/*********************************************************************** * PSDRV_PolyPolyline */ BOOL PSDRV_PolyPolyline( PHYSDEV dev, const POINT* pts, const DWORD* counts, DWORD polylines ) { DWORD polyline, line, total; POINT *dev_pts, *pt; TRACE("\n"); for (polyline = total = 0; polyline < polylines; polyline++) total += counts[polyline]; if (!(dev_pts = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, total * sizeof(*dev_pts) ))) return FALSE; memcpy( dev_pts, pts, total * sizeof(*dev_pts) ); LPtoDP( dev->hdc, dev_pts, total ); pt = dev_pts; PSDRV_WriteSpool(dev, "%PolyPolyline\n",14); PSDRV_SetPen(dev); PSDRV_SetClip(dev); for(polyline = 0; polyline < polylines; polyline++) { PSDRV_WriteMoveTo(dev, pt->x, pt->y); pt++; for(line = 1; line < counts[polyline]; line++, pt++) PSDRV_WriteLineTo(dev, pt->x, pt->y); } HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, dev_pts ); PSDRV_DrawLine(dev); PSDRV_ResetClip(dev); return TRUE; }
/*********************************************************************** * PSDRV_Ellipse */ BOOL PSDRV_Ellipse( PHYSDEV dev, INT left, INT top, INT right, INT bottom) { INT x, y, w, h; RECT rect; TRACE("%d %d - %d %d\n", left, top, right, bottom); rect.left = left; rect.top = top; rect.right = right; rect.bottom = bottom; LPtoDP( dev->hdc, (POINT *)&rect, 2 ); x = (rect.left + rect.right) / 2; y = (rect.top + rect.bottom) / 2; w = rect.right - rect.left; h = rect.bottom - rect.top; PSDRV_WriteSpool(dev, "%Ellipse\n", 9); PSDRV_SetPen(dev); PSDRV_SetClip(dev); PSDRV_WriteNewPath(dev); PSDRV_WriteArc(dev, x, y, w, h, 0.0, 360.0); PSDRV_WriteClosePath(dev); PSDRV_Brush(dev,0); PSDRV_DrawLine(dev); PSDRV_ResetClip(dev); return TRUE; }
/*********************************************************************** * PSDRV_DrawArc * * Does the work of Arc, Chord and Pie. lines is 0, 1 or 2 respectively. */ static BOOL PSDRV_DrawArc( PHYSDEV dev, INT left, INT top, INT right, INT bottom, INT xstart, INT ystart, INT xend, INT yend, int lines ) { INT x, y, h, w; double start_angle, end_angle, ratio; RECT rect; POINT start, end; rect.left = left; rect.top = top; rect.right = right; rect.bottom = bottom; LPtoDP( dev->hdc, (POINT *)&rect, 2 ); start.x = xstart; start.y = ystart; end.x = xend; end.y = yend; LPtoDP( dev->hdc, &start, 1 ); LPtoDP( dev->hdc, &end, 1 ); x = (rect.left + rect.right) / 2; y = (rect.top + rect.bottom) / 2; w = rect.right - rect.left; h = rect.bottom - rect.top; if(w < 0) w = -w; if(h < 0) h = -h; ratio = ((double)w)/h; /* angle is the angle after the rectangle is transformed to a square and is measured anticlockwise from the +ve x-axis */ start_angle = atan2((double)(y - start.y) * ratio, (double)(start.x - x)); end_angle = atan2((double)(y - end.y) * ratio, (double)(end.x - x)); start_angle *= 180.0 / PI; end_angle *= 180.0 / PI; PSDRV_WriteSpool(dev,"%DrawArc\n", 9); PSDRV_SetPen(dev); PSDRV_SetClip(dev); if(lines == 2) /* pie */ PSDRV_WriteMoveTo(dev, x, y); else PSDRV_WriteNewPath( dev ); PSDRV_WriteArc(dev, x, y, w, h, start_angle, end_angle); if(lines == 1 || lines == 2) { /* chord or pie */ PSDRV_WriteClosePath(dev); PSDRV_Brush(dev,0); } PSDRV_DrawLine(dev); PSDRV_ResetClip(dev); return TRUE; }
