NSAPI_PUBLIC int net_select(int nfds, fd_set *r, fd_set *w, fd_set *e, struct timeval *timeout) { /* this is ugly */ PR_fd_set rd, wr, ex; int index; int rv; if (nfds > (64*1024)) return -1; PR_FD_ZERO(&rd); PR_FD_ZERO(&wr); PR_FD_ZERO(&ex); for (index=0; index<nfds; index++) { if (FD_ISSET(index, r)) PR_FD_NSET(index, &rd); if (FD_ISSET(index, w)) PR_FD_NSET(index, &wr); if (FD_ISSET(index, e)) PR_FD_NSET(index, &ex); } rv = PR_Select(0, &rd, &wr, &ex, PR_SecondsToInterval(timeout->tv_sec)); if (rv > 0) { FD_ZERO(r); FD_ZERO(w); FD_ZERO(e); for (index=0; index<nfds; index++) { if (PR_FD_NISSET(index, &rd)) FD_SET(index, r); if (PR_FD_NISSET(index, &wr)) FD_SET(index, w); if (PR_FD_NISSET(index, &ex)) FD_SET(index, e); } } return rv; }
static void PR_CALLBACK clientThreadFunc(void *arg) { PRUintn port = (PRUintn)arg; PRFileDesc *sock; PRNetAddr addr; char buf[CHUNK_SIZE]; int i; PRIntervalTime unitTime = PR_MillisecondsToInterval(UNIT_TIME); PRIntn optval = 1; PRStatus retVal; PRInt32 nBytes; addr.inet.family = AF_INET; addr.inet.port = PR_htons((PRUint16)port); addr.inet.ip = PR_htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK); PR_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%hu", addr.inet.ip); /* time 1 */ PR_Sleep(unitTime); sock = PR_NewTCPSocket(); PR_SetSockOpt(sock, PR_SockOpt_Nonblocking, &optval, sizeof(optval)); retVal = PR_Connect(sock, &addr, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT); if (retVal == PR_FAILURE && PR_GetError() == PR_IN_PROGRESS_ERROR) { #if !defined(USE_PR_SELECT) PRPollDesc pd; PRInt32 n; fprintf(stderr, "connect: EWOULDBLOCK, good\n"); pd.fd = sock; pd.in_flags = PR_POLL_WRITE; n = PR_Poll(&pd, 1, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT); PR_ASSERT(n == 1); PR_ASSERT(pd.out_flags == PR_POLL_WRITE); #else PR_fd_set writeSet; PRInt32 n; fprintf(stderr, "connect: EWOULDBLOCK, good\n"); PR_FD_ZERO(&writeSet); PR_FD_SET(sock, &writeSet); n = PR_Select(0, NULL, &writeSet, NULL, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT); PR_ASSERT(n == 1); PR_ASSERT(PR_FD_ISSET(sock, &writeSet)); #endif } printf("client connected\n"); fflush(stdout); /* time 4, 7, 11, etc. */ for (i = 0; i < NUMBER_ROUNDS; i++) { PR_Sleep(3 * unitTime); nBytes = PR_Write(sock, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (nBytes == -1) { if (PR_GetError() == PR_WOULD_BLOCK_ERROR) { fprintf(stderr, "write: EWOULDBLOCK\n"); exit(1); } else { fprintf(stderr, "write: failed\n"); } } printf("client sent %d bytes\n", nBytes); fflush(stdout); } PR_Close(sock); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) #endif { PRFileDesc *listenSock1, *listenSock2; PRUint16 listenPort1, listenPort2; PRNetAddr addr; PR_fd_set readFdSet; char buf[128]; PRInt32 retVal; /* The command line argument: -d is used to determine if the test is being run in debug mode. The regress tool requires only one line output:PASS or FAIL. All of the printfs associated with this test has been handled with a if (debug_mode) test. Usage: test_name -d */ PLOptStatus os; PLOptState *opt = PL_CreateOptState(argc, argv, "d:"); while (PL_OPT_EOL != (os = PL_GetNextOpt(opt))) { if (PL_OPT_BAD == os) continue; switch (opt->option) { case 'd': /* debug mode */ debug_mode = 1; break; default: break; } } PL_DestroyOptState(opt); /* main test */ PR_Init(PR_USER_THREAD, PR_PRIORITY_NORMAL, 0); PR_STDIO_INIT(); if (debug_mode) { printf("This program tests PR_Select with sockets. Timeout \n"); printf("operations are tested.