bool ChatHandler::HandleServerRevCommand(const char* /*args*/) { PSendSysMessage(_REVISION); return true; }
/// Display the 'Message of the day' for the realm bool ChatHandler::HandleServerMotdCommand(char* /*args*/) { PSendSysMessage(LANG_MOTD_CURRENT, sWorld.GetMotd()); return true; }
bool ChatHandler::HandleCreatePetCommand(const char* /*args*/) { Player *player = m_session->GetPlayer(); Creature *creatureTarget = getSelectedCreature(); if (!creatureTarget || creatureTarget->isPet() || creatureTarget->GetTypeId() == TYPEID_PLAYER) { PSendSysMessage(LANG_SELECT_CREATURE); SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; } CreatureTemplate const* cInfo = sObjectMgr->GetCreatureTemplate(creatureTarget->GetEntry()); // Creatures with family 0 crashes the server if (cInfo->family == 0) { PSendSysMessage("This creature cannot be tamed. (family id: 0)."); SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; } if (player->GetPetGUID()) { PSendSysMessage("You already have a pet"); SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; } // Everything looks OK, create new pet Pet* pet = new Pet(player, HUNTER_PET); if (!pet) return false; if (!pet->CreateBaseAtCreature(creatureTarget)) { delete pet; PSendSysMessage("Error 1"); return false; } creatureTarget->setDeathState(JUST_DIED); creatureTarget->RemoveCorpse(); creatureTarget->SetHealth(0); // just for nice GM-mode view pet->SetUInt64Value(UNIT_FIELD_CREATEDBY, player->GetGUID()); pet->SetUInt32Value(UNIT_FIELD_FACTIONTEMPLATE, player->getFaction()); if (!pet->InitStatsForLevel(creatureTarget->getLevel())) { sLog->outError("InitStatsForLevel() in EffectTameCreature failed! Pet deleted."); PSendSysMessage("Error 2"); delete pet; return false; } // prepare visual effect for levelup pet->SetUInt32Value(UNIT_FIELD_LEVEL, creatureTarget->getLevel()-1); pet->GetCharmInfo()->SetPetNumber(sObjectMgr->GeneratePetNumber(), true); // this enables pet details window (Shift+P) pet->InitPetCreateSpells(); pet->SetFullHealth(); pet->GetMap()->Add(pet->ToCreature()); // visual effect for levelup pet->SetUInt32Value(UNIT_FIELD_LEVEL, creatureTarget->getLevel()); player->SetMinion(pet, true); pet->SavePetToDB(PET_SAVE_AS_CURRENT); player->PetSpellInitialize(); return true; }
//mute player for some times bool ChatHandler::HandleMuteCommand(const char* args) { std::string announce; char* nameStr; char* delayStr; extractOptFirstArg((char*)args, &nameStr, &delayStr); if (!delayStr) return false; char *mutereason = strtok(NULL, "\r"); std::string mutereasonstr = "No reason"; if (mutereason != NULL) mutereasonstr = mutereason; if(!mutereason) { PSendSysMessage("You must enter a reason of mute"); SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; } Player* target; uint64 target_guid; std::string target_name; if (!extractPlayerTarget(nameStr, &target, &target_guid, &target_name)) return false; uint32 accountId = target ? target->GetSession()->GetAccountId() : sObjectMgr->GetPlayerAccountIdByGUID(target_guid); // find only player from same account if any if (!target) if (WorldSession* session = sWorld->FindSession(accountId)) target = session->GetPlayer(); uint32 notspeaktime = (uint32) atoi(delayStr); // must have strong lesser security level if (HasLowerSecurity (target, target_guid, true)) return false; PreparedStatement* stmt = LoginDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(LOGIN_UPD_MUTE_TIME); if (target) { // Target is online, mute will be in effect right away. int64 muteTime = time(NULL) + notspeaktime * MINUTE; target->GetSession()->m_muteTime = muteTime; stmt->setInt64(0, muteTime); ChatHandler(target).PSendSysMessage(LANG_YOUR_CHAT_DISABLED, notspeaktime, mutereasonstr.c_str()); } else { // Target is offline, mute will be in effect starting from the next login. int32 muteTime = -int32(notspeaktime * MINUTE); stmt->setInt64(0, muteTime); } stmt->setUInt32(1, accountId); LoginDatabase.Execute(stmt); std::string nameLink = playerLink(target_name); PSendSysMessage(target ? LANG_YOU_DISABLE_CHAT : LANG_COMMAND_DISABLE_CHAT_DELAYED, nameLink.c_str(), notspeaktime, mutereasonstr.c_str()); announce = "The character '"; announce += nameStr; announce += "' was muted for "; announce += delayStr; announce += " minutes by the character '"; announce += m_session->GetPlayerName(); announce += "'. The reason is: "; announce += mutereason; HandleAnnounceCommand(announce.c_str()); return true; }
//show info of player bool ChatHandler::HandlePInfoCommand(const char* args) { Player* target; uint64 target_guid; std::string target_name; uint32 parseGUID = MAKE_NEW_GUID(atol((char*)args), 0, HIGHGUID_PLAYER); if (sObjectMgr->GetPlayerNameByGUID(parseGUID, target_name)) { target = sObjectMgr->GetPlayerByLowGUID(parseGUID); target_guid = parseGUID; } else if (!extractPlayerTarget((char*)args, &target, &target_guid, &target_name)) return false; uint32 accId = 0; uint32 money = 0; uint32 total_player_time = 0; uint8 level = 0; uint32 latency = 0; uint8 race; uint8 Class; int64 muteTime = 0; int64 banTime = -1; uint32 mapId; uint32 areaId; uint32 phase = 0; // get additional information from Player object if (target) { // check online security if (HasLowerSecurity(target, 0)) return false; accId = target->GetSession()->GetAccountId(); money = target->GetMoney(); total_player_time = target->GetTotalPlayedTime(); level = target->getLevel(); latency = target->GetSession()->GetLatency(); race = target->getRace(); Class = target->getClass(); muteTime = target->GetSession()->m_muteTime; mapId = target->GetMapId(); areaId = target->GetAreaId(); phase = target->GetPhaseMask(); } // get additional information from DB else { // check offline security if (HasLowerSecurity(NULL, target_guid)) return false; // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 QueryResult result = CharacterDatabase.PQuery("SELECT totaltime, level, money, account, race, class, map, zone FROM characters " "WHERE guid = '%u'", GUID_LOPART(target_guid)); if (!result) return false; Field* fields = result->Fetch(); total_player_time = fields[0].GetUInt32(); level = fields[1].GetUInt32(); money = fields[2].GetUInt32(); accId = fields[3].GetUInt32(); race = fields[4].GetUInt8(); Class = fields[5].GetUInt8(); mapId = fields[6].GetUInt16(); areaId = fields[7].GetUInt16(); } std::string username = GetTrinityString(LANG_ERROR); std::string email = GetTrinityString(LANG_ERROR); std::string last_ip = GetTrinityString(LANG_ERROR); uint32 security = 0; std::string last_login = GetTrinityString(LANG_ERROR); QueryResult result = LoginDatabase.PQuery("SELECT a.username, aa.gmlevel,, a.last_ip, a.last_login, a.mutetime " "FROM account a " "LEFT JOIN account_access aa " "ON ( = " "WHERE = '%u'", accId); if (result) { Field* fields = result->Fetch(); username = fields[0].GetString(); security = fields[1].GetUInt32(); email = fields[2].GetString(); muteTime = fields[5].GetUInt64(); if (email.empty()) email = "-"; if (!m_session || m_session->GetSecurity() >= AccountTypes(security)) { last_ip = fields[3].GetString(); last_login = fields[4].GetString(); } else { last_ip = "-"; last_login = "******"; } } std::string nameLink = playerLink(target_name); PSendSysMessage(LANG_PINFO_ACCOUNT, (target?"":GetTrinityString(LANG_OFFLINE)), nameLink.c_str(), GUID_LOPART(target_guid), username.c_str(), accId, email.c_str(), security, last_ip.c_str(), last_login.c_str(), latency); std::string bannedby = "unknown"; std::string banreason = ""; if (QueryResult result = LoginDatabase.PQuery("SELECT unbandate, bandate = unbandate, bannedby, banreason FROM account_banned " "WHERE id = '%u' AND active ORDER BY bandate ASC LIMIT 1", accId)) { Field* fields = result->Fetch(); banTime = fields[1].GetBool() ? 