Example #1
 * ADC end conversion callback.
 * The PWM channels are reprogrammed using the latest ADC samples.
 * The latest samples are transmitted into a single SPI transaction.
void adccb(ADCDriver *adcp, adcsample_t *buffer, size_t n) {

  (void) buffer; (void) n;
  /* Note, only in the ADC_COMPLETE state because the ADC driver fires an
     intermediate callback when the buffer is half full.*/
  if (adcp->state == ADC_COMPLETE) {
    adcsample_t avg_ch1, avg_ch2;

    /* Calculates the average values from the ADC samples.*/
    avg_ch1 = (samples[0] + samples[2] + samples[4] + samples[6]) / 4;
    avg_ch2 = (samples[1] + samples[3] + samples[5] + samples[7]) / 4;


    /* Changes the channels pulse width, the change will be effective
       starting from the next cycle.*/
    pwmEnableChannelI(&PWMD4, 0, PWM_FRACTION_TO_WIDTH(&PWMD4, 4096, avg_ch1));
    pwmEnableChannelI(&PWMD4, 3, PWM_FRACTION_TO_WIDTH(&PWMD4, 4096, avg_ch2));

    /* SPI slave selection and transmission start.*/
    spiStartSendI(&SPID2, ADC_GRP1_NUM_CHANNELS * ADC_GRP1_BUF_DEPTH, samples);