\n\n"); } /* Create two listening sockets */ if ((listenSock1 = PR_NewTCPSocket()) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't create a new TCP socket\n"); failed_already=1; goto exit_now; } addr.inet.family = PR_AF_INET; addr.inet.ip = PR_htonl(PR_INADDR_ANY); addr.inet.port = PR_htons(0); if (PR_Bind(listenSock1, &addr) == PR_FAILURE) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't bind socket\n"); failed_already=1; goto exit_now; } if (PR_GetSockName(listenSock1, &addr) == PR_FAILURE) { fprintf(stderr, "PR_GetSockName failed\n"); failed_already=1; goto exit_now; } listenPort1 = PR_ntohs(addr.inet.port); if (PR_Listen(listenSock1, 5) == PR_FAILURE) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't listen on a socket\n"); failed_already=1; goto exit_now; } if ((listenSock2 = PR_NewTCPSocket()) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't create a new TCP socket\n"); failed_already=1; goto exit_now; } addr.inet.family = PR_AF_INET; addr.inet.ip = PR_htonl(PR_INADDR_ANY); addr.inet.port = PR_htons(0); if (PR_Bind(listenSock2, &addr) == PR_FAILURE) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't bind socket\n"); failed_already=1; goto exit_now; } if (PR_GetSockName(listenSock2, &addr) == PR_FAILURE) { fprintf(stderr, "PR_GetSockName failed\n"); failed_already=1; goto exit_now; } listenPort2 = PR_ntohs(addr.inet.port); if (PR_Listen(listenSock2, 5) == PR_FAILURE) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't listen on a socket\n"); failed_already=1; goto exit_now; } PR_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "The server thread is listening on ports %hu and %hu\n\n", listenPort1, listenPort2); if (debug_mode) printf("%s", buf); /* Set up the fd set */ PR_FD_ZERO(&readFdSet); PR_FD_SET(listenSock1, &readFdSet); PR_FD_SET(listenSock2, &readFdSet); /* Testing timeout */ if (debug_mode) printf("PR_Select should time out in 5 seconds\n"); retVal = PR_Select(0 /* unused */, &readFdSet, NULL, NULL, PR_SecondsToInterval(5)); if (retVal != 0) { PR_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "PR_Select should time out and return 0, but it returns %ld\n", retVal); fprintf(stderr, "%s", buf); if (retVal == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Error %d, oserror %d\n", PR_GetError(), PR_GetOSError()); failed_already=1; } goto exit_now; } if (debug_mode) printf("PR_Select timed out. Test passed.\n\n"); PR_Cleanup(); exit_now: if(failed_already) return 1; else return 0; }
static void PRSelectTest(void) { PRFileDesc *listenSocket; PRNetAddr serverAddr; if ( (listenSocket = PR_NewTCPSocket()) == NULL) { if (debug_mode) printf("\tServer error creating listen socket\n"); return; } memset(&serverAddr, 0, sizeof(PRNetAddr)); serverAddr.inet.family = AF_INET; serverAddr.inet.port = PR_htons(PORT); serverAddr.inet.ip = PR_htonl(INADDR_ANY); if ( PR_Bind(listenSocket, &serverAddr) == PR_FAILURE) { if (debug_mode) printf("\tServer error binding to server address\n"); PR_Close(listenSocket); return; } if ( PR_Listen(listenSocket, 128) == PR_FAILURE) { if (debug_mode) printf("\tServer error listening to server socket\n"); PR_Close(listenSocket); return; } if (debug_mode) printf("Listening on port %d\n", PORT); { PRFileDesc *newSock; PRNetAddr rAddr; PRInt32 loops = 0; PR_fd_set rdset; PRInt32 rv; PRInt32 bytesRead; char buf[11]; loops++; if (debug_mode) printf("Going into accept\n"); newSock = PR_Accept(listenSocket, &rAddr, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT); if (newSock) { if (debug_mode) printf("Got connection!