/*********************************************************************** * PSDRV_RoundRect */ BOOL PSDRV_RoundRect( PHYSDEV dev, INT left, INT top, INT right, INT bottom, INT ell_width, INT ell_height ) { RECT rect[2]; rect[0].left = left; rect[0].top = top; rect[0].right = right; rect[0].bottom = bottom; rect[1].left = 0; rect[1].top = 0; rect[1].right = ell_width; rect[1].bottom = ell_height; LPtoDP( dev->hdc, (POINT *)rect, 4 ); left = rect[0].left; top = rect[0].top; right = rect[0].right; bottom = rect[0].bottom; if (left > right) { INT tmp = left; left = right; right = tmp; } if (top > bottom) { INT tmp = top; top = bottom; bottom = tmp; } ell_width = rect[1].right - rect[1].left; ell_height = rect[1].bottom - rect[1].top; if (ell_width > right - left) ell_width = right - left; if (ell_height > bottom - top) ell_height = bottom - top; PSDRV_WriteSpool(dev, "%RoundRect\n",11); PSDRV_SetPen(dev); PSDRV_SetClip(dev); PSDRV_WriteMoveTo( dev, left, top + ell_height/2 ); PSDRV_WriteArc( dev, left + ell_width/2, top + ell_height/2, ell_width, ell_height, 90.0, 180.0); PSDRV_WriteLineTo( dev, right - ell_width/2, top ); PSDRV_WriteArc( dev, right - ell_width/2, top + ell_height/2, ell_width, ell_height, 0.0, 90.0); PSDRV_WriteLineTo( dev, right, bottom - ell_height/2 ); PSDRV_WriteArc( dev, right - ell_width/2, bottom - ell_height/2, ell_width, ell_height, -90.0, 0.0); PSDRV_WriteLineTo( dev, right - ell_width/2, bottom); PSDRV_WriteArc( dev, left + ell_width/2, bottom - ell_height/2, ell_width, ell_height, 180.0, -90.0); PSDRV_WriteClosePath( dev ); PSDRV_Brush(dev,0); PSDRV_DrawLine(dev); PSDRV_ResetClip(dev); return TRUE; }
TYPE1 *T1_download_header(PSDRV_PDEVICE *physDev, char *ps_name, RECT *bbox, UINT emsize) { char *buf; TYPE1 *t1; char dict[] = /* name, emsquare, fontbbox */ "25 dict begin\n" " /FontName /%s def\n" " /Encoding 256 array 0 1 255{1 index exch /.notdef put} for def\n" " /PaintType 0 def\n" " /FontMatrix [1 %d div 0 0 1 %d div 0 0] def\n" " /FontBBox [%d %d %d %d] def\n" " /FontType 1 def\n" " /Private 7 dict begin\n" " /RD {string currentfile exch readhexstring pop} def\n" " /ND {def} def\n" " /NP {put} def\n" " /MinFeature {16 16} def\n" " /BlueValues [] def\n" " /password 5839 def\n" " /lenIV -1 def\n" " currentdict end def\n" " currentdict dup /Private get begin\n" " /CharStrings 256 dict begin\n" " /.notdef 4 RD 8b8b0d0e ND\n" " currentdict end put\n" " end\n" "currentdict end dup /FontName get exch definefont pop\n"; t1 = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof(*t1)); t1->emsize = emsize; t1->glyph_sent_size = GLYPH_SENT_INC; t1->glyph_sent = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, t1->glyph_sent_size * sizeof(*(t1->glyph_sent))); buf = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof(dict) + strlen(ps_name) + 100); sprintf(buf, dict, ps_name, t1->emsize, t1->emsize, bbox->left, bbox->bottom, bbox->right, bbox->top); PSDRV_WriteSpool(physDev, buf, strlen(buf)); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, buf); return t1; }
/**************************************************************************** * PSDRV_EmptyDownloadList * * Clear the list of downloaded fonts * */ BOOL PSDRV_EmptyDownloadList(PHYSDEV dev, BOOL write_undef) { PSDRV_PDEVICE *physDev = get_psdrv_dev( dev ); DOWNLOAD *pdl, *old; static const char undef[] = "/%s findfont 40 scalefont setfont /%s undefinefont\n"; char buf[sizeof(undef) + 200]; const char *default_font = physDev->pi->ppd->DefaultFont ? physDev->pi->ppd->DefaultFont : "Courier"; if(physDev->font.fontloc == Download) { physDev->font.set = FALSE; physDev->font.fontinfo.Download = NULL; } pdl = physDev->downloaded_fonts; physDev->downloaded_fonts = NULL; while(pdl) { if(write_undef) { sprintf(buf, undef, default_font, pdl->ps_name); PSDRV_WriteSpool(dev, buf, strlen(buf)); } switch(pdl->type) { case Type42: T42_free(pdl->typeinfo.Type42); break; case Type1: T1_free(pdl->typeinfo.Type1); break; default: ERR("Type = %d\n", pdl->type); assert(0); } HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pdl->ps_name); old = pdl; pdl = pdl->next; HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, old); } return TRUE; }
