Example #1
// Stop transferring iop, and signal an interrupt.
static __fi void EndIOP()
	SIF_LOG("Sif2: End IOP");
	sif2data = 0;
	//sif2.iop.end = false;
	sif2.iop.busy = false;

	if (sif2.iop.cycles == 0)
		DevCon.Warning("SIF2 IOP: cycles = 0");
		sif2.iop.cycles = 1;
	// iop is 1/8th the clock rate of the EE and psxcycles is in words (not quadwords)
	// So when we're all done, the equation looks like thus:
	//PSX_INT(IopEvt_SIF2, ( ( sif2.iop.cycles*BIAS ) / 4 ) / 8);
	PSX_INT(IopEvt_SIF2, sif2.iop.cycles);
Example #2
File: Sif1.cpp Project: tsiru/pcsx2
// Stop processing IOP, and signal an interrupt.
static __fi void EndIOP()
	sif1data = 0;
	sif1.iop.end = false;
	sif1.iop.busy = false;
	SIF_LOG("Sif 1: End IOP");

	//Fixme ( voodoocycles ):
	//The *24 are needed for ecco the dolphin (CDVD hangs) and silver surfer (Pad not detected)
	//Greater than *35 break rebooting when trying to play Tekken5 arcade history
	//Total cycles over 1024 makes SIF too slow to keep up the sound stream in so3...
	if (sif1.iop.cycles == 0)
		DevCon.Warning("SIF1 IOP: cycles = 0");
		sif1.iop.cycles = 1;
	// iop is 1/8th the clock rate of the EE and psxcycles is in words (not quadwords)
	PSX_INT(IopEvt_SIF1, /*min((*/sif1.iop.cycles/* * 26*//*), 1024)*/);
Example #3
__fi void SIO_INT()
	if( !(psxRegs.interrupt & (1<<IopEvt_SIO)) )
		PSX_INT(IopEvt_SIO, 64 ); // PSXCLK/250000);