0 : fields[0].GetUInt64(); bannedby = fields[2].GetString(); banreason = fields[3].GetString(); } else if (QueryResult result = CharacterDatabase.PQuery("SELECT unbandate, bandate = unbandate, bannedby, banreason FROM character_banned " "WHERE guid = '%u' AND active ORDER BY bandate ASC LIMIT 1", GUID_LOPART(target_guid))) { Field* fields = result->Fetch(); banTime = fields[1].GetBool() ? 0 : fields[0].GetUInt64(); bannedby = fields[2].GetString(); banreason = fields[3].GetString(); } if (muteTime > 0) PSendSysMessage(LANG_PINFO_MUTE, secsToTimeString(muteTime - time(NULL), true).c_str()); if (banTime >= 0) PSendSysMessage(LANG_PINFO_BAN, banTime > 0 ? secsToTimeString(banTime - time(NULL), true).c_str() : "permanently", bannedby.c_str(), banreason.c_str()); std::string race_s, Class_s; switch (race) { case RACE_HUMAN: race_s = "Human"; break; case RACE_ORC: race_s = "Orc"; break; case RACE_DWARF: race_s = "Dwarf"; break; case RACE_NIGHTELF: race_s = "Night Elf"; break; case RACE_UNDEAD_PLAYER: race_s = "Undead"; break; case RACE_TAUREN: race_s = "Tauren"; break; case RACE_GNOME: race_s = "Gnome"; break; case RACE_TROLL: race_s = "Troll"; break; case RACE_BLOODELF: race_s = "Blood Elf"; break; case RACE_DRAENEI: race_s = "Draenei"; break; } switch (Class) { case CLASS_WARRIOR: Class_s = "Warrior"; break; case CLASS_PALADIN: Class_s = "Paladin"; break; case CLASS_HUNTER: Class_s = "Hunter"; break; case CLASS_ROGUE: Class_s = "Rogue"; break; case CLASS_PRIEST: Class_s = "Priest"; break; case CLASS_DEATH_KNIGHT: Class_s = "Death Knight"; break; case CLASS_SHAMAN: Class_s = "Shaman"; break; case CLASS_MAGE: Class_s = "Mage"; break; case CLASS_WARLOCK: Class_s = "Warlock"; break; case CLASS_DRUID: Class_s = "Druid"; break; } std::string timeStr = secsToTimeString(total_player_time, true, true); uint32 gold = money /GOLD; uint32 silv = (money % GOLD) / SILVER; uint32 copp = (money % GOLD) % SILVER; PSendSysMessage(LANG_PINFO_LEVEL, race_s.c_str(), Class_s.c_str(), timeStr.c_str(), level, gold, silv, copp); // Add map, zone, subzone and phase to output int locale = GetSessionDbcLocale(); std::string areaName = "<unknown>"; std::string zoneName = ""; MapEntry const* map = sMapStore.LookupEntry(mapId); AreaTableEntry const* area = GetAreaEntryByAreaID(areaId); if (area) { areaName = area->area_name[locale]; AreaTableEntry const* zone = GetAreaEntryByAreaID(area->zone); if (zone) zoneName = zone->area_name[locale]; } if (target) { if (!zoneName.empty()) PSendSysMessage(LANG_PINFO_MAP_ONLINE, map->name[locale], zoneName.c_str(), areaName.c_str(), phase); else PSendSysMessage(LANG_PINFO_MAP_ONLINE, map->name[locale], areaName.c_str(), "<unknown>", phase); } else PSendSysMessage(LANG_PINFO_MAP_OFFLINE, map->name[locale], areaName.c_str()); return true; }
bool ChatHandler::HandleBanAutoCommand(char *args) { if (!*args) return false; char* cname = strtok ((char*)args, " "); if (!cname) return false; std::string name = cname; char* creason = strtok (NULL,""); std::string banreason = creason ? creason : ""; QueryResult *result; Field *fields; result = CharacterDatabase.PQuery("SELECT account FROM characters WHERE name = '%s'",name.c_str()); if(!result) { PSendSysMessage(LANG_BAN_NOTFOUND,"character",name.c_str()); return true; } fields = result->Fetch(); uint32 accId = fields->GetUInt32(); delete result; std::string oldreason; uint32 bandate, unbandate; int32 bandiff; uint32 max_banid = 0; uint32 counted_extra_bans = 0; result = LoginDatabase.PQuery("SELECT bandate,unbandate,banreason FROM account_banned WHERE id=%u", accId); if(result) { do { fields = result->Fetch(); bandate = fields[0].GetUInt32(); unbandate = fields[1].GetUInt32(); oldreason = fields[2].GetCppString(); bandiff = unbandate - bandate; if(oldreason.size() > 10 && oldreason.substr(0,10) == "[AutoBan #") { uint32 banid = atoi(oldreason.c_str() + 10); max_banid = std::max(max_banid, banid); } else if(bandiff >= (int32)sWorld.getConfig(CONFIG_UINT32_AUTOBAN_MIN_COUNTED_BANTIME) || bandiff == 0) { ++counted_extra_bans; } } while (result->NextRow()); delete result; } max_banid = std::max(max_banid, counted_extra_bans); std::string duration = sWorld.GetAutoBanTime(max_banid); std::stringstream reason; reason << "[AutoBan #" << (max_banid + 1) << "; " << duration << "] " << banreason; uint32 duration_secs = TimeStringToSecs(duration); switch(sWorld.BanAccount(BAN_CHARACTER, name, duration_secs, reason.str().c_str(), m_session ? m_session->GetPlayerName() : "")) { case BAN_SUCCESS: if(atoi(duration.c_str())>0) PSendSysMessage(LANG_BAN_YOUBANNED,name.c_str(),secsToTimeString(TimeStringToSecs(duration),true).c_str(),reason.str().c_str()); else PSendSysMessage(LANG_BAN_YOUPERMBANNED,name.c_str(),reason.str().c_str()); break; case BAN_SYNTAX_ERROR: return false; case BAN_NOTFOUND: PSendSysMessage(LANG_BAN_NOTFOUND,"character",name.c_str()); SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; } return true; }
bool ChatHandler::HandlePlayerbotCommand(char* args) { if (sWorld.getConfig(CONFIG_BOOL_PLAYERBOT_DISABLE)) { PSendSysMessage("|cffff0000Playerbot system is currently disabled!"); SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; } if (!m_session) { PSendSysMessage("|cffff0000You may only add bots from an active session"); SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; } if (!*args) { PSendSysMessage("|cffff0000usage: add PLAYERNAME or remove PLAYERNAME"); SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; } char *cmd = strtok ((char *) args, " "); char *charname = strtok (NULL, " "); if (!cmd || !charname) { PSendSysMessage("|cffff0000usage: add PLAYERNAME or remove PLAYERNAME"); SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; } std::string cmdStr = cmd; std::string charnameStr = charname; if (!normalizePlayerName(charnameStr)) return false; uint64 guid = sObjectMgr.GetPlayerGUIDByName(charnameStr.c_str()); if (guid == 0 || (guid == m_session->GetPlayer()->GetGUID())) { SendSysMessage(LANG_PLAYER_NOT_FOUND); SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; } uint32 accountId = sObjectMgr.GetPlayerAccountIdByGUID(guid); if (accountId != m_session->GetAccountId()) { PSendSysMessage("|cffff0000You may only add bots from the same account."); SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; } // create the playerbot manager if it doesn't already exist PlayerbotMgr* mgr = m_session->GetPlayer()->GetPlayerbotMgr(); if (!mgr) { mgr = new PlayerbotMgr(m_session->GetPlayer()); m_session->GetPlayer()->SetPlayerbotMgr(mgr); } QueryResult *resultchar = CharacterDatabase.PQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM characters WHERE online = '1' AND account = '%u'", m_session->GetAccountId()); if (resultchar) { Field *fields = resultchar->Fetch(); int acctcharcount = fields[0].GetUInt32(); int maxnum = sWorld.getConfig(CONFIG_UINT32_PLAYERBOT_MAXBOTS); if (!(m_session->GetSecurity() > SEC_PLAYER)) if (acctcharcount > maxnum && (cmdStr == "add" || cmdStr == "login")) { PSendSysMessage("|cffff0000You cannot summon anymore bots.(Current Max: |cffffffff%u)", maxnum); SetSentErrorMessage(true); delete resultchar; return false; } } delete resultchar; QueryResult *resultlvl = CharacterDatabase.PQuery("SELECT level,name FROM characters WHERE guid = '%lu'", guid); if (resultlvl) { Field *fields = resultlvl->Fetch(); int charlvl = fields[0].GetUInt32(); int maxlvl = sWorld.getConfig(CONFIG_UINT32_PLAYERBOT_RESTRICTLEVEL); if (!(m_session->GetSecurity() > SEC_PLAYER)) if (charlvl > maxlvl) { PSendSysMessage("|cffff0000You cannot summon |cffffffff[%s]|cffff0000, it's level is too high.