/*********************************************************************** * PSDRV_PolyBezier */ BOOL PSDRV_PolyBezier( PHYSDEV dev, const POINT *pts, DWORD count ) { DWORD i; POINT *dev_pts; TRACE("\n"); if (!(dev_pts = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, count * sizeof(*dev_pts) ))) return FALSE; memcpy( dev_pts, pts, count * sizeof(*dev_pts) ); LPtoDP( dev->hdc, dev_pts, count ); PSDRV_WriteSpool(dev, "%PolyBezier\n",12); PSDRV_SetPen(dev); PSDRV_SetClip(dev); PSDRV_WriteMoveTo(dev, dev_pts[0].x, dev_pts[0].y ); for (i = 1; i < count; i += 3) PSDRV_WriteCurveTo( dev, dev_pts + i ); PSDRV_DrawLine(dev); PSDRV_ResetClip(dev); HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, dev_pts ); return TRUE; }
/*********************************************************************** * PSDRV_PolyPolygon */ BOOL PSDRV_PolyPolygon( PHYSDEV dev, const POINT* pts, const INT* counts, UINT polygons ) { DWORD polygon, total; INT line; POINT *dev_pts, *pt; TRACE("\n"); for (polygon = total = 0; polygon < polygons; polygon++) total += counts[polygon]; if (!(dev_pts = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, total * sizeof(*dev_pts) ))) return FALSE; memcpy( dev_pts, pts, total * sizeof(*dev_pts) ); LPtoDP( dev->hdc, dev_pts, total ); pt = dev_pts; PSDRV_WriteSpool(dev, "%PolyPolygon\n",13); PSDRV_SetPen(dev); PSDRV_SetClip(dev); for(polygon = 0; polygon < polygons; polygon++) { PSDRV_WriteMoveTo(dev, pt->x, pt->y); pt++; for(line = 1; line < counts[polygon]; line++, pt++) PSDRV_WriteLineTo(dev, pt->x, pt->y); PSDRV_WriteClosePath(dev); } HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, dev_pts ); if(GetPolyFillMode( dev->hdc ) == ALTERNATE) PSDRV_Brush(dev, 1); else /* WINDING */ PSDRV_Brush(dev, 0); PSDRV_DrawLine(dev); PSDRV_ResetClip(dev); return TRUE; }
/*************************************************************************** * PSDRV_WriteImageBits */ static void PSDRV_WriteImageBits( PHYSDEV dev, const BITMAPINFO *info, INT xDst, INT yDst, INT widthDst, INT heightDst, INT widthSrc, INT heightSrc, void *bits, DWORD size ) { BYTE *rle, *ascii85; DWORD rle_len, ascii85_len; if (info->bmiHeader.biBitCount == 1) /* Use imagemask rather than image */ PSDRV_WriteImageMaskHeader(dev, info, xDst, yDst, widthDst, heightDst, widthSrc, heightSrc); else PSDRV_WriteImageHeader(dev, info, xDst, yDst, widthDst, heightDst, widthSrc, heightSrc); rle = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, max_rle_size(size)); rle_len = RLE_encode(bits, size, rle); ascii85 = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, max_ascii85_size(rle_len)); ascii85_len = ASCII85_encode(rle, rle_len, ascii85); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, rle); PSDRV_WriteData(dev, ascii85, ascii85_len); PSDRV_WriteSpool(dev, "~>\n", 3); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, ascii85); }
BOOL T42_download_glyph(PSDRV_PDEVICE *physDev, DOWNLOAD *pdl, DWORD index, char *glyph_name) { DWORD start, end, i; char *buf; TYPE42 *t42; const char glyph_def[] = "/%s findfont exch 1 index\n" "havetype42gdir\n" "{/GlyphDirectory get begin %d exch def end}\n" "{/sfnts get 4 index get 3 index 2 index putinterval pop}\n" "ifelse\n" "/CharStrings get\n" "begin\n" " /%s %d def\n" "end\n" "pop pop\n"; TRACE("%d %s\n", index, glyph_name); assert(pdl->type == Type42); t42 = pdl->typeinfo.Type42; if(index < t42->glyph_sent_size) { if(t42->glyph_sent[index]) return TRUE; } else { t42->glyph_sent_size = (index / GLYPH_SENT_INC + 1) * GLYPH_SENT_INC; t42->glyph_sent = HeapReAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, t42->glyph_sent, t42->glyph_sent_size * sizeof(*(t42->glyph_sent))); } if(!get_glyf_pos(t42, index, &start, &end)) return FALSE; TRACE("start = %x end = %x\n", start, end); if(GET_BE_WORD(t42->tables[t42->glyf_tab].data + start) == 0xffff) { /* Composite glyph */ BYTE *sg_start = t42->tables[t42->glyf_tab].data + start + 10; DWORD sg_flags, sg_index; char sg_name[MAX_G_NAME + 1]; do { sg_flags = GET_BE_WORD(sg_start); sg_index = GET_BE_WORD(sg_start + 2); TRACE("Sending subglyph %04x for glyph %04x\n", sg_index, index); get_glyph_name(physDev->hdc, sg_index, sg_name); T42_download_glyph(physDev, pdl, sg_index, sg_name); sg_start += 4; if(sg_flags & ARG_1_AND_2_ARE_WORDS) sg_start += 4; else sg_start += 2; if(sg_flags & WE_HAVE_A_SCALE) sg_start += 2; else if(sg_flags & WE_HAVE_AN_X_AND_Y_SCALE) sg_start += 4; else if(sg_flags & WE_HAVE_A_TWO_BY_TWO) sg_start += 8; } while(sg_flags & MORE_COMPONENTS); } for(i = 1; t42->glyf_blocks[i]; i++) if(start < t42->glyf_blocks[i]) break; buf = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof(glyph_def) + strlen(pdl->ps_name) + 100); /* we don't have a string for the gdir and glyf tables, but we do have a string for the TT header. So the offset we need is tables - 2 */ sprintf(buf, "%d %d\n", t42->num_of_written_tables - 2 + i, start - t42->glyf_blocks[i-1]); PSDRV_WriteSpool(physDev, buf, strlen(buf)); PSDRV_WriteSpool(physDev, "<", 1); for(i = start; i < end; i++) { sprintf(buf, "%02x", *(t42->tables[t42->glyf_tab].data + i)); PSDRV_WriteSpool(physDev, buf, strlen(buf)); if((i - start) % 16 == 15) PSDRV_WriteSpool(physDev, "\n", 1); } PSDRV_WriteSpool(physDev, ">\n", 2); sprintf(buf, glyph_def, pdl->ps_name, index, glyph_name, index); PSDRV_WriteSpool(physDev, buf, strlen(buf)); t42->glyph_sent[index] = TRUE; HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, buf); return TRUE; }
TYPE42 *T42_download_header(PSDRV_PDEVICE *physDev, char *ps_name, RECT *bbox, UINT emsize) { DWORD i, j, tablepos, nb_blocks, glyf_off = 0, loca_off = 0, cur_off; WORD num_of_tables = sizeof(tables_templ) / sizeof(tables_templ[0]) - 1; char *buf; TYPE42 *t42; static const char start[] = /* name, fontbbox */ "25 dict begin\n" " /FontName /%s def\n" " /Encoding 256 array 0 1 255{1 index exch /.notdef put} for\n" " def\n" " /PaintType 0 def\n" " /FontMatrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] def\n" " /FontBBox [%f %f %f %f] def\n" " /FontType 42 def\n" " /CharStrings 256 dict begin\n" " /.notdef 0 def\n" " currentdict end def\n" " /sfnts [\n"; static const char TT_offset_table[] = "<00010000%04x%04x%04x%04x\n"; static const char TT_table_dir_entry[] = "%08x%08x%08x%08x\n"; static const char storage[] ="]\nhavetype42gdir{pop}{{string} forall}ifelse\n"; static const char end[] = "] def\n" "havetype42gdir{/GlyphDirectory 256 dict def\n" " sfnts 0 get dup\n" " %d <6c6f6378000000000000000000000000> putinterval\n" /* replace loca entry with dummy locx */ " %d <676c6678000000000000000000000000> putinterval\n" /* replace glyf entry with dummy glfx */ " }if\n" "currentdict end dup /FontName get exch definefont pop\n"; t42 = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(*t42)); memcpy(t42->tables, tables_templ, sizeof(tables_templ)); t42->loca_tab = t42->glyf_tab = t42->head_tab = t42->hmtx_tab = -1; t42->emsize = emsize; t42->num_of_written_tables = 0; for(i = 0; i < num_of_tables; i++) { LoadTable(physDev->hdc, t42->tables + i); if(t42->tables[i].len > 0xffff && t42->tables[i].write) break; if(t42->tables[i].write) t42->num_of_written_tables++; if(t42->tables[i].MS_tag == MS_MAKE_TAG('l','o','c','a')) t42->loca_tab = i; else if(t42->tables[i].MS_tag == MS_MAKE_TAG('g','l','y','f')) t42->glyf_tab = i; else if(t42->tables[i].MS_tag == MS_MAKE_TAG('h','e','a','d')) t42->head_tab = i; else if(t42->tables[i].MS_tag == MS_MAKE_TAG('h','m','t','x')) t42->hmtx_tab = i; else if(t42->tables[i].MS_tag == MS_MAKE_TAG('m','a','x','p')) t42->maxp_tab = i; } if(i < num_of_tables) { TRACE("Table %d has length %d. Will use Type 1 font instead.