SUCCESS) { if (!debug_mode) failed_already=1; else printf("***Destroying alarm status: FAIL\n"); } PR_DestroyCondVar(cv); PR_DestroyLock(ml); overhead += (duration / 3); overhead += (PR_IntervalNow() - timein); return overhead; } /* Alarms3 */
void CondVarTestPUU(void *_arg) { PRInt32 arg = (PRInt32)_arg; PRInt32 index, loops; threadinfo *list; PRLock *sharedlock; PRCondVar *sharedcvar; PRLock *exitlock; PRCondVar *exitcvar; PRInt32 *tcount, *saved_tcount; exitcount=0; list = (threadinfo *)PR_MALLOC(sizeof(threadinfo) * (arg * 4)); saved_tcount = tcount = (PRInt32 *)PR_CALLOC(sizeof(*tcount) * (arg * 4)); sharedlock = PR_NewLock(); sharedcvar = PR_NewCondVar(sharedlock); exitlock = PR_NewLock(); exitcvar = PR_NewCondVar(exitlock); /* Create the threads */ for(index=0; index<arg; ) { list[index].lock = PR_NewLock(); list[index].cvar = PR_NewCondVar(list[index].lock); CreateTestThread(&list[index], index, list[index].lock, list[index].cvar, count, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT, tcount, exitlock, exitcvar, &exitcount, PR_FALSE, PR_LOCAL_THREAD); DPRINTF(("CondVarTestPUU: created thread 0x%lx\n",list[index].thread)); index++; tcount++; } for (loops = 0; loops < count; loops++) { /* Notify the threads */ for(index=0; index<(arg); index++) { PR_Lock(list[index].lock); (*list[index].tcount)++; PR_NotifyCondVar(list[index].cvar); PR_Unlock(list[index].lock); } PR_Lock(exitlock); /* Wait for threads to finish */ while(exitcount < arg) { DPRINTF(("CondVarTestPUU: thread 0x%lx waiting on exitcvar = 0x%lx cnt = %ld\n", PR_GetCurrentThread(), exitcvar, exitcount)); PR_WaitCondVar(exitcvar, PR_SecondsToInterval(60)); } PR_ASSERT(exitcount >= arg); exitcount -= arg; PR_Unlock(exitlock); } /* Join all the threads */ for(index=0; index<(arg); index++) { DPRINTF(("CondVarTestPUU: joining thread 0x%lx\n",list[index].thread)); PR_JoinThread(list[index].thread); if (list[index].internal) { PR_Lock(list[index].lock); PR_DestroyCondVar(list[index].cvar); PR_Unlock(list[index].lock); PR_DestroyLock(list[index].lock); } } PR_DestroyCondVar(sharedcvar); PR_DestroyLock(sharedlock); PR_DestroyCondVar(exitcvar); PR_DestroyLock(exitlock); PR_DELETE(list); PR_DELETE(saved_tcount); }
void CondVarTest(void *_arg) { PRInt32 arg = (PRInt32)_arg; PRInt32 index, loops; threadinfo *list; PRLock *sharedlock; PRCondVar *sharedcvar; PRLock *exitlock; PRCondVar *exitcvar; PRInt32 *ptcount, *saved_ptcount; exitcount=0; tcount=0; list = (threadinfo *)PR_MALLOC(sizeof(threadinfo) * (arg * 4)); saved_ptcount = ptcount = (PRInt32 *)PR_CALLOC(sizeof(*ptcount) * (arg * 4)); sharedlock = PR_NewLock(); sharedcvar = PR_NewCondVar(sharedlock); exitlock = PR_NewLock(); exitcvar = PR_NewCondVar(exitlock); /* Create the threads */ for(index=0; index<arg*4; ) { CreateTestThread(&list[index], index, sharedlock, sharedcvar, count, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT, &tcount, exitlock, exitcvar, &exitcount, PR_TRUE, PR_LOCAL_THREAD); index++; CreateTestThread(&list[index], index, sharedlock, sharedcvar, count, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT, &tcount, exitlock, exitcvar, &exitcount, PR_TRUE, PR_GLOBAL_THREAD); index++; list[index].lock = PR_NewLock(); list[index].cvar = PR_NewCondVar(list[index].lock); CreateTestThread(&list[index], index, list[index].lock, list[index].cvar, count, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT, ptcount, exitlock, exitcvar, &exitcount, PR_FALSE, PR_LOCAL_THREAD); index++; ptcount++; list[index].lock = PR_NewLock(); list[index].cvar = PR_NewCondVar(list[index].lock); CreateTestThread(&list[index], index, list[index].lock, list[index].cvar, count, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT, ptcount, exitlock, exitcvar, &exitcount, PR_FALSE, PR_GLOBAL_THREAD); index++; ptcount++; } for (loops = 0; loops < count; loops++) { /* Notify the threads */ for(index=0; index<(arg*4); index++) { PR_Lock(list[index].lock); (*list[index].tcount)++; PR_NotifyCondVar(list[index].cvar); PR_Unlock(list[index].lock); } #if 0 printf("wait for threads done\n"); #endif /* Wait for threads to finish */ PR_Lock(exitlock); while(exitcount < arg*4) PR_WaitCondVar(exitcvar, PR_SecondsToInterval(60)); PR_ASSERT(exitcount >= arg*4); exitcount -= arg*4; PR_Unlock(exitlock); #if 0 printf("threads ready\n"); #endif } /* Join all the threads */ for(index=0; index<(arg*4); index++) { PR_JoinThread(list[index].thread); if (list[index].internal) { PR_Lock(list[index].lock); PR_DestroyCondVar(list[index].cvar); PR_Unlock(list[index].lock); PR_DestroyLock(list[index].lock); } } PR_DestroyCondVar(sharedcvar); PR_DestroyLock(sharedlock); PR_DestroyCondVar(exitcvar); PR_DestroyLock(exitlock); PR_DELETE(list); PR_DELETE(saved_ptcount); }
void referint_thread_func(void *arg) { PRFileDesc *prfd; char **plugin_argv = (char **)arg; char *logfilename; char thisline[MAX_LINE]; char delimiter[]="\t\n"; char *ptoken; char *tmprdn; char *iter = NULL; Slapi_DN *sdn = NULL; Slapi_DN *tmpsuperior = NULL; int logChanges = 0; int delay; int no_changes; if(plugin_argv == NULL){ slapi_log_error( SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, REFERINT_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "referint_thread_func not get args \n" ); return; } delay = atoi(plugin_argv[0]); logfilename = plugin_argv[1]; logChanges = atoi(plugin_argv[2]); /* * keep running this thread until plugin is signaled to close */ while(1){ no_changes=1; while(no_changes){ PR_Lock(keeprunning_mutex); if(keeprunning == 0){ PR_Unlock(keeprunning_mutex); break; } PR_Unlock(keeprunning_mutex); referint_lock(); if (( prfd = PR_Open( logfilename, PR_RDONLY, REFERINT_DEFAULT_FILE_MODE )) == NULL ){ referint_unlock(); /* go back to sleep and wait for this file */ PR_Lock(keeprunning_mutex); PR_WaitCondVar(keeprunning_cv, PR_SecondsToInterval(delay)); PR_Unlock(keeprunning_mutex); } else { no_changes = 0; } } /* * Check keep running here, because after break out of no * changes loop on shutdown, also need to break out of this * loop before trying to do the changes. The server * will pick them up on next startup as file still exists */ PR_Lock(keeprunning_mutex); if(keeprunning == 0){ PR_Unlock(keeprunning_mutex); break; } PR_Unlock(keeprunning_mutex); while( GetNextLine(thisline, MAX_LINE, prfd) ){ ptoken = ldap_utf8strtok_r(thisline, delimiter, &iter); sdn = slapi_sdn_new_normdn_byref(ptoken); ptoken = ldap_utf8strtok_r (NULL, delimiter, &iter); if(!strcasecmp(ptoken, "NULL")) { tmprdn = NULL; } else { tmprdn = slapi_ch_smprintf("%s", ptoken); } ptoken = ldap_utf8strtok_r (NULL, delimiter, &iter); if (!strcasecmp(ptoken, "NULL")) { tmpsuperior = NULL; } else { tmpsuperior = slapi_sdn_new_normdn_byref(ptoken); } ptoken = ldap_utf8strtok_r (NULL, delimiter, &iter); if (strcasecmp(ptoken, "NULL") != 0) { /* Set the bind DN in the thread data */ if(slapi_td_set_dn(slapi_ch_strdup(ptoken))){ slapi_log_error( SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, REFERINT_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM,"Failed to set thread data\n"); } } update_integrity(plugin_argv, sdn, tmprdn, tmpsuperior, logChanges); slapi_sdn_free(&sdn); slapi_ch_free_string(&tmprdn); slapi_sdn_free(&tmpsuperior); } PR_Close(prfd); /* remove the original file */ if( PR_SUCCESS != PR_Delete(logfilename) ){ slapi_log_error( SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, REFERINT_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "referint_postop_close could not delete \"%s\"\n", logfilename ); } /* unlock and let other writers back at the file */ referint_unlock(); /* wait on condition here */ PR_Lock(keeprunning_mutex); PR_WaitCondVar(keeprunning_cv, PR_SecondsToInterval(delay)); PR_Unlock(keeprunning_mutex); } /* cleanup resources allocated in start */ if (NULL != keeprunning_mutex) { PR_DestroyLock(keeprunning_mutex); } if (NULL != referint_mutex) { PR_DestroyLock(referint_mutex); } if (NULL != keeprunning_cv) { PR_DestroyCondVar(keeprunning_cv); } }
int test_mutex2(int argc, char *argv[]) { PRThread *consThread, *prodThread, *prodThread2, *prodThread3; int x = 10, y = 20, z = 30; PKIX_UInt32 actualMinorVersion; PKIX_UInt32 j = 0; PKIX_TEST_STD_VARS(); startTests("Mutex and Threads"); PKIX_TEST_EXPECT_NO_ERROR( PKIX_PL_NssContext_Create(0, PKIX_FALSE, NULL, &plContext)); (void)printf("Attempting to create new mutex...\n"); subTest("Mutex Creation"); PKIX_TEST_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(PKIX_PL_Mutex_Create(&mutex, plContext)); cv = PR_NewCondVar(*(PRLock **)mutex); subTest("Starting consumer thread"); consThread = PR_CreateThread(PR_USER_THREAD, consumer, NULL, PR_PRIORITY_NORMAL, PR_LOCAL_THREAD, PR_JOINABLE_THREAD, 0); subTest("Starting producer thread 1"); prodThread = PR_CreateThread(PR_USER_THREAD, producer, &x, PR_PRIORITY_NORMAL, PR_LOCAL_THREAD, PR_JOINABLE_THREAD, 0); subTest("Starting producer thread 2"); prodThread2 = PR_CreateThread(PR_USER_THREAD, producer, &y, PR_PRIORITY_NORMAL, PR_LOCAL_THREAD, PR_JOINABLE_THREAD, 0); subTest("Starting producer thread 3"); prodThread3 = PR_CreateThread(PR_USER_THREAD, producer, &z, PR_PRIORITY_NORMAL, PR_LOCAL_THREAD, PR_JOINABLE_THREAD, 0); PR_JoinThread(consThread); (void)PR_DestroyCondVar(cv); PKIX_TEST_DECREF_BC(mutex); /* * Note: we should also be freeing each thread's stack, but we * don't have access to the prodThread->stack variable (since * it is not exported). As a result, we have 120 bytes of memory * leakage. */ PR_Free(prodThread); PR_Free(prodThread2); PR_Free(prodThread3); cleanup: PKIX_Shutdown(plContext); PKIX_TEST_RETURN(); endTests("Mutex and Threads"); return (0); }
static void WaitCondVarThread(void *arg) { PRIntervalTime timeout = (PRIntervalTime) arg; PRIntervalTime elapsed; #if defined(XP_UNIX) || defined(WIN32) PRInt32 timeout_msecs = PR_IntervalToMilliseconds(timeout); PRInt32 elapsed_msecs; #endif #if defined(XP_UNIX) struct timeval end_time_tv; #endif #if defined(WIN32) && !defined(WINCE) struct _timeb end_time_tb; #endif PRLock *ml; PRCondVar *cv; ml = PR_NewLock(); if (ml == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "PR_NewLock failed\n"); exit(1); } cv = PR_NewCondVar(ml); if (cv == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "PR_NewCondVar failed\n"); exit(1); } PR_Lock(ml); PR_WaitCondVar(cv, timeout); PR_Unlock(ml); elapsed = (PRIntervalTime)(PR_IntervalNow() - start_time); if (elapsed + tolerance < timeout || elapsed > timeout + tolerance) { fprintf(stderr, "timeout wrong\n"); exit(1); } #if defined(XP_UNIX) gettimeofday(&end_time_tv, NULL); elapsed_msecs = 1000*(end_time_tv.tv_sec - start_time_tv.tv_sec) + (end_time_tv.tv_usec - start_time_tv.tv_usec)/1000; #endif #if defined(WIN32) #if defined(WINCE) elapsed_msecs = GetTickCount() - start_time_tick; #else _ftime(&end_time_tb); elapsed_msecs = 1000*(end_time_tb.time - start_time_tb.time) + (end_time_tb.millitm - start_time_tb.millitm); #endif #endif #if defined(XP_UNIX) || defined(WIN32) if (elapsed_msecs + tolerance_msecs < timeout_msecs || elapsed_msecs > timeout_msecs + tolerance_msecs) { fprintf(stderr, "timeout wrong\n"); exit(1); } #endif PR_DestroyCondVar(cv); PR_DestroyLock(ml); if (debug_mode) { fprintf(stderr, "wait cond var thread (scope %d) done\n", PR_GetThreadScope(PR_GetCurrentThread())); } }
static void pt_PostNotifies(PRLock *lock, PRBool unlock) { PRIntn index, rv; _PT_Notified post; _PT_Notified *notified, *prev = NULL; /* * Time to actually notify any conditions that were affected * while the lock was held. Get a copy of the list that's in * the lock structure and then zero the original. If it's * linked to other such structures, we own that storage. */ post = lock->notified; /* a safe copy; we own the lock */ #if defined(DEBUG) memset(&lock->notified, 0, sizeof(_PT_Notified)); /* reset */ #else lock->notified.length = 0; /* these are really sufficient */ lock-> = NULL; #endif /* should (may) we release lock before notifying? */ if (unlock) { rv = pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock->mutex); PR_ASSERT(0 == rv); } notified = &post; /* this is where we start */ do { for (index = 0; index < notified->length; ++index) { PRCondVar *cv = notified->cv[index].cv; PR_ASSERT(NULL != cv); PR_ASSERT(0 != notified->cv[index].times); if (-1 == notified->cv[index].times) { rv = pthread_cond_broadcast(&cv->cv); PR_ASSERT(0 == rv); } else { while (notified->cv[index].times-- > 0) { rv = pthread_cond_signal(&cv->cv); PR_ASSERT(0 == rv); } } #if defined(DEBUG) pt_debug.cvars_notified += 1; if (0 > PR_ATOMIC_DECREMENT(&cv->notify_pending)) { pt_debug.delayed_cv_deletes += 1; PR_DestroyCondVar(cv); } #else /* defined(DEBUG) */ if (0 > PR_ATOMIC_DECREMENT(&cv->notify_pending)) PR_DestroyCondVar(cv); #endif /* defined(DEBUG) */ } prev = notified; notified = notified->link; if (&post != prev) PR_DELETE(prev); } while (NULL != notified); } /* pt_PostNotifies */
int main(int argc, char** argv) { PRUintn index; PRBool boolean; CSClient_t *client; PRStatus rv, joinStatus; CSServer_t *server = NULL; PRUintn backlog = DEFAULT_BACKLOG; PRUintn clients = DEFAULT_CLIENTS; const char *serverName = DEFAULT_SERVER; PRBool serverIsLocal = PR_TRUE; PRUintn accepting = ALLOWED_IN_ACCEPT; PRUintn workersMin = DEFAULT_WORKERS_MIN; PRUintn workersMax = DEFAULT_WORKERS_MAX; PRIntn execution = DEFAULT_EXECUTION_TIME; PRIntn low = DEFAULT_LOW, high = DEFAULT_HIGH; /* * -G use global threads * -a <n> threads allowed in accept * -b <n> backlock for listen * -c <threads> number of clients to create * -f <low> low water mark for caching FDs * -F <high> high water mark for caching FDs * -w <threads> minimal number of server threads * -W <threads> maximum number of server threads * -e <seconds> duration of the test in seconds * -s <string> dsn name of server (implies no server here) * -v verbosity */ PLOptStatus os; PLOptState *opt = PL_CreateOptState(argc, argv, "GX6b:a:c:f:F:w:W:e:s:vdhp"); debug_out = PR_GetSpecialFD(PR_StandardError); while (PL_OPT_EOL != (os = PL_GetNextOpt(opt))) { if (PL_OPT_BAD == os) continue; switch (opt->option) { case 'G': /* use global threads */ thread_scope = PR_GLOBAL_THREAD; break; case 'X': /* use XTP as transport */ protocol = 36; break; case '6': /* Use IPv6 */ domain = PR_AF_INET6; break; case 'a': /* the value for accepting */ accepting = atoi(opt->value); break; case 'b': /* the value for backlock */ backlog = atoi(opt->value); break; case 'c': /* number of client threads */ clients = atoi(opt->value); break; case 'f': /* low water fd cache */ low = atoi(opt->value); break; case 'F': /* low water fd cache */ high = atoi(opt->value); break; case 'w': /* minimum server worker threads */ workersMin = atoi(opt->value); break; case 'W': /* maximum server worker threads */ workersMax = atoi(opt->value); break; case 'e': /* program execution time in seconds */ execution = atoi(opt->value); break; case 's': /* server's address */ serverName = opt->value; break; case 'v': /* verbosity */ verbosity = IncrementVerbosity(); break; case 'd': /* debug mode */ debug_mode = PR_TRUE; break; case 'p': /* pthread mode */ pthread_stats = PR_TRUE; break; case 'h': default: Help(); return 2; } } PL_DestroyOptState(opt); if (0 != PL_strcmp(serverName, DEFAULT_SERVER)) serverIsLocal = PR_FALSE; if (0 == execution) execution = DEFAULT_EXECUTION_TIME; if (0 == workersMax) workersMax = DEFAULT_WORKERS_MAX; if (0 == workersMin) workersMin = DEFAULT_WORKERS_MIN; if (0 == accepting) accepting = ALLOWED_IN_ACCEPT; if (0 == backlog) backlog = DEFAULT_BACKLOG; if (workersMin > accepting) accepting = workersMin; PR_STDIO_INIT(); TimeOfDayMessage("Client/Server started at", PR_GetCurrentThread()); cltsrv_log_file = PR_NewLogModule("cltsrv_log"); MY_ASSERT(NULL != cltsrv_log_file); boolean = PR_SetLogFile("cltsrv.log"); MY_ASSERT(boolean); rv = PR_SetFDCacheSize(low, high); PR_ASSERT(PR_SUCCESS == rv); if (serverIsLocal) { /* Establish the server */ TEST_LOG( cltsrv_log_file, TEST_LOG_INFO, ("main(0x%p): starting server\n", PR_GetCurrentThread())); server = PR_NEWZAP(CSServer_t); PR_INIT_CLIST(&server->list); server->state = cs_init; server->ml = PR_NewLock(); server->backlog = backlog; server->port = DEFAULT_PORT; server->workers.minimum = workersMin; server->workers.maximum = workersMax; server->workers.accepting = accepting; server->stateChange = PR_NewCondVar(server->ml); server->pool.exiting = PR_NewCondVar(server->ml); server->pool.acceptComplete = PR_NewCondVar(server->ml); TEST_LOG( cltsrv_log_file, TEST_LOG_NOTICE, ("main(0x%p): creating server thread\n", PR_GetCurrentThread())); server->thread = PR_CreateThread( PR_USER_THREAD, Server, server, PR_PRIORITY_HIGH, thread_scope, PR_JOINABLE_THREAD, 0); TEST_ASSERT(NULL != server->thread); TEST_LOG( cltsrv_log_file, TEST_LOG_VERBOSE, ("main(0x%p): waiting for server init\n", PR_GetCurrentThread())); PR_Lock(server->ml); while (server->state == cs_init) PR_WaitCondVar(server->stateChange, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT); PR_Unlock(server->ml); TEST_LOG( cltsrv_log_file, TEST_LOG_VERBOSE, ("main(0x%p): server init complete (port #%d)\n", PR_GetCurrentThread(), server->port)); } if (clients != 0) { /* Create all of the clients */ PRHostEnt host; char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; client = (CSClient_t*)PR_CALLOC(clients * sizeof(CSClient_t)); TEST_LOG( cltsrv_log_file, TEST_LOG_VERBOSE, ("main(0x%p): creating %d client threads\n", PR_GetCurrentThread(), clients)); if (!serverIsLocal) { rv = PR_GetHostByName(serverName, buffer, BUFFER_SIZE, &host); if (PR_SUCCESS != rv) { PL_FPrintError(PR_STDERR, "PR_GetHostByName"); return 2; } } for (index = 0; index < clients; ++index) { client[index].state = cs_init; client[index].ml = PR_NewLock(); if (serverIsLocal) { if (PR_AF_INET6 != domain) (void)PR_InitializeNetAddr( PR_IpAddrLoopback, DEFAULT_PORT, &client[index].serverAddress); else rv = PR_SetNetAddr(PR_IpAddrLoopback, PR_AF_INET6, DEFAULT_PORT, &client[index].serverAddress); } else { (void)PR_EnumerateHostEnt( 0, &host, DEFAULT_PORT, &client[index].serverAddress); } client[index].stateChange = PR_NewCondVar(client[index].ml); TEST_LOG( cltsrv_log_file, TEST_LOG_INFO, ("main(0x%p): creating client threads\n", PR_GetCurrentThread())); client[index].thread = PR_CreateThread( PR_USER_THREAD, Client, &client[index], PR_PRIORITY_NORMAL, thread_scope, PR_JOINABLE_THREAD, 0); TEST_ASSERT(NULL != client[index].thread); PR_Lock(client[index].ml); while (cs_init == client[index].state) PR_WaitCondVar(client[index].stateChange, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT); PR_Unlock(client[index].ml); } } /* Then just let them go at it for a bit */ TEST_LOG( cltsrv_log_file, TEST_LOG_ALWAYS, ("main(0x%p): waiting for execution interval (%d seconds)\n", PR_GetCurrentThread(), execution)); WaitForCompletion(execution); TimeOfDayMessage("Shutting down", PR_GetCurrentThread()); if (clients != 0) { for (index = 0; index < clients; ++index) { TEST_LOG(cltsrv_log_file, TEST_LOG_STATUS, ("main(0x%p): notifying client(0x%p) to stop\n", PR_GetCurrentThread(), client[index].thread)); PR_Lock(client[index].ml); if (cs_run == client[index].state) { client[index].state = cs_stop; PR_Interrupt(client[index].thread); while (cs_stop == client[index].state) PR_WaitCondVar( client[index].stateChange, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT); } PR_Unlock(client[index].ml); TEST_LOG(cltsrv_log_file, TEST_LOG_VERBOSE, ("main(0x%p): joining client(0x%p)\n", PR_GetCurrentThread(), client[index].thread)); joinStatus = PR_JoinThread(client[index].thread); TEST_ASSERT(PR_SUCCESS == joinStatus); PR_DestroyCondVar(client[index].stateChange); PR_DestroyLock(client[index].ml); } PR_DELETE(client); } if (NULL != server) { /* All clients joined - retrieve the server */ TEST_LOG( cltsrv_log_file, TEST_LOG_NOTICE, ("main(0x%p): notifying server(0x%p) to stop\n", PR_GetCurrentThread(), server->thread)); PR_Lock(server->ml); server->state = cs_stop; PR_Interrupt(server->thread); while (cs_exit != server->state) PR_WaitCondVar(server->stateChange, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT); PR_Unlock(server->ml); TEST_LOG( cltsrv_log_file, TEST_LOG_NOTICE, ("main(0x%p): joining server(0x%p)\n", PR_GetCurrentThread(), server->thread)); joinStatus = PR_JoinThread(server->thread); TEST_ASSERT(PR_SUCCESS == joinStatus); PR_DestroyCondVar(server->stateChange); PR_DestroyCondVar(server->pool.exiting); PR_DestroyCondVar(server->pool.acceptComplete); PR_DestroyLock(server->ml); PR_DELETE(server); } TEST_LOG( cltsrv_log_file, TEST_LOG_ALWAYS, ("main(0x%p): test complete\n", PR_GetCurrentThread())); PT_FPrintStats(debug_out, "\nPThread Statistics\n"); TimeOfDayMessage("Test exiting at", PR_GetCurrentThread()); PR_Cleanup(); return 0; } /* main */