(Current Max:lvl |cffffffff%u)", fields[1].GetString(), maxlvl); SetSentErrorMessage(true); delete resultlvl; return false; } } delete resultlvl; // end of gmconfig patch if (cmdStr == "add" || cmdStr == "login") { if (mgr->GetPlayerBot(guid)) { PSendSysMessage("Bot already exists in world."); SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; } CharacterDatabase.DirectPExecute("UPDATE characters SET online = 1 WHERE guid = '%lu'", guid); mgr->AddPlayerBot(guid); PSendSysMessage("Bot added successfully."); } else if (cmdStr == "remove" || cmdStr == "logout") { if (!mgr->GetPlayerBot(guid)) { PSendSysMessage("|cffff0000Bot can not be removed because bot does not exist in world."); SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; } CharacterDatabase.DirectPExecute("UPDATE characters SET online = 0 WHERE guid = '%lu'", guid); mgr->LogoutPlayerBot(guid); PSendSysMessage("Bot removed successfully."); } else if (cmdStr == "co" || cmdStr == "combatorder") { Unit *target = NULL; char *orderChar = strtok(NULL, " "); if (!orderChar) { PSendSysMessage("|cffff0000Syntax error:|cffffffff .bot co <botName> <order=reset|tank|assist|heal|protect> [targetPlayer]"); SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; } std::string orderStr = orderChar; if (orderStr == "protect" || orderStr == "assist") { char *targetChar = strtok(NULL, " "); ObjectGuid targetGUID = m_session->GetPlayer()->GetSelectionGuid(); if (!targetChar && targetGUID.IsEmpty()) { PSendSysMessage("|cffff0000Combat orders protect and assist expect a target either by selection or by giving target player in command string!"); SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; } if (targetChar) { std::string targetStr = targetChar; targetGUID.Set(sObjectMgr.GetPlayerGUIDByName(targetStr.c_str())); } target = ObjectAccessor::GetUnit(*m_session->GetPlayer(), targetGUID); if (!target) { PSendSysMessage("|cffff0000Invalid target for combat order protect or assist!"); SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; } } if (mgr->GetPlayerBot(guid) == NULL) { PSendSysMessage("|cffff0000Bot can not receive combat order because bot does not exist in world."); SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; } mgr->GetPlayerBot(guid)->GetPlayerbotAI()->SetCombatOrderByStr(orderStr, target); } return true; }
bool ChatHandler::HandleGPSCommand(const char* args) { WorldObject *obj = NULL; if (*args) { uint64 guid = extractGuidFromLink((char*)args); if (guid) obj = (WorldObject*)ObjectAccessor::GetObjectByTypeMask(*m_session->GetPlayer(), guid, TYPEMASK_UNIT|TYPEMASK_GAMEOBJECT); if (!obj) { SendSysMessage(LANG_PLAYER_NOT_FOUND); SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; } } else { obj = getSelectedUnit(); if (!obj) { SendSysMessage(LANG_SELECT_CHAR_OR_CREATURE); SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; } } CellPair cell_val = Trinity::ComputeCellPair(obj->GetPositionX(), obj->GetPositionY()); Cell cell(cell_val); uint32 zone_id, area_id; obj->GetZoneAndAreaId(zone_id, area_id); MapEntry const* mapEntry = sMapStore.LookupEntry(obj->GetMapId()); AreaTableEntry const* zoneEntry = GetAreaEntryByAreaID(zone_id); AreaTableEntry const* areaEntry = GetAreaEntryByAreaID(area_id); float zone_x = obj->GetPositionX(); float zone_y = obj->GetPositionY(); Map2ZoneCoordinates(zone_x, zone_y, zone_id); Map const *map = obj->GetMap(); float ground_z = map->GetHeight(obj->GetPositionX(), obj->GetPositionY(), MAX_HEIGHT); float floor_z = map->GetHeight(obj->GetPositionX(), obj->GetPositionY(), obj->GetPositionZ()); GridPair p = Trinity::ComputeGridPair(obj->GetPositionX(), obj->GetPositionY()); // 63? WHY? int gx = 63 - p.x_coord; int gy = 63 - p.y_coord; uint32 have_map = Map::ExistMap(obj->GetMapId(), gx, gy) ? 1 : 0; uint32 have_vmap = Map::ExistVMap(obj->GetMapId(), gx, gy) ? 1 : 0; if(have_vmap) { if(map->IsOutdoors(obj->GetPositionX(), obj->GetPositionY(), obj->GetPositionZ())) PSendSysMessage("You are outdoors"); else PSendSysMessage("You are indoors"); } else PSendSysMessage("no VMAP available for area info"); PSendSysMessage(LANG_MAP_POSITION, obj->GetMapId(), (mapEntry ? mapEntry->name[GetSessionDbcLocale()] : "<unknown>"), zone_id, (zoneEntry ? zoneEntry->area_name[GetSessionDbcLocale()] : "<unknown>"), area_id, (areaEntry ? areaEntry->area_name[GetSessionDbcLocale()] : "<unknown>"), obj->GetPhaseMask(), obj->GetPositionX(), obj->GetPositionY(), obj->GetPositionZ(), obj->GetOrientation(), cell.GridX(), cell.GridY(), cell.CellX(), cell.CellY(), obj->GetInstanceId(), zone_x, zone_y, ground_z, floor_z, have_map, have_vmap); LiquidData liquid_status; ZLiquidStatus res = map->getLiquidStatus(obj->GetPositionX(), obj->GetPositionY(), obj->GetPositionZ(), MAP_ALL_LIQUIDS, &liquid_status); if (res) { PSendSysMessage(LANG_LIQUID_STATUS, liquid_status.level, liquid_status.depth_level, liquid_status.type, res); } return true; }
//Summon Player bool ChatHandler::HandleSummonCommand(const char* args) { Player* target; uint64 target_guid; std::string target_name; if (!extractPlayerTarget((char*)args, &target, &target_guid, &target_name)) return false; Player* _player = m_session->GetPlayer(); if (target == _player || target_guid == _player->GetGUID()) { PSendSysMessage(LANG_CANT_TELEPORT_SELF); SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; } if (target) { std::string nameLink = playerLink(target_name); // check online security if (HasLowerSecurity(target, 0)) return false; if (target->IsBeingTeleported()) { PSendSysMessage(LANG_IS_TELEPORTED, nameLink.c_str()); SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; } Map* pMap = m_session->GetPlayer()->GetMap(); if (pMap->IsBattlegroundOrArena()) { // only allow if gm mode is on if (!_player->isGameMaster()) { PSendSysMessage(LANG_CANNOT_GO_TO_BG_GM, nameLink.c_str()); SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; } // if both players are in different bgs else if (target->GetBattlegroundId() && m_session->GetPlayer()->GetBattlegroundId() != target->GetBattlegroundId()) target->LeaveBattleground(false); // Note: should be changed so target gets no Deserter debuff // all's well, set bg id // when porting out from the bg, it will be reset to 0 target->SetBattlegroundId(m_session->GetPlayer()->GetBattlegroundId(), m_session->GetPlayer()->GetBattlegroundTypeId()); // remember current position as entry point for return at bg end teleportation if (!target->GetMap()->IsBattlegroundOrArena()) target->SetBattlegroundEntryPoint(); } else if (pMap->IsDungeon()) { Map* cMap = target->GetMap(); if (cMap->Instanceable() && cMap->GetInstanceId() != pMap->GetInstanceId()) target->UnbindInstance(pMap->GetInstanceId(), target->GetDungeonDifficulty(), true); // we are in instance, and can summon only player in our group with us as lead if (!m_session->GetPlayer()->GetGroup() || !target->GetGroup() || (target->GetGroup()->GetLeaderGUID() != m_session->GetPlayer()->GetGUID()) || (m_session->GetPlayer()->GetGroup()->GetLeaderGUID() != m_session->GetPlayer()->GetGUID())) // the last check is a bit excessive, but let it be, just in case { PSendSysMessage(LANG_CANNOT_SUMMON_TO_INST, nameLink.c_str()); SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; } } PSendSysMessage(LANG_SUMMONING, nameLink.c_str(), ""); if (needReportToTarget(target)) ChatHandler(target).PSendSysMessage(LANG_SUMMONED_BY, playerLink(_player->GetName()).c_str()); // stop flight if need if (target->isInFlight()) { target->GetMotionMaster()->MovementExpired(); target->CleanupAfterTaxiFlight(); } // save only in non-flight case else target->SaveRecallPosition(); // before GM float x, y, z; m_session->GetPlayer()->GetClosePoint(x, y, z, target->GetObjectSize()); target->TeleportTo(m_session->GetPlayer()->GetMapId(), x, y, z, target->GetOrientation()); target->SetPhaseMask(m_session->GetPlayer()->GetPhaseMask(), true); } else { // check offline security if (HasLowerSecurity(NULL, target_guid)) return false; std::string nameLink = playerLink(target_name); PSendSysMessage(LANG_SUMMONING, nameLink.c_str(), GetTrinityString(LANG_OFFLINE)); // in point where GM stay Player::SavePositionInDB(m_session->GetPlayer()->GetMapId(), m_session->GetPlayer()->GetPositionX(), m_session->GetPlayer()->GetPositionY(), m_session->GetPlayer()->GetPositionZ(), m_session->GetPlayer()->GetOrientation(), m_session->GetPlayer()->GetZoneId(), target_guid); } return true; }
