Example #1
static void	printCount()
	PUTMEMO("Sessions canceled", itoa(_sessionsCanceled(0)));
	PUTMEMO("Blocks received", itoa(_blocksReceived(0)));
	PUTMEMO("Bytes received", itoa(_bytesReceived(0)));
Example #2
File: bpcounter.c Project: b/ION
static void	printCount()
	signal(SIGALRM, printCount);
	PUTMEMO("Bundles received", itoa(_bundleCount(0)));
Example #3
File: bpcounter.c Project: b/ION
int	bpcounter(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5,
		int a6, int a7, int a8, int a9, int a10)
	char		*ownEid = (char *) a1;
	int		maxCount = a2;
int	main(int argc, char **argv)
	char		*ownEid = (argc > 1 ? argv[1] : NULL);
	int		maxCount = (argc > 2 ? atoi(argv[2]) : 0);
	BpSAP		sap;
	Sdr		sdr;
	BpDelivery	dlv;
	int		stop = 0;
	time_t		startTime = 0;
	int		bytesReceived;
	int		bundlesReceived = 0;
	time_t		endTime;
	long		interval;

	if (ownEid == NULL)
		PUTS("Usage: bpcounter <own endpoint ID> [<max count>]");
		return 0;

	if (maxCount < 1)
		maxCount = 2000000000;

	if (bp_attach() < 0)
		putErrmsg("Can't attach to BP.", NULL);
		return 0;

	if (bp_open(ownEid, &sap) < 0)
		putErrmsg("Can't open own endpoint.", ownEid);
		return 0;

	sdr = bp_get_sdr();
	bundlesReceived = 0;
	bytesReceived = 0;
	isignal(SIGALRM, printCount);
	isignal(SIGINT, handleQuit);
	while (_running(NULL))
		if (bp_receive(sap, &dlv, BP_BLOCKING) < 0)
			putErrmsg("bpcounter bundle reception failed.", NULL);

		if (dlv.result == BpPayloadPresent)
			if ((bundlesReceived = _bundleCount(1)) == 1)
				startTime = time(NULL);

			bytesReceived += zco_length(sdr, dlv.adu);

		bp_release_delivery(&dlv, 1);
		if (bundlesReceived == maxCount)

	if (bundlesReceived > 0)
		endTime = time(NULL);
		interval = endTime - startTime;
		PUTMEMO("Time (seconds)", itoa(interval));
		if (interval > 0)
			PUTMEMO("Throughput (bytes per second)",
					itoa(bytesReceived / interval));

	PUTMEMO("Stopping bpcounter; bundles received", itoa(bundlesReceived));
	return 0;
Example #4
int	main(int argc, char **argv)
	char		*wmspace;
	int		wmid;
	PsmPartition	wm = NULL;
	PsmMgtOutcome	outcome;
	PsmAddress	testlist;
	sm_SemId	semaphore;
	int		cycleNbr = 1;
	char		fileName[256];
	int		outputFile;
	PsmAddress	lineListElt;
	PsmAddress	lineAddress;
	char		*line;

	if (sm_ipc_init() < 0)
		return 0;

	if (sm_ShmAttach(0x1108, 10000000, &wmspace, &wmid) < 0)
		PERROR("can't attach to shared memory");
		return 0;
	if (psm_manage(wmspace, 10000000, "file2sm", &wm, &outcome) < 0
	|| outcome == Refused)
		PUTS("can't manage shared memory");
		return 0;
	testlist = psm_get_root(wm);
	if (testlist == 0)
		testlist = sm_list_create(wm);
		if (testlist == 0)
			PUTS("can't create shared memory list");
			return 0;
		psm_set_root(wm, testlist);

	semaphore = sm_SemCreate(0x1101, SM_SEM_FIFO);
	if (semaphore < 0)
		PUTS("can't create semaphore");
		return 0;

	PUTMEMO("Working on cycle", utoa(cycleNbr));
	isprintf(fileName, sizeof fileName, "file_copy_%d", cycleNbr);
	outputFile = iopen(fileName, O_WRONLY | O_APPEND, 0666);
	if (outputFile < 0)
		PERROR("can't open output file");
		return 0;

	while (1)
		while (sm_list_length(wm, testlist) == 0)
			sm_SemTake(semaphore);	/*	Wait for line.	*/

		lineListElt = sm_list_first(wm, testlist);
		lineAddress = sm_list_data(wm, lineListElt);
		line = psp(wm, lineAddress);

		/*	Process text of line.				*/

		if (strcmp(line, "*** End of the file ***\n") == 0)
			/*	Close file, open next one.		*/

			PUTMEMO("Working on cycle", utoa(cycleNbr));
			isprintf(fileName, sizeof fileName, "file_copy_%d",
			outputFile = iopen(fileName, O_WRONLY | O_APPEND, 0666);
			if (outputFile < 0)
				PERROR("Can't open output file");
				return 0;
		else	/*	Just write line to output file.		*/
			if (iputs(outputFile, line) < 0)
				PERROR("Can't write to output file");
				return 0;

		/*	Delete line from shared memory list.		*/

		psm_free(wm, lineAddress);
		CHKZERO(sm_list_delete(wm, lineListElt, (SmListDeleteFn) NULL,
				NULL) == 0);