Example #2
static msg_t Thread1(void *arg) {

    int val = 0;
    int val_dir = 1;
    while (TRUE) {
        palTogglePad(IOPORT2, GPIOB_LED);
        pwmEnableChannelI(&PWMD3, 3, PWM_FRACTION_TO_WIDTH(&PWMD3, 100, val));
        val += val_dir;
        if(val < 0) { val = 0; val_dir = 1; }
        if(val > 100) { val = 100; val_dir = -1; }
    return 0;
Example #3
  * @brief  This is the pressure control thread
  * @param  void* to a PID Loops configuration
  * @retval msg_t status
msg_t Pressure_Thread(void *This_Config) {
	/* This thread is passed a pointer to a PID loop configuration */
	PID_State Pressure_PID_Controllers[((Pressure_Config_Type*)This_Config)->Number_Setpoints];
	memset(Pressure_PID_Controllers,0,((Pressure_Config_Type*)This_Config)->Number_Setpoints*sizeof(PID_State));/* Initialise as zeros */
	float* Last_PID_Out=(float*)chHeapAlloc(NULL,sizeof(float)*((Pressure_Config_Type*)This_Config)->Number_Setpoints);/* PID output for interpol */
	adcsample_t Pressure_Samples[PRESSURE_SAMPLES],Pressure_Sample;/* Use multiple pressure samples to drive down the noise */
	float PID_Out,Pressure;//,step=0.01,sawtooth=0.7;
	uint32_t Setpoint=0;
	uint8_t Old_Setpoint=0, Previous_Setpoint;
	palSetPadMode(GPIOE, 9, PAL_MODE_ALTERNATE(1));		/* Only set the pin as AF output here, so as to avoid solenoid getting driven earlier*/
	palSetPadMode(GPIOE, 11, PAL_MODE_ALTERNATE(1));	/* Experimental servo output here */
	#ifndef USE_SERVO
	* Activates the PWM driver
	pwmStart(&PWM_Driver_Solenoid, &PWM_Config_Solenoid);	/* Have to define the timer to use for PWM_Driver in hardware config */
	* Set the solenoid PWM to off
	pwmEnableChannel(&PWM_Driver_Solenoid, (pwmchannel_t)PWM_CHANNEL_SOLENOID, (pwmcnt_t)0);
	* Activates the experimental servo driver
	pwmStart(&PWM_Driver_Servo, &PWM_Config_Servo);		/* Have to define the timer to use for PWM_Driver in hardware config */
	* Activates the ADC2 driver *and the thermal sensor*.
	adcStart(&ADCD2, NULL);
	/ Now we run the sensor offset calibration loop
	do {
		adcConvert(&ADCD2, &adcgrpcfg1, &Pressure_Sample, 1);/* This function blocks until it has one sample*/
	} while(Calibrate_Sensor((uint16_t)Pressure_Sample));
	systime_t time = chTimeNow();				/* T0 */
	systime_t Interpolation_Timeout = time;			/* Set to T0 to show there is no current interpolation */
	/* Loop for the pressure control thread */
	while(TRUE) {
		* Linear conversion.
		adcConvert(&ADCD2, &adcgrpcfg1, Pressure_Samples, PRESSURE_SAMPLES);/* This function blocks until it has the samples via DMA*/
		/ Now we process the data and apply the PID controller - we use a median filter to take out the non guassian noise
		Pressure_Sample = quick_select(Pressure_Samples, PRESSURE_SAMPLES);
		Pressure = Convert_Pressure((uint16_t)Pressure_Sample);/* Converts to PSI as a float */
		/* Retrieve a new setpoint from the setpoint mailbox, only continue if we get it*/
		if(chMBFetch(&Pressures_Setpoint, (msg_t*)&Setpoint, TIME_IMMEDIATE) == RDY_OK) {
			//Pressure=Run_Pressure_Filter(Pressure);/* Square root raised cosine filter for low pass with minimal lag */
			Pressure = Pressure<0?0.0:Pressure;	/* A negative pressure is impossible with current hardware setup - disregard*/
			Setpoint &= 0x000000FF;
			/* The controller is built around an interpolated array of independant PID controllers with seperate setpoints */
			if(Setpoint != Old_Setpoint) {		/* The setpoint has changed */
				Previous_Setpoint = Old_Setpoint;/* This is for use by the interpolator */
				Old_Setpoint = Setpoint;	/* Store the setpoint */
				/* Store the time at which the interpolation to new setpoint completes*/
				Interpolation_Timeout = time + (systime_t)( 4.0 / ((Pressure_Config_Type*)This_Config)->Interpolation_Base );
			if(Interpolation_Timeout > time) {	/* If we have an ongoing interpolation  - note, operates in tick units */
				/* Value goes from 1 to -1 */
				float interpol = erff( (float)(Interpolation_Timeout - time) *\
						 ((Pressure_Config_Type*)This_Config)->Interpolation_Base - 2.0 );/* erf function interpolator */
				interpol = ( (-interpol + 1.0) / 2.0);/* Interpolation value goes from 0 to 1 */
				PID_Out = ( Last_PID_Out[Previous_Setpoint] * (1.0 - interpol) ) + ( Last_PID_Out[Setpoint] * interpol );
				Pressure_PID_Controllers[Setpoint].Last_Input = Pressure;/* Make sure the input to next PID controller is continuous */
			else {
				PID_Out = Run_PID_Loop( ((Pressure_Config_Type*)This_Config)->PID_Loop_Config, &Pressure_PID_Controllers[Setpoint],\
						 (((Pressure_Config_Type*)This_Config)->Setpoints)[Setpoint], \
						 Pressure, (float)PRESSURE_TIME_INTERVAL/1000.0);/* Run PID */
				Last_PID_Out[Setpoint] = PID_Out;/* Store for use by the interpolator */
			PID_Out=0;				/* So we can turn off the solenoid simply by failing to send Setpoints */
		PID_Out=PID_Out<0.0?0.0:PID_Out;		/* Enforce range limits on the PID output */
		//sawtooth+=step;				/* Test code for debugging mechanics with a sawtooth */
		//if(sawtooth>=1 || sawtooth<=0.65)
		//	step=-step;
		#ifndef USE_SERVO
		/ Now we apply the PID output to the PWM based solenoid controller, and feed data into the mailbox output - Note fractional input
		pwmEnableChannel(&PWM_Driver_Solenoid, (pwmchannel_t)PWM_CHANNEL_SOLENOID, (pwmcnt_t)PWM_FRACTION_TO_WIDTH(&PWM_Driver_Solenoid, 1000\
														, (uint32_t)(1000.0*PID_Out)));	
		pwmEnableChannel(&PWM_Driver_Servo, (pwmchannel_t)PWM_CHANNEL_SERVO, (pwmcnt_t)PWM_FRACTION_TO_WIDTH(&PWM_Driver_Servo, 10000\
														, (uint32_t)(1000.0*(PID_Out+1.0))));	
		chMBPost(&Pressures_Reported, *((msg_t*)&Pressure), TIME_IMMEDIATE);/* Non blocking write attempt to the Reported Pressure mailbox FIFO */
		/ The Thread is syncronised to system time
		time += MS2ST(PRESSURE_TIME_INTERVAL);		/* Next deadline */
		chThdSleepUntil(time);				/* Gives us a thread with regular timing */