bool ChatHandler::HandlePlayerbotCommand(char* args) { if (!(m_session->GetSecurity() > SEC_PLAYER)) if (botConfig.GetBoolDefault("PlayerbotAI.DisableBots", false)) { PSendSysMessage("|cffff0000Playerbot system is currently disabled!"); SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; } if (!m_session) { PSendSysMessage("|cffff0000You may only add bots from an active session"); SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; } if (!*args) { PSendSysMessage("|cffff0000usage: add PLAYERNAME or remove PLAYERNAME"); SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; } char* cmd = strtok((char*) args, " "); char* charname = strtok(nullptr, " "); if (!cmd || !charname) { PSendSysMessage("|cffff0000usage: add PLAYERNAME or remove PLAYERNAME"); SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; } std::string cmdStr = cmd; std::string charnameStr = charname; if (!normalizePlayerName(charnameStr)) return false; ObjectGuid guid = sObjectMgr.GetPlayerGuidByName(charnameStr.c_str()); if (guid == ObjectGuid() || (guid == m_session->GetPlayer()->GetObjectGuid())) { SendSysMessage(LANG_PLAYER_NOT_FOUND); SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; } uint32 accountId = sObjectMgr.GetPlayerAccountIdByGUID(guid); if (accountId != m_session->GetAccountId()) { PSendSysMessage("|cffff0000You may only add bots from the same account."); SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; } // create the playerbot manager if it doesn't already exist PlayerbotMgr* mgr = m_session->GetPlayer()->GetPlayerbotMgr(); if (!mgr) { mgr = new PlayerbotMgr(m_session->GetPlayer()); m_session->GetPlayer()->SetPlayerbotMgr(mgr); } QueryResult* resultchar = CharacterDatabase.PQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM characters WHERE online = '1' AND account = '%u'", m_session->GetAccountId()); if (resultchar) { Field* fields = resultchar->Fetch(); int acctcharcount = fields[0].GetUInt32(); int maxnum = botConfig.GetIntDefault("PlayerbotAI.MaxNumBots", 9); if (!(m_session->GetSecurity() > SEC_PLAYER)) if (acctcharcount > maxnum && (cmdStr == "add" || cmdStr == "login")) { PSendSysMessage("|cffff0000You cannot summon anymore bots.(Current Max: |cffffffff%u)", maxnum); SetSentErrorMessage(true); delete resultchar; return false; } delete resultchar; } QueryResult* resultlvl = CharacterDatabase.PQuery("SELECT level,name FROM characters WHERE guid = '%u'", guid.GetCounter()); if (resultlvl) { Field* fields = resultlvl->Fetch(); int charlvl = fields[0].GetUInt32(); int maxlvl = botConfig.GetIntDefault("PlayerbotAI.RestrictBotLevel", 60); if (!(m_session->GetSecurity() > SEC_PLAYER)) if (charlvl > maxlvl) { PSendSysMessage("|cffff0000You cannot summon |cffffffff[%s]|cffff0000, it's level is too high.(Current Max:lvl |cffffffff%u)", fields[1].GetString(), maxlvl); SetSentErrorMessage(true); delete resultlvl; return false; } delete resultlvl; } // end of gmconfig patch if (cmdStr == "add" || cmdStr == "login") { if (mgr->GetPlayerBot(guid)) { PSendSysMessage("Bot already exists in world."); SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; } CharacterDatabase.DirectPExecute("UPDATE characters SET online = 1 WHERE guid = '%u'", guid.GetCounter()); mgr->LoginPlayerBot(guid); PSendSysMessage("Bot added successfully."); } else if (cmdStr == "remove" || cmdStr == "logout") { if (!mgr->GetPlayerBot(guid)) { PSendSysMessage("|cffff0000Bot can not be removed because bot does not exist in world."); SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; } CharacterDatabase.DirectPExecute("UPDATE characters SET online = 0 WHERE guid = '%u'", guid.GetCounter()); mgr->LogoutPlayerBot(guid); PSendSysMessage("Bot removed successfully."); } else if (cmdStr == "co" || cmdStr == "combatorder") { Unit* target = nullptr; char* orderChar = strtok(nullptr, " "); if (!orderChar) { PSendSysMessage("|cffff0000Syntax error:|cffffffff .bot co <botName> <order=reset|tank|assist|heal|protect> [targetPlayer]"); SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; } } return true; }
bool ChatHandler::HandleAccountCommand(const char* /*args*/) { AccountTypes gmlevel = GetAccessLevel(); PSendSysMessage(LANG_ACCOUNT_LEVEL, uint32(gmlevel)); return true; }
bool ChatHandler::HandleServerVersionCommand(const char* /*args*/) { PSendSysMessage(_FULLVERSION); return true; }
bool ChatHandler::HandleServerUptimeCommand(const char* /*args*/) { std::string str = secsToTimeString(sWorld.GetUptime()); PSendSysMessage("%s", str.c_str()); return true; }
bool ChatHandler::HandleServerDBVersionCommand(const char* /*args*/) { PSendSysMessage(LANG_USING_WORLD_DB,sWorld.GetDBVersion()); return true; }
bool ChatHandler::HandlePunishCommand(char *args) { Player *plr = NULL; std::string pname; uint64 plr_guid = 0; uint32 accid = 0; if(!ExtractPlayerTarget(&args, &plr, NULL, &pname)) return false; if(plr) accid = plr->GetSession()->GetAccountId(); else { std::string pname_esc(pname); CharacterDatabase.escape_string(pname_esc); QueryResult *result = CharacterDatabase.PQuery("SELECT account FROM characters WHERE name = '%s'", pname_esc.c_str()); if(!result) { SendSysMessage(LANG_PLAYER_NOT_FOUND); SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; } Field *fields = result->Fetch(); accid = fields[0].GetUInt32(); delete result; } // extra check, not sure if really necessary, but we better be on the safe side! if(!accid) { SendSysMessage(LANG_PLAYER_NOT_FOUND); SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; } // find only player from same account if any if (!plr) { if (WorldSession* session = sWorld.FindSession(accid)) { plr = session->GetPlayer(); pname = plr->GetName(); } } char *what = ExtractArg(&args); char *reason = ExtractArg(&args); std::string strWhat(what ? what : ""); bool handled = sPunishMgr.Handle(accid, plr, m_session->GetPlayer(), pname, strWhat, reason ? reason : GetMangosString(LANG_NO_REASON_GIVEN)); if(!handled) { PSendSysMessage(LANG_NO_RECORD_IN_DB, strWhat.c_str()); SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; } return true; }
//Teleport to Player bool ChatHandler::HandleAppearCommand(const char* args) { Player* target; uint64 target_guid; std::string target_name; if (!extractPlayerTarget((char*)args, &target, &target_guid, &target_name)) return false; Player* _player = m_session->GetPlayer(); if (target == _player || target_guid == _player->GetGUID()) { SendSysMessage(LANG_CANT_TELEPORT_SELF); SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; } if (target) { // check online security if (HasLowerSecurity(target, 0)) return false; std::string chrNameLink = playerLink(target_name); Map* cMap = target->GetMap(); if (cMap->IsBattlegroundOrArena()) { // only allow if gm mode is on if (!_player->isGameMaster()) { PSendSysMessage(LANG_CANNOT_GO_TO_BG_GM, chrNameLink.c_str()); SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; } // if both players are in different bgs else if (_player->GetBattlegroundId() && _player->GetBattlegroundId() != target->GetBattlegroundId()) _player->LeaveBattleground(false); // Note: should be changed so _player gets no Deserter debuff // all's well, set bg id // when porting out from the bg, it will be reset to 0 _player->SetBattlegroundId(target->GetBattlegroundId(), target->GetBattlegroundTypeId()); // remember current position as entry point for return at bg end teleportation if (!_player->GetMap()->IsBattlegroundOrArena()) _player->SetBattlegroundEntryPoint(); } else if (cMap->IsDungeon()) { // we have to go to instance, and can go to player only if: // 1) we are in his group (either as leader or as member) // 2) we are not bound to any group and have GM mode on if (_player->GetGroup()) { // we are in group, we can go only if we are in the player group if (_player->GetGroup() != target->GetGroup()) { PSendSysMessage(LANG_CANNOT_GO_TO_INST_PARTY, chrNameLink.c_str()); SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; } } else { // we are not in group, let's verify our GM mode if (!