\n", i, t42->tables[i].len); T42_free(t42); return NULL; } t42->glyph_sent_size = GLYPH_SENT_INC; t42->glyph_sent = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, t42->glyph_sent_size * sizeof(*(t42->glyph_sent))); buf = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof(start) + strlen(ps_name) + 100); push_lc_numeric("C"); sprintf(buf, start, ps_name, (float)bbox->left / emsize, (float)bbox->bottom / emsize, (float)bbox->right / emsize, (float)bbox->top / emsize); pop_lc_numeric(); PSDRV_WriteSpool(physDev, buf, strlen(buf)); t42->num_of_written_tables++; /* explicitly add glyf */ sprintf(buf, TT_offset_table, t42->num_of_written_tables, t42->num_of_written_tables, t42->num_of_written_tables, t42->num_of_written_tables); PSDRV_WriteSpool(physDev, buf, strlen(buf)); tablepos = 12 + t42->num_of_written_tables * 16; cur_off = 12; for(i = 0; i < num_of_tables; i++) { if(!t42->tables[i].write) continue; sprintf(buf, TT_table_dir_entry, FLIP_ORDER(t42->tables[i].MS_tag), t42->tables[i].check, t42->tables[i].len ? tablepos : 0, t42->tables[i].len); PSDRV_WriteSpool(physDev, buf, strlen(buf)); tablepos += ((t42->tables[i].len + 3) & ~3); if(t42->tables[i].MS_tag == MS_MAKE_TAG('l','o','c','a')) loca_off = cur_off; cur_off += 16; } sprintf(buf, TT_table_dir_entry, FLIP_ORDER(t42->tables[t42->glyf_tab].MS_tag), t42->tables[t42->glyf_tab].check, tablepos, t42->tables[t42->glyf_tab].len); PSDRV_WriteSpool(physDev, buf, strlen(buf)); PSDRV_WriteSpool(physDev, "00>\n", 4); /* add an extra byte for old PostScript rips */ glyf_off = cur_off; for(i = 0; i < num_of_tables; i++) { if(t42->tables[i].len == 0 || !t42->tables[i].write) continue; PSDRV_WriteSpool(physDev, "<", 1); for(j = 0; j < ((t42->tables[i].len + 3) & ~3); j++) { sprintf(buf, "%02x", t42->tables[i].data[j]); PSDRV_WriteSpool(physDev, buf, strlen(buf)); if(j % 16 == 15) PSDRV_WriteSpool(physDev, "\n", 1); } PSDRV_WriteSpool(physDev, "00>\n", 4); /* add an extra byte for old PostScript rips */ } /* glyf_blocks is a 0 terminated list, holding the start offset of each block. For simplicity glyf_blocks[0] is 0 */ nb_blocks = 2; t42->glyf_blocks = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, (nb_blocks + 1) * sizeof(DWORD)); for(i = 0; i < GET_BE_WORD(t42->tables[t42->maxp_tab].data + 4); i++) { DWORD start, end, size; get_glyf_pos(t42, i, &start, &end); size = end - t42->glyf_blocks[nb_blocks-2]; if(size > 0x2000 && t42->glyf_blocks[nb_blocks-1] % 4 == 0) { nb_blocks++; t42->glyf_blocks = HeapReAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, t42->glyf_blocks, (nb_blocks + 1) * sizeof(DWORD)); } t42->glyf_blocks[nb_blocks-1] = end; } PSDRV_WriteSpool(physDev, "[ ", 2); for(i = 1; t42->glyf_blocks[i]; i++) { sprintf(buf,"%d ", t42->glyf_blocks[i] - t42->glyf_blocks[i-1] + 1); /* again add one byte for old PostScript rips */ PSDRV_WriteSpool(physDev, buf, strlen(buf)); if(i % 8 == 0) PSDRV_WriteSpool(physDev, "\n", 1); } PSDRV_WriteSpool(physDev, storage, sizeof(storage) - 1); sprintf(buf, end, loca_off, glyf_off); PSDRV_WriteSpool(physDev, buf, strlen(buf)); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, buf); return t42; }