/* PTGetPT writes a PT to external memory in FuT format. */ PTErr_t PTGetPT ( PTRefNum_t PTRefNum, KpInt32_t mBlkSize, PTAddr_t PTAddr) { PTErr_t errnum; errnum = PTGetPTF (PTRefNum, PTTYPE_FUTF, mBlkSize, PTAddr); return (errnum); }
/*************************************************************************** * FUNCTION NAME * SpXformBufferDT * * DESCRIPTION * This function copies the PT associated with the PTRefNum in * the Xform to the Address given. It will be in the format * requested by the caller. The SpXform is NOT freed by this * function. * * ***************************************************************************/ SpStatus_t KSPAPI SpXformToBufferDT(SpXform_t spXform, KpUInt32_t LutType, KpInt32_t SpDataType, KpUInt32_t Datasize, SpHugeBuffer_t pXformData) { PTRefNum_t refNum; SpStatus_t spStatus; KpUInt32_t PTDatasize; PTErr_t PTStat; KpUInt32_t MFType; KpInt32_t KcmDataType; spStatus = SpDTtoKcmDT (SpDataType, &KcmDataType); if (spStatus != SpStatSuccess) { return (spStatus); } /* Get the Color Processor PTRefNum of the SpXform */ spStatus = SpXformGetRefNum (spXform, &refNum); if (SpStatSuccess != spStatus) return spStatus; /* determine type of transform to get */ switch (LutType) { case SP_ICC_FUT: MFType = PTTYPE_FUTF; break; case SP_ICC_MFT1: MFType = PTTYPE_MFT1; break; case SP_ICC_MFT2: if (KcmDataType == KCM_ICC_TYPE_0) MFType = PTTYPE_MFT2_VER_0; else MFType = PTTYPE_MFT2; break; case SP_ICC_MAB1: MFType = PTTYPE_MAB1; break; case SP_ICC_MAB2: MFType = PTTYPE_MAB2; break; case SP_ICC_MBA1: MFType = PTTYPE_MBA1; break; case SP_ICC_MBA2: MFType = PTTYPE_MBA2; break; default: return SpStatOutOfRange; } /* ask color processor for the size of the Transform */ PTStat = PTGetSizeF (refNum, MFType, (KpInt32_t FAR *)&PTDatasize); if (KCP_SUCCESS != PTStat) return SpStatusFromPTErr(PTStat); if (PTDatasize > Datasize) return SpStatBufferTooSmall; #if defined KCP_DIAG_LOG {KpChar_t string[256]; sprintf (string, "\nSpXformToBufferDT\n spXform %x, PTRefNum %x", spXform, pXformData); kcpDiagLog (string); } #endif /* ask color processor for the Transform data */ PTStat = PTGetPTF(refNum, MFType, Datasize, (PTAddr_t) pXformData); return SpStatusFromPTErr(PTStat); }