_player->isGameMaster()) { PSendSysMessage(LANG_CANNOT_GO_TO_INST_GM, chrNameLink.c_str()); SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; } } // if the player or the player's group is bound to another instance // the player will not be bound to another one InstancePlayerBind *pBind = _player->GetBoundInstance(target->GetMapId(), target->GetDifficulty(cMap->IsRaid())); if (!pBind) { Group *group = _player->GetGroup(); // if no bind exists, create a solo bind InstanceGroupBind *gBind = group ? group->GetBoundInstance(target) : NULL; // if no bind exists, create a solo bind if (!gBind) if (InstanceSave *save = sInstanceSaveMgr->GetInstanceSave(target->GetInstanceId())) _player->BindToInstance(save, !save->CanReset()); } if (cMap->IsRaid()) _player->SetRaidDifficulty(target->GetRaidDifficulty()); else _player->SetDungeonDifficulty(target->GetDungeonDifficulty()); } PSendSysMessage(LANG_APPEARING_AT, chrNameLink.c_str()); // stop flight if need if (_player->isInFlight()) { _player->GetMotionMaster()->MovementExpired(); _player->CleanupAfterTaxiFlight(); } // save only in non-flight case else _player->SaveRecallPosition(); // to point to see at target with same orientation float x, y, z; target->GetContactPoint(_player, x, y, z); _player->TeleportTo(target->GetMapId(), x, y, z, _player->GetAngle(target), TELE_TO_GM_MODE); _player->SetPhaseMask(target->GetPhaseMask(), true); } else { // check offline security if (HasLowerSecurity(NULL, target_guid)) return false; std::string nameLink = playerLink(target_name); PSendSysMessage(LANG_APPEARING_AT, nameLink.c_str()); // to point where player stay (if loaded) float x, y, z, o; uint32 map; bool in_flight; if (!Player::LoadPositionFromDB(map, x, y, z, o, in_flight, target_guid)) return false; // stop flight if need if (_player->isInFlight()) { _player->GetMotionMaster()->MovementExpired(); _player->CleanupAfterTaxiFlight(); } // save only in non-flight case else _player->SaveRecallPosition(); _player->TeleportTo(map, x, y, z, _player->GetOrientation()); } return true; }
bool ChatHandler::HandleTargetAndDeleteObjectCommand(char *args) { QueryResult *result; if(*args) { int32 id = atoi((char*)args); if(id) result = WorldDatabase.PQuery("SELECT `guid`, `id`, `position_x`, `position_y`, `position_z`, `orientation`, `map`, (POW(`position_x` - %f, 2) + POW(`position_y` - %f, 2) + POW(`position_z` - %f, 2)) as `order` FROM `gameobject` WHERE `map` = %i AND `id` = '%u' ORDER BY `order` ASC LIMIT 1", m_session->GetPlayer()->GetPositionX(), m_session->GetPlayer()->GetPositionY(), m_session->GetPlayer()->GetPositionZ(), m_session->GetPlayer()->GetMapId(),id); else result = WorldDatabase.PQuery( "SELECT `guid`, `id`, `position_x`, `position_y`, `position_z`, `orientation`, `map`, (POW(`position_x` - %f, 2) + POW(`position_y` - %f, 2) + POW(`position_z` - %f, 2)) as `order` " "FROM `gameobject`,`gameobject_template` WHERE `gameobject_template`.`entry` = `gameobject`.`id` AND `map` = %i AND `name` LIKE '%%%s%%' ORDER BY `order` ASC LIMIT 1", m_session->GetPlayer()->GetPositionX(), m_session->GetPlayer()->GetPositionY(), m_session->GetPlayer()->GetPositionZ(), m_session->GetPlayer()->GetMapId(),args); } else result = WorldDatabase.PQuery("SELECT `guid`, `id`, `position_x`, `position_y`, `position_z`, `orientation`, `map`, (POW(`position_x` - %f, 2) + POW(`position_y` - %f, 2) + POW(`position_z` - %f, 2)) as `order` FROM `gameobject` WHERE `map` = %i ORDER BY `order` ASC LIMIT 1", m_session->GetPlayer()->GetPositionX(), m_session->GetPlayer()->GetPositionY(), m_session->GetPlayer()->GetPositionZ(), m_session->GetPlayer()->GetMapId()); if (!result) { SendSysMessage("Nothing found!"); return true; } Field *fields = result->Fetch(); uint32 guid = fields[0].GetUInt32(); uint32 id = fields[1].GetUInt32(); float x = fields[2].GetFloat(); float y = fields[3].GetFloat(); float z = fields[4].GetFloat(); float o = fields[5].GetFloat(); int mapid = fields[6].GetUInt16(); delete result; const GameObjectInfo *goI = sObjectMgr.GetGameObjectInfo(id); if (!goI) { PSendSysMessage(LANG_GAMEOBJECT_NOT_EXIST,id); return false; } GameObject* obj = m_session->GetPlayer()->GetMap()->GetGameObject(ObjectGuid(HIGHGUID_GAMEOBJECT, guid, id)); if(!obj) { PSendSysMessage("Game Object (GUID: %u) not found", GUID_LOPART(guid)); return true; } uint64 owner_guid = obj->GetOwnerGUID(); if(owner_guid) { Unit* owner = ObjectAccessor::Instance().GetUnit(*m_session->GetPlayer(),owner_guid); if(!owner && GUID_HIPART(owner_guid)!=HIGHGUID_PLAYER) { PSendSysMessage("Game Object (GUID: %u) have references in not found creature %u GO list, can't be deleted.", GUID_LOPART(owner_guid), obj->GetGUIDLow()); return true; } owner->RemoveGameObject(obj,false); } obj->Delete(); obj->DeleteFromDB(); PSendSysMessage("Game Object (GUID: %u) [%s] removed", obj->GetGUIDLow(),goI->name); return true; }
bool ChatHandler::HandleLookupAreaCommand(const char* args) { if (!*args) return false; std::string namepart = args; std::wstring wnamepart; if (!Utf8toWStr (namepart, wnamepart)) return false; bool found = false; uint32 count = 0; uint32 maxResults = sWorld->getIntConfig(CONFIG_MAX_RESULTS_LOOKUP_COMMANDS); // converting string that we try to find to lower case wstrToLower (wnamepart); // Search in AreaTable.dbc for (uint32 areaflag = 0; areaflag < sAreaStore.GetNumRows (); ++areaflag) { AreaTableEntry const *areaEntry = sAreaStore.LookupEntry (areaflag); if (areaEntry) { int loc = GetSessionDbcLocale (); std::string name = areaEntry->area_name[loc]; if (name.empty()) continue; if (!Utf8FitTo (name, wnamepart)) { loc = 0; for (; loc < TOTAL_LOCALES; ++loc) { if (loc == GetSessionDbcLocale ()) continue; name = areaEntry->area_name[loc]; if (name.empty ()) continue; if (Utf8FitTo (name, wnamepart)) break; } } if (loc < TOTAL_LOCALES) { if (maxResults && count++ == maxResults) { PSendSysMessage(LANG_COMMAND_LOOKUP_MAX_RESULTS, maxResults); return true; } // send area in "id - [name]" format std::ostringstream ss; if (m_session) ss << areaEntry->ID << " - |cffffffff|Harea:" << areaEntry->ID << "|h[" << name << " " << localeNames[loc]<< "]|h|r"; else ss << areaEntry->ID << " - " << name << " " << localeNames[loc]; SendSysMessage (ss.str ().c_str()); if (!found) found = true; } } } if (!found) SendSysMessage (LANG_COMMAND_NOAREAFOUND); return true; }
bool ChatHandler::HandlePlayerbotCommand(const char* args) { if (! m_session) { PSendSysMessage("You may only add bots from an active session"); SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; } if (!*args) { PSendSysMessage("usage: add PLAYERNAME or remove PLAYERNAME"); SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; } char *cmd = strtok ((char*)args, " "); char *charname = strtok (NULL, " "); if (!cmd || !charname) { PSendSysMessage("usage: add PLAYERNAME or remove PLAYERNAME"); SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; } std::string cmdStr = cmd; std::string charnameStr = charname; if(!normalizePlayerName(charnameStr)) return false; uint64 guid = objmgr.GetPlayerGUIDByName(charnameStr.c_str()); if (guid == 0 || (guid == m_session->GetPlayer()->GetGUID())) { SendSysMessage(LANG_PLAYER_NOT_FOUND); SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; } uint32 accountId = objmgr.GetPlayerAccountIdByGUID(guid); if (accountId != m_session->GetAccountId()) { PSendSysMessage("You may only add bots from the same account."); SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; } // create the playerbot manager if it doesn't already exist PlayerbotMgr* mgr = m_session->GetPlayer()->GetPlayerbotMgr(); if (!mgr) { mgr = new PlayerbotMgr(m_session->GetPlayer()); m_session->GetPlayer()->SetPlayerbotMgr(mgr); } if (cmdStr == "add" || cmdStr == "login") { if (mgr->GetPlayerBot(guid)) { PSendSysMessage("Bot already exists in