\n"); } else { if (debug_mode) printf("PR_Accept failed: error code %d\n", PR_GetError()); else Test_Result (FAIL); } PR_FD_ZERO(&rdset); PR_FD_SET(newSock, &rdset); if (debug_mode) printf("Going into select \n"); rv = PR_Select(0, &rdset, 0, 0, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT); if (debug_mode) printf("return from select is %d\n", rv); if (PR_FD_ISSET(newSock, &rdset)) { if (debug_mode) printf("I can't believe it- the socket is ready okay!\n"); } else { if (debug_mode) printf("Damn; the select test failed...\n"); else Test_Result (FAIL); } strcpy(buf, "XXXXXXXXXX"); bytesRead = PR_Recv(newSock, buf, 10, 0, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT); buf[10] = '\0'; if (debug_mode) printf("Recv completed with %d bytes, %s\n", bytesRead, buf); PR_Close(newSock); } }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { PRFileDesc *listenSock1, *listenSock2; PRFileDesc *fds0[10], *fds1[10], **fds, **other_fds; PRIntn nfds; PRUint16 listenPort1, listenPort2; PRNetAddr addr; PR_fd_set readFdSet; char buf[128]; PRThread *clientThread; PRInt32 retVal; PRIntn i, j; /* The command line argument: -d is used to determine if the test is being run in debug mode. The regress tool requires only one line output:PASS or FAIL. All of the printfs associated with this test has been handled with a if (debug_mode) test. Usage: test_name -d */ PLOptStatus os; PLOptState *opt = PL_CreateOptState(argc, argv, "d:"); while (PL_OPT_EOL != (os = PL_GetNextOpt(opt))) { if (PL_OPT_BAD == os) continue; switch (opt->option) { case 'd': /* debug mode */ debug_mode = 1; break; default: break; } } PL_DestroyOptState(opt); /* main test */ PR_Init(PR_USER_THREAD, PR_PRIORITY_NORMAL, 0); PR_STDIO_INIT(); if (debug_mode) { printf("This program tests PR_Select with sockets. \n"); printf(" Normal operation are tested.\n\n"); } /* Create two listening sockets */ if ((listenSock1 = PR_NewTCPSocket()) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't create a new TCP socket\n"); failed_already=1; goto exit_now; } addr.inet.family = AF_INET; addr.inet.ip = PR_htonl(INADDR_ANY); addr.inet.port = PR_htons(0); if (PR_Bind(listenSock1, &addr) == PR_FAILURE) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't bind socket\n"); failed_already=1; goto exit_now; } if (PR_GetSockName(listenSock1, &addr) == PR_FAILURE) { fprintf(stderr, "PR_GetSockName failed\n"); failed_already=1; goto exit_now; } listenPort1 = PR_ntohs(addr.inet.port); if (PR_Listen(listenSock1, 5) == PR_FAILURE) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't listen on a socket\n"); failed_already=1; goto exit_now; } if ((listenSock2 = PR_NewTCPSocket()) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't create a new TCP socket\n"); failed_already=1; goto exit_now; } addr.inet.family = AF_INET; addr.inet.ip = PR_htonl(INADDR_ANY); addr.inet.port = PR_htons(0); if (PR_Bind(listenSock2, &addr) == PR_FAILURE) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't bind socket\n"); failed_already=1; goto exit_now; } if (PR_GetSockName(listenSock2, &addr) == PR_FAILURE) { fprintf(stderr, "PR_GetSockName failed\n"); failed_already=1; goto exit_now; } listenPort2 = PR_ntohs(addr.inet.port); if (PR_Listen(listenSock2, 5) == PR_FAILURE) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't listen on a socket\n"); failed_already=1; goto