world."); SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; } mgr->AddPlayerBot(guid); PSendSysMessage("Bot added successfully."); } else if (cmdStr == "remove" || cmdStr == "logout") { if (! mgr->GetPlayerBot(guid)) { PSendSysMessage("Bot can not be removed because bot does not exist in world."); SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; } mgr->LogoutPlayerBot(guid); PSendSysMessage("Bot removed successfully."); } else if (cmdStr == "co" || cmdStr == "combatorder") { Unit *target = 0; char *orderChar = strtok( NULL, " " ); if( !orderChar ) { PSendSysMessage("Syntax error: .bot co <botName> <order=reset|tank|assist|heal|protect> [targetPlayer]"); SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; } std::string orderStr = orderChar; if( orderStr == "protect" || orderStr == "assist" ) { char *targetChar = strtok( NULL, " " ); uint64 targetGUID = m_session->GetPlayer()->GetSelection(); if( !targetChar && !targetGUID ) { PSendSysMessage("Combat orders protect and assist expect a target either by selection or by giving target player in command string!"); SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; } std::string targetStr = targetChar; if( targetChar ) { targetGUID = objmgr.GetPlayerGUIDByName( targetStr.c_str() ); } target = ObjectAccessor::GetUnit( *m_session->GetPlayer(), targetGUID ); if( !target ) { PSendSysMessage("Invalid target for combat order protect or assist!"); SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; } } if (mgr->GetPlayerBot(guid) == NULL) { PSendSysMessage("Bot can not receive combat order because bot does not exist in world."); SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; } mgr->GetPlayerBot( guid )->GetPlayerbotAI()->SetCombatOrderByStr( orderStr, target ); } return true; }
//Summon group of player bool ChatHandler::HandleGroupSummonCommand(const char* args) { Player* target; if (!extractPlayerTarget((char*)args, &target)) return false; // check online security if (HasLowerSecurity(target, 0)) return false; Group *grp = target->GetGroup(); std::string nameLink = GetNameLink(target); if (!grp) { PSendSysMessage(LANG_NOT_IN_GROUP, nameLink.c_str()); SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; } Map* gmMap = m_session->GetPlayer()->GetMap(); bool to_instance = gmMap->Instanceable(); // we are in instance, and can summon only player in our group with us as lead if (to_instance && ( !m_session->GetPlayer()->GetGroup() || (grp->GetLeaderGUID() != m_session->GetPlayer()->GetGUID()) || (m_session->GetPlayer()->GetGroup()->GetLeaderGUID() != m_session->GetPlayer()->GetGUID()))) // the last check is a bit excessive, but let it be, just in case { SendSysMessage(LANG_CANNOT_SUMMON_TO_INST); SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; } for (GroupReference *itr = grp->GetFirstMember(); itr != NULL; itr = itr->next()) { Player *pl = itr->getSource(); if (!pl || pl == m_session->GetPlayer() || !pl->GetSession()) continue; // check online security if (HasLowerSecurity(pl, 0)) return false; std::string plNameLink = GetNameLink(pl); if (pl->IsBeingTeleported() == true) { PSendSysMessage(LANG_IS_TELEPORTED, plNameLink.c_str()); SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; } if (to_instance) { Map* plMap = pl->GetMap(); if (plMap->Instanceable() && plMap->GetInstanceId() != gmMap->GetInstanceId()) { // cannot summon from instance to instance PSendSysMessage(LANG_CANNOT_SUMMON_TO_INST, plNameLink.c_str()); SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; } } PSendSysMessage(LANG_SUMMONING, plNameLink.c_str(), ""); if (needReportToTarget(pl)) ChatHandler(pl).PSendSysMessage(LANG_SUMMONED_BY, GetNameLink().c_str()); // stop flight if need if (pl->isInFlight()) { pl->GetMotionMaster()->MovementExpired(); pl->CleanupAfterTaxiFlight(); } // save only in non-flight case else pl->SaveRecallPosition(); // before GM float x, y, z; m_session->GetPlayer()->GetClosePoint(x, y, z, pl->GetObjectSize()); pl->TeleportTo(m_session->GetPlayer()->GetMapId(), x, y, z, pl->GetOrientation()); } return true; }
bool ChatHandler::HandleGMTicketAssignToCommand(const char* args) { if (!*args) return false; char* tguid = strtok((char*)args, " "); uint64 ticketGuid = atoi(tguid); char* targetgm = strtok(NULL, " "); if (!targetgm) return false; std::string targm = targetgm; if (!normalizePlayerName(targm)) return false; Player *cplr = m_session->GetPlayer(); GM_Ticket *ticket = sTicketMgr->GetGMTicket(ticketGuid); if (!ticket || ticket->closed != 0) { SendSysMessage(LANG_COMMAND_TICKETNOTEXIST); return true; } uint64 tarGUID = sObjectMgr->GetPlayerGUIDByName(targm.c_str()); uint64 accid = sObjectMgr->GetPlayerAccountIdByGUID(tarGUID); uint32 gmlevel = sAccountMgr->GetSecurity(accid, realmID); if (!tarGUID || gmlevel == SEC_PLAYER) { SendSysMessage(LANG_COMMAND_TICKETASSIGNERROR_A); return true; } if (ticket->assignedToGM == tarGUID) { PSendSysMessage(LANG_COMMAND_TICKETASSIGNERROR_B, ticket->guid); return true; } std::string gmname; sObjectMgr->GetPlayerNameByGUID(tarGUID, gmname); if (ticket->assignedToGM != 0 && ticket->assignedToGM != cplr->GetGUID()) { PSendSysMessage(LANG_COMMAND_TICKETALREADYASSIGNED, ticket->guid, gmname.c_str()); return true; } ticket->assignedToGM = tarGUID; if (gmlevel == SEC_ADMINISTRATOR && ticket->escalated == TICKET_IN_ESCALATION_QUEUE) ticket->escalated = TICKET_ESCALATED_ASSIGNED; else if (ticket->escalated == TICKET_UNASSIGNED) ticket->escalated = TICKET_ASSIGNED; sTicketMgr->AddOrUpdateGMTicket(*ticket); std::stringstream ss; ss << PGetParseString(LANG_COMMAND_TICKETLISTGUID, ticket->guid); ss << PGetParseString(LANG_COMMAND_TICKETLISTNAME, ticket->name.c_str()); ss << PGetParseString(LANG_COMMAND_TICKETLISTASSIGNEDTO, gmname.c_str()); SendGlobalGMSysMessage(ss.str().c_str()); sTicketMgr->UpdateLastChange(); return true; }
bool ChatHandler::HandlePartyInfoCommand(const char* args) { Player* target; uint64 target_guid; std::string target_name; if (!extractPlayerTarget((char*)args,&target,&target_guid,&target_name)) return false; uint32 accId = 0; std::string username = ""; std::string status = ""; uint32 security = 0; // get additional information from Player object if (target) { std::string nameLink = playerLink(target_name); if (Group *grp = target->GetGroup()) { if (grp->isRaidGroup()) SendSysMessage("----------------Raid Group----------------"); else if (grp->isBGGroup()) SendSysMessage("----------------BG Group-----------------"); else if (grp->isLFGGroup()) SendSysMessage("----------------LFG Group----------------"); else SendSysMessage("------------------Group------------------"); for (GroupReference *itr = grp->GetFirstMember(); itr != NULL; itr = itr->next()) { Player *pl = itr->getSource(); if (!pl || pl == m_session->GetPlayer() || !pl->GetSession()) continue; accId = pl->GetSession()->GetAccountId(); nameLink = playerLink(pl->GetName()); QueryResult result = LoginDatabase.PQuery("SELECT aa.gmlevel, a.username " "FROM account a " "LEFT JOIN account_access aa " "ON ( = " "WHERE = '%u'",accId); if (result) { Field* fields = result->Fetch(); security = fields[0].GetUInt32(); username = fields[1].GetString(); } if (grp->IsLeader(pl->GetGUID())) { status = "[Leader]"; } else if (grp->IsAssistant(pl->GetGUID())) { status = "[Assistant]"; } PSendSysMessage(LANG_PARTYINFO_PLAYER, (pl?"":GetTrinityString(LANG_OFFLINE)), nameLink.c_str(), username.c_str(), accId, security, status.c_str()); } SendSysMessage("----------------------------------------"); } else { PSendSysMessage(LANG_NOT_IN_GROUP,nameLink.c_str()); SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; } } return true; }
// Delete a user account and all associated characters in this realm // todo - This function has to be enhanced to respect the login/realm split (delete char, delete account chars in realm, delete account chars in realm then delete account bool ChatHandler::HandleAccountDeleteCommand(const char* args) { if (!*args) return false; ///- Get the account name from the command line char *account_name_str=strtok ((char*)args," "); if (!account_name_str) return false; std::string account_name = account_name_str; if (!AccountMgr::normalizeString(account_name)) { PSendSysMessage(LANG_ACCOUNT_NOT_EXIST,account_name.c_str()); SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; } uint32 account_id = accmgr.GetId(account_name); if (!account_id) { PSendSysMessage(LANG_ACCOUNT_NOT_EXIST,account_name.c_str()); SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; } // Commands not recommended call from chat, but support anyway if (m_session) { uint32 targetSecurity = accmgr.GetSecurity(account_id); // can delete only for account with less security // This is also reject self apply in fact if (targetSecurity >= m_session->GetSecurity()) { SendSysMessage (LANG_YOURS_SECURITY_IS_LOW); SetSentErrorMessage (true); return false; } } AccountOpResult result = accmgr.DeleteAccount(account_id); switch(result) { case AOR_OK: PSendSysMessage(LANG_ACCOUNT_DELETED,account_name.c_str()); break; case AOR_NAME_NOT_EXIST: PSendSysMessage(LANG_ACCOUNT_NOT_EXIST,account_name.c_str()); SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; case AOR_DB_INTERNAL_ERROR: PSendSysMessage(LANG_ACCOUNT_NOT_DELETED_SQL_ERROR,account_name.c_str()); SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; default: PSendSysMessage(LANG_ACCOUNT_NOT_DELETED,account_name.c_str()); SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; } return true; }
bool ChatHandler::HandleAcctCommand(const char* args) { uint32 gmlevel = m_session->GetSecurity(); PSendSysMessage(LANG_ACCOUNT_LEVEL, gmlevel); return true; }
bool ChatHandler::HandleAccountCommand(const char* /*args*/) { AccountTypes gmlevel = m_session->GetSecurity(); PSendSysMessage(LANG_ACCOUNT_LEVEL, uint32(gmlevel)); return true; }
bool ChatHandler::HandleShowHonor(const char* args) { uint32 dishonorable_kills = m_session->GetPlayer()->GetUInt32Value(PLAYER_FIELD_LIFETIME_DISHONORABLE_KILLS); uint32 honorable_kills = m_session->GetPlayer()->GetUInt32Value(PLAYER_FIELD_LIFETIME_HONORABLE_KILLS); uint32 highest_rank = (m_session->GetPlayer()->GetHonorHighestRank() < 16)? m_session->GetPlayer()->GetHonorHighestRank() : 0; uint32 today_honorable_kills = (uint16)m_session->GetPlayer()->GetUInt32Value(PLAYER_FIELD_SESSION_KILLS); uint32 today_dishonorable_kills = (uint16)(m_session->GetPlayer()->GetUInt32Value(PLAYER_FIELD_SESSION_KILLS)>>16); uint32 yesterday_kills = m_session->GetPlayer()->GetUInt32Value(PLAYER_FIELD_YESTERDAY_KILLS); uint32 yesterday_honor = m_session->GetPlayer()->GetUInt32Value(PLAYER_FIELD_YESTERDAY_CONTRIBUTION); uint32 this_week_kills = m_session->GetPlayer()->GetUInt32Value(PLAYER_FIELD_THIS_WEEK_KILLS); uint32 this_week_honor = m_session->GetPlayer()->GetUInt32Value(PLAYER_FIELD_THIS_WEEK_CONTRIBUTION); uint32 last_week_kills = m_session->GetPlayer()->GetUInt32Value(PLAYER_FIELD_LAST_WEEK_KILLS); uint32 last_week_honor = m_session->GetPlayer()->GetUInt32Value(PLAYER_FIELD_LAST_WEEK_CONTRIBUTION); uint32 last_week_standing = m_session->GetPlayer()->GetUInt32Value(PLAYER_FIELD_LAST_WEEK_RANK); std::string alliance_ranks[] = { "", LANG_ALI_PRIVATE, LANG_ALI_CORPORAL, LANG_ALI_SERGEANT, LANG_ALI_MASTER_SERGEANT, LANG_ALI_SERGEANT_MAJOR, LANG_ALI_KNIGHT, LANG_ALI_KNIGHT_LIEUTENANT, LANG_ALI_KNIGHT_CAPTAIN, LANG_ALI_KNIGHT_CHAMPION, LANG_ALI_LIEUTENANT_COMMANDER, LANG_ALI_COMMANDER, LANG_ALI_MARSHAL, LANG_ALI_FIELD_MARSHAL, LANG_ALI_GRAND_MARSHAL, LANG_ALI_GAME_MASTER }; std::string horde_ranks[] = { "", LANG_HRD_SCOUT, LANG_HRD_GRUNT, LANG_HRD_SERGEANT, LANG_HRD_SENIOR_SERGEANT, LANG_HRD_FIRST_SERGEANT, LANG_HRD_STONE_GUARD, LANG_HRD_BLOOD_GUARD, LANG_HRD_LEGIONNARE, LANG_HRD_CENTURION, LANG_HRD_CHAMPION, LANG_HRD_LIEUTENANT_GENERAL, LANG_HRD_GENERAL, LANG_HRD_WARLORD, LANG_HRD_HIGH_WARLORD, LANG_HRD_GAME_MASTER }; std::string rank_name; std::string hrank_name; if ( m_session->GetPlayer()->GetTeam() == ALLIANCE ) { rank_name = alliance_ranks[ m_session->GetPlayer()->CalculateHonorRank( m_session->GetPlayer()->GetTotalHonor() ) ]; hrank_name = alliance_ranks[ highest_rank ]; } else if ( m_session->GetPlayer()->GetTeam() == HORDE ) { rank_name = horde_ranks[ m_session->GetPlayer()->CalculateHonorRank( m_session->GetPlayer()->GetTotalHonor() ) ]; hrank_name = horde_ranks[ highest_rank ]; } else { rank_name = LANG_NO_RANK; } PSendSysMessage(LANG_RANK, rank_name.c_str(), m_session->GetPlayer()->GetName(), m_session->GetPlayer()->CalculateHonorRank( m_session->GetPlayer()->GetTotalHonor() )); PSendSysMessage(LANG_HONOR_TODAY, today_honorable_kills, today_dishonorable_kills); PSendSysMessage(LANG_HONOR_YESTERDAY, yesterday_kills, yesterday_honor); PSendSysMessage(LANG_HONOR_THIS_WEEK, this_week_kills, this_week_honor); PSendSysMessage(LANG_HONOR_LAST_WEEK, last_week_kills, last_week_honor, last_week_standing); PSendSysMessage(LANG_HONOR_LIFE, honorable_kills, dishonorable_kills, highest_rank, hrank_name.c_str()); return true; }
//show info of player bool ChatHandler::HandlePInfoCommand(const char* args) { Player* target; uint64 target_guid; std::string target_name; if (!extractPlayerTarget((char*)args, &target, &target_guid, &target_name)) return false; uint32 accId = 0; uint32 money = 0; uint32 total_player_time = 0; uint8 level = 0; uint32 latency = 0; uint8 race; uint8 Class; int64 muteTime = 0; int64 banTime = -1; // get additional information from Player object if (target) { // check online security if (HasLowerSecurity(target, 0)) return false; accId = target->GetSession()->GetAccountId(); money = target->GetMoney(); total_player_time = target->GetTotalPlayedTime(); level = target->getLevel(); latency = target->GetSession()->GetLatency(); race = target->getRace(); Class = target->getClass(); muteTime = target->GetSession()->m_muteTime; } // get additional information from DB else { // check offline security if (HasLowerSecurity(NULL, target_guid)) return false; // 0 1 2 3 4 5 QueryResult result = CharacterDatabase.PQuery("SELECT totaltime, level, money, account, race, class FROM characters WHERE guid = '%u'", GUID_LOPART(target_guid)); if (!result) return false; Field *fields = result->Fetch(); total_player_time = fields[0].GetUInt32(); level = fields[1].GetUInt32(); money = fields[2].GetUInt32(); accId = fields[3].GetUInt32(); race = fields[4].GetUInt8(); Class = fields[5].GetUInt8(); } std::string username = GetSingularityString(LANG_ERROR); std::string email = GetSingularityString(LANG_ERROR); std::string last_ip = GetSingularityString(LANG_ERROR); uint32 security = 0; std::string last_login = GetSingularityString(LANG_ERROR); QueryResult result = LoginDatabase.PQuery("SELECT a.username, aa.gmlevel,, a.last_ip, a.last_login, a.mutetime " "FROM account a " "LEFT JOIN account_access aa " "ON ( = " "WHERE = '%u'", accId); if (result) { Field* fields = result->Fetch(); username = fields[0].GetString(); security = fields[1].GetUInt32(); email = fields[2].GetString(); muteTime = fields[5].GetUInt64(); if (email.empty()) email = "-"; if (!m_session || m_session->GetSecurity() >= AccountTypes(security)) { last_ip = fields[3].GetString(); last_login = fields[4].GetString(); } else { last_ip = "-"; last_login = "******"; } } std::string nameLink = playerLink(target_name); PSendSysMessage(LANG_PINFO_ACCOUNT, (target?"":GetSingularityString(LANG_OFFLINE)), nameLink.c_str(), GUID_LOPART(target_guid), username.c_str(), accId, email.c_str(), security, last_ip.c_str(), last_login.c_str(), latency); if (QueryResult result = LoginDatabase.PQuery("SELECT unbandate, bandate = unbandate FROM account_banned WHERE id = '%u' AND active ORDER BY bandate ASC LIMIT 1", accId)) { Field * fields = result->Fetch(); banTime = fields[1].GetBool() ? 