exit_now; } PR_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "The server thread is listening on ports %hu and %hu\n\n", listenPort1, listenPort2); if (debug_mode) printf("%s", buf); clientThread = PR_CreateThread(PR_USER_THREAD, clientThreadFunc, (void *) listenPort1, PR_PRIORITY_NORMAL, PR_LOCAL_THREAD, PR_UNJOINABLE_THREAD, 0); if (clientThread == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "can't create thread\n"); failed_already=1; goto exit_now; } clientThread = PR_CreateThread(PR_USER_THREAD, clientThreadFunc, (void *) listenPort2, PR_PRIORITY_NORMAL, PR_LOCAL_THREAD, PR_UNJOINABLE_THREAD, 0); if (clientThread == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "can't create thread\n"); failed_already=1; goto exit_now; } if (debug_mode) { printf("Two client threads are created. Each of them will\n"); printf("send data to one of the two ports the server is listening on.\n"); printf("The data they send is the port number. Each of them send\n"); printf("the data five times, so you should see ten lines below,\n"); printf("interleaved in an arbitrary order.\n"); } /* set up the fd array */ fds = fds0; other_fds = fds1; fds[0] = listenSock1; fds[1] = listenSock2; nfds = 2; /* Set up the fd set */ PR_FD_ZERO(&readFdSet); PR_FD_SET(listenSock1, &readFdSet); PR_FD_SET(listenSock2, &readFdSet); /* 20 events total */ i = 0; while (i < 20) { PRFileDesc **tmp; int nextIndex; int nEvents = 0; retVal = PR_Select(0 /* unused */, &readFdSet, NULL, NULL, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT); PR_ASSERT(retVal != 0); /* no timeout */ if (retVal == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "PR_Select failed (%d, %d)\n", PR_GetError(), PR_GetOSError()); failed_already=1; goto exit_now; } nextIndex = 2; /* the two listening sockets */ for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) { other_fds[j] = fds[j]; if (PR_FD_ISSET(fds[j], &readFdSet)) { PRFileDesc *sock; nEvents++; sock = PR_Accept(fds[j], NULL, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT); if (sock == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "PR_Accept() failed\n"); failed_already=1; goto exit_now; } other_fds[nextIndex] = sock; PR_FD_SET(sock, &readFdSet); nextIndex++; } PR_FD_SET(fds[j], &readFdSet); } for (j = 2; j < nfds; j++) { if (PR_FD_ISSET(fds[j], &readFdSet)) { PRInt32 nBytes; PR_FD_CLR(fds[j], &readFdSet); nEvents++; nBytes = PR_Read(fds[j], buf, sizeof(buf)); if (nBytes == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "PR_Read() failed\n"); failed_already=1; goto exit_now; } /* Just to be safe */ buf[127] = '\0'; PR_Close(fds[j]); if (debug_mode) printf("The server received \"%s\" from a client\n", buf); } else { PR_FD_SET(fds[j], &readFdSet); other_fds[nextIndex] = fds[j]; nextIndex++; } } PR_ASSERT(retVal == nEvents); /* swap */ tmp = fds; fds = other_fds; other_fds = tmp; nfds = nextIndex; i += nEvents; } if (debug_mode) printf("Test passed\n"); PR_Cleanup(); goto exit_now; exit_now: if(failed_already) return 1; else return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { PRFileDesc *listenSock1, *listenSock2; PRFileDesc *badFD; PRUint16 listenPort1, listenPort2; PRNetAddr addr; PR_fd_set readFdSet; char buf[128]; PRInt32 retVal; /* The command line argument: -d is used to determine if the test is being run in debug mode. The regress tool requires only one line output:PASS or FAIL. All of the printfs associated with this test has been handled with a if (debug_mode) test. Usage: test_name -d */ PLOptStatus os; PLOptState *opt = PL_CreateOptState(argc, argv, "d:"); while (PL_OPT_EOL != (os = PL_GetNextOpt(opt))) { if (PL_OPT_BAD == os) continue; switch (opt->option) { case 'd': /* debug mode */ debug_mode = 1; break; default: break; } } PL_DestroyOptState(opt); /* main test */ PR_Init(PR_USER_THREAD, PR_PRIORITY_NORMAL, 0); PR_STDIO_INIT(); if (debug_mode) { printf("This program tests PR_Select with sockets. Error\n"); printf("reporting operations are tested.