0 : fields[0].GetUInt64(); } else if (QueryResult result = CharacterDatabase.PQuery("SELECT unbandate, bandate = unbandate FROM character_banned WHERE guid = '%u' AND active ORDER BY bandate ASC LIMIT 1", GUID_LOPART(target_guid))) { Field * fields = result->Fetch(); banTime = fields[1].GetBool() ? 0 : fields[0].GetUInt64(); } muteTime = muteTime - time(NULL); if (muteTime > 0 || banTime >= 0) PSendSysMessage(LANG_PINFO_MUTE_BAN, muteTime > 0 ? secsToTimeString(muteTime, true).c_str() : "---", !banTime ? "perm." : (banTime > 0 ? secsToTimeString(banTime - time(NULL), true).c_str() : "---")); std::string race_s, Class_s; switch(race) { case RACE_HUMAN: race_s = "Human"; break; case RACE_ORC: race_s = "Orc"; break; case RACE_DWARF: race_s = "Dwarf"; break; case RACE_NIGHTELF: race_s = "Night Elf"; break; case RACE_UNDEAD_PLAYER: race_s = "Undead"; break; case RACE_TAUREN: race_s = "Tauren"; break; case RACE_GNOME: race_s = "Gnome"; break; case RACE_TROLL: race_s = "Troll"; break; case RACE_BLOODELF: race_s = "Blood Elf"; break; case RACE_DRAENEI: race_s = "Draenei"; break; } switch(Class) { case CLASS_WARRIOR: Class_s = "Warrior"; break; case CLASS_PALADIN: Class_s = "Paladin"; break; case CLASS_HUNTER: Class_s = "Hunter"; break; case CLASS_ROGUE: Class_s = "Rogue"; break; case CLASS_PRIEST: Class_s = "Priest"; break; case CLASS_DEATH_KNIGHT: Class_s = "Death Knight"; break; case CLASS_SHAMAN: Class_s = "Shaman"; break; case CLASS_MAGE: Class_s = "Mage"; break; case CLASS_WARLOCK: Class_s = "Warlock"; break; case CLASS_DRUID: Class_s = "Druid"; break; } std::string timeStr = secsToTimeString(total_player_time, true, true); uint32 gold = money /GOLD; uint32 silv = (money % GOLD) / SILVER; uint32 copp = (money % GOLD) % SILVER; PSendSysMessage(LANG_PINFO_LEVEL, race_s.c_str(), Class_s.c_str(), timeStr.c_str(), level, gold, silv, copp); return true; }
bool ChatHandler::HandleGMTicketAssignToCommand(const char* args) { if (!*args) return false; char* sTicketId = strtok((char*)args, " "); uint32 ticketId = atoi(sTicketId); char* sTarget = strtok(NULL, " "); if (!sTarget) return false; std::string target(sTarget); if (!normalizePlayerName(target)) return false; GmTicket* ticket = sTicketMgr->GetTicket(ticketId); if (!ticket || ticket->IsClosed()) { SendSysMessage(LANG_COMMAND_TICKETNOTEXIST); return true; } // Get target information uint64 targetGuid = sObjectMgr->GetPlayerGUIDByName(target.c_str()); uint64 targetAccId = sObjectMgr->GetPlayerAccountIdByGUID(targetGuid); uint32 targetGmLevel = AccountMgr::GetSecurity(targetAccId, realmID); // Target must exist and have administrative rights if (!targetGuid || AccountMgr::IsPlayerAccount(targetGmLevel)) { SendSysMessage(LANG_COMMAND_TICKETASSIGNERROR_A); return true; } // If already assigned, leave if (ticket->IsAssignedTo(targetGuid)) { PSendSysMessage(LANG_COMMAND_TICKETASSIGNERROR_B, ticket->GetId()); return true; } // If assigned to different player other than current, leave //! Console can override though Player* player = m_session ? m_session->GetPlayer() : NULL; if (player && ticket->IsAssignedNotTo(player->GetGUID())) { PSendSysMessage(LANG_COMMAND_TICKETALREADYASSIGNED, ticket->GetId(), target.c_str()); return true; } // Assign ticket SQLTransaction trans = SQLTransaction(NULL); ticket->SetAssignedTo(targetGuid, AccountMgr::IsAdminAccount(targetGmLevel)); ticket->SaveToDB(trans); sTicketMgr->UpdateLastChange(); std::string msg = ticket->FormatMessageString(*this, NULL, target.c_str(), NULL, NULL); SendGlobalGMSysMessage(msg.c_str()); return true; }
bool ChatHandler::HandleLookupTitleCommand(const char* args) { if (!*args) return false; // can be NULL in console call Player* target = getSelectedPlayer(); // title name have single string arg for player name char const* targetName = target ? target->GetName() : "NAME"; std::string namepart = args; std::wstring wnamepart; if (!Utf8toWStr(namepart, wnamepart)) return false; // converting string that we try to find to lower case wstrToLower(wnamepart); uint32 counter = 0; // Counter for figure out that we found smth. uint32 maxResults = sWorld->getIntConfig(CONFIG_MAX_RESULTS_LOOKUP_COMMANDS); // Search in CharTitles.dbc for (uint32 id = 0; id < sCharTitlesStore.GetNumRows(); id++) { CharTitlesEntry const *titleInfo = sCharTitlesStore.LookupEntry(id); if (titleInfo) { int loc = GetSessionDbcLocale(); std::string name = titleInfo->name[loc]; if (name.empty()) continue; if (!Utf8FitTo(name, wnamepart)) { loc = 0; for (; loc < TOTAL_LOCALES; ++loc) { if (loc == GetSessionDbcLocale()) continue; name = titleInfo->name[loc]; if (name.empty()) continue; if (Utf8FitTo(name, wnamepart)) break; } } if (loc < TOTAL_LOCALES) { if (maxResults && counter == maxResults) { PSendSysMessage(LANG_COMMAND_LOOKUP_MAX_RESULTS, maxResults); return true; } char const* knownStr = target && target->HasTitle(titleInfo) ? GetSingularityString(LANG_KNOWN) : ""; char const* activeStr = target && target->GetUInt32Value(PLAYER_CHOSEN_TITLE) == titleInfo->bit_index ? GetSingularityString(LANG_ACTIVE) : ""; char titleNameStr[80]; snprintf(titleNameStr, 80, name.c_str(), targetName); // send title in "id (idx:idx) - [namedlink locale]" format if (m_session) PSendSysMessage(LANG_TITLE_LIST_CHAT, id, titleInfo->bit_index, id, titleNameStr, localeNames[loc], knownStr, activeStr); else PSendSysMessage(LANG_TITLE_LIST_CONSOLE, id, titleInfo->bit_index, titleNameStr, localeNames[loc], knownStr, activeStr); ++counter; } } } if (counter == 0) // if counter == 0 then we found nth SendSysMessage(LANG_COMMAND_NOTITLEFOUND); return true; }
bool ChatHandler::HandlePDumpLoadCommand(const char *args) { if (!*args) return false; char * file = strtok((char*)args, " "); if (!file) return false; char * account = strtok(NULL, " "); if (!account) return false; std::string account_name = account; if (!AccountMgr::normalizeString(account_name)) { PSendSysMessage(LANG_ACCOUNT_NOT_EXIST, account_name.c_str()); SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; } uint32 account_id = AccountMgr::GetId(account_name); if (!account_id) { account_id = atoi(account); // use original string if (!account_id) { PSendSysMessage(LANG_ACCOUNT_NOT_EXIST, account_name.c_str()); SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; } } if (!AccountMgr::GetName(account_id, account_name)) { PSendSysMessage(LANG_ACCOUNT_NOT_EXIST, account_name.c_str()); SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; } char* guid_str = NULL; char* name_str = strtok(NULL, " "); std::string name; if (name_str) { name = name_str; // normalize the name if specified and check if it exists if (!normalizePlayerName(name)) { PSendSysMessage(LANG_INVALID_CHARACTER_NAME); SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; } if (ObjectMgr::CheckPlayerName(name, true) != CHAR_NAME_SUCCESS) { PSendSysMessage(LANG_INVALID_CHARACTER_NAME); SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; } guid_str = strtok(NULL, " "); } uint32 guid = 0; if (guid_str) { guid = atoi(guid_str); if (!guid) { PSendSysMessage(LANG_INVALID_CHARACTER_GUID); SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; } if (sObjectMgr->GetPlayerAccountIdByGUID(guid)) { PSendSysMessage(LANG_CHARACTER_GUID_IN_USE, guid); SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; } } switch (PlayerDumpReader().LoadDump(file, account_id, name, guid)) { case DUMP_SUCCESS: PSendSysMessage(LANG_COMMAND_IMPORT_SUCCESS); break; case DUMP_FILE_OPEN_ERROR: PSendSysMessage(LANG_FILE_OPEN_FAIL, file); SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; case DUMP_FILE_BROKEN: PSendSysMessage(LANG_DUMP_BROKEN, file); SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; case DUMP_TOO_MANY_CHARS: PSendSysMessage(LANG_ACCOUNT_CHARACTER_LIST_FULL, account_name.c_str(), account_id); SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; default: PSendSysMessage(LANG_COMMAND_IMPORT_FAILED); SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; } return true; }