\n\n"); } /* Create two listening sockets */ if ((listenSock1 = PR_NewTCPSocket()) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't create a new TCP socket\n"); failed_already=1; goto exit_now; } addr.inet.family = AF_INET; addr.inet.ip = PR_htonl(INADDR_ANY); addr.inet.port = PR_htons(0); if (PR_Bind(listenSock1, &addr) == PR_FAILURE) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't bind socket\n"); failed_already=1; goto exit_now; } if (PR_GetSockName(listenSock1, &addr) == PR_FAILURE) { fprintf(stderr, "PR_GetSockName failed\n"); failed_already=1; goto exit_now; } listenPort1 = PR_ntohs(addr.inet.port); if (PR_Listen(listenSock1, 5) == PR_FAILURE) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't listen on a socket\n"); failed_already=1; goto exit_now; } if ((listenSock2 = PR_NewTCPSocket()) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't create a new TCP socket\n"); failed_already=1; goto exit_now; } addr.inet.family = AF_INET; addr.inet.ip = PR_htonl(INADDR_ANY); addr.inet.port = PR_htons(0); if (PR_Bind(listenSock2, &addr) == PR_FAILURE) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't bind socket\n"); failed_already=1; goto exit_now; } if (PR_GetSockName(listenSock2, &addr) == PR_FAILURE) { fprintf(stderr, "PR_GetSockName failed\n"); failed_already=1; goto exit_now; } listenPort2 = PR_ntohs(addr.inet.port); if (PR_Listen(listenSock2, 5) == PR_FAILURE) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't listen on a socket\n"); failed_already=1; goto exit_now; } PR_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "The server thread is listening on ports %hu and %hu\n\n", listenPort1, listenPort2); if (debug_mode) printf("%s", buf); /* Set up the fd set */ PR_FD_ZERO(&readFdSet); PR_FD_SET(listenSock1, &readFdSet); PR_FD_SET(listenSock2, &readFdSet); /* Testing bad fd */ if (debug_mode) printf("PR_Select should detect a bad file descriptor\n"); if ((badFD = PR_NewTCPSocket()) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't create a TCP socket\n"); failed_already=1; goto exit_now; } PR_FD_SET(badFD, &readFdSet); /* * Make the fd invalid */ #if defined(XP_UNIX) close(PR_FileDesc2NativeHandle(badFD)); #elif defined(XP_OS2) soclose(PR_FileDesc2NativeHandle(badFD)); #elif defined(WIN32) || defined(WIN16) closesocket(PR_FileDesc2NativeHandle(badFD)); #else #error "Unknown architecture" #endif retVal = PR_Select(0 /* unused */, &readFdSet, NULL, NULL, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT); if (retVal != -1 || PR_GetError() != PR_BAD_DESCRIPTOR_ERROR) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to detect the bad fd: " "PR_Select returns %d\n", retVal); if (retVal == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Error %d, oserror %d\n", PR_GetError(), PR_GetOSError()); failed_already=1; } goto exit_now; } if (debug_mode) printf("PR_Select detected a bad fd. Test passed.\n\n"); PR_FD_CLR(badFD, &readFdSet); PR_Cleanup(); goto exit_now; exit_now: if(failed_already) return 1; else return 0; }